Malthras-D&D 5e Warlock

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Character Background Questionaire:

<Please complete this to best of your ability in adition to Trait

Flaw Ideal & Bonds (TFIB) form the 5e PHB. In cases were you
feel there would be redundant data please default to using
TFIB as to save you time.>
Player Name: Ethan Barr
Step 1: Please fill in the following basic questions.
Name: Malthras Az-Theron
Class: Warlock (Pact of the Fiend)
Race: Tiefling (Int +1, Cha +2)
Size: Medium
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Age: 24
Hometown: Harenstead, a relatively small town inside a large
cave in the side of a mountain.
Religion/God: Azphodel, patron Devil to the Harenstead Teiflings,
as well as his pact Devil
Previous Occupation: Town council member
Speed: 30ft
Languages: Common, Infernal
Bonuses: Darkvision, Hellish Resistance (Resist Fire), Infernal
Legacy (Thaumaturgy Cantrip; at 3rd, Hellish Rebuke as 2ndlevel spell; at 5th, Darkness 1/day; Charisma for casting

<please at some point confer amongst the other players to find character
connection and other hooks; you dont have your character know each
other personaly but good hook are a plus.>
Step 2: Write 2-3 background and concept elements that you feel are
important to your image of the character. These can be a concept
overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a
personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind.
(Examples have been provided)
1. In the town of Harenstead, most would see a gathering of
monsters, but to those that reside there, they see and
understand peace with all those hated by the light. Those who
once made contracts with Demons and Devils were banished

from the great cities of Man, but even this could not keep them
from their lords. They travelled far, to lands where the Humans
could not judge them. As they travelled, their numbers grew to
not only the Pact-Bearers, but also the 'monsters' who could find
no respite in a hateful world. Over time, a group that started as
Tieflings grew and held many races such as the Drow, hated by
the brighter races and removed from their lands by their own
brethren for their differing ideals; Goblins, who could not live in
the cities for being seen as thieving menaces, and kicked from
their homes for their refusal to raid and kill; and Orcs, who would
be chased from the more 'civilized' settlements for their ways,
and exiled from their clans for their reluctance to fight.
Eventually, this group found somewhere far from the prying eyes
and judgements of the Humans, and they began to build. They
found a cave large enough to make houses for them all, and safe
enough to protect them from anything that might do them harm.
After several generations, this home has come to prosper in it's
own right, all races that the Humans disliked, and that did not
wish to live with their own people for their ways, could live here
beyond the hate of the world, and instead live in peace with
people that would understand the pain. But after all the years in
hiding, the descendants of those that originally fled from the
hate of the world knew nothing of how the people outside had
changed. They did not know that, in the faraway lands, and even
those nearby, the races that once chased them from their homes
became more accepting of them, and allowed them to live in
relative harmony, so long as the trust was not broken. Some men
and women leave the town of Harenstead when deemed ready,
to experience the world outside, and make something great of
2. Malthras, descendent of the settlers of Harenstead, was one of
many to leave Harenstead, although not of his own will. Of the
original 'cultists' chased from society, few remained to found
Harenstead, and of those, few bloodlines still remain in the town
today. Having been born to the family that had initiated the pact
with Azphodel the Devil, Malthras praises his name and has also
created a pact with this very Devil. Azphodel demands little of his
servants other than to spread nightmares and mental torment in
his name. For this, Malthras' worship consists of preying on
dreamers, and polluting their thoughts with horror. As Malthras
grew, his father taught him the ways of the Arcane, and fed his
hunger for knowledge, which continued to grow through the
years, until he was finally ready to invoke Azphodel and create a
pact to become a full-fledged Warlock at his coming-of-age
ceremony. Upon his ascension to Warlock and adulthood,
Malthras was entrusted with the duty of the City Counsel within

Harenstead, wherein he became the effective representative of

all Tieflings and, as such, made their voice heard throughout
3. Shortly after his coming-of-age ceremony at 18, Malthras' father
passed away unexpectedly. Having been the previous Tiefling
representative of Harenstead, the town was in need of another to
fill this role, to which Malthras happily obliged. As a child,
Malthras had been tutored in not only the Arcane, but in how to
properly govern a town, so that he could take his place as a
council member when the time was right. In the following years,
Malthras had also married and had a son, who would also
become his successor as a council member and as a Warlock of
Azphodel. Weeks and months flew by blissfully as Malthras
helped the town and studied from any source obtainable within
Harenstead. Unfortunately, his studies and work kept him from
his family. His wife and he gradually grew apart, until they
seemed to barely know eachother anymore, and the only thing
keeping them together was the child they shared. Although they
still loved eachother dearly, it was made difficult by Malthras'
constant absence, and eventually, tragedy struck. Malthras' wife
was found dead in their home, with his ceremonial dirk piercing
her abdomen. The town knew of the unrest between them, and
came to the conclusion that Malthras had killed her in a fit of
rage after an argument or some such. The town was not without
mercy, however, and saw fit to banish him from Harenstead
rather than execute him.
Step 3: List two goals for the character. One of these goals should be
one that the character has, while the other should be one that you, as
a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.
(Examples have been provided)
1. (Character) I wish to please my master, to be granted great
power, and to finally return home.
2. (Player) I want to see how Malthras can go about attempting to
bring nightmares to the world, as well as to see how he can go
about proving his innocence to the people of Harenstead.
Step 4: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret
the character knows, and the other is a secret that involves him/her
but that he/she is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in
creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating
a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect
some surprises! (Examples have been provided)
1. (Known) Unwilling to share this with others, for fear of

persecution, Malthras venerates a Devil and worships him

through bringing terror to the dreams of mortals.
2. (Unknown) Fordren, a lower-ranking council member, was the
real culprit to the murder of Malthras' wife. Although Fordren
does not actively pursue Malthras, he has conviced Rokken to
hunt him down in hopes that at least one, if not both of them will
die, thus insuring his place within Harenstead and giving him an
opportunity to gain even more power.
Step 5: Describe at least two people that are tied to the character.
One of them is friendly to the character, and at least one is hostile. If
you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an
instant NPC nemesis to throw at you. (Examples have been provided)
1. (Friendly) NihlesAnother Tiefling from Harenstead that
secretly followed Malthras out in his exile. Well seasoned in the
arts of deception and assassination, Nihles left Harenstead early
to pursue work in the world, but returned between jobs to his
childhood friend, Malthras. Through his contacts in various
towns, Nihles can show Malthras who is trustworthy in some
places and who to watch out for in others, but cannot accompany
him due to his profession as an assassin/spy.
2. (Actively Hostile) Rokken Aranos the DuskbladeBelieves
Malthras to have murdered his own wife, whom he loved dearly.
Hunts him in order to force him to atone for his sin. An ex-soldier,
he is well-loved by the people of Harenstead, and has the final
decision on most actions related to the lands outside of
Harenstead. Rokken is a Werebear Warrior, armed with a Bastard
Sword and Shield, switching to a two-handed grip regularly to
inflict more damage.
3. (Non-Hostile Enemy) Fordren Az-KrenThe real murderer of
Malthras' wife. He needed Malthras away from town so that he
could take over as Tiefling representative so that he could
influence the town's decisions in favor of Tieflings, as well as to
bring himself more power within town with the possibility of
branching to neighboring towns also.
Step 6: Describe one or two mannerisms/quirks that your character
has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some
context and flavor. Some examples to get your juices flowing are
below. Feel free to expand upon your quirks, perhaps even an
explanation as to why they have that quirk.
1. Has an distaste for most animals
2. Carries a home-made token for Azphodel and pulls it from his pockets to
hold it when nervous

3. Continues to wear his wedding ring, even after passing of his wife
4. Unless specifically asked for Azphodel's name, he will always refer to
him as 'Master'

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