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FREE Life Conference Every Life Has Value

featuring Scott Klusendorf of Life Training Institute:

This conference is on Friday evening, January 22nd, and Saturday morning, January 23rd, at Faith
Lutheran Church, 1701 E. Park Blvd. in Plano. Please see the conference details below and visit to register.

"Every Life Has Value"

Friday - Saturday... January 22-23, 2016
Every Life Has Value We were shocked when we heard that Planned Parenthood sells body parts of
aborted children. The truth was exposed. This is sickening and so is abortion. Where is the conscience of
our nation?
Every life has value because every life is created by God. Every life has value because Jesus died for all.
We are living in a spiritual warfare against life, marriage and religious freedom. We are living in a
culture of death, yet Jesus overcame death and the devil by rising from the dead. The Gospel offers
peace and strength. May God equip us to defend those who cannot speak for themselves. May we
become lights in a dark world.

Rev. Dr. Peter Scaer is professor at Concordia Theological Seminary since 2000. He graduated from
Indiana University Bloomington (BA 1988), from Concordia Theological Seminary (M.Div., 1992) and
from Notre Dame (MA 1995 and Ph.D., 2001). He served as the pastor of Emanuel Lutheran Church in
Arcadia, Indiana from 1996-2000. In addition to his book on the Gospel of Luke, he has published
numerous articles. He is active in Allen County Right-to-Life and in Shepherds United which defends
innocent life, traditional marriage and religious liberty.
Mike Spencer served as a pastor for 23 years before joining the staff of Life Training Institute in 2012. He
travels extensively throughout the United States equipping pro-lifers on high school and university
campuses, in churches and serving as the keynote at pro-life banquets and conferences. Mike is a stage
4 cancer survivor and is deeply grateful for Gods merciful healing.
Scott Klusendorf is the founder and president of Life Training Institute which challenges and equips prolife advocates to persuasively defend their views in the public square. Scott has appeared on nationally
syndicated Christian programs and in secular talk show appearances and in over 80 debates at college
and university campuses. He is the author of two books and has published numerous articles on pro-life
apologetics. He is a graduate of UCLA and of Biola University (MA in Christian Apologetics).

Conference Schedule
Friday, January 22
5:45 pm

Soup and Sandwich dinner. Free will offering.

6:45 pm

Opening devotion and prayer

7:00 pm

The Case for Engagement in An Abortion Culture Mike Spencer

7:45 pm


8:00 pm

Planned Parenthood and the Culture of Death Rev. Dr. Peter Scaer

8:45 pm


Saturday, January 23
8:30 am


9:15 am

Marriage, Life, and Eternal Life Rev. Dr. Peter Scaer

10:00 am


10:15 am

Stand for Life. A Guide for Making the Case and Saving Lives Scott Klusendorf

11:00 am

Discussion Panel

11:45 am

Closing devotion and prayer

12:00 noon

Lunch provided by Women of Faith in the gym

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