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Ayson, Zabdiel Jan T.


BS Civil Engineering
January 18, 2016


Human beings were very intelligent. We generate questions in our mind.
From why do we exist? Is it just a dream? How such things exist perfectly? As we
all know, we are living in the age of technology. Technology pass by so fast. It is
because today we think more than what we thought yesterday. We develop
technology to answer our questions.What about this? Have you ever doubt about
your existence? If such question exist. I bet there is more than that like this.
Well it also roams in my mind. Does a God really exist? At first this
concept bothers me when I don't have anything to do. It was when I'm in my
highschool when time run so slow. I was wondering if there is such thing that is
far superior than us. If someone exist, where is it? Is it in the air? Is it in beneath
the clouds? Is it invisible? Or... Is it just in our mind? Does this superior being
really exist, or just a thought that our parents, teachers and catechist plant this on
our mind? Just a thought to maintain a good behaviour. Just to control us and to
have fear with this someone who is superior from us. How come does someone
really exist, right? How come this someone can create such things like human
that has the ability to do something for the sake of himselves and for the sake of
his love ones? Why does our ancient ancestors does not have the concept of a
God? I am referring to the very ancient people, the first humans. For me a God
exist just in our mind, we think and think about it. It is because when we think our
mind becomes more curious. I think the concept of God was made just because
of curiosity. This is just my theory. If we stop thinking about something, we can
deny its existence. For example a glass, I am referring to a drinking glass. Why
does this exist? It is because of our necessity, and because we need to drink. We
discover things to make it more simple. For example, our technology right now,
why such things like smartphones, laptops and televisions exist? It is because of
our curiosity. Curiosity for something new. But curiosity alone can't create a
concept such a God. This thinking was changed when I experienced such perfect
situations that mere human can create. Well, you might say it is just coincidence.
It was in my retreat, I think 5 persons volunteered in the stage to share what they
learned. One said she learn how to forgive. The other one said she love herself
more than the time the retreat happened. The fifth person was yet to call. That
time I uttered a word to God and I was praying hard STRAIGHT FROM MY
HEART. I have this desire of sharing my experiences too but hesitant to raise my
hand and i feared to be tagged conceited. I am scared they mock me as "Bidabida" which is a trend in our school. So I rather stay quiet and calm than be

irritated with someone who will try to mock me. At last the fifth person was called
and voila! It is not me. It is so depressing in my part that I can't volunteer myself.
How i wish I have the courage to stand and share and express myself but I was
too scared for that. Suddenly, I heard my name was called by the emcee. He
wants me to share what I've learned. I was shock because the last person called
was right next to me. They said after the fifth person shared his experiences we
will start the main program and yet they call me. I was amazed with the
experience God gave me. Yes you can say it is just coincidence, but does
coincidence really happens one after another? The second encounter for the so
called coincidence was this. They say the first word you will read after you open
the bible when you woke up is the message of God for you. So I've done it, the
message for me that day is to spread the word of God which is our main topic in
our retreat. Coincidence again right? How about this? The time I pray that I really
need Him most, he always answer. But, I will not benefit about it. It is for
someone who needs Him to. Well, it is for you to find out. That is how I accept
God as my savior and he really do exist. Sometimes I really want to see God. I
want to prove that He really exists. I want to experience a near death situation
that God will show and prove me that He really exist. Just like the girl in the
YouTube video that He brought in hell so He can tell us the message that we
must avoid committing sins. Yeah, I am scared to die, but knowing that He will
bring you in a better place. Are you going to be scared to die? When the irony of
life is that when we are born, we are starting to die? For me God really exists and
as the bible says: "1 Corinthians 8:6 - But to us [there is but] one God, the Father,
of whom [are] all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom
[are] all things, and we by him. Romans 1:20 - For the invisible things of him from
the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are
made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse."
But you will ask a follow-up question. If God exist, why does He permit
evil? Why does He allow us to suffer?. We always think about this when we were
in trouble. We always blame Him for what's happening to us right now. But, does
He really permits evil? Is evil really do exist? What does evil mean? "Evil, in a
general context, is the absence or opposite of that which is ascribed as being
good. Often, evil is used to denote profound immorality. In certain religious
contexts, evil has been described as a supernatural force. Definitions of evil vary,
as does the analysis of its motives. However, elements that are commonly
associated with evil involve unbalanced behavior involving expediency,
selfishness, ignorance, or neglect." For me, God really does not permit evil. Evil
is just the absence of good. We experience evil because of the lack of goodness
in our behaviour. We, humans, just do what is good. We will do anything just to
feel satisfaction in our life. We base on the good effect whatever its cause.

Socrates gives us paradoxes such as: that no man desires, evil, all men desire
the good; that no man who believes that an action is evil does it willingly -- on the
contrary, all the actions that a man does willingly he does with a view to
achieving some good; and that it is better to suffer injustice at the hands of others
than to do unjust acts oneself. God does not really permits evil that will cause us
suffering. It is said in the bible that: He will not allow your foot to slip; He who
keeps you will not slumber - Psalm 121:3. He will never allow evil to harm us.I
think we are just inviting evil because of our wrong deeds that ourselves know a
long time ago. We just blame Him because we think He didn't guide us. It's just
that we always have an option what to do and what not to do. Suffering was
cause by our sins. Our world does not remain what the way God created it. It is
said that God was perfect. He created us not that perfect because He knew that
we will defy him. So we are all vulnerable to the effects of the sin in this world.
We are all mere humans. We can't avoid it. We suffer because of our sin. That is
why we need to pay for our sins. Because just like the modern time, we have
laws. God has law, and when we disobey it, we are committing sins. Suffer will
give us joy after. In order to balance life we need to experience pain and
suffering. If we experience too much joy, well, I think we are now in heaven.
God will not exist without faith. We need faith in order to give Him
existence. With just our mere capabilities, we can't reach God. He always gave
us options in order to enter his kingdom. He always love us. We say why does
He allow us to suffer. It is because we committed sins. We must obey His law in
order to avoid suffering and avoid sins. It is the sin that make us suffer. God
always tell us to trust him "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and
there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be
any more pain: for the former things are passed away," (Rev. 21:4).

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