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What Is "Electricity"?

charge - conduct - eat up - electrical engineering - electrically - electricity - fuel - grid intake - main - off-peak - operate - static - travel - use - current - electric - fool - little meter - no - off - on - power - supply - switch

What Is "Electricity"?
This question is impossible to answer because the word "Electricity" has several
contradictory meanings. These different meanings are incompatible, and the contradictions
confuse everyone. If you don't understand electricity, you're not alone. Even teachers,
engineers, and scientists have a hard time grasping the concept.
Obviously "electricity" cannot be several different things at the same time. Unfortunately
we have defined the word Electricity in a crazy way. Because the word "electricity" lacks
one distinct meaning, we can never pin down the nature of electricity. In the end we are
forced to declare that there's no such stuff as "electricity" at all! Here's a quick example to
illustrate the problem.
Do generators make electricity?
To answer this question, consider the household light bulb. Inside a lamp cord the charges
(the electrons) sit in one place and wiggle back and forth. That's AC or alternating current.
At the same time, the waves of electromagnetic field move rapidly forward. This waveenergy does not wiggle, instead it races along the wires as it flows from the distant
generators and into the light bulb. OK, now ask yourself this: when "electricity" is flowing, is
it called an Electric Current? Yes? If so, then electricity is charge. And therefore we must
say that the "electricity" sits inside the wires and vibrates back and forth. Generators do
not create it, and it does not flow forward. Next, ask yourself if electricity is a form of
energy. If it's energy, then electricity is made of electromagnetic

Electrics facts

The Atom
To study electricity you must first understand something very important...
Everything is made of atoms. They are a very tiny particles made up of
even tinier particles. The central part of an atom, called the nucleus,
contains protons and neutrons. Orbiting around the outside of the nucleus
are electrons. Protons, neutrons and electrons have their own characteristics. One of
these is called an electrical charge. Protons carry a "positive" charge while electrons carry
a "negative" charge. Neutrons carry no charge. Electricity happens when electrons get
temporarily taken away from an atom.

Cul Es "la Electricidad"?

el precio - la conducta - come por completo - ingeniera elctrico - elctricamente - la electricidad el combustible - la rejilla - la entrada - principal - fuera de las horas pico - maneja - esttico - viajes el empleo - la corriente - elctrico - el idiota - poco - el metro - no - de - sobre - el poder - el
suministro - el interruptor
Esta pregunta es imposible contestar porque la palabra " Electricity " tiene varios significados
contradictorios. Estos significados diferentes son incompatibles, y las contradicciones confunden a
cada uno. Si usted no entiende la electricidad, usted no es solo. Incluso los profesores, ingenieros,
y cientficos tienen un tiempo duro agarrando el concepto.
Obviamente "la electricidad" no puede ser varias cosas diferentes al mismo tiempo.
Lamentablemente hemos definido la palabra la Electricidad de un modo loco. Como la palabra "la
electricidad" carece de un significado distinto, nunca podemos sujetar la naturaleza de electricidad.
A el final nos fuerzan a declarar que no hay ninguna tal materia como "la electricidad" en absoluto!
Aqu est un ejemplo rpido para ilustrar el problema.
Hacen los generadores la electricidad? Para contestar esta pregunta, considere la bombilla de
casa. Dentro de una cuerda de lmpara los gastos (los electrones) se sientan en un lugar y
menean hacia adelante y hacia atrs. Esto es la corriente alterna o la corriente alterna. Al mismo
tiempo, las ondas de movimiento electromagntico de campaa rpidamente expiden. Esta energa
mareomotriz no menea, en cambio ello carreras a lo largo de los cables como esto fluye de los
generadores distantes y en la bombilla.
Vale!, ahora pregntese esto: cundo "la electricidad" fluye, le llaman una Corriente elctrica?
S? Si es as, entonces la electricidad es el precio. Y por lo tanto debemos decir que "la
electricidad" se sienta dentro de los cables y vibra hacia adelante y hacia atrs. Los generadores
no lo crean, y esto no fluye adelante. Despus, pregntese si la electricidad es una forma de
energa. Si esto es la energa, entonces la electricidad es hecha de electromagntico.

El tomo Para estudiar la electricidad usted primero debe entender algo muy importante... Todo es
hecho de tomos. Ellas son las partculas muy diminutas arregladas de partculas an ms
diminutas. La parte central de un tomo, llamado el ncleo, contiene protones y neutrones. Orbital
alrededor del exterior del ncleo son electrones. Los protones, neutrones y electrones tienen sus
propias caractersticas. Llaman uno de estos un precio elctrico. Los protones llevan un precio
"positivo" mientras los electrones llevan un precio "negativo". Los neutrones no llevan ningn
precio. La electricidad pasa cuando los electrones temporalmente son llevados de un tomo.

1. The scientist's definition: "Electricity" means only one thing: it's the electrons and protons, the electric
2. The everyday definition: "Electricity" means only one thing: the electromagnetic field energy sent out by
batteries and generators.
3. The grade-school definition: "Electricity" means only one thing: it refers to the flowing motion of electric
4. "Electricity" means only one thing: it refers to the amount of imbalance between quantities of electrons and
5. "Electricity" is nothing other than the classes of phenomena involving electric charges.
6. Other less common definitions:
"Electricity" refers to the flowing motion of electrical energy (electric power, Watts of electricity)
"Electricity" really means the electric potential or e-field (Volts of electricity)
"Electricity" only means the glowing nitrogen/oxygen plasma (sparks of electricity)
"Electricity" is nothing but a field of science (Basic Electricity, Advanced Electricity)
Check out these Static electricity websites:
Take a look at this good place for more explanations about static electricity. "What is Static Electricity?" Scroll
down to the section, "I Can Read."
You'll have fun at The Boston Museum of Science activity site for static electricity. Here you'll work with
balloons, dancing paper bunnies, and styrofoam pellets. You'll build a simple "electroscope, a device for
measuring static electricity.
Science Made Simple has a few activities that you can easily do alone or with friends.
This is the place to sit back and watch a movie demonstrating how a circuit works. It also explains conductors
and insulators.
Are you too scared to visit Frankenstein's Lightning Laboratory for a lesson about electrical safety? You'll meet
the crazy friends of Frankenstein who are not being very safe!!!


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