Sharp Magneto

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you Breathe

Why is forest air fresh?

Forest air has the perfect balance of posi ve hydrogen and
nega ve oxygen ions. As a result, the air is fresh. The
concentra on of posi ve hydrogen and nega ve oxygen
ions are more than 4100 ions/cm3
Why is stale air harmful?
As the level of the posi ve and nega ve ions fall to 400
ions/ cm3, it creates a breeding ground for dust mites,
allergens and other microbes. The allergens are triggers for
respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchi s etc.

Why is indoor air stuffy & stale?

Indoors, the posi ve and nega ve ions fall to 400 ions/cm3
making it stuy and stale.

Clean from far Far from clean!

Inspite of our best eorts to clean & mop, invisible Par culate Ma er (size up to PM 2.5 micrometers that are even 100
mes thinner than human hair) clings on to the furnishing, so toy, oor etc thus pollu ng Indoor Air. These invisible
micro Par culate Ma ers are generated from Paint Fumes, Combus on Smoke, Open Drains, and Toilets etc that enter
our home/oce but could not nd their way out due to poor cross ven la on. When we inhale air along with any
par cles, it travels into our respiratory system (lungs and airway). Along the way par cles s ck to the sides of the airway
or travel deeper into the lungs. Finer the par cles, the worse the eect!!

How does Our technology work ?

Our Plasma Technology is the new age Ac ve Air Purica on Technology that puries the air as well as surfaces. It is a
unique technology that oers triple benets: it puries the air, saves energy and improves the health of the users.
Plasma, the fourth state of ma er, is the substance that makes up the stars and is generated by lightning. When
Plasma is generated at room temperature it is called. 'Cold Plasma', unlike, the Hot Plasma which makes up the Sun.
Plasma has several components charged atoms and molecules, electrons and highly reac ve oxygen species which
are highly eec ve in Air Purica on.
Carbon Filter

HEPA Filter

Pre Filter

The equipment is comprised of several lters to purify the air. The dust present in the air is ltered through
the rst stage of air ltration called pre-lter.
The second lter known as HEPA Filter are composed of a mat of randomly arranged bers. These bers are
compound of ber glass and diameter between 0.5 & 2.0 microns. These lters act as a sieve and trap much
smaller pollutant & particles.
The further process of air purication is achieved through activated carbon lter.

Our Technology are highly effective in reducing:

Microbe popula on (Bacteria, Virus & Fungi)
TVOCs & Gases (Formaldehyde, Hydrogen Sulphide, Ethylene, etc.)
Sta c Charge (Esmog generated from Electronic and Electrical Systems)
Odour (Cigare e, Malodour, Pets, Sewage, Ro en Food, etc.)
Par cles (Dust, Dander, Pollen)

General Application - Home, O ce, clinic, Restaurant, Gymnasium, Classroom etc.

Model s
(modi ed)

(modi ed)

HEPA & Active carbon lter

HEPA & Active carbon lter

(modi ed)

HEPA & Active carbon lter


HEPA & Charcoal Combination Filter

& Humidifying Filter

Up to 2 years



375 x 205 x 535 (W x D x H)


220~240 & 50/60Hz

27 / 13 / 4.5 (Max / Med / Low)

48 / 39 / 22 (Max / Med / Low)

Magneto Products are designed to render optimal performance considering economic, environment and energy constraints.

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