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Secular Humanism

The philosophy or life stance of secular humanism

(alternatively known by some adherents as Humanism,
specically with a capital H to distinguish it from other
forms of humanism) embraces human reason, ethics,
and philosophical naturalism while specically rejecting religious dogma, supernaturalism, pseudoscience,
and superstition as the bases of morality and decision

those who, although not critical of religion in its various

guises, preferred a non-religious approach.[8] The release
in 1980 of A Secular Humanist Declaration by the newly
formed Council for Democratic and Secular Humanism
(CODESH, now the Council for Secular Humanism) gave
secular humanism an organisational identity within the
United States.
However, many adherents of the approach reject the use
of the word secular as obfuscating and confusing, and
consider that the term secular humanism has been demonized by the religious right... All too often secular
humanism is reduced to a sterile outlook consisting of little more than secularism slightly broadened by academic
ethics. This kind of 'hyphenated humanism' easily becomes more about the adjective than its referent.[9] Adherents of this view, including the International Humanist and Ethical Union and the American Humanist Association, consider that the unmodied but capitalised
word Humanism should be used. The endorsement by
the IHEU of the capitalization of the word Humanism,
and the dropping of any adjective such as secular, is quite
recent. The American Humanist Association began to
adopt this view in 1973, and the IHEU formally endorsed
the position in 1989. In 2002 the IHEU General Assembly unanimously adopted the Amsterdam Declaration,
which represents the ocial dening statement of World
Humanism for Humanists. This declaration makes exclusive use of capitalized Humanist and Humanism, which is
consistent with IHEUs general practice and recommendations for promoting a unied Humanist identity. To further promote Humanist identity, these words are also free
of any adjectives, as recommended by prominent members of IHEU. Such usage is not universal among IHEU
member organizations, though most of them do observe
these conventions.

Secular humanism posits that human beings are capable

of being ethical and moral without religion or a god. It
does not, however, assume that humans are either inherently evil or innately good, nor does it present humans as being superior to nature. Rather, the humanist life stance emphasizes the unique responsibility facing
humanity and the ethical consequences of human decisions. Fundamental to the concept of secular humanism
is the strongly held viewpoint that ideologybe it religious or politicalmust be thoroughly examined by each
individual and not simply accepted or rejected on faith.
Along with this, an essential part of secular humanism is
a continually adapting search for truth, primarily through
science and philosophy. Many Humanists derive their
moral codes from a philosophy of utilitarianism, ethical
naturalism, or evolutionary ethics, and some, such as Sam
Harris, advocate a science of morality.
The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU)
is the world union of more than one hundred Humanist,
rationalist, irreligious, atheistic, Bright, secular, Ethical
Culture, and freethought organizations in more than 40
countries. The "Happy Human" is the ocial symbol of
the IHEU as well as being regarded as a universally recognised symbol for those who call themselves Humanists.
Secular humanist organizations are found in all parts of
the world. Those who call themselves humanists are estimated to number between four and ve million people

2 History


Historical use of the term humanism (reected in some

current academic usage), is related to the writings of preSocratic philosophers. These writings were lost to European societies until Renaissance scholars rediscovered
them through Muslim sources and translated them from
Arabic into European languages.[10] Thus the term humanist can mean a humanities scholar, as well as refer to
The Enlightenment/ Renaissance intellectuals, and those
who have agreement with the pre-Socratics, as distinct
from secular humanists.

The meaning of the phrase secular humanism has evolved

over time. The phrase has been used since at least the
1930s,[5] and in 1943, the then Archbishop of Canterbury, William Temple, was reported as warning that the
Christian tradition... was in danger of being undermined
by a 'Secular Humanism' which hoped to retain Christian values without Christian faith.[6] During the 1960s
and 1970s the term was embraced by some humanists
who considered themselves anti-religious,[7] as well as




zations in the 19th century in England. Richard Congreve

visited Paris shortly after the French Revolution of 1848
where he met Auguste Comte and was heavily inuenced
by his positivist system. He founded the London Positivist Society in 1867, which attracted Frederic Harrison,
Edward Spencer Beesly, Vernon Lushington, and James
Cotter Morison amongs others.
In 1878, the Society established the Church of Humanity
under Congreves direction. There they introduced sacraments of the Religion of Humanity and published a cooperative translation of Comtes Positive Polity. When
Congreve repudiated their Paris co-religionists in 1878,
Beesly, Harrison, Bridges, and others formed their own
positivist society, with Beesly as president, and opened a
rival centre, Newton Hall, in a courtyard o Fleet Street.
The New York City version of the church was established
by English immigrant Henry Edger. The American version of the Church of Humanity. was largely modeled
on the English church. Like the English version it wasn't
atheistic and had sermons and sacramental rites.[13] At
times the services included readings from conventional
religious works like the Book of Isaiah.[14] It was not as
signicant as the church in England, but did include several educated people.[15]

George Holyoake coined the term 'secularism' and led the secular
movement in Britain from the mid 19th century.

2.3 Ethical movement

The term secularism was coined in 1851[11] by George

Holyoake to describe a form of opinion which concerns
itself only with questions, the issues of which can be
tested by the experience of this life.[12]
The modern secular movement coalesced around
Holyoake, Charles Bradlaugh and their intellectual
circle. The rst secular society was Leicester Secular
Society, established in 1851. Similar regional societies
came together to form the National Secular Society in


Positivism & the Church of Humanity

Holyoakes secularism was strongly inuenced by

Auguste Comte, the founder of positivism and of
modern sociology. Comte believed human history
would progress in a "law of three stages" from a
theological phase, to the "metaphysical", toward a fully
rational positivist society. In later life, Comte had
attempted to introduce a "religion of humanity" in light
of growing anti-religious sentiment and social malaise
in revolutionary France. This religion would necessarily
full the functional, cohesive role that supernatural
religion once served.
Although Comtes religious movement was unsuccess- Felix Adler, founder of the ethical movement.
ful in France, the positivist philosophy of science itself
played a major role in the proliferation of secular organi- Another important precursor was the ethical movement


Secular humanism

of the 19th century. The South Place Ethical Society was founded in 1793 as the South Place Chapel
on Finsbury Square, on the edge of the City of London,[16] and in the early nineteenth century was known
as a radical gathering-place.[17] At that point it was a
Unitarian chapel, and that movement, like Quakers, supported female equality.[18] Under the leadership of Reverend William Johnson Fox,[19] it lent its pulpit to activists
such as Anna Wheeler, one of the rst women to campaign for feminism at public meetings in England, who
spoke in 1829 on Rights of Women. In later decades,
the chapel changed its name to the South Place Ethical Society, now the Conway Hall Ethical Society. Today Conway Hall explicitly identies itself as a humanist organisation, albeit one primarily focused on concerts,
events, and the maintenance of its humanist library and
archives. It bills itself as The landmark of Londons independent intellectual, political and cultural life.

The rst ethical society along these lines in Britain was
founded in 1886. By 1896 the four London societies
formed the Union of Ethical Societies, and between 1905
and 1910 there were over fty societies in Great Britain,
seventeen of which were aliated with the Union. The
Union of Ethical Societies would later rename itself the
British Humanist Association.

2.4 Secular humanism

In the 1930s, humanism was generally used in a religious sense by the Ethical movement in the United
States, and not much favoured among the non-religious
in Britain. Yet it was from the Ethical movement that
the non-religious philosophical sense of Humanism gradually emerged in Britain, and it was from the converIn America, the ethical movement was propounded by
gence of the Ethical and Rationalist movements that this
Felix Adler, who established the New York Society
sense of Humanism eventually prevailed throughout the
for Ethical Culture in 1877.
By 1886, similar sociFreethought movement.[22]
eties had sprouted up in Philadelphia, Chicago and St.
As an organized movement, Humanism itself is quite reLouis.[21]
cent born at the University of Chicago in the 1920s,
These societies all adopted the same statement of princiand made public in 1933 with the publication of the rst
Humanist Manifesto.[23] The American Humanist Association was incorporated as an Illinois non-prot organi The belief that morality is independent of theology; zation in 1943. The International Humanist and Ethical
Union was founded in 1952, when a gathering of world
The armation that new moral problems have
Humanists met under the leadership of Sir Julian Huxarisen in modern industrial society which have not
ley. The British Humanist Association took that name in
been adequately dealt with by the worlds religions;
1967, but had developed from the Union of Ethical Soci[24]
The duty to engage in philanthropy in the advance- eties which had been founded by Stanton Coit in 1896.
ment of morality;
The belief that self-reform should go in lock step
with social reform;
The establishment of republican rather than monarchical governance of Ethical societies

3 Manifestos and declarations

Humanists have put together various Humanist Mani The agreement that educating the young is the most festos, in attempts to unify the Humanist identity.
important aim.
The original signers of the rst Humanist Manifesto of
1933, declared themselves to be religious humanists. BeIn eect, the movement responded to the religious cri- cause, in their view, traditional religions were failing to
sis of the time by replacing theology with unadulter- meet the needs of their day, the signers of 1933 declared
ated morality. It aimed to disentangle moral ideas from it a necessity to establish a religion that was a dynamic
religious doctrines, metaphysical systems, and ethical the- force to meet the needs of the day. However, this reliories, and to make them an independent force in personal gion did not profess a belief in any god. Since then two
life and social relations.[21] Adler was also particularly additional Manifestos were written to replace the rst. In
critical of the religious emphasis on creed, believing it the Preface of Humanist Manifesto II, in 1973, the auto be the source of sectarian bigotry. He therefore at- thors Paul Kurtz and Edwin H. Wilson assert that faith
tempted to provide a universal fellowship devoid of rit- and knowledge are required for a hopeful vision for the
ual and ceremony, for those who would otherwise be di- future. Manifesto II references a section on Religion and
vided by creeds. For the same reasons the movement at states traditional religion renders a disservice to humanthat time adopted a neutral position on religious beliefs, ity. Manifesto II recognizes the following groups to be
advocating neither atheism nor theism, agnosticism nor part of their naturalistic philosophy: scientic, ethideism.[21]
cal, democratic, religious, and Marxist humanism.


3.1 International Humanist and Ethical

In 2002, the IHEU General Assembly unanimously
adopted the Amsterdam Declaration 2002 which
represents the ocial dening statement of World
All member organisations of the International Humanist
and Ethical Union are required by bylaw 5.1[26] to accept
the Minimum Statement on Humanism:
Humanism is a democratic and ethical life
stance, which arms that human beings have
the right and responsibility to give meaning and
shape to their own lives. It stands for the building of a more humane society through an ethic
based on human and other natural values in the
spirit of reason and free inquiry through human
capabilities. It is not theistic, and it does not
accept supernatural views of reality.
To promote and unify Humanist identity, prominent
members of the IHEU have endorsed the following statements on Humanist identity:
All Humanists, nationally and internationally,
should always use the one word Humanism as the
name of Humanism: no added adjective, and the
initial letter capital (by life stance orthography);
All Humanists, nationally and internationally,
should use a clear, recognizable and uniform
symbol on their publications and elsewhere: our
Humanist symbol the "Happy Human";
All Humanists, nationally and internationally,
should seek to establish recognition of the fact that
Humanism is a life stance.

3.2 Council for Secular Humanism

According to the Council for Secular Humanism, within
the United States, the term secular humanism describes a world view with the following elements and
Need to test beliefs A conviction that dogmas,
ideologies and traditions, whether religious, political or social, must be weighed and tested by each
individual and not simply accepted by faith.
Organizations like the International Humanist and Ethical Union
use the "Happy Human" symbol, based on a 1965 design by Denis

Reason, evidence, scientic method A commitment to the use of critical reason, factual evidence
and scientic method of inquiry in seeking solutions
to human problems and answers to important human

Fulllment, growth, creativity A primary con- earliest Humanist organizations in the UK and US, atcern with fulllment, growth and creativity for both tempts to fulll the traditional social role of religion.[30]
the individual and humankind in general.
Secular humanism considers all forms of religion, including religious Humanism, to be superseded.[31] In or Search for truth A constant search for objective der to sidestep disagreements between these two factruth, with the understanding that new knowledge tions, recent Humanist proclamations dene Humanism
and experience constantly alter our imperfect per- as a "life stance"; proponents of this view making up
ception of it.
the third faction. All three types of Humanism (and
This life A concern for this life (as opposed to an all three of the American Humanist Association's manafterlife) and a commitment to making it meaningful ifestos) reject deference to supernatural beliefs; promotthrough better understanding of ourselves, our his- ing the practical, methodological naturalism of science,
tory, our intellectual and artistic achievements, and but also going further and supporting the philosophical
stance of metaphysical naturalism.[32] The result is an apthe outlooks of those who dier from us.
proach to issues in a secular way. Humanism addresses
Ethics A search for viable individual, social and ethics without reference to the supernatural as well, atpolitical principles of ethical conduct, judging them testing that ethics is a human enterprise (see naturalistic
on their ability to enhance human well-being and in- ethics).[2][3][4]
dividual responsibility.
Secular humanism does not prescribe a specic theory of
Justice and fairness an interest in securing jus- morality or code of ethics. As stated by the Council for
tice and fairness in society and in eliminating dis- Secular Humanism,
crimination and intolerance.[27]
It should be noted that Secular Humanism
Building a better world A conviction that with
is not so much a specic morality as it is a
reason, an open exchange of ideas, good will, and
method for the explanation and discovery of
tolerance, progress can be made in building a better
rational moral principles.[33]
world for ourselves and our children.
A Secular Humanist Declaration was issued in 1980 by the
Council for Secular Humanisms predecessor, CODESH.
It lays out ten ideals: Free inquiry as opposed to censorship and imposition of belief; separation of church
and state; the ideal of freedom from religious control and
from jingoistic government control; ethics based on critical intelligence rather than that deduced from religious
belief; moral education; religious skepticism; reason; a
belief in science and technology as the best way of understanding the world; evolution; and education as the essential method of building humane, free, and democratic

Secular humanism arms that with the present state of

scientic knowledge, dogmatic belief in an absolutist
moral/ethical system (e.g. Kantian, Islamic, Christian)
is unreasonable. However, it arms that individuals engaging in rational moral/ethical deliberations can discover
some universal objective standards.
We are opposed to absolutist morality,
yet we maintain that objective standards
emerge, and ethical values and principles
may be discovered, in the course of ethical

Many Humanists adopt principles of the Golden Rule.

Some believe that universal moral standards are re3.3 American Humanist Association
quired for the proper functioning of society. However,
they believe such necessary universality can and should
General doctrines of Humanism are also set out in the be achieved by developing a richer notion of morality
Humanist Manifesto prepared by the American Humanist through reason, experience and scientic inquiry rather
than through faith in a supernatural realm or source.

Ethics and relationship to religious belief

See also: Secular ethics

In the 20th and 21st centuries, members of Humanist organizations have disagreed as to whether Humanism is a religion. They categorize themselves in one of
three ways. Religious Humanism, in the tradition of the

Fundamentalists correctly perceive that

universal moral standards are required for the
proper functioning of society. But they erroneously believe that God is the only possible source of such standards. Philosophers as
diverse as Plato, Immanuel Kant, John Stuart
Mill, George Edward Moore, and John Rawls
have demonstrated that it is possible to have
a universal morality without God. Contrary
to what the fundamentalists would have us believe, then, what our society really needs is not

more religion but a richer notion of the nature
of morality.[34]

Humanism is compatible with atheism[35] and

agnosticism,[36] but being atheist or agnostic does
not, itself, make one a Humanist. Nevertheless, humanism is diametrically opposed to state atheism.[37][38]
According to Paul Kurtz, considered by some to be the
founder of the American secular humanist movement,[39]
one of the dierences between MarxistLeninist atheists
and humanists is the latters commitment to human
freedom and democracy while stating that the militant
atheism of the Soviet Union consistently violated basic
human rights.[40] Kurtz also stated that the defense of
religious liberty is as precious to the humanist as are the
rights of the believers.[40] Greg M. Epstein states that,
modern, organized Humanism began, in the minds of
its founders, as nothing more nor less than a religion
without a God.[41]


agnostic thought. In England, Wales[45] 25% of people

specify that they have 'No religion' up from 15% in 2001
and in Australia,[46][47] around 15% of the population
species No Religion in the national census. However,
in its 2006 and 2011 census Australia used Humanism
as an example of other religions. In the USA, the decennial census does not inquire about religious aliation
or its lack; surveys report the gure at roughly 13%.[48]
In the 2001 Canadian census, 16.5% of the populace reported having no religious aliation.[49] In Scotland, the
gure is 28%.[50] One of the largest Humanist organizations in the world (relative to population) is Norway's
Human-Etisk Forbund,[51] which had over 86,000 members out of a population of around 4.6 million in 2013 approximately 1.9% of the population.[52]

Many Humanists address ethics from the point of view

of ethical naturalism, and some support an actual science
of morality.[42] Some philosophers like Peter Singer see
Humanism as speciesist and lend themselves to more of a

Modern context
Levi Fragell, former Secretary General of the Norwegian Humanist Association and former president of the International Humanist and Ethical Union, at the World Humanist Congress 2011
in Oslo

The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) is

the worldwide umbrella organization for those adhering
to the Humanist life stance. It represents the views of
over three million Humanists organized in over 100 national organizations in 30 countries.[53] Originally based
in the Netherlands, the IHEU now operates from London.
Some regional groups that adhere to variants of the HuDavid Niose, president of the American Humanist Association, manist life stance, such as the humanist subgroup of the
Unitarian Universalist Association, do not belong to the
speaks at a 2012 conference.
IHEU. Although the European Humanist Federation is
Secular humanist organizations are found in all parts of also separate from the IHEU, the two organisations
the world. Those who call themselves humanists are esreligious
timated to number between four[43] and ve[44] million Starting in the mid-20th century,
people worldwide in 31 countries, but there is uncertainty fundamentalists and the religious right began using
because of the lack of universal denition throughout the term secular humanism in hostile fashion. Francis
censuses. Humanism is a non-theistic belief system and, A. Schaeer, an American theologian based in Switzeras such, it could be a sub-category of Religion only if land, seizing upon the exclusion of the divine from
that term is dened to mean Religion and (any) belief most humanist writings, argued that rampant secular
system". This is the case in the International Covenant humanism would lead to moral relativism and ethical
on Civil and Political Rights on freedom of religion and bankruptcy in his book How Should We Then Live: The
beliefs. Many national censuses contentiously dene Hu- Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture (1976).
manism as a further sub-category of the sub-category No Schaeer portrayed secular humanism as pernicious and
Religion, which typically includes atheist, rationalist and diabolical, and warned it would undermine the moral

and spiritual tablet of America. His themes have been
very widely repeated in Fundamentalist preaching in
North America.[55] Toumey (1993) found that secular
humanism is typically portrayed as a vast evil conspiracy, deceitful and immoral, responsible for feminism,
pornography, abortion, homosexuality, and New Age
spirituality.[56] In certain areas of the world, Humanism
nds itself in conict with religious fundamentalism,
especially over the issue of the separation of church and
state. Many Humanists see religions as superstitious,
repressive and closed-minded, while religious fundamentalists may see Humanists as a threat to the values
set out in their sacred texts.[57]

7 Legal mentions in the United


In recent years humanists such as Dwight Gilbert

Jones and R. Joseph Homann have decried the overassociation of Humanism with armations of non-belief
and atheism. Jones cites a lack of new ideas being presented or debated outside of secularism,.[58] while Homann is unequivocal: I regard the use of the term humanism to mean secular humanism or atheism to be one
of the greatest tragedies of twentieth century movementology, perpetrated by second-class minds and perpetuated by
third-class polemicists and village atheists. The attempt to
sever humanism from the religious and the spiritual was a
atfooted, largely American way of taking on the religious
right. It lacked nesse, subtlety, and the European sense
of history.[59]

7.1 Hatch amendment

The issue of whether and in what sense secular humanism might be considered a religion, and what the implications of this would be has become the subject of legal maneuvering and political debate in the United States. The
rst reference to secular humanism in a US legal context was in 1961, although church-state separation lawyer
Leo Pfeer had referred to it in his 1958 book, Creeds in

The Education for Economic Security Act of 1984 included a section, Section 20 U.S.C.A. 4059, which
initially read: Grants under this subchapter ['Magnet
School Assistance'] may not be used for consultants, for
transportation or for any activity which does not augment
academic improvement. With no public notice, Senator
Orrin Hatch tacked onto the proposed exclusionary subsection the words or for any course of instruction the
substance of which is Secular Humanism. Implementation of this provision ran into practical problems because
neither the Senators sta, nor the Senates Committee on
Labor and Human Resources, nor the Department of Justice could propose a denition of what would constitute
a course of instruction the substance of which is Secular Humanism. So, this determination was left up to
local school boards. The provision provoked a storm of
controversy which within a year led Senator Hatch to propose, and Congress to pass, an amendment to delete from
the statute all reference to secular humanism. While this
6 Humanist celebrations
episode did not dissuade fundamentalists from continuing to object to what they regarded as the teaching of
Secular Humanism, it did point out the vagueness of the
Some Humanists celebrate ocial religion-based public claim.
holidays, such as Christmas or Easter, but as secular holidays rather than religious ones.[60] Many Humanists also
celebrate the winter and summer solstice, the former of 7.2 Case law
which (in the northern hemisphere) coincides closely with
the religiously-oriented celebration of Christmas, and the 7.2.1 Torcaso v. Watkins
equinoxes, of which the vernal equinox is associated with
Christianitys Easter and indeed with all other springtime The phrase secular humanism became prominent affestivals of renewal, and the autumnal equinox which is ter it was used in the United States Supreme Court case
related to such celebrations such as Halloween and All Torcaso v. Watkins. In the 1961 decision, Justice Hugo
Souls Day. The Society for Humanistic Judaism cele- Black commented in a footnote, Among religions in this
brates most Jewish holidays in a secular manner.
country which do not teach what would generally be conThe IHEU endorses World Humanist Day (21 June), sidered a belief in the existence of God are Buddhism,
Darwin Day (12 February), Human Rights Day (10 De- Taoism, Ethical Culture, Secular Humanism, and others.
cember) and HumanLight (23 December) as ocial days
of Humanist celebration, though none are yet a public hol- 7.2.2

Fellowship of Humanity v. County of Alameda

In many countries, Humanist ociants (or celebrants) The footnote in Torcaso v. Watkins referenced Fellowship
perform celebrancy services for weddings, funerals, child of Humanity v. County of Alameda,[61] a 1957 case
namings, coming of age ceremonies, and other rituals.
in which an organization of humanists[62] sought a tax


exemption on the ground that they used their property

solely and exclusively for religious worship. Despite the
groups non-theistic beliefs, the court determined that the
activities of the Fellowship of Humanity, which included
weekly Sunday meetings, were analogous to the activities of theistic churches and thus entitled to an exemption. The Fellowship of Humanity case itself referred to
Humanism but did not mention the term secular humanism. Nonetheless, this case was cited by Justice Black to
justify the inclusion of secular humanism in the list of religions in his note. Presumably Justice Black added the
word secular to emphasize the non-theistic nature of the
Fellowship of Humanity and distinguish their brand of humanism from that associated with, for example, Christian

Washington Ethical Society v.


District of

Another case alluded to in the Torcaso v. Watkins footnote, and said by some to have established secular humanism as a religion under the law, is the 1957 tax case
of Washington Ethical Society v. District of Columbia, 249
F.2d 127 (D.C. Cir. 1957). The Washington Ethical Society functions much like a church, but regards itself as
a non-theistic religious institution, honoring the importance of ethical living without mandating a belief in a
supernatural origin for ethics. The case involved denial
of the Societys application for tax exemption as a religious organization. The U.S. Court of Appeals reversed
the Tax Courts ruling, dened the Society as a religious
organization, and granted its tax exemption. The Society
terms its practice Ethical Culture. Though Ethical Culture is based on a humanist philosophy, it is regarded by
some as a type of religious humanism. Hence, it would
seem most accurate to say that this case armed that a
religion need not be theistic to qualify as a religion under
the law, rather than asserting that it established generic
secular humanism as a religion.

(1995). In this case, a science teacher argued that, by

requiring him to teach evolution, his school district was
forcing him to teach the religion of secular humanism.
The Court responded, We reject this claim because neither the Supreme Court, nor this circuit, has ever held
that evolutionism or Secular Humanism are 'religions for
Establishment Clause purposes. The Supreme Court refused to review the case.
The decision in a subsequent case, Kalka v. Hawk et al.,
oered this commentary:[62]
The Courts statement in Torcaso does not
stand for the proposition that humanism, no
matter in what form and no matter how practiced, amounts to a religion under the First
Amendment. The Court oered no test for
determining what system of beliefs qualied
as a religion under the First Amendment.
The most one may read into the Torcaso footnote is the idea that a particular non-theistic
group calling itself the Fellowship of Humanity qualied as a religious organization under
California law.

7.3 Controversy

Decisions about tax status have been based on whether an

organization functions like a church. On the other hand,
Establishment Clause cases turn on whether the ideas or
symbols involved are inherently religious. An organization can function like a church while advocating beliefs that are not necessarily inherently religious. Author
Marci Hamilton has pointed out: Moreover, the debate
is not between secularists and the religious. The debate
is believers and non-believers on the one side debating
believers and non-believers on the other side. You've got
citizens who are [...] of faith who believe in the separation
of church and state and you have a set of believers who
In the cases of both the Fellowship of Humanity and the do not believe in the separation of church and state.[63]
Washington Ethical Society, the court decisions turned not
In the 1987 case of Smith v. Board of School Commisso much on the particular beliefs of practitioners as on
sioners of Mobile County a group of plaintis brought
the function and form of the practice being similar to the
a case alleging that the school system was teaching the
function and form of the practices in other religious intenets of an anti-religious religion called secular humanstitutions.
ism in violation of the Establishment Clause. The complainants asked that 44 dierent elementary through high
school level textbooks (including books on home eco7.2.4 Peloza v. Capistrano School District
nomics, social science and literature) be removed from
The implication in Justice Blacks footnote that secular the curriculum. Federal judge William Brevard Hand
humanism is a religion has been seized upon by religious ruled for the plaintis agreeing that the books promoted
opponents of the teaching of evolution, who have made secular humanism, which he ruled to be a religion. The
the argument that teaching evolution amounts to teach- Eleventh Circuit Court unanimously reversed him, with
ing a religious idea. The claim that secular humanism Judge Frank stating that Hand held a misconception of
could be considered a religion for legal purposes was ex- the relationship between church and state mandated by
amined by the United States Court of Appeals for the the establishment clause, commenting also that the textNinth Circuit in Peloza v. Capistrano School District, 37 books did not show an attitude antagonistic to theistic
F.3d 517 (9th Cir. 1994), cert. denied, 515 U.S. 1173 belief. The message conveyed by these textbooks is one

of neutrality: the textbooks neither endorse theistic religion as a system of belief, nor discredit it.[64]

Notable humanists

Committee for the Scientic Investigation of Claims

of the Paranormal
Council for




Council of Australian Humanist Societies

Further information: List of humanists

Ethical Culture
European Humanist Federation


There are numerous Humanist Manifestos and Declarations, including the following:

Federation of Indian Rationalist Associations

Fellowship of Reason
Freedom From Religion Foundation

Humanist Manifesto I (1933)

Godless Americans Political Action Committee

Humanist Manifesto II (1973)

Humani (the Humanist Association of Northern Ireland)

A Secular Humanist Declaration (1980)

A Declaration of Interdependence (1988)
IHEU Minimum Statement on Humanism (1996)
HUMANISM: Why, What, and What For, In 882
Words (1996)
Humanist Manifesto 2000: A Call For A New Planetary Humanism (2000)
The Armations of Humanism: A Statement of
Amsterdam Declaration (2002)
Humanism and Its Aspirations
Humanist Manifesto III (Humanism And Its Aspirations) (2003)


Related organizations

Humanist Association of Canada

Humanist Association of Ireland
Humanist Society of Scotland
Institute for Humanist Studies
International Humanist and Ethical Union
Internet Indels
Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers
National Center for Science Education
National Secular Society (UK)
New Zealand Association of Rationalists and Humanists
Philippine Atheists and Agnostics Society

See also: List of secularist organizations

American Atheists
American Humanist Association

Scouting for All

Secular Student Alliance
Secular Web
Sidmennt (Iceland)

British Humanist Association

Skeptics Society

Camp Quest

Society for Humanistic Judaism

Campus Freethought Alliance

Swedish Humanist Association

Center for Inquiry

Washington Area Secular Humanists

City Congregation for Humanistic Judaism

World Transhumanist Association




See also

List of ocial religions

Comparative religion
Renaissance humanism, the Renaissance liberal arts
Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
Positive Psychology
John Henry Silva


Related philosophies

Eective altruism
Marxist humanism
Morality without religion
Naturalistic pantheism

12 Notes and references

[1] Council for Secular Humanism. 10 Myths About Secular
Humanism. Retrieved 12 June 2015.
[2] Edwords, Fred (1989). What Is Humanism?". American Humanist Association. Retrieved 19 August 2009.
Secular Humanism is an outgrowth of eighteenth century enlightenment rationalism and nineteenth century
freethought... A decidedly anti-theistic version of secular
humanism, however, is developed by Adolf Grnbaum,
'In Defense of Secular Humanism' (1995), in his Collected
Works (edited by Thomas Kupka), vol. I, New York: Oxford University Press 2013, ch. 6 (pp. 115-148)
[3] Compact Oxford English dictionary. Oxford University
Press. 2007. humanism n. 1 a rationalistic system of
thought attaching prime importance to human rather than
divine or supernatural matters.
[4] Denitions of humanism (subsection)". Institute for Humanist Studies. Retrieved 16 January 2007.
[5] See Unemployed at service: church and the world, The
Guardian, 25 May 1935, p.18: citing the comments of
Rev. W.G. Peck, rector of St. John the Baptist, Hulme
Manchester, concerning The modern age of secular humanism. Guardian and Observer Digital Archive
[6] Free Church ministers in Anglican pulpits. Dr Temples
call: the South India Scheme. The Guardian, 26 May
1943, p.6 Guardian and Observer Digital Archive
[7] See Mouat, Kit (1972) An Introduction to Secular Humanism. Haywards Heath: Charles Clarke Ltd. Also,
The Freethinker began to use the phrase secular humanist
monthly on its front page masthead.


[8] What Is Secular Humanism?". Council for Secular Humanism.


[9] Humanism Unmodied By Edd Doerr. Published in the

Humanist (November/December 2002)


[10] Islamic political philosophy: Al-Farabi, Avicenna, Averroes. Retrieved 13 November 2011.

Secular religion



Thinking And Moral Problems

Religions And Their Source
Developing A Universal Religion, four parts of a

[11] Holyoake, G. J. (1896). The Origin and Nature of Secularism. London: Watts & Co., p.50.
[12] Secularism 101: Dening Secularism: Origins with
George Jacob Holyoake. 2 September 2011. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
[13] Positivist Republic. Retrieved 12 June 2015.
[14] New York Times: 16 January 1881
[15] The Church of Humanity": New Yorks Worshipping
Positivists American Society of Church History.
[16] , City of London page on Finsbury Circus Conservation
Area Character Summary.
[17] "The Sexual Contract, by Carole Patema. P160
[18] Womens Politics in Britain 1780-1870: Claiming Citizenship by Jane Rendall, esp. 72. The religious backgrounds of feminist activists


[19] Ethical Society history page. Retrieved 2013-09-29.

[33] A Secular Humanist Declaration. 29 July 2005. Retrieved 13 November 2011.

[20] Howard B. Radest. 1969. Toward Common Ground: The

Story of the Ethical Societies in the United States. New
York: Fredrick Unger Publishing Co.

[34] Morality Requires God ... or Does It? by Theodore

Schick, Jr. 29 July 2005. Retrieved 13 November 2011.

[21] Colin Campbell. 1971. Towards a Sociology of Irreligion.

London: McMillan Press.

[35] Baggini, Julian (2003). Atheism: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 34.
ISBN 0-19-280424-3. The atheists rejection of belief
in God is usually accompanied by a broader rejection of
any supernaturalor transcendental reality. For example, an
atheist does not usually believe in the existence of immortal souls, life after death, ghosts, or supernatural powers.
Although strictly speaking an atheist could believe in any
of these things and still remain an atheist... the arguments
and ideas that sustain atheism tend naturally to rule out
other beliefs in the supernatural or transcendental.

[22] Walter, Nicolas (1997). Humanism: whats in the word?

London: RPA/BHA/Secular Society Ltd, p.43.
[23] Text of Humanist Manifesto I.
Retrieved 13 November 2011.
[24] British Humanist Association: History. Retrieved 13 November 2011.


[25] Amsterdam Declaration 2002. International Humanist

and Ethical Union. Retrieved 5 July 2008.
[26] IHEUs Bylaws. International Humanist and Ethical
Union. Retrieved 5 July 2008.
[27] The Armations of Humanism: A Statement of Principles. The Council for Secular
Humanism. Retrieved 28 May 2012.
[28] the Council for Secular Humanism (1980). A Secular
Humanist Declaration. the Council for Secular Humanism. Retrieved 27 November 2008.
Manifesto III, a successor to the Humanist Manifesto of
1933*". Retrieved 13 November
[30] Wilson, Edwin H. (1995). The Genesis of a Humanist
Manifesto. Amherst, NY: Humanist Press. This book
quotes the constitution of the Humanistic Religious Association of London, founded in 1853, as saying, In
forming ourselves into a progressive religious body, we
have adopted the name 'Humanistic Religious Association' to convey the idea that Religion is a principle inherent in man and is a means of developing his being towards
greater perfection. We have emancipated ourselves from
the ancient compulsory dogmas, myths and ceremonies
borrowed of old from Asia and still pervading the ruling
churches of our age.
[31] Kurtz, Paul (1995). Living Without Religion: Eupraxophy.
Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. p. 8.
[32] Eugenie C. Scott, National Centre for Science and Education, Science and Religion, Methodology and Humanism. Example quote: " The same principle applies to
philosophical materialism, the view at the foundation of
our Humanism; we may derive this view from science, but
an ideology drawn from science is not the same as science itself... I have argued that a clear distinction must
be drawn between science as a way of knowing about the
natural world and science as a foundation for philosophical views. One should be taught to our children in school,
and the other can optionally be taught to our children at
home. "

[36] Winston, Robert (Ed.) (2004). Human. New York: DK

Publishing, Inc. p. 299. ISBN 0-7566-1901-7. Neither
atheism nor agnosticism is a full belief system, because
they have no fundamental philosophy or lifestyle requirements. These forms of thought are simply the absence of
belief in, or denial of, the existence of deities.
[37] Paul Kurtz, Vern L. Bullough, Tim Madigan (19 October 2009). Toward a New Enlightenment: the Philosophy
of Paul Kurtz. Transaction Books. ISBN 978-1-56000118-8. In the past, the Communist Party of the Soviet
Union waged unremitting warfare against religion. It persecuted religious believers, conscated church properties,
executed or exiled tens of thousands of clerics, and prohibited believers to engage in religious instruction or publish religious materials. It has also carried on militant
pro-atheist propaganda campaigns as part of the ocial
ideology of the state, in an eort to establish a new Soviet man committed to the ideals of Communist society.
Mikhail Gorbachev is dismantling such policies by permitting greater freedom of religious conscience. If his reforms proceed unabated, they could have dramatic implications for the entire Communist world, for the Russians
may be moving from militant atheism to tolerant humanism.
[38] Paul Kurtz, Vern L. Bullough, Tim Madigan (19 October 2009). Toward a New Enlightenment: the Philosophy
of Paul Kurtz. Transaction Books. ISBN 978-1-56000118-8. Ranged against the true believer are the militant
atheists, who adamantly reject the faith as false stupid,
and reactionary. They consider all religious believers to
be gullible fools and claim that they are given to accepting gross exaggerations and untenable premises. Historic
religious claims, they think, are totally implausible, unbelievable, disreputable, and controvertible, for they go
beyond the bounds of reason. Militant atheists can nd
no value at all to any religious beliefs or institutions. They
resist any eort to engage in inquiry or debate. Madalyn
Murray O'Hair is as arrogant in her rejection of religion
as is the true believer in his or her profession of faith. This
form of atheism thus becomes mere dogma.
[39] The New Atheism and Secular Humanism. Center for Inquiry. 19 October 2009. Paul Kurtz, considered by many
the father of the secular humanist movement, is Professor



Emeritus of Philosophy at the State University of New

York at Bualo.
[40] Paul Kurtz, Vern L. Bullough, Tim Madigan (19 October 2009). Toward a New Enlightenment: the Philosophy
of Paul Kurtz. Transaction Books. ISBN 978-1-56000118-8. There have been fundamental and irreconcilable
dierences between humanists and atheists, particularly
Marxist-Leninists. The dening characteristic of humanism is its commitment to human freedom and democracy;
the kind of atheism practiced in the Soviet Union has consistently violated basic human rights. Humanists believe
rst and foremost in the freedom of conscience, the free
mind, and the right of dissent. The defense of religious
liberty is as precious to the humanist as are the rights of
the believers.
[41] Esptein, Greg M. (2010). Good Without God: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-167011-4.
[42] The Science of Morality - Center for Inquiry. Retrieved
12 June 2015.
[43] American humanist association Publications Chapter
eight: The Development of Organization. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
[44] India humanist. 25 June 1997.
Retrieved 13 November 2011.
[45] Census 2011 Ethnicity and religion in England and
Wales. 27 March 2011. Retrieved 13
November 2011.
[46] RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION Australian Bureau of

[56] Christopher P. Toumey, Evolution and secular humanism, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Summer 1993, Vol. 61 Issue 2, pp 275301
[57] IslamWay Radio. Retrieved 13
November 2011.
[58] Jones, Dwight (2009). Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism. 17 (1).
[59] R. Joseph Homann, Humanism What it isnt, posted 7
July 2012 on "@Humanism blog
[60] A humanist discussion of RELIGIOUS FESTIVALS
[61] Fellowship of Humanity v. County of Alameda, 153
Cal.App.2d 673, 315 P.2d 394 (1957).
[62] Ben Kalka v Kathleen Hawk, et al. (US D.C. Appeals No.
98-5485, 2000)
[63] Point of Inquiry podcast (17:44), 3 February 2006.
[64] Ivers, Greg (1992). Redening the First Freedom: The
Supreme Court and the Consolidation of State Power,
1980-1990. Transaction Books. pp. 478. ISBN 9781560000549.

13 Further reading
Bullock, Alan. The Humanist Tradition in the West
(1985), by a leading historian.
Friess, Horace L. Felix Adler and Ethical Culture

[47] RELP Religious Aliation 1st Release Australian Bureau of Statistics

Pfeer, Leo. The 'Religion' of Secular Humanism, Journal of Church and State, Summer 1987,
Vol. 29 Issue 3, pp 495507

[48] Top Twenty Religions in the United States, 2001 (selfidentication, ARIS)". Retrieved 13
November 2011.

Radest, Howard B. The Devil and Secular Humanism: The Children of the Enlightenment (1990)
online edition a favorable account

[49] Statistics Canada Population by religion, by province

and territory (2001 Census)". 25 January
2005. Retrieved 13 November 2011.

Toumey, Christopher P. Evolution and secular humanism, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Summer 1993, Vol. 61 Issue 2, pp 275301,
focused on fundamentalist attacks

[50] General Register Oce for Scotland Analysis of Religion in the 2001 Census. 28
February 2005. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
[51] Human-Etisk Forbund. Retrieved 12 June 2015.

13.1 Primary sources

Adler, Felix. An Ethical Philosophy of Life (1918).

[52] Norway Members of philosophical2 communities outside the Church of Norway. 19902013.

Ericson, Edward L. The Humanist Way: An introduction to ethical humanist religion (1988).

[53] International Humanist and Ethical Union - Our members. Retrieved 12 June 2015.

Frankel, Charles. The Case for Modern Man (1956).

[54] International Humanist and Ethical Union. "''IHEU

and EHF agree revised protocol'', 24 February 2009. Retrieved 13 November 2011.
[55] Randall Balmer, Encyclopedia of Evangelicalism 2002 p.

Hook, Sidney. Out of Step: An Unquiet Life in the

20th century (1987).
Huxley, Julian. Essay of a Humanist (1964).
Russell, Bertrand. Why I Am Not a Christian (1957).



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