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Example of treating command terms 1

Outline1 two principles that define the biological level of analysis.

Two principles that define the biological level of analysis are there are biological correlates of behavior
and that animal research can give insight to human behavior.
Human behavior is biological response to external stimulus that one experiences. As one experience
stimulus from environment or society, the peripheral nervous system (PNS) will receive that stimulus
and send it to the central nervous system (CNS) which consists of spinal cord and brain. CNS will
interpret the message and give command to PNS of as response to that external stimulus. For example,
the sensory deprivation experienced by the Buddhist monks during pilgrimage has elevated the level of
serotonin in neurotransmission. As result the monks altered their perception about the world, for
example having hallucination.
In studying the correlation between behavior and human behavior, one does not always have to
conduct research to human directly. Knowing that animal, especially mammals, shared DNA similarity to
human might give insight of how human behave. In the study of the effect of vasopressin in prairie
voles bonding behavior, for example, we can gain insight of how vasopressin might also affect human
tendency to bond in interpersonal relationship. But one needs to remember not to adopt the result of
animal research directly without considering the unique effect of culture and society in human life.
(216 words)

Describe2 non-experimental research method.

One way to study human behavior is by conducting non-experimental (qualitative) research method.
In this method, the researcher aims not to prove whether his/her hypothesis is right or wrong but
he/she aims to understand the psychological phenomenon from the perspective of the participants.
Psychology acknowledges the level of validity of the subjective perception about certain experience
from participants. The researcher will emphasize the analysis to find the meaning of the data.

Outline means giving a brief account or summary that clearly illustrates. You must emphasize the
summary of the theory/concept under question. Scientific studies/evidence can be used but it wont be
the main request.

Describe means giving a detailed account of specific concept/theory. You must write a narrative that
shows the details of a concept. Using one or two examples if you think they can clarify your idea.

The researcher could gain the data through interview, observation or case study. The data can be in the
form of interview transcript, observation field notes, video, photos, journal, even medical records.
To find the meaning of the data, the researchers interpret the raw data and make conclusion. The nonexperimental method acknowledges the possibility of subjectivity in interpreting the data and therefore
one need to triangulate their findings first before generalizing it to bigger population. Triangulation is
using multiple method of investigation in exploring same phenomenon. If different method or data
from other study support the findings of a case study, it is then one can generalize it to bigger
(181 words)
Explain3, using examples, the effects of neurotransmission on human behavior.
Human body consists of millions of neuron. The work of neuron is integrated in a system called
neurotransmission. Each neuron in this system communicates with each other by sending
electrochemical compound called neurotransmitter. When it works the neurotransmitter jumps through
synapse between neuron and got into the receptor neuron. In the receptor the neuron can be either
activate or inhibit the work of the other neuron. That neurotransmitter will then determine the
reaction/response of our body expressed by our behavior.
One of the examples of the effect of neurotransmission on human behavior is acethylcoline. In a study, a
group of rats were trained to go through a maze to get food. After a set training, the rats successfully
accomplished the task. They were then injected with compound either block the acethylcoline in their
blood or block the compound that clean up the achetylcoline (resulted high level of acethylcoline). It
was found in the second trial, that the group with high level of acethylcoline could go through the maze
faster than the rest of the group, while the group with low level of acethylcoline was the slowest and
made many mistake. It was concluded that level of acethylcoline affect learning and memorizing beha
vior. This might be applicable to human behavior, but one still needs to consider the unique effect of
society and culture which affect human behavior.
Another example of neurotransmitter was serotonine. In a study observing Buddhist monks, it was
found that after couple days of pilgrimage, the monks started to experience hallucination. When the
researcher took their blood sample, it was found that the level of serotonine in their blood inclined. The
researcher conclude that the level of serotonine affect the way human interpret their senses and alter
how human experience the world.
(295 words)

Explain invites you to give detailed account including reasons or causes. In this question you need to
include the reasons why neurotransmission can affect human behavior and complete your answer with
more than one example (research/studies).

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