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Urban China
About three decades ago, China was an agricultural country. Less than 13% of Chinas
population lived in urban areas. During this time, China had experienced age-old social,
economic, and political challenges. Its former leader, Deng Xiaoping, was determined to change
and put to an end these challenges. He adopted a development and growth model known as
reform and opening. Reform and opening had its eyes on growing export oriented factories in
urban areas. This would attract big numbers of people from rural areas who would come to look
for employment in factories. Moreover, the model had policies that would facilitate robust
growth of cities by providing housing, access to cheap energy, and provision of social amenities
for its people. By 2010, 45% of Chinas population lived in urban areas and cities. Currently, the
government of China is targeting 60% of its population to be living in cities by 2030. This is
evident since 25 of the top 100 largest cities in the world are in China. Urbanization is at the
heart of Chinas growth and prosperity. Urbanization in China is a national priority and has
helped solve economic, social and political challenges facing china in the following ways.
Previously in China, urban areas had mayors who had no distinct roles. Public property
was managed communally and this created gaps for embezzlement of public funds and property
by greedy politicians. Urbanization has brought an end to this. Mayors in each city are held
morally accountable to public funds and property. Upon the implementation of reforms and

opening, there was need to have leaders who could manage and offer administration services to
the migrating population from rural areas as well as immigrants. Reform and opening saw the
creation of a strict administrative hierarchy. The hierarchy started with provincial level cities and
then moved to provincial capitals. Another lower administrative rank of prefecture-level cities
was established. At the bottom, an administrative level of county cities was established. In all
these cities, mayors were appointed and acted as the chief executive officers. Mayors are tasked
with improving industrialization and ensuring that land acquisition for investment is made in a
free and fair manner avoiding conflicts. Also, administration role of ensuring that all children
attend school and complete their studies among both rural-urban and migrant population.
Moreover, the government ensures that it provides a detailed plan on performance standards
accompanied by objectives in every city. The mayors are as well tasked with accountability to
performance with focus on economic growth in their cities and ensuring that development
projects are finished in time.
Secondly, china was faced by social challenges because of its huge population. China has
a population of 1.2 billion, which is equivalent to 21% of the world population. The government
was forced to adopt a controversial policy of one child per couple that was lifted in October
2015. Although the policy helped reduce sky rocketing of population to uncontrollable numbers,
social challenges continued to exist. They include housing, infrastructure, education, healthcare,
environmental degradation and a wide rural urban gap. Through urbanization, housing has been
addressed by improved urban planning. Local authorities in cities aid the construction of
affordable residential areas. There also exists modern high-end residential areas that meet world
class requirements. This is important because it solves the problem of developing of slums. In
terms of infrastructure, the government of China spends 8.5% of its revenue on improving

infrastructure in urban areas every year. This has improved movement in the city and between
cities. The government builds roads and subways through engineering projects in all cities and
stations set where users want them to be. The government has also expanded civil aviation
linking urban areas. This has facilitated easy movement of industrial workers from their homes to
work places. This has helped the government open up and link different parts of China cities as
well as movement of goods to markets.
Another social aspect is education. China is a country that depends on technological
innovations so as to advance in industrialization. The government has taken advantage of its
large population and built learning institutions where the young population is empowered with
education as well as martial arts. Good learning institutions are built in cities, with qualifying
students always getting government sponsorships to further studies. Eventually, the educated
manpower pumps their skills and knowledge into the urbanization of China and its cities. With
more than 100 million people living and working in urban areas, cases of diseases outbreaks are
common. To prevent this, the government through local authorities, built equipped hospitals with
skilled personnel. Healthcare services are improved reducing mortality rate to diseases to almost
Environmental degradation was a major problem that came as a result of urbanization and
rapid industrialization in the 20th century. This is because energy was needed for factories to do
production. Its huge population needed energy in urban areas. And the immediate source of
energy was coal. The government of China sought and promoted the use clean and renewable
sources of energy such as wind, solar and hydro-electric power. The use of these clean sources of
energy in urban areas has reduced pollution from carbon dioxide emissions. Also the government
developed waste disposal systems in urban areas.

Urbanization in China has helped solve the problem of unemployment by Chinese
government. Being the largest economy in the world, jobs are available to a good number
through its policies. People are encouraged to move from rural areas to urban centers to look for
employment opportunities. This is a result of its dependence on urban areas for economic
development and innovation. The government has incentives that attract both foreign and local
investors into investing in urban areas hence job creation. Foreign investors sign agreement with
the Chinese government to set aside a minimum of 30% of its job opportunities to Chinese
citizens. The end result of employment is improved living standards of citizens because they
have purchasing power. This is evident as per statistics that were released in 2011 which
indicated that Chinas income per capita had reached $5,400. Another economic challenge was
that china was a country that is dominated by production and not consumption.
Although not all the social, economic and political challenges have been managed, there
is a significant reduction. An environmental threat of global warming has been minimized so that
people around the world live in a safe environment. Chinas urbanization has helped reform its
unclear political systems.It has facilitated a shift from corruption and misuse of public funds to
accountability and development. Chinese citizens enjoy smooth telecommunication and transport
infrastructure. Good healthcare services have reduced mortality rates among infants as well as
the old. Sound education system guarantees scholars a better life with good living standards upon
completion of studies. The Chinese government and its citizens enjoy a benefit of low crime
rates and relative peace due to urbanization and job creation. Chinas aim of having 1 billion
+e in its urban areas and solve its challenges completely is not far from realization.

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