Polytechnic University of The Philippines Sta. Rosa Campus

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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Sta. Rosa Campus


December 12,2015

Peralta, Irene Pearl T.

Oral Report:__________


Written Report:________

The 1931-1940 which is also known as a Commonwealth Period, where the
education continued to receive from the commonwealth government the same attention
that the Americans gave it.President Manuel L. Quezon created National Council of
Education in 1936 as an advisory body on educational matters.The council made
important recommendations to further improve the educational system in the
Philippines.Most of these recommendations were accepted and carried out by the
Under the commonwealth,vocational and adult education were given emphasis.It
was also during the commonwealth regime that an organized effort to develop a
common national language was stared in compliance with the mandate of 1935
constitution.To help counteract the American cultural influence among the Filipinos,
President Quezon greatly encouraged the revival of native cultural as well as desirable
Filipino values.And to help strengthen the moral fibers of the Filipinos and to foster love
especially among the youth,President Quezon issued his famous Code of Ethics which
was required to be taught in all schools.
Commonwealth Period
-Philippine Commonwealth was the name of the Philippines when it was still controlled
by the United States.
-President Manuel L. Quezon was the first Filipino leaded on elected government in the
Educational System
National Council of Education (February 1936)
-Created for the purpose of implementing educational policies and necessary changes
to make learning effective and relevant to the Filipino students. (Filipinization of
-Rafael Palma-appointed as chairman of National Council of Education in 1936.
-Sergio Osmea- head of the Department of Education, the first time Filipino assumed
this position.
-Free elementary and secondary education to all Filipino children.

-All schools shall aim to develop moral characteristics,personal

discipline,civic,conscience and vocational efficiency and to teach the duties of
-Filipino teachers were ordered to delete parts of textbooks,which had references to the
US and Britain and democratic principles.
-Universities established by the state shall enjoy academic freedom.
-Optional religious instruction shall be maintained in the public schools as now
authorized by law.
-The state shall create scholarships in arts,science, and letters for especially gifted
-Preparatory military training to be enforced both in public and private schools.
-In 1940, the Commonwealth authorized the creation of a dictionary and grammar books
for language.
-The school calendar was also changed, the school year from June to March,it was
changed to July to April.
Commonwealth Curriculum
-Also known as the period of expansion and reform in the Philippine curriculum.
-The educational leaders expanded the curriculum by introducing courses in
farming,trade,business and science.
-The curriculum organization remained separate subjects.
-Methods used: Memorization,Recitation,Socialized recitation.
Educational Practices
-Filipino language was used as the medium of instruction.
-Celebration of National Language week every August.
-Vocational schools were made more similar in curriculum to academic schools.
-Values,moral character,personal disciple,vocational efficiency, citizenship
training,Educational System/Curriculum.
-The inclusion of miscellaneous activities, like school programs and folk dancing.The
use of a prescribed school program of activities.
Executive Order No. 134
-was signed by Pres. Manuel L. Quezon designated Tagalog as our National Language.
Executive Order No. 217 (Quezon Code of Ethics)
-foundation of the emerging philosophy of Philippine education
Executive Order No. 263
-required the teaching of the Filipino national language in the senior in all high schools
and in all years in the normal schools.
1935 Constitution Article XIV Section 5

-All educational institution shall be under the supervision of and subject to regulate by
the state.The government shall establish and maintain a complete and adequate system
of public primary instruction and citizenships training to adult citizens.
Commonwealth Art No. 80
-established the office of Adult Education (Vocational training in an effort to eliminate
Commonwealth Art No. 578
-conferred the status of Persons in Authority upon teachers.
Commonwealth Art No. 586
-reduction of number of years in elementary (from 7 to 6) fixing school entrance age 7
years old,national support of elementary education,compulsory attendance in the
primary grades for all children enrolled in grade one.
Art No. 2706
-an act making inspection and recognition of private schools and colleges obligatory for
the secretary of public instrucrion.
National Defense Act
-requiring all 21 years old able-bodied male citizens to render 5 and 1/2 months of
military service through regular military force or through reserve force.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. ___ was created for the purpose of implementing educational policies and necessary
changes to make learning effective and relevant to the Filipino student?
A. National Defense Act.
C. Commonwealth period
B. National Council of Education
D.Lingua franca
2. Who was the first head of Department of Education
A. Rafael Palma.
C. Sergio Osmea
B. Manuel L. Quezon
D. Americans
3. __was used as the medium of instruction?
A. Code of Ethics.
C. Filipinization of Education
B. Commowealth curriculum.
D. Filipino language
4. Executive order No. 217 also known as___?
A. Code of ethics.
C. 1935 Constitution
B. Commonwealth curriculum.
D. Filipinization of Education
5. During commonwealth period,the school calendar was changed to___?
A. June-March
C. August-May
B. July-April.
D. September-June
6. It was established for the office of Adult Education (vocational training) in an effort to
eliminate illiteracy?
A. Commonwealth Act No. 1.
C. Commonwealth Act No. 80
B. Commonwealth Art No. 589.
D. Commonwealth Act No. 586

7.What do you call an order signed by Manuel L. Quezon designated Tagalog as our
National language?
A. Executive Order No. 134.
C. Executive Order No. 263
B. Executive Order No. 217.
D. Executive Order No. 589
8. Who was appointed as chairman of National Council of Education in 1936?
A. Sergio Osmea.
C. Manuel L. Quezon
B. Rafael Palma.
D. Americans
9.___ is conferred the status of Persons in Authority upon teachers?
A. Commonwealth Act No. 586
C. Article XIV Section 5
B. Executive Order No. 134
D. Commonwealth Act No. 578
10. What do you call the law that reduce the number of years in elementary (from 7 to 6)
fixing school entrance age 7 years old?
A. National Defense Act
C. Commonwealth Act No. 586
B. Article XIV Section 5
D. Commonwealth Act No. 570
Answer Key:
1. B
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. D
10. C
The Commonwealth Period gave opportunity to all Filipino student for
education.They gave academic freedom,authorization and equality to every Filipino to
provide a good quality education.The actions and the help that the government gave
has a positive effect to every individual.During commonwealth period every Filipinos feel
the freedom and have interest to education.

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