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Super Foods That Reverse Diabetes Naturally.

What is Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes, often called non-insulin dependent diabetes, is the most common form of diabetes, affecting
90% 95% of the 18.2 million people with diabetes. Unlike people with type 1 diabetes, people with type 2
diabetes produce insulin; however, the insulin their pancreas secretes is either not enough or the body is unable to
recognize the insulin and use it properly. This is referred to as insulin-resistance. When here is not enough insulin
or the insulin is not properly used glucose (sugar) cannot get into the bodys cells. When glucose builds up in
the blood instead of going into cells, the bodys cells are not able to function properly.
Problems caused by increase of glucose in the blood:
- Dehydration: The buildup of sugar in the blood can cause an increase in urination (to try to clear the sugar from
the body). When the kidneys lose the glucose through the urine, a large amount of water is also lost,
causing dehydration.
- Hyperosmolar nonketotic diabetic coma: When a person with type 2 diabetes becomes severely dehydrated and is
not able to drink enough fluids to make up for the fluid losses, they may develop this life-threatening complication.
Over time, the high glucose levels in the blood may damage the nerves and small blood vessels of the eyes,
kidneys, and heart and predispose a person to atherosclerosis (hardening) of the large arteries that can cause heart
attack and stroke.

Who is at risk of Type 2 Diabetes?

Anyone can get type 2 diabetes. However, those at highest risk for the disease are those who are obese or
overweight, women who have had gestational diabetes, people with family members who have type 2 diabetes and
people who have metabolic syndrome (a cluster of problems that include high cholesterol, high triglycerides, low
good HDL cholesterol and a high bad LDL cholesterol and high blood pressure). In addition, older people are
more susceptible to developing the disease since aging makes the body less tolerant of sugars.

Causes of Type 2 Diabetes:

Although it is more common than type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes is commonly caused by multiple factors and not
a single problem. Type 2 diabetes can run in families, but the exact nature of how it is inherited or the identity of a
single genetic factor is not known.

Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes:

The symptoms of type 2 diabetes vary from person to person but may include:
- Increased thirst
- Increased hunger (especially after eating)
- Dry mouth
- Nausea and occasionally vomiting
- Frequent urination
- Fatigue (weak, tired feeling)
- Blurred vision
- Numbness or tingling of the hands or feet
- Frequent infections of the skin, urinary tract or vagina

Herbal Supplements known to help Diabetes:

Bitter Gourd
Among the several home remedies that have proved beneficial in controlling diabetes, perhaps the most important
is the use of bitter gourd. It has lately been established that bitter gourd contains a hypoglycemic or insulin-like
principle, designated as plant insulin, which has been found valuable in lowering the blood and urine sugar levels.
It should, be included liberally in the diet of the diabetic. For better results, the diabetic should take the juice of
about four or five bitter gourds every morning on an empty stomach. The seeds can be added to food in a
powdered form. Diabetics can also use bitter gourd in the form of a decoction by boiling the pieces in water or in
the form of dry powder.
Indian Gooseberry

Indian gooseberry, with its high vitamin C content, is considered valuable in diabetes. A tablespoon of its juice,
mixed with a cup of bitter gourd juice, taken daily for two months, will stimulate the islets of Langerhans, that is,
the isolated group of cells that secrete the hormone insulin in the pancreas. This mixture reduces the blood sugar in
Jambul Fruit
Jambul fruit is another effective home remedy. It is regarded in traditional medicine as a specific against diabetes
because of its effect on the pancreas. The fruit as such, the seeds, and fruit juice are all useful in the treatment of
this disease. The seeds contain a glucoside jamboline, which is believed to have the power to check the
pathological conversion of starch into sugar in cases of increased production of glucose. The seeds should be dried
and powdered. One teaspoon of this powder should be mixed in one cup of milk or water or half a cup of curd, and
taken twice daily.
The inner bark of the jambul tree is also used in the treatment of diabetes. The bark is dried and burnt. It will
produce an ash of white color. This ash should be pest led in mortar, strained and bottled. The diabetic patient
should be given ten grams of this ash on an empty stomach with water in the morning, and twenty grams in the
afternoon, and in the evening an hour after taking meals. An equal quantity of amla powder, jamun powder, and
bitter gourd powder also makes a very useful remedy for diabetes. A teaspoon of this mixture once or twice a day
would be effective in checking the progress of the disease.
Grapefruit is a splendid food in the diet of a diabetic patient. If grapefruits were eaten more liberally, there would
be much less diabetes. If you have sugar, use three grapefruits three times a day. If you do not have sugar, but a
tendency towards it and want to prevent it, use three a day.
The seeds of fenugreek have been effective in the treatment of diabetes. Fenugreek seeds, when given in varying
doses of 25 gm to 100 gm daily, diminish reactive hyperglycemia in diabetic patients. Levels of glucose, serum
cholesterol, and triglycerides were reduced considerably with diabetes patients when the seeds were consumed.
Bengal Gram
Experiments have shown that the intake of water extract of Bengal gram enhances the utilization of glucose in both
diabetic and normal persons. When kept on a diet, which included liberal supplements of Bengal gram extract, the
condition of the patient improved considerably and his insulin requirement reduced to about twenty units per day.
Diabetes patients who are on a prescribed diet which does not severely restrict the intake of carbohydrates, but
includes liberal amounts of Bengal gram extract, have shown considerable improvement in their fasting blood
sugar levels, glucose tolerance, urinary excretion of sugar, and general condition.
Black Gram
For a milder type of diabetes, two tablespoons of germinated black gram, taken with half a cup of fresh bitter gourd
juice and a teaspoon of honey, is said to be helpful. It should be taken once daily for three to four months. Try to
cut carbohydrates out of your diet. Even in severe cases, regular use of this combination, with other precautions, is
useful as a health-giving food for the prevention of various complications that may arise due to malnutrition in
Mango Leaves
The tender leaves of the mango tree are considered useful in diabetes. An infusion is prepared by soaking 15 gm of
fresh leaves in 250 ml of water overnight, and squeezing them well in the water in the morning. This filtrate should
be taken every morning to control early diabetes. As an alternative, the leaves should be dried in the shade,
powdered and preserved for use when necessary. Half a teaspoon of this powder should be taken twice a day.
The seeds of parslane are useful in diabetes. A teaspoon of the seeds should be taken every day with half a cup of
water for three to four months. It will increase the bodys own insulin and help in curing diabetes.
Other Foods
Besides bitter gourd, certain vegetables are beneficial and can improve a diabetics health. These include:
- String beans

- Cucumber
- Onion
- Garlic
- Tea made of the pods of string beans is valuable in diabetes
Exploring alternative approaches to diabetes: An Expert Interview with Emma Olliff , DipNT CNM
What is Diabetes and What are the Causes of it.
Diabetes is a group of metabolic disorders leading to the person having high blood glucose (sugar), either because
insulin production is inadequate, or because the bodys cells do not respond properly to insulin.
The main symptoms of Diabetes include:

Polydipsia (Excessive thirst)

Polyphagia (Excessive Eating)
Polyuria (Excessive Urination)
Weight Loss
Blurred Vision
Slow Wound Healing
Genital Itching

What is Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes ?

Type I Diabetes is an autoimmune disease that is not preventable. In Simple terms, it occurs when the immune
system turns on itself and destroys cells in the pancreas that are responsible for producing insulin. As your body
isnt making enough insulin, this means that glucose cannot be moved out of your bloodstream and into your cells
causing high blood sugar levels.
Type 2 diabetes is the more common form of diabetes. This form occurs when the body produces enough insulin
but is unable to use it effectively (insulin resistance). It is more widespread in people that are older, are overweight
or obese, have a family history of diabetes, or have had gestational diabetes (when you are pregnant).
Is Diabetes Curable?
As a nutritionist I am not allowed to say that I can cure any disease! However, my experience tells me that the
symptoms of Diabetes Type II can be reversed (traditional medicine would say that the disease has gone into
remission) through diet and lifestyle modifications.
Diabetes and the Diet
The diet is one of the most important factors when it comes to diabetes, as it is a condition in which the blood
sugar levels increase. Any diet that contains carbohydrates or sugars is directly responsible for increasing the
blood sugar level. The following foods are responsible for the development and aggravation of type 2 diabetes so
they should be avoided:

all foods that contain sugar such as jam, jelly, marmalade, chocolates, desserts, ice cream, confectionery,
and so forth
soft drinks and other artificially sweetened cold drinks
milk and milk products such as cheese and butter
fruits and fruit juices that have a high sugar content
oily foods
alcoholic beverages

Contrary to popular perception, theres no diabetes diet. However, its important to center your diet on these highfiber, low-fat foods:

Whole grains

Youll also need to eat fewer animal products, refined carbohydrates and sweets.

A nutritionist can help you put together a meal plan that fits your health goals, food preferences and lifestyle.
Remember the importance of consistency. To keep your blood sugar on an even keel, try to eat the same amount of
food with the same proportion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats at the same time every day.
Low glycemic index foods also may be helpful. The glycemic index is a measure of how quickly a food causes a
rise in your blood sugar. Foods with a high glycemic index raise your blood sugar quickly. Low glycemic foods
may help you achieve a more stable blood sugar. Foods with a low glycemic index typically are foods that are
higher in fiber.
Diabetes and Exercise
Everyone needs regular aerobic exercise, and people who have type 2 diabetes are no exception. Get your doctors
OK before you start an exercise program. Then choose activities you enjoy, such as walking, swimming or biking.
Whats most important is making physical activity part of your daily routine. Aim for at least 30 minutes of aerobic
exercise most days of the week. Stretching and strength training exercises are important, too. If you havent been
active for a while, start slowly and build up gradually.
Remember that physical activity lowers blood sugar. Check your blood sugar level before any activity. You might
need to eat a snack before exercising to help prevent low blood sugar if you take diabetes medications that lower
your blood sugar.
Diabetes and Lifestyle
Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle disease, and people that lead a sedentary lifestyle are more prone to suffering from it.
This is because they have unexercised muscles and tissues, which can affect the overall action of insulin and reduce
its capacity in the utilisation of glucose.
Stress is another important cause of type 2 diabetes as it can cause malfunctioning of the pancreas and thus affect
the secretion of insulin. Some common stress factors include injury, surgery, infections, pregnancy, and mental
tensions or worries.
Diabetes and Obesity
Obesity is a major cause of type 2 diabetes. This is because being overweight is linked to insulin resistance. If
your body fat levels are higher than thirty percent, you have a BMI over 25, or a waist size more than 90cm for
women and 100cm for men, you are at high risk.
Ayurveda & Its Approach To Diabetes.

Ayurveda: Holistic System of Medicine

Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine that has been successfully practiced in India to treat illness and disease
for thousands of years. The word Ayurveda is formed by the combination of two words ayur, which means life
and veda, meaning knowledge. Ayurveda is regarded as the science of life and it is used to care for human
The main objective of Ayurveda is to promote and maintain balance in order to prevent disease or when necessary
use the techniques of balance to strengthen the body and allow the body to heal itself. Health is not just the body.
Rather, true health is a combination of the body, mind and spirit all working in harmony on an optimal state.

Diabetes and its types:

Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder in which the body is unable to make proper use of glucose which results in
high blood sugar and sugar in the urine.
There are three main types of diabetes:
- Type I diabetes,
Type II diabetes, and
Gestational diabetes.
The main focus of this article is Type II diabetes. Type II diabetes is the most common form of diabetes and usually
presents after age 40 due to poor lifestyle habits. However, as more children are becoming overweight and are
inactive, people are experiencing Type II diabetes at even younger ages. Treatment of Type II diabetes of children
is difficult, since metformin, the only drug federally approved for treatment of diabetes, has been shown to be
ineffective for controlling blood sugar. The next course of treatment is injectable insulin. Many doctors lament that
Type II diabetes is preventable with a healthy lifestyle.

Ayurvedas Approach Towards Diabetes

When Ayurveda approaches diabetes or any disorder, the various root causes are looked at with the goal of
balancing the current imbalance (diabetes) while maintaining balance of the original body type. Ayurveda will
examine the factors and behaviors that can cause the imbalance. These factors include nutrition, digestion,
elimination, physical activity, sleep and the emotional/mental state.
Once the body and illness type are established, recommendations suited to the individuals specific needs will be
offered. Each individual is unique and treatment can vary for each person even if the disease is similar. While it is
difficult to make a treatment plan without a thorough evaluation of an individual, there are some recommendations
that can be made to use as general guidelines to help manage diabetes. The main areas that will be addressed are
diet, exercise, rest and herbs.
Diabetic Type II Kapha Type Constitution
The Type II diabetic is generally thought of as a kapha type constitution. When out of balance, kapha is subject to
excess weight and toxic build up. They can be indulgent and use food and indulgence to quiet their emotional
issues. It is as if the person is stuffing down the negative emotions and events in their life with the indulgences.

Kapha-Pacifying Diet
It is recommended to follow the kapha-pacifying diet. One should limit and avoid sweets (including fruits with
exception of lemon, orange or bitter melon), refined flour carbohydrates, fatty foods and dairy products. Choose
more fresh vegetables (not potatoes) and bitter herbs. Raw vegetables and herbs help to stimulate digestive
enzymes and enhance insulin production.
Animal protein is limited, since excessive intake can damage the kidneys and it has higher fat content. Fat is
limited because there is often a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes, making fat digestion difficult, which stresses the
body and may cause toxic build up from food that is not able to be digested. The excess fat also causes weight gain,
which is one of the causative factors for diabetes. Food should be spiced with spices like turmeric, dry ginger,
cardamom, cloves and cinnamon.
Exercise should be done daily, preferably in the morning, and it should be vigorous. The exercise helps with the
weight loss and the toxins that harm the body. Exercises that cause one to sweat are very helpful as the sweating is
a form of purification. Yoga is also good as it promotes flexibility. Exercise also has another benefit apart from its
effect on the physical body. Exercise reduces the stress hormone cortisol and promotes mental relaxation. Ayurveda
always looks to balance the body and the spirit.
When a person has lived an unhealthy lifestyle that has contributed to the diabetes, there is an emotional
component. The person has not made choices that benefit him and instead makes choices that harm the body. When
one is strong mentally, better choices can be made. Meditation is another way to relax and restore ones self and
gain the clarity to make better choices. Meditation is a tool used in Ayurveda to strengthen the spirit state. The
physical rest of sleep will also support a stronger mental state. In addition, people who are sleep deprived are at
risk for insulin dysfunction.

Herbal remedies are usually given in a blended formula. Ayurveda usually avoids emphasizing single herbs,
because a blend works synergistically enhancing the performance of all the herbs. The total effect is greater than
the sum of its parts.
Some helpful herbs include:
- Triphala
- Gudmar
- Shilajit
- Bitter Gourd
- Tumeric
- Fenugreek
- Neem
- Amalaki


Ayurveda offers a multi approach to treating diabetes. There is not one tool, but many that work in harmony
together to facilitate healing. It provides recommendations based on the individuals body and illness type, so that
the uniqueness of the individual is treated. Moreover, the individual is looked at as a whole- mind, body and spirit.
We are each complex, special and a one of a kind, and we each deserve to be viewed in that way so we can shine in
our life. As we shine, we light the way for others to shine in their own way.
Tricks To Reverse Diabetes Your Doctor Wont Tell.
November is American Diabetes Month, and I am happily writing this article to help teach others that this dis-ease
can be completely healed without daily shots of insulin and pharmaceuticals. And pretty easily, too! My father
reversed diabetes almost a decade ago, and I am living proof that our diet truly changes our health, as I healed a
rare blood disease over 16 years ago.

Diet induces and also cures Diabetes:

Let me give more details on my dad he ate and still eats the typical American diet. No organics, no free range or
healthier meats, and compared to me, lots of what I consider junk. He just doesnt care that much about this newer
way of choosing the foods we eat, but believe me, has become aware of this desire to eat the healthiest foods
possible because of my decision to heal my blood and body through nutrition. The thing my father did change
though, was his sugar consumption. He went from drinking Coca-Cola and fruit juices all day, to drinking nothing
but water and occasionally a craft beer, he cut out sugary meals for breakfast and snacks, and stopped eating so
many processed desserts everyday.
Through my journey with healing foods, I learned to make my own desserts with brown rice syrup, and completely
weaned myself from my sugar addiction, but my dad did it alone. He didnt want to give himself shots and knew
from me, that our health conditions could be reversed. As difficult as it is to make changes to the foods we love to
eat, especially sugar, dealing with daily injections and for myself, a daily chemotherapy pill, was enough to make
us consider changing our diets. After only 3 months, my fathers blood tests were dramatically lower and he knew
he was on the right path.

What you Doctor Doesnt Know or Wont Tell:

From a conventional medical point of view, our doctors are taught to treat health conditions with drugs, and they
are generously paid by the pharmaceutical industry. Even my dads doctor once said that it would be so simple to
tell his patients to clean up their diet, but what most want is a magical pill or solution to make their symptoms
better. I wonder though, why they dont at least share food as a viable treatment option? Maybe some people, if not
all, would at least consider making changes, especially when this protocol comes from their doctor, whom they

Make that critical Diet Choice:

There is change beginning to happen, but slowly. Most of us know the importance of eating well, but when our
food industry makes artificial, food-like products, and adds enormous amounts of sugar to practically every item on
the grocers shelves and in restaurants, and the FDA allows it, our health is at risk. We must make big changes on
our own, and unfortunately most of the time, its when a health crisis happens to us.
My father and I healed these dis-eases in our bodies, and I feel we were fortunate in many ways to have these
wake-up calls with our health. The old saying, We Are What We Eat is absolutely true, and in the process of
healing, we also began felling better and our brain was clearer, as a result. Changing the foods weve eaten our
entire life can be one of the most difficult things to do, but in my opinion, not nearly as difficult as it is being sick
and in a doctors office all of the time.

Diabetes can be Reversed:

Fast forward 10 years~ my dads blood sugar levels remain balanced. He still enjoys his nightly dessert of ice
cream and continues to drink beer and wine probably once a week, but hes learned to take better care of himself
with food choices and walking as much as possible. Achieving balance in our body is really as simple as making
the decision to change some of the things were over-doing. And it doesnt have to be done perfectly or with
complete avoidance of the foods we love to eat.
Manage Your Diabetes Naturally
Diabetics bodies do not properly utilize glucose, usually because they do not produce enough of the hormone
insulin. Millions of people throughout the world suffer from the condition. In fact, the condition is becoming more
prevalent, with more than 8 percent of the United States population living with diabetes. There are several
variations of the disease, including Type 1 diabetes, which occurs in most people in childhood or in their young

adulthood. These individuals must inject insulin their entire lives.

The majority of people with diabetes, roughly 75 percent, suffer from Type 2 diabetes, also known as non-insulindependent diabetes. This type is managed through diet and other lifestyle changes. Normally the body breaks down
food into glucose. Insulin then stimulates cells to absorb glucose from the bloodstream to be used for energy and
then stimulates the liver to uptake any excess glucose for storage.
Typically, insulin is released following a person eats when his or her blood glucose levels rise. Levels fall during
exercise. Owing to inadequate insulin, diabetics experience high levels of glucose in their blood. This causes a
number of secondary conditions, including heart disease, blindness, strokes, impotence and nerve and kidney
Diabetics often experience exhaustion, weight loss, muscle deterioration and increased thirst, hunger and urination.
Risk Factors
Anyone can develop diabetes, regardless of age, gender or ethnicity. However, there are a number of predisposing
factors, including obesity, high triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol, a sedentary lifestyle
and being 45 or older. Women who experienced gestational diabetes while pregnant are often at risk of developing
full-blown diabetes later in life. Native Americans, Latinos, African-Americans and Asian Americans are also more
at risk.
Conventional Treatment
The American Diabetes Association recommends a series of treatments for those with Type 2 diabetes, including
dietary changes, exercise and various medications, many of which improve the bodys sensitivity to insulin.
However, critics of conventional diabetes therapy contend the treatment does not address the underlying condition,
but rather serves as a cover-up of symptoms. They add that studies show Type 2 diabetes is largely a result of
lifestyle, including improper diet and inadequate exercise, and suggest treatment should reflect that.
According to the U.S. governments Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 69 percent of people
with Type 2 diabetes do not exercise regularly, while 62 percent eat fewer than the recommended five daily
servings of fruits and vegetables and 82 percent are overweight.
Meanwhile, many other studies show that diet changes and exercise are as effective, and in some cases more
effective, in reversing Type 2 diabetes than drug therapy alone.
Alternative Approaches to Managing Diabetes

Manage Your Diabetes Naturally Alternative Approaches to Managing Diabetes

There are six basic components to managing diabetes naturally. These are sufficient hydration, reducing
carbohydrate intake, eating whole, natural foods, taking certain vitamin and mineral supplements, get adequate
sleep and sweeten foods only with stevia.
High blood sugar causes dehydration as the body attempts to flush excessive levels of glucose from the
bloodstream. As a result, many diabetics suffer from constant thirst and the need to urinate. Keeping properly
hydrated helps many diabetics prevent insulin resistance. Adults should drink a minimum of three quarts of water
each day. They should also avoid alcohol, caffeine and fruit juice, as these exacerbate dehydration.
Cutting back on carbohydrate intake also helps a person manage diabetes by reducing fluctuations in blood glucose
levels. Most people who reduce their carbohydrate intake experience healthy weight loss and less erratic blood
sugar levels. Many breads and other grain products are rank high on the glycemic index, which means they tend to
spike insulin levels.
Eating whole foods provides diabetics with better nutrition. This is important, as many diabetics lack proper
nutrition. Such foods include fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, wild game, free range, grass-fed meat and goats
Meanwhile, vitamin and mineral supplements are key components of managing diabetes naturally. Zinc,
manganese and chromium are particularly helpful, as together they improve insulin production, boost energy and
reduce cravings for sugar.
Table sugar is not the only sweetener that is harmful to diabetics. Even honey spikes insulin levels. The best
sweetener, and some say the only safe sweetener, is stevia, which does not affect blood sugar levels.
Finally, diabetics require plenty of sleep, as much as 10 hours per night. Adequate sleep and decreased overall
stress levels do wonders to help diabetics by preventing adrenal glands from excreting sugar into the bloodstream.
Tips for Natural Diabetes Management

Manage Your Diabetes Naturally Tips for Natural Diabetes Management

1. Eat according to the glycemic index. This will largely involve reducing carbohydrate intake, particularly
when it comes to starchy foods.
2. Start an exercise program. Along with decreasing body fat, which leads to steadier blood sugar levels,
exercise improves insulin sensitivity.
3. Increase your dietary fiber intake. High fiber foods and supplements improve the bodys tolerance of
4. Begin consuming chromium and/or brewers yeast, both of which increase the bodys insulin sensitivity.

5. Eat more fresh, organic produce for their high fiber and nutrition content. Berries are a particularly good
fruit for diabetics, as they contain more fiber and much less sugar than other fruits.
6. Consider taking yoga lessons. Yoga strengthens the pancreas, which is vital to insulin production, through
its various breathing exercises and postures.
7. Supplement your diet with magnesium, manganese, zinc, chromium and vitamins B, C and E, all of which
reduce diabetes-related damage to the kidneys, eyes and nerves.
8. Avoid cysteine, an amino acid. Some studies indicate cysteine interferes with sugar absorption by breaking
down insulin.
9. Quit smoking. Many people are surprised to learn that smoking increases the risk of developing diabetes. It
does this by elevating blood glucose levels.
10. Destress by meditating. Choose from among any number of types of meditation, including mindfulness,
transcendental and focused awareness meditation.

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