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Rolf Knnemann, The Right to Adequate Food. This study aims to provide an overview of the
right to food. This study presents the international standards related to the right to food and discusses the
relationship of the right to food to other rights. The right to food is usually recognized as part of the right
to an adequate standard of living. This is implicit in the provisions relating to social security, minimum
income, agrarian reform or minimum wage legislation, which tend to refer to basic needs, including food.
The author wants to show the programs used in providing BA Culinary Arts students adequate knowledge
and skills to help them for professional careers.

Elena Suslova, 2011, Starting a restaurant business in Saint Petersburgguide for Finnish
Entrepreneurs. This study aims to make guide for Finnish entrepreneurs for starting the restaurant
business in Saint-Petersburg. This study covers the following topics: how to choose successful location
and premises for the restaurant, how to create conception, how to use SWOT-analysis to make different
researches results of which give the basis for developing strategic goals and marketing plans on any levels
of your business. The theoretical framework of this thesis also includes a short introduction about
business plan, information about a technological project, menu, advises for recruiting staff and setting
necessary systems of cameras observation, types of advertisements and necessary permissions for
advertising a restaurant and possible risks which may arise after opening restaurant. According to this
study, the state of the restaurant depends on the restaurateurs actions, how fast he can react on external
influence to achieve success. When analyzing an external situation of the restaurant underline the most
important factors of this period. Indeed, examination of these interrelated factors helps a restaurateur to
solve some emergent problems. Trying to solve these problems, understand whether you can control
critical factors or not and if they are internal or external ones. Different efforts should be done to change

those factors in a good way for the restaurant.

So, one of the most popular methods of analyzing is

external and internal factors which affect on the developing of the restaurant and it is called SWOTanalysis. This SWOT- analysis is a necessary part of the research work. It also is a strategic planning
method using by the restaurant when its concept is created.

Amy Fontinelle, Starting a new business. According to this study, b ecoming a small business
owner has unique challenges and rewards that aren't right for everyone. You must be driven, disciplined
and able to identify a product or service that people need - one that they will pay enough for to allow you
to live comfortably. You have to develop marketing skills and be able to find your own work, because it
won't fall into your lap until after you're well established. Business owners need to understand how to
budget, keep records and handle small business taxes. They must familiarize themselves with
employment laws if they want to hire staff. They also need a plan for protecting their business and
everything that's tied to it if something goes wrong. The process of figuring out what line of business to
go into is not that different from figuring out what you want when you're looking for any other new job. It
seems daunting because the possibilities are wide open, but that's also the main attraction of working for
yourself. You don't have to limit yourself to what your resume says you're good at.

Olena Valentynivna Bazylevska, 2011, Customer analytics as a source of competitive advantage.

According to this study, the competition is getting more intense due to deregulation, slow-growth
industries and globalization. Intense competition and more demanding customers push companies to
search for new ways to obtain competitive advantage. However, the capacity of product innovation and
quality to provide the basis for competitive advantage has depleted (Woodruff, 1997). Furthermore,
patents do not help to protect innovation. Customer analytics can contribute to competitive advantage
across three dimensions: increased bargaining power, improved effectiveness and improved efficiency of
marketing capability. However, a sustainability of this advantage with analytics is doubtful. If analytics is

complemented with other unique resources of the company such as scale advantage or access to unique
data, then it is sustainable. Case studies suggest that each step of maturity requires more and more
intangible organizational resources. So that if benefits from analytics were increasing with maturity, then
the company which is able to innovate fast with analytics would sustain an advantage. However, this is
not the case. The results show that sales improvement diminishes with analytics maturity over time. The
decrease of perceived sales expansion might refer to the fact that there is a limit of the ability of the
market and the company to grow at some point.

Matti Jaakkola, 2006, Strategic Marketing and Its Effect on Business Performance. This study
offers one possible positioning for strategic marketing relative to some more established concepts. The
concept of strategic marketing is relatively young and yet unestablished. Effects are unclear since they
have not been studied very much, especially in different business environments. This study attempts to
fulfill this evident research gap in effectiveness studies and to identify best practices in strategic
marketing for Finnish companies. The concept of strategic marketing is used in various ways and any
established definition is not yet available. This study aims to further develop the definition in relation
with other, more established concepts, such as strategy and marketing. To start with, the StratMark project
has defined strategic marketing as deeply customer-oriented concept focusing on the top managements
long-term vision for competitive advantage through product innovation, other functions being fully
subservient to this process. While customers are at the core of all thinking, innovation orientation must
stem from the company.

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