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Denumirea disciplinei
Anul de studiu


IV Semestrul *

Tipul de evaluare final (E / V / C)

Regimul disciplinei (Ob obligatorie, Op opional, F facultativ)

Total ore din planul de
Total ore de studiu
Titularul disciplinei


Ob Numrul de credite

Total ore pe


Conf. univ. dr. Adriana Albu

* Dac disciplina are mai multe semestre de studiu, se completeaz cte o fi pentru fiecare








Numrul total de ore (pe semestru) din

planul de nvmnt





** C curs, L activiti de laborator, P proiect sau lucrri practice

The subjects objectives
1. Knowing the main natural and artificial environmental factors and how they influence
individual and public wellness.
2. Achieving the ability to use calculation methods for the nutritive input quatitative and
qualitative, according to gender, age and physiological state.
3. Knowing the hygenic-sanitary conditions in food service units.
4. Evaluating the pollution of air in an inhabited center.
5. Evaluating the germ pollution of air (aeromicroflora) and of surfaces in institutions with risk
of contamination.
6. Evaluating the physico-chemical properties of drinking water.
7. Evaluating the microbiological properties of drinking water.
8. Finding and evaluating the microclimate in different living forms (dwellings, medical units,
scholar communities).
9. Establishing the physical development diagnosis at children and teenagers.

Minimal scale:
-interpreting the result of a nutrional survey
-establishing the physical development diagnosis at children and teenagers;
-achieving the disinfection of water in an individual plant.

I.Energetic needs of the human being.
Energy expenditure in rest. Energy expenditure in muscular activity. Energy expenditure after food
intake (Specific Dynamic Action of the food).
Energy expenditure for thermo genesis. Energy expenditure in physiological situations. Effects of the
unbalanced energy intake.
Essential nutrients from food (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates)
Classification, composition, nutritional roles, Recommended Daily Allowances (R.D.A.).
Food sources of nutrients.
II.Fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins
Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K): the role in nutrition; usual requirements; food sources.
Water-soluble vitamins: the roles in nutrition; deficiency and excess consequences; usual requirements;
food sources.
III.Major and trace elements.
Major elements (Ca, Mg, P, S, Na, K, Chlorine): nutritional roles; food sources; usual requirements.
Trace elements (Fe, I, F): nutritional roles; food sources; usual requirements.
IV.Food groups: nutritive value; effects of an inadequate intake; R.D.A.; preserving; spoiling and
preventive measures.
Milk and milk based products, meat and meat based products, eggs, bread, cereals and other grain
products, fruits and vegetables, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks
V.The significance of the air as an environmental factor
Effects on the health status by modifying physical proprieties and chemical composition;
Thermal ambiance and thermal equilibrium of the human body.
Air pollution -generating agent in human pathology
Pollution sources; factors which influence the pollution and the self purification of the air.
Acute and chronic effects of air pollution: the irritating, asphyxiant, fibrogenic, allergenic and toxic
systemic pollutants.
Biological pollution of the air related to health status
Germs in the air, air-borne diseases, preventive measures (hospital acquired infection/ legal measures).
VI.Physical air pollution (ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, noise pollution)
Ionizing radiation natural and artificial sources, healthy effects, damaging effects, preventing and
fighting measures.
Non ionizing radiation (ultraviolet, visible light, infrared): natural and artificial sources, healthy effects,
damaging effects, preventing and fighting measures.
Noise pollution
VII.Role of water in maintaining health status
Sources of drinking water.Pollution and self purification of the water. The impact of water pollution over
the health status: effects of nitrates, detergents, pesticides and carcinogenic substances.The impact some
microelements from the water: iodine and fluorine.Water mineralization and its influence on
cardiovascular diseases.
VIII.Centralized water supply of the population
Water treatment in order to make it potable: effects on the life quality and health status of population
Biological impact of water pollution on health status
Water-borne diseases (bacterial, viral and parasitic).Preventing and fighting against biological pollution
of the water.
IX.The growth and development process of the children and teen-agers.
Growth laws. Influencing factors on the physical and neuropsychological development.Physical and
neuropsychological development. Education of the children and young people.Physiological effort
graph. Scholar fatigue syndrome. Legal measures.
Home hygiene
Location, position, internal architecture, facilities in order to promote health status.

1. Nutritional inquiry focused on the food groups. 2 hours.
2. Nutritional inquiry focused on the essential nutrients. 2 hours.
3. Nutritional status of the people and different types of population studies. 2 hours.
4. Hygienically and sanitary status of the food groups. Food related diseases and the hygienic
status of the food providing and processing units. 2 hours.
5. Evaluation methodology for the air pollution in a populated center. Impact studies. 2 hours.
6. Evaluation methodology for the air, surfaces, surgical instruments and sterilized solutions
contamination in order to prevent hospital acquired infections. 2 hours.
7. Physical and chemical features of the drinking water: evaluation and analyzing the results.
Surveillance of the nitrates level in water related to Baby blue syndrome. 2 hours.
8. Diagnosis of water potability (drinkability in terms of microbiological water quality monitoring
methodology and legislation): 2 hours
9. Diagnosis for drinking water (making limited quantities of water disinfection and disinfection
methods for determining efficiency): 2 hours
10. The methodology for determining the physical factors of indoor microclimate (temperature,
humidity, air currents, temperature radiant). Subjective and objective physiological indicators for
assessing the effect of microclimate on the human body: 2 hours
11. Physical development and neuropsychological diagnosis of children and adolescents assessment in grades sigmatic development through employment development. Methodology for
monitoring the health of children and adolescents in communities - making technical examination
and review legislation: 2 hours

1. Alexa Lucia, Gavt Viorica, Melinte C. Curs de igien. Iasi Litografia UMF, 1993.
2. Gavt Viorica Sntatea mediului i implicaiile sale n medicin Editura Gr. T. Popa Iai,
3. Gavt Viorica, Indrei L. L Alimentaia omului sntos Iasi, Ed. Contact International,
4. Gavt Viorica, Petrariu F. D., Gavt C.C., Doina Azoici Factorii de risc din mediu i
sntatea, Editura EditDAN Iasi, 2001.
5. Gavt Viorica, Petrariu F. D., Gavt C.C., Indrei L. L. Alimentaia i patologia nutriional,
Editura Gr. T. Popa, Iai, 2003.
6. Mnescu S. Microbiologia sanitar, Bucureti Ed. Medicala, 1989.
7. Mnescu S., Cucu M., Diaconescu M.L. Chimia sanitar a mediului, Bucureti
Ed.Medical, 1994.
8. Mnescu S., Tnsescu Gh., Dumitrache S.,Cucu M. Igien , Bucureti Ed. Medical, 1991
1. Interpreting the results of a nutrional survey
2. Interpreting the physical development diagnosis at children and teenagers
3. Interpreting a physic-chemical and microbiological analysis card of water. Interpreting a
physic-chemical and microbiological analysis card of air.

La stabilirea notei finale se iau n considerare

Ponderea n notare exprimat n

(Total = 100%)

- rspunsurile la examen / colocviu (evaluarea final):


- rspunsurile finale la lucrrile practice de laborator


- testarea periodic prin lucrri de control

- testarea continu pe parcursul semestrului


- activitile gen teme / referate / eseuri / traduceri / proiecte

- alte activiti (PRECIZAI) ....................................................

Descriei modalitatea practic de evaluare final E/V - lucrare scris

Estimai timpul total (ore pe semestru) al activitilor de studiu individual pretinse studentului
(completai cu 0 activitile care nu sunt cerute)
1. Descifrarea i studiul notielor de curs

8. Pregtire prezentri orale

2. Studiu dup manual, suport de curs

9. Pregtire examinare final


10. Consultaii

11. Documentare pe teren

12. Documentare pe Internet

13. Alte activiti ....

14. Alte activiti ....

3. Studiul bibliografiei minimale

4. Documentare suplimentar n
5. Activitate specific de pregtire
6. Realizare teme, referate, eseuri,
7. Pregtire lucrri de control

TOTAL ore studiu individual(pe semestru)= 50

Data completrii: 2012

Semntura titularului:
Conf. univ. dr. Adriana Albu

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