Worship Weekend: Anna's Tea

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Hayes Wicker, Senior Pastor

Worship Weekend
We are greatly blessed this weekend to unite different
services and worship styles in a great experience of praise
to the Lord. Our music pastors, Dr. Todd Stearns and Rev.
Eric Yeldell, lead us in excellent worship experiences every
week. They and other leaders and specialists have been
equipping our music teams this weekend to glorify God
with their musical talents. We are to think like Gaius who
thought of the whole church (Romans 16:23).


The Lighthouse Bookstore will host a book signing by

Stephen Plaster, Ph.D. with his book Islam Anthology on
Sunday, January 31. Signing will take place after each
worship service outside the bookstore at 10:30am and
12:00pm. Islam Anthology explains the history, theology,
culture, politics, and practices of Islam.

Brigitte Gabriel

Thursday, February 11 at 7:00pm

In the Worship Center

Join us for an informative one night seminar with this

conservative American journalist, author, political lecturer,
anti-Islamic extremism activist, and founder of two nonprofit political organizations (the American Congress For
Truth and ACT! for America).

All worship must be centered in the true God. Much has been made about
the new Star Wars movie, which has been more of an event than a film.
George Lucas was the original director and the conceiver of the vision for an
old-fashioned space saga. He told Time Magazine (April 26, 1999): I put the
Force in the movie in order to awaken a certain kind of spirituality in young
people more belief in God, but not a belief in a particular religious system, so
that young people would begin to ask questions about the mystery. They should
be saying, Im looking; Im very curious about this and I am going to continue
to look until I find an answerIt is more important to have a belief system than
to have a faith. However, without biblical faith, we go over to the dark side.
Jesus told the Samaritan woman that the Father seeks those who worship
God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). The real truth is found in Jesus Who is
the Messiah (John 4:25). As He told the woman, I Who speak to you am He
(verse 26). It is not just enough to believe in something or anything, but in Truth
in the person of Jesus Christ.

Serve as an Usher or Greeter

At Our 11:00am Chapel Service

Join a growing team of servants extending welcome

and hospitality. Worship and serve at the same time!
Commitment level can be as little as one or two Sundays
a month. Contact Troy for details at tmaragos@fbcn.org.

Bible & Life Groups

Home Bible & Life Groups

Last Weekend to Sign-Up

The next semester of our home group BLGs will begin very
soon. You may sign-up for a home group in the Commons
at the Connection Point this weekend. For more details,
contact Rhonda at rwright@fbcn.org.

Nancy Cheatham of Kansas wrote about her sister who bought a new car with
various high-tech options. The first time she drove the car in the rain, she turned
a knob that she thought would start the windshield wipers. Instead, a message
flashed across the dash: Drive car in 360 degrees. Reading the drivers
manual, she learned that she had inadvertently turned off the internal compass;
the car had lost its sense of direction. To correct the problem, the car had to be
driven in a full circle, pointed north, with the compass being reset.
When we gather to worship, we circle back to our foundations of doctrine, our
belief that God longs for us to worship Him and establish the true north in our
souls and spirits. Unlike the Force, which was only with Jedi knights, the power
of the Holy Spirit is with and in Christians as we are filled with Him. We can
then minister to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing
and making melody to the Lord with our hearts, giving thanks always and for
everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians
5:18-20). Give thanks for the musical service and talent in our church, as well
as to the Father for placing us here. When it is time to sing, break forth into
joyous song and sing praises (Psalm 98:4b). Right hearts are more needed
than right notes! Theres power in this Force field.

*There is a guest reception in the Commons following the Saturday night and
Sunday morning 11:00am worship services. Pastor would love to meet you!

Welcome to
First Baptist Church Naples

We are so glad you joined us for worship!

Greeters at the doors can help with any
immediate needs. Volunteers at the
Connection Point in the Commons can
assist you in finding the perfect Bible and
Life Group. If you are a first time visitor,
stop by the Connection Point for a free gift!

Book Signing

Sunday, January 31

A New BLG for Adults

Begins Sunday, February 7 at 11:00am in DC114


Steve Spaner will begin a brand new BLG studying

Christians in Todays Marketplace.

Red Shoes Ministry

At the Missions Kiosk in the Commons

Mens Ministry

The South Florida Ultimate Man Day

Saturday, March 5, 10:00am-2:00pm
Special Guest Speaker: Brian Bosworth
(former Seattle Seahawk linebacker
and actor in Do You Believe?)

This is for men and boys age eight and older. Join us for
hunting, fishing, and golf exhibits, as well as our famous
beast feast. The cost is only $10. Free door prizes. For
ticket information, please call 596-8600 x232.

Legacy Builders Senior Adults

Annas Tea

Monday, January 25 at 1:30pm in Room WC117

This is a ministry of the deacons wives to the widows of our

congregation. Join us for fellowship and encouragement
from Gods Word. Sign-up at the Connection Point,
Fellowship Hallway, or call Vada at 596-8600 x268.

Back to Basics: Quilting & Sewing

Monday, January 25 at 6:30pm in Room WC117

Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you are welcome

to join us. For more information, contact Pam at pcole@
fbcn.org or 272-5583.

First Steps Class

Saturday, February 6 at 7:30pm

This is for children in 1st through 4th grade who would like
to get baptized. The class covers the topics of salvation,
baptism, communion, being a part of the church, and
growing as a child of God. Please contact 596-8600 x350
to register your child and pick-up their workbook.

Awana Grand Prix

First Weigh-in/Practice Track

Wednesday, February 10

This exciting annual event for all 1st through 5th graders
will be held on Friday, February 26 in the Student Center at
6:30pm. Car kits are on sale now at the Childrens Ministry
Office for $5.00. The first weigh-in and practice track is
Wednesday, February 10. For details, call 596-8600 x350.

Joy Comes in the Morning

This ministry involves small groups walking through

neighborhoods praying while wearing red shoes, white
clothes, and a smile. The prayer is that people will
recognize these walkers and ask them to pray for specific
needs. Relationships and invitations can grow from there.
Visit them in the Missions Kiosk today.

This Valentine potluck is for widows of all ages. Please bring

a dish to share as we have fun fellowshipping together. For
more details, call Nancy at 596-8600 x350.

Upcoming Tanzania Mission Trip

Monday, February 15 at 6:00pm in Room WC117

Informational Meetings

If you are interested in learning more about how you can

join the upcoming mission trip to Tanzania (June 8 - 22),
please join us at one of our four upcoming informational
meetings: Saturday, February 6 at 8:30pm in AD145,
Sunday, February 7 at 12:30pm in WC117, Saturday,
February 13 at 8:30pm in WC117, or Sunday, February 14
at 12:30pm in WC117.

Divorce Care

Begins Saturday, Feb 27 at 7:15pm in Room DC113

Someone you know is hurting as a result of divorce. Tell

him/her about our next session of Divorce Care. For more
information, please call Rhonda at 596-8600 x261.

Saturday, February 13 at 10:00am in Room DC109

Calling All Foster and Adoptive Families

Fostering Grace is a brand-new ministry catering to the

needs of foster and adoptive famiies. We will introduce
ourselves, talk about the ministry, have light refreshments,
and pray for each other. Childcare is available for those
aged 0-10. For a childcare reservation, please email Ashley
at santanafosteradopt@gmail.com.

Happy 65th Anniversary

Bert and Wanda Hawkins will celebrate their 65th

anniversary on January 25. Congratulations!

Absent from the Body, Present with the Lord

Marian Jordan passed away on January 13. Walter Eubanks

passed away on January 13. Marian Cowan passed away
on January 14. We express our sympathy to these families.

Last Weekend

Decisions for Christ

Profession of Faith DNow Baptisms

Miranda Barrett
Geneva Spears
Daniel Bernhardt
Statement of Faith Sullivan Follin
Jeannene Kelly
Jaykob Giovinazzo
Dual Membership Philomena Karterouliotis
Scott & Glesi Banks Andrea Tello
Don & Jane Harris Carlee Ularich

Financial Stewardship

January 16 & 17
Saturday Night
Sunday 9:30am
Sunday 11:00am
Chapel 11:00am


Wednesday Evening


Bible & Life Attendance

2015-2016 Operating Revenues

July 1, 2015 - January 17, 2016
Actual Variance


Worship Attendance

January 16 & 17
Saturday Night
Sunday 8:15am
Sunday 9:30am
Sunday 11:00am
Home Groups

$4,696,995 ($53,005)

Kingdom Missions Offering

YTD through January 17


This Upcoming Week

Deacon of the Week
January 25 - 31
Bob Carboy
Duane Bryan

Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy,

Vegetable, Salad, and Dessert

If you need assistance, please call

the church deacon hotline
at 800-732-9573.

Tickets may be purchased at the Lighthouse

Cafe or at the door for $6 each or $25 for a
family. Alternate choices available.

Weekly Schedule

Wednesday Family Meal

January 27 (4:45-6:00 p.m. in the

Fellowship/Recreation Gym)

Saturday, January 23

6:00 p.m. Worship Service: Worship Center

7:30 p.m. Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus

Sunday, January 24
8:15 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.

Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus

Haitian Bible Study & Worship: ED206
Vietnamese Worship & Bible Study: DC221
Worship Service: Worship Center
Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus
Spanish Worship Service: Family Life Center
Romanian Bible Study & Worship: Modular 4
Worship Service: Worship Center
Worship Service: Chapel (combined in Worship Center this week)
Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus
Romanian Worship Service: Modular 4
Haitian Worship Service: ED206

Tuesday, January 26

9:00 a.m. RefresHer Womens Bible Study: Worship Center

Wednesday, January 27
4:45 p.m.
6:20 p.m.
6:25 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.

Family Meal: Fellowship Recreation-Gym

AWANA for Kids: Education Building
Band of Brothers Mens Bible Study: Worship Center (c)
RefresHer Womens Bible Study: Worship Center (a)
High School Ministry: Student Center by 6pm (to go to Home Groups)
Middle School Ministry: Student Center
Worship Choir Rehearsal: Choir Room

Other events this week include: Annas Tea, Quilting & Sewing, Celebrate Recovery

First Baptist Academy

Open Enrollment
Beginning Soon

FBA is gearing up for the 2016-2017 school year. Reenrollment will be January 26, and Open Enrollment will
begin February 1. Now is the time to schedule a tour or
set aside time to attend one of our upcoming Open House
events on February 4, March 3, or March 31. Call 597-2233
x566 today to learn how FBA is partnering with parents to
equip the next generation to serve as leaders in the kingdom
of God!

High School Students

FBA high school students participated in various internship

opportunities during J-Term. Thank you to all of the
Southwest Florida businesses who partnered with FBA to
provide hands-on training for over 60 students in more than
30 industries. Thank you also for praying for the students
and teachers who traveled to Guatemala and ministered to
impoverished children at the Agua Viva Childrens Home.

Pastoral Staff
Pastoral Staff Listing

Dr. Hayes Wicker

Mark Bates
Beverly Burgoyne
Greg Clydesdale
John David Edie
Betsy Evans
David George
Steve Hayes
Dr. David Heath
Troy Maragos
Shannon Moore
John Patterson
Doug Pigg
Tom Rider
Larry Rigley
Dr. Todd Stearns
Kevin Taylor
Eric Yeldell

Senior Pastor
Pastor of SportsOutreach
Director of Preschool Ministry
Pastor of Middle School Ministry
Pastor of Discipleship Ministry
Director of Childrens Ministry
Pastor of Hispanic Ministry
Pastor of Family Ministry
Pastor of Missions
Pastor of College/20s Ministry
Director of Womens Ministry
Pastor of Media Ministry
Executive Pastor
Pastor of Academy Education
Pastor of Pastoral Care & Senior Adults
Pastor of Worship & Music
Pastor of Student Ministry
Pastor of Contemporary Worship & Ministry

Find out more by going to our website:


Contact Us

First Baptist Church Naples

3000 Orange Blossom Drive, Naples, FL 34109

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Church Receptionist...................................................................597-6057
Enter ext. # for direct connection 596-8600
Lighthouse Bookstore.................................................................449-4488
First Baptist Academy Naples 597-2233
24-Hour Prayer Line......................................................597-PRAY (7729)
Church Email...................................................................FBCN@fbcn.org



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