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11 September 2006

Issue 522

Bridgewater seeks competitive

advantage through lateral thinking
Founder Ray Dalio Founder Ray Dalio says his com-
pany’s culture is its most important
understand Dalio’s philosophy.
Beyond running long-only domes-
says his company’s asset.
Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewa-
tic and global bond funds, Bridge-
water was advocating a separation of
culture is its most ter Associates, places his firm
somewhere between 17th century
market risk, or beta, from manager
skill, known as alpha, 20 years
important asset violin maker Stradivarius, who
crafted the world’s most expensive
before it gained acceptance.
“Interest rates fell between 1982
stringed instruments, and com- and 2001, which meant bonds and
writes Renée puter company Apple. stocks rose and traditional portfo-
The common theme is innovation. lios did well. People didn’t want to
Schultes Dalio founded Bridgewater in 1975. change and there was no question-
Thirty-one years later he is running ing of what was the best way of
a $150bn (€117bn) money manager, doing things. Then stocks fell and
the fastest growing this decade, and projected returns became unac-
the third-largest hedge fund with ceptably low so they learned they
$30bn. He founded Bridgewater had too much money in equities and
against a backdrop of monetary pol- needed to raise returns. At the
icy tightening and recession. The US same time people became smarter
dollar floated in 1971 and the first oil and they started to understand
shock came in 1973. derivatives and financial engineer-
International investing was ing. So, in 2001 and 2002 people
beyond the imagination of US insti- began to accept our thinking about
tutional investors absorbed with separating alpha and beta.”
domestic equities and bonds. Over a period of almost two Dalio: “conflict in pursuit of
Instead, Bridgewater worked for decades Bridgewater worked with excellence is a terrific thing”
corporations that needed interest clients to develop better ways of
rate and currency exposures investing. seen by the outside world to be
hedged, a skill Dalio developed at Dalio likens the firm’s culture to overbearing and confrontational.
Shearson, Hayden Stone, a New Apple Computers, founded one year Britt Harris, who joined Bridgewa-
York broker, since absorbed by after Bridgewater in 1976. “It’s a cul- ter as chief executive from Verizon
Lehman Brothers. In the mid-1980s ture of innovation. Apple isn’t suc- Investment Management in
US investors made their first steps cessful because they have the iPod. November 2004, left six months
outside the US, which is when Dalio They are successful because they later. At the time Dalio said the cul-
turned to money management. have a culture that invents. Regarding tural fit had been a problem.
He argued if he could manage having a culture of innovation, the Dalio encourages his employees
corporations’ exposures to interest main difference between us and to challenge each other, which
rates and currencies, he could likely Apple is that they’re dealing with the includes himself. “Conflict in the
do it for pension funds. Bridgewa- mass market and we’re dealing with pursuit of excellence is a terrific
ter’s first bond mandates came in an institutional market in which much thing and is strongly encouraged, in
1985 and its first currency overlay more tailoring can exist.” fact demanded,” he said.
brief in 1990. But investors did not Bridgewater’s culture is often The trick for Dalio has been to

©Financial News 2006

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build a culture of people with shared mandates, such as global bonds, this would not improve capacity but Dalio sees the line between
values. inflation-indexed bonds, currency rather give the fund another source hedge funds and traditional money
“In the financial and hedge funds overlay and emerging market debt of uncorrelated alpha. Bridgewater managers disappearing. A market
world, a lot of people are attracted about 18 months ago. It continued to takes offsetting long and short posi- environment of diminishing liquid-
to the image of a young guy in a accept accounts for portable alpha, tions in global equities. ity will place greater emphasis on
Ferrari. But you cannot be at where it adds returns from asset “One of the best ways to diversi- pure alpha investing. The strategies
Bridgewater and be working for classes outside the benchmark of fication is to take spreads, because Dalio calls trained-monkey ones,
that sort of reward. You have to like the mandate. each spread is uncorrelated to the which rely on certain market condi-
the notion of intellectually working Before 2001 about 80% of man- next. Single positions aren’t,” said tions to work, are relics of the past.
yourself through questions and dates did not separate beta from Dalio. “Alpha managers are competing
being challenged to get at the right alpha, compared with more than Equities account for about 8% of for the whole enchilada. It means if
answers. We have to challenge and 80% that did afterwards. Pure Alpha but Dalio expects this you are a traditional equity manager
educate our people to keep them Late last year, Bridgewater was could grow to as much as 25% in you can’t compete with an alpha
happy and to have them give back to close to reaching capacity and the next five years. His team spent overlay manager to produce com-
us what we want,” he said. closed portable alpha strategies. Its five years researching equities and parable results because you don’t
Bridgewater may have built a Pure Alpha hedge fund remained testing strategies before making its have the diversification of alpha to
thriving hedge fund business but its open until early this year, when at first investment. produce the same information ratio.
success is based on traditional bond $30bn, it, too, closed to new money. A US investment consultant said The radical change that we are
management skills. The All Weather beta fund, which of the change: “That’s something going to see ahead, is that many
In global fixed income, Bridge- does not face the same capacity we’re going to be watching, espe- others will follow the Bridgewater
water has achieved an annualised constraints as its hedge fund or cially since Bridgewater’s history model to creating diversified alpha
return of 6.1% over the three years other active strategies, remains is as primarily as a currency and and porting it and will out-compete
to the end of June, according to open. Dalio calls it optimal beta. bond manager. Its use of equity the traditional managers. We’ve got
Mercer Investment Consulting. “People have concentrated portfo- strategies in the Pure Alpha product about a 5 year lead time advantage
The index return over the same lios and are looking at how to isn’t new, and it has been saying for by virtue of our experience of hav-
period is 4.1%. This demonstrates restructure to make them more effi- a while that they expect to increase ing done this for 15 years. Invest-
Bridgewater’s record in sovereign cient. There’s not a broad recognition these strategies’ share of the risk ment managers and investors fol-
fixed income, where it does not use yet about how to structure this.” budget, so we’re interested to see lowing this model are going to have
its diversified alpha pool. Including Pure Alpha, started in 1989, is how they design and develop these radical implications on how money
the alpha overlay, returns would be the diversified alpha source that strategies, and how they operate.” is managed. The most fundamental
higher again. Bridgewater combines with other It took 20 years for Bridgewa- break will be between alpha and
With 500% asset growth since benchmarks to fuel returns. ter’s concept of portable alpha to beta, so there will be alpha man-
2000, capacity has been high on the The fund takes positions in fixed gain credence among pension agers and beta managers. There
agenda. income, commodities and curren- funds. With Dalio closed to new will be no such thing as equity, bond
The first step Dalio took was to cies but more recently has made its money, there is a quest to identify or hedge fund managers in the tra-
stop taking money into traditional first equity investments. Dalio said the next Bridgewater. ditional sense,” he said.

This research is based on Bridgewater Associates, Inc. analysis and on current public information from sources that we consider reliable, but we do not assume responsi-
bility for the accuracy of the data. We obtain economic and market data from government and private sources. Major external databases used include statistics compiled
by the International Monetary Fund, central monetary authorities of G-8 countries, the OECD, the Commerce Department, and external data vendors, such as DRI,
DataStream, Compustat, and Bloomberg.

The views expressed are solely those of Bridgewater Associates, Inc. and are subject to change without notice. You should assume that Bridgewater Associates Inc. has
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factors, including, among other things, the quality of their work and firm revenues.

The research in this presentation is for informational, illustrative and educational purposes only and is not an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy the securities
or other instruments mentioned. It does not constitute a personal recommendation or take into account the particular investment objectives, financial situations, or needs
of individual investors. Investors should consider whether any advice or recommendation in this research is suitable for their particular circumstances and, where appro-
priate, seek professional advice, including tax advice. Investment decisions should not be based solely on simulated, hypothetical or illustrative information. The price
and value of the investments referred to in this research and the income therefrom may fluctuate. Past performance is not a guide to future performance, future returns
are not guaranteed, and a loss of original capital may occur. Certain transactions, including those involving futures, options, and other derivatives, give rise to substantial
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