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Skiing & Snowboarding issue






By Marcus Lavergne

Scientists retrieve mystery space
junk in India
Saturday morning, scientists from
the International Astronomical Center of Abu Dhabi collected what they
believe to be part of a rocket booster
that fell to Earth Friday night.
The Center, which organized the
collection with the United Arab Emirates Space Agency, said the debris
fell off the coast of Sri Lanka. The
Catalina Sky Survey at the University
of Arizona sighted the object in 2013,
but according to the European Space
Agency, the object was just named
WT1190F on Oct. 3 of this year.
Although there have been no
reports of important findings among
the wreckage, the scientists are calling
the response effort a success. Those
involved said the effort was a positive
test of mechanisms that could protect
Earth from, or at least lessen destruction from, a large asteroid strike.
The debriss return to Earth has
sparked controversy involving the
vast amount of space junk outside
the atmosphere. NASA administrator Charles Bolden voiced concerns
about the trash and the potential
danger it poses to the planet.
Bolden spoke at the Council of
Foreign Relations last Thursday, making it clear that more countries need
to invest money into debris removal
development. NASA officials believe
there could be around 500,000
pieces of trash larger than a marble
surrounding the planet, along with
more than 100 million smaller junk

Weapons stolen from Army
Reserve Center
The FBI reports that weapons
were stolen from the Lincoln Stoddard Army Reserve Center in Massachusetts Saturday night.
Unknown assailants broke into
the center in Worcester, making off
with over a dozen weapons including M4 assault rifles. According to
the FBI and Worcester police, the
weapons were taken after the assailants entered through the roof of the
At this time, officials do not know
who broke into the Army Reserve
Center. After Saturdays terrorist
attacks devastated parts of Paris,
France, resulting in a death toll of
over 150 people, U.S. cities made efforts to tighten security, but the FBI
stated the act doesnt seem to be tied
to any terrorist organization.
The weapons information is in a
national database and both the FBI
and local police are in the earliest
stages of the investigation.

Holland Project to remain on
Vesta Street
Renos well-known arts and music
initiative, The Holland Project, raised
enough money during a fundraiser
to buy the building it currently occupies. The initiative desires to do
so before a rent increase negatively
impacts its goals.
The organization raised 90 percent
of the $600,000 necessary to buy the
building through partner donations.
Some of the money will go to muchneeded renovations.
The Holland Project relied on community support during its Grounded
for Life campaign to raise the final 10
percent. The initiative managed to
collect over $61,000, surpassing its
original $60,000 goal.
Marcus Lavergne can be reached at and
on Twitter @mavergne21.



Breanna Denney/Nevada Sagebrush


Demonstrators with the Million Student March pose for a group photo
in the historic Quad on Thursday,
Nov. 12. The march aimed to achieve
free tuition, complete student debt
forgiveness and a $15 minimum wage
for student workers.

Students march for a more affordable college experience

By Jacob Solis

On a brisk November afternoon,

roughly 45 students stood clumped
together on the sloping steps of the
Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center. A
third of the crowd stood with signs in
their hands, slogans of defiance, slogans
like education should not require a
debt sentence, scrawled by hand onto
the stark white cardstock.
Part of the so-called Million Student
March, a student-led nationwide effort

that took place last Thursday in schools

from Oakland to Pittsburgh, students
at UNR demonstrated and marched to
demand free college tuition, cancellation of all outstanding student debt and
a $15 minimum wage for all student
workers during an hour-long demonstration.
Turnout for the march varied wildly
from school to school, from the University of Nevada, Renos less than 50
students to over 1,000 at the University
of California, Santa Barbara.

The name Million Student March

may have been a bit auspicious for
student Jose Olivares, who helped the
Reno Justice Coalition with communication and outreach for the event. In his
eyes, the outreach didnt go far enough,
making the event a far cry from some
previous RJC rallies held last semester.
He added, however, that the turnout
wasnt really a disappointment as the
quality of the demonstration was more
important to him than the quantity of
demonstrators. Additionally, RJC co-

founders and event organizers Thio

Marigny and Chenay Arberry felt that
the event was merely a first step in a
longer fight and downplayed the relatively low attendance.
As to why students decided to stay
home for this rally, Olivares felt that
students just dont care as much about
education compared to gun regulation
or systemic racism, the targets of the
RJCs prior protests.

So does El Nio bring the snow?

By Jacob Solis
No, as it turns out. Well, not
technically anyways.
For starters, El Nio is a climate phenomenon thats characterized by unusually warm
surface waters in the Pacific
Ocean near the equator. This
has all kinds of consequences,
the most visible one being
plenty of extra rainfall for the
southern U.S. In the two years
when El Nio was at its historical highs, 1982-83 and 1997-98,
the Sierra Nevadas saw more
than a little bit of snow fall
from the sky.
This year is seeing another historically strong El Nio through
October, and predictions from

See EL NIO page A4

A journey through Reno,

Nevadas Midtown thrusts you
from the citys vintage, casinofilled backdrop into a Bohemian
paradise abundant in everything
from music to museums. There,
a person can find a variety of
shops and venues that provide
goods ranging from art products



sense of
the Paris
By Jacob Solis

closed down the farm for the

time being. The two are pursuing new land options in hopes
of starting fresh. Although the
price for land ownership was
too high, Ortega said she understands. In an area that is growing
consistently, its natural when
things like this happen.

Editors Note: THE WHOLE

STORY will be an occasional
feature where The Nevada
Sagebrush takes a comprehensive look at a story, be it local,
national or otherwise, that
developed quickly often too
quickly causing some details
to remain hazy to those of us
not glued to the newswires. All
the facts, from what we know
to how we know it to what we
dont know, will be in one place.
On Friday night, eight terrorists from the so-called Islamic State, more often called
ISIS, launched an assault on
civilians across Paris, France.
outside the countrys largest
stadium, the Stade de France,
where French president Franois Hollande was watching
the French national soccer
team take on Germany.

See FARM page A4

See PARIS page A2

Photo provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

A thermal map of the world shows the band of warm water that characterizes El Nio. The phenomenon affects climate on a global scale, from wetter winters in the southwest United States to drier
droughts in South Africa.

Local urban farm owners down, but not out

By Marcus Lavergne

See MARCH page A2

to bottled craft beers. The area

has gained a reputation for its
urban growth and contemporary flair, with businesses that
incorporate many of the styles
and tastes of todays youth.
On Oct. 30, the area did, however, lose a slice of its own rural
Americana culture in a 1-acre
produce plot, which fed the
community for the past three

years. Lost City Farm provided

fresh, organic produce to local
restaurants as well as the Great
Basin Community Food Cooperative. Farmers Toni Ortega
and Lyndsey Langsdale leased
the land in October 2012, but a
$1-million price tag on permanently owning the land was too
hefty for the partners.
Ortega and Langsdale have





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Student voice of the University of

Nevada, Reno, since 1893.

Continued from page A1

Within minutes, hundreds were mowed

down or taken hostage inside a concert
hall while bombs and gunfire erupted at
three other locations.
For the better part of the night, the city
was under siege. By the end of the day,
over 100 Parisians were dead and more
than 300 were wounded. Across the
world, people joined France in mourning the victims of the deadliest terrorist
attack on European soil since attacks on
Spanish trains in 2004 that left nearly 200
dead and almost 2,000 wounded.
But how did it happen and why? Here
are the facts so far:

Volume 122 ~8bbdT "




















Zak Brady, Nathan Brown Silva,
Brandon Cruz, Madison Hoffman,
Alejandro Montalvo, Anna Rocco,
Rachel Yelverton

The Nevada Sagebrush is a
newspaper operated by and for
the students of the University
of Nevada, Reno. The contents
of this newspaper do not
necessarily reflect those opinions
of the university or its students.
It is printed by the Sierra Nevada
Media Group.

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If youre interested in
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The attack began with three explosions

outside the Stade de France at around
9:20 local time. Broken into three teams,
the attackers then launched assaults on
several restaurants and cafes not too far
away from the stadium, as well taking
hundreds of concertgoers hostage in the
Bataclan concert hall.
By nights end, 129 people were dead,
mostly from the attack on the Bataclan.
Roughly 350 were wounded, 99 of whom
were in critical condition as of Sunday.
There were eight terrorists in total.
Seven were dead by the end of the night,
though most of those deaths were caused
by suicide bombs. The eighth attacker,
identified as Salah Abdeslam, remains
on the run, according to The Associated
Press. One of the attackers who died,
Ahmad al-Mohammed, was found with
a passport that logged his entry into Europe through the Greek island of Leros.
Four of the identified terrorists were
French nationals, while two were
Belgian. Belgian police have arrested


Continued from page A1

Its disappointing to see how a lot

of university students are just walking by even though its something
that directly affects them, Olivares
said. There seems to be this really disappointing sense of apathy
towards it. A lot of people maybe
think that nothing can get changed
anymore and nothings ever going
to change, that doing these direct
actions isnt going to do anything
What the protest may have lacked
in attendance was more than made
up for by the passion of the speakers. From Reno/Sparks NAACP
President Patricia Gallimore to the
student heads of the Young Democrats Club and the Reno Justice
Coalition, more than a few voices
were raised for the cause.
Bob Fulkerson, a co-founder and
state director for the Progressive
Leadership Alliance of Nevada, had
some choice words for the powers
that be.
[This is] to get the attention of
your peers, who should be goddamned pissed off at a system that
is killing them, Fulkerson said. It
is a system that has been created by
people that look like me, privileged
white people who are lobbyists
and who are legislators and who
are people who have created a
system to jack up your tuition and
to extract wealth from students
and working-class communities in
order to funnel wealth to the upper
1 percent.
Fulkerson went on to praise the
role of student activists and activists
in general for bringing things such
as feminism, apartheid and climate
change to the forefront of political
discussion and kicking ass in the
Following all the speakers, the
students finally took to the sidewalks in a march to UNRs historic
Quad, shaking noisemakers and
chanting education should be free,
no hikes, no fees and education
is a right, not just for the rich and
white all the way there.

seven in connection with the attacks

while French authorities and intelligence officials have pegged the Belgian
Abdelhamid Abaaoud as the probable
mastermind of the attack. An AP profile
of the attackers notes his whereabouts
are unknown, though he is likely somewhere in Syria.
Days after the attacks, Paris remains a
city on edge. A vigil for victims of one of
the restaurant shootings was interrupted
by panic after firecrackers were thrown
into the candles and flowers. Even so,
many Parisians in interviews with multiple news outlets have vowed to continue
their daily routines unchanged.
Hollande declared a state of emergency and called for three days of
national mourning. Moments of silence
have peppered life over that same span
of time. Even in the U.S., people rallied
around France with moments of silence
and French flags at professional football
games and solidarity on social media.
French flag Facebook profile pictures
have become the norm and #peaceforparis and #prayforparis filled Twitter.
ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks shortly after they happened, saying
that Frances campaign against them,
and by extension Islam, prompted the
attack. The Paris attacks come after ISIS
claimed responsibility for the downing
of a Russian passenger plane over the
Sinai peninsula and a deadly attack in
the heart of Beirut, Lebanon.


While the military reaction from
the French was swift, the future of the
European political landscape remains
uncertain. As refugees and migrants
continue to pour into the continent from
war-torn Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and the
politically unstable Somalia, Europe has
begun to shift away from open-border


and quota policies that became widespread toward the end of the summer.
Because one of the bombers looks
to have entered Europe from Syria via
Greece, many in Europes emerging farright have begun to push even harder
for tighter immigration laws. Even in
France, the controversial Marine Le Pen,
leader of the far-right National Front
party, called for an immediate halt to
Frances intake of migrants, according to
Agence France-Presse.
On the international stage, signs are
pointing to increased intervention in
Syria on the part of Western actors. Hollande was quick to call the attacks an
act of war, and on Monday promised to
intensify [French] military operations
in Syria before a joint meeting of Parliament. Hollandes statements come just a
day after heavy French bombardment of
the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa, Syria.
In the U.S., President Barack Obama
has denounced the attack, calling ISIS
the face of evil during a news conference in Turkey, where Obama is attending the G20 summit. He called for an
intensification of the current plan of
attack in Syria, which has mostly involved
airstrikes from an international coalition.
Even so, Obama has been forced on the
defensive over his noncommittal stance
in Syria, and on Friday said that most
of what his detractors are calling for are
already being done, according to NPR.
Facebook commenters and op-eds
alike have called for swift military
responses, galvanized by the perceived
audacity of ISIS to attack the West. All
the same, only time will tell if the US and
other Western nations follow Frances
lead into an active role in tackling ISIS.
Jacob Solis can be reached at jsolis@ and on Twitter

Once at the Quad, the students

found some opposition in a lone
heckler standing in front the Paul
Laxalt Mineral Engineering Center
who shouted no one cares down
to the protesters.
While the heckler was met with a
heavy mix of expletives and levelheadedness alike, the idea that no
one might care was emblematic of a
greater partisan divide for marcher
and president of the UNR Young
Democrats Taslima Shams.
Economically speaking, conservatives are much more likely to
think, OK, nothing comes free,
Shams said. Many students will
say, No, we dont support it because
its going to make it free, but at the
same time they dont understand
that theyre one of those students
who are in debt, they are the ones
in the Game of Loans, so why not
support it?
The presidential campaign trail
has reflected this divide, as the two
Democratic front-runners, Hillary
Clinton and Bernie Sanders, have
each proposed robust plans to overhaul the way students currently pay
for college. On the other side of the
aisle, only Ohio Gov. John Kasich
has proposed some reform on the
issue, a student debt relief fund,
according to Every
other GOP candidate still in the race
has had little to say on the topic.
On top of the inattention from
the Republican side of the ticket,
the demonstrators have faced some
heat on social media, with TIME
Magazine reporting that commenters described them as whiny,
entitled, and yes, even delusional.
The student leaders behind the
Million Student March, both in
Reno and across the country, have
vowed that Thursdays demonstration was only the beginning.
Though whether or not the movement survives may just depend on
who sits in the White House come
January, 2017, and in any case, the
battle looks to be uphill.
Breanna Denney/Nevada Sagebrush

Jacob Solis can be reached at jsolis@ and on Twitter @

A protest sign lays against the statue of John William Mackay on Thursday, Nov. 12. The sign was part
of a student protest against the high cost of college.

NOV. 11
By Maddison Cervantes

Senate OKs new deputy
chief of staff position
Senate Bill 83, An Act to
Create the Deputy Chief of
Staff, received its second
reading at the ASUN Senate
meeting on Nov. 11, 2015.
Sen. Brandon Boone of the
College of Business stated
that the #ileadnevada Mentorship Program should not
be overseen by the ASUN vice
president or current chief of
staff, and that the details for
the Sustainable Nevada Initiative Fund should be overseen by someone new that
will be required to supervise
these programs.
After some amendments,
the bill passed unanimously.
Senate turns down ballot
measure to increase
credit requirement for ASUN
officers and officials
With the senate bill intact
in its first draft, a student will
need to be enrolled in at least
12 credits as opposed to the
current minimum of seven.
According to College of Education Sen. Emilia Carro, the
bill passed last year and was
placed on the ballot, but was
rejected by a small number of
A few of the senators began
to question the sudden jump
from seven to 12 credits and
argued for a smaller jump
in the range of nine credits.
ASUN President Caden Fabbi
discussed the fact that the
seven-credit minimum was
set over a decade ago, and is
important for the senate to set
a standard. However, College
of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Natural Resources Sen.
Makayla Ragnone disagreed
and stated that many students
who are currently part-time
simply want to be. In this case,
Sen Ragnone believes that
they can be of benefit to ASUN
by providing more of their
Chief of Staff Raina Benford
stated that it has been shown
over the years that students
who are not full-time are less
involved and have a tendency
to refrain from being dedicated to the university.
Speaker of the Senate Nick
Andrew explained that the
same discussion took place
last year, when the bill was first
introduced, and it was eventually left up to the students.
Carro agreed that the constituents should be informed and
made to understand exactly
what the bill is proposing.
After more discussion, a
number of senators became
in favor of raising the requirements to no higher than nine
credits. Though, Carro stated
that 12 was significant because
the Millennium Scholarship
requires as much to be employed on campus.
Ragnone closed by explaining that simply because the
majority of part-time students
may not have the ability to
commit to ASUN, the senate
should not assume that it is
the same across the board.
With that, the motion failed.

Maddison Cervantes can be

reached at jsolis@sagebrush. and on Twitter @


On the right track to

Customer Appreciation Day

December 4th, 2015



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the scope
School of Medicine grant brings about
new possibilities for womens health
By Marcus Lavergne
The University of Nevada, Reno,
School of Medicine is putting money
it recently received on behalf of the
Nevada Attorney Generals Office toward
addressing and figuring out solutions
to some of the nations leading womens
health problems.
In a settlement involving a case
between Nevada and the drug and
pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, Wyeth
and Pharmacia & Upjohn, the state was
awarded $9.5 million. The companies reportedly misled doctors and consumers
on the benefits and risks of the drugs, and
physicians found that an increased risk in
breast cancer came with using them.
Most of the settlement was divided
between the University Medical Center
of Southern Nevada, and UNRs School
of Medicine. UNR obtained approximately $3.8 million. Those funds became
available for use on Monday, Nov. 2, and
now theyve resulted in some positive
research involving womens health.
The School of Medicine dedicates a
multitude of resources and research
towards womens health improvement,
facing down issues like hormone therapy,
disease screening, cardiovascular disease
and the mysterious quandary that is
breast cancer. Dr. Iain Buxton, Pharm.D,
and pharmacology department chair has
invested funds in a powerful $500,000
device that has allowed faculty to dive
deeper into cells and tissue than ever
I didnt buy [the microscope] for
myself, even though Im a user, Buxton
said. I bought it because we have a team
of people that said [theyre] working on
things that are important to women.
We have people that are interested in
Alzheimers and stroke and various problems. You know Alzheimers occurs more
in women than men.
Buxton is currently leading an investigation on breast cancer metastasis the

process by which cancer spreads from

one cancerous tumor to other parts of
the body. According to Buxton, when
the breast cancer does metastasize, it
always spreads to the bones, liver, lungs
or brain. With the help of the new superresolution microscope that Buxton
pushed for, faculty and the grad students
he works with have been able to view the
subcellular structures of cells in greater
detail than ever before.
If you look through an optical microscope at light, you will not be able
to see anything more than 250 microns
apart, Buxton said. That was great
for hundreds of years, but it aint any
good anymore. We have to know more
precisely where things are to know how
things work.
The microscope interacts with a
computer system that allows for the
examination of cellular structures on a
nanoscopic level. To give an idea of how
small that is, the National Nanotechnology Initiative gives this example among
many others: A sheet of paper is about
100,000 nanometers thick.
Being able to observe cells at that level
has yielded results that Buxton did not
expect. For more than a decade, Buxton
and his team have been interested in why
breast cancer cells put molecules outside
of themselves.
Literally imagine a cell without a
nucleus, without any mitochondria, but
full of stuff, Buxton said. DNA, RNA,
proteins, proteins inside and proteins in
the surface some of these are so small
that they defy the imagination.
He said that upon observing the protein closer through the microscope they
could see that it wasnt coming out of the
cell as a soluble molecule, but instead,
it was coming out as a vesicle or an exosome as cargo. According to Buxton, a
cell is on the order of around 30 microns
across the surface if its round. The vesicle
is a 1000th the size.
We found one outside of the cell

For more information please contact Jeremy Moon at or at (360)-556-2352

Photo by Anne McMillin, APR

Dr. Iain Buxton, Pharm.D, describes the power of the School of Medicines new half-million dollar, super-high resolution microscope on Nov. 2. Buxtons team of researchers is making discoveries in womens health, including what could be a solution to
breast cancer metastasis.

when we grew it in a culture, Buxton

said. Thats a little crazy because what it
means is the cell is expending its energy
to make the protein, and then its pumping it outside.
He calls the discovery an accident.
Through that system, the vesicles travel
through the body to create a home for
the larger cancer cells. Buxton said that
if his team can stop the actions of those
vesicles, they can potentially stop the
traveling cells, which are too large to
move through tiny capillaries without
harming them or blocking blood flow.
Buxton says people are always discussing cures for breast cancer by developing
drugs to treat women who have tumors,
but nobody talks about treating the
actual breast. His mission is presenting
proof that his team can create a drug that
will not just treat the original tumor, but
stop metastasis first.
I would like to see a woman go on a
suppressive therapy for maybe three
months evaluating both the primary
tumor and the rest of her body to prove
that she does not have obvious disease
at that time, Buxton said. Then [well]
be able to say its appropriate to remove
the tumor because weve suppressed this
By experimenting with mice models,

ASUN reminds you to request a ride from ASUN Campus Escort Services at or call 742-6808 if you need a ride after an event. ASUN supports
providing equal access to all programs for people with disabilities. Persons with disabilities requiring accommodations are encouraged to email

Henry MacDiarmid/Nevada Sagebrush

The University of Nevada, Reno, School of Medicine sits under the sun at the
northern end of campus on Monday, Nov. 16. The School houses scientists, doctors
and grad students who are dedicated to solving some of the worlds most pressing
health concerns.

Buxtons team has yielded results that

make him optimistic about the future
of breast cancer treatment. If the theory
they have crafted is correct, it could revolutionize how physicians treat patients
with cancerous breast tumors. Buxton
says the funds and research that happens
at the School of Medicine puts UNR on
par with top medical institutions like

John Hopkins University. A half-million

dollar microscope and funding from
the state has helped researchers like
Buxton make strides towards improving
womens health.
Marcus Lavergne can be reached at and on
Twitter @TheSagebrush.


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THE 201516


Squaw Valley | Alpine Meadows




No Blackout Dates

Henry MacDiarmid/Nevada Sagebrush

Barren soil, trash and vehicles lie in what used to be Lost City Farms leased plot on Monday, Nov. 16.
Farm owners Toni Ortega and Lyndsey Langsdale are currently searching for a new location before the
spring growing season.


Continued from page A1

This is our third year, Ortega said. Our lease

just ended; the city loves us. We love farming, but
as everyone knows, were on an upswing. Its great
for business. Its great for some people who made
the right move and purchased a home, but if anything it pushes us kind of out. The land is going to
go up for sale. They want to sell it to a developer.
Ortega said its only fair that the landowners are
looking to sell their property. She did say that the
owners offered her and Langsdale first dibs on
the land. Ortega is hopeful that the two will find
another place to farm, although it might not be in
Midtown. The two have taken around 24 possible
land sites into consideration, and in the winter,
Lost City Farm plans to talk with many landowners.
Community support was vital to maintaining
the farm, but according to Ortega, Lost City Farm
was a positive piece of the area as well. She said
it makes sense to have a sustainable area that
supports the local economy and educates people
where people can happen upon the farm and
see and learn about where their food is grown.
She said having dialogue on the present and
future of the farm is helpful and might even lead
to new opportunities.
I think that though its really disappointing for
us to not renew the lease and we are in search of a
new location to start a farm again, I think that the
dialogue is really exciting, Ortega said. I think
its exciting how many people want to be part of
that dialogue, which really goes to show what
the community-at-larges priorities are for the


redevelopment of Reno and the neighborhood

we live in.
Ortega and Langsdale didnt solely rely on support from friends and neighbors, but also the city.
Councilwoman Jenny Brekhus represents Ward 1
in Reno the area that encompasses Midtown.
Breckus has an extensive background in land use
and urban planning, and she personally loved the
Although the city doesnt have much control
over land sales and ownership, Brekhus said
using the land for farming benefited the community. She believes having usable land for other
projects that help with the revitalization of Reno
are always positive.
I do think theres a growing, strong demand
for locally grown food, Brekhus said. I think to
that degree they succeeded as a business model.
Also, what we have is a lot of underused parcels,
and it is really great to have activity. Particularly, it
adds some real interest and it was pretty and all,
but also it prevents undesirable activity on these
vacant lots.
Lost City Farm, with the help of Brekhus and
her husband Armando Ornelas, who takes care
of his own backyard harvest, also accomplished
the task of constructing new ordinances for urban farming something that was not in place
before the farm was established.
For Ortega, time is of the essence. Shes hoping
to maintain momentum heading into the spring
growing season, one of the periods where she
said many people purchase their produce.
Marcus Lavergne can be reached at and on Twitter



Breanna Denney/Nevada Sagebrush

Snow falls on the University of Nevada, Reno, campus on Sunday, Nov. 15. This winter has seen the
most snowfall in the region since the drought began three years ago.

El Nio

Continued from page A1






the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have the phenomenon keeping its strength
throughout the winter, peaking sometime in the
next month.
While plenty of snow has already fallen in only
two storms this November and more snow will
likely fall, its not necessarily due to the effects of
this warm equatorial water.
The problem lies in the fact that statistically, El
Nio just doesnt correlate with lots of snow, at
least according to a handout put out by the University of Nevada, Renos Nevada State Climate
El Nio has very little relationship with wintertime precipitation in the Sierra and western
Nevada, the handout reads. Since the 1930s,
weve had dry El Nio winters and weve had wet
ones [and] a strong El Nio does not guarantee
us a wet winter in 2015-16.
Its an upsetting reality for residents of the
Tahoe Basin who had been (and in some cases
still are) excited for a wet, wild and El Nio-driven
winter. Though the lack of an El Nio in western
Nevada doesnt mean Reno wont get any snow.
The Farmers Almanac has plenty of periods of
snow and rain coming in the next few weeks a
welcome sight for skiers and boarders around the
But even with the added precipitation, the
region will still be wracked by a severe drought.

After three sustained years of lower-than-average

rainfall, itll take more than one wet winter to pull
the region up.
One thing to keep in mind is that our precipitation deficits are so large over the past three years
that even with a very wet winter wed still likely be
in some form of drought status next year, said
Chris Smallcomb of the National Weather Service
in an interview with the RGJ. So bottom line our
outlook for this coming winter remains quite
El Nio wont be so welcome in other parts of
the world though. This years is shaping up to be
one of the strongest on record and has shaken
up swaths of Africa. A report from the BBC and
UNICEF found that Ethiopia is being hit by severe
drought due to El Nio, and that some 8.2 million
food-insecure Ethiopians are threatened by it.
More than that, the same report found that
neighboring Kenya and Somalia are at risk of
being hit by flooding and landslides. UNICEF has
expressed fears that it could worsen what it calls
severe acute malnutrition in the region.
In any case, the effects of El Nio will certainly
continue to develop over the coming months. A
Nov. 12 press release from NOAA noted that while
the 1997 El Nio, one of the strongest ever, peaked
in November, its strongest effects were not felt
until the following spring in the U.S. It just wont
be packing on the snow in Lake Tahoe.
At least, not for certain.
The news desk can be reached at jsolis@sagebrush. and on Twitter @TheSagebrush.

@TheSagebrush |



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@TheSagebrush |


By Samantha Johnson

DATE: Thursday
TIME: 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Mathewson-

IGT Knowledge Center, 2nd

INFO: Ever find yourself
watching puppy videos
when youre stressed?
Studies show that
interactions with animals
can help you unwind and the
UNR Counseling Services
will be hosting a puppy
event just for you. Come see
some adorable pups for your
health this week.



M &

DATE: Thursday
TIME: 6 p.m. 8:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Joe Crowley

Student Union, Milt Glick

INFO: New York Times
bestselling author Ellen
Hopkins will be inducted to
the Nevada Writers Hall of
Fame, along with Silver Pen
recipients Mark Maynard
and Laura McBride. Tickets
are $40 and it will be held on
the fourth floor of the Joe.

DATE: Friday
TIME: 6 p.m. 9 p.m.
LOCATION: Joe Crowley

Student Union, 4th floor

INFO: If youve ever wanted
to explore different cultures
from around the world,
this event would be the
perfect opportunity. Held
every year by the UNR
International Club, this
event will be promoting
cultural awareness, and
there will be food prepared
by students for you to try.

DATE: Friday
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Church Fine

Arts, Nightingale Concert

INFO: Do you love opera?
There will be a performance
with pieces of famous
operas like Charles
Gounods Romeo and
Juliet, Jules Massenets
Manon, and more.
Student tickets are $5 with
a valid student ID and it will
be hosted by the Nevada
Chamber Opera.

DATE: Thursday Saturday
TIME: 8 p.m.
LOCATION: Church Fine

Arts, Redfield Proscenium

INFO: Put on by the UNR
Division of Dance, the
annual Fall Dance Festival
will showcase student and
faculty choreographed
works. Tickets are limited,
so reserve yours soon.
Come enjoy the talent and
skill of UNRs dancers and
Samantha Johnson can be
reached at and on Twitter

The Holland Project meets

fundraising goal to buy space
By Samantha Johnson

Since 2006 The

Holland Project in
Reno has been a
center for young
artists and musicians to learn and
create. Hosting over
150 all-ages events
every year, the venue has served the
art community as a space of opportunity, but at the beginning of this year
it faced a daunting obstacle. The rent
was due to increase by almost double
and The Holland Project had only
two options: raise the money to buy
the building or clear out.
After various pushes for fundraising with programs and shows like
the Reno Instagrammys, The Holland
Project finally received the last $1,000
to ground them in their space on
Tuesday, Nov. 10. Britt Curtis, the
director of the Holland Project, said
it was an exciting moment for everyone.
It was really powerful, Curtis said.
The fact that our communitys major
philanthropists saw value in Holland
was a really amazing testament to the
young people here and to Renos allages community.
Curtis has been involved with The
Holland Project since its sister venue,
The Vera Project, began in Seattle.
She said she was amazed at how far
the organization had come in this
year alone and didnt expect to purchase the space for another 10 or 15
years. Now that The Holland Project
has laid down its roots, Curtis noted
theres still a lot of work to be done.
Its an old building, but we love it
and its our home, Curtis said. We
feel really confident that itll always
be a place thats shaping and changing and reflecting who is going there
and who is making [it] what it is.
Next on Curtis list are repairing the
building to sustain it for another 30
years, such as fixing the roof, electrical rewiring and coming up with new
self-sustaining programs to protect
The Holland Project as the economy
changes. Curtis said the venue will
always be a work in progress but that
she is very proud to be a part of it for
every step of the way.
Every week there is something
Im impressed by, Curtis said. The
resilience and pioneering spirit that I
get to see every day has changed who
I am forever.

For more information on upcoming
shows from The Holland Project, visit
To check out Hsler Gomzs
work, follow his Instagram

Some artists say that the experience

that The Holland Project offers is
invaluable. For sculptor and installation artist Hsler Gomz, whose work
is currently on display there, the opportunity to practice art has changed
his life as well.
Gomzs gallery, called The University of the Waves, opened on
Tuesday, Nov. 10 at The Holland Project. It features the idea that people
are in control of their own destinies
through installation art and conveys
the uncertainty of life. Gomz sent in
the application for his exhibition during the summer and was pleasantly
surprised by the atmosphere of the
They really made it a comfortable experience, Gomz said. Its a
unique thing that we have here. In
other cities its really tough. Youre either really lucky, or you have to work
your way up.
Gomz said The Holland Project is
good for the art community because
there arent any political maneuvers
young artists have to take before
getting approved for a gallery. While
other commercial venues might
look down on it, he said The Holland
Project is a great way for them to get
experience they wouldnt have otherwise in the art world.
Theyre here to stay, Gomz said.
Now that theyre grounded I think
that greater art community can begin
to take them more seriously.
Gomzs show is running from now
until Friday, Dec. 4, and he said he
is definitely going back for another
show if the opportunity arises.
You have to check it out, Gomz
said. Yeah, you can go to other
places, but its not the same energy.
Theres a liveliness there. I feel its
kind of void in the art community in
general, its usually very austere, but
theyre really excited about art and
thats important.
Samantha Johnson can be reached at or on
Twitter @SamRayJohnson.

Photos by Breanna Denney/

Nevada Sagebrush

(Top) The Holland Project open

sign stands outside the venue on
Friday, Nov. 13 to promote the opening
reception for The University of the Waves
exhibition. (Bottom) Artist Hsler Gomz
stands next to his installation piece within
the gallery space.


A&E | A7

@TheSagebrush |

Video game paves the way for next generation
By Samantha Johnson
Its been seven years since the
last Fallout game was released
and this years Fallout 4 was
nothing short of record-breaking.
With 12 million copies sold to retailers on launch day, according
to, its been one
of the most widely anticipated
games of the year. Bethesda, the
company that developed previous games like Elder Scrolls:
Skyrim, is saying that Fallout 4
was one of the most pre-ordered
games as well, setting a recordhigh demand for the game.
But does the game live up to
the hype? As a next generation
game, which means its only
available on the newest consoles
such as the PlayStation 4 and
Xbox One, it begs the question

of whether or not the nearly $60

game is worth the buy. With improved graphics, a new storyline
and an open-world user experience, players could only hope to
get what theyre paying for.
The Reno Smash Community,
which focuses on Smash Bros
tournaments in various Reno
venues including the University
of Nevada, Reno, was only one of
the groups of gamers anxiously
waiting for its release. Riley
Moore, the admin for the Reno
Smash Community, has already
spent 20 hours playing the game,
even though he had no intentions of buying it. The game was
a gift to him from a friend, and in
the beginning he had doubts.
At first I kind of didnt like it,
Moore said. I wasnt used to the
combat system and it felt really

clunky to me compared to other

first-person shooters.
Moore had never played any
of the Fallout series before this
game and he said that the more
he played the more he enjoyed
it. An aspect of the game that
Moore said was appealing was
the open-world experience, but
unlike other open-world games
that detract from the original
storyline, Fallout 4 has a strong
story that motivates you to find
out what happens next alongside
being able to level-up the character.
I didnt know what all the hype
was about, Moore said. But I
would say that Ive been having a
lot of fun with it and from what
Ive seen, veteran Fallout players
like it a lot too.
Websites like Neurogadget.

Screenshot by Adrian Trujillo/Nevada Sagebrush

com are already making predictions that Fallout 4 will win

Game of the Year, and according to Gable Foertsch, a veteran
gamer of the Fallout series, its
an accurate statement.
They made a lot of good
changes, Foertsch said. Everything Fallout 3 could have been
is Fallout 4.
Among the qualities Foertsch
listed, the voice acting and
character interactions were what
he said made the game unique

and went above and beyond the

previous games. He said it was
the first time in the Fallout
series that the first-person
character had a voice instead of
being mute and the conversations between characters made
the user become more invested
in the storyline. What most next
generations games lacked in plot
for the sake of graphics, Foertsch
said Fallout 4 excelled in both.
Its crazy how deep they went
into it, Foertsch said. I would

recommend anybody to give this

one a try because its one of the
greatest games of all time.
While its only been available
to the public for about a week,
Fallout 4 critics will have to
give it a little more time to decide
whether or not it lives up to its
Samantha Johnson can be
reached at or on Twitter

Skiing and snowboarding films misrepresent winter sports

By Alejandro Montalvo
Take a minute and name your favorite skiing film. How about your favorite
snowboarding film? Its no surprise if
its difficult. Skiing and snowboarding
are not as well-represented in film as
other sports like baseball or boxing.
Often when skiing or snowboarding are
featured on film theyre a smaller part
of a larger story, not the main focus.
Only a handful of films have solely
been about skiing or competitive skiing.
And out of that handful, even less take
it seriously, in the same way Hoosiers
presents basketball seriously. Downhill Racer, released in 1969, starring
Robert Redford and Gene Hackman, is
such a film. Chronicling Olympic skier
David Chappellets race to become a
champion, Downhill Racer presents
skiing as competitive and cutthroat,
even within the United States Olympic
team. The film features exciting handheld footage from the perspective of
the skiers, something that hadnt been
done before and it effectively translates
the excitement and speed of downhill
racing. Unfortunately, it is a lonely
exception in accurately portraying the
sport on film.

Aspen Extreme, released in 1993,

is another attempt at a ski-driven
film. Marketed as Top Gun on the Ski
Slopes! its laughably melodramatic
and very 90s. It does, however, present skiing as an exciting endeavor.
Two working-class buddies make their
way to the Aspen slopes to work as ski
instructors, showing up pretty much
everyone on the mountain. With its
excess of synth-driven music, early
90s hairstyles and bright neon colors,
Aspen Extreme isnt exactly a perfect
picture, but it does bring skiing to the
big screen with enthusiasm.
But what about snowboarding? How
about Johnny Tsunami? Its a Disney
Channel movie from the early 2000s
that follows a boy who moves from
Hawaii to Vermont where he applies
his surfing skills to snowboarding. But
according to the cool kids (i.e., rich
kids) hes picked the wrong sport. The
cool kids at school do not snowboard
(said with disgust), they ski! Its classism used to effectively distinguish the
antagonists. The film ends with a race,
Johnny on a snowboard and his stuckup rival on skis. Its a Disney flick, so
its pretty easy to figure out who wins.
Whats significant here is the unfortu-

nate stigma against both snowboarders and skiers. Skiers see their sport
as somehow above and better than
snowboarding. In truth, both sports
are equally enjoyed by all ages, neither
better than the other. But you couldnt
guess that by looking at Hollywood.
Agent Cody Banks, teenage spy for
the CIA, rides a jet-propelled snowboard in his adventures. He could have
very easily been on skis, but clearly
skiing is for adults only! James Bond,
a 20th-century male icon, skis. Only
briefly did he snowboard, in 1981s For
Your Eyes Only, but for the most part
Bond has ridden skis while taking on
enemies on the slopes.
Skiing and snowboarding are two
sports well-suited for film but so often
get dumped into B-movie, direct-tovideo flicks like Shred, Snowboard
Academy, Ski School and Out Cold.
Its an unfortunate designation that
perpetuates the stereotype that both
skiing and snowboarding are somehow
lesser sports. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Alejandro Montalvo can be reached at or on
Twitter @TheSagebrush.

Photos provided by


@TheSagebrush |





in the wake of
tragedy must
be denounced

riday night, tragedy

struck. An ordinary
night in an extraordinary city turned into a
bloodbath that shook the world
to its core. A bombing took
place at The Bataclan concert
hall during a rock concert, a
mass shooting occurred in a
restaurant and a bar, and another bombing took place in the
Stade de France stadium in the
suburb of Saint-Denis during a
football match between France
and Germany. Terrorist group
ISIS has claimed responsibility
for the attacks.
As of Monday, there have
been an estimated 137 deaths
and 352 injuries according to
The Guardian.
In a matter of hours, millions
were reminded that the violence
of extremism is not confined by
the borders of the Middle East.
While the horror and heartache brought on by the terrorist
attacks in Paris may tempt us to
seek retribution against those
responsible, we must resist, and
indeed denounce, the urge to
turn our anger against groups
that have no part in terrorisms
ever-rising death toll.
In the hours following the
attacks, social media was
set ablaze with the kind of
Islamophobic rhetoric that has
become an all-too common
response to acts of extremism.
Facebook users posted disgusting, hateful comments such as
If pigs ate muslim they would
get sick! and If eating bacon
means its fuck islam day [then]
EVERY day in my house is fuck
islam day. Oh wait it already
It is far past time we col-

Photo courtesy of Jean Jullian

lectively recognize that the

Muslim faith is not to blame
for the existence and actions
of ISIS. Islam is a religion with
more than 1.6 billion adherents
worldwide, according to Pew
Research Center. Claiming
that all Muslims are somehow
proponents or executors of
terrorism is not only gravely
illogical, but also reflects a
disturbing generalization that is
used to justify hate crimes.
Following the last major act

of terrorism to strike Paris, the

Charlie Hebdo shootings on Jan.
7 of this year, Al Jazeera America
reported that 128 anti-Muslim
threats or actions were recorded
in France in the two weeks
following the shooting.
Condemning deadly acts of
terrorism is well within reason,
but threatening or committing
violence against individuals
because of their religion or
national origin is absolutely inexcusable. Terrorism is borne of

hate and the desire to cultivate

fear and animosity among the
enemy groups. Responding to
ISIS attacks in Paris, Beirut
or elsewhere by targeting all
Muslims only serves to ensure
that more innocent people
What we may forget is that
many Muslims in Europe are
refugees from Syria and other
Middle Eastern countries, where
ISIS is committing the kind of
atrocities seen in Paris on a

LDS church needs to be more progressive

n the Christian community it is

arguable that there may be no
greater taboo word than apostasy.
Apostasy, by definition, means
to fall away from the truth of God and
religion as an entirety.
In recent news, The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints enacted a
new policy that would
inhibit children of
same-sex parents to
become baptized and
practice the Mormon
religion. It would
not be until the child
enters the legal age of
adulthood in which
the individual must
move out and disavow
support for same-sex
Schultz Happens marriage in order to
proceed with religious
practices. For members who engage in
same-sex marriages, their choice of who
to spend their lives with is now defined
as an apostasy, along with rape and
The LDS church is forcing children
to go before their clergy members and
announce that they are A-OK with the
excommunication of their parents from
the church as well as casually state in
more or less words they do not condone
their own parents marriage. The
Mormon religion is not only rejecting
societal progression but pegging
children against their parents, which is
absurd to say the absolute least.
Progression in religion is an absolute
must. There have been countless occurrences in history where religion has
had it wrong. Lets not all forget there
was a point in time where Christians
condoned practices such as human
sacrifices. Was that ever OK? Absolutely

not. However, I am a firm believer in the

fact that as time progresses, there must
be changes made as we become more
knowledgeable in different departments
in order for religion to stay relevant.
Being a part of the LGBT community is
not a choice by any means. That is a fact
that has been swept under the rug by
religious groups for far too long.
The Mormon church is failing to
realize its new policy is doing nothing
but driving a wedge between families.
It is presenting children with an option:
Either you choose your family or your
faith, a choice no one should ever have
to make. Other religions of course are
not necessarily where they should be
either; however no other Christian
branch of religion is enacting new
policies that would push children away
from their parents in order to continue
practicing their religion.
This past Saturday, an influx of LDS
members sent in resignation letters
to the church. Over 1,000 members
decided to leave the church in the wake
of the recent implementations. Salt
Lake City Fox news received a statement
from the LDS church stating, We do not
want to see anyone leave the church,
especially people who have been
struggling with any aspect of their life.
The church exists to build people and
help them heal. We hope that todays
guidance from Church leaders and
the additional commentary will help
provide understanding and context to
some who may be considering resigning
their membership.
Understanding? Context? I apologize,
but it is very hard for me to find understanding in a policy that was made up by
men that only furthers intolerance of the
LGBT community. It is the 21st century. I
have respect for the faith of the Mormon

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people; but, I stand strong in my

belief that in order to keep something
reputable and understandable it must
possess components of modern ideals.
And in modern times, we understand
being gay isnt a choice. The choice is
religious groups such as the LDS church
rejecting fellow children of God.
Despite the backlash the church has
received, there has not been any further
discussions on revoking the new policy
despite the mass exodus.
Collin Haire, a member of both the
LGBT community and the LDS church,
articulates how he feels regarding the
policy change.
The pain comes in all forms. It is
damaging and is very real, said Haire. I
strongly believe it [the policy change]
is not from God, but just from man to
demand to lead like this.
Haire goes on to say that Being gay
is not a myth. I cannot stress enough
how important this really is. Its not
something you can just turn off and
it is definitely not something to be
The LDS community should take
time to acknowledge progression is an
absolute must in order to continue a
strong follower base. There should never
be a time where religions force children
to make a decision between faith and
If the LDS church wants to continue to
claim that it holds family values and love
for Gods children in such high regard,
then it must do away with a policy
that tears families apart and condones
nothing more than discrimination.
Ali Schultz studies journalism. Ali can
be reached at
and on Twitter @AliSchultzzz.

regular basis. They are fleeing

the fear and torment brought on
by the same violence that was
for them a daily reality, yet we in
the West are quick to cast blame
on them, too, when those we
consider our allies are targeted.
The reality is that this reaction
is playing right into the hands
of the group that is actually to
In its own publication, Dabiq,
ISIS railed against what it calls
the grey zone, or the overlap-

ping of Western and Muslim cultures. It seeks to bring division

to the world and destroy the
grey zone according to excerpts
of the publication quoted in The
Placing hatred for the violence
of extremism on all Muslims
only serves to create the division
that ISIS is aiming for. Proposing to close national borders to
any and all further refugees only
serves to trap those refugees in
the grips of fear and violence,
and effectively makes other
countries enablers of the exact
forces they seek to keep out of
their own borders.
When tragedy strikes, as it did
in Paris on Friday, and in Beirut
on Thursday, and in countless
other cities before that, we have
a responsibility to stand with
those who have been affected.
Hate, however, has no place
in international solidarity. We
must not only stand with Paris,
we must stand with the Muslims
being targeted by hate speech
and the refugees fleeing strife in
their homelands.
As President Obama stated
in his address following the
attacks, ... its an attack on all
of humanity and the universal
values that we share the
bonds of libert and galit and
fraternit are not only values
that the French people care
so deeply about, but they are
values that we share.
If we want to truly claim that
these values liberty, equality
and brotherhood are values
that we stand for, we must
actively condemn not only
acts of extremism but also
individual acts of hate. In order
to combat the global scourge of
terrorism, we must replace the
urge to divide ourselves with
the knowledge that, in these
times of fear and uncertainty,
only uniting across barriers of
religion can give us the strength
to move toward a safer world.
The Nevada Sagebrush editorial
staff can be reached at tbynum@ and on Twitter @TheSagebrush.

Beauty is subjective it has

no concrete definition

eauty is a term that has

been tampered with for
centuries. It has constantly been redefined
to try to keep up with the current
trends, but unfortunately, the kind
of redefining we have been trying
to do for years is not the redefining
that is meant to
be paired with
the term beauty.
For example,
during the
Renaissance era,
the most beautiful women were
curvy. As time
continued and
the Victorian
age approached,
women were
expected to wear a corset to have
the illusion of a small waist, which
was the representation of beauty at
that time.
As we entered the 20th century,
every decade called for a new size
of women to be beautiful until the
Since the 60s, we as a society
have been promoting smaller and
smaller women. What this has
done is allowed the media and
big corporations to move in and
promote a thin ideal to unattainable proportions in order to
create a sense of discomfort within
This discomfort will drive
individuals to buy products that
will attempt to have them look
more like what is considered beautiful, which in turn, will feed the
corporations to push to even more
extreme measures of the criteria for
beauty. It is a never-ending cycle
that revolves around money.
The Huffington Post reported on
Lady Gaga releasing a statement
regarding Photoshop. She advised
young people to fight back against
the forces that make them feel
like theyre not beautiful and
went on to explain how excessive
Photoshop is offensive.
It is fair to write about the
change in your magazines. But
what I want to see is the change
on your covers ... When the

covers change, thats when culture

The truth of the matter is that a
majority of the head of magazines
morally do not believe in all the
fad diets and pictures of women
they are publishing, but it sells
so they do not move to change
the problem. What needs to be
recognized is not the flaws that the
media have currently installed into
our heads, but instead the pattern
of redefining beauty. It is true that
beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
It is inevitable that there will
come a plateau in the future
regarding the thin ideal where
society cannot go any thinner, and
a new more radical beauty ideal will
However, if we look at the
past, the reason why this way of
redefining beauty never works
and constantly needs to change
is because there cannot be one
standardized model of beauty.
We literally cannot redefine
beauty by changing physical
appearances because beauty is
not meant to be standardized or
physically changed. Beauty is not
definable. It is different for each
person, society and culture. Beauty
is not objective; there are many
definitions. It is the way that one
expresses how they are through
their passions, or the way that
someone can smile or laugh and
light up an entire room. It is the way
that a persons eyes can shine when
they get excited, or the way a body
can make beautiful movements.
If we, as a society, can focus on
all the things that we are blessed
with in regard to our body and how
perfectly it is created, then I believe
each and every one of us will find
peace and content, which we can
currently imagine. This is what true
beauty looks like, and this is how
we are supposed to redefine beauty,
by bringing it back to the true form,
which is open for every single
persons individual beauty.
Anna Rocco studies nursing. She
can be reached at and on Twitter


@The Sagebrush |

Michele Fiore glamorizes guns

while ruining Nevadas image

he right to own a firearm is

a foundational right of the
United States. In fact it is a
right that many Americans
hold so dear that any attempt to
restrict the sales of guns is immediately struck down, most often by
the National Rifle Association.
However, there
is no question that
America is ravaged
by violence with
290 mass shootings since the start
of 2015 according
to the Gun
Violence Archive.
Of course the
partisan debate
over gun control
has many faces on
both sides of the aisle in Congress,
but one of the most outspoken
voices of the pro-gun right is
Nevadas own assemblywoman
Michele Fiore.
In a recent feat of ludicrous
behavior, Fiore has released a
calendar filled with pro-gun
rhetoric and photos of Fiore herself
sensually posing with a variety of
different models of firearms. To put
it lightly, Fiore has effectively made
a laughingstock of the Nevada
Legislature, which is already
considered a borderline circus on
the national level.
This isnt the assemblywomans
first run-in with being skewered
by the media for reprehensible comments regarding guns.
Fiore sponsored several pieces
of gun-rights legislation in the
Nevada Legislature this year, most
notably her effort to get guns on
campus as a means for stopping
campus rape. Fiore, for all of her
ridiculous claims, found previously
unexplored depths of ignorance
when she was quoted in a New York
Times article that young, hot little
girls armed with guns would be
the cure for the rape epidemic that
faces college campuses across the
Right. Let me guess, the best
way to stop a bad guy with a gun is
a hot, little girl with a gun. This is
the kind of rhetoric that the great
state of Nevada is known for on the
national level. The hot, little girls
comment is enough of a misstep
(to put it lightly) for any politicians
career, but Fiore doesnt do things
halfway. The calendar and its
content are particularly disturbing.
Gun violence has become a
greater killer of the American
population than automobile
accidents according to an article
on Yet, here is the
state assemblywoman posing with
a family, each member armed to

A letter to
my past self
by sexual
and a cause

ear 18-Year-Old Judgmental

Version of Myself,
You were naive and worried
about what others thought of
you. You were misinformed about sex.
You used stereotypes to define others
sexual actions and choices, as well as
your own.
You used words like
slut, tease and
whore in jokes with
your friends, but little
did you know that
you were contributing
to an underlying
misogynistic culture.
You shamed yourself
for the one-night
stands, yet chose the
men who were praised
for the number of
women they slept with. More double
standards piled up fueled by misguided
cultural values.
Then, when friends would recall incoherent hookups with someone at a party,
your first thoughts were to question how
much theyd been drinking rather than
make sure they were OK or recognize
that something wasnt right.
You werent completely lost though.
Thanks for not taking yourself too
seriously and being open to change.
Thanks for standing your ground
on your morals and being confident
enough to have a voice and make you
own decisions, even if you thought they
were once mistakes.



We all have growing up to do in college, and as I

have gotten older I have realized that the extra hour
of sleep is way more valuable than contouring my
jawline. I have come to realize the relationships you
develop in college are unlike anything youve ever
experienced. It is time to acknowledge it is not about
quantity of friends in college, but quality.
Freshman year is such an overwhelming time and it
can be hard to remember where our priorities should
fall. Its easy to make fun of freshman girls. They wear
a lot of makeup and very little clothing. They care too
much what others think and attend too many poorlythemed frat parties. They dont know the difference
between a Tom Collins and a Shirley Temple. But
they will soon begin to swap their skinny jeans for
sweatpants and embrace their North Faces as going
out attire. By no means am I saying that caring about
your appearance makes you immature or desperate,
but learning to care more about my friendships and
quality library time more than my J. Crew sweater
collection has helped the rest of my life truly fall right
into place.

When I was in high school, I always

felt a need to adapt myself to others
standards. I was me but I didnt really
have my own voice. My ability to feel
empowered was heavily shadowed by
the everyday stereotypes that surrounded me. Even now, acknowledging
the existence of sexual stereotypes
is a subconscious notion such that I
still register those types of judgments.
Granted, I choose not to think about
those stereotypes or act upon them, and
instead I surround myself with positivity.
So how did I come to this drastic
change of individuality and sex positivity in the last four years?
Ive found guidance from my parents
whove always allowed an open forum
for ideas and let me make my own
mistakes. Theyve always supported my
decisions and reminded me how proud
they are constantly positive.
Theres something about consistent
positive reinforcement that enhances an
individuals ability to strive to be great.
My parents gave me that.
However, my parents werent the only
shapers of my individuality.
In college I began surrounding myself
with people who inspired me. They
were a little different, but they actually
gave a shit about something other than
At the beginning of this semester I was
sitting in a room full of educated, bright
and creative people. We were asked if we
could support any cause, what would
it be. Everyone had something to say
about each cause they chose, and all of
their reasoning was selfless.
When we decided on consent as our
cause, it resonated with all of us. It
stood out and needed a student voice; it
needed our voice.
There was the door and I was ready to
open it.
Choosing to approach consent
through sex-positive messaging was our
way of kicking down that door.
Controversial, yes. But how does that
saying go? If youre not pissing someone off, youre not doing your job.
Controversy usually just means that
someone is uncomfortable with an idea,
but if we really look at what sex positivity is, it shouldnt be uncomfortable at
Sex positivity empowers individuals
to make their own choices, whether
thats choosing to say yes or no to sex.
Sex positivity allows someone to have
a voice and helps shape his or her
That actually sounds quite comforting
to me. Id rather have a voice, know my
decisions from my mistakes and endorse
a cause that really matters than silently
allow ridicule and judgment from others
to cloud a cause that research has
proven needs championing.
To find more information about
sex-positive messaging and consent,
The Yes! Always campaign is focused
on educating students about consent.
Look for the Yes! Always symbol and
Consentress walking around campus for
additional information.

Rachel Yelverton studies political science. She can be

reached at and on Twitter

Maddison Hoffman studies journalism.

She can be reached at alexandraschultz@ and on Twitter @TheSagebrush.

Tweet via Michele Fiore @VoteFiore

the teeth celebrating the birth

of Jesus Christ, one of historys
better-known pacifists. Even more
troubling than the thought of a
heavily armed Christmas gathering,
is the little boy who is featured
front and center of the photo. He
cant be older than 6, and he has a
Regardless of an individuals
stance on guns, there are some statistics that every American should
be aware of. In 2015 alone, there
have 614 children under the age of
11 who have been killed or injured
by guns and 2,296 children between
the ages of 12 to 17 according the

GVA. Altogether there have been

2,910 children whose lives have
been ended or greatly affected by
gun violence in this year alone. One
child killed by guns is too many;
nearly 3,000 is indefensible.
Fiores glamorization and
imagery regarding gun use in
her calendar is destructive to the
perception of guns as dangerous
weapons that end lives, something
that few gun advocates seem to
mention. They are not toys or
accessories, but Fiores treatment
of the weapons contributes to the
highly weaponized culture within
the United States.

However, it is up to the citizens

of Nevada to take a stand against
this kind of deplorable behavior by
our representatives. Email or call
assemblywoman Fiores office and
make your voice heard. Vote in local
elections. Participate in the democratic process. Otherwise, the door
is left open for extreme politicians to
dominate the discussion surrounding some of the most divisive issues
facing our state and country.
Alexa Solis studies journalism.
She can be reached at alexasolis@ or on Twitter

Illustration by Zak Brady/Nevada Sagebrush

I dont care, its senior year

Freshman try not to care so
much what others think


inter is coming. The Starbucks cups

change, the temperatures drop and
freshman girls risk frostbite as they
speed-walk in masses between
fraternity houses. As the end of my college career
rapidly approaches, I cant help but reminisce about
my first winter in Reno.
I owned over 10 pairs of tights in varying neutral
shades. My cardigan collection rivaled that of Hillary
Clinton, and I refused to leave my
dorm room wearing Uggs because
they were strictly slippers. I never
ceased to look like anything less
than a Pinterest princess every
single day.
It was freshman year. I was 18,
flirty and thriving.
Fast forward three years later,
and I can now hardly muster the
energy to put on jeans. I know I am
not alone in this fashion deteriora-

tion; its always blatantly obvious who the freshmen

and the seniors are at a party. But why does this
transition inevitably happen? What is it about these
formative years that make bras so uncomfortable and
makeup such an overwhelming task?
College is the time for self-actualization. Think back
to your freshman year when you were a vulnerable
child looking for a sense of security. Think about
where you thought you would be at this point in your
life. Most of us never imagined that wed be doing
the things we currently do. We have been told our
entire lives cliches based on the fact that college is our
chance to reinvent ourselves. These are supposedly
the best years of our lives, and we make our own
For so many of us, we think that curling our hair
for 8 a.m. lectures will result in acceptance from
our peers. I spent the same amount of time getting
ready for my first college party as my senior prom. It
also didnt help that my only sources of inspiration
regarding collegiate fashion came from Gossip Girl
and Degrassinot exactly setting realistic standards.
I was constantly worried if my hair was doing that
weird flippy thing, and I didnt even realize I was
meeting the people that would soon come to mean
the world to me.

vs. UC Davis

vs. Arizona

W 31-17

L 44-20

at Texas
L 44-27


Top 5 Sports
Couples Ever

at Buffalo

vs. UNLV

W 24-21

L 23-17

vs. New
W 35-17

at Wyoming

vs. Hawaii

L 28-21

W 30-20


at Fresno
W 30-16

vs. San Jose

W 37-34

contender or Pretender?
Nevada looks the part early in the season



So Davis isnt exactly an

athlete (sports model), but this
was too good to pass up. Jeter has
an absolutely legendary history
of girlfriends including Jessica
Alba, Adrianna Lima and Scarlett
Johansson. Jeter might be better
at romancing women than he was
at pulling through in the clutch.
Hypothetical child: Chase Jeter,
shortstop for the Boston Red Sox.

at Utah State
Saturday, Nov. 21 at 12:30 p.m.

@SagebrushSports |



By Jack Rieger
After two meaningless tournament wins in Hawaii, Im all
in on Nevada basketball. If there were a way to buy stock in
this team right now, I would refinance my parents house, sell
my 2002 Toyota Camry, steal my roommates rent check and
buy as much stock as humanly possible.
I realize theyve played just two games against small
schools in a tournament that will be probably be forgotten
by the end of the season, but Ive seen enough. Nevada
basketball is no longer a bottom-dweller in the Mountain
West Conference thanks to the human refresh button that
is coach Eric Musselman, who has not only vastly improved
the team, but has also implemented an exciting, fast-paced
style of play that produces an entertaining product.
The quality of a collegiate team is all about coaching.
College coaches are the CEO of their teams; they control
recruiting, game planning, hiring of assistant coaches, rulemaking, and of course the play on the court. Eric Musselman,
a former NBA coach, is now the CEO of Nevada basketball
and his influence on the team has been palpable.
Nevada scored 83 points in its game on Sunday against
Montana State, which matches last years season high. It also
shot 50 percent from the field, which bests its 2014 high of 48
percent. On Friday night, Nevada beat Coastal Carolina by
17 a team that made the NCAA tournament in 2013 and
2014. Both wins also came on the road, where Nevada was
2-17 last season.
Coach Musselman spoke with Reno Gazette-Journal
reporter Chris Murray on the phone after the Packs first win.
After the Coastal Carolina game, Ive never been in a
locker room at any level where I saw so many happy faces
and so much enthusiasm, said Musselman. Tonight, after
the win, it was like they expected to win. There was no celebrating. They came into the building tonight expecting to
win but respecting Montana State, and thats a huge step in
our development mentally as a group.
stressed the importance of invoking
confidence from his
team before the season
even started.
We want them to start
believing in themselves again
because I think their confidence
has been rocked off the last two
years, he said.
The pessimistic angle would be that
Nevada won its first two games last year as well, then
went on to lose nine straight. But thats not happening
with this team because it is too well-coached and too
talented to be outplayed for weeks on end.
Nevada plays in an average Mountain West Conference, led by San Diego State, Boise State and New
Mexico. Odds makers have given The Wolf Pack close
to no chance of winning the Mountain West or making
the NCAA tournament, which makes sense considering its gone 37-58 in the last three seasons and hasnt
made the tournament since 2007. But 2015s team
could care less about its recent history because it
is led by a veteran coach whos won at every level
hes coached.
Nevada will upset a lot of critics and teams
this year, and come March, maybe even
compete for a Mountain West championship.



In his book, Agassi admitted

to taking meth and wearing wigs
during his playing days. He also won
eight grand-slam championships
and eventually went bald. Graff is
considered a top three womens player
ever, winning 22 grand slam titles.
Hypothetical child: Nicolas Agassi,
second baseman for the Dodgers.






While theyre no longer

together, Woods and Vonn were two
of the most dominant athletes in their
respected sport. Although hes known
for getting around the block, Woods
started dating Vonn in 2013, when
he won PGA Tour Player of the Year.
Hypothetical child: Carly Woods,
United States skier.

Mia Hamm is arguably the

most famous female sports star ever,
and Nomar was a six time all-star
shortstop and two-time batting
champion. What do you think they
talk about at dinner, besides how
unbelievably athletic their potential
child would be. Hypothetical child:
Max Garciaparra, midfielder for
Manchester United.

Arguably the two most powerful

figures in the sports world, Jackson and
Buss both hold managerial positions in
the NBA. Phil is the general manager
of the New York Knicks and Jeannie is
the team president of the Lakers, where
Phil used to coach. Hypothetical child:
Andrew Jackson, coach for the Chicago


Jack Rieger can be reached at jrieger@ and on Twitter @JackRieger.

Nevada at Utah State

When: Saturday, Nov. 21,
12:30 p.m.

12:30 p.m.

at San Diego





Air Force



Boise State



New Mexico



Utah State



Colorado State










San Diego State






San Jose State






Fresno State







Nevadas doubles pair, comprised
of Blaga Delic and Sheila Morales,
came up empty on the first day of
the 2015 USTA/ITA National Indoor
Intercollegiate Championships. They
dropped their first match of the day
in two sets while squaring off against
Ohio States doubles duo. North
Carolinas doubles team also defeated
Delic and Morales in two sets. The
Wolf Packs doubles pair still has
another match this Friday, in which its
opponent is yet to be determined.

The Wolf Packs cross country team
acquired its second top-10 finish in
five years. On the morning of Nov.
13, Nevadas cross country team took
ninth place at the Mountain Regional
Championships. The team was led by
senior Emily Myers, who made her first
ever top-20 finish, coming in at 17th
place. While this championship marks
the end of cross country season, the
runners are now switching gears and
focusing on the upcoming track and
field season.

Womens basketball received a loss
Sunday afternoon, against Montana
State at Lawlor Events Center. The
team was led by senior captain
Nyasha LeSure, who was a force to
be reckoned with on both sides of the
court. She tallied a career-high 20
points, while producing one block and
one steal on the defensive side. This
loss to Montana State isnt the end of
the world; in fact, many facets of the
teams game improved, including field
goal percentage, rebounding, assists,
steals and three-point percentage.

Nevada traveled to Utah State, only
to meet its demise; even the efforts of
reigning Mountain West Player of the
Week Madison Morell werent enough.
She recorded her fourth straight
20-plus kill performance in a 3-1 loss
to Utah State. The Pack found itself
down 2-0 early in the match. The team
would go on to win the third set, but
eventually lose its footing and fail to
win the fourth set.

Where: Maverik Stadium

AstroTurf (22,059)
2014 season records: Nevada (7-6
overall, 4-4 MWC), Utah State (10-4
overall, 6-2 MWC)
Quote of the Week: In the end, its about
the teaching, and what I always loved
about coaching was the practices. Not
the games, not the tournaments, not the
alumni stuff. But teaching the players
during practice was what coaching was
all about to me.
John Wooden

at Utah State

Henry MacDiarmid/Nevada Sagebrush

Guard DJ Fenner attacks the rim for a layup on Friday, Nov. 6 against Alaska-FairBanks. Fenner has averaged 16.5
points and 7 rebounds per game for the pack.

Brandon Cruz can be reached at neil@ or on Twitter


The king has to be Drake. I know hes a legit Raptors fan, but he
is also the biggest bandwagon fan of all time. There is an entire
article called 30 worst Drake fanboy moments and it is painful
to read. There is a meme that shows him hugging everyone from
LeBron James to DeMarcus Cousins and the caption says that
he looks like the proudest girlfriend. Lets not mention that he
is the biggest Kentucky basketball bandwagon fan ever, that is
until they lost to UCONN in the title game back in 2014. Then he
just goes to celebrate in UCONNs locker room.

On my way home from Tahoe this weekend I was forced to listen

to Justin Biebers new album Purpose, in a car full of girls for an
hour and a half. Thats an hour and a half I will never get back. How
many problems could a guy worth $200 million have? Ill tell you;
90 minutes worth. Not only does every song sound exactly the
same, but Bieber is doing this wining thing the entire time where
he sounds like hes painfully giving birth while simultaneously
enjoying it. To be fair, a lot of people really love his music.


Neil Patrick




@SagebrushSports |


DICKS PICKS Wolf Pack athletic teams add

recruits on early signing period

Chris Dick Blake sets your

fantasy lineup for week 11
Stud: WR Dez Bryant: No one
is more excited for the return
of Tony Romo more than wide
receiver Dez Bryant. Bryant has
struggled since
returning week
nine from a
foot injury as
Matt Cassel
has failed to
get the ball to
the receiver. I
look for Dez
to get back
Chris Dick
into superstar
form against
Dicks Picks
a Dolphins
secondary that continues to get
beat deep.
Prediction: 8 rec 144 yards, 2 TDs


Dud: QB Andy Dalton: Andy

Dalton has had a stellar
season so far. The key phrase
being so far. Dalton and
the Bengals are notorious for
crashing hard when it counts.
The Bengals have been a top
team in the AFC and havent
had their signature collapse
yet. Week 11 may be that week.
I see Andy Dalton struggling
on the road against a fast and
physical Arizona Cardinals
Prediction: 25-43, 202 yards, 1
TD, 3 INTs


Got Guts?: RB Darren Sproles:

Darren Sproles is the smallest
man in the league. Listed at
5-foot-6, the running back
has relied on his quickness
throughout his NFL career and
has been successful. However,
Sproles is third on the depth
chart in Philly. But with Ryan
Mathews going down week
10 with a concussion, Sproles
may see an expanded role
week 11. With Mark Sanchezs
love of checking the ball down
and Sproles ability to catch
the ball for big gains, I could
see Sproles having a big game.
Prediction: 7 carries, 48 yards,
6 rec, 93 yards, 1 TD
Chris Dick Blake can be reached
at and
on Twitter @SagebrushSports.

By Neil Patrick Healy

In college sports, recruiting is what
determines the fate of a program
years before games are played. On
Wednesday, Nov. 11, multiple Nevada
teams signed their recruiting classes
to bolster their rosters and set the
course of the future here in the early
signing period.

In head coach Eric Musselmans
first season he has already made
big headlines on the recruiting trail.
His debut class was ranked at No.
35 in the nation and second in the
Mountain West (behind UNLV), according to Four players
signed their letter of intent last week:
point guard Devearl Ramsey, small
forward Josh Hall, power forward
Kenneth Wooten and small forward
Sam Williams. Hall and Ramsey
are rated as four-star recruits and
help bolster the 2016 class to be the
highest-rated class since 2008, which
included future first round pick Luke
Babbit. Williams, a Reno native and
former Hug High star, played junior
college ball at Mt. San Jacinto College
in California and will be allowed to
join the team in December, while the
other three will join before the 20162017 season.

The womens basketball program
added its own top-tier recruit in
5-foot-11 guard Desirae Gonzalez.
She averaged 29.7 points and 10.7
rebounds per game last year and was
Arizonas leading scorer her junior
year. Head coach Jane Albright said
that she intends to add a transfer and
wants to add a post player before the
final signing period date.

Continued from page A12

Besides Gipson, most of the offense

gets kudos for their performances. The
two-headed monster at running back
with Don Jackson and James Butler set
the tone on the ground, with Butler tallying 119 yards and a 58-yard touchdown
on 16 carries while Jackson tacked on 84
yards and the tying touchdown late in the
fourth quarter. Both backs are inching
closer to eclipsing the 1000-yard mark for
the season (Butler with 997 and Jackson
with 897) and are leading a team that
averages 5.1 yards-per-carry. Quarterback
Tyler Stewart had his most complete
game of the season with three touchdown
passes while throwing 16-for-26 for 174
yards while also having a huge 4-yard run
to convert on fourth down and kept the
game-tying drive alive.


First-year head coach Lee Nelson
signed four players last Wednesday.
The class includes 6-foot-2 middle
blocker Shayla Hoeft, 5-foot-8 setter
Dalyn Burns, 5-foot-8 libero Camille
Davey and 6-foot outside hitter Ayla
Fresenius. Fresenius and Davey are
teammates from Laguna Beach,
Hoeft is from Hawaii and Burns is
from San Jose.
Fresenius and Davey are teammates from Laguna Beach, Hoeft is
from Hawaii and Burns is from San


Henry MacDiarmid/Nevada Sagebrush

Nevada head coach Eric Musselman stands on the sideline and watches the
Wolf Pack take on Alaska-Fairbanks on Friday, Nov. 6 at Mackay Stadium.
Musselman inked the No. 35 recruiting class in the nation last Wednesday
according to


Eight recruits committed to Nevada
for the early signing period, which
included a number of international
students. The class includes distance
runners Adria Barich, Delaney White
and Hiley Dobbs, javelin throwers
Zo Fitch and Raffaeka Wiesbech,
thrower Emma Hickman, sprinter
Tegan Wilson and hurdler Franziska
Kindt. Wiesbech and Kindt are from
Germany, Wilson is from Canada and

This game all comes down to the

offensive line of Nevada and the front
seven of Utah State. Who will be able
to establish themselves? Nevadas
running game is coming in with a lot of
momentum, especially Butler who has
run for over 100 yards in four out of the
last five games. Utah State has a stout run
defense and out of the Aggies five wins,
only Wyomings Brian Hill ran for over
100 yards (201 yards on 26 carries). The
run defense of Utah State only allows 3.7
yards-per-carry and 159.2 total rushing
yards. Lets not forget that this is the
defense that forced Boise State to commit
eight turnovers (five fumbles and three
Tyler Stewart showed last week that he
is capable of leading come-from-behind
drives and performing in the clutch,
but can he do it if the running game is
neutralized? When Stewart has thrown 29
times or more, Nevada is 0-4. This is an
important statistic because if the Aggies
shut down the Packs running game he
will have to make plays through the air.


Fitch is from England. Wiesbech was

with Nevada when she won the silver
medal in the 2014 Mountain West
outdoor championships and is now
returning to the program.
The final signing period date is Nov.
18, but the various Nevada programs
look to have added both numbers and
talent to their new recruiting classes.

Styles make fights and this matchup

is actually a very intriguing one, but the
Aggies have too much going for them to
give up their first home loss in two years.
This will be a close one, however. Im
not totally sold on this pick because of
what Nevada managed to do in crunch
time last week against the Spartans. If
Nevada steals this win and San Diego
State somehow manages to lose to UNLV,
then the season finale will have the West
Division title on the line.

Neil Patrick Healy can be reached at and on Twitter @NeilTheJuiceMan.

Neil Patrick Healy can be reached at neil@ and on Twitter @NeilTheJuiceMan.

Winter Sports Club

Continued from page A12

Were losing local athletes for sure because we

cant offer them full scholarships for tuition or to
pay for their competition expenses, said Monforte.
Its been a little frustrating since Ive been here.
Theres a lot of talk within the team along with our
boosters, but what were really struggling with is a
clear path to what we need to do to get the recognition.
Monforte was respectful of the universitys decision to demote the club, but he also pointed out the
schools lack of support.
I think the effort is there, but the actual steps the
school has given us isnt there, Monforte said.
Monforte is one of the most talented skiers in the
United States, having competed with the national
ski cross team as a senior in high school. He also
competed at the junior world championships for
team USA. He was convinced to come to Nevada
because of the opportunity to lead a program hes
looked up to since he was a kid growing up in
Squaw Valley.
Monfortes frustrations with the university in
regards to establishing the club as an NCAA team
are legitimate for a few reasons. Firstly, local
boosters have supported the Winter Sports Club
financially for many years, including after the
university dropped the team following the 2008
season, meaning there are many people invested in
the clubs future.

More importantly, the club is within an hour

drive of one of the most prestigious ski destinations
in the world Lake Tahoe. Of any sport at Nevada,
you would assume skiing has the greatest potential
for success because of the proximity to Lake Tahoe,
which is a breeding ground for skiing prodigies and
home to the nicest ski facilities in North America.
Instead of taking advantage of the clubs geographical advantages, the university remains unwilling to
encourage the Winter Sports Clubs potential.
Monforte, who just recovered from a broken tibia
and fibula suffered on a warm-up run in Italy last
year, has set high personal goals for the upcoming
Id like to be on the podium at our local conference races, and then have top-five results in nationals, said Monforte.
Despite the lack of support from the university,
Monforte has also set high goals for the team, whose
season begins on Jan. 16.
Our team goal is to qualify for a spot at Nationals
in Lake Placid, New York and to be competitive,
Monforte said. A lot of other schools have a lot
more support, so for us, being the underdogs, I
want to see us pull off some good results.
While the Winter Sports Club isnt an NCAA team
and doesnt have financial support from the university, its label as a club doesnt quite do it justice. The
teams priority is to be competitive and to go to nationals, with or without the support of its university.
Jack Rieger can be reached at jrieger@sagebrush.unr.
edu and on Twitter @JackRieger.


@SagebrushSports |



Photo courtesy of Nico Monforte

Nico Monforte races in the

North American Skicross tour
in Mount Hood, Oregon during
the 2013 /2014 season. Mt.
Hood Meadows is the largest
and most popular resort in

Photo courtesy of Nico


Nico Monforte competes

in the North American Skicross tour at Mt. Hood. The
Skicross was added to the
Skiing World Cup in 2004.

Club or
Winter Sports Club has potential for
success, but lacks university support
By Jack Rieger
The definition of club, according to Google, is an
association or organization dedicated to a particular interest or activity. As many college students can tell you,
universities have all sorts of clubs. Theres the Nevada
Students for Hillary club, whose sole purpose is to promote presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Theres the
Puzzle Club, where members meet the first and third
Tuesday of every month to assemble and discuss you
guessed it puzzles. Theres even a Magic TCG Club
whose members meet to analyze and debate a surprisingly popular card game created in 1993.
Clubs serve an important purpose for college students. As young people mature, they are exposed to new
experiences and develop unique interests. Clubs act as
a platform for those curiosities, providing resources and
people interested in similar activities as you.
But where is the line drawn between a club and
something like a football team? It would be inaccurate
to refer to the Nevada football team as a club because
of its financial support, and more importantly, its label
as an NCAA team. It operates more like a business that
partners with the NCAA, with the primary goal being to
win, and hopefully, to turn a profit in the process.

One athletic club attempting to make the leap from

club status to an official NCAA team is the Winter Sports
Club, which consists of a skiing and snowboarding
team. The club was created in 1936 by Wayne Poulsen,
who was also one of the original creators of Squaw Valley in Lake Tahoe. In the 50s, Poulsen convinced the
NCAA to establish the club as an official NCAA team.
Except for a period in the 80s and 90s, the Nevada ski
team retained its NCAA label until the economic recession of 2008, when the athletic department decided to
drop skiing as a varsity sport.
The teams demotion to the club level has been
challenging for the program. It lost its ability to offer
scholarships to team members, it no longer has access
to Nevada facilities, and it isnt excused from class for
competitions. The clubs current alpine captain, Nico
Monforte, explained how difficult recruiting is without
the schools support.
Photo courtesy of Nico Monforte

Nico Monforte races in the Far West

FIS Slalom race at Heavenly ski
resort in Lake Tahoe in the spring of
2012. Monforte broke his Tibia and
Fibula in the spring of 2014.


Pack Preview: Tough road test awaits Nevada in Aggie land

By Neil Patrick Healy

ime to celebrate Wolf

Pack Nation! Why?
Nevada is bowl-eligible.
After the debacles of the
UNLV and Wyoming games earlier
this season, the Pack qualified for
a bowl game for the tenth time out
of the last 11 years with their win
against the San Jos State Spartans
last Saturday.
The seniors went
home happy
after their last
home game,
the 17,215 fans
that made the
trip to Mackay
Stadium (lowest
attendance since
Neil Patrick
2011) got to see
an entertaining
and the Spartans didnt get to
metaphorically Spartan kick head
coach Brian Polian into the pit of
despair like the Persian messenger
in 300. In what turned out to be
a thrilling, watch from the edge of
your seat kind of game, Nevada
pulled off a huge 37-34 win in
overtime, and the Pack stand at

6-4 with two more games left on

the schedule. The final stretch
of the season is a grueling one,
with a road trip to play the Utah
State Aggies up first. Utah State is
a team that is tough to diagnose.
The Aggies pulled off an enormous
win against Boise State and played
close with PAC-12 contender Utah,
but have dropped the game against
New Mexico and were creamed by
San Diego State 48-14. Tough to
diagnose indeed.


Nevada leads the all-time series
against Utah State 17-5, but the
Aggies won the last matchup with a
21-17 win back in 2011 that ended a
Wolf Pack six-game winning streak.
After coming off a close 35-28 loss
at Air Force, the Aggies sit at 5-5
with the Pack being their lone game
remaining before taking on in-state
rival BYU. Despite the so-so record,
Utah State ranks in the top 40
nationally in 11 different categories.
The most noteworthy stats come
on the defensive side of the ball,
where the Aggies rank 27th in
opponent third down conversions
(.331), 31st in first downs allowed

(18.2 per game) and 29th in total

defense (341.8 yards per game).
But the most important aspect to
keep in mind is Utah State is one
of the toughest opponents to beat
at home. The Aggies are currently
riding a 12-game home winning
streak and have only lost two home
games since 2012.


Can we just take a minute and
point out that tight end Jarred
Gipson was completely wide open
on the game-winning touchdown
in overtime? Ive been saying all
season that Gipson is arguably
the most important piece for the
success of the offense and he came
up with a huge game. Gipson
finished with three catches for 55
yards and the clinching touchdown
in overtime go along with his two
huge plays on the game-tying
touchdown drive in regulation.
First was his 27-yard grab to set
Nevada up with first and 10 on the
Spartan 12-yard line and then he
drew a pass interference call two
plays later to set up first and goal at
the two.


Nathan Brown Silva/Nevada Sagebrush

Lenny Jones (94) pursues San Jose State wide receiver Hansell Wilson. Nevada beat the Spartans
in overtime 37-34.

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