Election Procedure 2010 Draft Rev3

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DRAFT update: March 29, 2010

Proposed procedures for LAAS Executive Committee election

The nomination and voting procedures, announcements, and count will be administered by the LAAS
Coordinator. The LAAS Coordinator will be the main contact for those wishing to participate in the
process as a nominee or nominator. The Coordinator is to keep the identification associated with a
nominator and voter confidential. See LAAS Charter, Section IV (2010) for description of qualifications
for nominees, election procedures and terms of office.

• Formal call for Executive Committee nominations to be announced April 1. Nominees and
nominators must be LAAS members.

• Nominees will have until the April LAAS Archives Forum meeting to contact the Coordinator to
accept or decline nomination.

• Those accepting nominations will have until April 20 to submit biographical statement of 100
words or less to the Coordinator either by email, in-person, or mail. If by mail, the statement
must be postmarked by April 20. Nominees may also wish to include a statement about LAAS
and their past and potential contributions to the group.

• Coordinator will draft a ballot and have it completed by May 5. Once the draft is completed, it
will be sent to nominees for review. The final slate will be distributed to the membership two
weeks before elections commence.

• *Voting will open by electronic balloting 10 days before the annual June meeting. Electronic
balloting will close 24 HOURS before the June meeting (2 Tuesday of the month 10am) which
is the annual general meeting.

• The Coordinator will tally votes received electronically and bring the results to the June meeting.

• Print ballots will be distributed at the beginning of the June meeting for those who did not vote
by electronic balloting.

• LAAS members at the meeting will complete paper ballots in the first 30 minutes of the meeting.
NOTE: Voters cannot vote more than once, those that complete the electronic ballot should not
vote again using the print ballot.

• Voters must fold the ballot when completed and submit it to the Coordinator for counting.

• The Coordinator will complete and election results announced by the end of the meeting.

• Terms of office for all elected officers of the LA as Subject Archives Forum shall be two years,
beginning on July 1. Formal seating of new Executive members will be at the August meeting.

Should any of the dates above fall on a weekend or holiday, the due date will be extended to the
following work day.

*Electronic ballot will be created by the USC Libraries Communication and Public Programming
department. LAAS Coordinator will manage data and results.

For 2010 election please send nominations, information, and questions to:
Liza Posas
234 Museum Drive
Los Angeles, CA. 90065-5030
(323) 221-2164, ext. 256

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