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Grand Master 11th Degree Reiki symbol enables the Master to
find inner strength. When translated it means the "Great
Strength" or "Great Force".
Grand Master 11th Degree Reiki Symbol


The mantra or name of the symbol is Dai Chi kara. The

symbol is drawn in the Japanese Kanji and represents its name
(Dai Chi kara).
This symbol is drawn from top downwards.


This technique serves to establish a close contact with the
Reiki energy. It can be drawn and used during meditation if
you are missing the strength to fortify yourself deep within.
This meditation is for you when people put you in a difficult
situation e.g. conflicting opinions or other types of resistance.
It helps to motivate and strenghten ones resolve to do the right
thing. This symbol and the meditation, help you to find the
way to go, by use of your inner strength.
Socrates is given as an example. After his condemnation to
death, his friends had bribed the guards to make escape
possible for him, but socrates said all must obey the law, even
if innocent. His friends asked Socrates to flee, and to escape
with his life, but he convinced his friends that it was right to
obey the law (described in the dialog "Kriton") . Socrates
didn't flee and was executed.
With Jesus it was so similar. in the mount of olives verliess, w
hen he, Jesus doubted his way for a short time, He found the
inner strength in prayer .and went the whole way to the very
Our problems are normally more simple. We feel resistance
from our friends and families , who think reiki is evil or
witchcraft and threaten to disown us, but we must keep faith
in our beliefs, and find the inner strength to carry on .
The majority is not always right. In fact they are seldom right.
People stick with tradition because they feel safe with it e.g.
the majority of people still believed for hundreds of years that
Gallileo was wrong, and that the earth did not revolve around
the sun.

The Reiki symbol Dai Chi Kara must be used, if we feel that
we are losing our strength or if resistance of others is taking
our strength away..


The technique is similar to that used for the other Dai symbols.
The pupil sits down on a chair and closes their eyes. If there
are several pupils, these can sit beside each other.
The master stands behind the pupil, and puts both hands on
students head . As the attunements are individual, the master
therefore opens up each pupil individualy.
The master says a prayer of thanks giving. Then the symbol is
drawn or visualised, and white light is visualised coming
down from above and into the pupil's Crown Chakra. It finally
leaves the body via the hands and feet of the pupil. They feel t
hat this meditation helps them to contact the universal life
energy and to find the inner strength to withstand adversities.
They can intuitively feel when this mediation is over, and after
sitting quietly for a minute or two, reflecting on their
experiences, they can open their eyes.
For attunements in Reiki 11: (W), 4, 1, 11 (therefore
wisdom symbol, Dai Ko Mio., Cho Ku Rei, Dai Chi kara )
(The use of the wisdom symbol is optional and there is only an attunement per
every degree).

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