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System Requirements You'll need access to a computer which has at least the following configuration: A.

Pentium, Minimum


Area of investment through Sharekhan 1. Derivative 2. Commodity 3. Equity 4. IPOs ( Initially Public Offer) 1.

2. They help in the discovery of future as well as current prices. 3. They catalyze entrepreneurial activity 4. They incre...

3. Marked improvement in communication facilities and sharp decline in their costs 4. Development of more sophisticated

4. No breaking of heads over market direction seasonality patterns quiet often provide clue to both short-and long-term pl...

3. Equities: Trading accounts With a Sharekhan online trading account you can buy and sell shares in an instant. Any time ...

For timely and accurate Buy and Self recommendations try our Super-Duper trading products. Depository services:
You ca...

Content features: At Sharekhan online trading in equities is made easy with the help of jargon-free investment advice. If ...

Have exhaustive data on over 5,000 companies at your fingertip with All Company Info. Which stock is on Share khans

A good idea is to check the Web site of Karvy Consultants ( who are often registrars or lead managers for

The secondary market involves the stock exchanges and it is regulated by a regulatory authority in India, the secondary an...

Prospectus: Read the prospectus for the company carefully. The prospectus called as red- herring prospectus is a document

Individual investors are encouraged to bid at the floor price. When all the bids are received and the final price is decid...

consumer channel and member of the worldwide CNBC Network, and AC Nielsen ORG, Marg, was aimed at
understanding the bran...

First step, an initiative aimed at demystifying the stock markets to the layperson, provides guidance, knowledge and jargo...

Sharekhan seen to revive interest in net trading : Trading in stock markets through the internet, which took a dip due to ...

customers, ICICI securities claimed to have 1.20 lakh customers and there were other players like HDFC too. His estimate

Sharekhan vs ICICI Direct vs HDFC vs Kotak vs Indiabulls vs 5 Paise 5 paisa 15 25.00% Sharekhan 14 23.33%
Motilalsowal 0 0...

SSKI is among the leading brokerage companies in India with over eight decades of experience in the Indian stock markets.

TCP/IP link. When a web trade request is made, it travels via HTTP/HTTPS and is not real- time. But with a speed trade

b)Multiple watch lists c) Integrated Banking, demat and digital contracts d) Instant credit and transfer e) Real-time port...

Are you an Investor? Get our Classic Account! The Classic Account enables you to trade online on the NSE through our

Get the Trade Tiger advantage: Live Streaming Quotes Access all Trading Calls Advanced Charting features Create

INDIAN SCENARIO Background of Exchanges: The stock trading history in India is obscured in the mists of time.
Historical r...

Though Stock Broking was practiced in Calcutta as early as 1836, the members of the broking profession had neither any

This Revised Carry Forward System (RCFS) was implemented in the BSE in January 1996, but the other exchanges in
which the ...

Coverage: The equity shares of 200 selected companies from the specified and non- specified lists of this exchange have

Against nearly 1,000 companies listed on the NSE, the BSE has nearly 4,800 listed companies despite such a huge number
of ...

Latest Marketingstrategies of Sharekhan 1. SURVEY & INSPECTION:- The growth in technology and communications
has impacted ...

Table 1: percentage of trade in demat form Timeline Percentage of trade in demat form Apr 2002 2.5% Dec 2008 79.3%
Since 2...

Abolition of market lots Introduction of rolling settlements Enhancing liquidity Brining stamp duty to zero Redu...

It makes off-exchange transactions attractive due to absence of trading costs. On the other hand rapid flow of informati...

their momentum or would give way to IT. And (b) IT innovators boosted the stock markets value only in the 1980s. To
sum ...

4. Advertisement through website:- This advertisement method is used by sharekhan to get popular among the net users. As

That information automatically distributed to their nearest sharekhan outlets. And a contact made by sales executives to t...

5. Pumplates distribution:- Pumplates that having the key features of the broking company and address of nearest outlet to...

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Methodology for Market Research: I have divided the entire city into zones and drew out
samples out o...

Methodology for Customer Acquisition : The leads for customer acquisition primarily came from the questionnaires filled

Technique used by research team:- (a) Daily moving averages: Buy shares of companies that are trading above a particular

(f) Volumes: Any rise in share price unaccompanied by volumes may be the handiwork of the 'O' brigade. Similarly if

COLLECTION OF DATA The study was conducted by the means of personal interview with respondents and the
information given b...

These types of questions are easy to understand and easy to give required answers. SECONDARY DATA:- Secondary
data means d...

workers, trade associations, labor because and other public private individuals and organization. 68

DATA ANALYSIS 1.Share Market Preference:- Interpretation: This chart shows that number of 60 % of people interested
in sha...

2.Portfolio size: 0 10 20 30 40 below 10 upto50 30-40 20-30 10-20 0-10 Interpretation Most people fears to risk of
share m...

3.Awareness about Sharekhan: 70 30 0 20 40 60 80 No Yes Interpretation: Mostly customers in the market are aware
about the...

4. facilities awareness: 55 45 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 No Yes Interpretation Most customer are interested in Sharekhan for

5.New Features awareness: 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Yes No Interpretation About 60 % customer shows their keen
interest to kn...

6.Knowing about Sharekhan 20 25 10 45 Friend Website Newspaper others Interpretation Most customer knows about
Sharekhan c...

7.Interest to service use 20 70 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Offline Online Both I Interpretation Most people want to use

SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths: The do-it-yourself framework of online share trading offers retail investors the three benefits

pricing info that is accurate and real time. More and more investors now want to know how their trades are executed, and

Realizing there is untapped market of investors who want to be able to execute their own trades when it suits them, broker...

In India, we see this kind of frauds happening in different way due to nature of our society. Here when you talk to broker...

years account for the two bouts of medium term buoyancy that the Sensex recently displayed. Given the presence of

collapsed by 10 percentage points. Thereafter when trading resumed and the markets fell further to another stipulated


CONCLUSION Sharekhan used the strategies to sell them in spite of selling their services to penetrate the todays

LIMITATIONS Lack of Awareness of Stock Market: Since the area is not known before it takes lot of time in convincing

SUGGESTIONS SHAREKHAN should be organize seminar kitty parties with their customers. SHAREKHAN should
be start welfare...

BIBLIOGRAPHY Book and Newspapers: C. R. Kothari Research Methodology New age international private
limited(second revi...

QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Do you invest in stock market?

share trad...


No 2. What percentage of your earnings do you invest in

than ...

Both 7. Do you know about new features of Sharekhan?


No 8. Is Sharekhan market strategies better


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summer intenship project on marketing strategy

adopted by sharekhan

Ravi Garg, student at karnal


Published on Aug 24, 2013

Published in: Education, Economy & Finance, Business


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summer intenship project on marketing strategy adopted by sharekhan

1. 1. Project Report ON LATEST MARKETING STRATEGIES OF SHAREKHAN Kurukshetra University
kurukshetar Master of Business Administration Submitted to: Submitted By: Name: SUDHIR NIGAM Ravi Garg
Designation: TERITORRY MANAGER Roll No-M1212 Raj Pal Inderprastha Institute of Technology Bastara
(Karnal) (Kurukshetra University kurukshetar)
2. 2. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify the fact that Mr. Ravi Garg of RAJ PAL INDERPRASTHA
INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY has undergone his summer Training as a part of the degree of MBA in Sharekhan
Ltd. Panipat from 13/06/2013 to 31/07/2013 and submitted his project entitled Latest marketing strategy of
sharekhan. Mr. Ravi Garg Date Date (Internal Guide) 2
3. 3. STUDENT DECLARATION I, Ravi Garg, hereby declare that the piece of dissertation report entitled Latest
Marketing Strategies of Sharekhan has been prepared under the guidance and Supervision of Mr. Umang kapoor
Sharekhan limited, Panipat as a part for the requirement of the degree in Master of Business Administration under
kurukshetra University kurukshetar during the session 2012-14.To the best of my knowledge & belief, this is my own
work and has not been submitted anywhere earlier for any other degree. RAVI GARG MBA 3rd Sem 3
4. 4. TABLE OF CONTENT S.No. TOPIC Page No. 1. Preface 4 2. Executive Summary 5 3. Objective & Nature of
the Study 6 4. Industry overview 7 5. Development 8 6. Company profile 10 7. Indian scenario 45 8. Strategy of
sharekhan 51 9. Research metrology 58 10. Data analysis 64 11. Swot 71 12. Conclusion 77 13. Limitation 78 14.
Suggestion 79 15. Bibliography 80 16. Appendix 81 4
5. 5. PREFACE . With the ongoing revolution in M.B.A. where Innovations are taking at the blink of eye; it is impossible
to keep the pace with the emerging trends. Excellence is an attitude that whole of human race is born with. It is the
environment that makes sure that whether the result of this attitude is visible or otherwise. A Well planned, properly
executed and evaluated Industrial Training helps a lot in inculcating a professional attitude. It provides a linkage
between the student and industry to develop an awareness of industrial approach to problem solving, based on a
broad understanding of processes and mode of operation of organization. During this period, the student gets the real
experience for working in the actual Industry Environment. Most of the theoretical knowledge that has been gained
during the course of their studies is put to test here. Apart from this the student gets an opportunity to learn the latest
technology, which is immensely helpful in building their career . The project entitled Latest marketing strategy of share
khan has been done in Panipat, Sharekhan RAVI GARG MBA 3rd SEM. 5
6. 6. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The research work had an object oriented and realistic approach towards the online
share trading scenario in India as well as covering the globe by and large, precisely speaking economic giants like
Sharekhan. I follow market research procedure to get an extensive idea about the general perception in the mass
when online share trading considered, the exact figures are involved in share trading online. To acquire customers in
favor of Sharekhan was also an integral part of the job. I covered Karnal for this purpose. A brief profile about the
organization was also intimated to each and every respondent in order to increase the popularity of Sharekhan.The
next phases were all about to have an international look in this field of online share trading. The team examined





thoroughly areas such as the number of players, technology they are offering, their customer base, whether this is
appealing to the common people or not, how they market their services etc. The Indian scenario has been evaluated
considering the facts like, players in the market, advantages, drawbacks, and connectivity hazards. Still, in due course
of time, Indian online share trading will be able to find its hold; there is not doubt about that. 6
7. OBJECTIVES There is always a purpose of every research study. The main objective of the study is given below:
- To study the attitude of people towards sharemarket or online trading. To study the strategy of sharekhan. To
knowing the effect of marketing strategy on people. To study the satisfaction of customers 7
8. INDUSTRY OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION Stock exchanges to some extent play an important role as
indicators, reflecting to performance of the countrys economic state of health. Stock market is a place where
securities are bought and sold. It is exposed to a high degree of volatility; prices fluctuate within minutes and are
determined by the demand and supply of stocks at a given time. Stock brokers are the ones who buy and sell
securities on behalf of individuals and institutions for some commission. The Securities and Exchange Board of India
(SEBI) is the authorized body, which regulates the operations of stock exchanges, banks and other financial
institutions. The past performances in the capital markets especially the securities scam by Hasrshad Mehta has led
to tightening of the operations by SEBI. In addition the international trading and investment exposure has made it
imperative to better operational efficiency. With the view to improve, discipline and bring greater transparency in this
sector, constant efforts are being made and to a certain extent improvements have been made. 8
9. HISTORY HISTORY OF THE STOCK BROKING INDUSTRY Indian Stock Markets are one of the oldest in
Asia. Its history dates back to nearly 200 years ago. The earliest records of security dealings in India are meager and
obscure. By 1830's business on corporate stocks and shares in Bank and Cotton presses took place in Bombay.
Though the trading list was broader in 1839, there were only half a dozen brokers recognized by banks and merchants
during 1840 and 1850. The 1850's witnessed a rapid development of commercial enterprise and brokerage business
attracted many men into the field and by 1860 the number of brokers increased into 60. In 1860-61 the American
Civil War broke out and cotton supply from United States of Europe was stopped; thus, the 'Share Mania' in India
begun. The number of brokers increased to about 200 to 250. However, at the end of the American Civil War, in
1865, a disastrous slump began (for example, Bank of Bombay Share which had touched Rs 2850 could only be sold
at Rs. 87). At the end of the American Civil War, the brokers who thrived out of Civil War in 1874, found a place in
a street (now appropriately called as Dalal Street) where they would conveniently assemble and transact business. In
1887, they formally established in Bombay, the "Native Share and Stock Brokers' Association" (which is alternatively
known as "The Stock Exchange"). In 1895, the Stock Exchange acquired a premise in the same street and it was
inaugurated in 1899. Thus, the Stock Exchange at Bombay was consolidated. Thus in the same way, gradually with
the passage of time number of exchanges were increased and at currently it reached to the figure of 24 stock
exchanges. 9
10. DEVELOPMENT An important early event in the development of the stock market in India was the formation of
the Native Share and Stock Brokers Association at Bombay in 1875, the precursor of the present-day Bombay
Stock Exchange. This was followed by the formation of associations /exchanges in Ahmedabad (1894), Calcutta
(1908), and Madras (1937). IN addition, a large number of ephemeral exchanges emerged mainly in buoyant periods
to recede into oblivion during depressing times subsequently. In order to check such aberrations and promote a more
orderly development of the stock market, the central government introduced a legislation called the Securities
Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956. Under this legislation, it is mandatory on the part of a stock exchanges to seek
government recognition. As of January 2002 there were 23 stock exchanges recognized by the central Government.
They are located at Ahemdabad, Bangalore, Baroda, Bhubaneshwar, Calcutta, Chenni,(the Madras stock Exchanges
), Cochin, Coimbatore, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderbad, Indore, Jaipur, Kanpur, Ludhiana, Mangalore, Mumbai(the
National Stock Exchange or NSE), Mumbai (The Stock Exchange), papularly called the Bombay Stock Exchange,
Mumbai (OTC Exchange of India), Mumbai (The Inter-connected Stock Exchange of India), Patna, Pune, and
Rajkot. Of course, the principle bourses are the National Stock Exchange and The Bombay Stock Exchange ,
accounting for the bulk of the business done on the Indian stock market. While the recognized stock exchanges have
been accorded a privileged position, they are subject to governmental supervision and control. The rules of a
recognized stock exchanges relating to the managerial powers of the governing body, admission, suspension,






expulsion, and re-admission of its members, appointment of authorized representatives and clerks, so 10
11. on and so forth have to be approved by the government. These rules can be amended, varied or rescinded only
with the prior approval of the government. 11
12. COMPANY PROFILE It is a Stock Broker: Sharekhan is one of the leading retail broking houses of SSKI
GROUP, Which was running successfully since 1922 in the country? It is the retail broking arm of the Mumbai based
SSKI GROUP, which has over eight decades of experience in the stock broking business. SHAREKHAN offers its
customers a wide range of equity related services including trade execution on BSE, NSE, Derivatives, depository
services, online trading, investment advisory, mutual fund advisory etc. The firms online trading and investment site was launched on Feb 8, 2000. The site gives access to superior content and transaction facility
to retail customers across the country. Known or its jargon-free, investor friendly language and high quality research,
the site has a registered base of over two lakhs customers. The number of trading members currently stands over 3
lacks. while online trading currently accounts for just over 5 percent of the daily trading in stocks in India, share khan
alone accounts for 32 percent of the volumes traded online. About SSKI (Shri Shantilal Kantilal,Ishwarlal pvt. Ltd)
group: SSKI groups also comprise institutional broking and corporate finance. While the institutional broking division
caters to the largest domestic and foreign institutional investors, telecom and media. SSKI holds a sizeable portion of
the market in each of these segments. As the forerunner of investment research in the Indian market, we provide the
best research coverage amongst broking houses in India. Our research team is rated as one of the best in 12
13. the country. Voted for times as the Top domestic brokerage house by Asia-money survey SSKI is consistently
ranked amongst the top domestic brokerage houses in India. Broking personalized if you prefer the assurance and
reliability of trading through a broker, you can use our network of 250 branches and 1200 business partner outlets in
over 123 cities to trade in equities as well as derivatives. We will help you with the investment process, give you
advice based on extensive research and provide you with relevant and updated information to help you make informed
investment decisions. Our trading services are designed to offer an easy, hassle free trading experience, whether you
trade daily or occasionally. You will be entitled to a host of value added services, intended to assist you in your
investment process depending of your investing style and frequency. CURRENT POSITION VISION To empower
the investor with quality advice and superior service to help him take better investment decisions. We believe that our
growth depends on client satisfaction. MISSION To provide the best customer service and product innovation tuned
to diverse needs of : Continuous up-gradation with changing technology, while maintaining human values. Respond
to progressive globalization and achieving international standard. Efficiency and effectiveness built on ethical
practices. CORE VALUE Customer satisfaction through Providing quality service effectively and efficiently 13
14. Smile, it enhances your face value service quality stressed on periodic customer service Audits. Maximization
of stakeholder value Success through Teamwork, integrity and People DEMAT ACCOUNT SHAREKHAN
ONLINE TRADING PRODUCTS: (a) CLASSIC ACCOUNT: DEMAT A/C free for first year and Rs.400 from
2nd year onwards.(Annual Maintenance charges) Online Trading through website. No volume commitment required.
Account Opening Charges: Nil (b) SPEED TRADE: A/C Opening charges: Rs. Nil DEMAT A/C free for first year
and Rs.400 from 2nd year onwards.(Annual Maintenance charges).Software downloading.(CASH and
DERIVATIVE) Live NSE terminal. Live BSE terminal Access charge is adjustable as per new Speed Trade Pricing
Policy. BROKERAGE: - CASH BROKERAGE: - DELIVERY: 0.20%, INTRADAY: 0.02% (Negotiable
According To Margin Money) EXPOSURE: - 10 TIMES (ON MARGIN MONEY) 14
15. F&O BROKERAGE : - 0.02% OTHER FEATURES:- No Demat Transaction Charges in case of buying and
selling through Sharekhan. For the fund transfer and withdrawal, we have tie-up with ten BANK'S- - HDFC Bank, CITI Bank, - IDBI Bank, - UTI Bank, - UBI Bank, - Indus Bank. - Oriental Bank of Commerce -ICICI Bank -Yes
bank -Bank of India If you are having bank a/c in one of them, you can transfer the funds and withdraw the funds
online from your trading a/c at anytime. Along with above following benefits are available: BTST (Buy today Sell
Tomorrow) Online IPO's available. Online Mutual Funds available. Dial -n- Trade facility 15
16. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED:- (A) TWO PHOTOGRAPH (B) For Identification Proof - VOTER ID /
BILL STATEMENT (ANY ONE) (D) Cheque of account opening amount ****PAN Card is Mandatory 16

17. 17. 17
18. 18. Unlike browser based trading applications that require moving from page to page to execute a single transaction,
trade tiger is a net based executable application that provides everything a trader needs on one screen, thereby,
reducing the maximum time required to execute a trade by a huge margin. SPEEDTRADE offers a tick-by-tick update
on stock price movements with market depth and intra-day chart and lets the client do his own stock/technical
analysis. Speed Trade Plus extents the power of online trading from cash markets to futures & options on a single
screen, you can trade cash as well as future & option contracts other features include advanced intra-day charting
(Bar & Japanese Candlestick Charts) easy order placement and instant trade confirmations in seconds, price alters,
research calls, and derivative tool-kit to help you trade like the experts. Power packed features 1. Real time streaming
quotes, tic-by-tic chart 2. Market summary (most traded, highest value etc) 3. Ability to customize the terminal screen
4. Hot keys similar to BOLT & NEAT 5. Instant order execution & confirmation 6. Reports for personal account
details 7. Pre-defined detailed sector-wise script list 8. Simple order entry process 9. Alerts and remainders 10.Ability
to place limit order and subsequently modify /cancel instantly. Sharekhan Research: Receive high performance trading
recommendations from Sharekhan yes we boast of strike rates as high as 70-90% in booking recommendations in the
money. Our first rule is not to 18
19. 19. lose money and the second to make some. If you didnt believe making money was a scientific process and there
was a method in the madness we have broken the myth and with consistency. Investment ideas: For investment the
application of the bottom-up approach of investing with a clear focus on stock picking has resulted in investment ideas
that have withstood the storm to deliver returns to patient investors. Effective money management with appropriate
risk rewards, the relentless use of stop losses. And our clear cut focus on the importance of timing the market
accurately has contributed to this success. Trading calls: Trading will never be the same again once you are
accustomed to the disciplined trading tools that we provide, that help you to achieve your trading objective of high
profits and limited risk. Some of the most unique and customized products are developed to meet your specific needs.
We believe that making money involves had work and you need to be brace thats right a brave heart. Research team:
All this is made possible by a team of dedicated analysts who have years of working experience in the industries that
they track, and a proven track in using their knowledge of the investment science to deliver results. Depository
services: Sharekhan offers you the convenience of broker DP. It will help you meet your pay-in obligations on time
thereby reducing the possibility of auctions. They understand your need for flexibility therefore they accept late
instructions without any extra charge. They execute 19
20. 20. the instruction immediately on receiving it. You can view your update account statement on internet. Sharekhan
depository service offers DMAT services to individual and corporate investors. We have a team of professionals and
the latest technological expertise dedicated exclusively to out DMAT department. You can avail of Demat Remant,
Repurchase, Pledge, Transmission facilities at our branch and business partners outlets.They have designed product
like classic, speed trade and speed trade plus. Classic: This account allows you to trade through their website and is
suitable for the retail investor. There online trading website also comes with a Dial in trade service that enable you to
buy and sell shares by calling there dedicated toll-free number 1800-22-7050.1800-22-7500. Speed trade: Speed
trade is a next generation online trading product that brings the power of your brokers terminal to your PC. It is ideal
for active traders who transact frequently during days trading session to capitalize on Intraday price movement.
Speed trade is an internet based application available on a CD, which provides everything a trader is needs on one
screen, thereby, reducing the time required to execute a trade. Trade tiger:: This comes with all the features of speed
trade along with an additional power to trade in derivatives. If he ask more details about speed trade and ST plus then
proceed with below given key features. 20
21. 21. Key features of Speed trade and Speed trade Plus: 1. Single Screen Trading Terminal for NSE cash, NSE F$O
& BSE 2. Real-time Screaming Quotes. 3. Live Tic-by-Tic intra day Charting 4. Instant order / Trade confirmations
in the same window 5. Hot keys similar to Brokers Terminal 6. Alerts and reminders 7. Market summary(cost traded
scrip, highest value etc) 8. Back-up facility to place trade on direct phone lines Classic / Speed Trade / Speed Trade
Plus one time registration fee 750/500 / 1500. 0.50% (plus 8% service tax, 0.005% turnover tax, 0.01% stamp duty)
will be charged on each side. Minimum brokerage of 10 paisa on each share will be charged on 3 each side. Minimum
brokerage of Rs.16 will be charged per transaction. 0.1% (plus 8% service tax, 0.005% turnover tax, 0.01% stamp





duty) will be charged on each side Minimum brokerage of 2 paisa will be charged on each side. For margin trading the
exposure is 10 times. 21
22. 22
23. 23
24. 24
25. System Requirements You'll need access to a computer which has at least the following configuration: A. Pentium,
Minimum 1 GB RAM B. Windows 7/XP/VISTA C. Internet Connection D. Internet Explorer E. Java enabled in IE
26. 26
27. Area of investment through Sharekhan 1. Derivative 2. Commodity 3. Equity 4. IPOs ( Initially Public Offer) 1.
Derivative Market: Financial markets are, by nature, extremely volatile and hence the risk factor is an important
concern for financial agents. To reduce this risk, the concept of derivatives comes into the picture. Derivatives are
products whose values are derived from one or more basic variables called bases. These bases can be underlying
assets (for example forex, equity, etc), bases or reference rates. For example, wheat farmers may wish to sell their
harvest at a future date to eliminate the risk of a change in prices by that date. The transaction in this case would be
the derivative, while the spot price of wheat would be the underlying asset. Development of exchange traded
derivative: Derivatives have probably been around for as long as people have been trading with one another. Forward
contracting dates back at least to the 12th century, and may well have been around before then. Merchants entered
into contracts with one another for future delivery of specified amount of commodities at specified price. A primary
motivation for pre-arranging a buyer or seller for a stock of commodities in early forward contracts was to lessen
possibility that large swings would inhibit marketing the commodity after a harvest. The need for a derivative market:
The derivative market performs a number of economic functions. 1. They help in transferring risk from risk averse
people to risk oriented people. 27
28. 2. They help in the discovery of future as well as current prices. 3. They catalyze entrepreneurial activity 4. They
increase the volume traded in market because of participation of risk averse people in greater numbers. 5. They
increase savings and investment in the long run. The participants in a derivative market: The following three broad
categories of participants who trade in the derivatives market: 1. Hedgers 2. Speculators and 3. Arbitrageurs Hedgers:
Hedgers face risk associated with the price of an asset. They use futures or options markets to reduce or eliminate this
risk. Speculators: Speculators wish to bet on future movements in the price of an asset. Futures and Options contracts
can give them an extra leverage; that is, they can increase both the potential gains and potential losses in a speculative
venture. Arbitrageurs: Arbitrageurs are in business to take advantage of a discrepancy between prices in two different
markets. For example, they see the futures price of an asset getting out of line with the cash price; they will take
offsetting positions in the two markets to lock in a profit. Factors driving the growth of financial derivatives: 1.
Increased volatility in asset prices in financial markets. 2. Increased integration of national financial markets with the
international markets 28
29. 3. Marked improvement in communication facilities and sharp decline in their costs 4. Development of more
sophisticated risk management tools, providing economic agents a wider choice of risk management strategies. 5.
Innovations in the derivatives markets, which optimally combine the risks and returns over a large number of financial
assets leading to higher returns, reduced risk as well as transactions costs as compared to individual financial assets. 2.
Commodity: Although commodity derivatives command a humble share of 6% in the derivatives segment across the
world, yet these record high volumes in the markets the world over compared to equity derivatives. In an era where
risks to investments are on the rise. India needs to switch to commodity derivatives and also to whether derivatives
(when these are launched), if it needs to top the list of developed nations. Of course with the other asset classes
offering attractive returns. Why commodities? is the inevitable question that pops in ones mind today, more so
considering that the BSE sensitive index is scaling new highs by the day well, despite offering relatively lower returns,
commodity derivatives provided unique money-making opportunities to a wider section of market participants, starting
from planters to exporters, importers detail and to the agrarian Indian population commodities are obviously not new,
nor are the advantages of trading in them unknown. 1. No balance sheet, P & 1, statement, EBITDA and regarding
between the lines Commodity trading is about the simple economics of supply and demand 2. Supports are known,






only resistance matters Minimum support price acts as a statutory support for many commodities. 3. No Dollar
Rupee premiums / Discounts no hedging on the NYMEX Indian commodity derivatives hedge both forex and
commodity specific risks at a single cost. 29
30. 4. No breaking of heads over market direction seasonality patterns quiet often provide clue to both short-and
long-term players. 5. No scam, no price rigging commodity trading comes with nil insider trading and company
specific risk. Whats more, why invite risk by investing in a metal company when you can trade in the metal itself?
After all, while the stock price of the company is dependent on several factors including the companys own
fundamentals, the price of the metal is driven by the simple economics of demand and supply. The more demand for
the mental , the higher its price and vice versa. Also compared to equities if is much cheaper to trade in commodities,
where margin requirements are lower. Commencement of live trading in commodities: Black Pepper, Castor, Seed,
Gold, Gold M. Silver M, RBD Palmolien, Castor Oil, Soy Seed, Refined Soy Oil, Groundnut Oil, Crude Palm Oil,
Steel Long, Steel Flat, Copper, Nickel, Tin, Guarseed, etc. Soy Bean, Refined Soy Oil, Mustard Seed, Expeller
Mustard Oil, RBD Palmolien, Crude, Palm Oil, Medium Staple Cotton, Long staple Cotton, Pepper, Rubber, Jute,
Chana, Guar, Seeds, Gold, Kilo Gold, Silver, Mega Silver, etc. 30
31. 3. Equities: Trading accounts With a Sharekhan online trading account you can buy and sell shares in an instant.
Any time you want, from anywhere you like. A Sharekhan online trading account comes with a depository participant
account where you can keep all your shares, in safe custody with National Securities Depository. You can also like a
Sharekhan online trading account to an Internet banking account of your choice, so that you can move cash in and out
of this account easily, without the bother of writing Cheque all the time. Sharekhan offers two types of trading
accounts to suit your trading habits. Sharekhan account and Sharekhan. Trading services Trading is super fast ,
extremely safe and high secure at Sharekhan. Apart from providing the most advanced trading platform in the country,
Sharekhan also offers facilities like instant cash transfer, after-market order, limit against shares and four times
exposure on margin. Trading products: 31
32. For timely and accurate Buy and Self recommendations try our Super-Duper trading products. Depository
services: You can open a Depository Participant (DP) account, either through a Sharekhan branch or through a
Sharekhan franchisee. There is no fee for opening a DP account with Sharekhan. However a nominal deposit
(refundable) is charged towards services which are adjusted against all future billings. Sharekhan offers
dematerialization/ Rematerialisation services to individual and corporate investors. Dematerialization is the process
by which a client can get physical certificates converted into electronic balances maintained in his account with the DP.
Rematerialisation is the process by which a client can get his electronic holdings converted into physical certificates.
Sharekhan also offers Pledge facility which enables you to obtain loans against your dematerialized shares. So you get
liquidity without having to sell your shares. You can also obtain RBI Relief Bond forms from any of our branches and
franchisees present in over 123 cities. Visit our site for more information on RBI Relief Bonds. 32
33. Content features: At Sharekhan online trading in equities is made easy with the help of jargon-free investment
advice. If you experience our language presentation style or content, you will find a common thread the one that
helps you make informed investment decisions and simplifies investing in stocks. Track domestic and international
stock incidents with Indices at a Glance Get real-time stock quotes , live NSE ticker, daily top 5 gainers/losers,
volume toppers and more market statistics, all at Sharekhan. Known about the market as it happen through Live
markets. Keep abreast of the latest news and developments not only in the stock market but also in the world outside
with Live News brought to you by Reuters. We also have a tie-up with Capital Market News Service for Archive
News. Market Commentary brings you a birds eye view of the days market. Track the futures market with
Future Commentary. Tune in to Punters Call for technical analysis of the market. 33
34. Have exhaustive data on over 5,000 companies at your fingertip with All Company Info. Which stock is on
Share khans recommendations list? Find answer to this billion dollar question in the Investment Ideas section. New
want investing? Join our School for a crash course in investing and more. Equip yourself with Find Company an
immensely powerful tool that helps you sift through 6,000 companies to home in on only those that meet your stringent
fundamental parameters. Keep abreast of all corporate action like board meetings general body meetings bourses
splits etc. with Market Calendar. 4. IPOs: An IPO, or Initial Public Offering, is the sale of shares by a company to
the public for the first time colloquially, it is said that a company is going public. How is then that company like

ONGC and GAIL, which are already listed, are going for an IPO again? The government is the majority
stockholder in these companies and it is offering a percentage of its stock now to the public. So strictly speaking,
public sector companies that are already listed are not having their IPO but they are going for a public offering of
their shares its technical distinction and one that should not bother individual investors. To apply to an IPO you have
to fill an IPO application form. These forms are available in stalls outside the stock exchanges and with vendors in
various other areas.You can also get an application form through a share broker or investment consultant, if you have
one. Else forms are available at various banks. 34
35. 35. A good idea is to check the Web site of Karvy Consultants ( who are often registrars or lead
managers for issues. The other option is to check the SEBI website (http// for the prospectus of a
particular IPO. The prospectus lists the lead managers for the IPO and you can get a copy of the application form
from their centers. Once you get the form, you have to fill it, remit the amount after calculating the number of shares
applied for the bank that is designated in the form as collecting center for that IPO. If you have a demat account, then
you can apply for the shares directly through your demat account or thee is an option of physical delivery of share
certificates. Some IPO offer only demat (dematerialized) form of shares, while others offer both demat as well as
regular (physical) shares. SEBI advices investors to get the allotment in demat forms as the shares in IPO are tradable
only in demat segment in the stock exchanges. Dealing of physical shares (allocated in IPO) is not accepted. When
shares are bought in an IPO it is termed primary market. The primary market does not involve the stock exchanges. A
company that plans an IPO contacts an investment banker who will in turn called on securities to help, sell the new
stock issue. This process of selling the new stock issues to prospective investors in the primary market is called
underwriting. When an investor buys shares from another investor at an agreed prevailing market price, it is called as
buying from the secondary market. 35
36. 36. The secondary market involves the stock exchanges and it is regulated by a regulatory authority in India, the
secondary and primary markets are governed by the security and exchange board of India (SEBI). Currently, IPOs
are being heavily oversubscribed and there are many retail investors applying for the same IPO. In such a situation,
there is a high risk that even after applying for an IPO an Individual investor might not get an allotment of the shares.
Buying in the primary market does not assure an investor of allotment of shares.There is also a risk that the price of the
share may fall within a few days or weeks of the listing. An individual investor needs to take a call on how he thinks
the market will behave over the next few months and decide on his/her strategy accordingly. In a bear run, prices
usually fall after the stock lists. Hence, it might make more sense to buy in the secondary market. But in a bull run, like
the Sensex is experiencing now, prices of the shares are likely to zoom up and so applying during the IPO is the best
way to get the share at its cheapest. If you are in the market for the long term this question should not bother you as
you would not be looking at profit booking within a few months. Track record of the promoters: Background and
experience of the promoters, the management team and their expertise is one of the main factors that needs to be
Considered as they will be ones responsible for the profitability of the company. Studying this point will help investors
avoid fly by night promotes and companies. Financials: The Companys balance sheet is a very important document
and investors should look at it carefully. Investors should look at not just the current balance sheet but also that of the
last three to four years to get an idea o the companys growth and focus. 36
37. 37. Prospectus: Read the prospectus for the company carefully. The prospectus called as red- herring prospectus is a
document that every company that goes for a public offering has to file with the SEBI. The prospectus has all the
details about the company, the risk factors and the companys financials. You can get the prospectus for companies
going public at the SEBI website Content Disp= Department & dep_id=1. Issue
price: Investors need to decide if the issue is worth investing in at that price. One-way of checking the valuation is to
look at the price-earnings (P/E) multiple. The P/E multiple is the ratio of the share price to earnings per share (EPS
which is listed in the balance sheet). P/E of the issue should be compared with the industry average and the other
companies in the sector. Apart from these three important points other factors like amount to be paid on application,
the lead manages for the issue, the stock exchanges that issue plans to list on and the current market sentiment are
other factors to watch out for. Price band comes into play when IPOs are done through a book-building process.
IPOs if they have gone for the book-building route will mention a price bank. For instance, Biocon which has declared
a price band of Rs. 270 to Rs. 315 per equity share of face value Rs. or ONGC which has set a price bank of Rs.

680-750. Book-building is a mechanism where, during the period for which the IPO is open, bids are collected from
investors at various prices which are above or equal to the floor price (the minimum price). The final price of the share
is determined after the bid closing date, based on certain evaluation criteria. 37
38. 38. Individual investors are encouraged to bid at the floor price. When all the bids are received and the final price is
decided, those who have got the allotments will have to pay that price, irrespective of the price they had bid on. So
price bank indicates the range which the investment bankers think that the share is likely to be priced in. No. if the
offer is oversubscribed by a few times then the chances of getting an allotment is high. However, if it is oversubscribed
heavily (by over 15 times) then the chances of getting an allotment progressively decrease SEBI uses a lottery system
as well as a proportionate allotment formula. The key is to remember that there is no guarantee that you will any
shares at all if you apply for an IPO. If you have applied, you can know the status by calling the registrar, whose name
will be listed on the prospectus or the application form, after 30 to 40 days from the closing date of the issue. In a
book-building issue, you can know the status by calling the registrar after 20 days from the closing date. If you have
got an allotment then the share certificates will be mailed to you. Karvy consultants act as registrars to a large number
of issues. If the are the registrars you can check the allotment status on their web site. If you have got an allotment then
the share certificates will be mailed to you.You will get a refund 40-45 days from the closing date of the issue. In
book-building issue, you will be getting the refund in 30-40 days from the closing date. AWARDS AND
ACHIEVEMENT: 8 July 2005, Mumbai: Sharekhan won the award by the vote of consumers around the country, as
part of Indias largest consumer study cover 7000 respondents 21 products and services across 21 major cities.
The study, initiated by Awaaz Indias first dedicated 38
39. 39. consumer channel and member of the worldwide CNBC Network, and AC Nielsen ORG, Marg, was aimed at
understanding the brand preferences of the consumer and to decipher what are the most important loyalty criteria for
the consumer in each vertical. In order to select the award recipient, spontaneous responses, rather than promoted
responses were garnered, with an intention to glean unbiased preferences. Opinions were garnered from owners of
each of the categories, to get experimental responses, which are likely to be more realistic and grounded in nature.
Further, preference also indicates future intentions of repeat purchases. The reasons behind the preferences for brands
were unveiled by examining the following. Tangible features of product / service. Softer, intangible features like
imagery, equity driving preference. Tactical measures such as promotional / pricing schemes. Sharekhan is honored
to be voted as the most preferred stock broking brand in India our focus has always been to demystify the stock
market and empower the investors to take informed decisions, said Jaideep Arora, Director, Sharekhan The Award
increases Sharekhans responsibility to persistently delight our customers with user-friendly trading experience and we
shall continue our focus to evolve business strategies that keep us aligned with our customers need Sharekhan signs on
Blue Lotus as communication partner: Mumbai July, 2005 Sharekhan, the retail broking arm of SSKI group, one of
the largest stock broking houses in the country, signed on Blue Lotus Communication Consultancy as its
communications partner recently. Sharekhan aims to gain a substantial market share through various new initiatives like
First step, Platinum Guild & Power Club and communications has been identified as a major marketing initiative by the
company. 39
40. 40. First step, an initiative aimed at demystifying the stock markets to the layperson, provides guidance, knowledge
and jargon-free research to help the first time investor take their careful first steps in the stock market. With over a
million new investors having entered the stock market over the last year, the product was launched to address the
market need to provide structured supervision to the stock market novice. On a fast growth spree, Blue Lotus
Communications Consultancy has acquired its 6th client over the last month amounting to an addition of Rs.5 crores to
the agencys capitalized turnover. Speaking on the growth of the company, N. Chandramouli, CEO, Blue Lotus
Communications Consultancy said, The acquisition of the Sharekhan account is extremely prestigious for Blue Lotus.
The communication of Sharekhan will be unique since it uses a combination of technology and finance to achieve the
objectives of the client. Our strengths have in these sectors have proven to be a dovetail fit for Sharekhan. Founded in
October 2002, Blue Lotus has an impressive client portfolio with names like Trend Micro, TWS Holding, Bristlecone,
Mahindra Special Services Group, Habitat International Spryance and Johnson & Johnson Acuvue. Having gained
these accounts through aggressive pitches the Rupees Fifteen Crore agency employs 50 people across its 5 offices.
We have always believed that public relations are an essential marketing tool that helps build brand credibility, trust





and recall. PR is an essential ingredient in any communications portfolio and the progressive companies like Sharekhan
have recognized this need. We have an aggressive education and awareness campaign linked up for this online stock
trading major, added Chandramouli. 40
41. Sharekhan seen to revive interest in net trading : Trading in stock markets through the internet, which took a dip
due to investor apathy because of prolonged bearishness in recent years, is witnessing a revival of interest and is
expected record growth in the coming years. The retail investors in the capital market are the most neglected lot with
no access to research and Sharekhan, the retail broking arm of SSKI group, one of the oldest members of the BSE,
seeks to fill this vacuum felt by retail investors, according to Mr. Tarun Shah, CEO, Sharekhan, Mumbai. Speaking to
business line on the sidelines of the opening of the Coimbatore branch of Sharekhan, he said the company had
invested about Rs.13 crore in the last two years is creating the requisite infrastructure by way of branches and for
internet trading. With presence in about 123 cities across the country now, it will seek to consolidate its presence in
the current year and focus on expanding its membership. He said Sharekhan enjoyed about 20 percent market share
in Web business (Internet trading) in stock markets. Three years ago, web trading showed lot of promise but with the
market witnessing a downturn, there was not much interest among retail customers. The company has been adding
around 1,000 customers a month and felt that for retail customer; web trading was a very good medium particularly as
it provided live information. Mr. Tarun shah, when asked about the number of investors who were hooked on to Web
trading, said numbers could be misleading. While his company has about 10,000 plus 41
42. customers, ICICI securities claimed to have 1.20 lakh customers and there were other players like HDFC too.
His estimate was that the number of active web traders would be in the 30,000 50,000 regions. He said this number
was growing at 5 percent to 10 percent a month and this was a segment that could not be ignored. He said in
Sharekhan, web trading constituted about 1 percent to 2 percent of the revenue in 2001-02. But in 2002-03, when
the overall revenue trebled, the share of Web trading constituted 22 percent of the revenue. As Sharekhans daily
trading volume was over Rs.200 crore, the share of web trading at about Rs.40 crore a day was substantial and a
larger part of the volume was coming from day traders. Commenting on the growth of internet trading in the stock
markets, he said share of web trading in the total turnover of the capital markets was miniscule now just about 1 to 2
percent. But in the next two or three years, he expected this to go up to 10 to 15 percent. There was huge scope for
growth in this segment of business, he said. His company knew share broking best and would stick to that, he added
Mr. Tarun shah said Sharekhan recently obtained license to offer Portfolio management services (PMS). It was
offering a range of products to suit retail investors and PMS when launched, would cater to the requirements of the
high worth-individuals. The entry-level investment for PMS membership may be around Rs.5 Rs.10 lakh, which was
need for having a well-diversified portfolio. This could be by way of taking over existing portfolio or fresh investment,
he added. 42
43. Sharekhan vs ICICI Direct vs HDFC vs Kotak vs Indiabulls vs 5 Paise 5 paisa 15 25.00% Sharekhan 14
23.33% Motilalsowal 0 0% ICICI Direct 15 25.00% HDFC 2 3.33% India bulls 12 20.00% Kotak 1 1.67% Any
other (mention name) 1 1.67% Starcom bags Share khans Rs.10 core media duties: Starcom India has won the
media business of and its parent company SS Kantilal Ishwarlal Securities Pvt. Ltd. (SSKI). The size
of the business is estimated to be around Rs.10 crore. The development has been confirmed by Utkarsh Singh head of
IP business, Starcom. The Business is moving from Insight singh told agencyfaqs! That Starcom got the online media
business of in may. The client subsequently wanted to hire a new agency for the conventional media.
They had already seen our work on the online media front. So, it was not very difficult to convince them to award us
the entire media business, says Singh. The company is launching a new programme for first-time investors to invest in
the equity market. For this, the company will be launching mass media campaigns very soon. Singh mentioned that our
of the total media budget, 70 percent would be spent on mass media, while the remaining 30 percent would be
through online media. 43
44. SSKI is among the leading brokerage companies in India with over eight decades of experience in the Indian
stock markets. Synapze, a Goa based agency, handles the entire communication for the company including the
creative business. Online Profit: A Tigers Tale: SSKI Investor services pvt. Ltd has been in the equities solutions
business for the past eight decades. SSKI created Sharekhan in 1999, when it wanted to utilize the internet for
providing financial services through an online trading website. Sharekhan is one of the countrys strongest names in the






online trading domain today. The company runs Indias largest chain of share shops with around 280 outlets in 123
cities. Sharekhan handles revenues to the tune of Rs.800 crore to Rs. 1, 000 crores on a daily basis. Says Ketan
Parekh, CTO, and Sharekhan, The focal point for any manager should be on business expansion. Technology is just
a tool to achieve it, not the focus area. At the end of the day, you are simply running a business. Parekhs role has
been critical in keeping IT investments under control, and helping in keeping these spends aligned with Share khans
business goals. He runs a team with 50 people on board, Parekhs unit ensures that Sharekhan retains its focus on
providing reliable, secure, and fast trading services inside the jungle Sharekhan operates through online offline (SSKI)
channels. The online structure forms the most integral point for business and transactions. The online component is
made up of a conventional portal, a chat facility and a few speed trade terminals. What the speed trade channels,
customers gain a better and more efficient platform for transactions. It has a terminal at the user end, connected to
Sharekhans systems through a 44
45. TCP/IP link. When a web trade request is made, it travels via HTTP/HTTPS and is not real- time. But with a
speed trade transaction, the transfer of information is directly with the trading system and is entirely live. Sharekhan
uses 128-bit SSL encryption technology by Revising and can also operate on cable connections, GPRS and dial up.
The offline model is more personalized in the sense that it provides the customer the opportunity to interact with a
human voice through the IVR or a team of customer service executives over the telephone.
InvestingOnlineissomucheasier: This account enables you to buy and sell shares through our website. You get features
like a) Streaming quotes (using the applet based system) 45
46. b)Multiple watch lists c) Integrated Banking, demat and digital contracts d) Instant credit and transfer e) Real-time
portfolio tracking with price alerts and, of course, the assurance of secure transactions. Features of Classic Account:
That enables you to invest effortlessly Online trading account for investing in Equities and Derivatives via Integration of: Online trading + Bank + Demat account Instant cash transfer facility against
purchase & sale of shares Make IPO bookings Click on the images for larger Screenshots You get Instant order
and trade confirmations by e-mail Streaming Quotes Personalized Market Scan with your own customized stock
ticker! Single screen interface for cash and derivatives Your very own Portfolio Tracker! 46
47. Are you an Investor? Get our Classic Account! The Classic Account enables you to trade online on the NSE
through our website, gives you access to all our research content and also comes with Dial-n-Trade, enabling you to
buy shares using your telephone. Are you a Trader? Get Trade Tiger! Trade Tiger is a next-generation online trading
product that brings the power of your broker's terminal to your PC... It's the perfect trading platform for active day
traders. Trade using your phone! Dial-n-Trade Free with our Classic Account, Dial-n-trade is an exclusive service for
trading shares from your landline telephone or cell-phone. Demat Account Sharekhan Demat Account Our demat
account services are quick, convenient and secure, coupled with the Classic Account or Speed trade. We provide
standalone demat services as well. 47
48. Get the Trade Tiger advantage: Live Streaming Quotes Access all Trading Calls Advanced Charting features
Create your own technical rules for trading A Single Trading Screen for BSE & NSE FEATURES OF TRADE
TIGER:- A single platform for multiple exchange BSE & NSE (Cash & F&O), MCX, NCDEX, Mutual Funds, IPOs
Multiple Market Watch available on Single Screen Multiple Charts with Tick by Tick Intraday and End of Day
Charting powered with various Studies Graph Studies include Average, Band- Bollinger, Know SureThing, MACD,
RSI, etc Apply studies such as Vertical, Horizontal, Trend, Retracement & Free lines User can save his own defined
screen as well as graph template, that is, saving the layout for future use User-defined alert settings on an input Stock
Price trigger Tools available to guage market such as Tick Query, Ticker, Market Summary Online fund transfer
activated with 12 Banks 48
49. INDIAN SCENARIO Background of Exchanges: The stock trading history in India is obscured in the mists of
time. Historical records, as and where they exist, rarely speak about business and speculative activity except in
passing. However, the origin of stock broking in the country may go back to a time, when shares, denatures and
bonds representing titles to property were first issued on the condition of transfer from one person to another and the
earliest record of dealings in securities in India is the East India Companys loan securities, way back in the 18th
century. The first stock exchange in India, Bombay stock exchange was established in 1875 as the native share and
stockbrokers association and has evolved over the year into its present status as the premier stock exchange in the

country. It may be noted that BSE is the oldest stock exchange in Asia, even older than the Tokyo stock exchange,
which was founded in 1978. The country second stock exchange was established in Ahmedabad in 1894, followed by
the Calcutta stock exchange (CSE). CSE can also trace its origin back to 19th century from a get together under a
neem tree way back in the 1830s; the CSE was formally established in May 1908. Indias other major stock
exchange National Stock Exchange (NSE) promoted by leading financial institutions, was established in April 1993.
Over the year, several stock exchanges have been established in the major cities of India. There are now 23
recognized stock exchanges Mumbai (BSE, NSE and OTC), Calcutta, Delhi, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Bangalore,
Bhubhaneswar, Coimbatore, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kochi, Kanpur, Ludhiana, Mangalore, Patna, Pune,
Rajkot, Vadodara, Indore and Meerut. Today most of the global stock exchanges have become highly efficient,
computerized organizations. Computerized networks also made it possible to connect to each other and have fostered
the growth of an open, global securities market. 49
50. 50. Though Stock Broking was practiced in Calcutta as early as 1836, the members of the broking profession had
neither any code of conduct for their guidance, nor any permanent place for congregation. The centre of their activity
was near a neem three, where at present, stands the offices of the Chartered Bank (now know as Standard
Chartered) on Netaji Subhas Road, Calcutta. In 1905, Chartered Bank began t construct their own building which led
brokers to shift the arena of their operation, to the neighborhood of the recent Allahabad Bank. The brokers had no
shelter and business was carried on in the open place. The inconvenience of such trading, promoted brokes to
organize themselves and in may 1908, an association was formed under the name and style of the Calcutta Stock
Exchange Association at 2, China Bazaar Street. At the time of incorporation in 1908, the Stock Exchange had 150
members. Today the total membership has risen to more than 900, which contains several corporate and institutional
members. The number of companies listed on the exchange is more than 3,500. The annual turnover of the exchange
in 1997-98 was to the tune of Rs.1, 78,779 crores. The Calcutta stock exchange has been granted permanent
recognition by the Central Government with effect from April 14, 1980 under the relevant provisions of the securities
contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, with a view to render useful service to investors. In December 1993, SEBI directed
the stock exchanges to discontinue the traditional system of carry forward of transactions (badla). Subsequently, it
proposed an alternative system in March 1994, but no agreement could be reached on implementing this system. In
February 1995, SEBI set up the G. S. Patel Committee (GSPC) to review the system of carry forward transactions.
The GSPC submitted its report in March 1995. SEBI adopted the system recommended by the GSPC with some
modifications in its decisions of July 27, 1995 and October 5, 1995. 50
51. 51. This Revised Carry Forward System (RCFS) was implemented in the BSE in January 1996, but the other
exchanges in which the traditional carry forward system had been prevalent before December 1993 did not come
forward to adopt the RCFS. A year after the implementation of RCFS, the President of the BSE wrote to SEBI in
January 1997 requesting a relaxation of certain aspects of the RCFS to make to more practical and efficient. In its
meeting of March 27,1997, SEBI reviewed the entire sequence of developments relating to the RCFS and specifically
noted that while introducing the RCFS in July 1995, SEBI had decided that the implementation of the revised carry
forward system would be reviewed periodically by the Board, the first review being after three months. BSE
Background: The BSE sensitive index (1978, 79-100) has, to a considerable extent, been serving the purpose of
quantifying the price movements as also reflecting the sensitivity of the market in an effective manner. The number of
companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange has registered a phenomenal increase from 992 in the year 1980 to
about 3,200 companies by the end of March 1994 and their combined market capitalization rose from Rs. 5,421
crores to around Rs.5,63,748 crores on 31st March 1996. These factors necessitated compilation of a new broadbased index series reflecting the present market trends in a more effective manner and providing a better
representation of the increased equity stocks, market capitalization as also the newly emerged industry groups.
Towards this end, the exchange constructed and launched on 27th May 1994, two index series viz. the BSE 200 and
the DOLLEX. 51
52. 52. Coverage: The equity shares of 200 selected companies from the specified and non- specified lists of this
exchange have been considered for inclusion in the sample for BSE 200. The selection of companies has primarily
been done on the basis of current market capitalization of the listed scrips on the exchange. Besides market
capitalization, the market activity of the companies as reflected by the volumes of turnover and certain fundamental






factors were considered for the final selection of the 200 companies. Choice of Base Year: The financial year 198990 has been chosen as the base year for the price stability exhibited during that year and due to its proximity to the
current period. NSE: The 13 year old National Stock Exchange (NSE) has outshined the 130 year old. Bombay
stock exchange (BSE) in terms of turnover and volume. The BSE has lost its market share in these segments from 36
percent to 31 percent in the last three years. While, the turnover in BSE stood at Rs. 1,996 crore as on March 24,
2005, the turnover in NSE was Rs.3,926 crore. The volumes (numbers of shares traded) of NSE at 2.94 crore was
also much higher than the volumes of BSE. In the derivatives segment, the NSE is a clear winner. It currently accounts
for about 97 percent of the countrys equity derivatives volume. However, the BSE was the first stock exchange in the
country to start trading in derivatives segment on June 9, 2000. The NSE has rewritten a number of rules and upset
many traditions. As the derivatives segment has immense effect on the cash market, the movement in this segment
mostly determines the trend in the market. 52
53. Against nearly 1,000 companies listed on the NSE, the BSE has nearly 4,800 listed companies despite such a
huge number of listed companies; the total market capitalization of BSE is around Rs.17 lakh crore. On the other hand
the NSE has a total market cap of Rs.16.7 lakh crore. The most tracked index on NSE, CNX, and Nifty also has
more number of stocks than the BSE Sensex. While, the Nifty represents 50 stocks, the Sensex represents only 30
stocks. The presence of more stocks on Nifty also gives a better valuation than Sensex. 53
54. Latest Marketingstrategies of Sharekhan 1. SURVEY & INSPECTION:- The growth in technology and
communications has impacted every aspect of business in some or the other forms. These effects are enduring and
have changed the very way in which business is carried out. The stock market is one such institution whose very
existence has been challenged by the growth in information technology. It has turned very idea of a stock market on its
head. Technology has impact the working of stock markets in every sense. However, useful starting point for this
study would be the study of dematerialization, or demat as it is Popularly known as. This is simply because demat has
change the way stocks are held and traded and therefore has effect on every other function of the market.
Dematerialization in simple terms means the conversion of shares from physical to electronic form. Demat, enabled by
the use of technology is probably is single most important factor which has repercussions on every aspect of the stock
markets. Demat in India started with the creation of NSDL (National stock depository limited) in 1996. UTI was one
of the first institutions to use demat when it decided to dematerialize 50% of its holdings in 1997. SEBI gave a boost
to demat, with compulsory trading on shares in demat form in specified scrips by institutional investors from Jan 15,
1998. 54
55. Table 1: percentage of trade in demat form Timeline Percentage of trade in demat form Apr 2002 2.5% Dec
2008 79.3% Since 2012 99% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00%
100.00% Percentage of trade in demat form Apr-02 Dec-08 Since 2012 Dematerialization has benefited the market
and the market players in more than one way. Demat is instrumental in: 55
56. Abolition of market lots Introduction of rolling settlements Enhancing liquidity Brining stamp duty to zero
Reducing chances of bad delivery Increased lending by banks and other FIs SEBI extended demat to IPO during
capital reforms in capital markets in 2002. The premise being elimination of problems due to loss of allotment letters,
share certificates etc., encouraging shareholders to out of for demat credit allotments, trading compulsorily in demat
form within an option of holding shares in physical form for retail investors. BSE, the first exchange to be set up in
India, Started as a floor-based exchange. However, NSE, setup as an alternative to BSE, was an electronic
(computerized) exchange. With advancements in technology, both these exchanges moved to SBTS (Screen Based
Trading System) in 1997. While NSE introduced NEAT (NSEs Online Trading System) in May 1997, BSE
introduced BOLT (BSEs Online Trading System) in September 1997 in Mumbai. The outcome has phenomenal with
respect to the number of trades taking place on these two exchanges. Information Flow: Any trading system
disseminates data to market constituents, in other words, information is freely available. This has two disadvantages-
It makes easier for off-exchange transactions to occur because of availability of information. 56
57. It makes off-exchange transactions attractive due to absence of trading costs. On the other hand rapid flow of
information has also meant increased volatility in the markets. In financial terms, volatility is: The degree to which the
price of a security, commodity, or market rises or falls within a short-term period. An obvious reason for market
volatility is technology. This includes more timely information dissemination, improved technology to make trades and







more kinds of financial instruments. The faster information is disseminated, the quicker markets can react to both
negative and positive news. Improved trading technology makes it easier to make it easier to take advantage of
arbitrage opportunities, and the resulting price alignment arbitrage causes. Finally, more kinds of financial instruments
allow investors more opportunity to move their money to more kinds of investments positions when conditions change.
Adverse impacts of IT on stock markets: Some other interesting observations about impact of technology on stock
markets 1. The vintage capital model teaches us that technological change destroys old capital. We have gone
further and argued that major technological change like the IT revolution destroys old firms. It does so by making
machines, workers, and managers obsolete. Product-market entry of new firms and new capital takes time, and their
stock-market entry takes even longer. In the meantime, the stock market declines. We have argued that aggregate
valuation can fall below the present value of dividends because capital, private companies. Later, these companies are
IPOs, and only then does their value become a part of stock-market capitalization. 2. Indeed, the innovation may, at
first, reduce the markets value because some firms, usually large or old, will cling to old technologies that have lost
their momentum. (a) The market declined in the late 1960s because it felt that the old technologies either had lost 57
58. their momentum or would give way to IT. And (b) IT innovators boosted the stock markets value only in the
1980s. To sum up, we can say that computerization and automation are not to be avoided. Technology has been able
to make the stock markets accessible to every individual. It has also led to positive developments in terms of reduced
costs and fewer errors. But, as some experiences have indicated, IT cannot be applied as a panacea for all problems.
Regulation and knowledge dissemination are still important. The use of technology should be proceeding by a detailed
study and assessment of all other alternatives. The key to successful use to technology is the appreciation of its
constraints. 3. CANOPY:- Canopy method is one of the best method to aware the public about the something or
about some product and to collect the data to accomplish the target. Sharekhan used/conducted Canopy, at various
places where people mostly go or get together, such as malls, garden, banks and their ATMs, and other fabulous
places. We have a proper format of questionnaire for that purpose, which should be filled by the visitors to the camp.
That questionnaire has two part one about the awareness of visitor to stock market and second about their personal
detail. In personal detail he should have to give their name, phone no and address, each part is mandatory to fill. 58
59. 4. Advertisement through website:- This advertisement method is used by sharekhan to get popular among the net
users. As we know Internet is most important factor of the human being life in todays era of advancement. There is a
form type pop-up occur on screen of the user that should be filled by user. 59
60. That information automatically distributed to their nearest sharekhan outlets. And a contact made by sales
executives to that client for their help. For more details or to open an account, submit the form and our representative
will get in touch with you... Name: Email : City: Phone: Pin code: Nearest Sharekhan Office: Sharekhan client? Yes
No *Min Investment for PMS is 10 Lacks Submit 60
61. 5. Pumplates distribution:- Pumplates that having the key features of the broking company and address of nearest
outlet to contact for help. These are distribute by the trainees, executives or other hired persons, mostly to those
places where huge rush passed daily. These also supports to the outlets to collect the raw data for their further use to
making them their customer and providing services. Pumplates consist key features and new achievements of the
company that aware to the customer for their special services. 6. Survey Findings: This survey shows the how much
the market capture by the different companies & how they satisfy their customer with the aim of profit maximization.
The leader in the market is Another leader in the market is Sharekhan, which is also on the second
place & gives satisfaction to their customer in the better way. 61
62. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Methodology for Market Research: I have divided the entire city into zones
and drew out samples out of each zone. The size of samples drawn from each zone depended on the prospective ness
of the particular area. For e.g., if a particular research area consisted of Offices then the sample size would obviously
be higher than an area like shopping mall or PVR. This is because office employees constitute the service sectors who
are the active investors of today. Also, the office areas consist of people from the business class who have always
been in the hunt for quick money, not to forget that smart and timely investment in the share market can yield to
enormous returns. After dividing the city into zones, the target audience was probed using interviews and
questionnaires. These were later analyzed to draw out conclusive results. 62
63. Methodology for Customer Acquisition : The leads for customer acquisition primarily came from the





questionnaires filled up by the prospective customers. A part from these customers was also pitched through personal
references and contacts. Moreover the organization takes every possible effort in order to spread mass awareness. As
a result of this publicity campaign, influenced prospective customers approach the organization. There are various
ways to make people aware about the organization as such marketing research, Canopy, Personal References, Popup windows having collaboration with various portals e.g. Person with adequate interest leaves his
contact information. Later on these leads are contacted personally for further development. The organization has
efficient sales stuff that excels in this job. Part time trainees are also appointed for the same. This work force been
perfectly supervised by the managers. Thus all these factors sum up into a result oriented work force. These leads
were the contacted through tale-calling and after developing a relationship, they were pitched in at the addresses
provided by them. After giving them a presentation about the product and its advantages over its competitors, they
were promised of a Demo by company sales force in case a sale had resulted. Also references were collected from
such people and the same methodology was repeated. For each and every customer personal quarries have been
entertained after the sale is done. 63
64. Technique used by research team:- (a) Daily moving averages: Buy shares of companies that are trading above a
particular long term DMA. 200 DMA is a very popular moving average. Select a shorter term moving average for the
"sell" trigger. This trigger can depend on the ferocity of the rise in share price. The more ferocious the rise the shorter
should be the time period for the loss cutting moving average. (b) Trend Lines: Cut losses when price of the share
breaks either a trend line or a strong support. Similarly check your buys so as to ensure that they do not coincide a
break in a trend line or support. On its way down from Rs 650 recently the share price of M&M looked very
attractive when it briefly stabilized at Rs 350 but the share had broken a major support as also the north bound trend
line. All value investors who picked up the share at that time have seen their value halve within days. (c)
Accumulation/Distribution: If this indicator shows a downward trending and price is seen going up, tighten your stop
losses as the price generally corrects to the trend of this indicator. (d) Price - ROC: This measures how fast the price
is rising relative to the past price rise. If the share price is at a 52 week high but 'Price - ROC' is not - take notice this could be your best price. Tighten the stop loss. (e) Moving Average cross over: If a shorter-term moving average
dips below the longer term moving average there is a lack of interest in buying in the stock. If this happens when you
have just bought - SELL. You can always buy later when you are sure of the stock's prospects. It may in the longterm move up but you may be able to pick it up much cheaper. 64
65. (f) Volumes: Any rise in share price unaccompanied by volumes may be the handiwork of the 'O' brigade.
Similarly if volumes rise with a fall in price, money is moving out of your stock and you may like to get out too. In any
case do not buy when share prices fall with increased volumes. Wait till volumes and the price stabilize. (g) Crests and
Troughs: The share price should be forming higher crests and troughs. Try to buy on troughs following the peak that
pierced a long term moving average. Cut losses if subsequent troughs are formed below the selected DMA. 65
66. COLLECTION OF DATA The study was conducted by the means of personal interview with respondents and
the information given by them were directly recorded on questionnaire. For the purpose of analyzing the data it is
necessary to collect the vital information. There are two types of data, this are- Primary Data Secondary data
PRIMARY DATA:- Primary data can be collected through questionnaire. The questionnaire can be classified into
four main types. Structured non disguised questionnaire Structured disguised questionnaire. Non structured non
disguised questionnaire Non structured disguised questionnaire. For my market study, I have sleeted structured
non-disguised questionnaire because my questionnaire is well structured, listing of questions are in a prearranged order
and where the object of enquiry is revealed to the respondents. To making a well-structured questionnaire, we have
adopted three type of questions- Open ended question Multiple choice questions 66
67. These types of questions are easy to understand and easy to give required answers. SECONDARY DATA:Secondary data means data that are already available i.e. they refer the data which have already been collected and
analyzed by someone else. When the researcher utilizes secondary data, than he has to look into various sources from
where he can obtain them, in this case he is certainly not confronted with the problems that are usually associated with
the collection of original data. Secondary data may either be published data or unpublished data. Usually published
data are available in: Various publications of the central, state and local government; Various publications of foreign
government or of international bodies and their subsidiary organizational; Technical and trade journals; Books,







magazines and newspapers; Reports and publications of various associations connected with business san industry,
stock exchanges etc.; Reports prepared by research scholars, universities, economists etc; Public records and
statistics, historical document and other source of published information. The source of unpublished data are many;
they may be found in diaries, letters, unpublished biographies and autobiographies and also may be available with
scholars and research 67
68. workers, trade associations, labor because and other public private individuals and organization. 68
69. DATA ANALYSIS 1.Share Market Preference:- Interpretation: This chart shows that number of 60 % of people
interested in share market .Right now most people shows their interest to invest in this rather than savings. 69 60 40 0
20 40 60 80 100 120 No Yes
70. 2.Portfolio size: 0 10 20 30 40 below 10 upto50 30-40 20-30 10-20 0-10 Interpretation Most people fears to
risk of share market therefore rarely they are interested to invest more than 10 lakh. 70
71. 3.Awareness about Sharekhan: 70 30 0 20 40 60 80 No Yes Interpretation: Mostly customers in the market are
aware about the Sharekhan due to their Achievement and growth in sort period and their goodwill that generated
through their services. 71
72. 4. facilities awareness: 55 45 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 No Yes Interpretation Most customer are interested in
Sharekhan for investing option so they have maximum knowledge about their facilities. 72
73. 5.New Features awareness: 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Yes No Interpretation About 60 % customer shows their
keen interest to know about Sharekhan therefore they are mostly aware about new plans and feature of this. 73
74. 6.Knowing about Sharekhan 20 25 10 45 Friend Website Newspaper others Interpretation Most customer
knows about Sharekhan company from their friend because they are using services of Sharekhan and suggested to
their friends to invest through Sharekhan. 74
75. 7.Interest to service use 20 70 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Offline Online Both I Interpretation Most people want
to use online service due to some shortcomings of offline services like telephone line congestion etc. 75
76. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths: The do-it-yourself framework of online share trading offers retail investors the
three benefits of transparency, access and efficiency. Paperwork diminishes significantly, and no more painful trips to
your broker to check if everythings in order online trading has made it possible to universalize access to retail
investors. This was earlier very difficult, as the cost of servicing often-outweighed transaction volumes. Online
brokerage ranges between 0.01- 0.05 percent of the value of transactions for non-delivery-based traders, and 0.20
percent for delivery- based trades. Once major investments in online infrastructure are over and done with and with
the economies of scale coming into play it is expected that brokerage rates would head further head further
downwards. Access to online trading and latest financial happenings, apart from quotes and unbiased investment
analyses, all consolidate into a value added product mix in tandem with evolving markets that are freer and fairer. The
net result: n inquisitive, informed and demanding investor. Todays investor is more involved in managing his or her
assets and analyzing a vast array or investment options. Technology and todays enabled investor have, turn, driven
competition, resulting in reduced costs of trading, transparency in dealings, and 76
77. pricing info that is accurate and real time. More and more investors now want to know how their trades are
executed, and whether they have received the best possible price. Critical components of execution quality include the
prices at which orders were executed as well as the speed of execution. The quality of execution, in turn, hinges on
efficient order routing. We owe this to our investor fraternity. Weakness: Everything in the world has a flip has side to
it- Transaction velocity is crucial and more often than not, connections are lousy. Theres also a degree of investor
skepticism about online payment and settlement mechanisms in spite of all the encryption and firewalling brought into
playtime and technology will soon assuage these concerns, which hark back to the physical days. The three main
technology obstacles which have prevented Internet broking from taking off are: Lack of Internet penetration
Bandwidth infrastructure Poor quality of ISP infrastructure Opportunities: You have some money to dabble with
trading shares on BSE/NSE has always been your dream. When will you ever find the time? And besides, the hassle
of finding a broker is not easy. This is your main opportunity. 77
78. Realizing there is untapped market of investors who want to be able to execute their own trades when it suits
them, brokers have taken their trading rooms to the Internet. Known as online brokers, they allow you to buy and sell
shares via Internet. There are 2 types of online trading service discount brokers and full service broker. Discount

online brokers allow you to trade via Internet at reduced rates. Some provide quality research, other dont. Full
service online brokerage is linked to existing brokerages. These brokers allow their clients to place online orders with
the option of talking / chatting to brokers if advice is needed. Brokerage rates here are higher. 5,,,,,, and
are some of the online broking sites in India. Threats: On to some threat perception Domestic funds, foreign
institutional investors and operators comprise the three main market constituents. And all three include term investors
as well as opportunities in their pecking order. Some, for instance, hitch their fate with what the FIIs are up to. All this
spells spurting volumes. But nobody gives a damn about the resultant volatility. And some, not all, offer free investment
advice over the net to lure rookie investors with misleading information. Prices of scripts can also be influenced to the
advantage of vested interests, courtesy the net unlike in the US; stockbrokers out here willingly (or under the force of
circumstance) assume the role of advisors, sans the neutral, non-vested stance. So, how does all this impinge on the
ordinary guys ordinary dreams? Hurdles for online share trading:- 1. Internet fraud: 78
79. 79. In India, we see this kind of frauds happening in different way due to nature of our society. Here when you talk to
brokers staff while buying or selling, he will usually advice you to buy share which he has bought and plans to dump
when price goes up. We have seen enough of pump and DUMP even without help of internet in cases of Harshad
Mehta boom of 1992 and Ketan Parekh boom of 2000 (he even had cult following with index of 10 shares called K10). Today lot of investors depending on TV channel for recommendation about stocks to sell, or buy or hold.
Channels like CNBS offer array of experts from economist to brokers to analyst. Most of these people have vested
interest in stocks they recommend and promote. One of the most common forms of securities fraud on the Internet
involves an imposter who attempts to manipulate the price of a stock by disseminating phony press releases or
information, or creating phony websites. A recent example of this scheme is the hoax perpetrated against US based,
Pair Gain Technologies. 2. Volatility of Indias Stock Markets: Recent market developments have one more focused
attention on the volatility that has come to characters Indias stock markets. Movements in the Sensex during the two
years have clearly been driven by the behavior of foreign institutional investors (FIIs), who were responsible for net
equity purchases of as much as $6.6 and $8.5 billion respectively in 2003 and 2004. These figures compare with a
peak level of net purchases of $3.1 billion as far back as 1996 and net investments by FIIs of just $753 million in
2002. In sum, the sudden FII interest in Indian markets in the last two 79
80. 80. years account for the two bouts of medium term buoyancy that the Sensex recently displayed. Given the
presence of foreign institutional investors in Sensex companies and their active trading behavior, their role in
determining share price movements must be considerable. Indian stock markets are known to be narrow and shallow
in the sense that there are few companies whose shares are actively traded. Thus, although there are more than 4700
companies listed on the stock exchange, the BSE Sensex incorporates just 30 companies, trading in whose shares is
seen as indicative of market activity. This shallowness would also mean that the effects of FII activity would be
exaggerated by the influence their behavior has on other retail investors, who, in herd-like fashion tend to follow the
FIIs when making their investment decisions. 3. Rampant Speculation: The Indian stock markets are perhaps the only
place in the world where you can buy shares without having to put money on the table and sell shares you do not own.
This extraordinary situation has facilitated rampant speculation by all sorts of operators the indigenous variety. FIIs
and even our own native financial institutions (FIs) as the massive UTI scandal of recent years has demonstrated. So,
when the stock markets were made to collapse by a record 800-plus points on May 17 under the pretext that the left
is opposed to divestment, the profits reaped by short sellers were astronomical and incalculable. Could this situation
have been avoided? As aforesaid, the answer is yes. The electronic monitoring system in both the Bombay Stock
Exchange and the bigger National Stock Exchange automatically stopped trading for half-an-hour when the two
markets respectively 80
81. 81. collapsed by 10 percentage points. Thereafter when trading resumed and the markets fell further to another
stipulated lower level, the electronic system automatically stopped all trading again for another two hours. A similar
situation had occurred on Tuesday, Sept 11, 2001, the day of the terrorist attacks in New York City. At the end of
the day the stock exchange authorities of both the New York Stock Exchange and the heavily weighted software
exchange called NASDAQ suspended all trading for the remainder three working days during that fateful week to
safeguard investor interests. So, advanced capitalism does know how to intervene politically in the markets when








fundamental interests are in danger of violation by short sellers. 81

82. 82
83. CONCLUSION Sharekhan used the strategies to sell them in spite of selling their services to penetrate the
todays competitive age. Such strategies like canopy, market survey, pump late distributing etc. Therefore they are
able to understand the customers problem and try to solve them and make a healthy relation with them for their
proper guidance and achieving the maximum profit. 83
84. LIMITATIONS Lack of Awareness of Stock Market: Since the area is not known before it takes lot of time in
convincing people to start investing in shares primarily in IPOs. Services of SHAREKHAN: We cannot give proper
comment on competitors services till we use it. But I try to collect as accurate information as possible. As we all
know services are intangible and we cannot predict its quality, it is a thing to feel not to see. No Proper Assurance of
Right Information: The main data sources are websites, telephonic information and offices visit. The data on
websites might be possible, not get updated. The marketing person might be possible, is not through with all
concepts to which I contacted. Sometimes, they try to hide information . Lack of Techno Savvy People and Poor
Internet Penetration: Since most of the people are quite experienced and also they are not techno savvy. Also Internet
penetration is poor in India. Some respondents are unwilling to talk: Some respondents either do not have time or
willing does not respond, as they are quite annoyed with the phone call. Inaccurate Leads: Sometimes leads are
provided which had error in it which varies from only 5 digit phone numbers to wrong phone number. 84
85. SUGGESTIONS SHAREKHAN should be organize seminar kitty parties with their customers.
SHAREKHAN should be start welfare programmes to make aware of stock market people. SHAREKHAN
should be focused on customer satisfaction and the product availability and treat their customer as GOD. The best
way of competing with the competitor is to make your customer satisfied, which results in the loyalty of your
customers for your company. SHAREKHAN should provide better services after selling the services. 85
86. BIBLIOGRAPHY Book and Newspapers: C. R. Kothari Research Methodology New age international
private limited(second revised edition-2004) The Economic Times, Business Standard, Business Line etc.
Intelligent Stock Market Investing by N. J. Yasaswy. The Indian Securities Market by Tadashi Endo. The Big
Picture Reflections on Our Economic Times by T.T. Ram Mohan. URLs: http.www.netcontent.share http: 86
87. QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Do you invest in stock market? Yes No 2. What percentage of your earnings do
you invest in share trading? Up to 10% Up to 25% Up to 50% Above 50% 3. Are you aware about brand
name Sharekhan? Yes No 4. How you know about Sharekhan? Friend Website Newspaper Others
(specify) 5. Are you known about facilities provided by Sharekhan? Yes No 6. Which service you like
more in Sharekhan? Online 87
88. Offline Both 7. Do you know about new features of Sharekhan? Yes No 8. Is Sharekhan market
strategies better than other companies? Yes No 9. What are your expectations about future of Sharekhan?
____________________________________________________ 10. How Sharekhan can help you realize your
stock market dream? _____________________________________________________
____________________________________________________ PERSONAL DETAIL NAME:
_________________ AGE: __________________ CONTACT NO:______________ 88
89. 89
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