Born Again

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1. Background of Religion
What do born again Christians Believe?
In the Philippines, we often differentiate between "born again" Christians
and Catholics. In actuality, the two are not mutually exclusive. There are many
born again Christians in the Catholic church and some within Protestant churches
who are not born again. Whether or not one is born again is entirely a matter of
faith, not church affiliation.
So what does a born again Christian believe? For starters, they believe in
God. They believe in one God existing eternally in three persons: the Father, the
Son, and the Holy spirit. They believe in the Bible as their authority on all
spiritual matters. They believe that Jesus is God. They believe He came to earth,
was born of a virgin, and eventually died on a cross and then was raised from
the dead on the third day. Most importantly, born again Christians believe that a
person can only be saved from their sins by placing their faith in Jesus Christ. It
is because of the free gift of God's grace that we can be saved through faith. To a
born again Christian, salvation has nothing to do with good works or church
It is on this final point that born again Christians differ with the Catholic
church. Of course, there are some Catholics who understand that salvation is
through faith alone, but probably most do not. For people in the Philippines, their
decision about faith verses works will be the central theological decision of their
lives (whether they know it or not).

How Do I Decide What to Believe?

It is important to have a sound basis for deciding any matter related to our
own salvation. After all, it directly affects where we will spend eternity.
The Catholic church developed in about the fourth century after Christ at
the time that the Roman Empire adopted Chistianity as its state religion. The
mixture of governmental interests with Roman traditions at that time had an
effect on the structure of the church. Over the centuries the Catholic church
became highly structured and reliant not only on the Bible as a source of
authority, but on a myriad of more recent traditions.
A born again Christian, by way of contrast, seeks the truth solely from the
Bible itself. They recognize that only as we cut through the centuries of manmade rules and institutional traditions can we understand clearly what Jesus and
the writers of the New Testament actually taught concerning our salvation.

Basis for Decision-Making

Most Catholics
Born Again Christians
Bible + Tradition + Modern Church Law
The Bible
Once a person understands that the true Christian's basis of authority are
the words of the Bible itself, then they will find that their questions are quite
easily answered. The basis of salvation, according to the apostle Paul in
Ephesians 2:8-9 is faith alone. He writes, "For by grace you have been saved,
through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so
that no one can boast."
Most of us are familiar with John 3:16 which says, "For God so loved the
world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not
perish but have eternal life." What many people may not realize is that John uses
the Greek word for "believe" more than 90 times as the basis of salvation, each
time with nothing else attached.
Of course good works are important. In fact, a person who claims to have
Christ but whose life shows no change at all over time may need to admit that
they did not genuinely, sincerely, place their faith in Christ. Works do matter...-But for the born again Christian, these works are the RESULT of their salvation,
not the MEANS of salvation. The work of Christ on the cross is sufficient.
What a relief to know that we do not have to "earn" our salvation. We are,
of course, completely unable to please God on our own. We begin life in a state
of sin and spiritual death. On this Catholics and Protestants agree. Who are we,
then, to think we can earn our way to heaven? In Hebrews 11:6 we are reminded
"Without faith it is impossible to please God."
Fortunately, God is a God of love. While we were yet sinners, Christ died
for us." (Romans 5:8). "We love Him because he first loved us." (1John 4:19).
What a blessed thing that the Creator God of the universe reached down to sinful
man through His only son and gave us the perfect love that only He could give.
If you would like to be born agian, then simply believe in Christ alone for
the forgiveness of your sins. You can express this faith in Christ through prayer
right now. The following is a suggested prayer:
Lord Jesus, I need you.
If you sincerely prayed that prayer, then you can know that Christ is in
your life and that all of your sins (past, present, and future) are forgiven. You
need never pray this prayer again. Jesus said, "I will never leave you nor forsake
you." (Hebrews 13:5)
If you, as a born again Christian, commit a sin, simply admit it directly to
God in prayer and thank Him that you are already forgiven. As you pray and read
your Bible daily, you will grow closer and closer to Him as your friend and Savior.

If you just prayed the prayer above, it is very important that you recieve
the help of other believers as you begin this new relationship with God.
2. Definition of terms of Architectural Elements
3. Design Guidelines in words and w/ layout or plan (simple autocadd)
4. Site layout w/ simple illustration
5. Building type enumerate the building types within kung marami
6. Plan layout
7. Exterior elements and symbolism fixed /nakadikit
8. Interior elements and symbolism
9. Furniture / furnishing
10.Rules and regulations
12.End notes/ Bibliography/sources acknowledgement

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