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Ficha de trabalho n 1 de Ingls do 6 ano

PART I Reading
Read the text carefully.

My name is Daniela Turner. Im 13 years old. I am in the 6 th grade. Im tall

and thin. Ive got long straight brown hair and big green eyes. I am
Australian. I love music! My favourite band is One Direction. The boys are
In November I am going to their concert with my best friend Mariana. Its
amazing because its on my birthday! Im so happy!
Mariana likes Harry very much but Liam is my favourite! They all sing and
dance very well. My mother and my brother like them too. My favourite song
is Story of my life. Mariana prefers Live while youre young. I have got
lots of posters, t-shirts, books and all the CDs!
People say Im crazy, but I dont mind. I am a Directioner and I love it!
1. Write True (T) or False (F) according to the text. Correct the false

Daniela is fifteen years old.

Her best friend is Mariana.
They love One Direction.
Mariana loves Harry.
Daniela prefers Liam.
Danielas father loves the band

7. Her favourite song is Story of
my life.
8. She hasnt got any CDs.
2. Answer the questions about the text.
a) Whats Danielas surname?
b) How old is she?

c) Where is she from?

d) What is Danielas best friends name?
e) When is the concert?
f) Has she got any CDs?

3. Daniela is chatting with Mariana online. Complete the dialogue.

Daniela: Hi there! Are you ready for the concert?
Mariana: No, she cant. My father is.
Mariana: Im going to take mu 1D t-shirt and my blue shorts. What about
Mariana: My mum is calling me. I guess its dinner time.
Mariana: Bye!
Daniela: Bye!

a) LOL, me too! We will look like sisters!

b) Is your mother going to drive us to the
c) Of course I am.
d) Ok, see you later!
e) What are you going to wear?

4. Write the names of these school objects under the pictures.

Part II Grammar
1. Choose the correct option.
a) Im Hannah. _________ telephone number is 268 780 524.
1. Your

2. My

3. His

b) Youre Peter. ________ address is 28, London Road, London.

1. Your

2. His

3. Her

c) Shes my friend. ________ name is Mara.

1. His

2. Its

3. Her

d) Hes a student. ________ best friend is Ana.

1. His

2. Her

3. Your

e) This is a robot. _______ name is Wall E.

1. Its

2. Her

3. His

2. Write the following numbers in full.


48 _______________________________________
250 ______________________________________
2015 _____________________________________
11th ______________________________________
22nd ______________________________________
60th ______________________________________
Put the words in the correct order to write sentences.

a) has/ Sheila/ a white horse/ got

b) today/ got/ they/ classes/ have
c) Fred and Mary/ happy/ are
d) isnt / Hannah/ years/ twelve/ old
4. Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs to be and to
have got.
Hello! I _________ (be) Veronica Foster, Jamies sister. We ____________
(have got) lots of friends. Our school _________ (be) big and modern.
Jamie ______________ (not/have got) any pets. My mother _________
(not/be) a photographer. She _________ (be) a teacher.
My friends Helga and Hans ____________ (not/be) English. They
__________ (be) German. They _____________ (have got) a funny dog.
Helga ______________ (have got) long straight blond air.
Part III Writing
Write a text about you in which you have to mention the following
Name; age; country; nationality; birthday; family; physical features;


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