A. Introduction: I. Concepts and Frameworks Applied in The Study

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In this study, certain concepts will be focused on and will serve as a framework for further

understanding and in-depth evaluation of the overall performance of The Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints Self-Reliance Center perceived organizational leadership efficiency relative to the
sustainability measured by the probable outcome of their Perpetual Education Fund (PEF) program.
In particular, leadership styles will be viewed as a system wherein not only being knowledgeable
of the skills and capabilities of constituents are being addressed but also the accommodation of their
values and needs. This is a system that revolves around a purpose of collaborating technology,
proficiency, relationships that overcome philosophical barriers and cooperation to accomplish the
organizations mission. Functions of leadership can be described as the following:
1) ability to create a clear focus, purpose or vision,
2) understanding the organization as a system,
3) ability to create channels of communication while accepting diversity, and
4) developing new technology and methodology for improvement.
Perception on leadership efficiency in accordance with the programs sustainability can be
clarified on the basis of a conceptual framework that follows an input-process-outcome context for
assessing strategical performance. In order to properly evaluate this area of efficiency, the most effective
way to follow is to depict the program as a productive system wherein inputs are transferred into
outcomes. Elaboration of this basic scheme includes steps such as:

including a context dimension, that functions as a source of inputs and constraints but also as a
generator of the required outputs that should be produced;

differentiating outcomes in direct outputs, longer term outcomes and ultimate societal impact;

recognizing the hierarchical nature of conditions and processes

Figure 1. Framework for Organizational


Shown on Figure 1 is a model that clearly

identifies the components which aid in the





program. This will include a description of

the organizations goals, leadership, resources, outreach, and products and services. As a system, each
factor is interrelated and mutually dependent on one another. In the Perpetual Education Fund Program,
emphasis is given on the leadership component and performance-based output.



Generally, this paper wants to know if there is a relationship between the Self-Reliance Centers

leadership and the low payment percentage of the participants in its Perpetual Education Fund; and to
answer the following research questions:
1. What challenges or issues that the leadership sector of the Self-Reliance Center faces today?
2. What are the causes of the low collectability of the loans in the Perpetual Education Fund?
3. What kind of strategies were used by leaders to address this problem?
4. How can these strategies be further improved in the future?
5. What concepts in Organizational Behavior were appropriately practiced in the workplace?


Informally known as the Mormon or LDS Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

has an extensive range of programs offered both to members and nonmembers of the church. It has
programs supporting education, job searching, and other social responsibility and humanitarian services
programs promoting the welfare of the people.
First Presidency
(President and two counselors)
Quorom of the Twelve Apostles
Quorom of the Seventies
(Area Presidents)
Stake Presidency
(President and two counselors)
(Bishop and two counselors)




commonly known to have a

structured organization which
could be explained by the
following figure.

Figure 2. Basic Organization Structure of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Figure 2 shows a very broad breakdown of the offices held in the church. Apart from these, are
actually a lot more organizations under each breakdown. There are separate organizations for married
men and women, single adults, youths, and children which they call the primary. In each auxiliary, there is
a president, and two counselors.
In this study, discussions would revolve around how the leadership styles of The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-Day Saints was able to sustain their programs which principally focused on education.
Because the church is chiefly concerned with the welfare of its members, they established the
Perpetual Education Fund (PEF) in 2001 to help the youth in developing areas such as the Philippines
"rise out of the poverty they and generations before them have known, as said by LDS President that
time Gordon B. Hinckley.
The PEF program is derived after the Perpetual Emigration Fund, which helped early Church
members journey to the Salt Lake Valley from Europe in the mid to late 1800s. This program is funded by
contributions of members and others supporting its mission.
How does it work?
An amount of money is loaned to an individual to help pay his/her education needs (tuition,
miscellaneous, books), which will eventually be paid at a lower rate (maximum of 40% discount) after
he/she graduates and finds a job.



To identify how the churchs organization was able to sustain the program through their

leadership styles.
To understand how motivation affected the leaders of the organization in performing their duties.
To assess the improvements of the new systems compared to old systems practiced.
To evaluate efficiency of the leaders in handling the organizations through the outputs of the


To address the problem on the low collectability of the loans.


In this case study the following data collection methods shall be used:

1. Key Informant Interview

With the case studys focus on the leadership that takes place (in the education programs) in the
organization, an interview with these leaders shall be of great importance. With the churchs
organizational structure and taking into consideration the studys focus, one representative of the
organization will be interviewd. The informant must have first-hand knowledge about and hands-on with
the organization.
2. Content Analysis
From the records of the church, the group can have a more reliable source of the churchs
processes and background. Certain data may be obtained such as the extent of people the organization
can accommodate and currently accommodates in their educational programs. Through this method, the
following data may be obtained: the process one should take in order to benefit from the plan; the
background of these programs and how it works.











This section provides a clear-cut description of the Self Reliance Center leadership style and

establishes a more clarified conceptual framework for assessing efficiency and sustainability of the
leadership through an input-output based model and how the results reflect the leadership which
influences and impacts both members and nonmembers alike.
In this study, the transformational leadership approach will be used which covers a number of
indicators namely idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized
consideration. This approach coupled with contingent rewards had significant relationships with outcomes
like follower satisfaction and organizational performance. This is also compatible with human services

values and principles regarding valuing and empowering individuals like the Self-Reliance Program, the
front seat service, offered by the said organization where the Perpetual Education Fund falls into.

In the transformational leadership approach (Figure 3), the leader transforms and motivates
followers by 1) making them more aware of the significance of task outcomes, 2) inducing them to
transcend their own self-interest for the sake of the organization and 3) activating their higher-order






Figure 3. Concept Map of Expanding Transformational Leadership

In general, the transformational leadership approach tends to be focusing on social justice and
humanitarian services. In this study, however, leaders applying this style have better influence to their
constituents and members in motivating them to be more committed and goal-oriented.
In relation to the Perpetual Education Fund Program, the leaders are perceived to pay more
attention to the extent of the number of beneficiaries helped, not output-oriented and do not put much
emphasis on the return of payment from loans. On the other hand, transformational leaders can use the
four factors namely idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized
consideration to create volunteerism that will aid in reaching the target of payments for unpaid loans.

Moreover, in relation to the assessment of the input-output context of the evaluation of the
leadership style efficiency incorporated and the effect on the constituents and recipients of the Perpetual
Education Fund Program, our framework will be patterned to that of the Corporate Sustainability Model.

Figure 4. Modified Input-Output


Process or throughput


Model for Nonprofit


Transformational Leadership
This model uses the social,



dimensions of sustainability as its foundation. This model describes the drivers of corporate sustainability
performance, the actions that managers can take to affect that performance, and the consequences of
those actions on corporate environmental, social, and financial performance. It describes the inputs,
processes, and outputs necessary to implement a successful sustainability strategy.
The inputs include the external, internal and human and financial resources. The process
component includes the leadership approach taken into consideration. The outputs context includes the
sustainability performance and based on the number of successful graduates and beneficiaries of the


In order to analyze the effectiveness of the leadership styles of the heads of the

organization, the Key Informant Interview method of data collection is used.

The researchers used KII in understanding the organization further by knowing
about the strategies and different operations within the sectors. In this type, the qualitative
descriptions and perceptions concerning the leadership sector are known. To be able to perform this,
the researchers conducted a sit-down conversation with the participant and made notes about the
data collected. The participant in the KII is the Self-Reliance center representative for Iloilo since he
has firsthand knowledge and experience in the program.
To be able to understand the organizations leadership and efficiency, this study focused on
assessing the Perpetual Education Fund program by knowing how the participant perceives the operation
within the centers program and analyzing the positive results of the program based on the quantitative
information given to the researches like the number of students who avail and those who defaulted. Most
importantly, the basic processes and implementation of the program were asked; and the goals and
strategies of the Self-Reliance center in conducting PEF. More questions are shown in Appendix B.

Problems from this type of method are the accuracy of the data being listed down since it
just depends on what the researchers could comprehend or be written down, and the access to the
participant because these people are mostly having hectic schedules. Since this is based purely on
opinion, its results may be subject to biases in favor of their respective parts.
Another method to be used are the Content Analysis. The researchers asked for the
statistical results of the Perpetual Education Fund. Basically, this includes the number of students
who availed the said program, the number of defaults and the like. Through this given quantitative
information, the researchers can analyze these data for use in assessing the effectiveness of the
leaders through the PEF. The data will be shown in Part D. of the paper. Problems experienced were
minimal since the researchers simply gathered the values directly from the authority. However, there
may be some hassle in knowing some numbers since the person we asked werent able to find it
immediately and he has to go through the data again but it was already resolved.


In relation to the aim of the case study, it is important to know the external and internal
environment that would affect the impact of the organizations program. The following are factors that may
affect the performance of the organization:

The capacity that can be accommodated. It is important to know the limitation as to which the
organization can give assistance to. This is to know if the organization is able to maximize its capacity

and if they are able to accommodate all interested participants.

The location of the organization. One of the programs being studied (Sectarian Education) requires
regular participation of the participants. In Iloilo alone, there are multiple LDS Churches from various
places from which the participant may select for his or her own convenience. Accessibility will affect the
willingness of people to take part of the programs. Without these participants, the organization will fall
short from its purpose.



Self-Reliance Centers/Employment Resource Center

Every stake or district (city/capital town) in the country has it's own Stake Self-Reliance Centers
which provide mentoring and other helpful resources to job-seekers, self-employed, and prospected

In Iloilo City, the Stake Self-Reliance Center is located at Jalandoni Street, Barangay
Bagumbayan, Iloilo City. The building also serves as the chapel for Iloilo City Ward members as well as
the location of Iloilo Philippines Institute of Religion (IPIR) where religious classes are being held.


The Perpetual Education Fund (PEF) is a revolving fund of the Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, which was created under President Gordon B. Hinckley in 2001 to benefit members in
underprivileged countries. It started out as a fund intended to aid returned missionaries who face financial
problems right after their service for two years in the field. The PEF Program is patterned after the
Perpetual Emigration Fund that helped over 30,000 early Church members in their journey to the Salt
Lake Valley. This today, assists members in their quest to be educated and self-reliance.
The Self-Reliance Center has actually three interventions. Namely on employment, education,
and self-employment. This study will be focused on the PEF-Regular (PEF-R) which deals on funding
education of regualr college/university students. This program can be availed by a participant until he/she
graduates from the school and the course she entered in.
What it does and How it Helps
The PEF Program is an educational opportunity, as directed through the oversight of the
Church's institute program. Opportunities are given to ovver 316,000 participants worldwide who
are of ages 16 years old to 60 years old. Institute directors accept applications and recommend
candidate to receive loans. An applicant who has successfuly complied with the requirements
will be entitled to disbursements for his/her school tuition and expenses payable upon
enrolment, as well as for books.
The fund of the program will be a revolving resource. When an amount loan is repaid, the
collections are again being loaned to another to assist needs. Participants of the program will be
charged minimal interest nd will repay the loan once education is complete and have secured a
gainful employment.


Under the PEF program, a participant must undergo/comply with the

following requisites to

be able to become a qualified recipient:

1. Attend trainings on "My Path" which actually are actually composed of 6 weekly meetings facilitated
by Self-Reliance specialists and other coordinators.
2. Obtain a Priesthood Leader Endorsement for the bishop of the ward after an Iof a participant's
worthiness and commitment to the program.
3. Obtain a Mentor Acceptance from another church member who would serve as an adviser to the
participant, as well as to remind him/her of her monthly payment dues.
4. Finish the online application and submit necessary documents. (Priesthood Endorsement Form,
Mentor Acceptance, School/University Assessment of due payment upon enrolment, List of books
with their corresponding prices, etc)
5. Schedule for a loan interview.
6. Make necessary initial payments.
When the above requirements are accomplished by the participant, it would usually take three
weeks before the check arrives at a designated carrier. But, this steps aren't absolute. Requisites 2, 3, 5,
and 6 are repeated each year for renewal with further requirements in order to qualify for such renewal.
Apparently, participants are given a copy of a loan agreement which enumerates the requirements and
policies of the program.
Important policies include:
A. Repayment Schedule
Participants are required to repay the loan in the following manner: For in-school loan
payments, a minimum monthly payment of Php 250.00 is required while for after-school
loan payments, a fixed minimum amount will be indicated in the loan agreement
depending on the total amount loaned.
Payments are payable to Lender which could be done through ML Kwarta Padala outlets, and


banks such as BPI, Metrobank, and UCPB.

Participants will be freed from penalty when they prepay all or part of the Loan.
i v.
O bligation to repay the loan is absolute and is not conditional.
B . Payment Credits and Reductions
i. Participants may avail credits and reductions of up to 5% for good grades, up to 10% for graduation,
another 10% upon employment with written proof, and 25% reduction for timely payments (no

Borrower Conditions
Participants are obliged to use personal and family money to pay for living expenses
and for as much of their education in their capacity.


Participants are encouraged to continue to seek scholarships and grants to reduce their
need for a loan.


Participants are compelled to remain faithful and active members of the Church (includes
attendance to Sunday services and Institute classes); to make timely payments, and fully repay
loans to the extent required by the PEF program in the country of residence, to open bank
accounts and set up auto-debits for monthly payments.
Participants should contact their Self-Reliance Center regularly for monitoring of progress
When a participant shifts to another course, he/she can no longer avail of the fund.


During the training (My Path), it has always been a reminder to the participants that this is
a loan. In laymans term, its a debt. Yet, with a continuous effort by the participant to reduce
his/her loans, he/she benefited from it. After all, payments received by the Self-Reliance Centers
are again used to fund another member in need of education.
Every president of the Church had always been anxiously engaged in ecouraging members to be
educated. They had always believed that education is the key to unlock countless possibilities. Coming to
its 15th year, contributions large and small from donors worldwide have allowed the initiativeand its
participantsto thrive. As quoted by the current President of the Church, Thomas S. Monson said that
The Perpetual Education Fund breaks the cycle of poverty for our members in many areas of the
world and provides skills and training which qualify young men and young women for gainful employment.
This inspired plan has kindled the light of hope in the eyes of those who felt doomed to mediocrity but
who now have an opportunity for a brighter future.
By 2011, The Perpetual Education Fund has blessed the lives of over 50,000 participants in 51
countries over the last 10 years. Statistical data aare shown on Part D of this paper.



Basically, the organization follows church policies. Naming the most important of them would be:

The leaders of the organization are in charge of such restricted records and are highly expected

not to leak personal information about the participants.

Since the organization handles information about funds, and financial data, the leaders are

expected to relay genuine information with the organization to achieve its goals.
The leaders are expected to perform their duties with their utmost abilities in order to provide the
best service to the participants.

Being a non-profit organization, leaders are anticipated to carry out their responsibilities with
dedication even they are not paid.


Shown below (Figure 5) is the organizational structure of Self-Reliance Organization of the LDS

Church. Being a non-profit organization, these people go unpaid for the service they provide. The SelfReliance Organization is separately distinguished to help and assist people who are need. The
organizations purpose is divided to three interventions which it focuses on employment, education and

Vice Chair





Relief Society
High Council
Self-Reliance Specialist (Local

Figure 5. SRS Organizational Structure

Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. Chairperson is usually the First Councilor of the Stake
Presidency. Their role is to define the self-reliance objective for the stake and organize the self-reliance
committee. The chairperson is also tasked to bring forward the concern of self-reliance committee to the
stake presidency. The Chair is responsible for choosing the self-reliance specialist (and the power to
Self-Reliance Specialists on Employment/Education/Self-Employment. He serves as the link
to all Self-Reliance Services. His responsibilities include preparing the SR committee agenda and to train
volunteers and missionaries in making a self-reliance center. He is also tasked to train bishops and ward
councils in relation to self-reliance and to monitor SR operations.
Self-Reliance Committee. The Self-Reliance Committee develops and monitor self-reliance plan
for the stake. They also organize self-reliance center. The committee is responsible for utilization of the

Perpetual Educational Fund (PEF) and ensure the participation of the returning missionaries in selfreliance activities.
Relief Society Presidency. She serves as member of the ward and regularly meets up with the
bishop to discuss matters under Relief Society. When people are in time of need, she coordinates with
Relief Society of the stakes wards. And she oversees the records, reports, budget, and finances of the
ward Relief Society
High Council. This is composed twelve high priests who serve as assist the stake president.
They help in teaching and training the skate and programs.
Self Reliance Specialists (Local Branch). They are the first people to be asked for basic
information about the PEF Program of the members in their wards or local branches.


The Stake Self-Reliance Center has a designated office in the Jalandoni Building of the LDS

Church found in the first floor of the building. The office is big enough to hold meetings complete with
needed materials and equipment. The room includes a ten-seater table with rounded edges and
comfortable chairs. Also found in the room are two functional computers with a printer, which may be
concealed when not needed. This office may be divided by a wall if opted to. The space was kept clean
and free from any debris. The building has a shared toilet and washroom.
Overall, the room is in satisfactory condition safe and appropriate for its use. A more explicit
observation is presented in Appendix B:Workplace Inspection.
Shown below are photos taken from the organizations office.


To review, this study aims to identify

taken: November
26, was
2015able to sustain the program through their leadership style, to
the churchs
understand how motivation affected the leaders of the organization in performing their duties, to assess
From the assessment made in the non-profit organization of the LDS Church, it was clear that the
input-output context was directly related to the leadership approach used and how this relationship adds







Perpetual Education Fund Program.

Considering the research conducted,
this study focused on two primary
information sources: Key Informant
Interview and Content Analysis. The






discussed further.
The queries answered in this





connection to the positive changes brought about by the leadership style of the organization as well as
the concepts in Organizational Behavior that were appropriately practiced in the workplace. Moreover, the
challenges or issues the leadership sector of the organization faces today are also discussed, as well as
improvements after reorganization.
With the 50,000 recipients worldwide, it could be further broken down with these digits:

47 percent are men, 53 percent are women

34 percent are married

80 percent of men are returned missionaries

82 percent work while in school

Their average age is 24.5

They take 2.6 years on average to complete their education

They receive three to four times greater income after education

Figure 6. PEF Participants in Iloilo






Not Current

In Iloilo, 183 PEF participants had been

blessed currently through the PEF program and about 20% of them already graduated and have stable
jobs to be able to repay the loan. From the 183 participants, only 60 of them have a current status in
their monthly payments (See Figure 6)

Having a current payment status means a participant had been prompt in his/her monthly
payment (With a maximum of 3 months lapse). The data given is approximately 33% of the total
participants. Yet, if the ration is between noncurrent payers and current payers, it would be 41.25%.
Considering that participants pay only a minimal amount while they are in school, the 41.25% is
not yet a desirable number of regular payments. Although the organization is really not after the money,
this result shows that the participants commitment and integrity to the repayment of loan indicates that
the organization needs to work more on refining the participants attitude towards the organizations goals.
Furthermore, this relevant result was established due to the organizations initiative to give
mentors to the participant who will not act as co-makers or guarantors, rather, those that will guide the
participant throughout his/her participation in the program. The Self-Reliance Center had further easily
monitored the participants performance in school and in his/her payment obligation because of the
mentoring strategy.
Since the organization belongs to the non-ecclesiastical programs of the Church, some of the
leaders with higher positions and those that work in the main office in the country are being hired as they
are given benefits like what regular employees have. But with the Stake Self-Reliance Center in Iloilo, the
leaders service are completely done without compensation.
Here, we see that their motivation is fueled up by their commitment and integrity towards the
organizations goals. Aside from their testimony in the Church as their spiritual reason, it has also been
the leaders desire that the members benefit from what the Church could provide its members. How
wonderful it is that through their efforts in sustaining the program of the organization, members will be
well-educated, succesful, and self-reliant. All these aims boils down to why the organization was
organized after all.
With the large percentage of the noncurrent payers compared to the current payers, several
causes that have been infered by the Self-Reliance Center why they cant pay monthly are:

Lack o financial stability by participants or the participants family

Since this is especially made available to those who dont have means to get
educated, it is really inevitable that even with a minimal amount of Php250, some will not
be able to pay. Currently, even a minimum amount of Php100 is still accepted just to
make their payment status current and not lose their opportunity to avail of the fund. After
all, its the participants commitment towards paying the loan which is sought after and not

the amount of money as long as he/she can adhere to the guidelines of the program.
Payment depends on the participants free will
Being an international program, payments are centralized to a main office in each
country. In the Philippines, payments are handled in its Manila office. The local Centers
only are in charge of the processes and not the funds itself. There are no collectors,
rather, its in the participants prerogative and responsibility to make monthly payments

which as mentioned, could be done through banks, or ML Kwarta Padala branches

without additional fees. In this area, we see that the low collecatbility is readily possible
because some participants tend to procrastinate their payments till such time their status
becomes noncurrent.
Taking from the words of our interviewee, the Stake Self-Reliance Center is undergoing
reorganization to improve the quality of services it could give to the members, wherein, he mentioned that
it is time to actually mobilize the committee because the organization is challenged by problems on
volunteerism of some members. He also said that the members organization needs to review the
handbook to draw them more policy-oriented and to avoid losing track from the organizations purpose.
It is evident that the organization is continually looking for ways to resolve the dilemmas faced to
enable the leaders to perform their duties religiously and with utmost diligence.
The efficacy of nonprofit organizations depends on its leadership. Powell described leadership as
a crucial component to the success, growth and change of the organization. It is the transformational
approach of leadership used in the Perpetual Education Fund Program under the Self-Reliance Center of
the LDS Church that made significant changes to reduce the rising number of undergraduates, to improve
standards of living and to generate employment. This study reveals that the transformational leadership
approach was incorporated to help members become self-reliant and reach their full potential.
The conceptual framework of this study was to discover how transformational principles were
demonstrated by leaders who possessed the four transformational leadership components namely
idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individual consideration in this
nonprofit organization. In the area of transformational leadership, all factors were implemented
successfully in this organization.
Shown in the table are the tools and resources implemented by the leaders of the Self-Reliance
Center wherein idealized influence is a major factor.




High moral


Solving problems






Selfless interest



Visualizes future

Use of

Job appraisal




High degree of





Tailored Job

Model by example

Tools and resources that stimulated the mind fall under intellectual stimulation. Those that were
personalized goes under individualized consideration and inspirational motivation consists of strategies
that inspired the employee to greater levels of productivity.

As a member of the Church, I actually learned and understand more of the PEF Program and the
Services offered by The Self-Reliance Center. I learned that there is so much more to what I already
know. I was able to appreciate how the leaders of the Church work hard towards giving the members a
channel to improve their status in life, be educated, and succeed on their chosen field. Growing up in the
Church, I thought everything they offer the members are perfect. But little did I know that the programs
also had flaws and are vital to be improved to suit the needs and capacities of the members. The day we
held the interview, the Self-Reliance Committee had a reorganization meeting where they talked about the
things they need to improve and the possible actions they could take to step up at a higher level,
encouraging more members to participate in the program. Lastly, it had been overwhelming to know, that
the leaders may not all be masters degree holders, but were able to perform their duties beyond what
was expected from them with utmost faith and commitment. Being a leader in the Church isnt easy. But
because of their desire to see the members become successful, everything was made possible.
-Kristine R. Astorga

Working on this paper made me realize that leadership is not only the driving factor in the
success of certain program of an organization. This is especially true in our case study where we were
able to understand that members are very important. Because they are the very ones who keep an
organization going. Like in the PEF, if all members defaulted on their loans, the church would suffer
financial problems. There are also volunteers who are willing to work simply because they want to and not
for what they would get. In relation to this, some worked even if there is no compensation. So people
could get motivated without rewards in form of money. It is deeply rooted on somebodys passion to
serve. Furthermore, I also learned about a religion that is different from mine. And I was very impressed
by how organized their church is and how they always stick to their policies and the scriptures. I think this
could be traced due to their effective leadership because the members were united and that everybody

has the initiative to help each other. I can grasp from this study that it takes a great leader and at the
same time, a unified group of members to make a well-established organization.
-Angelie Joanne D. Bangcaya

Learning is a continuous process and the success and sustainability of an organization does not
merely hinge on the concept of leadership but goes far beyond our superficial understanding and cultured
perception. It is something that only volunteerism and passion coupled with commitment can accomplish.
I have seen how the Self Reliance Center community created a sustainability formula which consists of
the leaders strong dedication in service, each members efforts in pushing forth the program and the core
values that bind them together towards a huge purpose. I found it interesting what a pool of resources
with the right kind of overseeing and direction can do to help lessen the number of undergraduates,
improve standards of living and generate employment. On the other side of the coin, challenges will
always be present in this kind of program where payments are made and deadlines are met. Still, this
organization remained unwavering. In fact, they came up with great ideas and implemented changes like
mentoring to cater to the members dilemmas. In a nutshell, it was the right kind of leadership, strategic
management and principles embedded in every member which propelled such a successful program. It
was never about profit. It was actually going beyond numbers because its aim is to touch lives. I was not
just grateful but its more than words to be part of the conduct of this study.
-Lauriz D. Machon

The whole process of making this paper was actually interesting. I was able to learn about The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, not only as a ministry but also as an organization who takes
good care of its fellow brothers and sisters. And being a non-profit organization, I learned that money and
incentives are not the only rewards that could motivate a person. In LDS Church, people take on the
responsibility not for the material things but rather to follow the Word of God and to help bring people up.
As seen in case, in leadership it is important to know what motivates your employees or the people in
charge to carry out the task, because it is what fuels the organization to keep it running and stabilizing it.
Through the case I was able to understand that the program itself ran by the organization is crucial. When
people know what they do, want what they do and like what they do, - they become more efficient in doing
their job description. In Self-Reliance Organization it is the Chairperson who calls or chooses the
committee to serve as guide to the program. Thus, as a leader, he should also be knowledgeable on who
to put in the position. The person called for the position should be willing and believes in the program and
the organization as well. Leadership is not a simple task. The leader is crucial in determining the success
or failure of the organization.

-Maria Lizette D. Panadero

Date of Inspection: November 27,2015 3:30 pm
Location: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Jalandoni Building
Specific Area Inspected: Employment Resource Center
Legend: (O) Satisfactory Condition
(X) Requires Action
Bulletin Boards and Signs
Are they clean and readable?
Not messy and too much
Is the material frequently changed
Up to date
Is there loose material, debris or worn carpeting?
Clean and no carpet
Are the floors slippery, oily or wet?
Are guards and screens in place and effective?
When not in used, the computers are covered
behind a sliding panel
Is the furniture safe?
-worn or badly designed chair
Chairs are cushioned and comfortable
-sharp edges on desk or cabinet
The table has rounded edges and cabinets do
not have pointed edges showing
-poor ergonomics (keyboard elevation, chair adjustment
No proper ergonomics applied in using the
The room is not that big
Emergency Equipment
Is emergency lighting in place and regularly tested?
The building has power generator in case of
Is there fire extinguisher available in case of fire?
No fire extinguisher in the room but has one
outside, Accessible in case of Emergency
Air Handling System
Is the system free from any source of contamination?
Is humidity within standard range?
Is there proper ventilation in the room?
No direct control of the centralized AirX
conditioning unit
Are the washrooms areas clean?
Shared washroom and toilet for the floor
Are the toilets clean?
Do entry and exit provide personal security at night
Are emergency procedures in place?
Are bulbs missing?
Are any areas dark?
Place is well lighted
Adequate illumination during day and night?
Are extension cords used extensively?
No extension cords, outlets are built in the walls

Are electrical/telephone cords exposed where people walk?

Is electrical wiring properly concealed?
Are the wall and ceiling fastened securely?
Are paper and waste disposed properly?
Are materials in the cabinets in order?


Key Informant Interview



Can you tell us about the Perpetual Education Fund? We

would like to how the program is properly implemented.

How about basic process? Where do you get the funds

What are the goals of the sector?
What strategies are being followed to achieve these?
What motivates the ward specialists in Self-reliance so they



could properly do their job well?

What do you think are the positive outcomes or results this

program imparted upon the participants?

As a leader directing this program, how have you
encouraged development and growth of students?



What changes took place in the program? And do you think

this change improved the PEF or not?

Are the participants who defaulted on loans by not being

able to pay them?

What do you think are the cause of this low collectability?
What about students who just took benefit from the loan yet

did not used them for studying?

What actions have you taken to solve this problem?

Carmack, B. E. (2004, January). The Perpetual Education Fund: A Bright Ray of Hope. Retrieved from
LDS.ORG: https://www.lds.org/liahona/2004/01/the-perpetual-education-fund-a-bright-ray-ofhope?lang=eng
OpenSource Leadership Strategies, I. (January 2007). Measuring Nonprofit Results Measuring Nonprofit
Packard, T. (2004). Leadership and Performance in Human Services Organizations.

Stake Self-Reliance Committee. (n.d.). Retrieved from LDS.ORG: https://www.lds.org/topics/pef-selfreliance/stake-committee/?lang=eng

Taylor, C. (February 2014). Transformational Leadership Exemplified in a Nonprofit Organization.

University of the Philippines Visayas

College of Management
Iloilo City


The Perceived Leadership and Efficiency of the the Self-Reliance Center
through the Perpetual Education Program

Astorga, Kristine R.
Bangcaya, Angelie Joanne D.
Machon, Lauriz D.
Panadero, Maria Lizette D.

December 2015

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