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Health Care

The Canadian Collective is committed to providing effective healthcare to all
citizens. We must truly appreciate that in a country like Canada, sickness or
injury does not cause severe economic crises to befall a family. However, The
Canadian Collective, unlike other parties acknowledges the fact that
socialized healthcare wait times often reach a dire or even critical length.
The Canadian Collective expects and demands better. This is why we are
proposing a two tiered healthcare system complete with the requisite checks
and balances to ensure that all Canadians, young or old, regardless of
income or social classification. It is time for Canadians to have access to a
system that doubles demand for doctors, nurses and other medical
professionals, increases income for senior doctors by 110%, diminishes
hospital wait times and keep Canadians seeking the best treatment on earth
on our soil.
Here is how we will do it
Private healthcare contractors will be hired provincially and will work for
profit, adhering to provincial health laws and inspections. Seeing that these
companies will be privately owned and operated, cutting edge medical
services, aswell as immediate care will be provided to their customers. Public
provincial healthcare will remain intact, being the destination for those who
are unable to afford the aforementioned service. Every new licensed medical
professional in the province must work in the public sector for fifteen (15)
years before he or she is eligible to accept an offer to work for a private
healthcare provider (PHP). This ensures that all PHP medical professionals
have had sufficient practical training before they are hired. This system is
reciprocated to help the lower tier. The maximum salary that a PHP can pay
an employee is to be set at $640, 000 CAD plus commission. The
commission, which will be earned on a per-patient basis, will not be subject
to municipal, provincial or federal taxes. By mandating this reward-based
system, young medical professionals will enter the public service with a keen
and clear motivation to serve the public secotr faithfully, knowing of the
possible reward, namely a PHP employment opportunity.

Here are some statistics illustrating just how revolutionary this system would

Cut hospital wait times in the public sector by 22%, as PHP

patrons will be grouped into a different system, leaving more
Increasing annual salaries of tenured doctors by roughly
$350,000 each year, rewarding hard work and committed
Offering cutting-edge care to the 52,000 Canadians who seek
innovative healthcare abroad annually, growing OUR economy,
not Europes
Creating over 810,000 jobs annually in the private sector in
computer technology, advertising, market research and

For far too long, Canada has been ideologically enslaved by the lethargic and
expensive socialized healthcare. The Canadian Collective is committed to
offering Canadians of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds the chance to truly
get ahead in healthcare provisions in this nation. We hope that you too, are
excited about our vision for Canadian healthcare.

Healthcare is a provincial jurisdiction. The Collective values Provincial
autonomy and rights, therefore, a province may opt out of this two tiered
system after a 2 year preliminary cycle in which PHP establishments will
begin operating in the province. This will give the provincial government
sufficient time to gauge the program and if motioned for withdrawal,
subsequently be put forth to a vote in the respective provincial legislature

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