Academic Boardextractfrom Articlesforintranet March 2007

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The Academic Board

3.3 Subject to the provisions of these Articles, to the overall responsibility of the Board of
Governors, and to the responsibilities of the Director, the Academic Board shall be
responsible for:
a) general issues relating to the research, scholarship, teaching and courses at the College
• criteria for the admission of students;
• the appointment and removal of internal and external examiners;
• policies and procedures for assessment and examination of the academic
performance of students;
• the content of the curriculum;
• academic standards and the validation and review of courses
• the procedures for the award of qualifications and honorary academic titles;
• and the procedures for the expulsion of students for academic reasons.
Such responsibilities shall be subject to the requirements of validating and accrediting
b) considering the development of the academic activities of the College and the resources
needed to support them and for advising the Director and the Board of Governors
thereon; and
c) advising on such other matters as the Board of Governors or the Director may refer to the
Academic Board.

3.4 The Academic Board may establish such committees as it considers necessary to enable it to
carry out its responsibilities provided that each establishment is first approved by the Director
and Board of Governors. The number of members of any such committee and the terms on
which they are to hold and vacate office shall be determined by the Academic Board.


4.1 There shall be an Academic Board of no more than 30 members comprising
a) The Director, who shall be the Chair
b) The Senior postholders (as determined by the Board of Governors)
c) Senior staff of head of department level and above (or such title as may from time to time
be determined) such that the total number of members drawn from categories (b) and (c)
is greater than the number drawn from categories (d) to (h)
d) The President and Vice-President (or two Co-Presidents) of the Students' Union
e) Not more than four members, at least one from each Faculty, who shall between them
represent the major fields of academic study across the College, elected by and from
amongst the full time teaching staff of the College
f) Not more than two members elected by and from the administrative and support staff
g) Not more than two co-opted members with experience in the provision of education who
shall not be students or staff of the College (such members shall not be entitled to vote on
matters of College policy)
h) Such other co-opted members as are necessary to conduct the business of the Board or
to represent the diversity of the College

4.2 The Board of Governors may vary the numbers of staff and student members always
provided that at least half the membership of the Academic Board shall be drawn from
members in categories b) and c).

____________________________________________________________ 1
Board of Governors, Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication
Extract from Articles of Government revised March 2007
4.3 The Director may nominate a Deputy Chair from among the members of the Academic Board
to take the chair in his place. The period of appointment of members and the selection or
election arrangements shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Governors.


17.1 These Articles were approved by the Privy Council in February 2007 and came into effect
immediately following the meeting of the Board of Governors held on 28 March 2007.

They shall supersede all previous versions.

____________________________________________________________ 2
Board of Governors, Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication
Extract from Articles of Government revised March 2007

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