Vol1 Mobile-Managing The Hype

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April 2010

Managing the Hype:

The reality of mobile
in Canada

Insights for your business

in this issue
Introduction.......................................................... 3 - 4 Delvinia DIG is a quarterly report

prepared by Delvinia Interactive.

Smartphone ownership..............................................5
The report is a compilation of the
GPS awareness and usage.................................... 6 - 8
perspectives of Delvinia’s interactive
Mobile applications.............................................. 9 - 10
experts based on data generated by
Mobile cameras .................................................11 - 12
our proprietary online consumer
Mobile games ...........................................................13 research panel, AskingCanadians™

Summary............................................................14 - 15 and its French counterpart Qu’en

Data methodology.....................................................16 pensez vous MC.

From 99% of the Net Generation (NGen) of users 18 to 34 to 87% of Canadians 65+, the number of
Canadians who own mobile devices has never been higher. However, Delvinia’s 2009-2010 study of
Canadian mobile behaviours conducted through AskingCanadians™, revealed that most mobile owners
don’t appear to be using the more advanced features that mobile providers tout and marketers dream of
fully leveraging. In fact, Canadian mobile device users seem to be most comfortable with the basic features
that have existed on phones for years such as sending and receiving text messages, using the clock/alarm
feature, and taking photos.

Use of mobile device features (Total Canada)

Phone calls 89%

Clock /alarm 56%
Text messaging 52%
Camera 52%
Calendar/agenda / organizer 40%
Email 28%
Emergencies Only 19%
Instant messaging/Blackberry messenger 18%
MP3’s / music / videos 18%
Picture/ video messaging 18%
Web browsing 15%
GPS or mapping services 14%
Downloading (games, ringtones, etc) 14%
Search 13%
Facebook mobile 11%
Contests /promotions 5%
Subscriptions /alerts 4%
Twitter mobile 3% 2009

Insights for your business

Even high-tech NGen, despite being the most mobile savvy group, primarily use more basic
aspects of their mobile phones.

Use of mobile device features (NGen)

Phone calls 92%

Clock /alarm 77%
Text messaging 76%
Camera 67%
Calendar / agenda / organizer 55%
Email 37%
MP3’s / music /videos 30%
Picture/video messaging 29%
Instant messaging / Blackberry messenger 26%
Web browsing 25%
Downloading (games, ringtones, etc) 24%
Facebook mobile 22%
GPS or mapping services 21%
Search 20%
Emergencies Only 13%
Contests / promotions 8%
Subscriptions /alerts 7%
Twitter mobile 6% 2009

Insights for your business

smartphone ownership
But what about those Canadians who own more
feature-loaded mobile devices like Blackberries,
iPhones and other smartphones? It’s important to
“ Canada’s slow adoption of
smartphones and their advanced
realize that although smartphone ownership in Canada functionality may be tied to the
is significant and growing, the majority of Canadians do
not yet own smartphones. long-term contracts that owners are
forced into by the major mobile
And while those Canadians who don’t own smartphones
are only ever exposed to a limited number of mobile providers. Three-year contracts are
features, Delvinia’s follow up survey and subsequent
commonplace, with significant
analysis revealed that even those Canadians who DO
own smartphones keep it relatively simple when it comes buy-out fees imposed for early
to the features and functionality they currently use.
contract cancellation: customers may
make do with their phone for longer
than they’d like to, rather than pay the
Total smartphone ownership
fee to cancel. There may also be
38% confusion over different rate
33% packages for smartphones. “Talk

26% only” packages may be relatively easy

to understand, but rates for SMS and

15% data can be more complex.

Smartphone owners may be reluctant
NGen GenX Boomers 65+ to use more advanced features for

fear of high data charges.

A closer look at certain smartphone features and how Randy Matheson

Canadians use them creates a more precise snapshot of Director, Emerging Media Platforms
the current smartphone landscape. In this report, we’ll
focus on four specific mobile features and functionality:
GPS, applications, cameras and games.

Insights for your business

gps awareness & usage
GPS awareness and usage on smartphones is still Mobile GPS awareness by generation
relatively low among Canadians, particularly among
Boomers and the 65+ crowd. While it would be too
easy and short-sighted to assume that delay in NGen
62% 27%11%
adoption follows generational lines, limited awareness
appears in younger demographics as well. Some 38%
of NGen don’t know or aren’t sure whether their GenX 49% 40% 10%
smartphones are GPS-equipped.
Boomers 49% 39% 12%
Based on these results, it isn’t surprising that few
Canadians use their mobile GPS on a weekly basis,
and over 50% of most generations do not use this 65+ 26% 58% 16%
feature at all (with the exception of NGen, 41% of
whom do not use this feature).
Yes No Don’t know / not sure

Have you enabled the GPS feature on your mobile

and used it to locate your position on a map?

5% 10% 28% 16% 41%

GenX 6% 9% 12% 21% 52%

3%3% 15% 15%2% 61%

65+ 100%

Every day Several times a week Several times a month

Several times Used it but not anymore Never used it

a year or less

Insights for your business

I don’t need it, nor do I
want to pay for it.
- NGen

“ Why this lack of awareness and relatively low usage rates of GPS across all generations?
Perhaps it’s the fact that most customers were first introduced to this capability in their cars
with the introduction of in-car GPS systems in the 1990’s. When consumers think GPS, they
automatically think of in-car systems – not their mobile devices.

Additionally, handling your mobile GPS while in transit is unsafe; the in-car systems all offer
real-time voice navigation and onscreen directions, which mobile GPS is only beginning to
offer now in Beta or to business subscribers. According to many survey respondents, they
do not see a need for it because they already have a separate GPS that is clearer and more

Moreover, most Canadian consumers think that setting up GPS on their mobile phones is
complex and time-consuming, stating “it’s too small and I haven’t had time to investigate
how to set it up” or “I don’t know how it works.” Marketers and product developers take
note: as with any other feature, customers want ease of use. They don’t want to have to
learn how to set it up or use it – they just want something intuitive. This is an opportunity for
product developers and marketers to keep it simple in terms of design and communication.

Insights for your business

Another opportunity for marketers lies in better communicating a carrier’s data plan.
Canadians cited the cost of GPS (primarily the data exchange) as another reason why they
did not use their mobile GPS feature. Many were either not certain of the cost or didn’t
want to pay for the service. Cost is always going to be a factor but in our current economic
climate, consumers are smart spenders and on the lookout for value. If they already own an
in-car device, many will not pay again to add it to their mobile, nor will they be willing to risk
paying for it if they aren’t sure about coverage under their data plan.

Another implied factor which could affect the relatively low usage is consumer habits.
Respondents indicated that they didn’t need mobile GPS as they determined a route for
their destinations in advance. In the case of an impromptu need for directions, many
Canadians fell back onto existing behaviours such as calling their destination directly,

looking it up online before leaving home, or even using paper-based maps.

Grace Marquez
Creative Director

No turn by turn
- GenX

Insights for your business

mobile applications
While the majority of smartphone owners claim to
prefer downloading applications to visiting a website in
order to access information via their mobile devices,
open-ended responses indicated a great deal of If I want the info,
confusion over what in fact a mobile application is. I want all of it, not
just a partial like some
apps show.
I am happy using
- GenX
a browser and Google to search
for the information I need.
I guess Google is a website
instead of an app.
- Boomer

Mobile applications vs. websites optimized for mobile by smartphone type




I prefer a permanent application that I prefer to access a website optimized

accessed information right on my device for my mobile's internet rowser

Blackberry iPhone Other smartphone

Insights for your business

Meanwhile, 50% of those surveyed had never
downloaded an application at all. Even among the
highest app users – NGen and GenX – over 30% have
“ For those who are engaging with
mobile applications and leveraging
never downloaded a mobile application. this aspect of their smartphone
functionality, they prefer experiences
Never downloaded a mobile application that are fun and relatively basic. The
(Total Canada)
top application types are gaming,
95% social networking, music, and
entertainment. More practical,
50% information-based applications are
32% 36%
far less popular.
NGen GenX Boomers 65+ Total

So while fun mobile apps may appeal

to a certain audience, marketers must

Types of mobile applications downloaded recognize that creating a

(Total Canada) downloadable mobile application may
not always be the way to meet their
Games 32% objectives through the mobile
Social networking /
Instant messaging 22% channel. And when an application is

Music 21% the right tactic, making it entertaining

21% and keeping it simple is important.

News 15% Jim Morrison

Productivity & Director, Technology
reference (e.g 10%
Health & fitness / 9%

Work related 7%

Travelling 6%
Finance & money 5%

Student-related 4%

Insights for your business

mobile cameras
The mobile camera is one of the more popular mobile of Canadians, and like most features this is especially
features, well-used by all Canadians. It’s a true for NGen and GenX.
straightforward, easy-to-use feature that requires no
set-up – exactly the kind of feature that mobile owners But while the majority of smartphone owners are
use most often. taking pictures with their mobile devices, most are not
using another arguably more complicated functionality
Canadians cite a variety of reasons for using the for the purpose of sharing the pictures they take. For
camera on their smartphones, like snapping social example, MMS, Facebook and Twitter are only
outings and live events, and capturing information to leveraged by 18%, 15% and 1% of Canadians
help describe something or for future reference, but respectively. Instead, almost 60% show their mobile
70% of smartphone owners don’t consider it their pictures to others in person, while over 30% don’t share
primary camera. Nevertheless, the camera feature on the images they take with their mobile devices at all.
mobile devices has become a mainstay for the majority

To what extent do each of the following statements

about mobile cameras sound like you? (Total Canada)

I take pictures with my mobile when I'm out

with friends in social situations (like parties, 19% 21% 21% 10% 29%
restaurants, and bars).

I take pictures with my mobile to capture information

that I want to refer back to at a later time or date
(like the features or the price of a product). 19% 20% 19% 14% 28%

I take pictures on my mobile phone and use them to

describe or explain a thing or situation to someone. 15% 23% 22% 10% 30%

I take pictures with my mobile to take pictures of

live events, like concerts and sporting events. 17% 15% 25% 12% 31%

I take pictures with my mobile when I'm shopping

to get feedback on a potential purchase from
someone who isn't mobile device with me.
14% 13% 19% 12% 42%

My mobile camera is my primary camera -

I use it more than any other camera. 10% 6% 14% 14% 56%

5 Sounds like me a lot 4 3 Neutral 2 1 Sounds nothing like me

Insights for your business

In which of the following ways, if any, I saw
do you share the pictures you take using your a coolproduct in
mobile device with other people (Total Canada) the store. It was hard
to describe it but when
I took a picture
Show pictures on my mobile
59% my friends knew what
to others in person
I was talking about.
Don’t share pictures taken
with my mobile 31% - GenX

Send pictures from mobile 24%

via email

Send pictures from mobile 18%

via MMS
Post pictures from my
mobile to Facebook
The mobile camera allowed
Post pictures from my 5%
mobile elsewhere online me to document a faulty
Post pictures from my item when it came to making
mobile to Twitter
an immediate in store
refund claim.”
- GenX

“ Canadian mobile camera behavior reinforces the idea that mobile owners gravitate
towards the easier-to-use features and functionality associated with mobile devices and
shy away from more complicated functionality. But understanding the extent to which
mobile cameras have been adopted by the Canadian masses and recognizing the
marketing potential of this feature could be a powerful tool nonetheless. Imagine dynamic
campaigns designed to leverage this already inherent behavior, while gradually and
effectively educating consumers on how to take mobile camera functionality a step further

to truly interact with brands. It doesn’t have to be leading edge – it has to be effective!

Julianne Smola
Vice President, Insight

Insights for your business

mobile games
Mobile gaming is a feature that has been adopted Although future marketing opportunities may include
primarily by younger Canadians. The NGen and GenX the new wave of augmented-reality and location-based
groups who grew up with video games are beginning games, users are still limited in their adoption. After all,
to move their gaming experiences to mobile, while only 2% of NGen and 1% of overall users are engaging
Boomers and the 65+ group are engaging in mobile in networked or social gaming on their mobile devices.
gaming in a more limited manner.

Ways in which games are played on mobile devices (by Generation)




5% 6% 5% 2% 1% 1% 0%
Play games by myself Let others (e.g. my child) play games Play networked games with others

Ngen GenX Boomers 65+

“ With the launch of Apple’s iPad and their embrace of gaming for the iPhone as well as the
growth of multiple smartphone platforms, the outlets for delivering mobile games are
continuing to expand. But meanwhile, the most popular use of mobile games on smartphones
currently comes in the form of basic pre-installed or downloaded game applications (think
BrickBreaker). Marketers must remain aware that experiential and console-like gaming on

a mobile device is still a new and unfamiliar concept to most users.

Jim Morrison
Director, Technology

Insights for your business

If you’ve ever left your mobile phone at home, you’ll
understand how heavily Canadians have come to rely
on mobile technology. Without it there’s an emptiness
your landline, email and social media outlets can’t fill.

We’re social by nature and 3G mobile devices provide

us with every method of communication we require:
Personal communication (talk, text and email); group
communication (email, blogging and social media); and
event management (social media, calendar and
browser). It’s accessible from anywhere you are. And if
you’re somewhere you can’t talk, you can type.

This sense of personal connection through our phone is

compounded through companion features, including:
entertainment (music, gaming), organization (alarm,
calendar, tasks), and convenience (camera). Your mobile
device helps kill the time, manage your life and keep you
informed of, well, everything. With the emergence of
mobile dating and banking, is there any aspect of our
lives our phones aren’t getting personal with?

As marketers, we see unlimited potential in connecting Case in point: not long ago, getting from point A to point
to consumers through their mobile devices. But, B required a map. Something you kept in your glove
Canadians are far behind other countries in mobile box. Now, we pre-plan our routes online
feature use adoption. They are eagerly using features (Bing/Google/Mapquest) or rely on an in-car GPS
that have a low to moderate learning curve like mobile system. As mobile mapping and GPS usage increases
gaming and camera functionality, but have yet to we may see a new shift in mapping behaviour, where
embrace the deeper features like their European and we begin to rely on real-time mapping as opposed to
Asian counterparts. pre-planning. More likely, we will see cross-platform
usage, such as send map to phone online or in-car GPS
So, what can a Canadian marketer do to connect with for driving and mobile GPS for walking/public
our customer on a meaningful level? transportation.

We need to build mobile programs that have high-value In the meantime, it’s important to keep your strategy
to the consumer. Obvious value inspires a willingness simple. Mobile is one touch point in your marketing mix.
to adopt change. And adopting change requires Ask yourself, what value will mobile have for my
education (on value, usage and set-up). “First customer? There are a few other things you should
adopters” will influence usage with peers and in time, consider when developing a mobile program:
we can instigate a shift in consumer behaviour.

Insights for your business


Take advantage of the portability of the device but Don’t expect your customers to understand the
think about the interaction from the consumer’s technology to the extent that you do. Explain the steps
perspective. Subway advertising may reach engaged clearly. Build trust. Show value. And when they’ve done
commuters, but without a mobile connection, your it once, they will be more likely to do it again. As
call-to-action is lost. The interaction needs to be simple consumers begin to understand the value and potential
and convenient. And it needs to work. of their mobile device, their behaviour and usage will
Also, be sensitive to the personal nature of a mobile
device. When you communicate through mobile, it’s like There’s a big opportunity for marketers who are first to
reaching into their pocket to deliver your message… the mobile market. However, don’t enter the market
and that notification could come at a very inconvenient because mobile is “the next big thing”. It works for
time. some – but not for all. Understand that there is a
difference between being first and being good.

2. PROVIDE VALUE No matter what your objective, if mobile is going to be

part of your marketing mix, it’s good to test what works
We need to rely on deeper insights into consumer now and build from there. Creating a mobile friendly
wants and needs in order to deliver value. The more newsletter or website may be the first step in
value you bring to the consumer, the more willing they understanding your audiences’ acceptance and usage
are to engage. The value needs to be clear, aligned with of mobile. Tracking and metrics can also tell you what
your brand and relevant to your offering. mobile devices your consumers are using. Continually
test, measure and optimize your campaigns.
The best mobile strategies leverage the portability of
the device, location-based services and pull marketing Our role as marketers is continually evolving. It’s no
tactics. Give customers control of how and when they longer about traditional and digital. It’s about Customer
interact with your brand. Experience with integrated traditional and digital touch
points. And as new digital platforms emerge, we need
to distinguish between opportunity and hype. There is a
lot of hype around mobile marketing being the next big
thing. If we manage the hype, it will turn into endless

Insights for your business


AskingCanadians™ and its French counterpart Qu’en

pensez vous MC is Delvinia’s proprietary online research
panel of Canadian consumers who have opted in to
participate in ongoing market research studies.

In October/November 2009, Delvinia conducted its

annual re-profiling initiative with all of its
AskingCanadians panelists. From the entire pool of
responses, Delvinia extracted a statistically
representative subset of 5,680 responses (50/50
gender split, age and province breakdowns as per
Stats Can) and discovered high mobile phone
ownership in Canada, but relatively basic mobile phone
feature use.

Delvinia then conducted a follow-up survey in January

2010 with 1,000 statistically representative
AskingCanadians smartphone owners to uncover
further insights. Results of this survey were obtained
within a week.

All analysis and reporting was carried out using SAS

analytics platform.

Insights for your business


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