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Grandmaster Reiki VII

Translated from German manual

Grandmaster Reiki 7th Degree

The Dai Ji Yu symbol helps us to clarify our thoughts, free ourselves from
adhering to other things, and refusing to accept ourselves. Dai Ji Yu symbol
frees one from the dependence of things or persons. You learn to find the
source of the luck in yourself and your connection with the universal life

Grandmaster 7th Degree Symbol

Dai Ji Yu
The mantra or the name of the symbol is Dai Ji Yu. The symbol is drawn in the
Japanese Kanji and represents its name (Dai Ji Yu). This symbol means great
liberty or great freedom. The symbol is drawn with the full hand from top to

Meditation With Grandmaster 7th Degree Symbol

This technique serves to establish a close connection with the source (Reiki
energy). It should be carried out daily for approx. 20 minutes.
This meditation allows one to raise consciousness so as to realize that the
source is within our selfs e.g. The all that is I AM Presence.
If one seeks need or purpose in life elsewhere other than the source, one
may always be dependent on others e.g. relatives, alcohol, drugs, etc., or be
forever willing to search, but never finding the truth. If your purpose in life is to
earn money and to have a high social position, so that you will empower or
dominate others, or seek wealth for wealths sake or greed, you will loose the
essence of the truth.
In addition, it is extremely harmful for us to expect too much from other people,
because this siphons their energies and they continually will want to escape
from this energy loss, which will in turn lead to the ending of the relationship. It
is better therefore for us to look for freedom and the purpose in life within
ourselves and with the connection with the universal life energy. One may also
call this God, Universal Energy (Reiki) or the Source.
One then experiences new energy, and feelings of happiness and
independence of outer influences from self.
If the material wealth is ever lost, we would still have the strength from spirit
within us and therefore would be able to put our losses into perspective. We
can not enjoy anything if we are attached to it, because we feel unhappy if we
loose it. This applies to material possessions, jobs and even qualities, e.g.
anger. So in the new consciousness, it is find to have things as long as we are
clear that our ego does not need them Ask the angel to fill you will a higher
quality to help you let go of this, from your life.
In this case, where one is confident within, and is able to share the enfoldment
of love in a secure relationship, without being totally dependent on each other,
the relationship strengthens and is enriched by the two individuals coming
together beautifully. Neither partner sucking energy from each other. The
relation turns out to be lasting and harmonious without the fear of loss, which
would otherwise provoke this loss.
People in turn are empowered by this knowledge, and by the knowledge
that all things are given by Reiki Universal Life Energy. You dont need to
look elsewhere for this energy, for infinite love and compassion is found within
you, releasing our doubts and fears. We do not need to trust in the Universal
Life Energy for it to work, for like everything else, it follows the spiritual laws of
Grandmaster Reiki - 7th Degree

the universe, although we need to be open to receive it, by acknowledgement

of the truth.
So once we make contact with the Universal Life Energy and fully
acknowledge its worth, the rest then is simple. All else is pointless.
The Great Freedom or Great Liberty Symbol helps us to become free
by having this knowledge. Free of the dependence of others, and
because of this the symbol is called the Great Freedom Symbol

Meditation Technique
Technique is similar to the other Dai symbols.
One sits upright on a chair with the eyes closed for approximately 20
minutes, visualizing the Dai Ji Yu Reiki symbol, sitting in the given form. At the
same time, visualising a bright light entering the bodys aura and the crown
chakra and leaves one feeling peaceful and secure, freeing the mind of all
stresses and worries, as you feel at one with the universal energy. There is
success in this state and no escapism, allowing you to just be. The life force
energy is part of you and the pleasant feelings you experience during this
meditation makes this clear to you.
Continue to follow your intuition throughout the meditation and watch the
Dai Ji Yu expand from your third eye onwards, until you become the symbol.
The symbol allows you to empower yourself and to grow spiritually to all levels
of your being. Finally, at the end of the meditation, this energy leaves the body
by the hands and feet.
One intuitively feels that the meditation is due to end at this point, so
gradually open your eyes and sit quietly for a minute or two, recording what
you have just experienced during the meditation, what you saw and felt.

The Wisdom Symbol (Dai Kiro)

This symbol has to do little actually with Reiki 7. It is a new symbol,
which was passed on to Helmut Ernst by the German Reiki teacher. It can be
passed on in every Reiki Level (Degree), of the master degree, and serves to
strengthen the intuition of the master further and to increase the strength of
the other symbols. It is used for the meditation mainly and also to strengthen
others to increase symbols during the attunements.

The Wisdom Symbol (Dai Kiro)

The Symbol Represents:

Extend both arms outwards, leaving the hands open and with the palms facing
upwards. In your minds eye, see a rainbow spanning from one palm, over
your head, and onto the other palm.
This enhances your intuition of your inner knowledge within you and about
The KOM or the Huna Symbol, is another effective symbol, which is in its
effect, like The Wisdom Symbol, but is different from it

Grandmaster Reiki - 7th Degree

Kom Symbol

Mantra: Kom

Meditation Technique
The same is technique can be used for the 3 symbols of this course i.e.
Anthahkarana, Wisdom Symbol and KOM, as in the case of the other Dai
One sits upright on a chair with the eyes closed for approximately 20 minutes,
visualizing any of the above symbols, sitting in the given form. At the same
time, visualising a bright light entering the bodys aura and the crown chakra
and leaves one feeling peaceful and secure, freeing the mind of all stresses
and worries, as you feel at one with the universal energy. There is success in
this state and no escapism, allowing you to just be. The life force energy is
part of you and the pleasant feelings you experience during this meditation
makes this clear to you. Continue to follow your intuition throughout the
meditation and watch the Dai Ji Yu expand from your third eye onwards, until
you become the symbol.

The symbol allows you to empower yourself and to grow spiritually to all levels
of your being. Finally, at the end of the meditation, this energy leaves the body
by the hands and feet.
One intuitively feels that the meditation is due to end at this point, so
gradually open your eyes and sit quietly for a minute or two, recording what
you have just experienced during the meditation, what you saw and felt.
The Wisdom Symbol allows us to get the answers to our questions
during meditation, allowing us to make contact with our subconscious,
in which the knowledge of the world is stored. This can be called in
during your meditation.

The master symbol can also be used to strengthen all attunements. So in this
case the attunement ritual is the same, except that the wisdom symbol is
always put in front of each one:

The Ritual:
The pupil sits down on a chair. And if there is more than one pupil, others can
sit next to each other. There is no need for secrecy.
The master stands behind the initiate and puts their hands on each initiates
head, in turn (again, no need for secrecy between them).
The master gives a prayer of thanksgiving, and visualizes white light
entering the crown chakra of the inititiate, and visualizes the following symbols,
or draws them with their palm of hands, :- (See Reiki 7)
Key Code For Symbols
Wisdom Symbol (W),
Chi Ka So & Cho Ku Ray = 1
(Open to different line, Chi Ka So = Barbara Web)
Say Hay Key = 2
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen = 3
Dia Ko Myo = 4
Dia Cho Wa = 5
Dia Fa Shu = 6
Dia Ji Yu = 7
Dia Hey Wa = 8

Grandmaster Reiki - 7th Degree

List of Attunements
(Please See 7th Degree)

Reiki 1: Wisdom Symbol (W), Dai Ko myo (4), Say Hey Key(2), Cho Ku Rei
Reiki 2: (W), 4, 1, 3,2,1

Reiki 3: (W), 4, 1, 4

Reiki 4: (W), 4, 1, 4, 3, 2, 1 Reiki 5: (W), 4, 1, 5

Reiki 6: (W), 4, 1, 6

Reiki 7: (W), 4, 1, 7

The use of the Wisdom Symbol is optional, so is put into brackets (W), and
can be left out.
The Master attunes the students to each Reiki degree. There is one
attunement per degree, and for each one, the Master chooses whether or not
to use the Wisdom Symbol to strengthen the symbols for these degrees
(numbered above), for use on the head, hands, and heart. After you have
done this give thanks and bow to initiate

Attunement To The Wisdom Symbol:

The same is the ritual: 4.1 (W), W
During the attunement, choosing to use the wisdom symbol (W),
strengthens the attunement for the initiate. E.g. the symbol provided 4 is
strengthened by the symbol (W), and is opened and activated, so the wisdom
symbol is provided with 1. This is written as (W), 4.1, W.
Optionally, when the attunement is strengthened, the second W is
necessary since the wisdom symbol is marked into the aura, and is written as
the first (W.)
This means that when you want to strengthen the attunement (any ), that
you have the option to use the Wisdom Symbol (W). The number of the
attunement e.g. 4, is written after this i.e. (W)4. This results in the attunement
for Reiki symbol 4 being opened and activated. The (W) symbol has only been
used once, so we write (W), 4.1
Then the second W is marked into the aura only when the attunement is
strengthened. This is written as the first (W).

Your Lineage
Mikao Usui - Chujuro Hayashi - Hawayo Takata
Phyllis Lei Furamoto - Pat Jack - William Lee Rand
Johnny DeCarli - Felix Korbla Akorli - Everton Cardoso
Arykerne Ribeiro - Petro K.Yankani
Andrew Brocklebank - Catherine A. Hand
Cherianne Burmeister-Diane Rodriguez

Grandmaster Reiki - 7th Degree

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