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The Canadian Collective

Our Mission
The Canadian Collective harbours a unique appreciation for Canada. We
realize things like our unequivocal diversity, strong national unity and
boundless individual liberty are simply too precious not to defend. We know
that these values have been built on the tireless work of families and
taxpayers, which is why we will fight to make sure their money stays with
them, and not with any politician, bureaucrat or government organization in
Ottawa. We are committed to standing with Canadians through the means of
massive deficit reductions, record tax cuts and private sector job creation.
We know that in these efforts to shrink government and defend personal
freedom, we will create a Canada that is strong, safe and true to its morals.

Major Policy Commitments

Record Tax Cuts
Whether it be corporate, small business or personal tax cuts, The Canadian
Collective will empower Canadians. Cutting small business taxes to 5% in
2019, introducing flat taxes for couples and families and introducing lower
corporate taxes are all part of our plan to help all Canadians manage their
own money. The Canadian Collective is also committed to simplyfinf the
Canadian tax code, employing a postcard-style tax return system as well as
eliminating federal estate, property, rental and foreign investment taxes into
a single fair-consumption tax system. We know these measures will enable
employers, create jobs and help families thrive, creating a fairer, more
individualised tax system that all will prosper from.

Democratic Reform
This country was built by the people, for the people, The Canadian Collective
knows this, which is why we will put an end to the corrupt, appointmentdriven machine that Ottawa has become. We will return true democratic
rights to the people, not Ottwaw insiders by introducing Supreme Court
Retention elections every 10 years and re-introducing a Triple E Senate
voting system. Equal, Elected and Effective is what Canadians should
respect from their Senators, not the current system which allows for wasteful
spending and loose responsibility. Each province will be entitled to ten (10)
Senators, and each Terriotry to three (3). We understand the fact that in
order to ensure meaningful, honest governance, Canadian people must
directly choose their representatives. The Canadian Collective knows how to
put Canadians first, in every way.

Healthcare Reform
The Canadian Collective realizes that the dire wait times, painful job
shortages and unspecialized scope of socialised healthcare has no place in a

truly prosperous Canada. That is why we are introducing a province-friendly,

two-tiered healthcare-for-profit system that works for all Canadians. We will
introduce a federally sanctioned system that allows for private healthcare
providers to offer top-notch healthcare to Canadians, whilst keeping the
standard system intact. This two-tiered system will substantially improve
care, keep doctors in high demand and well paid, and mark an end to the
massive overflow of patients on the public dime. We believe in a health for
all system, but we also have a comprehensive vision of a system that is
fiscally sound, creates jobs and improves care for Canadians of all incomes.
That is how we will remain a true global role model for healthcare.

A strong, stable National Security and Defense

Above all, The Canadian Collective knows that a government must keep its
citizens safe, it must stand up and denounce terrorism and rogue nations
alike. Peacekeeping holds no valor in these grave times, Canada must and
will, under our government, step up its bombing against ISIL, adding 45,000
reserve spots on the armed forces and purchasing 25 F-35 Fighter Jets. The
Canadian Collective will continue to push for harsh economic sanctions
against rogue nations like Iran and Saudi Arabia, whose human rights
violations have devolved to medieval methods. We will continue to track and
prevent terrorism at home, introducing complete internet surveillance of
anyone who has been found guilty on reasonable grounds of collaborating
with ISIL, Hamas or any other terror group. We will create national registry of
all violent offenders and stiffen laws surrounding early parole, increase
mandatory minimums and explore the possibility of private prisons. The
Canadian Collective also knows how important it is to keep a strong notable
global military presence. Under a Collective government, we will commit to
spending 3% of our GDP on defense, stationing Canadian servicepersons to
11 countries as military supervisors and introduce optional conscription for
university and college students, granting them a sizable education subsidy.
These measures are no longer optional in this world. The Canadian Collective
fully acknowledges the rise of radical Islam, corrupt governments and
technological warfare. We are confident in our plan to ensure that Canadians
will always have a safe, principled homeland to raise their children in.

Immigration, Trade and the Shifting Global Climate

The Canadian Collective is a steadfast proponent of free trade and the import
of skilled workers. Over the last quarter-century, the world has watched as
Asias economy has met the world of market deregulation with a boom. The
Canadian Collective knows that it is far past the time that we move away
from the Atlantic-based, protectionist trade agenda we have had for a
century and focus on pacific trade. We are committed to tripling Alberta oil
exports to pacific rim nations by 2019, explore exclusive auto deals with
Japan and Korea and do everything possible to lift tariffs from Asian
commodities over the next three years, boosting the pacific economy and
creating a case for labour reform there. The Canadian Collective knows that

not only do countries like India, Japan and Malaysia respect human rights
much better than Arab States, but that our Alberta oil can be a much more
valued currency in that market. Secondly, the Canadian Collective will
introduce comprehensive Immigration reform, taking 25,000 more skilled
immigrants per year, compounding to 75,000 immigrants by 2018, 60% of
which will be from Asian nations. We will introduce work requirements that
ensure Canadas economy continues to move away from costly family
reunification priorities to skilled work priorities. Together, we can make
Canada a place where independent productivity is rewarded. A Canada
where our strong diversity is just as resounding as our common values.

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