Predicting Childbirth Newb W

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Sidereal Zodiac while also using

Maharishis Parasara and Jaimini.

Child Birth Via

Annual Charts
Laura Barat, USA
Copy Editor: Virendra Battu, India.

Readership Level: Advanced






practicing Vedic Astrology and

giving consultations for 12
years. She is a graduate of the
American College of Vedic
Astrology and a graduate and
Academy International. She is
also a member of the American
Federation of Astrologers and
has written numerous articles
about Astrology. During her
teens, she was very interested
in Astronomy and that turned
into an avid passion for
subjects have interested her
since childhood. Laura studies
Astrologer, Ernst Wilhelm. She
uses the rather novel method of
delineating horoscopes with the
Tropical Zodiac instead of the

Lauras research must be

applauded, she was only given the topic by SA
and she came up with this novel article.

hildbirth must be a focus of

indicated through the 5th
house, 9th house and 7th house.
The 5th house because it is a house
of children, the 9th house because it
is a secondary house of children
according to the principle of bhavat
bhavam, and the 7th house because
it is the house of conception. To
determine if it is, indeed, a focus,
there should be at least two of the
following factors present:
Ascendant) occupies any of
the aforementioned Houses
within the Annual Chart
The Muntha lord occupies any
of the aforementioned Houses
within the Natal Chart

The Year Lord rules or

occupies the aforementioned
Houses within the Varshaphal

The Year Lord occupies the

aforementioned Houses within
the Natal Chart
Jupiter as Year Lord

Jupiter or the ruler of the 5th or 9th house occupying the Muntha.
The Sun in the 5th, 7th or 9th house or ruling these houses. The
Varshaphala is based on the Sun, so the Sun always plays a major role
in every Varshaphala chart.

When predicting with Varshaphal and Tajika in general, Sahams play an
extremely profound role. Sahams must always be assessed in every
Varshaphal or the astrologer would most certainly miss something important
during the year. There are many
Sahams and of course, it is impossible
For a Saham lord to give its
for each one to give their effects
effects, the planet must be
during every year. For a Saham lord
endowed with strength by either
to give its effects, the planet must be
having a Pancha Vargiya bala of
endowed with strength by either
above 10 or being exalted in the
having a Pancha Vargiya bala of above
Varshaphala, or being within its
own Hadda, TriRasi, Drekkana,
Varshaphala, or being within its own
Hora or Navamsa.
Hadda, TriRasi, Drekkana, Hora or
Navamsa. The better a planet is with regards to these factors; the more able
it is to give its effects.
After determining childbirth is a major focus of the year through the
methods mentioned previously with regard to the Muntha, Muntha lord, Year
lord, Sun, etc., then it is important to consider the Sahams pertaining to
childbirth. They are the Prasava (Delivery of Child) Saham and the Putra
(Progeny) Saham. To determine if the Saham is activated, assess the
following factors:
The Saham is conjoined the Year Lord
The Saham is in the Muntha
The Saham lord aspects the Ascendant or the Ascendant lord and is
related to the 5th house lord or 9th house lord, or the Saham is in the 5 th
or 9th house. This is only in the Varshaphal chart.

Timing Method 1

To time the event of childbirth, there are two methods.

a) Using the Patyayini Dasa, you determine the planet that will give the
event by strength (pancha vargiya bala) and lordship of relevant
b) Look at the Tajika Yogas formed by this planet. When it forms a Tajika
yoga with the Ascendant Lord, Year Lord, Muntha Lord or Ascendant,
then the event will take place in its dasa or antardasa.
c) To determine whether it will be the dasa or antardasa of the planet, you
must first determine the type of Tajika yoga it is forming.
d) If it is an applying Tajika yoga, then the event will take place in the
planets dasa that comes first within the dasa sequence. The antardasa
will be that of the aspecting planet.
e) If the Tajika yoga is a separating yoga, then of the two planets, the
event will take place in the planets dasa that comes second in the
dasa sequence and the antardasa of the other aspecting planet.

Timing -Method 2
This method seems to give the event more often than Method 1.
a) Find the Saham in the Varshaphala chart and determine its Shastiamsa
(D-60) sign.
b) Using Mudda Dasa and using the Shastiamsa, the event will happen in
the dasa of either the lord of this sign, the ruler of the lord of the
Shastiamsa Sign, or the lord of the 5th house from this Shastiamsa sign.
c) To determine which of these planets will give the event in its dasa, you
must take the strongest by dignity utilizing Parasara principles.

Some Examples using this method

Case 1: Angelina Jolie -4 June 1975 at 09:09 AM, Los Angeles CA,
USA, 34n03, 118w14, PDT h7w (is daylight saving time)
Varshaphala and Shastiamsa Chart for Angelina Jolie at age 30. Shiloh, her
first natural born daughter, was born on May 27, 2006.

Copy Editor: Kindly note that Laura Barat uses Vedic Astrology on Tropical Zodiac (Sayana system)
and Kala software, the D 60 and some charts might not match what other free softwares display.

Ascendant in Natal Chart is Cancer

Muntha: Capricorn
Year Lord: Mercury
Muntha Lord: Saturn
There is a focus on childbirth due to the year lord being
in the 9th house and the 9th lord. The Sun is also in the
9th house. Mercury is imbued with very high Pancha
Vargiya Bala at 14.038. The Muntha is Capricorn which
falls in the 7th house in the Rasi. Shiloh was born just a
few days before Angelinas next birthday so she was
conceived within this year, so 7th house indications
would be revealed and are correct. Now that we have
established that this chart holds the possibility of children, lets go further.

The Prasava or Delivery of a Child Saham falls at 13:19 Pisces. The Putra or
Progeny Saham falls at 18:43 Aries. The Lagna is being aspected by Jupiter
to 40.9 points out of a possible 60. Anything over 40 is a strong aspect.
Therefore, we can see that the Prasava Saham will be activated. Not only is
it aspecting, it is within the Ascendant which gives Jupiter, the Saham lord,
extra power.
The Shastiamsa of the Prasava Saham occupies Taurus. For timing of
childbirth, we have three possibilities. Taurus is ruled by Venus, so Venus
dasa could bring the birth. The ruler of Venus, the Moon, could also bring
the birth. Mercury, as the ruler of Virgo, the 5 th house from Taurus, could
bring the birth. As it was, Shiloh was born in Venus/Ketu dasa/antardasa of
the Mudda Dasa. Venus is in neutral dignity and also rules over the Moon
and Mercury in this case, so Venus has quite a lot of say in bringing the baby
into this world.

Case 2: July 19, 1951 in Glendale, California at 20:33. First born child
came into this world on April 2, 1972
Native, Age 20 Varshaphala and Shastiamsa.

Ascendant in Natal Chart is Aquarius

Muntha is Libra

Year Lord is Saturn

Muntha Lord is Venus
The year lord, Saturn, occupies the 5th house in the Natal chart and the
Muntha occupies the 9th house in the Natal Chart. The Sun rules the 9 th
house. Also, here again, there is a heavy emphasis on the 7 th house. Her
son was born within 2 weeks of exactly nine months of her birthday so it
very well could have been that he was conceived in this year with Saturn the
year lord being in the 7 th house and with strength at 11.831 of Pancha
Vargiya Bala. Three factors point toward children being a focus of the year.
The Saham of Progeny is at 6:53 of Gemini conjoined the Year Lord. Its
Shastiamsa is Cancer. In the Mudda dasa, her son was born in Moon Dasa
which lasted between March 9th and April 9th.

Case 3: March 2, 1969 in Lakeland, Florida at 06:38. Child was born

September 21, 1990.
Native, Age 21 Varshaphala and Shastiamsa.

Natal Ascendant is Pisces

Muntha is Sagittarius
Year Lord is Sun
Muntha Lord is Jupiter.
In this chart, the Muntha falls in the 9 th house. The Muntha Lord falls in the
5th house in the Natal Chart and the Year Lord, which is also the Sun, rules
the 5th house. So, clearly, children are a possibility. The Saham for Delivery
of a Child falls in Leo and its lord, the Sun, is the Year Lord. The Sun aspects
the Lagna within orb. The Progeny or Putra Saham falls is in Cancer at
00:41, directly on top of the Muntha lord, Jupiter. However, it is the Delivery
of a Child Saham that will give the birth. The child was born during
Mercury/Mercury dasa/antardasa. The Shastiamsa of the Prasava Saham is
Virgo. The possible candidates for the dasa lord in Mudda dasa were
Mercury, Saturn and Venus. Mercury rules over Virgo and consequently
Saturn and is in a great friends sign. Venus rules over the Saham lord,
Mercury, and is in enemys dignity. Therefore, it is only natural that the
Mercury dasa would give the birth.
One can utilize these methods not only for childbirth, but also for
marriage, falling in love, increased wealth and promotion in career. All that
is needed is to substitute the 5 th, 7th and 9th houses with the relevant houses
regarding these subjects and then manifestation and timing of manifestation
can be predicted.

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