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COMM401 Section I


Fall 2015: Tuesday & Thursday 10:15 11:30 S2.285
Office Hours

Danielle Ker
MB 14-353
514-848-2424-Extension 2539
Thursday, 9:00-10:00 or by appointment

Course Description
This course introduces the concepts of strategic management and competitive analysis to develop
critical management skills within our graduates. Emphasis is given to integrating concepts and ideas
from the major functional areas such as marketing and finance to give a global perspective on
decision-making and directing modern business enterprises. Lecture topics and case studies are
selected to portray the nature of the process and the dynamics of competition in a variety of contexts.
In this context, we also examine the connection between organizational strategy and the physical
environment. Finally, cases and assignments, which require an analysis of organizational strategies,
are selected for class discussions, individual and group assignments.
Course Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, students will have developed an understanding of the major models and
theories in strategic management and more importantly have learned to apply this learning to real life
business situations. By utilizing the case method, students will be exposed to a variety of industries
and issues and will learn how to evaluate the external environmental conditions and the internal
company conditions that influence company performance. Students will learn how to recognize
relevant strategic components found within a firm and systematically assess the firms future potential,
identify impending problems, and make appropriate recommendations that would allow a firm to
benefit from its advantages and address possible problems.
Required Texts and Material

Strategic Management Concepts: Competitiveness and Globalization, 11th Edition

Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson. (available in as a text book or Ebook)
Course Pack Harvard link:
Class lecture notes PDF files for all lectures will be available on Moodle.

Grading - The final grade for the course will be determined as follows:
In-Class Contribution* .................................................... 15%
Major individual case assignment ...................................... 30%
Group Project .................................................................... 25%
Final Exam ......................................................................... 30%
*10% will be for in-class participation and 5% for a group case submission see Group Case Judging on the
following page
Note: Students that miss 40%or more of scheduled classes (without a valid reason) can expect to fail the course

Class Contribution and Attendance

Since class discussions are an integral part of this course, attendance at classes is mandatory.
Constructive contribution to class discussion is a significant part of the grade for the course. Your
contribution will be evaluated by the instructor, based on your preparation for class discussions of cases
and readings, presentation skills, and willingness to commit yourself in the class. Students must actively
contribute and make sure the instructor is aware of the contribution. For all cases, study questions will be
provided on Moodle for you to consider as you prepare the case. For the cases, you should think
particularly about how the concepts and theories from the assigned readings might apply to the case.
During the classroom discussion, I may use cold calling to ensure preparation and to establish
an even level of participation throughout the semester. In addition, course contribution also includes
participating equally in the group project. Furthermore, group project contribution will be evaluated with
the following on-line system;
A Comment on the Cases
The world is always more complex and interesting than the textbook. In this course, we use cases
because they give life to management theory and help us to see how theory and concepts play out in
real organizational settings. There are, of course, weaker and stronger ways of analyzing a case, but
there may be more than one appropriate answer. Therefore, do not fall into the trap of expecting a single
right answer. In preparing a case, you should, at minimum, be prepared to answer the study questions
provided for each case. If you cannot answer these questions, you are not prepared for class.
Individual assignment
There is one major individual written assignment - A case analysis of case OPENTABLE Due at the
start of class 7 on October 20, 2015. The written assignment must conform to these specifications

A separate title page.

A maximum of 1500 words (approximately
six typed pages)
No more than 3 exhibit pages of tables,
graphs, or graphics.
1.5 or Double-space text paragraphs; singlespace bullet point lists.
Times New Roman or Arial font - 11 or 12 pt
(250 words per page).
Stapled in top left corner, please do not
enclose in any type of binder or folder.


Papers received after the start of class will

have the grade reduced by 10%. After that
class, late Assignments, if accepted, will
have the grade reduced by 10% for each
calendar day late. The date of receipt is the
date the instructor receives the late paper.
This is an individual assignment and must
be completed independently: It is not
acceptable to submit text, exhibits and
appendices that have been jointly

Group Case Analysis Project

The group project involves a case evaluation presentation in PowerPoint format. The class will be
divided into 9 or 10 self-selected groups (no more than 5 members per group). Each group will have
to produce a 20 minute class presentation followed by a 10 minute question period. Groups will
present each case back to back.
Groups must be formed and by email to the instructor by email no later than September 18, 2015 and
each group will be randomly assigned one case by the instructor. Groups should use relevant material
from the course textbook and can design and format the presentation in any manner deemed
appropriate. While content is critical, the appearance will be part of the project grade as a professional
appearance is expected. There is no limit on the number of slides but you will be restricted to 20
minutes presentation time (Note: no written report is required). A hard-copy of the PowerPoint
presentation is due at the start of the class the group is presenting in.
Group Case Judging
In addition to the presentation for the assigned group case, each group will also be assigned one of
the other group cases for the purpose of judging/questioning/evaluating the presentations of their
classmates. A short report that outlines an analysis (2 pages bullet points) of the case with a list of
possible questions (1 page) must be submitted to the instructor on the day of the presentation. This
will be worth 5% of your class contribution grade. Teams will be randomly assigned their judging
responsibility. Each group will judge one case.
Final Exam
The final exam will be a case analysis covering all topics and chapters discussed during the term.
Note: Students must take and pass the final exam to pass the course.
45 business credits including COMM 225; COMM 226 or 301; COMM 315 and 320 previously or
concurrently, as per the most recent Undergraduate Calendar
Note: Students who have credits for MANA 460 or COMM 310 may not take this course for credit.

COMM401 FALL 2015

Strategy and Competition
Class Schedule Section I


Sept 8 &

Sept 15 &

Sept 22 &

Sept 29 &
Oct 1



Oct 6 & 8
Oct 13 &
Oct 20 &

Readings & Cases

Course Overview
Case Organic Growth at Wal-Mart
Ch.2 External Environment
Case Coffee Wars India
Ch.3 Internal Environment
Case Indraprastha Cold Storage
Ch.4 Business Strategy/Competition
Case Wal-mart Cheap Chic
Ch.6 Corporate Strategy
Case Gucci Group
Ch.7 Acquisition/Restructuring Strategy
Case Vincor
Individual Midterm Case Due Oct 20th at the beginning of class

In-Class Live-Case Workshop

Oct 27 & Ch.8 International Strategy
Case Grolsch
Nov 3 & 5 Ch.9 Cooperative Strategy: Alliances
Case Eli Lilly
Nov 10 & Review of Strategic Concepts
Case Apple 2012
Nov 17 & Group case Presentations
Case Foxconn
Nov 24 & Group case Presentations
Case Tesla
Dec 1 & 3 Group case Presentations
Case Getty Images

Print case and bring to class
Groups due by email Sept 18

DUE Oct 20 2015: Mid-term

Case Opentable

(return and discuss mid-term)

Note: the above schedule can change at the instructors discretion, prior notice will be given.

Assessment of Learning Objectives

The learning objectives are assessed through quizzes, mid-term assignment, a group project,
and a final examination.



Mid-term Assignment
Group Project

Final Exam

Acquire knowledge of
strategic language and

Appropriate use of
terms and their

Use strategic tools and

frameworks to analyze
internal and external
business environments

Use case studies of

actual companies to
analyze and write a
professional business

Use case studies of

actual companies to
analyze and present
a professional
business presentation

Use case study of an

actual company to test
application of analysis
in a 3-hour time period

Acquire knowledge of
business and corporate
level strategies and
understand their practical

Use case studies of

actual companies to
analyze and write a
professional business

Use case studies of

actual companies to
analyze and present
a professional
business presentation

Use case study of an

actual company to test
application of analysis
in a 3-hour time period

Learn how to identify and

define strategic problems
of business cases

Use case studies of

actual companies to
analyze and write a
professional business

Use case studies of

actual companies to
analyze and present
a professional
business presentation

Use case study of an

actual company to test
application of analysis
in a 3-hour time period

Be able to identify and

evaluate strategic options
in order to propose and
recommend logical

Use case studies of

actual companies to
analyze and write a
professional business

Real-time question
and answer period to
assess strength of

Use case study of an

actual company to test
application of analysis
in a 3-hour time period

Gain exposure to a variety

of industries and develop
an understanding of the
different competitive
dynamics across

Use case studies of

actual companies to
analyze and write a
professional business

Use case studies of

actual companies to
analyze and present
a professional
business presentation

Use case study of an

actual company to test
application of analysis
in a 3-hour time period

Develop presentation skills

and learn how to present
an analysis in a logical
and professional manner

Oral presentation with

real-time question
and answer period


Student Responsibilities and Resources

The most common offense under the Academic Code of Conduct is plagiarism, which
the Code defines as the presentation of the work of another person as ones own
or without proper acknowledgement.
This includes material copied word for word from books, journals, Internet sites,
professors course notes, etc. It refers to material that is paraphrased but closely
resembles the original source. It also includes for example the work of a fellow student,
an answer on a quiz, data for a lab report, a paper or assignment completed by another
student. It might be a paper purchased from any source. Plagiarism does not refer to
words alone it can refer to copying images, graphs, tables and ideas. Presentation is
not limited to written work. It includes oral presentations, computer assignment and
artistic works. Finally, if you translate the work of another person into any other language
and do not cite the source, this is also plagiarism.
In Simple Words:
Source: The Academic Integrity Website:
Academic Integrity: The Academic Code of Conduct at Concordia University states that the
integrity of University academic life and of the degrees, diplomas and certificates the University
confers is dependent upon the honesty and soundness of the instructor-student learning
relationship and, in particular, that of the evaluation process. As such, all students are expected
to be honest in all of their academic endeavours and relationships with the University"
(Undergraduate Calendar, section 17.10).
All students enrolled at Concordia are expected to familiarize themselves with the content of this
Code. You are strongly encouraged to visit the following web address:, which provides useful information about proper
academic conduct.
In the event that the University is unable to provide services or that courses are interrupted due
to events beyond the reasonable control of the University, including classroom disruptions, the
University reserves the right to modify any element contained in the course outline including but
not limited to the grading scheme and the weight accorded to exams or assignments.
Support Services
Concordia University offers many on-campus support services that are available to students
free of charge. The web link is a useful
facility that guides students to a specific support service that can provide appropriate

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