WJHS Press Issue 7

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Issue No. 7

WJHS Press
Wells Junior High School Fall - Early Winter 2015/16

The Eighth Grade Senior Citizen

Thanksgiving Dinner
By:Tyler Carpenter
Photographs by: Covy Dufort

It was November 22nd on the Sunday before

Thanksgiving. The Eighth graders were
awaiting the arrival of the seniors. They were
anxious and thrilled with their assignment.
Tim was striking the piano keys, cutting
through the chatter between the friends and
families. The eighth graders greeted and
welcomed the elderly, who were met with the
overwhelming smell of turkey, stuffing, and
mashed potatoes.
Over 500 seniors showed up at the dinner; the
biggest turnout ever. The hustle and bustle
within the dining room was enormous. The
servers were slipping between tables and
bodies, balancing the food for our guests. The
eight kitchen helpers, led by Mrs. Falconer,
were working hard dishing out the food for our
All of the seniors who came had a great time,
and ate lots of delicious food. Many of them
wished us a Happy Thanksgiving, and even
tried to tip us, but of course we did not accept.
The Thanksgiving dinner was once again a
spectacular success!

Wells Junior High School Newspaper

Andrew Mott - Chief of Layout & Design
Covy Dufort - Co-Editor & Photographer
Tyler Carpenter - Co-Editor
Kenzie Webb - Co-Editor

Issue No. 7
Birth of the world
by:Andrew Mott
Fascinating how it is, ice spreading instantly on the
semi-frozen grass,
chilling water to ice that is already shattered, adding
another layer of destruction to the paths already

Zoe Clark - Feature Writer

Julie Mott - Feature Writer
Negl Martell - Feature Writer

Fascinating how it is, the fiery inferno bending

around the chilled surface of the water,
steam rolling off the frozen lake, flowing smoothly
around it as a foggy cloak.

Timothy Martell - Feature Writer

Felicia DesJardins - Feature Writer
Logan Bedell - Feature Writer
Olivia Michaud - Feature Writer
Andrew Wuerthner - Sports Editor
Jordan Belanger - Sports Editor
Nathan Chandler - Photographer
Tyler Evans - Guest Writer
Ashleigh Bolduc -Guest Artist
Julie Esch - Advisor
Kelci Nguyen - Feature Writer in next issue
Tabitha Boudle - Feature Writer in next issue

Fascinating how it is, the air budging along, making

way for the battle of water and fire, giving both a
wide berth for their battle, and
then sweeping upon them like an invisible hand,
spreading them apart, giving this place of
nothingness some amount of balance.
Table of Contents:
Page 1: The Eighth Grade Turkey Dinner, by: Tyler
Page 2: Birth of the World by Andrew Mott
Page 3: New Faces around WJHS by Julie Mott and
Zoe Clark
Page 4: Play Review by Andrew Mott and Felicia
Page 5: Bodies and Boats by Tyler Evans
Abundance Of Waves by Felcia Desjardin
Page 6: Is it Worth the Pain? by Jordan Belanger
Page 7:Christmas Tree Poll by Julie Mott and Zoe
Page 8: Downhill Disaster; Part One by Tyler
Page 9: Basketball Interview of Abbie Booth by
Jordan Belanger

Wells Junior High School Newspaper

Issue No. 7

New Faces Around WJHS!

By: Zoe Clark and Julie Mott
This article is a preview from some of the new students from 5th, 6th,7th,and 8th grade. We asked them a
series of questions. In this issue we interviewed the 7th graders, and in the next issues will feature the other
Zoe and Julie: Where did you used to live?
Negel: I used to live in a place called Sanford, Maine.
Ashton: I moved here from Sanford, Maine.
Dalton: We relocated from Biddeford, Maine.
Emma: We used to live in Lebanon, Maine. I attended Noble School.
Zoe and Julie: What is your favorite color, food, word, book(s), movie(s) and TV show(s)?
Negel: Sunset orange, cinnamon rolls, actuality, the Lost Hero, Four Avengers, and I dont have a favorite
Ashton: Blue, tacos, I dont have a favorite word, Thrasher magazines, Bad Grandpa, and Gothem.
Dalton: Blue, steak, buckets, Fallout, The Last Witch Hunter, and Sponge Bob.
Emma: Green/blue, pizza and pickles, I dont have a favorite word, Shades of Grey, I dont have a favorite
movie, and Pretty Little Liars.
Zoe and Julie,: If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it?
Negel: I would make a business so I could gain even more money.
Ashton: Donate to the homeless, give some money to my parents, and save some for later in life.
Dalton: Id give to charity, veterans, homeless people, and to help breast cancer.
Emma: Id donate some for breast cancer, buy a new phone, and also buy some new clothes.

Wells Junior High School Newspaper

Issue No. 7

The Fall Play Review

By: Felicia DesJardins, Emily Jarvis, &
Andrew Mott
I've been in a couple of different plays, but this
one was like no other! The Wells School District
decided to try having a new drama teacher, not
totally eliminating Mrs. Ronda though, our
original drama teacher. Mrs. Ronda agreed to
having a new person in her place for the fall
play. His name is Mr. Carbone. Mr. Carbone
decided to teach us a new way of learning new
acting skills, by having at least 2-4 people be in a
single skit.
This made everyone pretty much have a lead
role. He decided to call it Black and White Night,
consisting of white prop sets, and a black
background. This makes the audience focus
more on the characters, and interpret their own
background. Each skit tied a little bit into us on
our way to growing up. Some were serious, and
others were there to make you laugh.
He also made the list of skits go from a serious
one, to a more enthusiastic one. Most of the
costumes were considered some-what like school

clothes or comfy stuff like pajamas and

sweatpants. Although, you would have a
scene where some costumes stuck out like a
sore thumb
During practices we usually practiced best
when we started learning our lines page by
page. For each page, we started by reading it,
and then thought after we got the hang of
most of it, we tried going off book. We
especially had to memorize our blocking,
which was a little more difficult. It seemed to
work really well, and most people learned all
of their lines perfectly. This took us a little bit,
but in the end, the show was almost flawless.
It took us about three to four weeks to
memorize our lines. I had one other person
in my skit, and we would go over our lines
over and over until we could do it off book.
Everyone knew their lines and their blocking
really well, which was good. It helped all of
the scenes flow nicely, said Andrew Mott.
The first night some people would mess up
here and there, but only they knew that. The
audience was thankfully clueless and thought,
we did everything flawlessly both nights.
That's the power of improv and sticking to it,
not letting anything distract you! The second
night was even better than the first. Mr.
Carbone made sure that after each scene,
someone from the last scene would announce
the next one, and so on.
Overall, the fall performance was not to be
missed, and a great experience for all who
were involved!

Wells Junior High School Newspaper

Issue No. 7

Bodies and Boats

An Abundance of Waves

By: Tyler Evans

By: Felicia DesJardins

The boat rocks back and forth as we wait.

Everyone is eerily silent, the only sounds are
the waves crashing against our boat and the
clattering of the supplies dangling from each
man's uniform. The men around me have
worried looks on their faces, some crying to
themselves, others praying. I'm overcome
with sadness as I realize that most of these
men are going to die. Panic gets to me, and I
look around frantically for a way out. I don't
want to die. The boat comes to a sudden stop
as we hit the shore. I'm thrown forward and
almost drop my gun. I hear a shout behind
me and the front of the boat drop. Everyone
rushes out in front of me. I try scramble to
keep up. My feet land on the sand, then
everything comes into perspective. Dead
bodies lie everywhere. The water has turned a
dark red from the blood, gunshots and cries
of pain fill my ears. I'm frozen in fear, unable
to move as a bullet flies through the air and
takes out my leg. I fall to the ground. I peer
down and see that my right leg is missing,
and blood oozing out of my body. The torn
flesh beside me seems to be that leg, but it's
unrecognizable. My vision goes black and the
words, Respawn" and Quit, surface.

There I sat, on a huge boulder, gazing down

at the aquamarine ocean below. I've always
loved the ocean, hearing the abundance of
waves crashing into each other, and then
slowly fading. The sound of the seagulls
squawking at each other over food. Also the
salty smell, the smell of the ocean. The smell
reminds me of my childhood. It's night time.
The stars shine brightly over the grand sea.
Then all of a sudden, it's silent. The birds stop
fighting, and the waves calm down. The night
is eerie and cold. I love the nighttime; it's
where I do my best of thinking. However,
tonight I'm afraid. Afraid of what might be
out here with me. Is someone watching me? I
start to hyperventilate. I keep thinking to
myself, it's just the frigid air getting to me, I'll
be alright. All of a sudden, it's raining.
Pouring. I quickly get up, and run towards the
huge, majestic forest ahead. The trees will
help me from getting soaked. I stroll down
the hidden, dirt path below my feet. Then all
of a sudden, I hear a noise. A soft noise,
almost as if someone's following me. I start to
pick up my pace. I repeat to myself, I'm
almost home, almost home. You'll be alright.
Then I hear it again! Someone is following
me! I start to run, run as fast as I can. The
world slows down for a quick second, as I trip
over a rotten stump. I fall. I think to myself...
This is the end, it will catch me. Then I hear
a horrendous noise. Almost like a growl you'll
hear from a monster, in the movies. I try to
move around on the cold ground, trying to
see if it's close. My leg! My leg, it's bleeding, I
can't move it! That's when I see it, this
horrible creature out to get me.

Wells Junior High School Newspaper

Is It Worth The Pain?

By: Jordan Belanger
Waking up every morning,
back aching, neck sore, ankles weak and bruised.
Why do we put up with this?
Knowing the next day we will do it all again.
"Work harder, push through the pain,
hustle, hustle, hustle"
Not one day is calm. Stop. Think.
Is it worth the pain? Why do we do this?
It feels like a hurricane.
We try to stand but get knocked down again.
Until you realize,
all of the hard work, blood, sweat, tears,
is for something you love.
Something you would never give up.
Once you believe that,
it wont matter if you get knocked down.
Get back up, and try, try again.

Issue No. 7

Wells Junior High School Newspaper

Issue No. 7

We (Julie Mott and Zoe Clark) recently did a survey on every kid in WJHS on what kind of
Christmas tree people own. We were curious about how many people own fake trees and how
many own real ones. We were surprised by the results.







Wells Junior High School Newspaper

Issue No. 7

Downhill Disaster: Part One

By: Tyler Carpenter
The trail was starting to look pretty taxing,
and I was glad we finally got going down the
left side of the slope. Id say this hill is
starting to look a little baleful, Billy.
Id say about so, he responded. Looking
over to the left side of the trail, I see a line of
orange tape following the side of the trail.
Interested, I move over to get a look.
Oh, my! the words flew right out of my
mouth as I cut the skis hard. Billy, better
come get a glance at this! The side of the
trail gave off a steep, minatory path that
would end your day if you had the guts to ski
close enough to it.
Lets stay to the left, Bill said. Knowing that
he was right, we scooted over to the right
side of the trail and lost all hope for having a
jocular run.
Skiing to our right was
dangerous, and out of nowhere, a huge mogul
hit me like a rock, sending me into a crazy
right turn. This was a conundrum, and the
only way to stop it would be to drag as much
of my body as possible. My last glance was of
Billy, who was glancing over at what shouldve
been our last moments together.
I hit the ground hard. First it was the trees,
their great branches crushing me, but also
softening the final blow. Then it was the
ground. You might think that snow would be
soft and fluffy, but under mighty pine trees,
barely any snow ends up reaching the
ground. I hit hard.

I hit hard. I hit hard enough to crack my

helmet in two ways, thanking the decision I
had made earlier in the day. What I found
out when I was done falling, was that a chunk
of wood was severed through the lower half
of my tricep, separating it from the main part
of my arm.
First I started to yell, and then to scream. I
could faintly hear Billys voice, distant and to
my left. I ended up a lot farther away than I
had originally thought. I kept hearing Billy
yell my name. I realized that he could not
hear me. I was stuck at least a half a mile
from the trail in the middle of the woods,
surrounded by wildlife.
The first predicament I had to deal with was
my mangled arm. At first I couldnt think of
anything, but then I remembered that I had
my fabric lunchbox in my sack. I ripped a
piece out and set it aside. I contemplated
how bad my arm was. Placing the piece of
cloth between my teeth, I bit as hard as I
Now, the most challenging part. I grabbed
the back part of my tricep, found the
entrance of the stick, and attempted to
endure the excruciating pain. Finally
grabbing the stick, I did the best I could to
work it out. On the verge of passing out, I
dislodged it, and threw it into the woods.
Now, I could only attempt to stay warm..

Wells Junior High School Newspaper

Abbie Booth
Interview by Jordan Belanger
Basketball Try-Outs

Q: Jordan- Do you do anything to prepare before try-outs?

A: Abbie- Umm not really. I mean I usually get a feel of the ball. I will go outside
and dribble the ball around and shoot just to get things back into the basketball
Q: Jordan- Do you get nervous before try-outs? How?
A: Abbie- I get very nervous. I actually get to the point where I make my self
sick! Because I get nervous that people have come back from last year and
they do get better so yes, I do get nervous sometimes.
Q: Jordan- What kinds of meals would you have before?
A: Abbie- Ummm, SALAD. Salad can have lots of protein like chicken and
steak. And I'll usually eat a lot of protein and healthy foods just to get myself
back into shape again. I have the energy chews that I eat before that give me
a lot of energy.
Q: Jordan- Lastly, do you enjoy basketball? Is it your favorite sport?
A: Abbie- I enjoy basketball so much. Basketball is my favorite sport. I would
do anything to play basketball. I would love to play basketball for the rest of my
life, if I could.

Issue No. 7

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