Photography Feb 2016

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Hal Fischer - Gay Semiotics

Cherry and Martin 2015 ISBN 9780976184171 Acqn 25514
Pb 20x26cm 56pp 24ills 19.95
Hal Fischer's Gay Semiotics: A Photographic Study of Visual Coding Among Homosexual Men
(1977) is one of the most important publications associated with California conceptual
photography in the 1970s. This new edition reproduces the look and feel of the original volume,
which reconfigured into a book format the 24 text-embedded images of Fischer's 1977
photographic series Gay Semiotics. The photographs in Gay Semiotics present the codes
of sexual orientation and identification Fischer saw in San Francisco's Castro and Haight Ashbury
districts, ranging from such sexual signifiers as handkerchiefs and keys to depictions of the gay
fashion "types" of that era--from "basic gay" to "hippie" and "jock." Gay Semiotics also features
Fischer's critical essay, which is marked by the same wry, anthropological tone found in the
image/text configurations. Fischer's book circulated widely, finding a worldwide audience in both
the gay and conceptual art communities. Fischer's insistence on the visual equivalence of word
and image is a hallmark of the loose photography and language group that included Fischer, Lutz
Bacher, Lew Thomas and others working in the San Francisco Bay Area. First published as an
artist's book in 1978 by NFS Press, at a time when gay people had been forced to both evaluate
and defend their lifestyles, Gay Semiotics earned substantial critical and public
recognition. Thirty-seven years later, the book remains a proactive statement from a voice within
the gay community from a moment in history just before the devastation wrought by AIDS.


Osmos Magazine Issue 07

Osmos 2015 ISBN 9780986166525 Acqn 25262
Pb 22x29cm 98pp 99ills 75col 19.95
Osmos Magazine is "an art magazine about the use and abuse of photography," explains founder
and editor Cay Sophie Rabinowitz (formerly of Parkett and Fantom). Nourishing contemporary
perspectives in photography and the visual arts, the issue delivers a unique view with content
divided into recurring thematic sections--some traditional, such as "Portfolio," "Stories" and
"Reportage"--and others more idiosyncratic, such as "Eye of the Beholder," where gallerists
discuss the talents they showcase; and "Means to an End," about the side effects of nonartistic
image production.
Edited by Cay Sophie Rabinowitz. Contributions by Carter Mull, Tom McDonough, Bruce Mozert,
Anton Stankowski.


From Dirt To Dust - Ten Years After Skateboarding The Urban Revolution Of Mongolia
19 80 Editions 2015 ISBN 9782919159154 Acqn 25492
Hb 23x28cm 192pp 170ills 150col 37.95
In 2004, a group of Western skateboarders travelled to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolias capital and
largest city, because they had heard of a giant skatepark there. Upon reaching it, they discovered
the structure had been razed three weeks prior. A decade later, Mongolia has become one of the
worlds fastest-growing economies, spurring chaotic growth and profound societal changes. The
skateboarders decided to return to Ulaanbaatar, along with photographers, writers, and
architects, and again used skateboarding to connect with people and take stock of these drastic
changes on the ground, from a vernacular perspective. This book documents their awesome


Sanne Peper - Due To The Lack Of Interest Tomorrow Has Been Cancelled
Lecturis 2015 ISBN 9789462261624 Acqn 25593
Pb 20x28cm 168pp 140ills 40col 31
Through dozens of murky photographs and sometimes morbidly forthright observations, Sanne
Peper details her search for the traces of Southern Gothic iconography in the Deep South of the
United States. In literature, the Southern Gothic style is one that employs the use of macabre,
ironic events to examine the values of the American South, exploring social issues and revealing
its cultural character. Impenetrable swamps, decaying automobiles, trees draped in Spanish
moss, ghost towns, shacks in the forest, moonshine, and colourful characters all make their
appearance in Pepers first-hand cross-section of this unforgettable landscape. With a short story
by Jim White.



Annegien Van Doorn - In Passing

Fw 2015 ISBN 9789490119362 Acqn 25634
Pb 13x20cm 224pp 300ills 50col 22.50
Looking at the work of Annegien van Doorn, it is easy to notice her special way to face daily life:
she is constantly looking for encounters with quotidian objects that are undoubtedly present in
everyone's routine, but they are usually just used and forgotten, as almost unnoticeable things.
However, through Annegien's photographic and video work we recognize how, with simple
gestures, she provides them with a second connotation and function. She gives an attractive and
unusual appearance to these ordinary objects making us aware of their actual existence.



Maarit Hohteri - Between Us

Aalto 2015 ISBN 9789522920157 Acqn 25641
Hb 17x23cm 176pp 123col ills 38.50
Maarit Hohteri has been making pictures of her friends for sixteen years. Presented in this book,
the photos appear timeless, independent of any particular place. The focus is on her intimate
group of friends, and the same faces repeatedly return in languid shots of sleep and relaxation,
casual domestic moments, or spending time outdoors. It is a book about friendship a sense of
closeness and the lack thereof from her point of view. It captures how close friends relate to
one another, and what they do together. Hohteris own sense of perhaps not belonging or being
accepted, as well as her experiences of loneliness, are pivotal. With a touching text by Ilkka



Salvo 8 - Side Show

Salvo 2015 ISBN 9789082029147 Acqn 25669
Pb 13x18cm 96pp 68ills 33col 13.50
Unintentionally, when taking a photograph of a particular subject, one also captures other things.
This democratic aspect, the cameras indifferent reproduction of whatever the photographer aims
to frame, causes a wealth of additional information in images. This edition addresses this theme,
and seeks to reverse the intention to retrieve new information and highlight the sideshow. For
instance, accidentally photographed flora and fauna, like flower arrangements, cats, pigeons, and
even half horses. Or, taking it a step further, the experimental recovery of information lost by
framing and cropping, through physically adding what the photographed subject might be seeing.



Pierre Defaix - 2224 Kolkata

Peperoni Books 2015 ISBN 9783941825871 Acqn 25716
Hb 20x29cm 148pp 120col ills 41
Like many who travel to the capital of West Bengal, French photographer Pierre Defaix quickly
became enchanted with its capacity to overwhelm the senses. Colours, sounds, textures, smells,
and more resonate within this captivating series of images, which themselves beautifully capture
the serenity and detail found among the citys bustling chaos. Full of unexpected perspectives,
extreme close-ups, and meditative moments, Defaixs images expertly puzzle together fragments
of a place and, in the process, form its deluge of impressions and experiences into a more
comprehensible whole.



Nobuyoshi Araki - Monochrome Paradise

Adachi 2015 ISBN 9784908251009 Acqn 25734
Pb 26x26cm 100pp 75ills 29.50
Nobuyoshi Araki constructs a darkly phantasmagorical realm of flowers, plastic dolls, toy animal
figurines, and more in this series of 75 black-and-white photographs. Brimming with his
recognisable motifs and erotic symbolism, the carefully arranged still-lifes are interspersed with
portraits of people like Umezu Kazuo, Setouchi Jakucho, Lady Gaga, and Arakis muse, Kaori.
With bizarre tableaus that mix anthropomorphic imagery with themes like sex, aging, death, and
primal appetites, Araki plunges us into the midst of a tangible dementia.


Data Rush Noorderlicht

Aurora Borealis 2015 ISBN 9789076703619 Acqn 25735
Pb 17x23cm 304pp 350ills 250col 18
This book is published to accompany the 22nd edition of the Noorderlicht International
Photofestival. Curated by Wim Melis, the main exhibition Data Rush explores the ubiquity of
broadband Internet access, how inextricably our on- and offline lives have become intertwined,
and privacy and the amassing of big data. Photography can be viewed as a prime exchange
currency between the offline world and the digital environment, reflected in the work by
participating photographers such as Christopher Baker, Arantxa Gonlag, Thiemo Kloss, Las
Pontes, and many more. Also included are works from the festivals two additional exhibitions,
Pulse and Making Oneself.


Barry Van Der Rijt - Exquisite Errors Dmco-1

Eriskay Connection 2015 ISBN 9789492051134 Acqn 25775
Pb 16x21cm 288pp 250col ills 27
Nowadays, every movie or film we see is digital. In order to view them, a codec is needed
something that encodes or decodes, compresses or decompresses data but the motion picture
can still be briefly distorted, depending on various factors, from signal glitches or frequency
interference to faulty files. These distortions are called codec errors. This guide has collected
images from these exact moments of significant digital disturbance or dysfunction in order to
classify them according to the Codec Order concept. The resulting images are vibrantly
coloured, unfathomably pixelated and blurred in a confused digital lexicon that is beyond our
grasp to comprehend.




Barry Van Der Rijt - Exquisite Errors Postcards

Eriskay Connection 2015 ISBN 9789492051110 Acqn 25774
Pb 17x10cm 18pp 18col ills 10.75 +VAT
18 postcards taken from Barry van der Rijt's 'Exquisite Errors' series.


Fred Huening - Private Rooms

Peperoni Books 2015 ISBN 9783941825727 Acqn 25798
Pb 15x21cm 40pp 17ills 16col 16.50
The Internet provides a wealth of found materials for artists, especially in the form of images. For
this series, Fred Hning made photographs from video clips uploaded to YouPorn by private
users. By cropping these scenes of amateur sex, he shifts our focus to the furniture, objects, and
even pets that are also present in the space, pointing to the private nature of the scenes and
locations. Not just that, Hning also raises questions about the consequences that the uploading
and online streaming of these personal recordings of highly intimate activities may have. The
book is published in an edition of 150 and given form as a small laptop, with a message to
decipher on the keyboard.


Nicola Nunziata - How What Exists Exists

Fw 2015 ISBN 9789490119324 Acqn 25801
Hb 20x27cm 96pp 78ills 50col 27
In retracing the Viaggio photographic archive in Italy, a collection of 220 photographs from a 1984
project organised by pioneering contemporary photographer Luigi Ghirri, Nicola Nunziata
presents a multi-layered book that considers the notion of landscape. Rereading the original
images in terms of individual and shared experience, memory, and aesthetics, he investigates
their substance formats, materials, surface textures, colours, marks and traces, signatures of
the authors in order to divulge the singular details that express the history they hold, and
thereby reflect upon the sense of transformation on a global scale in the period when they came
into being.


Christina McBride And Roberto Bravo Bound

Fotohof 2015 ISBN 9783902993199 Acqn 25824
Hb 21x29cm 112pp 44ills 9col 26.95
Bound is the outcome of a collaborative journey undertaken by Christina McBride a visual artist
living in Glasgow and Roberto Bravo, a writer from Mexico City. The concept of Aporia, provided
the starting point of a journey which involved the artist and writer travelling together through
Patagonia. Originating in the Greek, Aporia can mean a number of things, which includes a
philosophical puzzle, a state of perplexity and doubt, and also that which is seemingly
impassable. It also refers to a situation where contradictory positions are presented
simultaneously but are equally plausible. The Patagonian landscape is an area of extremes and
contradictions and provided a rich and challenging location in which to expand and interrogate
their ideas.
Christina McBride produced a series of photographic images using a range of analogue
cameras. The text of Roberto Bravo chronicles their journey through Patagonia, reflecting on the
mythical, socio-political and historical specifics of the land they pass through. Woven through the
text are references to a number of writers who have been informed by this place, most notably
Pablo Neruda and Nicanor Parra. Their work was also impacted by an unexpected but significant
event took place during the course of the journey when the car they were travelling in was
involved in a car crash outside Santiago. The book will include an introduction by Tacita Dean.


Yoshinori Mizutani Yusurika

Amana 2015 ISBN 9784865872873 Acqn 25616
Hb 23x31cm 96pp 63col ills 46
At age eighteen, Yoshinori Mizutani moved to Tokyo after having grown up in a small town
surrounded by rich wildlife and nature. In his constant search for aspects of the natural world in
the midst of the bustling metropolis, he discovered the buzzer midge (yusurika), a tiny insect that
allows him to transform the city into a sparkling, magical realm through his camera lens. Swarms
comprising myriad individual animals radiate an almost palpable kinetic energy when reflected in
the camera flash, appearing as white specks of light, like fairies in the natural world. In this way,
Mitzutani explores and contemplates his own past, linking memory and affinity towards nature.



Simon Rimaz - Unusual View Of Unknown Subjects

Lecturis 2015 ISBN 9789462261693 Acqn 25666
Pb 24x30cm 144pp 70col ills 26.50
This 2013 series by Simon Rimaz comprises a body of work based on press photographs
collected in various newspaper archives in the United States. Images that are published in the
press are gathered in these archives, and marked, numbered, and indexed by date or keyword.
From amongst all these marks, Rimaz has focused on the indications showing how the image
was to be cropped for publication. These stigmata are proof of the images use, and of its
transformation; indications of "that-which-has-been", a fundamental notion in the history of the
photographic medium. He uses them to cut out what was published, completely removing the
image seen by the public.



Werner Mantz - On Coal Mining In Limburg

Schunk 2015 ISBN 9789074106412 Acqn 25679
Hb 24x29cm 120pp 87ills 86col 22.50
In the 1930s, German photographer Werner Mantz was commissioned to produce an extensive
series of photographs documenting the Limburg coal mines. From his studio in Maastricht, he
photographed major works of industry and technology in the Dutch province, including
commissions to document the regional network of roads and various state mines. Forgotten for a
time, the legacy of this work, done in the style of New Objectivity, re-emerged in the 1970s and
has since been thoroughly researched. Presented here as an important historical document, his
photos depict a glorious industrial era which we can now look back upon from a different


New Dutch Photography Talent 2016

xpublishers 2016 ISBN 9789082359367 Acqn 25744
Hb 17x22cm 420pp 400ills 300col 22.50
The fifth edition of an annual publication covering the latest photographers emerging from the
Netherlands. Colourful, confronting and sublime, work by no less than 100 young talents is
highlighted in all its strange, exuberant and wonderful diversity.


Erik Van Der Weijde - Ludwig II Bavaria Trilogy Part 2

4478Zine 2015 ISBN 9789491047084 Acqn 25822
Hb 14x20cm 80ills 20
Photographs of buildings and places from the life and death of Bavarian King Ludwig II, including
Neuschwanstein Castle, Linderhof, Herrenchiemsee, Nymphenburg, Lake Starnberg and more.
King Ludwig II built a fantasy world for himself, which in the long run was not compatible with his
duties as Head of State. The circumstances surrounding his death remain a mystery until today.
Patron of the arts and Richard Wagner in particular, his cultural legacy lives on in present times.


Orna Wertman - Other Vacations

Wertman 2015 ISBN 9789081408523 Acqn 25826
Hb 20x23cm 36pp 32ills 19col 22.50
Orna Wertman's photographic landscapes mislead the eye. The keen observer will notice that
things are not quite what they seem, which in turn makes them intriguing. Wertman combines
landscapes in a way that goes unnoticed until the smallest details become visible. For this series,
she took old vacation snapshots from her own family albums and similar photos found at flea
markets, cutting them up and repasting the pieces into new collages. With one landscape
transposed upon another, an alternate ambiance emerges, evoking the feelings of dual identity
and alienation that are recurring themes in Wertmans work, symbolic of her own life and


Dominique Somers - 00a

Art Paper Editions 2015 ISBN 9789490800383 Acqn 25830
Pb 15x21cm 318pp 316ills 22.50
Dominique Somers work '00A' consists of a compilation of found images. The title of the series
refers to the starting-point markings, printed between the sprocket holes on the leader of a 35mm photographic film. Somers has been collecting the first, automatic exposures made on this
00A frame of the negative strip for years. They are the result of a photographic practice that in
todays digital age has almost become a form of archaeology: when positioning a roll of analogue
film in the camera, one has to release the shutter a few times and wind a couple of frames
forward to reach the starting position (1A) of the unexposed part of the spooled film. It is precisely
these throwaway shots that Somers has appropriated.

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