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The Magnesium Bicarbonate Miracle Summary Sheet

I am not a medical doctor, and these statements are not medical advice. These statements have not been
evaluated by the US FDA.
Updated 8/25/2015.
An up-to-date electronic (PDF) copy is available here:
On 8/18/15, Life Extension Foundation (LEF) turned off their forum
and erased it. The magnesium acetate / magnesium bicarbonate thread that was at has moved to a Google group!forum/mag-bicarb
What is now known. The mineral magnesium is notoriously hard to absorb into the body. Common
magnesium supplements are often magnesium oxide, that has been reported to only 4% absorb. Dr Mark
Sircus and Dr Carolyn Dean have reported that up to 90% of
the western population are probably deficient in magnesium. The RDA is 380-420mg per day of magnesium.
These doctors also believe that optimal amounts of magnesium are about twice the RDA. Therapeutic
doses of magnesium start at about 3g per day and can be as high as 20g per day when used to treat various
The common serum magnesium blood test, while providing indications of extreme magnesium deficiency, is
not very good for evaluation of the overall status of body magnesium reserves, that reside in the cells, not the
serum. The Magnesium RBC blood test measures magnesium levels inside Red Blood Cells and is a much
better indication of body magnesium status. IU Health does not offer the magnesium RBC blood test. One can
purchase this test for $49 at . One orders this test on the
internet, and they send the lab orders to your local LabCorp for a blood draw. In the Lafayette area, Labcorp is
3554 Promenade Parkway
Suite C, Lafayette, IN 47909.
Promenade Parkway is a side street (stop light) off of Veterans Memorial (350 S) which is near a
McDonalds/Subway. Turn south on Promenade for block, turn right, and you are there. There is an
OReillys Auto Parts under construction right in front of Labcorp.
Dr Carolyn Dean states that your optimal RBC magnesium should be 6.0-6.5 mg/dL.
Almost all of main stream medical still only uses the magnesium serum blood test. I made up an analogy to
comparing serum magnesium to RBC (cellular) magnesium levels. Imagine you have a car with a gas tank and
a fuel line. The amount of gas in the tank corresponds to your cellular (RBC) magnesium levels. The serum
magnesium corresponds to the amount of gas in the fuel line. As long as some gas remains in the tank, the
fuel line (serum magnesium) will read adequate. When the gas tank is empty, the fuel line will quickly deplete

(running on fumes), and the serum magnesium will now show low right when the body is almost totally
depleted in magnesium. If the patient is having a heart attack, etc, IV magnesium is probably called for to
prevent death at this point.
Last year, I was taking about 1700mg of magnesium supplements, mostly oxide form, and I tested a 4.3, right
on the bottom end. Last September, I began high dose magnesium chloride crystals supplementation, about 1
rounded teaspoon, divided into two doses in water. That eventually brought my RBC magnesium up to 5.3.
I believe, that around the 1980s, Dr Russell Beckett, in Australia, observed some cattle and sheep were living
twice as long as normal. Their drinking water was analyzed and found to contain a small amount of
magnesium bicarbonate. This led to further research, patents, and eventually selling bottled magnesium
bicarbonate water (very dilute solutions, since it is unstable above 0.5% magnesium)
Dr Sircus advocates magnesium bicarbonate as the ultimate mitochondrial cocktail.
Magnesium bicarbonate cannot exist in powder form. It can only exist in very dilute (about percent
magnesium) water solutions. It can be purchased for $90/quart (incl shipping) from, but that
is expensive, and will only last me 4-5 days at best. Magnesium bicarbonate can also be made by mixing Milk
of Magnesia and Canada Dry Club Soda, but again, it is expensive, low yield and lots of hassles. Dr Sircus
recommends taking magnesium chloride and taking sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) at slightly different
times and this will make some magnesium bicarbonate ions in the body. I tried this and noticed no
differences. Others, who already have low blood pressure, are able to take larger amounts of baking soda and
have seen an energy burst with this method (oral magnesium malate instead of chloride). This method (for
me) eventually led to high chlorides, which acidified the body. Baking soda alkalizes the body, but in most
people the increased sodium loading causes more fluid retention and therefore higher blood pressure.
Careful blood pressure monitoring should be done. Dr Sircus believes one mechanism of action is that when
both magnesium and bicarbonate ions are present, they can both enter the cells, and enable the cells to rid
themselves of excess calcification, especially calcification of the mitochondria (where energy is produced)
On 4/20/2015, I discovered that ingesting magnesium acetate powder would be metabolized by the body
into the elusive magnesium bicarbonate. This allows high dose magnesium bicarbonate supplementation to
be achieved, bypassing all of the expensive very dilute bottled magnesium bicarbonate waters, and avoiding
large amounts of baking soda, thus eliminating sodium overload. Since it is well documented in the medical
literature, as far back as 1965, that the acetate ion metabolizes into bicarbonate in humans (and mammals),
this discovery is not patentable over obviousness.
I took a heaping teaspoon of magnesium acetate (10g) in the morning, and again in the evening, in a glass of
water. The next morning I woke up feeling like I had taken a drink from the fountain of youth! This effect
still remains. I have a huge increase in overall energy and a great increase in the feeling of well being. I
am much more calm and can handle more stress as well, both of those are documented effects of adequate

magnesium. My serum creatinine increased from 1.23 to 1.37 mg/dL. Dr Becketts research indicated human
clinical trials of drinking magnesium bicarbonate dilute water also saw similar creatinine increase in test
subjects. That was reportedly caused by increases in ATP and phosphocreatine, or energy reserves, caused by
increased muscle metabolism, which is consistent with the huge increase in energy I have seen.
I started up a Life Extension Forum thread at
Several others have tried magnesium acetate as well. Most have reported nothing changed. Two elderly
people said it reduced their constipation issues greatly. One known side effect of any high dose magnesium
supplementation is that at some point the body hits a limit and one gets loose stools. This is the principle of
Milk of Magnesia. Both magnesium chloride and magnesium acetate powders can be mixed with a very small
amount of water, which makes a thick liquid syrup. In the case of magnesium chloride, this is called
magnesium oil, but it is not really an oil. One then rubs this onto part of their body (stomach or chest, etc),
and in about 10 minutes, most of it absorbs. This is called transdermal administration, which was pioneered by
Dr Sircus. It bypasses the GI tract and does not contribute to loose stools.
Several others have reported abundance of energy effects, while others have noticed nothing (yet). The
common denominator seems to be that the people that already have achieved adequate cellular reserves of
magnesium (via magnesium chloride or magnesium malate), and upon starting magnesium acetate, did
achieve large energy boost. I am guessing that those without adequate magnesium reserves, will build them
up over time and eventually see an energy increase effect in a couple of months. Dr Carolyn Dean states that
it takes 6 weeks to two months to build up some magnesium reserves inside the cells after starting
magnesium supplementation.
Some people in the nothing noticed category, who were not supplementing with lots of magnesium before
starting magnesium acetate, are now slowly noticing an increase in energy, about a month after starting the
acetate form. A guess might be as Dr Carolyn Dean says, it takes weeks/months for magnesium to work itself
into cells. At this point, plenty of bicarbonate doesnt have much effect. But after cells build up some
magnesium reserves, then the bicarbonate seems to allow increased energy and well being. It could be that
the magnesium has to be inside the cells first (slow process), and the addition of bicarbonate (from taking
magnesium acetate) causes the cellular magnesium to enter the mitochondria? Dosages have been in the one
to two heaping teaspoon range per day (10g per teaspoon). That teaspoon would deliver about 1.1g of
elemental magnesium and 5.5g of acetate (which converts to bicarbonate)
Drinking any significant amounts of carbonated beverages such as Coke or Pepsi wipes out most if not all of
the bodys bicarbonate buffer and is very bad for health. Dr Sircus states that he believes that one of the
mechanisms of type 2 diabetes starting is from pancreas burnout due to the pancreas having to produce
massive amounts of bicarbonate to neutralize acids from the western style diets, and especially from
carbonated drinks.
Dr Sircus believes that magnesium deficiency is the root cause of many conditions.
A 66 year old active male reports feeling stronger and feels his BMI and muscle tone may be improving. He
also reports vision changes. He needs bifocals for medium/far objects and reading glasses for near. He still
needs bifocals, but now does not need to switch to reading glasses anymore for near. This is from two weeks
of magnesium acetate as transdermal administration. He still has an energy boost. His cellular magnesium
reserves were adequate before starting magnesium acetate due to transdermal magnesium chloride for prior
six months.
Two more people have reported better near (close up) vision. One of them is me. I dont use glasses,
however my Dad is reporting that he no longer needs reading glasses on the computer.

Contraindications for cancer patients:

Many types of cancer use glucose as fuel to grow. Cancer protocols often try to limit blood sugar values to
help starve the cancers. A couple of papers have turned up, that acetate (and metabolite acetyl-CoA), both
of which exist in the blood for a period of time before they finally metabolize into bicarbonate, may also
feed cancerous tumors. A heaping teaspoon of magnesium acetate supplies 1.1g of magnesium and about
5.5g of acetate. You should have your oncologist review the two below papers before supplementing with any
form of acetate or alcohol (metabolizes into acetate, large amounts of it).

Acetate Is a Bioenergetic Substrate for Human Glioblastoma and Brain Metastases,

by: Mashimo T1, Pichumani K2, Vemireddy V1, Hatanpaa KJ3, Singh DK4, Sirasanagandla S1, Nannepaga S4, Piccirillo
SG5, Kovacs Z2, Foong C6, Huang Z7, Barnett S8, Mickey BE9, DeBerardinis RJ10, Tu BP7, Maher EA11, Bachoo RM12.

Acetate fuels the cancer engine.

by: Lyssiotis CA1, Cantley LC2.
Dr Sircus posted this info on magnesium bicarbonate on 5/25/15 on his Facebook page.
"Magnesium bicarbonate is the ultimate mitochondria cocktail. Magnesium bicarbonate together work to combat the
drop in energy within the mitochondria during constant bombardment from toxins. First, magnesium bicarbonate
protects the natural organic and inorganic phosphate buffers in the cytoplasm of cells. Second, magnesium
bicarbonate neutralizes the acid produced as a result of metabolic processes and ATP hydrolysis. This allows more ATP
to be hydrolyzed, or more energy to be made. Magnesium bicarbonate buffers the mitochondria in body cells from
excess acid concentrations, which improves mitochondrial function and increases ATP."

For the last several years, my hands have had a very small "shake" or unsteadiness. This is evident when using

a laser barcode scanner on barcodes about 3 feet away. The beam jitters a bit. Today, I noticed that the shake
has vanished. High dose magnesium chloride for 7 months did not affect this slight jitter, but apparently the
magnesium acetate did, right after my vision improved.
There is a large calming of the mind and body as well. Getting irritable, uptight, etc, no longer happens. Dr
Sircus documents that also (as things that optimum magnesium fix). All positive changes.
and Dr Sidney Baker. I could not find a direct copy of Dr Baker's article, but numerous Google hits on "a recent
article by Dr Sidney Baker" on magnesium deficiency.
Note on transdermal magnesium acetate. You need to take a shower first or wash off about 1 square foot on
your chest/stomach with soap and water before applying. This removes natural body oil on the skin. That
body oil greatly impedes transdermal application. In the case of transdermal magnesium chloride (magnesium
oil), it will appear to absorb, even with body oil, since it is hydroscopic and does not dry out, but it mostly stays
on the surface. Transdermal magnesium acetate, does dry out to a powder after 15 minutes or so, therefore
any magnesium acetate that does not absorb is visible. There is MUCH LESS acetate powder remaining if the
skin is washed first to remove body oil.
To make up a transdermal magnesium acetate solution, just put a few tablespoons in the bottom of a cup or
glass, and add a tiny amount of water. A thick syrup will form. All of the crystals will not dissolve. You now
have a saturated solution. Use three for four fingers to pick up some liquid, or pour about a teaspoon or two
of the thick liquid on your belly laying down, and smear it around, and let it soak in for 15 mins or so. You can
wash of the dried white powder if you want to, but it is ok to leave it on too.
February 2012, Life Extension Magazine ran their cover story on a novel patented magnesium compound
called Magnesium L-Threonate. At the time it was touted as the only widely available magnesium
compound that would raise magnesium levels in the brain (approx 15%), leading to increased synaptic
plasticity and density, leading to memory improvement and increased cognitive function.
Magnesium L-Threonate worked well for me. It got rid of all my brain fog at the time. Three pills only
delivered 144mg elemental magnesium, since the threonate ion is so large. It did get into the brain and
improved clarity and memory for me. It did not affect metabolism though. Magnesium L-Threonate is
patented (or patent pending), so it is sold under license, and is fairly expensive, $40 per months supply retail.
In September 2014, I began taking high dose (1 rounded teaspoon/day about 10g) of magnesium chloride
flakes from Ancient Minerals. That maintained by brain clarity, and I discontinued the magnesium L-Threonate
and did not notice any decline.

Fast forward to 4/20/2015, when I started 20g/day of magnesium acetate, I had a huge immediate energy
boost, increase in well being, much greater than when I was taking magnesium L-Threonate (or chloride). My
brain seems to be working very well. Also sleeping like a log now. Here is an email quote I received from
another member of the research group. I'm definitely seeing effects of expanded chi flow, more 'vibrancy'.
One evidence of this is also healing at the emotional level, as old traumas and stuck material surface. It's
coming up into awareness so that it can integrate, express, and resolve.

I was going through LEF blood labs from before and after magnesium acetate. I was taking magnesium
chloride 10g/day for months before the first lab on 2/14/15. My Free T seems to have doubled.
My Free T seems to have increased since starting magnesium acetate.

From LEF blood labs (male panel).

Free Testosterone(Direct) 8.7 pg/mL 6.6-18.1 BN
Free Testosterone(Direct) 16.2 pg/mL 6.6-18.1 BN
On 2/14/15 I had been taking 10g/day of magnesium chloride for months. On 5/08/15, I had been taking
20g/day magnesium acetate (discontinued mag chloride) for about 18 days.
Total T (Serum) also increased from 725 to 960 ng/dL
Improvements in muscle tone and energy and elsewhere, seem to be very similar to the benefits from LEFs Dr
William Faloons case for doing testosterone replacement therapy properly (monitoring estradiol and
prescribing Arimidex if it is too high).

I didn't mean to imply that magnesium bicarbonate (from acetate) is a "testosterone generator". My guess is
that the magnesium bicarbonate cleans up old cellular and mitochondrial calcification, restores or enables
new energy production, or other means to allow the body to revert to production of T as it did when it was
For women, my hunch is that their hormone production might return to when they were younger. Would this
mean that if they are post menopause, that they might revert to pre menopause?

DIY Magnesium acetate.

Synthesis of magnesium acetate from the reaction of magnesium hydroxide with acetic acid.[7]

2CH3COOH + Mg(OH)2 (CH3COO)2Mg + 2H2O

Magnesium acetate can also be made from magnesium carbonate and vinegar (not covered in this summary)
Magnesium carbonate suspended in distilled water with 20% acetic acid solution.[8]
Vinegar is 5% acetic acid. Milk of Magnesia (MoM) is a suspension of magnesium hydroxide in water.
1) You need to find Milk of Magnesia that only contains Magnesium Hydroxide and water, no additives.
Brand-X is often better than the original in this aspect.
Kroger (one of their laxatives) meets this criteria, and costs < $2 for a 12oz bottle.
You need to check the label, since Kroger has many other variants with various additives.
Dollar General supposedly sells one also that is additive free.
You can buy Dollar General MoM online, 12 oz bottles, additive free, for $2.00 each.
Free shipping on $40 order or more. Also cases (same price).
2) Each TBSP (using the CAP measure) contains 1200mg of magnesium hydroxide. Magnesium hydroxide
is 41.6% magnesium by weight. Therefore use two TBSP of MoM liquid (shake well first) in a
glass. That provides 1.04g of magnesium, which is close to my earlier recommended amount
of a heaping TSP of magnesium acetate powder (1.1g of magnesium).
Add 8 TBSP of white vinegar (5% acetic acid) to the glass while stirring. The mixture should
still be cloudy. Slowly add small amounts of vinegar, while stirring and the solution will
start to clear. You are done.
Magnesium hydroxide is basically insoluble in water so it forms a white "suspension" that
becomes clear when enough vinegar is used to neutralize it.
You can check with pH paper if you want to. pH should be between 7-9 and you are done.
Put a drop of solution in a spoon and do the pH paper test there, to avoid getting the
chemicals from the pH paper into the final product. You now have 150-165ml of solution
containing about 1 TSP of dissolved magnesium acetate. I drank it straight. It tasted just like
the commercial powder. To consume the 1 TSP of magnesium acetate, one needs to drink all of the 150-165ml
of solution. If it tastes too strong, dilute it to a glassful and then drink it all.
For transdermal use, you can let the water evaporate out, and re-wet the crystals with a small amount of water.
Pour about 1 TSP of the thick liquid and rub it in to showered or washed off skin. You can scale up the
ingredients to make a larger batch for transdermal, then let it dry out to crystals, and add a small amount of
water to make a thick syrup, but not dissolve all the crystals. You now have a saturated solution. You then
apply about 1 TSP of this thick solution to get about 1g of magnesium trans dermally.
The main reason for white vinegar is to see when you have enough as the solution starts to
clear. This is difficult with apple cider or other organic with lots of floating matter.

Once you have the exact amount of vinegar worked out, you can change it to apple cider or
organic, etc. Vinegar concentration may vary from batch to batch, hence only adding 8 TBSP
and slowly adding after that. Even if you miss, both ingredients are safe to consume.
One can also buy bulk magnesium hydroxide powder for about $20/kg from bulk supplements
companies online. . They also carry
magnesium carbonate, same price. I havent experimented with carbonate->acetate systhesis
in vinegar yet. I bet it would run a lot slower than the hydroxide reaction.
It turns out that the mother of the sales person who supplied my 25kg bags of magnesium
acetate had been taking MoM for constipation for two years. She HATED the taste of it,
so she mixed in about 8oz of vinegar into two TBSP of MoM and drank it. Soon she didn't
need reading glasses, her cholesterol started improving, and her health kept improving.
Her doctors did not know what to think of this. She had been making magnesium acetate all
along without knowing it and was drinking from the fountain of youth. This also worked out to be 1 heaping
TSP equivalent of magnesium acetate powder!
Update on feedback received. The final step, adding in slightly more vinegar, while stirring
after the initial 8 TBSP of vinegar have been added, might "overshoot" to the vinegar side
a bit (when the solution clears). If you cannot stand the taste of vinegar, then you can
add back a tiny amount of MoM, such as 1/4 TSP or so, to make it MoM slightly rich. All
according to your taste.
You can dilute this mixture with more water into a glassful or two as that will lessen
the magnesium acetate taste, or you can flavor it with something. My Dad puts a heaping
TSP of mag acetate crystals in a cup of coffee and doesn't mind the taste.

---6/8/2015 from DDye on forum.

This new article regarding magnesium is of interest, particularly since it appeared on Medscape:
magnesium, Medscape

Thanks DDye for the Medscape article. My hunch is that having magnesium balanced with the bicarbonate ion
is going to end up changing the world.
After researching Dr Beckett, Dr Sircus, Dr Carolyn Dean, LEF magnesium threonate, and much more, plus my
own experiences "fountain of youth", I forsee high dose magnesium bicarbonate (via magnesium acetate)
supplementation becoming something big. Dr Sircus lists numerous benefits of high dose magnesium chloride
(some take 5-20g of magnesium as transdermal magnesium chloride now). By taking some baking soda for
those who can tolerate the sodium load, some magnesium bicarbonate is generated. Taking high dose
magnesium acetate bypasses the sodium loading allows for really high dose magnesium bicarbonate
supplementation. Up until now, one took magnesium supplementation to raise their "magnesium" levels,

without thinking about the associated anion (oxide, chloride, citrate, threonate, etc). I believe the new thinking
will become how to raise one's "magnesium bicarbonate" levels instead.
We already know of huge benefits to muscle tone (an exercise multiplier), vision improvements on close
objects, stopping the shakes, huge increases in "well being", testosterone increasing, much more overall energy,
and now may be linked to reducing or helping cure cancer. Dr Sircus posted a new article linking the Krebs
cycle, magnesium bicarbonate, etc W. R. T. Cancer here:
Since one's eye (lens) muscles don't get an "exercise workout" like other muscles, and they improved on their
own, from magnesium acetate, but not magnesium chloride, the acetate form just might turn out to actually be
some kind of "exercise in a bottle", which really affects ALL muscles is my hunch. This still needs to be
proved or disproved. If this turns out to be true, then magnesium acetate may be a key to long term space travel
where astronauts and cosmonauts are weightless for months on end, leading to bone and muscle loss. NASA
might want to a study on that aspect of preserving muscles/bones during multi month space travel.
I also forsee major implications for the health of the brain. High dose magnesium bicarbonate (and some fish
oil for DHA) may possibly offer improvements in areas such as depression, ADHD, bad attitudes,
aggressiveness, brain injuries, dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc. LEF's magnesium L-threonate showed a
15% magnesium increase in the brain, more synapses, more plasticity, better memory, etc. 20g/day of
magnesium acetate is magnesium L-threonate (144mg mag) times twenty or more. The mag threonate does not
increase the bicarbonate ion.
Also, from several other doctors' research, one can conclude that that magnesium deficiency may be at the root
of a large number of conditions (type 2 diabetes, more rapid aging, muscle decline, calcifications, heart disease,
some cancers and anything where the body doesn't work as well as it used to). Sufficient magnesium
bicarbonate might just alleviate or delay/reduce these conditions as well as increase in general well being, a
clear mind and abundant energy.
Dr Sircus and others have contended that the RDA of 420mg of magnesium is way too low, and 900-1000mg is
more like optimal. Also, even highly absorbable magnesium chloride, and acetate still may only achieve
absorptions of 50%. Magnesium oxide (common supplement) is only about 4% absorbed according to many
doctors. So, to probably achieve an absorption of 1g of magnesium, it may require 20g/day of magnesium
acetate or even more. For most people any dose above 10g (heaping TSP) is going to cause loose stools. The
remaining amount can be applied transdermally and absorbed through the skin, bypassing the gut, so it does not
contribute to loose stools. It may be possible to deliver magnesium acetate time released somehow through
transdermal skin patches conveniently in the future.

Dr Sircus published a two part article on relating to cancer, magnesium bicarbonate, and oxygenation.

Curing Cancer by Reviving the Krebs Cycle

Killing Cancer with Oxygen and Ketogenic Diet
Radio show

6/11/2015 Dr Sircus 1 hour radio show on enormous benefits of magnesium.
Dr Sircus doesnt bother with oral magnesium anymore, unless he is constipated. He takes it all transdermally.
[magnesium chloride]. When constipated, a caller asked him how much? Dr Sircus said about 3 tablespoons
[magnesium chloride flakes]. Cleaned him out completely. I bet it worked better than a sack of White Castles!
Ghg has just come up with a DIY magnesium acetate transdermal patch.
Last night I made a transdermal magnesium acetate "patch", that seemed to work well.
1) Wipe down chest with 91% isopropyl alcohol to remove body oils.
2) Position four quilted cotton (about 1.5 x 1.5 inches) squares in a group on your chest.
3) Wet them down with about 1-2 TSP of magnesium acetate "syrup"
4) cover with a TegaDerm 6 x 8 inch dressing.
It stayed on all night, does not leak and is a lot less messy than just rubbing it on.
It is also convenient to use a clear mustard squeeze bottle to make up
transdermal mag acetate syrup.
Dump in some mag acetate powder/crystals, maybe an inch or so in the bottom.
Add very small amount of water. Skake well. Let settle. You should still
have crystals on the bottom and thick liquid on top. Makes it easy to dispense
the liquid as needed and it won't dry out in the bottle.
Found an old interview with Dr Russell J Beckett on magnesium bicarbonate water 6/6/2002.
Peter Bowers on clues that led to Dr Beckett's magnesium bicarbonate water 4/9/2003
It seems to be related to increasing longevity by neutralizing some carbon dioxide (carbonic acid). Bats and
other animals that efficiently get rid of CO2, have longer lifespans. Magnesium bicarbonate seems to help
along that process [of neutralizing CO2], so all of it does not have to be exhaled, this lowering it's level in the
blood and tissues.

Got my lab results from 6/13/15 on magnesium, serum, and RBC. Pretty much ideal. Not over doing it.


Magnesium, Serum
Magnesium, RBC

Units Reference Interval


mg/dL 1.6 - 2.6

mg/dL 4.2 - 6.8

The RBC is now in the range (6.0-6.5) that Dr Carolyn Dean says is optimal.
IN 1998 the Nobel prize for medicine was awarded for the discovery of the nitric oxide molecule that results in
cellular signaling, arterial wall and cardiac protection, and many other benefits.
In my humble opinion, I believe that the discovery of magnesium bicarbonate and CO2 blood chemistry, and its
very beneficial effects on lifespan, metabolism, prevention of conditions, and general well being in mammals
and humans should be considered as Nobel prize material. I think that Dr Russell J Beckett and Dr Mark
Sircus, and possibly others should share a Nobel prize in medicine for their discoveries related to magnesium
Connecting some more dots.
Dr Russell Beckett maintained a website that is now defunct. However, old
copies can still be viewed at and entering the URL into "The wayback machine".
Dr Beckett marketed "Unique Water" in Australia, and still does. For the rest of the world, a person named Eric
Waller, developed a recipe to make essentially the same thing as Unique Water, that is called "Waller Water"
This is basically 3 TBSP of milk of magnesia (MoM) into 1 chilled liter of Seltzer water. Put cap back on,
shake, wait 3 or 4 hours (keep refrigerated), shake again, wait 3-4 more hours. When solution clears, and the
sides cave in, the reaction is complete. One needs MoM without bleach and other additives. Kroger and Dollar
General have at least one generic product that contains only magnesium hydroxide and water. That is the one
you want.
Even "Brand-X" Seltzer waters usually work. They are about $1/Liter. Kroger (Payless) MoM is less than $2
for a 12 oz bottle.
In the WW recipe, step 4, says to dilute the "concentrate" (the Liter you just made), by taking 1/3 liter of the
concentrate into a 4 liter container, adding plain water for the balance.

The concentrate contains 1500 mg of magnesium and 7500 mg of bicarbonate. While drinking the diluted water
only delivers a small dose (RDA or less) of magnesium bicarbonate, and requires drinking several liters per day.
Dr Beckett's studies, showed that to obtain benefits, often took two to three months to begin happening. Only
50-60% of people with heart AFIB noticed improvements from taking the dilute WW.
On the other hand, Dr Sircus teaches the benefits of a much higher dose of magnesium than the RDA (around
420mg of magnesium). He and other magnesium doctors claim that 900-1000mg of magnesium are "optimal".
Several patients have been reported to taking 5 to 20 grams per day of magnesium via transdermal magnesium
chloride for neuropathy and other conditions with no ill effects.
What I am about to say is not "medical advice" and has not been evaluated by the US FDA. You should consult
your physician before doing this. I consume the entire liter of the WW concentrate over the course of a day.
For me it only caused slightly loose stools. It works the same as the magnesium acetate method. The energy
boost happens sooner with WW, since magnesium acetate has to have the acetate ion metabolize into
bicarbonate first, which seems to take about 3 hours. Unlike magnesium acetate, WW does not suppress
appetite, since there is no acetate involved. WW would be more suitable for cancer patients, since acetate
(before it metabolizes into bicarbonate) may "feed" existing cancers, much like high blood glucose does.
References appear earlier in this thread on that. For doing high dose magnesium bicarbonate supplementation
with WW, one is limited to oral use only. WW is far too dilute to absorb much transdermally. That is where
magnesium acetate shines.
In short, Dr Beckett was trying to create a mineral drinking water, which complied with mineral water drinking
standards to provide an increase in magnesium bicarbonate over the long term. Ghg, following the teachings of
Dr Sircus, on high dose magnesium chloride (transdermal) supplementation came up with the idea of using
magnesium acetate, which is essentially high dose magnesium bicarbonate (including transdermal)
supplementation. Since magnesium bicarbonate only exists in very dilute solutions, high dose supplementation
is difficult. One needs to make sure their kidneys are not severely impaired (creatinine < 1.8 or so). If your
kidneys are marginal, then only do this under strict medical supervision by a kidney specialist. Get your
magnesium levels checked with blood tests, both serum and "RBC" (red blood cell) to make sure you are not
over doing it. Dr Sircus contends that without impaired kidneys, it is nearly impossible to overdo magnesium
via oral or transdermal routes.
There is a wealth of information on the Afibbers web site on WW, Unique Water, Trials, etc,128559,128559#msg-128559
To reduce robotic spam, that site requires a password, which is posted in full view for humans on their website.
The login is "afibbers" and the password is "2sesame".
Also, another thread on magnesium on afibbers. This one contains sources of magnesium acetate.,151073
06/22/2015 summary of the summary for taking magnesium bicarbonate
Two ways:

1) Make 1 liter of Waller Water (WW) concentrate (see recent earlier post). And consume that 1 liter over the
course of a day.
This is 3 TBSP Milk of Magnesia into 1 Liter of chilled Seltzer water. That gives you 1500mg magnesium and
7500mg bicarbonate over a day. Spread out the dose, or you will prob get diarrhea. Dr Sircus advocates higher
doses magnesium than RDA. Often 1-2g per day. Taking more requires transdermal (rubbing it on). This
option, direct magnesium bicarbonate is too dilute for transdermal administration to work.
2) obtain or make magnesium acetate.
ghg used to take 20g per day which delivers 2.2g of magnesium per day. Now do about 15g/day as three 5g
(1/2 TSP) doses, oral. That delivers about 1.6g of magnesium per day. Magnesium acetate can be made into a
syrup and applied transdermally also, bypassing the gut and diarrhea.
Dropping out of Warp Drive.
I have been slowly lowering my intake of magnesium acetate. Originally I was doing 20g/day of mag acetate
which delivered about 2.2g/day of magnesium (if it all absorbed, which it probably didn't).
Now down to about 13-14g/day of mag acetate. Suddenly dropped out of "warp drive".. energy boost /
Fountain of youth effect dissipated. Possibly the excess bicarbonate was used up? Increasing dose a little bit,
the energy boost comes back again. Thresholding effect.
There does not seem to be a gradual transition into or out of the Fountain of Youth state.
Magnesium (and vitamin D3 and fish oil) may help MS also
Worlds Best Fish Oil. I take 7 tabs per meal of this

Some have been asked for a simple recipe for the Fountain of Youth
I am not a medical doctor and none of this is medical advice. These statements
have not been evaluated by the US FDA. This should only be done under the advice of your physician.
For me, it seems to take 1.5 to 2.2g per day of magnesium from magnesium bicarbonate
(or acetate).. For the powder acetate form, that is 15-20g/day total. Two heaping TSP.
1) make sure your blood test creatinine is 1.5 or lower. Above 1.5 means impaired kidneys and
proceed only under the supervision of a kidney specialist.
2) read
3) make sure you don't have cancer. mag acetate might feed it just like carbs or sugar.
If have cancer, then read up on Waller Water instead.
Drink the whole liter of the "concentrate" (do not dilute)
over the course of a day. WW does not work for transdermal.
This gives you 1.5g magnesium and 7.5g of bicarbonate
4) get a blood test for "magnesium RBC" to assess overall magnesium reserves. $49
If your RBC mag is 5.3 or higher odds are that you will see fountain of
youth the next day after starting 20g/day mag acetate (spread out dose)
If RBC is < 5.3, it may take 4-6 weeks to build up cellular reserves before
energy boost is noticed.
5) Start 20g/day of mag acetate powder. 10g is a heaping TSP. Dissolve 1 TSP
in tall glass of water and drink in AM, and again in PM. This supplies 2.2g
of elemental magnesium and 11g of acetate (metabolizes into bicarbonate).
You can buy Kg qty here: (or make your own - see forum thread)

5A) Everybody has a different tolerance for oral high dose magnesium of any kind.
At some point, one will develop loose stools.
A) spread out the dose more evenly over the day.
B) Take part of or all of the dose as "transdermal" instead of oral.
Put a few TBSP of crystals in a clear "mustard bottle".

Add just enough water to cover it.

Shake and let settle.
You should have crystals (sediment) on the bottom and a thick "syrup" on the top.
Wash off (soap and water or alcohol) about a square foot of
skin, like stomach or chest, to remove body oils.
Apply a teaspoon or two of the syrup and rub it over the skin.
Most will soak in after 15 mins or so.. Some powder will remain.
If you have time, add a dab of water to the powder and rub in
again. You can either wipe off the remaining powder or just
leave it on.
Transdermal application bypasses the gut and does not cause loose stools.
6) A single 10g mag acetate dose or application seems to last for maybe 14-16 hours before
wearing off (excess bicarbonate is used up). This means two doses or transdermal
applications per day.
7) Take another RBC magnesium blood test in 4-6 weeks to make sure you are not over doing it.
Dr Carolyn Dean says RBC magnesium of 6.0-6.5 mg/dL is optimal.
Excellent article by magnesium researcher Dr. Mildred Seelig on
Magnesium Requirements in Human Nutrition, Magnesium Bull 3(la):26-47
She states that 600-1000mg/day may be desirable for a 100kg man (without significant renal clearance problems). This is
now in the general ballpark of what ghg has been taking (2.2g/day), 260lbs weight, assuming 50% absorption.

7/16/2015 - Refinements to the DIY magnesium acetate transdermal patch SIX PACK
I have improved on this somewhat. same TegaDerm 6 x 8 inch frame film dressing as above
TegaDerm 6 x 8 inch dressing.
It is also convenient to use a clear mustard squeeze bottle to make up
transdermal mag acetate syrup.
Dump in some mag acetate powder/crystals, maybe an inch or so in the bottom.
Add very small amount of water. Skake well. Let settle. You should still

have crystals on the bottom and thick liquid on top. Makes it easy to dispense
the liquid as needed and it won't dry out in the bottle.
1) wash down or alcohol wipe down area of skin where it will be applied.
2) Lay the TegaDerm sticky side up on a flat surface, and remove the backing (with the printing)
3) Take Six 1.5 inch square cotton pads (hence the name "SIX PACK patch") and arrange them carefully in the
center of the sticky side of the TegaDerm.
4) Take a clear "mustard bottle", add magnesium acetate power and a little water, shake, and if enough mag
acetate, you will end up with thick liquid on top and undissolved mag acetate on the bottom after it settles. If
no sediment, add more powder, shake again.
5) Wet down the Six pads with enough thick liquid, so that are saturated, but not dripping.
6) Pick up this assembly and press it to your chest or wherever you want it. Just press down around the edges,
since you don't want to squire out the mag acetate liquid.
7) Remove the "inside" piece of the backing on the top, leaving the frame backing on.
8) press again around the frame backing, then remove the frame backing, and press again once more around
the edges. You are done.
If placing on the chest it is recommended that the top edge be high enough that the chest bone (Sternum) is
underneath it. If placed lower on the belly, the tugging will make an irritation line along the top edge of the
adhesive (not the mag acetate portion). If the top edge is on the Sternum, then there was or irritation for me.
(others have reported irritation when using magnesium oil [mag chloride]). I have seen no irritation with
magnesium acetate.
For me, it lasts about 48 hours (survives showers too), and the pads go dry, with a few crystals. I took one off
at 36 hours, and it still had some juice in it. Maybe my body has built up magnesium, or maybe I was able to
load more syrup onto the patches, but the last patch (six pack) was still wet into the third day, but I snagged it,
and it leaked.
I made a TWELVE PACK patch once, two squares deep, but the weight was too much and the TegaDerm
adhesive could not hold that much weight.
I took some photos.
A LEF forum user reporting adding DMSO to magnesium acetate syrup to aid absorption
A user on the forum reports that he has zero diarrhea with 1g of mag oxide or mag citrate when
he takes 100mg of pregnenolone at same time. He claims pregnenolone metabolizes into progesterone,

which makes the body retain magnesium strongly. (even in guys). I have seen research showing that
supplementing with progesterone in guys will greatly lower T, and waste away muscles, but will help them get
well. Temp solution? Taking anything that turns into progesterone opens a whole new can of worms and
really needs to be carefully researched.
There also a Magnesium Advocacy Group
Free booklet download is just a tip of the iceberg. Underneath it, is a HUGE Facebook group, the Magnesium Advocacy Forum,
with over 35,000 members and a wealth of research and information. It is run my Morley Robbins.
They just published an EBOOK, well worth the read, Musings from Mag, based on over 300 pages of notes of their
research and forum postings. A goldmine.

Ahughes42 on the LEF forum:
Here is a post related to more magnesium acetate transdermal application positive effects. In addition to
applying to skin, I put the syrup on a q-tip and apply to the inside of my nostrils. This had greatly reduced my
hay fever and sinus reactions to working outside in the yard and garden. I also take quercitin daily but that
didn't help like the magnesium does. A very visible affect is the quality of my fingernails/cuticles, they look
great and are not split, and most documentable is my large toenails. The new growth is thick and clear, where
before I had streaks of white and thin spots in the nails. I took a photo of them half way grown out to
document the difference.
GHG note: Ahughes42 told me in the hallway, that he covers large parts of his body with transdermal
magnesium acetate syrup after a shower. He then puts on just water over it after it dries leaving some
powder. After the water dries, there is almost no powder. This provides him with a HUGE energy burst (did
not happen with transdermal mag chloride). He reported no fatigue even after driving 14 hours!
To get this fountain of youth effect, one has to already have a good RBC mag of 5.3 or better. Using high
dose mag chloride (to load up the RBC), and wham, huge energy when switching to the acetate form.
Posted by Gusto on the LEF forum:
The reason that I selected and mentioned the "Fizz-Giz II" is because it allows me to easily add more CO2
from a bulk CO2 tank that brings the CO2 cost down while ensuring that I get enough CO2 in to fully react
the Magnesium Hydroxide to the Bicarbonate form. The first CO2 injection always fully reacts with the
plastic bottle caved in after 8 hours in the fridge. Then I add a 2nd CO2 injection to expand the bottle and
give me fizz again. I think that excess CO2 facilitates absorption of the Magnesium Bicarbonate while
providing a more enjoyable fizzy drink. I'm experimenting with this and the pregnenolone while still
occasionally resorting to the DMSO assisted transdermal method. I'm also thinking about a way to

nebulize the Magnesium Bicarbonate to bypass the gut. I've also obtained a 50 pack of the Tegaderm
4X4.75" patches. CHEERS!!!

Back to doing all oral magnesium acetate at the moment. I used to take a 10g (heaping TSP) of mag acetate in
a glass (about 250ml) of water, AM and PM.. that delivers 1.1g mag and 5.5g of acetate (which metabolizes to
bicarbonate) per TSP, which of course will not all absorb. Now, with sufficient RBC magnesium, that method
causes pretty good loose stools, and probably blows much of the mag out the tailpipe. For awhile, I made
Waller Water. Direct mag bicarbonate from Milk of Magnesia and Seltzer water. That was 1500mg mag and
7500 bicarb per liter. Drank the liter over the day. It caused much less issues with loose stools. I figured out
that this was due to the DILUTION. WW mag bicarb water was much more dilute than the mag acetate water.
Now, I am putting that heaping TSP (10g) of mag acetate into a liter of water and taking a few swallows every
30 min or so. Loose stools are all but gone. Now I can get enough mag (and bicarbonate) from just oral. No
transdermal patches, no DMSO, etc. For oral, dilution, and slow release over time allows much more to be
taken. For transdermal, a thick syrup is still the best. ghg
Posted 7/24/2015 2:15:54 PM
Mag-a-hol There is a Facebook "Magnesium Advocacy Group" group about 35,000 members. There seem to
be handful knowledgeable people on it, and other 34,990 clamoring for advice. That group posts run like a fire
hose. All sorts of people with numerous conditions that main stream medical could not help or made worse.
Since magnesium acetate is not well known outside of this LEF forum, the rest of the world uses magnesium
chloride syrup (aka magnesium oil) transdermally in attempt to boost their cellular magnesium levels.
Magnesium chloride, 1) does not provide the very beneficial bicarbonate ion, 2) can provide excess chloride
ions over time, acidifying the body, 3) can sting or cause irritation when applied topically in many people (so
far mag acetate syrup hasn't been known to cause irritation when applied topically). In an attempt to deal
with mag chloride issues of irritation, some people have mixed their magnesium chloride flakes with Vodka
instead of water in attempts to reduce irritation and increase absorption. They call it Mag-a-hol! I suppose
somebody may try to mix magnesium acetate with Vodka or even Ever Clear and rub it on? --ghg
magahol, mag-a-hol, magnesium chloride

Posted 7/30/2015 3:18:26 PM

Here is a post related to more magnesium acetate transdermal application positive effects. In addition to
applying to skin, I put the syrup on a q-tip and apply to the inside of my nostrils. This had greatly reduced my
hay fever and sinus reactions to working outside in the yard and garden. I also take quercitin daily but that
didn't help like the magnesium does. A very visible affect is the quality of my fingernails/cuticles, they look
great and are not split, and most documentable is my large toenails. The new growth is thick and clear, where
before I had streaks of white and thin spots in the nails. I took a photo of them half way grown out to
document the difference.


Posted 7/30/2015 3:37:51 PM

Back to doing all oral magnesium acetate at the moment. I used to take a 10g (heaping TSP) of mag acetate in
a glass (about 250ml) of water, AM and PM.. that delivers 1.1g mag and 5.5g of acetate (which metabolizes to
bicarbonate) per TSP, which of course will not all absorb. Now, with sufficient RBC magnesium, that method
causes pretty good loose stools, and probably blows much of the mag out the tailpipe. For awhile, I made
Waller Water. Direct mag bicarbonate from Milk of Magnesia and Seltzer water. That was 1500mg mag and
7500 bicarb per liter. Drank the liter over the day. It caused much less issues with loose stools. I figured out
that this was due to the DILUTION. WW mag bicarb water was much more dilute than the mag acetate water.
Now, I am putting that heaping TSP (10g) of mag acetate into a liter of water and taking a few swallows every
30 min or so. Loose stools are all but gone. Now I can get enough mag (and bicarbonate) from just oral. No
transdermal patches, no DMSO, etc. For oral, dilution, and slow release over time allows much more to be
taken. For transdermal, a thick syrup is still the best. --ghg
magnesium bicarbonate, oral magnesium acetate, transdermal magnesium acetate

Posted 7/31/2015 9:39:08 AM

Great information ghg2! That is why I would like to still access this Forum after it will be discontinued.

Posted 7/31/2015 9:10:29 PM

Note on Seltzer water brands for making mag bicarb water from Milk of Magnesia (MoM). The Kroger brand of
Seltzer water has more salt and other additives. They don't interfere with the desired product. However, when
trying to add the MoM to the chilled seltzer water, the water "boils" (outgasses) excessively when trying to
pour the MoM in. It boils enough to blow out the MoM, and one must cover the bottle several times with
their hand until it calms down. This no doubt wastes some gas. The Wal*Mart Seltzer water seems to have less
additives, and I had no problem pouring in the MoM. Canada Dry and Schweppes also work fine, but are more
expensive. In my location, the Wal*Mart brand of Seltzer is only $.64 per liter. Wal*Mart does not carry MoM
without bleach and other additives, so you still need to visit Kroger or Dollar General or order it online. --ghg
Seltzer Water

Posted 8/4/2015 3:03:54 PM

Some more thoughts. Since getting a "fountain of youth" needs enough magnesium bicarbonate (or acetate)
to be near or over the "diarrhea limit" in many people. Last week I diluted the mag acetate down, 1 TSP into a
liter of water and drank it slowly.. It reduced the severity of the diarrhea, but it lasted longer. I also concluded

that more dilute solutions, even internally, don't absorb as well, at least for magnesium acetate. I went back to
my original, of 10g (1 heaping TSP) of magnesium acetate, in AM and again in PM (about 6-7g PM), dissolved
in 250 ml of water (a normal glass). Wear a transdermal SIX PACK transdermal mag acetate patch in evening
(lasts two evenings). I am getting great absorption again, fountain of youth kicked in. The diarrhea seems
minimal. Probably a couple of Immodium pills may slow the gut some more. Web research indicates there
appears to be no long term issues with long term low dose Immodium. When get get your "flush" for getting a
colonoscopy, one is advised to drink huge amounts of water. This leads to "a night of a 1000 waterfalls". I
think avoiding excessive liquid intake around the time you take your magnesium acetate may be a key to
getting better absorption and less diarrhea. When taking Waller Water (direct magnesium bicarbonate), it is
so dilute, that getting 1g of magnesium requires 750 ml of water, since it cannot be made more concentrated.
So that might reduce absorption and produce slightly more diarrhea?? My Dad puts a heaping TSP (about 10g)
of magnesium acetate into a cup of coffee! Doesn't mind the taste. I figured that would generate colonoscopy
level diarrhea, but it doesn't. So the key may be to drink less water around magnesium time, and more water
at other times? What are your thoughts? --ghg
diarrhea limit, Immodium, magnesium acetate, magnesium bicarbonate

Posted 8/4/2015 10:19:02 PM

I can barely tolerate 2 tablespoons of MoM fully reacted to bicarbonate in one liter of homemade seltzer
water/day. I depend on one-half teaspoon of DMSO to carry enough additional magnesium as magnesium
acetate syrup into my blood bypassing my unhappy gut to reach a noticeable increase in energy levels. I find
that up to a half teaspoon of DMSO is tolerable. Since I've noticed that 100mg/day Pregnenolone does seem
to lower my upper body strength, I've cut back to ~25mg/day pregnenolone but only for improved thyroid TSH
levels and for cognitive enhancement. I don't like the Tegaderm patch method because of leakage and
because of current hot and humid summer weather. I'm going to try your Immodium idea for unhappy gut
insurance. I try to get half of my magnesium at bedtime including all of the acetate syrup to take advantage of
the sedation. I space all of the bicarbonate away from mealtimes for better digestion.
diarrhea limit, Immodium, magnesium

Posted 8/5/2015 11:05:57 AM

Gusto, you may to try 3 TBSP of MoM reacted into a liter of CO2 water but drink less than the liter. For me, the
more concentrated the oral mag, the better it absorbs. Also avoiding liquids after taking the mag seems to
really limit the diarrhea. A colonoscopy flush calls for a gallon or more water, after taking the flush agent. Try
drinking needed liquids BEFORE, the mag.. wait 30 mins or so, then take the mag, hold off on liquids for an
hour or two so the mag moves down the gut before more liquids. Last night, I took 10g (1 TBSP) of mag
acetate in 3/4 glass of water..No diarrhea all night. --ghg

diarrhea limit

Posted 8/5/2015 3:38:19 PM

Hi ghg2, After how long following your meal you suggest to take your magnesium to increase absorption?

Posted 8/5/2015 8:12:33 PM

Albedo, Taking the mag acetate with a meal is fine, just don't want to drink much liquid around the time the
mag is taken.. ghg

Posted 8/6/2015 7:07:43 AM

ghg2 (8/5/2015)
Albedo, Taking the mag acetate with a meal is fine, just don't want to drink much liquid around the time the
mag is taken.. ghg
Thank you ghg2. I assume the same would be valid for other forms (e.g. citrate etc ..) right? I found this

Posted 8/6/2015 2:24:32 PM

I have seen that. Ancient Minerals sells mag chloride flakes, so they promote transdermal magnesium
application. The same (lower fluids when mag is taken) should improve mag citrate and all of the others. Be
careful with high does mag citrate, since while it does metabolize into magnesium bicarbonate (I think), the citrate is a powerful blood thinner as well. ghg

Posted 8/7/2015 3:24:55 PM

Thank you, ghg2


Posted 8/10/2015 12:35:27 AM

I've successfully tested ghg2's recommendation of drinking a concentrated Magnesium Acetate solution!!!
Some 2 hours after dinner, I showered, drank 2.5 grams of Magnesium Hydroxide powder mixed with ~6
tablespoons of pomegranate vinegar with a ph of 7.6, brushed my teeth, applied a thin coating of thick
Magnesium Acetate syrup to ~1 sq. feet of my chest followed by a 2nd coat of ~1/2 teaspoon of 99.9% DMSO,
and then went to bed as a rather young looking 62yo man. I awoke fully refreshed 6.5 hours later but

magically as a weathered looking ~35yo man, or rather as a 62yo man that feels like a ~35yo again!!! ghg2 has
indeed found a way to the "fountain of youth" and without getting the runs!!! Since I weigh 165 lbs, nearly
100 lbs less than ghg2, I will be testing out lower doses of Magnesium Acetate to see if the required "fountain
of youth" dosage is dependent upon body weight. I will also continue taking the concentrated Magnesium
Acetate dose immediately before bedtime for deep efficient sleep. For most of my 33+ years as an LEF
member, I've been supplementing with Magnesium in many forms including the full recommended dose of
Magnesium Threonate every day for the last 4 years except that I skipped the Threonate yesterday and today
during my test and will be discontinuing Magnesium Threonate in favor of a "fountain of youth" dose of
Magnesium Acetate.
Magnesium Acetate "fountain of youth" DMSO

Posted 8/10/2015 7:21:06 PM

Further confirming ghg2's postings, I also have found that the "fountain of youth" state only lasts for about 16
hours. I plan on taking another concentrated Magnesium Acetate dose a half hour or so after fully rehydrating myself at breakfast and thereby continue to avoid the runs by sticking with a concentrated liquid
oral Magnesium Acetate dose away from diluting hydrating liquids thereby avoiding diarrhea. I will only be
using trans-dermal syrup assisted with up to a half teaspoon of DMSO after showering just before bedtime
along with my other concentrated Magnesium Acetate cocktail with the idea that I will get "power sleep"
while priming and maintaining the "fountain of youth" state. Since DMSO will carry anything trans-dermally
through your skin and has a side effect in higher doses of making you smell like a rotten oyster, I time it just
before bed so that poisonous substances will least likely come into contact with me. Rather than continuing to
make my own Magnesium Acetate cocktail and syrup from reacting MoM or Magnesium Hydroxide powder
with vinegar, I will be placing an order for several 25kg (55-lb) bags of Magnesium Acetate Tetrahydrate
crystals. Since the price and freight drops dramatically with a multi-bag order, if anyone living in Southern
California is interested in a good deal on a 25kg bag at the multi-bag delivered price of ~$325, PM me within
the next week. I live between San Diego and Los Angeles.
DMSO, fountain of youth, Magnesium Acetate

Posted 8/10/2015 7:25:52 PM

Regarding the previous post, Life Extension cannot guarantee the delivery, safety, potency or efficacy of
anything ordered from private parties on this Forum via private messaging or otherwise.

Posted 8/10/2015 7:59:34 PM

another forum where similar topics are discussed is some are former or dual member
of Dr William Davis trackyourplaque and the author of Wheat Belly. membership is free.

Posted 8/10/2015 8:31:43 PM

the energy generated makes me wonder if ones blood glucose level goes up from the resulting body
conversion. Has anyone bother to measure their BG level compared to fasting after consuming Mg acetate?
AN ACETATE more enzymes convert the acetate into WATER & CARBON DIOXIDE & SUGAR

Posted 8/10/2015 8:52:54 PM

Gusto, Did you "boil down" or evaporate down DIY magnesium acetate to get the "syrup"? Or did use a
commercial source? I know several others, including me, that apply the syrup transdermally, let it dry, and
then rub on a little more pure water onto the dried crystals on the skin to rewet.. That seems to get most of
the crystals to go in. I have done a couple of replies on the FB Magnesium Advocacy Group forum on
magnesium acetate. However, they seem content with just making dilute mag bicarb water "concentrate"
from MoM and Seltzer water and drinking that. One would need 1.25 liters per day of that mag bicarb water
to get the approx. 2.2g of magnesium and 11g of bicarbonate to produce a fountain of youth. The 1.25 liters of
water will probably cause mag bicarb water oral supplementation to be over the diarrhea limit in almost
everybody. Mag bicarb water is way to dilute for transdermal to work. It cannot be "boiled down" into a syrup,
since it decomposes if made slightly stronger than the standard recipe. Does anybody know of anybody
achieving the fountain of youth effect from drinking mag bicarb water or drinking mag acetate without
transdermal? I know some (those that can tolerate a WHOLE BUNCH of backing soda), have gotten somewhat
an energy boost from mag chloride or malate (oral).. --ghg
magnesium acetate syrup

Posted 8/10/2015 10:23:35 PM

ghg2, I've been boiling down 2.5gms Magnesium Hydroxide powder reacted with ~6 tablespoons white
vinegar to a thick syrup for 3 day of separate coats of nightly trans-dermal use assisted by a topcoat of no
more than 1/2 teaspoon DMSO to successfully avoid smelling like a rotten oyster. My experience is that I have
to add some heat for enough evaporation to get really thick syrup. Evaporating at room temperature just
results in an undesirable thin watery non-syrup for me. I try to get a consistency half as thick as "Aunt
Jemima's Maple Syrup" as in "what took you so long." Your "concentrated Magnesium Acetate assisted with
trans-dermal" recommendation is so far the best way so far for me to avoid the runs and is the ONLY way so
far for me to reach the "fountain of youth" state. I haven't totally given up on fizz water, Magnesium
Bicarbonate. With my "Fizz-Giz ll," I can reinflate a liter bottle as many times as needed and have been able to
get as much as 6 grams of Magnesium Hydroxide powder to fully react by re-inflating a one liter bottle with

co2 five or six times which is a stronger concentration that noticeably helps to avoid the runs but that results
in a white precipitate in the bottom of the bottle each time that I open the cap and relieve co2 pressure to
take a swig. I have to purge air and inject more co2 to get the precipitate, probably Magnesium Carbonate, to
re-dissolve. I think that your acetate cancer warning scared people. Maybe you should've also said that one 12
oz light beer results in ~12 to ~14gms of acetate and so that you are consuming the equivalent of less than
one 12oz beer's worth of Acetate per day without the far more harmful Acetaldehyde and Ethanol. I don't
personally know anybody else doing Magnesium as Bicarbonate or as Acetate. Salud!!! I'm hopeful that LEF
will jump on this Nobel Prize quality breakthrough of yours and quickly start offering Magnesium Acetate
crystals to remain at the forefront of Life Extension.
Bicarbonate, DMSO, fountain of youth, Magnesium Acetate

Posted 8/11/2015 9:49:05 PM

IN several people, including me, blood glucose levels have dropped when starting magnesium acetate. My
diabetes is essentially gone. It is well known that magnesium improves insulin resistance. Dr Sircus has
mentioned magnesium bicarbonate improving diabetes. He recommends magnesium bicarbonate water for
diabetes. Magnesium acetate
metabolizes into LOTS of magnesium bicarbonate inside the body, and high doses can be achieved with
transdermal application, where as magnesium bicarbonate water is very dilute, so the excess fluid causes the
diarrhea limit to be reached with much lower total magnesium levels, and magnesium bicarbonate water is
too dilute to work for transdermal use. --ghg
diabetes, magnesium acetate

Posted 8/11/2015 10:26:09 PM

Even during my 4 years of daily Magnesium Threonate plus additional daily Magnesium from various
multivitamins, consuming more than 2 servings of fruit would result in skin breakout eruptions but that my
fasting blood glucose and hemoglobin A1c have always been ok. However, I've already noticed that with both
the Magnesium Bicarbonate and Acetate forms that I can now pretty much eat all the fruit and sugary foods I
want without any skin problems and have already tested this by eating whole boxes of cookies at one sitting
but will have to see at my next physical whether there are any benefits to my blood sugar values.
Magnesium sugar


Posted 8/12/2015 2:57:45 AM

According to Wikepedia and other sources, Magnesium Acetate " upon heating, it decomposes to form
magnesium oxide." I will very likely be able to cut my oral dose of Magnesium Acetate as soon as I get my
hands on Magnesium Acetate Tetrahydrate crystal for trans-dermal syrup. My present method of heating
dilute homemade Magnesium Acetate is likely resulting in a largely Magnesium Oxide syrup. Still, I'm able to
enter a "fountain of youth" state, but expect that it will be easier to get there with unheated Magnesium
Acetate Syrup made by just adding a little water to Magnesium Acetate crystals without heating.
fountain of youth, Magnesium Acetate, transdermal magnesium

Posted 8/12/2015 3:19:54 AM

"Magnesium vinegar 1 part milk of magnesium (Mg(OH)2) 4 parts apple cider or white wine vinegar (or diluted
white vinegar) Mix. (There's a chemical reaction: Mg(OH)2 + acetic acid -> magnesium acetate.) Take 1-2
tablespoons a day (not all at once) either straight or mixed in a little water (not in anything else). (This recipe is
from Paul Bergner , a fabulous nutritional herbalist.) If you take your two tablespoons in one go you'll be on
the loo, and the magnesium will exit with your poo instead of helping your deficiencies. If you mix the
magnesium vinegar in anything but water the magnesium and acetate will part ways: the magnesium won't be
even 1/10 as well absorbed." anyone try this!!?

Posted 8/12/2015 12:57:36 PM

Gusto, Magnesium acetate decomposes around 613 F. As long as you had some water remaining in your
"syrup", I would imagine that the temperature stayed below 260 F or so. Magnesium oxide is a white powder.
If magnesium oxide syrup was applied transdermally, then one would probably not got any bicarbonate
forming, and thus no fountain of youth. The magnesium acetate you are about to receive will seem like
"snow" when scooping it out of the bag. That mfgr makes the crystals "needle like".. This greatly reduces
clumping as it picks up some moisture. Other "Brand-X" commercial magnesium acetate tetrahydrates are
more cube type crystals and turn into "rocks" at the slightest amount of moisture. Those have to be busted up
in a food processor, but works fine. The 25kg bags are made of several layers of paper and polyethylene. I
would suggest to only cut open about 3/4 of the bag along the top, and use one of these bag clamps to seal it
shut again. I use the bag clip called the "Handy Camel" .
It is very strong, but not quite wide enough to close the bag if you opened up the entire top. If you find a
similar bag clamp that is wider, please let me know. --ghg
bulk magnesium acetate


Posted 8/12/2015 1:15:13 PM

Some tidbits from the Magnesium Advocacy Group on Facebook run by Morley Robbins. 1) Just to maintain
current RBC magnesium levels, about 5mg magnesium per pound of body weight is needed. 2) There are many
"cofactors" to help magnesium work. The three most important are Vitamin B6, Bicarbonate, Boron. and --ghg
magnesium cofactors, magnesium dosage

Posted 8/13/2015 2:02:33 PM

TO SUM IT ALL UP. After a summer of experimenting with magnesium acetate and magnesium bicarbonate
water. What worked the best for me: I take 1/3 heaping TSP (about 3g) of magnesium acetate powder in
about 1/2 glass (200ml) of water morning and evening, orally. This prevents constipation, but does not cause
diarrhea. In addition, I do roughly two level TSP of magnesium acetate syrup, transdermally, morning and
evening. Lying down, either take shower first, or rub down the application area with rubbing alcohol to
remove body oils. I put the mag acetate syrup in a mustard bottle for convenience. I apply a thin layer to
chest, stomach, tops of thighs, and arms. The syrup is thick enough that it does not run off. After it dries to a
powder, than I apply a 2nd "top coat" of just plain water to the powder, redissolving it. After that dries, almost
all has absorbed. This is enough to lower blood glucose and maintain a "fountain of youth" effect. Since
nobody has experienced any irritation issues with magnesium acetate syrup, it could be substituted for
magnesium oil (magnesium chloride syrup). Magnesium acetate forms highly beneficial magnesium
bicarbonate in the body where as magnesium chloride does not. --ghg
magnesium acetate summary

Posted 8/13/2015 7:57:15 PM

NEW HOME for the Magnesium bicarbonate / Magnesium acetate thread. A big thank you to DDye and the
rest of the LEF staff for running this invaluable forum for many years. My health has benefited greatly because
of it. It will be missed. A new Google group has been setup as the new home for this thread.!forum/mag-bicarb See you all there! --ghg
New Home Magnesium bicarbonate / acetate thread

Posted 8/13/2015 8:04:43 PM


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Thank you, ghg, for all of your most valuable contributions. D Dye

Posted 8/14/2015 5:41:53 PM

Thanks ghg for the posts. I wanted to save this topic, so what I did. There's a button at the top "Topic
Options", click on it. Choose "Print This Topic". A pop up will appear, choose print. Another pop up will appear
asking where you want it saved.
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Posted 8/14/2015 8:33:14 PM

A big thanks to everyone here.. I have come across this info and hoping there is time for a
comment, if not there is a lively discussion going on with the same topic at with a doctor, physicans helper, and a professor. "The functional
thiamine deficiency is an important finding as vitamin B1 is needed to get magnesium into cells.
In muscle ATP always works as a complex with magnesium so correcting intracellular
magnesium and factors that affect it like thiamine status is important." Source: here.
"Magnesium functions as a bicarbonate co-transporter into cells. And bicarbonate acts as a
transporter of magnesium into the mitochondria. Magnesium influx is linked with bicarbonate
transport according to the Dietary Reference Intakes guide from the Institute of Medicine.

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Magnesium transport into or out of cells requires the presence of carrier-mediated transport
systems (Gunther, 1003; Romani et al., 1993). ATPase reaction has a broad pH optimum
centering on neutral pH, with little significant activity above pH9.0 or below pH5.5. Thus
anything that moves us from overall a

Sources of magnesium acetate.
The above is "analytical grade" (> 99% purity). They will sell to the public. Around $60 per kg jar.
[I received a PM from an LEF forum user saying that bio-world no longer sells to the public]
If you are an "institution", then Amresco may sell it to you for about $50/kg
It is far cheaper to DIY it from bleachless milk of magnesia or magnesium hydroxide powder and vinegar than
the two above.
------About the same cost as DIY, but much more convenient , below:
If you want 110lbs of it (two 25kg bags - food/pharma grade), contact Rich Murphy email
( While I can't give out my quote, it is likely to be < $5/lb. Ton qty is somewhere around
$1 to $1.50/lb magnesium acetate tetrahydrate from various mfgr.
Certificate of Analysis:
SDS sheet:
If one takes a standard 48oz jar, one can pack in about 3lb 4oz of the Amsyn product into that size jar, and that
would last someone a couple of months at two heaping TSP per day. I don't know of anybody buying 25kg

bags and reselling it in jars.

Preface to the book, Magnesium Deficiency in the Pathogenesis of Disease by Dr. Mildred S. Seelig

George Goble
Engineering Computer Network
465 Northwestern Ave
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN, USA 47907
(765) 494-3545

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