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C/ San Martín Meta, 18

San Martín de la Vega 28330 (Madrid)
Teléfono 918945818

1.Write the long form of the verb to be.

1 I’m _____________________________
2 You’re _____________________________
3 He’s _____________________________
4 She’s _____________________________
5 We’re _____________________________
6 They’re _____________________________

2.Complete the questions with the words inthe box.

What time Where Who How old What When

1 ______________________ is Mr Turner?
2 ______________________ is your school?
3 ______________________ is lunch?
4 ______________________ is your birthday?
5 ______________________ is your name?
6 ______________________ are you? You lookolder than me.

4 Complete the table with the words inthe box.

winter Saturday 15th September January

9.45 am the afternoon half-past seven Wednesday
March 27th October quarter to nine midnight

on in at

5. Choose the correct option.

1 This / These is my teacher.

2 That / Those is my school.
3 This / These are my pens.
4 Those / This are my books.
5 Who’s that / these? It’s my father.
6 What’s these / this? It’s my dictionary.
7 Who’s this / those? It’s my friend.
8 What are this / these? They’re my shoes.

6. a) Order the words to make sentences. Then make the sentences negative.
1 a / ’ve / got / I / playstation / new
a .
b .
2 ’s / fi ve / Vanessa / brothers / got
a .
b .
3 grey / grandparents / have / My / got / hair
a .
b .
4 got / an / exam / We / tomorrow / ’ve
a .
b .
5 ’ve / You / big / got / ears
a .
b .
6 ’s / new / got / neighbours / Mark
a .
b .
b) Write questions using the prompts.
1 Have got / you / an atlas?
2 Have got / your parents / a house in the mountains?
3 Have got / Gillian / a brother?
4 Have got / I / a loud voice?
5 Have got / we /strict teachers?
6 Have got / he / blue eyes?
c)Now choose the correct short answer for the questions in exercise 2a.
a Yes, I have. b Yes, I’ve.
a No, they hasn’t. b No, they haven’t.
a Yes, she’s. b Yes, she has.
a No, I hasn’t. b No, I haven’t.
a Yes, we has. b Yes, we have.
a No, he hasn’t. b No, he haven’t.

7. Order the words to make sentences.

1 is / boy / a / new / class / my / There / in

2 cinema / is / There / a / in / town / the
3 There / my / new / classroom / are /computers / in
4 library / There / many / in / are / books /the

8. Complete the sentences with Is there or Are there.

1 _____________________ many students in your class?
2 _____________________ a science lab in your school?
3 _____________________ many students in your school?
4 _____________________ a computer room in your school?
5 _____________________ many people in your family?
6 _____________________ a television in your house?

9. Choose the correct preposition.

11 Julie always sits ........................... her best friends.

on round between along
12 That famous tennis player comes ............Spain.
across from behind under
3 The Jacksons live ............. our apartment.
between onto up above
14 He is a great swimmer. He only takes 14 hours to swim ..................... the Channel.
next to over across onto
15 The cat always hides ........................ the chair when it sees the dog.
under among down between
16 My mother always drives .......................... the tunnel to go to work.
at in over through
17 When our teacher is angry she makes us stand ................. the wall.
through onto next to under
18 The boys always run ......,,,,,,,,,...... the stairs.
down above from in

19 The supermarket is ........................ the chemist’s.
at on the corner against opposite
10 Look there she is! She’s ... the car.
among at behind down

10. Complete the questions using what, where or how. Then match the columns:

1 ____________ is his name?

2 ____________ are you?
3 ____________ old is Maria?
4____________ is Recife?
5____________ is Palácio do Planalto?
6____________ is she from?
7____________ country is it?
8____________ is Rome.
9____________ old is Peter?
10 ___________ is the name of the Japanese girl?

( ) It is in Brasilia, Brazil.
( ) He is eighteen.
( ) His name is Otávio.
( ) She is eleven.
( ) Her name is Mitiko
( ) She’s from Mexico.
( ) I’m fine thanks.
( ) It is in Pernambuco.
( ) It is England.
( ) It is in Italy.

11. Give the correct possessive pronouns for these words:

a)- David _____________
b)- Lucy and Fred_____________
c)- Maria_____________
d)- The teachers _____________
e)- We _____________
f)- You and John _____________
g)- Helen _____________
h)- I _____________
i)- The boys _____________
j)- You and I _____________

12. Substitute the names for the correct possessive pronouns:

John’s car is over there. ___________________________________.

a)- Mary’s children are very unfriendly. _____________________________________.
b)- Karen’s mother is celebrating her birthday. ________________________________.
c)- The computer’s processor has a broken down. ______________________________.
d)- Peter’s new bicicle is yellow. ___________________________________________.

13.a) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

live say nvite watch have play eat celebrate go make

11 We ______________ my grandparents to dinner every Sunday.

12 My school ______________ a Christmas party every year.
13 I ______________ computer games in the evening.
14 My dog ______________ vegetables and pasta.
15 My teacher ______________ English is very important.
16 George and his friends ______________ in a small town.
17 We ______________ to my uncle’s house on New Year’s Eve.
18 In China, people ______________ New Year on a different day.
19 You are a wonderful cook! You ___________ great spaghetti bolognaise.
10 She ______________ TV every day.

14. b)Make the sentences in exercise 13a negative.


15. Complete the sentences with Do/Does. (2.5 points)

1. How often .......... you eat spaghetti?

2. .......... your brother get up early?

3. We .......... not have much free time.

4. A secretary .......... not write books.

5. .......... Tim like cooking?

6. What time .......... you go to school?

7. .......... your dad come home early?

8. .......... children in Australia go to school on Saturdays?

16. Write the sentences again with the adverb of frequency.

11 My grandparents listen to the radio because they don’t like the TV. (often)

12 She reads a magazine when she has time. (sometimes)

13 Mark gets angry when something goes wrong. (never)

14 Stephanie is very busy because she’s got her own business. (usually)

15 I take milk in my tea, but I don’t like it with lemon. (occasionally)

16 My dog, Rufus, is hungry and he eats fi ve times a day. (always)

17 My family goes to the cinema at the weekend. (frequently)

18 I help my sister do her homework. (rarely)

19 We watch TV in the morning because we are at school. (hardly ever)

10 Amy dances salsa because she prefers the merengue. (seldom)

Grammar Unit 3 •

1- THE HOUSE IS BIG ..................COMFORTABLE.

3- I CALLED JIM.................... HE WASN’T IN HIS OFFICE.
4- THE CAR IS OLD ...........................RELIABLE.
5- I HAVE TO STUDY MATHS...........................LANGUAGE
6- I’M HAPPY ...........................IT’S MY BIRTHDAY
7. HE DIDN’T PASS THE EXAM ............................HE DIDN’T STUDY THE RIGHT PAGES.

17. Write the plural of the nouns.

1. country ______________
2. woman ______________
3. apple ________________
4. knife _________________
5. boat _________________
6. person _______________
7. sandwich _____________
8. monkey ______________
9. tomato _______________
10. dictionary ______________

18. Put the words in the brackets in plural.

1. A cow has four ____________ (leg).

2. There are many ____________ (knife) on the table.
3. I’ve got two ____________ (fish) in my aquarium.
4. There are many ___________ (box) in the garage.
5. There are seven ___________ (day) in a week.
6. I have two bad ____________ ( tooth).
8. How many_____________ (child) do you have?
9. She’s got two ______________ (baby).
10. I bought a kilo of ________________ (tomato).

11. They are very nice _______________ (person).
12.There are many ______________(sheep) in the field.


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