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IPSF 1st Executive Committee Meeting; The Hague, the Netherlands; 4 th-9th of October 2015



Opening of the Meeting ............................................................................................................. 4

1.1 Welcome ................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Appointment of Chairperson .................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Adoption of Agenda ................................................................................................................. 4
1.4 Greetings to /Apologies for absence at the meeting ........................................................... 4


Organising the work of the Executive Committee .................................................................. 5

2.1 Expectations and Responsibilities ......................................................................................... 5
2.2 Conduct of Live Meetings ....................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Conduct of Online Meetings ................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Email Conduct .......................................................................................................................... 5
2.5 Google Calender...................................................................................................................... 5
2.6 Storing Files/Box ...................................................................................................................... 5
2.7 Reporting .................................................................................................................................. 6
2.8 Liability ...................................................................................................................................... 6
2.9 Executive Committee/Team Contracts ................................................................................. 6
2.10 Finances and Financial Guidelines ..................................................................................... 6
2.11 Official Documents 101......................................................................................................... 6
2.12 Succession Planning ............................................................................................................. 6
2.13 Motions en Force ................................................................................................................... 7


Announcements.......................................................................................................................... 7


Year Planning Roundtable ........................................................................................................ 7

4.1 Report of the President ........................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Report of the Secretary General ............................................................................................ 7
4.3 Report of the Treasurer........................................................................................................... 7
4.4 Report of the Chairperson of External Relations ................................................................. 7
4.5 Report of the Chairperson of Internal Relations .................................................................. 7
4.6 Report of the Chairperson of Media and Publications ........................................................ 7
4.7 Report of the Chairperson of Pharmacy Education ............................................................ 8
4.8 Report of the Chairperson of Professional Development ................................................... 8
4.9 Report of the Chairperson of Public Health.......................................................................... 8

4.10 Report of the Chairperson of Student Exchange .............................................................. 8

4.11 Report of the Chairperson of the African Regional Office ................................................ 9
4.12 Report of the Chairperson of the Asia Pacific Regional Office ........................................ 9
4.13 Report of the Chairperson of the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office .................... 9
4.14 Report of the Chairperson of the European Regional Office ......................................... 10
4.15 Report of the Chairperson of the Pan American Regional Office ................................. 10
4.16 Report of the Chairperson of the Reception Committee of the 61st IPSF World
Congress ....................................................................................................................................... 10

Events ........................................................................................................................................ 10
5.1 Future IPSF Events ............................................................................................................... 10
5.2. Past Events ........................................................................................................................... 13


For Information/Discussion/Decision ..................................................................................... 14

6.1 Membership ............................................................................................................................ 14
6.2. Reports .................................................................................................................................. 17
6.3. Strategic Plan ........................................................................................................................ 18
6.4. Publications ........................................................................................................................... 19
6.5. 70th Anniversary of IPSF 2019 ............................................................................................ 20
6.6. Policy ...................................................................................................................................... 20


Appointments ............................................................................................................................ 20
7.1. Vice-President ....................................................................................................................... 20
7.2. Permanent Officer ................................................................................................................ 21


Any Other Business ................................................................................................................. 22

8.1. Reimbursement for Coordinators ....................................................................................... 22
8.2. Pharmacy Education Project Prioritisation ........................................................................ 22
8.3. Partner Planning ................................................................................................................... 23
8.4. Executive Travel to Regional Symposiums/External Events .......................................... 23
8.5 EM2 Dates .............................................................................................................................. 24
8.6. Website Discussion .............................................................................................................. 24
8.7. Publications ........................................................................................................................... 26
8.8. SEP ........................................................................................................................................ 28

Appendices: Reports of the Executive Committee ...................................................................... 31

Appendix 1: Report of the President 2015-16 .......................................................................... 31
Appendix 2: Report of the Secretary General 2014-16 ........................................................... 33
Appendix 3: Report of the Treasurer 2015-17 .......................................................................... 36

Appendix 4: Report of the Chairperson of External Relations 2015-16 ................................ 38

Appendix 5: Chairperson of Internal Relations 2015-16 ......................................................... 43
Appendix 6: Chairperson of Media and Publications 2015-16 ............................................... 48
Appendix 7: Chairperson of Pharmacy Education 2015-16 ................................................... 51
Appendix 8: Report of the Chairperson of Professional Development 2015-16 .................. 56
Appendix 9: Report of the Chairperson of Public Health 2015-16 ......................................... 59
Appendix 10: Chairperson of Student Exchange 2015-16 ..................................................... 62
Appendix 11: Report of the Chairperson of the African Regional Office 2015-16 ............... 64
Appendix 12: Report of the Chairperson of the Asia Pacific Regional Office 2015-16 ....... 68
Appendix 13: Report of the Chairperson of the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office
2015-16 ......................................................................................................................................... 73
Appendix 14: Report of the Chairperson of the European Regional Office 2015-16 .......... 76
Appendix 15: Report of the Chairperson of the Pan American Regional Office 2015-16... 80
Appendix 16: Report of the Chairperson of the Reception Committee for the 62 nd IPSF
World Congress ............................................................................................................................ 83

Present: Ms. Dayl Eccles (DE, Chair), Mr. Michael McIntyre (MM), Ms. Maddie Chavara (MC), Mr.
Lucas Ercolin (LE), Ms. Amy Howard (AH), Ms. Whitley Yi (WY), Ms. Stephanie Miller (SM), Ms.
Bianca Chichirau (BC), Mr. Israel Bimpe (IB), Ms. Janet Mirzaei (JM), Ms Asma Sellami (AS), Mr.
Christian Roth (CR)
Present via Skype: Mr. James White (JW), Ms. Ana Duarte (AD), Mr. Jorge Schlotte (JS), Ms.
Mitchelle Masuko (MTM)


1. Opening of the Meeting

1.1 Welcome
1.2 Appointment of Chairperson
DE appointed as the Chairperson of the Meeting. Unan.
1.3 Adoption of Agenda
Proposed Agenda adopted.
1.4 Greetings to /Apologies for absence at the meeting
Apologies received from Mr. James White (JW), Mr. Jorge Schlotte (JS), and
Ms. Mitchelle Masuko (MTM) who were not able to attend the meeting in person.

2. Organising the work of the Executive Committee

2.1 Expectations and Responsibilities
DE states that she would like to improve on how things have been done in the
past (e.g. communication). The expectation is that the ExCo, regardless of
personal issues you still need to be communicating with the rest of the ExCo.
You need to prioritise your IPSF work, be present at all Skype meetings no
matter what the time is. We need to ensure we have quorum, if you have any
holidays or commitments, mention them now.
2.2 Conduct of Live Meetings
SM explained the finger rules (one finger for a new comment, two fingers for a
direct comment and the pinky finger for a technical.
MM asks that ExCo do not abuse Technical comments and ensure that they are
truly technical.
CR asks that no-one abused direct comments, it may be frustrating to have to
wait to make your point, but please dont abuse the system.
2.3 Conduct of Online Meetings
DE explained that the finger rules also exist for the online meetings (i new
comment, ii direct comment)
2.3.1 Scheduling
SM explains that usually meetings are every two weeks.
DE and JW have discussed this and have some proposed changes, we would
like to have all dates for meetings prepared beforehand to allow for organisation
around the meetings, proposed to set them as every three weeks to allow people
to have a social life, but not have the meetings spread out too far. In regards to
timing of the meetings we will be rotating through times allowing everyone to
have a break from early morning/late night meetings.
2.4 Email Conduct
2.4.1 CP Group Moderation
DE when you post to the email groups please ensure you understand that you
are representing the Federation as a whole and you need to make sure all
communication is non-political and non-religious so we represent the values of
the federation. It is delicate for us to intervene and we cannot stop CPs posting
well wishes. Please remember to be polite at all times.
MM if you are receiving emails with this tone you need to intervene and inform
DE if there is something that seems culturally inappropriate to you please
mention it. The groups will be moderated by LE. Need to ensure you are
professional in emails and this means including: signature, content, title. You
need to educate your committee members if you find they arent doing this. If
there is something very important in the subject ensure it is brackets and that all
deadlines and in brackets as well.
AH refer to the communication guidelines.
LE would prefer if you have something specific to your portfolio to discuss with
the CPs that you email them so that they are able to interact with all ExCo.
Specific emails such as Thank you and Greetings will begin to be moderated
in the email group.
2.5 Google Calendar
DE we will be using the Google Calendar for the mandate. You can set it to your
personal time zone and it is the best way to organise events.
2.6 Storing Files/Box
DE storage compatibilities are chaotic and difficult to use, we use as a
file sharing system, and this is where all finalised documents should be stored.
Google Drive is acceptable for documents that are working documents. DE and
JW are looking are options if we find that we maxing out the capabilities of box.

DE we also have an archive in the attic of the FIP office with old IPSF
2.7 Reporting
2.7.1 Monthly Updates
JW the monthly updates were started by my predecessor to allow CPs to have a
quick snapshot of the work of the Executive Committee. As you may know it
covers four main areas: current work, committees and coordinators, external
meetings and future plans. It is the responsibility of each Executive Member to
fill out the monthly update. There is a timeline in the Guideline for the Monthly
Updates as well. In regards to the regional offices, if the work is for the Regional
Office then it should go in the Monthly Update of the Chairperson of the Regional
Office, if it is related to committee work within IPSF it will go in the Monthly
Update of the respective Chairperson. With external meetings, we will expect
most meetings to be listed, we are currently developing a guideline for reporting
for External Meetings and what is expected and required.
2.8 Liability

MM three members of the Secretariat (President, Treasurer and Secretary

General) are signed on under the Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands.
This means that if somewhere to go wrong and we were found to be against the
IPSF Official Documents then those three people would be personally liable. We
do have insurance as well.
Parand Akhavan (IPSF Immediate Past President) has been signed on as a
proxy for the Chamber of Commerce to allow for a smoother transition for now,
this is done on a case by case basis.
DE the constitution also needs to be notarised and translated for the chamber of
commerce which costs approximately 600 euros each time.
LE we also have the K.N.P.S.V. helping committee as well.

2.9 Executive Committee/Team Contracts

JW in the box storage there is the IPSF Team Contract that everyone must sign.
In addition to that you will have to abide by the IPSF Code of Ethics and
Conduct. For committees the contracts can be done with an electronic signature.
According to Dutch law an image is acceptable. All contracts due 1st of
November 2015.
2.10 Finances and Financial Guidelines
MM we currently have a balanced budget. The budget is approved by the GA (a
year in advance) and our financial year is the calendar year. Generally the
amount of money we have for things is pretty much set. Main income is from
membership fees, SEP fees, grants and sponsorships. Expenditure is mainly
travel reimbursements and the regional offices. President and External have
separate budgets for travelling. Unfortunately wasnt able to sign onto the bank
Currently we are in the process of obtaining tax exempt status.
MM will discuss the regional office budgets with chairpersons in a side meeting.
Merchandise is based in the Netherlands at the office.
2.11 Official Documents 101
JW would like to point out some things within the Official Documents, such as
the fact that IPSF has an Official name, spelling and abbreviation. The GA is the
supreme decision making body so nothing but another GA can overrule them.
There is an option to complete voting by correspondence but preferably we
shouldnt do them as they can be tedious and it takes a long time to reach
2.12 Succession Planning
DE this is essential for good handover, all about making guidelines.

2.13 Motions en Force

JW motions en force are motions that have been passed by a GA and are
applied continuously. Several sensitive motions are included in this and they can
be found in the appendixes of the minutes of the General Assembly. They are
revised every year.

3. Announcements
No announcements to the meeting.

4. Year Planning Roundtable

4.1 Report of the President
DE presented her report to the Executive Committee. Main goals will be
foundation work also focused on supporting the Executive Committee.
Report accepted Unan.
4.2 Report of the Secretary General
JW presented his report to the Executive Committee.
JW the plan with the secretariat this year is to use them as a support for the rest
of the Executive Committee, have buddies within the Executive Committee and
Report accepted Unan.
4.3 Report of the Treasurer
MM presented his report to the Executive Committee.
MM anything that needs to be fixed in the flat has its own budget. With any reallocation of funds we will have to wait until we get further into the year to see
what we are not spending money on.
JW was asked to raise the point if there was any money in the budget for
reimbursing Coordinators and IPSF Team Members who are more or less
expected to attend World Congress (e.g. Parliamentary Coordinator, CSE
Coordinator, PCE Coordinator etc.). This will be discussed and investigated.
Report accepted Unan.
4.4 Report of the Chairperson of External Relations
MC presented her Report to the Executive Committee.
Report accepted Unan.
4.5 Report of the Chairperson of Internal Relations
LE presented his Report to the Executive Committee.


SM asked when CP trainings were planned to start. LE late November, after

November the 1st he will set the final timeline.
Report accepted Unan.

4.6 Report of the Chairperson of Media and Publications

AH presented her Report to the Executive Committee.
SM how much content can be loaded onto the website and if it can be filtered for
viewing by different groups (CPs, IMs, General Members etc.), what capacity do
we have to share things with CPs via the Website. AH dont know exactly how
much room we have to upload things. AD agrees with the idea of having
passwords for CP, but has the potential to get complicated in terms of handover
etc. IB a password similar to the SEP database. LE against this idea in the past

(according to Past Chairpersons) CPs have not utilised the functionality. CR

from past experience as a CP and RO Chair, would definitely prefer to have a
section for online voting. SM feels as if this is a different discussion from AH
Discussion on CP section of the website is postponed.


AS are you planning on having the same template for all IPSF publications? Yes
hopes to have a specific member of the Design and Creativity Committee (DCC)
to be a liaison with each RMPO to ensure consistency in design.
LE will there be an update for the branding strategy regarding the logo? AH
ideally yes.
MTM would like to know if the subdomain of will be renewed. AH
top of the priority list, there is an outstanding account for $7 and AH will take
care of it personally if need be.
Report accepted Unan.

4.7 Report of the Chairperson of Pharmacy Education

WY presented her Report to the Executive Committee.


MC finding internships is great but we need to encourage external partners to

approach us with opportunities.
IB in regards to future calls for publications it would be great to accept articles all
the time instead of a specific time.
SM didnt notice anything about PAS in the report and will liaise with WY
regarding it as she doesnt want it to get lost in handover.
WY please notify if you have any good ideas for speakers so we can compile a
list for events and future webinars.
AD regarding internships it might be possible to transform the project into
something similar to SEP, but smaller.
Report accepted Unan.

4.8 Report of the Chairperson of Professional Development

SM presented her report to the Executive Committee.


JW suggestion that we look at establishing a documents on mobility of

pharmacists between countries. DE may be more in Pharmacy Education.
AH FIP has compounding guidelines.
Report accepted Unan.

4.9 Report of the Chairperson of Public Health

AD presented her report to the Executive Committee.
Report accepted Unan.
4.10 Report of the Chairperson of Student Exchange
BC presented her report to the Executive Committee.
AS suggests that in addition to the documents concerning the country, have
SEOs send mandatory documents with transportation, cultural
miscommunications etc. Information that is necessary to know. Good to have
this information when you are going to another country. BC it may be difficult to
get SEOs to do this as they have a lot of work. DE it is quite important for safety
and liability.
SM in the past there have been issues about the matching system, in some
ways the deadline is too short. BC there is not too much SEOs can do about this
as it is usually an issue on the end of the host.
CR is regards to the new project you want to start; it may be difficult because of
EPSA. DE noted this is not to do with SEP.

LE to collaborate with you on updating SEO and CP information.

IB think its important to investigate discrimination with regards to SEP. From
experience some AfRO SEOs receive very little communication compared to
other nations.


AS trying to investigate why some students dont want to come to EMRO

countries, but there is a lack of communications and some SEOs are being rude
to some participants.
Report accepted Unan.

4.11 Report of the Chairperson of the African Regional Office

IB presented his report to the Executive Committee.
LE do you have a subcommittee for the RRO? IB yes. DE please ensure that the
people on the subcommittee know the LE is one of their primary contacts.
DE just want to highlight for MC and MM that membership grants are going to be
especially important for the AfRO.


SM for TDC, we could look at hosting one. Not necessarily limiting it to the
region since its an international event, It could be hosted in Africa but open to all
Report accepted Unan.

4.12 Report of the Chairperson of the Asia Pacific Regional Office

JM presented her report to the Executive Committee.
SM can you explain what the GPPed program. JM Sort of similar to the FIP
guidelines. Formed on good practice. You go around and access the current
practice. The aim of the entire event is that you can compare it to whats
happening in your country. We basically host it. Last year, we only had around
20 people. I dont know as much about it because there wasnt anything written
about it. We were just in charge of registration. We didnt even create the
content. Want to make it so any country can host it.
LE clarify who is writing the guidelines. JM will be Nathan Ting, APRO Secretary
but will confirm, but will also be delegated to other RWG.
DE for everyone and especially regional office, so we dont duplicate work with
the guidelines, please liaise with her about the work she has done.
JW could everyone making guidelines please contact me so we can have both a
full list of what we have and have consistency in structure and content.


SM just a comment that is IPSF already has official campaigns, it means that
well be doing them for sure, so everyone should keep that in mind. DE Regional
Offices should not be focused on re-doing or restructuring campaigns, but rather
regional specific topic.
Report accepted Unan.

4.13 Report of the Chairperson of the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office

AS presented her report to the Executive Committee.


DE what are you biggest priorities with the rest of the ExCo. AS would like
guidance the most.
Report accepted Unan.

4.14 Report of the Chairperson of the European Regional Office

CR presented his report to the Executive Committee.
IB do you have a FB group? CR yes. DE can everyone be added.
CR please liaise with LE and SM regarding the essential statistical reporting and
CP update forms to ensure that we dont duplicate work. LE please remember
that the EuRO is part of IPSF and not EPSA we work independently.


CR in regards to membership promotion we wont be approaching organisations

that were approached recently and declined to join. DE not neglect universities
or other organisations in that country.
Report accepted Unan.

4.15 Report of the Chairperson of the Pan American Regional Office

JS presented his report to the Executive Committee via Skype.
Report accepted Unan.
4.16 Report of the Chairperson of the Reception Committee of the 61st IPSF World Congress
MTM presented her report to the Executive Committee via Skype.
JW communication between ExCo and RC needs to be happening constantly. It
was lacking last year and this led to problems down the year. Make sure ExCo
communicates their needs to the RC and vice versa to ensure a great congress.
If you plan on having any press or media involvement please make sure you
have every participant sign a media release form. JW can help you prepare one
if you need. I am looking forward to Zimbabwe and am very excited.
CR can you please ensure that all customs information is circulated at least six
months prior to the congress. MTM the information is already on the website but
we will make sure the information is circulated.
SM the venue for LIT and WC are close together. MTM yes 20 mins.
DE please make sure we signed contract for all speakers and what we expect
from them. We need contracts signed for everything.
MTM according to the ZPSA constitution we cannot sue or be sued, DE this is
part of the bidding application that the event is separate from IPSF.
JW is there a backup power generator. MTM yes.


MTM what should be done for the alumni event, currently planning on having
one how successful were past events. JW thinks that we need the network and
alumni before we start to have an event. MTM should be cancel it now and focus
on the congress. DE yes.
Alumni event to be postponed until future congresses.

5. Events
5.1 Future IPSF Events
5.1.1 61st IPSF World Congress 2016; Harare, Zimbabwe
LE asked if you have someone to deal with registrations. MTM the Secretary and
a registration Team. DE all the Exec need the contact info for all RC.
MC do you have a deadline set for finalising speakers and sponsors? MTM work
plan is based on the guidelines that were finalised in Porto.

DE we need to address quota and it should be similar to last year.

IB how is the visa facilitation process going? MTM will be having another
meeting with the ministry of foreign affairs and will update the executive with that
SM do you have a session proposal form yet? MTM not yet. SM can you have
an online session proposal form to have the ExCo and students submit sessions
they would like to run.
SM how is everything in regards to social event planning? MTM we have a plan
of what we propose apart from the standard nights. We have asked the past RC
to pass of feedback and evaluation regarding social events, this has not
5.1.2 5th IPSF African Pharmaceutical Symposium 2016; Mombasa Kenya
IB dont have dates set but will be before World Congress and probably in June
or July. It will be held in Mombasa which is the largest city in Kenya. Would like
to have more representation by Executive in the future, would motivate more
people to apply for positions. DE agrees that we should try to have as many
ExCo attending as possible; as well for RWG it is mandatory.
SM Regional symposiums are usually held around congress and they tend not to
be as well promoted. Can we potentially try to spread them out? This may
increase attendance. JW the only thing that would like to raise is that the RAs
usually take place close to the Gas to allow for presenting of reports etc. LE
holidays around the world also vary. IB how long do congresses have to be.
Generally around 5 days. JW also the price of flights is always going to be the
biggest cost for events, we can do our best to try and minimise this, but this
should be the only reason we change things and this is usually no matter what
time of year or where it is.
Discussion regarding dates of events postponed.
WY if you know the themes of the symposiums let her know as soon as possible.
IB usually these are very flexible due to sponsorships etc.
5.1.3 15th IPSF Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium 2016; Seoul, Republic of Korea
JM APPS being two months earlier that usually this year means that everything
has had to be brought forward. Registration begins on January the 2nd and
promotion has already begun. Overall congress theme is pharmacists role in
Infectious Disease. There is flexibility for workshops but the speakers will be
based on the theme. Having some trouble finding speakers and would like the
help of ExCo. The budget is looking really good currently. LIT preparation will
also begin soon.
SM last year we did Team CSE for APPS, will it be the same this year? JM will
be doing jeopardy this year, doing Team CSE and not individual. Eric So HLM
will be attending and can help with CSE.
5.1.4. 5th IPSF Eastern Mediterranean Pharmaceutical Symposium 2016; Cairo, Egypt
AS EMPS 2016 will be in Cairo from July 15th-20th. Currently dont have an RC
but hoping to have a final list by the 10 th of October. Many of the people involved
were involved with WC Egypt. The fee will be 230, 260, and 290 per registration
period and there is be a package for Egyptians.
DE will the congress fall within the dates of Ramadan? AS no Ramadan is
before EMPS next year.
DE point of information that there are some countries from EMRO that cannot
travel into Egypt. AS this was discussed at the RA and it is what was wanted. DE
ensure that those countries delegate their votes.

DE do you have possible dates for PCT? AS not yet, have LIT and will probably
have PCT depending on the political and security situation.
5.1.5. 10th IPSF Pan American Regional Symposium 2016; Barranquilla, Colombia
DE with regards to PARS dates it has been suggested to move the dates to
better align with the FIP congress in Argentina either before or after FIP. This
would be the start of semester for most PARO participants and although it would
be better for international participants the need of the region need to be put first,
so the current suggestion is to keep the original dates.
JW understandable that that decision was made. Originally the person who
brought it up as the experience we had at APPS in Malaysia which was close to
FIP Bangkok was very favourable. In the future as we are discussing increased
ExCo involvement in RS it would be beneficial in having them around big events
to allow ExCo to more easily attend.
CR We have 3 main IPSF events with a very short period; RS, World Congress
and FIP and people need to afford flights and registration and thus people will
pick and choose which events to go to.
WY last year there was no education symposium, will there be one this year? DE
doesnt anticipate there will be.
5.1.6. Dates of Regional Symposiums
ExCo Discussion regarding not overlapping dates of Regional Symposiums.
5.1.7. FIP World Congress 2016; Buenos Aires, Argentina IPSF Student Package
JS there are already four people in Buenos Aires plus the PARO RRO and JS as
a team.
CR promotion material needs to be finalised by the 15 th of December by the
latest and sent to all shortly after. Need at least four months of advertising for
students to apply.
5.1.8. Event Contracts
JW will send out Event Contracts to all Regional Chairpersons for Congress
Chairs to sign.
5.1.9. FIP Global Conference of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science Education 2016,
November 2016; China
WY four delegates from each country and ministers of health will be invited.
They want a vision statement for everyone to adopt and region specific goals.
FIP will be creating these documents and everyone will be able to revise and
adopt. The second half will be workshops and discussions on how to achieve
that and bridge the gap on where they are and where they want to be. This is a
big opportunity for us to provide our voice to this discussion, We will only be
observers so we cannot vote we can only discuss. The biggest issue is that we
dont have a collective voice as IPSF because education is so diverse in all of
our areas. It would be hard for me to advocate for this if I dont know how
pharmacy is around the world.
CR what about the parts in the declaration of future pharmacists in regards to
student education and SLEQ survey? Although we didnt have the biggest
response rate its a great start to get our input and what we have in common is
the quality of education standard and the direction of pharmacy education. DE
we can look into those areas.
LE what are they expecting from us? WY still need to confirm expectations but
most likely will be statements etc.
SM this would be a good opportunity to get the PE Advocacy Coordinator
position started and this could be a good project to do that.
5.1.10. FIP Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress, November 2016; Stockholm, Sweden


CR student package had a meeting with Oliver from FIP and was informed that
they were discussing a special price or discounted price for students, to get
more involved. We could do this through IPSF. DE this is in Europe and if this is
a project that EuRO would like to implement that would be fantastic.
WY in the meeting yesterday they talked about a program where young
scientists were paired with a mentor to create a session. If we want to cater to
more pharmaceutical sciences we might be able to pair a member with an
industry member.

5.2. Past Events

5.2.1. 61st IPSF World Congress 2015; Hyderabad, India
SM there was a lot of things that happened at WC in terms of logistics and a lot
of unforeseen things that came about that CPs did not agree. Neha gave her
report and it was approved, then more incidents came up. Then they gave the
budget report and things werent right and there was money missing in places.
CPs rejected the budget and they requested that an incident report be written
regarding the issues that came up. Encourage everyone to read the report. The
ExCo needs to review the report and then it will be sent to CPs who will vote to
accept or not. The motion stated that if the report wasnt received then IPA-SF
wouldnt be able to host an IPSF event for 10 years.
LE the report must be submitted by the 1 st of October and approved before EM2.
SM another option may be if the CPs dont approve the draft, they still have until
EM2 so we could request another draft.
LE intends to do the CP before late November, if its interesting to send to
evaluate at the CP meeting, which is an option.
DE we are looking to confirm that the action we take next is okay with everyone,
because we did receive the report on the 30th of September and it sent to
multiple members of IPA-SF, IPA and ExCo. Both DE and JW responded asking
clarification for some items and making sure they realised the new CPs would be
the ones to determine and evaluate the report. We have not heard back and it
has been roughly eight days. We have not heard back from Neha regarding how
she wants the information presented to CPs. We need to send her an email as
she asked that there was information in there that she didnt want presented to
5.2.2. FIP World Congress 2015; Dusseldorf, Germany
DE obviously a report thats going to be done and we know this was a successful
event in terms of student package and WC. Does anyone have anything that
needs to be brought up to the entire ExCo that cant do into the report.
LE is handover with Argentina started? DE that is another topic but student
package is going to be organised.
CR can a meeting be set in the Google Calendar two months in advance, every
meeting needs to be scheduled because it was a bit of a mess this year. We
have a problem that Parand was sick and no one was there to take the lead and
we had to approach the treasurer and other ExCo. This was really confusing as
the new ExCo didnt have all the information. DE as far as a deadline, two
months may be a difficult as we have to be flexible as well. The lesson has been
learned that we need to be more prepared for FIP congress. SM appreciate your
comment and the past ExCo including the Treasurer and VP were just as
confused as the new ExCo because we didnt know Parand was not attending
until four days before and we didnt know what had and hadnt been done and
Laurens did step up a lot. We did want to have a meeting, but there was just the
issue of when to hold it. I dont agree with your comments but I do understand
the situation.

MC just a comment on future events, the schedule was essentially finalised for
2016 congress. The schedule is prepared beforehand. DE that relates to FIPs
schedule but not out involvement in it.

6. For Information/Discussion/Decision
6.1 Membership
6.1.1. MiA and FM from the same country
DE the topic was brought up for MiA and FM from the same country. This is one
of the first times that we have rejected a member application. I have personal
opinions that I very much disagree with that because I dont believe it is in the
spirit of IPSF. If the applications are eligible we do not want to deny opportunities
to members. People who present at World Congress are already eligible and
have already made their membership fees. Its more of a formality, but Im a bit
surprised that were rejected. The GA has the final say, but this is the first year it
has happened.
SM do you know which association it was about? DE it was India. For
perspective this conversation also took place in Utrecht 2013. We had
Bangladesh as a full member and there was a MiA application and the question
was why they didnt join the FM and it was that they just didnt know about their
FM. The Situation was they would be MiA for one year then integrate into the
FM. So there are several incidences where there are MiA and FM from the same
country. We dont want to deny our members the potential for growth. Indonesia
is one of the main examples as they have several MiAs and a FM. It is due to
their internal structure and this is not a problem. We also have Portugal where
this is an issue of dual representation of members as they are members of
APEF. That is also an internal country discussion. We need as a federation to
account for many different circumstances and need to make IPSF open enough
to cater to all different political and internal situations in a country so we can do
right by our members and being public and transparent about member benefits
and we dont want to deny opportunities.
CR in some parts I believe that we were misinformed about this situation. The
main reason why the association was rejected is that there were big internal
issues, and the ODs did not want to bring this up in the Federation, There were a
lot of fights between the new association and the current association, the ODs
were afraid what would happen to the Federation if this was improved. DE to
clarify what threats were you specifically worried about? What would cause the
federations reputation to decrease? CR Reputation of the Federation and what
this would mean to the rest of the world. If you have two member associations
from the same country fighting in one big association that is something we dont
want. They didnt want the drama. Also, there was a problem that we as ODs
were not aware of the fact that there were these problems with IPA-SF, IPA-SF
put a lot of pressure on the university because it was an association of just one
university branch. DE we know that IPA-SF was pressuring the other
associations that was applying to be as FM? Was something certain? SM that
was all rumours, it was heresy. DE so rumours were a factor in the decision? CR
they told CR that they have really big issues trying to develop themselves, there
was not really any response from IPA-SF. DE so to clarify, the FM was not
response and so the MiA came to IPSF to bring benefits to the members. CR
many of the MiA members are already IPA-SF members. ODs had an informal
discussion during the lunch with all the ODs. If we accept them as MiA and they
represent some one University branch, India has over 100 of these associations,
if we open it to one, we will need to open it to all and we are not sure if we can
handle that. DE for clarification, there was concerns among OD that the logistics
of managing multiple MiAs per country would become too complex for the

Federation. AS if the reason was that you couldnt handle the logistics of it, Im
ok with that. But we have multiple MiA in other countries and I dont think its a
big problem. And as ExCo its our responsibility to be able to cope with these
LE the motion itself was proposed by asep, Switzerland this ExCo committee
must address this motion so it is a must. It was discussed during the application
itself; it was something that came later. LE has a problem with this motion; the
motion was amended to what was approved. Another problem for me that
complicates it money, they paid their annual membership fee for the year and
they are now not members. The situation itself at the discussion was very
aggressive, since the time that they raised their hand; they were very aggressive
and unprofessional. This was one of the biggest reasons that they were not
accepted. We are representing the students and not the associations. If you
want IPSF to represent all the schools we would have many members in the
future, this would happen anyway, the GA would be 2-3 times bigger in the
future. I think space is not an issue; its something wed have to address anyway
if we want to represent everyone. As we have to propose a motion, this may be
a very big problem for the Federation.
SM in regards to the background of this issue from the old ExCo and how we are
dealing with this. Previously at EM3 the ExCo felt very strongly, since the GA is
our highest decision making body of the Federation, it should not be up to the
ExCo to decide who becomes a member and we had a separate issues with
regards to Luka with this. ExCo said that if an application comes and meets the
criteria for members, we should then bring it to the GA. We did not feel we could
reject someone as an ExCo vote if they met the criteria. Another thing to keep in
mind that when this was brought to GA, we couldnt say anything because of a
motion en force unless it was a direct question, but then only objective
comments can be made. So, in this discussion we could not provide advice to
the GA or make clarification to GA unless it was a technical clarification. So
thats something to consider.
IB thinks that the way they behaved during the vote is one of the reasons they
were rejected. If they had submitted their application and not presented, then
they probably would have be accepted. But their attitude towards the Indian FM
was what probably caused them to be accepted. You also have large countries,
with multiple languages, that cant be represented by one organisation. So
saying we dont accept MiA from single countries could not a problem. I would
like to hear what caused the GA to reject it.
LE my feeling is that what happened in the Gas, is that IPA-SF was so
aggressive we did not have a proper debate or discussion, they were very
aggressive. They raised their hand first, specifically the treasurer of the RC. DE
lets not go into heresy and lets discuss this at EM2 after we have gotten the
minutes of the GA. DE reminder that this discussion is regarding the whole issue
and not the specific situation.
CR since we mentioned that we dont want a fight between IPA-SF and other
MiAs, that is what has already happened. We had a talk with the MiA after they
applied to understand the situation. We asked them to try and solve the problem
internally with India and then theirs is the possibility of them re-applying. So its
not the issue that we dont want them to be involved. We need to define criteria
and reach a solution. Speaking for European members, we had this issue as
well in EPSA, LE mentioned that he talked already and someone about this
view. Since we havent finalised the minutes so far, and it was mostly CR, SM
and LE that were there at GA think it is important to understand to the whole
ExCo why it has come to this situation. DE we want a report from the ExCo why
this occurred in order to analyse this situation, if we feel that is necessary. I think

this is a longer conversation we need to have separately. We will have CP input

on all motion we put forward.
LE there are two things we can do to change this, firstly try to take this from the
hands of the GA and have very specific criteria on the official documents of why
we accept or reject and what they should do until they are finally members.
Secondly, I think the changes should be in the Domestic Rules and Constitution.
It should be very official and constitutional changes should be done before EM2.
SM we need full support from the GA.
CR firstly if you want to make these decisions, would like to make sure his
colleagues are involved to ensure CPs involved. CR states as ChP of EuRO we
value very highly that the GA is the highest decision making body. We need to
keep in mind that people pay before they present to GA and they can be
rejected. We need to solve the money issue as well.
JS goal is to achieve dialogue between the two Peruvian associations to create
a national association within Peru. DE thinks it is a great idea to allow two
associations that want to be involved; we can accept them both as MiA while we
guide them towards those goals.
IB the Official Documents are quite clear regarding who can be MiAs and who
can be FMs. We cant refuse if they abide by the rules of the Federation. If we
have clear rules of who has voting rights, we need to state that IPSF is open to
everyone, and that students from the other associations could benefit of what
IPSF has to offer.
DE thinks we are all on the same page; we should have multiple MiAs per
association so we should not discuss this point more. We all want MiAs, as far
as the action goes we need to decide if this is a high priority to be done in the
next few months. Do we want to decide this online within two months or wait until
next year at GA? SM option one we will still be discussing this throughout the
year and bring it to the GA? DE we would either talk now or make changes now,
or we will discuss this though EM2. We are not rushing ourselves at ExCo, so
that we could arrange logistically issues appropriate.
JW realistically think its the decision of the members on what they want to do.
We cant say that they should be part of an organisation if they dont want to be,
we should aim to include everyone who wants to be a member, and it is their
choice if they want to be members.
6.1.2. Alumni

DE this topic is due to the establishment of Alumni at the last GA. LE the motion
changes the constitution to add the alumni, which is in the same article as
friends of the federation. At this time we should not to hunt and look for them, but
wait for them and do some level of membership promotion. It will be more them
coming to us then having to take them. Right now there is no new position. Right
now what we can do with the Alumni is talk about criteria. The only thing we
have now is the information that the Alumni exist and what we can expect from
them and what they expect from us. What I am planning is to have a way for
them to apply online and create a list. The only thing I am struggling with is
money, as FoF they have to pay but as Alumni they do not.
IB how can we benefit from them and them from us. Can we take time to invest
more in how we can use them to help the federation? For Example, perhaps for
the DF and places to stay for internships in Geneva. I think we should look into
this and it would help add motivation for them to join. Also, I know some people
in ExCo are giving each other jobs. So we should conceptualise how they benefit
and interact with the Federation.

DE basically my understanding of how we all feel is that it needs more

investigation of the purpose of alumni. LE is going to start gathering a list at this
WY alumni members could really benefit the Pharmacy Education portfolio.
6.2. Reports
6.2.1. Rejection of Reports
DE this is in regards to that we need to have discussion for how we respond
when a report is rejected. A response to this is not in our official documents and
it has come up enough times that it needs to be included in the official
documents. Our understanding for many years has been that that person would
no longer get any credit for that position, (as it official record, their name would
be deleted). The complication is that if the official report is rejected and many
years later, it no one remembers, we can end up putting that person back in
position without realizing that they were blacklisted. The question is what kind of
consequences do we want to have? We also dont want it to be a trend that
someone gets zero recognition when there were extenuating circumstances and
they tried their best and we dont want to punish them for the work they did do.
SM traditionally it has also been that if your report is rejected you do not receive
any reimbursements. And you have to pay back any money you received.
CR from past experience what was often the problem with reports is they were
not complete so they werent as good as GA would have wished them. That is
something we should think about if there is possible to allow them to alter it one
time and give them a second chance. Understand that they are delivering their
defense of what they did so and if they did or didnt do work, that would be
acknowledged in the report.
DE these reports are provided to CPs with enough time prior to congress to
allow for revision and comments. So it is not that first time the CPs has seen it, if
they are not accepted this needs to be addressed prior to congress.
LE thinks that the best way to address these questions is to have a discussion
and not decide what we think is the best thing but to have a list of potential
consequences and let the CPs decide how they want us to punish them.
DE what is an adequate punishment for the rejection of a report? LE for our last
mandate we were given a certificate, if your report is rejected you dont get that
certificate. DE believes that this is the current practice but this is not stated in the
official documents. SM if your report is rejected you should no longer be able to
apply for another IPSF Team position for at least two years.
CR not sure if denying them re-applying for a position is strong enough. Agrees
more with a financial disincentive. DE what if the position had no money
involved? LE thinks it would work if all reimbursement of all activities happened
at the end of the mandate, but that is not how we reimburse people. Doesnt
agree with reimbursing people at the end of the mandate as it would prevent
those with less money from applying to be on the ExCo.
SM if were worried about ExCo not completing their duties and requirements
and accepting people who are not familiar with their work ethic, we could make it
a requirement that they would need to have attended one IPSF event or have
been on the team for one year before they can apply for coordinator positions.
AS agrees with CR that the only solution currently is financial. When you ban
people, you dont give them the option of redemption. Some people who dont
submit reports may do so because they dont know how to write the report.
Think that the association or IM should have to pay a contribution if it is rejected.

This way they wont apply lightly and they will ask their association to take it
more seriously because they are working for the benefits of IPSF but also
representing their country and association. CR understands the proposal but we
need to consider that they represent their associations we need to guarantee
that the association is aware of their candidates. LE doesnt like this idea when
you have an association that is small and represents maybe one university, but
when you have associations that have 30,000 members there is no way that the
organization can be aware of all students that apply. If a student applies and
their report is rejected how is that the associations fault. SM if there are internal
conflicts within an association might be prejudiced about who let be involved with
IPSF. DE only issue with the proposal is what to do with IM.
SM at EM3 last year JW presented idea regarding an IPSF Auditing Committee,
not sure if it was approved at GA.
LE what happened in the past is that coordinator and committee members that
werent working were fired. DE prior to last year it was just kind of accepted that
they disappeared.
JM its about the individuals accountability. So that person who applied for the
position, no matter what their status in that association its about their duty to
Summary of options:
Associations are charged
No change, just document it was rejected
Banned from applying for two years
Banned from applying forever for position
Banned from IPSF Events
Make publically evident in our record keeping that they were removed
from their post due to failure of duty.
Add the punishment to the working documents which will have a
punishment end date
Banned from all benefits for three years (SEP, events, publication
opportunities etc.)
AS an external partner looking on the IPSF website and seeing a long list of
names that were removed from their position does not look good on IPSF.
Majority of ExCo in favour of asking for the CPs opinions then refining them to
something the Federation can work with.
6.3. Strategic Plan
6.3.1. Strategic Plan 2014-2017: Implementation and Implications
DE just want to make a few comments to really clarify that this strategic plan was
last updated from 2011 to roughly 2013 and we should have discussed it last
year, but we are a little late on it. It is something DE is really focused on for the
term, but the overall idea is that we can connect all goals and be able to discuss
it at the end of EM2 and the CPs will vote. Would like to take three minutes to
see our biggest overall goal of IPSF as a Federation.
SM through the work of IPSF would like all countries to have achieved an
extended scope of practise in the next ten years.
CR would to agree with SM, doing advocacy which has not been done that well,
and focus on our strength our members.
DE half the purpose of IPSF is for cultural exchange.

WY establish us as a key stakeholder in practise education, to have a respected

opinion and be able to make a difference and advocate for students globally.
LE not only have more members but be relevant for every student, even if they
arent paying members.
IB strengthen the Federation and being more present on the international level,
with decision making which affects the world in general.
BC to make the world a better place and for them to be involved and aware of
cultural differences and be more accepting of each other.
AS having more involvement in the regions and less differences between the
regions. For example would like to see more people from EMRO involved in the
association and would like the Federation to look for solutions to those kinds of
AD biggest involvement of the entire Federation regarding the representation
and what the Federation defends. See more political themes in GA and RA
regarding the policies of the Federation. Reach more countries and see bigger
representation at events and advocate strongly for the portfolios.
AH see IPSF as a leading voice in the future of pharmacy practise. Generating
innovative content and advocating for changes especially with regard to being
influential in FIPed dictating pharmacy curriculum.
JM encourage students to expand their vision of pharmacy beyond the scope of
local community and encourage and motivate them to learn about pharmacy
practise in different areas of the world and make them realise that since we are
the next generation of pharmacists we need to make out voice heard and in
particular take advantage of our strong relationship with professional bodies so
we can communicate that we want to advance our scope of practise and show
everyone what we are capable of contributing to healthcare.
MC would like every student involved in IPSF to have a voice and an opportunity
to grow professionally and personally from their involvement in the Federation.
For external this means making sure that students have the resources they
need, whether its networking with other professionals, groups, or monetary.
6.4. Publications
6.4.1. Status of Phuture
DE there were some complications receiving articles and finalising our
publications under Essra (Previous Chairperson of Media and Publications). WY
the publication is not currently at the quality of IPSF but there are some articles
that are good. There are some people that have already been told their articles
are going to be published. We need to make it presentable. SM the past ExCo
have made their comments are believes that the next best step would be to send
them back to Media and Publications or we can break the articles up (if WY
agrees) and publish them in IPSF Newsletters.
DE WY will be working on more guidelines and criteria of publication prior to
submission so we dont have as many issues with content because that is up to
us to develop our members in that sense.
IB if the quality is not good, we should not publish it.
WY all articles will be reviewed for content. Additionally are we willing to pay for
a program that will allow us to check for plagiarism of the whole articles?

DE are we comfortable telling members who have previously been told their
content will be included that it wont be if it is not deemed to meet our quality
standards. DE we need a diplomatic response and the Secretariat will need to
approve it.
6.5. 70th Anniversary of IPSF 2019
DE believes that we have a portion of the budget allocated for this and the hope
is that we can make it a very large celebration. So whichever WC takes places in
2019 we have additional funds for it. Not sure why the 70th is more important that
the 60th or 80th. LE the discussion was to not do the 80th of 90th and prepare for
the centenary. DE maybe this should be a discussion whether we should focus
on the 70th or 75th? CR believes there should be a celebration on the 70 th but the
large celebration on the 75th. SM although 75th would make sense we should
make sure it is not tradition to do it every 10 years.
JM we made a booklet for the 60th anniversary.
IB both the 70th and 75th are equally important, but if we have started to save
money for the 70th then we shouldnt care for one more than the other. SM why
dont we try to plan a strong Alumni event at the 70 th.
CR we can try to contact current Alumni and deliver greetings and testimonials
that can be shown at the opening ceremony. Also allow for past ExCo to share
their vision for the future of IPSF. DE would like anything that is produces to be
able to use for the Federation and not just to make a bigger party or bigger
decorations. AG every 10 years we can produce a decade bulletin a printed
publication that would be available for pre-order limited edition.
6.6. Policy

DE as we have new advocacy coordinators this year and the policy committee
has been restructured, we plan to look at how we draft policy. Plan to have CP
input and make opinions pieces throughout the year instead of having the policy
committee focusing on a statement at WHA and thats it. If you have comments
please email them to DE.

7. Appointments
7.1. Vice-President
SM, LE and IB submitted nominations for the role of Vice-President. DE
presented candidates written motivation. Candidates were given 3 minutes to
present a verbal motivation.
SM gotten to know everyone over the past week, and we have a really strong
team. Would like to run because of past experience in the last year, we need a
strong VP that can keep the motivation and communication high within the team.
It is going to be a lot of work and having a strong VP is crucial to: maintaining
teamwork, communication and motivation so we can remain a team and work
efficiently. It is very easy to fly to Seattle and work face-to-face with DE, and will
be available to do that. Hope we can work together as a team and hopes you will
support her in that.
LE applying to be the Vice-President to help the Secretariat with his experience
in the Federation. Experience started as applying to be a new member with his
own association. Believe that the position of Chairperson of Internal Relations
would allow for this position as there is direct contact with CPs and Regional
Offices. Believe the experience within the ExCo and especially the Official
Documents and Professionalism and how the Executive Committee and the
Federation should work. Feels sufficient experience because of the work done

changing the Official Documents and working on the Motion Committee. The
three points of: knowledge, experiences and the position allow LE the support of
the Executive Committee and Team.
IB all that wanted to say is in his Written motivation.
DE we will have two questions and then discuss if comfortable voting.
BC how do you think you will be able to cope with all the additional work, do you
have enough time to manage and do quality work? LE believes that some of the
portfolios are compiled and it shouldnt be too hard to manage to do both. SM
already has experience in her portfolio so knows how long tasks will take and
knows what can and cant be delegated. Knows how the position works and feel
comfortable adding on additional duties of the Executive Committee. IB in final
year and doesnt not have any more commitments soon and does not have
anything that will take up too much of his time.
MC how available are you to represent DE at external events? SM starting a
new job in November and they know that travel is necessary. Knows that there is
an IPSF budget but is able to cover her own expenses. IB has a special
understanding with the University so is free to travel whenever is necessary as
long as it is related to his duties. LE for the first and second months of the
mandate will be opening his own business so for those months will not be able to
but after will be.
DE continue with questions.
MC can you speak to the fact that you can operate well under pressure and that
you can delegate tasks properly? IB I will speak from experience, I have been a
leader, especially in my local organization and organizing IPF events and all
those have been successful due to me being strict and getting things done when
they need to. When we work as a team and have a goal to achieve I know how
to get people to do what they need to be doing and assign tasks and get us to
work together to achieve a goals we need to achieve and I know how to not
harm anyone while doing it LE believe that previous work in IPSF has will say
this for him, in PARO was working with around 20 people, have the job of
coordinating people. Has experience with this can work efficient with pressure
and has those skills honed within IPSF. SM The biggest example I can think of
where I had to step up under pressure was in India when we had our half
president in the situation and I saw James taking on huge role that needed to be
delegated. So we had to help out the secretariat in a lot of instances. When it
comes to delegating tasks, you need to work together as a team. You need to
have that conversation about how is able to complete the task in the best about
of time. I dont like the idea of people just being told they have to do something. I
would prefer to work to together as a team to figure out how is most appropriate
for completing tasks and then if that doesnt work, you can delegate tasks.


DE the vote will be completed on doodle.

IB elected as Vice-President for the term of 2015-16

7.2. Permanent Officer

DE does everyone understand what the PO is? No one really applied for it and
on the Executive Committee there is no-one who can spend an extended period
of time at the flat. We have K.N.P.S.V. who can help us manage the flat and mail
and we also have Parand and Laurens from the previous Executive that are
willing to help. Do want to make sure that we know who will be here the most
often to check thing, and who might be staying on the flat for one or two months.
We have suggest CR as he lives the closest, so he will be able to make sure the
flat is in good condition. We will have to agree on it. CR as long as costs are
refunded then it is fine.

CR current plan at the moment would be to visit the flat and office once monthly
so I would fly from Nuremberg to Amsterdam and then take public transportation
to get here. So I will try to keep it that Im visiting a minimum of once a month,
unless unforeseen circumstances (e.g. illnesses). Long weekends, go in on
Friday to the office and do the rest of the weekend. So it will be at beginning of
month. If there is something that needs more time to be done, send me an email
so we can figure out the best date from side. Im very flexible in timing these
things since Im just studying for my exams. I just need to know prior if
something needs more time so I can schedule it. And flights are about 150
euros. Thats equal or even less to train which takes 14 hours.


MC wanted to mention that I have signed up to do rotation through my school

and they approved I could live at IPSF flat between end of April until beginning of
June. With exception of going to WHA and pre-WHA events, Ill be at the flat.
CR appointed Permanent Officer

8. Any Other Business

8.1. Reimbursement for Coordinators
DE something that was brought up by Coordinator, for some coordinators it is
expected that they come to World Congress (Parliamentary, PCE, CSE etc.) do
we have a way to fit them into our budget? What funds do we take away, is it the
Federation or RC responsibility? SM suggests that registration fees are waived.
CR Parliamentary Coordinator is now included to facilitate the GA, against taking
money from the budget as it is already stretched, agree with SM. Would go
further allowing DF to fund some of it. IB some positions are duplicated. DE
need to think about what the DF is used for a whether that is appropriate for
Coordinators. Would rather an Executive Member than a Coordinator we can
also appoint people to cover those duties in emergency cases. SM just because
it is stated in the call that they must attend WC doesnt always happen and puts
a tremendous strain on the respective Executive Committee member.
AS two ideas: ask the RC to consider their budget to include Coordinators or
having the Treasurer assessing the possibility of accommodating some of their
costs being raised through donations etc.
DE main point is where is the money coming from? AS should be assisted
financial based on the countrys ability to pay, a reduction in fees so the RC
doesnt cover the entire cost of registration. SM have to remember that within
FIP there are working pharmacists which means solid incomes, this is not the
case within IPSF where the majority of members are students.
8.2. Pharmacy Education Project Prioritisation
WY discusses which PE projects to re-prioritise and which to drop.
SLEQ - this is done because the information has been collected and submitted
to Naoko Arakawa so it is done. She already has enough to write the dissertation
for her PhD so we can keep this live but not actually promote it. Are we in
agreement or is this something you want to keep alive and aim for more
responses? I want to know your thoughts on whether you are okay with me
dropping this project. DE as long as the relationship with our partners are not
harmed and we have no guaranteed that we would do something for them and
they have other projects that we collaborate with them then you can reprioritize.
WY will contact and follow up.
Critical Appraisal Essay Competition - Competition that any student can
participate within. No matter if youre clinical or industry focused students you

can write an essay for this and go through the peer review process and the
winner is published in the FIP PEJ journal. Do you think this is valuable to
students and something that students are interested in? DE As long as we put in
place explicit judging criteria and address that there is a chance that due to the
peer review process it may not be published, would say to continue. SM thinks
that it is some of the ways that members who do not have clinical knowledge to
participate in PD events are able to be introduced into these aspects. It is a way
for students to get recognition. CR what are the criteria? Does it need to be
science based, people may not understand what is wanted as we dont have
guidelines, think it is better to re-evaluate. DE that goes for everything, always
have someone else assess the quality of the call. CR additionally can we ask
one of the responsible FIP section and set up a short guideline on how to build
up an essay. DE no need to duplicate work, these resources are already
available to mould to fit IPSF.
8.3. Partner Planning
8.4. Executive Travel to Regional Symposiums/External Events
o Attending: IB
o Considering: AS, AD
o Not attending: LE; BC, SM, CR, DE, WY, JM, AH
o Attending: JM,
o Considering: SM, DE, SM, DE, WY, IB
o Not attending: LE, AS, BC, CR, AH, AD
o Attending:
o Considering: SM, LE, DE
o Not attending: AS, BC, CR, AH, AD, JM, WY
o Attending: AS, AH
o Considering: IB, CR
o Not attending: SM, DE, LE, JM, AD, WY

FIP 2016
o Attending: WY, CR, SM, JM, AH
o Considering: AD, IB, LE, BC DE, IB, AS
o Not attending:
o Attending: IB, CR, AD, JM, AH, , SM
o Considering: AS, DE, LE, BC, WY
o Not attending:
January WHO EB
o Attending: AD
o Considering: SM, CR, IB,
o Not attending: LE, AS BC, DE, WY, AH, JM
WHSS 2015
o Attending:
o Considering:
o Not attending: LE, IB, AS, SM, CR, DE, WY, JM, AH, BC, AD
EPSA Annual Reception (around middle of March)
o Attending:
o maybe: CR
o no: LE, IB, AS, BC, DE, WY, AH, JM, AD
Duphat (15th - 17th of march in Dubai)
o Attending:
o considering: AS, IB

not attending: LE, BC, SM, CR, DE, WY, AH, JM, AD

AS what are the reasons that keep some people from attending certain events?
If the RC can give free registration etc., will that help more Executive Committee
to come? Because believe it is important for the Executive Committee to attend.
CR biggest issue is time, personally would like to attend all of them but other
commitments such as work, but agrees that we need at least one or two
Executive Committee members at each event. SM it is hard to say this far in
advance, trying to attend the events that are in relationship with the portfolio. DE
money is an issue as from the US each plane ticket is at least $1000. WY has to
get time off from school, have rotations as well, even for the WC is logistically
difficult. SM members need to understand that the Executive Committee is a
volunteer position and we have other commitments. DE another thing to note is
that we have events where we have multiple Executive Committee members
attending and some with none and we may have to re-prioritise.
8.5 EM2 Dates

DE finalizing plans for EM2 so people can apply for visas. Few dates have been
suggested, but it looks like when you look at what we have/need to accomplish
for EM2 January is too early. February/March might be more appropriate. The
only things Ive heard with regards to potential dates are that are a few people
are off school in mid-February and the FIP meeting is in mid-February and a
week and a half in mid-march that only I am required to attend. The WHO
executive board meeting is at the end of January, which might not be ideal as we
dont have too much to discuss in January.
AD suggest to do it after EBM, DE first week of January would still be too early
for EM2. We can discuss this but from what Ive heard anything scheduled midFebruary would not be as useful. As a general overview of the week were
looking at, from February 14th to late March.
CR will be unavailable for any meetings from Feb 25 th onwards. AD discussed
with former Executive Committee members and they have said that the first
week of February is entirely possible. DE possible yes, but its up for discussion
whether or not it is ideal. AH has offered her house and would be able to host
us. Money factors as far as cost and then having EM2 in the USA would save
the Federation around 2000 Euros. Additionally there is APhA in Baltimore at the
end of March which is a professional event which would make Visas much
easier to obtain.
AS if the meeting is in Baltimore, when would it be? DE not sure of the exact
date but closer to the start of March.
DE how valuable will it be to us being around in early February compared to
another time. AD EM2 is a middle meeting, good for planning and not just
outcomes. DE general consensus is that the first week of February does not
work for the majority of the team.
Vote was deferred to emails.

8.6. Website Discussion

IB would like a website that is something that better helps us interact with the
world. An active blog, photos, stories updated in real time. Interacting with only
CPs can be boring and restrictive. It will also help students discover more about
IPSF individually rather than though CPs. History of IPSF improved and more
interactivity. Better utilize the side areas with widgets such as Facebook posts.
AS think it would be great to have the World Congress and all Regional
Symposiums appear first when you go to the website. International events like
these motivate members and allows them to discover and become more

involved with IPSF. SEP should have its own dedicated tab and not be listed
under projects.
SM we need to put our mission and vision on the website either in the about
section or on the homepage. Is the store being utilized? MM no, only a handful
of purchases and it needs to be updated.
MC for the partnership page, would like a set-up similar to IFMSAs website, give
brief introduction of how we use our partners, add my contact info (or DE)
directly under it. Then I want to have a tiered partner display. The first would be
our main partners - UN, WHO, and FIP. I like that we should define each of our
partners, instead of just providing a link, for those who dont know who they are.
The IFMSA has the partner logo and definition. I would prefer to have the
sponsor logos on the bottom of the page instead of on the right side. The 3
partners already on our page would be the only ones with logos. I would also
have partners in associations be student associations and other NGOs we have
MoU with. I like that we list student partner organization, but we dont need so
much text to describe them. DE those student partners provide those updates for
us. If they dont then they are just outdated. MC thinks that we should list out
partners by level of collaboration instead of alphabetically.
MC would like to take the MoUs off the website. Think we should consider doing
an opt-in email newsletter a way to directly access members without the
cascade of CPs. If there is a way we can our members to sign up for internship
calls and then they would get that whenever that comes out. SM how feasible is
this? IB we can do it through the blog. There are platforms like mailchimp that
can be incorporated into the website. Its a mailing platform and you can send an
email to many people at the same time and send a newsletter. You can send
announcements easily.
SM agrees that we have an issue with the filter down system. Individual
members really miss a lot of the information. Facebook isnt the only place that
people should be able to find information. Part of that is inactivity of the CPs,
part of that is timing as it goes through CPs to the next person who then send it
to the next level who then distribute. We need to find a way to get directly to
WY would like to see the Pharmacy Education tab working properly. Much of the
Pharmacy Education database stud would be advantageous to incorporate into
the website. I have a list of things would like to see on the website.
DE on the IPSF events tab we could have a calendar application. What like is
that members can advertise the times/dates of their own congresses, that can do
so directly by posting to a calendar that can be updated. CR already been done
by EuRO.
IB would like to raise the concern on the regional websites. Dont know what
extent we need to use these websites. Wondering how we can best use the
website? DE something that needs to be revised with all Regional Chairpersons,
is meant to highlight what each region is doing specifically. Should have access
to portfolio specific areas, BC to SEP, MC to partners etc.
AH there are issues with the domain, the website says we dont
have anything there but we have paid for it until July 2016. There are issues with
securing the login details.
AH main website will have all publications done by two native English speakers,
how does everyone else feel about updating their own sections? All content to
be sent to Editor-in-chief and AH to upload to website.

Secretary General will be back up for all Media logins and passwords.
8.7. Publications
DE publication discussion should be run by AH.
AH the delay in publication is attributed to the pushing back of deadlines and a
final release of the publication with a lack of checking. Additionally some of the
delay is attributed to a lack of responsiveness from the previous Chairperson. I
believe there was some correspondence from DE and it now will fall of the new
team to complete the work. So, things like the annual bulletin content from the
past Executive Committee, there was also a lack of accountability of gathering
content from past Executive Committee members. SM sometimes this also came
from the timeframe or deadlines, WY additionally there was a lack of clarity with
SM The reason I put this in the agenda was from the previous year. I would love
to do a PD publication. The purpose of the PD publication would be to inform our
member give them skills practice throughout the year to do something like the
crazy clinical corner, so fun facts on therapeutics to keep people engaged, and
keeping my PD team engaged. What I found last year is that it isnt always easy
to keep the PD team engaged and often coordinators tend to individualize the
workload. Were also planning on working on pharmacy around the world. We
could incorporate pharmacy practice from around the world, challenges and
common practices. Proper made it clear that people were having issues with the
number of publications we were issuing, and it was overwhelming for some
people to generate material for these publications and they werent being read
properly. He suggested possibly combining publications to be released quarterly.
I would combine SPOT with PEN and SEP digest to be distributed three times a
year. Our members could read just the sections relevant to them, but still have
access to this extra information. Same goes for the annual bulletin. Spoke with
other Executive Committee members at FIP in how these other portfolios could
get involved.
DE this has been discussed in recent years. With new publications it begins to
put a human resource strain on Media and Publications portfolio. WY combining
newsletters sounds goof. DE shorter articles may be more viable in a combined
publication, because the overall volume of the information suffers less.
WY Disconnect between PE and M&P, in the past submitted articles and hadnt
heard back for month or two which causes disengagement with PEC. Just a lack
of response. They layout is also difficult because the suggestions were turn
down due to programming and logistics etc. Lack of guidelines and dont know
how many articles or word limits etc. We need to work more in synch because
how its worked in the past isnt working currently. Plagiarism has also been a
big issue. This year with critical essay only 20% was original. Has also been a
problem in the past? We need a peer review and a way to address plagiarism.
We also need guidelines on how to do references for the articles that are
submitted so that everything is uniform.
DE something that needs to be included in guidelines, universality of referencing
and plagiarism. AH in favor of WY editing submitted articles to fit and then
getting those edits approved by the original author. Editorial committee is
responsible for the edits.
SM on behalf of AD concerned about splitting SPOT into three. She still wanted
to do SPOT once a year, but was okay with doing it once annually with fewer
articles. We had said that between PH, PE and PD we would have 30 pages, an
equal number each, some could use more but we would try to stick with what we
have. So if SPOT wanted to stick with one issue, they would only get 30-40
pages of that instead of their total 90-100 pages. Because of the timeframe

associated with waiting for articles submitted by deadlines. DE so treat SPOT

like Phuture, only one publication per year? SM usually wait for WHA usually
then publish.
IB how important is it to move SEP digest into that publication? DE discussion is
more about whether were move all publications into one or none. BC SEOs like
SEP Digest.
SM To summarize, we would have the newsletter published 3 times per year,
theoretically released Winter, Spring and Summer (post congress). SEP digest
and Phuture would be separate, SPOT would be feature of the Spring
newsletter, and PD would be an added section to the newsletters as well as a
distinct SEP section. PEN would be incorporated into the newsletter. Winter
issue would contain Executive introductions; summer issue would contain
congress highlights and annual bulletin and results of the elections and awards.
DE To clarify, incorporating the annual bulletin into a different publication would
be essentially eliminating the annual bulletin which has been our annual
publication for many years. It depends on how it is incorporated. If that final
issue is presented as a celebration of the year such as the Spring editions focus
on Public health, I am ok with it. What is your opinion LE? LE doesnt like
eliminating the annual bulletin. DE wed essentially have two newsletters (Winter
and Spring) and an annual bulletin. LE thinks its a good idea to keep the name
and keep it as a celebration of the year gone by.
LE during handover Luka said about publications on the event level. We have
pre-congress booklets, some send 1 others do 3 and for the regional
symposiums too in addition to the congress booklets. That makes 10
publications only about events. Could this be added as one more point for the
main newsletter publications? Have one publication about the events was an
idea that was discussed during handover. CR Events booklets being released by
RC are not seen as publication; they are just participant information released
only to participants. This shouldnt harm our official publications, but we should
stick to agreement proposed in Porto that there is one Booklet with all info that is
sent prior to the event. There is no need to have a Pre-Congress Booklet and a
Congress Booklet.
DE Combination of things cause everyone has good points. I dont like that we
have so many publications so i agree they need to be consolidated. If nothing
else increase the quality. If we did add the booklets to the publications cycle that
makes it logistically more complicated because the deadlines are so different
region to region and 2 because they symposia booklets are created by the RC
and the association and so by adding these into our publications we are taking
responsibility for the publications, review and design. In summary: I think we
should be using the newsletters as a platform to promote all the events. Add a
section dedicated to events so that we are supporting the events and providing
some info and promotions at the same time but separate to the logistical
congress stuff. Additionally what we would include in the winter publication is all
the registration information including quotas so it is very clear as far as the
logistics of registrations to take away email floods and people would know if they
don't meet quota for one then they see there are other IPSF event options.
MC regarding advertisements needs opinions on where advertising is
appropriate or not for each publication. SM if sponsors are willing to pay lets do
it. MC for ISSN publications are there any restrictions of sponsorship? WY will
look into it. SM would prefer to not advertise in Phuture as it is a professional
publication. MC do we have advertising guidelines? DE we should determine

8.8. SEP

DE want to take into account LEs comment that CPs wanted more publications.
Want to address that, even though we may take away the number of publication.
We want to increase our exposure and our less formal communication is more
informative and frequent.
Main IPSF Publications will be consolidated into the IPSF newsletter and the
final publication will be name the annual bulletin.
BC My concern was about the bilateral exchanges because there are some
countries that receive countries from only students from which the countries that
their outgoing students go to and then they dont give all students a chance.
some countries do not even evaluate all their applications and just look at their
ranking of the countries For example if you put my country as a second place
you are not as interested in coming to my country so we wont accept you.
Sometimes that order is not necessarily your priority case for some students the
top three may in fact be equal in priority. Is there something we can be done to
prevent this?
DE Im probably from one of those associations. I think that the SEP database
doesnt have the capability to force students to do that sort of thing. I feel the
best thing to do would be to education and make suggestions. Thats where you
position could come in as training SEO and providing judging criteria supported
by IPSF. I know from my experience when I kind of took over the SEO position,
there were so many applications that came in and we had logistics problems
where we couldnt even look at applications until later and we didn't even know
what was put as first or second choice. There are a lot of good applications, but
there is no way to be fair with just one person reviewing everything themselves
without guidance. IB its quite hard for us to be able to influence it. Because UK,
USA, Germany, etc. probably get 200 applications for maybe 10 spots. In the
place of the SEO, you would have to limit first to those who made it first choice,
and then screen based on needs of host.
BC if the first association reserves the student's application, then the second and
third country cant see you in the database IB its both on the applicant and SEO
to let the student know what is their first choice, because in that one week frame
you can be selected and reserved and then not know where you are going to be
placed. You should education more the students trying to apply. Look into
whether the students has all the necessary information before applying and
make sure it is stated very well in the guidelines. Tell them to apply early,
because some associations are busier than other. For some associations they
are fully booked quickly.
SM In addition to creating the guideline, you wouldnt be able to force this on the
association, but you could work with SEC to create a way to evaluate all the
applications in a more systematic manner, then maybe it could be fairer.
SM bilateral exchanges - if you feel they are something that is an issue for us
within our federation, and then I feel that we as an executive really need to put
out a policy statement and strongly discourage that. BC yes, because I was also
an SEO last year and reply was that first we have to deal with solving problem
for bilateral and then after that we can look at your applications. DE thats the
prioritizing from my perspective. AT least during my terms (before revision of
SEPs regulations), bilateral exchanges were in those guidelines as something
they could do. Some associations opted out of that, but it was an IPSF policy. If
thats the case and its still in there. BC its not in there. DE so we have deleted it
form our documents, we just havent enforced that through our process.
SM You had made a point where you didnt think you could overstep the assoc. I
would say that yes we can, because it is and IPSF program. It is not a program
just within the assoc. The IPSF as an executive and GA, we can overrule that.

BC but how can I control that. They could officially say they wont do it but then
still do it. SM you might not be able to directly control it, but an official statement
would show our direct opposition DE If we think that is something that its a
problem we can make it something that is explicitly prohibited like the
undercover SEP is. If SEOs are in violation and do it anyway then it would be
held to the same accountability as undercover SEP.
LE remember that there are no more penalties in the official documents [refer to
article 6.1.5 of the appendix 4 of the domestic rules and refer to article 9 of the
same appendix].
DE summary is that a portion vanished from the documents and the GA never
noticed it and approved the official documents without that in there. So we have
a situation where things got mistakenly removed and then the removal was
approved. So it might just be a matter of clarifying that it wasnt meant to be
approved or that we are adding it back in, to reconsider. In short it is something
we need to investigate and also how to put bilateral exchanges under the same
penalties. With regards to discrimination we will work with the policy committee
to develop a policy statement on this topics
BC SEP regulations it states that the associations can charge besides the SEP
fee either outgoing or incoming a set amount (no more than 3x of the SEP fee)
and must have approval of Chairperson. I dont think for the last year that the
Chairperson received any of these documents and I would like to investigate this
because I have found that students are being charged huge amounts of money.
They pay either the host association or the SEP fee and the bad problem is
when they pay the host, it has been very large amount. I understand sometimes
accommodation is expensive, but other than that, I dont understand the large
fee. Plus, the need to have approval from the Chairperson. Problem is that
students are asked for that money after arriving and some students react and
leave the country. LE heard this too, but my question is, do you have the
information from the student. If you can get this info from the students, then you
can have a penalty for them BC but want to associations to tell me what they are
charging the students and to justify it to me
AS to avoid this kind of things, maybe you should provide some information on
the amounts they would have to pay (e.g. it wont cost you more than this certain
amount). When I was applying, I didnt know how much I was supposed to pay. I
didnt know how to react and had to pay that amount they asked so I could go on
the SEP. If I knew that I could count on the Chairperson of SEP to support me in
this, then maybe I wouldnt have had to pay such a large amount of money for
my SEP.
DE Im confused as to why they are charging this much? Are they trying to make
money off the students or is due to restrictive housing or for administration cost?
Can you give me the sense of what these fees are? BC they are basically
accommodation fees (e.g. student dorm or apartment), but I cannot say if that
amount corresponds to the actual cost of accommodation in that country. Last
year, one student in my country faced a problem where they had to pay for
social activities (which I understand), but also had to pay for practice sites.
Thats the point of SEP is that you dont have to pay your practice. DE I think
what we can do to make this more transparent at first is that all host sites make
a contract that they are required to send to you and have on record that states
students agree to pay all accommodation and student signs and acknowledges
all that. Then if you add it to the website and database, then students will look at
that information before applying.
BC- I dont think they will search for accommodation prices before SEP starts.
For example, I will search for a place to accommodate students based on the
number of students I get. IB we need to differentiate something - Which fees are

used for administering process and which ones are for additional things like food
and accommodation. We need to differentiate how the fees are being
determined and some things should not be allowed to be included as a few. For
example, some people have been claiming that the fees are incurred by traveling
to the practice side locations to prepare them. The association should cover all
activities related to what SEO is doing (not the student) such as setting up the
CR - what we cannot tolerate is individual fees, which are not stated prior. We
got a lot of comments from German students which reflect very badly on SEP,
they were asked for 100 euro fees upon arrival that they were not made aware
ahead of time that they had to pay. I was lead to believe that there should be no
additional processing fees for accepting associations. The additional fee raised
by the hosting associations is not acceptable and students definitely need to be
informed about any additional cost, not necessary the amount, but whether there
will be additional cost or not.
DE My comment is that what we can do as a solution if we are having
processing fees charged for incoming associations as well as out coming, I think
that is unnecessary. Only the associations that has the burden of placing and
processing their students, should charge a fee. For example, APhA-ASP has
staff hired to process this. I think member association should still be allowed to
charge for that processing. But I dont think incoming should also be able to
charge. I think we should create a list of what host are allowed to charge for.
(E.g. may charge so much for transportation, etc. but with a limit on how much).
LE About the extra fees asked for on arrival, have you heard that any
associations have used this money to fundraise for their own assoc. Even
associations who are not members of IPSF think that you can use SEP to
fundraise. CR feedback I got, the Germans students charged extra fee on arrive,
and they had the feeling that the SEO kept the money themselves. Thats why it
reflects so badly on SEP, which is why Im against additional fees. But you did
mention APhA-ASP, how much is this fee? For incoming or outgoing? DE I dont
know the exact amount. Students pay APhA-ASP for processing, then APHAASP pays IPSF and pocket some for their own processing fees. SM the fees that
the outgoing association is charging the members, are they including that fee on
the database so when they pay on the database it includes the SEP and
association fees. DE payed APhA-ASP, not the database, then got refunded
when I wasnt placed. BC student pays home association and gets some
refunded if not placed. At the end of the year, the association has to pay IPSF
the membership + the SEP fee (its a participation fee). CR this kind of fee is the
reason I strongly support that we state additional fees for incoming students
because the SEO gets paid at the beginning for outgoing, and this is connected
to the students they place in other countries. So other association cant charge
additional fees just to finance themselves. This is a type of cooperation in my
opinion. I strongly encourage setting a statement against that.
IB I hope we should really take time to investigate into this, maybe not this year,
but in years to come, how we can give more power to SEC and less power to
SEO, especially in how students are sent to different countries, selected, etc.
SEC would have more power in that processes and SEO would just be involved
in facilitating the local placement and ground work, but not selection. LE do you
think it would be good to have in official documents that if students have to pay
any extra fees not listed on database that they would be punished? So if
students get charged extra fees, they can report that right away. BC I would like
to have a document where students will state their expenses and that document
should be approved by their association and I approve that with SEC. Then if
student goes into country and feels they are overcharged, then I could feel if the
charge is justified because I know what the charges should be. And if they
association charges more than they should, then they can be punished. DE
SEP will investigate punishment on all things

Appendices: Reports of the Executive Committee

Appendix 1: Report of the President 2015-16
Report of the President 2015-16
Ms. Dayl Eccles
1st Executive Committee Meeting 4th October 10th of October 2015
I hereby submit the report of the President to the 1st Executive Committee meeting. In this report I have
incorporated my plan for the rest the IPSF mandate 2015-16 and incorporated a summary of what I
have done so far.

Ms. Parand Ankhavan, President 2014-15, provided me access to the email account and Box storage
account in early September. Since that time she has been traveling; a further handover meeting has
not been finalized. Ideally this meeting will be set to take place prior to the International Pharmaceutical
Federations (FIPs) conference in late September/early October.

Executive Committee
I have been arranging multiple individual meetings with the incoming Executive Committee members in
order to facilitate their own handover and gain a baseline knowledge of what they may need to
accomplish their goals throughout their term. I have connected them all too at least 2-3 predecessors
via Facebook in hopes that ideas will be exchanged and long-term planning for the role and the
Federation can take place. I have also created Facebook, WhatsApp, and Skype groups with all
incoming Executive Committee members shortly after their election in order to connect the current
Committee. Communication has been consistent via these channels.

Secretary General. 10th September, ~3 hours.

Treasurer. 6th September, 2 hours.
Chairperson of External Relations. 2nd September, 1.5 hours. Continuous contact has been
taking place via Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp Messenger, and IPSF email accounts.
Chairperson of Internal Relations. 6th September, 2.5 hours.
Chairperson of Media and Publications. Official meeting being arranged; continuous contact via
WhatsApp has taken place to facilitate handover and initial tasks of business card creation.
Chairperson of Professional Development. 10th September, 2 hours.
Chairperson of Pharmacy Education. 16 September, 2 hours.
Chairperson of Public Health. 3rd September, 2 hours.
Chairperson of Student Exchange. 17th September. Handover between the current and
previous Chairperson had not yet taken place, so this meeting was a text meeting to prepare
her primarily for basic Executive Meeting 1. Her position was not heavily discussed. She had
requested handover with her predecessor take place shortly prior to the first Executive Meeting,
and she states her predecessor has been available when she is ready for handover.
Chairperson of the African Regional Office. 13th September, 45 minutes.
Chairperson of the Asia Pacific Regional Office. 13th September, 45 minutes.
Chairperson of the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office. 14th September, 1 hour.
Chairperson of the European Regional Office. Official meeting being arranged. Handover has
been facilitated with other Chairpersons of the Regional Offices while the current Chairperson
gets in contact with his predecessor.
Chairperson of the Pan American Regional Office. Official meeting being arranged.
Chairperson of the IPSF World Congress. Official meeting being arranged.

United Nations Youth Working Group, New York Office

Ms. Madeline Chavara, Chairperson of External Relations, arranged a meeting with the United Nations
Youth Working Group based in New York, United States of America.

Pre-Meeting via Skype, 2nd September, 1 hour. Attended by Ms. Madeline Chavara, Ms.
Barbara Skoralick Villela and Ms. Ana Catarina Duarte (Outgoing and Incoming Chairpersons
of Public Health), Ms. Brittany Mani and Ms. Whitley Yi (Outgoing and Incoming Chairpersons
of Pharmacy Education). Defined goals of a potential partnership, questions to learn more about
the Youth Working Groups work.

Teleconference, 3rd September, 1 hour. Attended by Ms. Madeline Chavara and Ms. Whitley
Yi; other members were available via electronic means if needed. Follow up to be arranged
with Ms. Madeline Chavara as the focal point.

International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA)

Ms. Madeline Chavara, Chairperson of External Relations, arranged an informal introductory meeting
with IFMSA.

Skype, 9th September, 1 hour. Attended by Ms. Madeline Chavara and Ms. Ana Catarina
Duarte (Incoming Chairperson of Public Health), and Ms. Kornelija Maceviit (IFMSA Liaison
Officer to Student Organisations).

Additional Meetings
I have also been transitioning the duties of the Secretary of the Pan American Regional Office to the
newly appointed Secretary. Handover was completed via Skype on 20th September, 1.5 hours. My
duties will be officially completed after Subcommittee Appointment is finalized the week of 20th
September. Email communication has been completely handed over and my role will be supervisory
prior to officially taking the President portfolio on October 1st.
Organization of Year
Various tasks have been completed to maintain the portfolio work and prepare for the incoming year.
These tasks include, but are not limited to, organizing email account and filters, gathering archives and
gaining knowledge of pending tasks over the past year, arranging for EM1, team building, investigating
holding EM2 in the Pan American Region.
Goals and Action Plan 2014-15
The goals and action plan of the President are highly dependent on input from the team that will be
gained at the first Executive Meeting. Monthly Updates will describe progress.
The Secretariat is exploring ideas for more involvement as a unit to guide and audit the work of the
Executive Committee as a whole.
Policy Committee
With the addition of Advocacy Coordinators and restructuring of this Committee for the third year in a
row, we ultimately will be working together to stabilize the structure and goals for the Committee in a
longer term sense. Work will take place throughout the year to gain basic statements on items pertinent
to the Federation in order to represent us well in any statements made officially (e.g., statements on
partnering ethically with businesses and companies, public health efforts, role of the pharmacist). The
goal is to have enough information to speak truly on behalf of the Federation when attending and making
official Interventions at meetings like the World Health Assembly. The intent is to also gather input from
Contact Persons and Regional Working Groups through the co-opted Regional Relations Officers on
the Committee.
Strategic Planning

Strategic planning itself in the Federation needs a higher standard following at least basic principles of
the concept of Strategic Planning. In order to create a realistic set of goals, the first few months of the
term will be aimed at looking at the current Strategic Plan and analysing our current status. Throughout
the term, I am planning to engage each portfolio in analysing their position and role in IPSF in regards
to the current Strategic Plan. By EM2 I am hoping to have a baseline of how our Federation is doing in
order to create a long-term Action Plan in line with our current Strategic Plan. This will help us become
more focused on our Aims and Objectives as a Federation.
Guideline / Standard Operating Procedure / Handover Documents
Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures are being gathered and standardized, including
information that will be pertinent to newly incoming Executive. The intent is to have near-finalized drafts
of all Portfolios and Committees completed by Executive Meeting 2.
World Healthcare Students Alliance
The Secretariat for WHSA has been transitioned to IPSF for the year. Details and work will be arranged
with the Chairperson of External Relations.
Travel Plans 2014-15

Executive Meeting 1, The Hague, the Netherlands, 4-10th October 2015.

Executive Meeting 2, The Hague, the Netherlands, early 2016.
Executive Meeting 3, Harare, Zimbabwe, end July 2016.
62nd IPSF World Congress, Harare, Zimbabwe, 29th July 8th August 2016.

Final remarks
Our Executive Committee has already started bonding and I am enjoying the beginning of my term. I
look forward to continuing to work for IPSF and welcome any questions. Thank you to the General
Assembly for the opportunity.
Appendix 2: Report of the Secretary General 2014-16
Report of the Secretary General 2014-16
Mr. James White
1st Executive Committee Meeting 4th until the 10th of October 2015
I hereby submit the report of the Secretary General to the 1st Executive Committee meeting. In this
report I have incorporated my plan for the rest the IPSF mandate 2015-16 and incorporated a summary
of what I have done so far.

As I am retaining my position for the second year of my term, I have had no handover.
Communication and Secretariat
IPSF calls for positions and appointments
The 1st call for the IPSF Team has been completed and the results have been released by email to all
successful and unsuccessful candidates. The 2 nd call for the IPSF Team will be completed and sent
before the end of Executive Meeting 1.
Key Performance Indicator:

Release of the 2nd Call for the IPSF Team by the end of the 1st IPSF Executive Committee
Complete IPSF Team by the 1st of November.

Goals and Action Plan 2015-16

I expect to submit the minutes of the 60th IPSF General Assembly to the IPSF Members before the 31st
December 2015. I will ask for feedback from the CPs, for that an edited version may be put before the
61st General Assembly.
Key Performance Indicators:

Release of Minutes of the 61st IPSF General Assembly before the 31st of December 2015
Release of Minutes of the 3rd Executive Committee Meeting 2015 before the 1st of November
Release of Minutes of the Executive Committee Meetings no later than one month past the

Parliamentary Coordinator
To date I have had one meeting with the incoming Parliamentary Coordinator Mr. Eduardo De Melo
Carvacho, and we have discussed the overall expectations of both myself and the new coordinator of
the new position.
The following are to be the duties of the position:

To act as the Chairperson of the 62nd IPSF General Assembly.

To assist in the preparation of the General Assembly this would involve updating the Official
Document for Dummies guide and improving the template for the mock GA.
To create guidelines for the position in conjunction with the Secretary General for handover

Other ideas that have been raised is for the Coordinator to liaise with all Coordinators and create
quarterly Coordinators reports to be shared with the CPs.
Key Performance Indicators:

Guidelines created by the end of the mandate

Mock GA template create before 1st of July
Official Document for Dummies updated before the 1st of July.
Revised Official Documents released by the 1st of December

Constitutional Working Committee

I am planning on coordinating the work of the CWC in order to be able to send out our proposals of
changes to the Official Documents to the CPs in March 2015 and to have final proposals distributed no
later than 1st June 2016.
The main tasks will be to help with the Minutes of the 61 stIPSF General Assembly as well as finalising
the revision of the IPSF Official Documents as started in 2014-15.
Additionally I wish to use the CWC to brainstorm any changes that could possibly be made to improve
the Official Documents. As well as ensure that the document is coherent.
Monthly Updates
Guidelines for the new system of Monthly Updates have been established and will begin to be enforced
within the new Mandate. All Executive Committee members will be expected to complete the monthly

updates in accordance with the new Guidelines. The new guidelines will also be reviewed at the end of
the mandate to asses if they have increased Executive Committee involvement in the Monthly Updates.
Key Performance Indicators:

At least 10 Executive Committee Members Monthly Reports per month

IPSF Team Structure

The IPSF team has grown over time and we need to re-assess whether our team structure is the most
efficient it can be. In regards to this I will be conducting a thorough review of the IPSF Team Structure
over the mandate. This will involve assessing whether the Team Structure is aligned with our Strategic
Plan. All positions will be reviewed.
Key Performance Indicators:

Provisional Progress report submitted to the 2nd IPSF Executive Committee Meeting in Early
Full review submitted to the 62nd IPSF General Assembly/Contact Persons for discussion.

Online Executive Committee Meetings will be scheduled every three weeks with a rotating time to
ensure that all Executive Committee Members have their fair share of early mornings and late nights.
Additionally, I would like to begin to have Secretariat meetings every 2 weeks to ensure that all the
Secretariat are involved and have the best knowledge of the workings of the Federation. These
meetings would also rotate.
I would like to update and make available all Guidelines within the IPSF Archives. All guidelines will be
given a consistent format and updated with the latest IPSF information. These guidelines will be
released onto the IPSF Website for everyone to access.
Key Performance Indicators:

Update and release of two achieved guidelines per month.

IPSF Team Training

I would like to institute training of the IPSF Team in soft skills such as communication, team
management, project management and time management to ensure all those working for IPSF have
the best available skill set. This will be done in conjunction with the Chairperson of Professional
Development and Training Coordinator.
Key Performance Indicators:

6 Training sessions run before December on at least two different topics

8 Training sessions run before the 2 nd IPSF Executive Committee Meeting

Hardcopy Archives

The hardcopy archives of IPSF Documents in The Hague are great source of inspiration and IPSF
history for current and past IPSFers.
I would like to continue the work of the past Secretary General Ms Angela Sester in the digitalisation of
the IPSF Achieves.
Guidelines for IPSF Executive Committee, Coordinators, Committees and IPSF Team
As part of mandate I am planning on finalising all Executive Committee, Coordinators and Committees
and IPSF Team Guidelines to ensure that handover can be performed much more efficiently.
Travel Plans 2013-14
Upcoming travels

National Australian Pharmacy Students Association Congress, Townsville, Australia 23 rd

January to 29th January 2016

2nd Executive Meeting, The Hague, February/March 2016 (tbd)

World Health Assembly, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2016 (tbd)

IPSF Regional Symposia 2015 (tbd)

3rd Executive Meeting, July 2016 (tbd)

IPSF Leaders in Training, Harare, Zimbabwe, July 2016

61th IPSF World Congress, Harare, Zimbabwe, 31st of July 9th August 2016

WHO WPRO EB Meeting October 2016 (tbd)

Final remarks
The opportunity to serve a double term is one that allows me to improve on what I did over the past
year and to really bring my all into the position. I am looking forward to serving the Federation for another
year, and although I am not able to attend the 1 st Executive Committee Meeting I look forward to serving
the Federation into the Future.
Viva la Pharmacie!

Appendix 3: Report of the Treasurer 2015-17

EM1 Report of the IPSF Treasurer 2015-17

Mr. Michael McIntyre: IPSF Treasurer 2015-17
1st Executive Committee Meeting: October 3 rd 11th

I hereby submit the report of the Treasurer to the 1 st Executive Committee Meeting. In this report I
have detailed my plan for the rest of the mandate 2015-16 and included a brief description of what I
have done thus far.
Handover commenced after the congress in India via correspondence with the immediate
past Treasurer, Laurens Oort. Laurens gave me access to the Treasurers email account as well as a
number of other accounts and programs. Ive been familiarizing myself with these to facilitate the use
of them when we officially handover duties in October. This is also when I will officially gain access to
the IPSF bank account and accounting software. Laurens and I had a Skype meeting on 30 th August.
We discussed the use of the various software programs and websites associated with the day to day
treasury tasks and Laurens demonstrated a few common transactions via screen sharing.
Outstanding debts to outgoing ExCo members will be settled by Laurens before the 1 st of
October. Reimbursements for current ExCo with respect to travel allowances for attending EM1 will be
done in cash during EM1 (assuming all documentation/receipts are accounted for). Invoices for
membership fees for next year are being finalized by Laurens. If not finalized by handover I will carry
on distributing them to CPs. Managing off the flats finances will also be handled by me. I will be
depending on the Permanent Officer or tenants (if applicable) to forward all bills and expenses to my
Mid-year audit still yet to be completed. If not finalized by the 1st of October, I will carry on the
audit with the current and future auditing committees. Auditing committee for 2015/16 remains to be
elected. By the time this report will be published I should have put forward suitable member
organizations for consideration for the auditing committee.
Development Fund
Likely reopening the call for DF coordinator and committee members. Until such time as we
have elected a DFC, I will be handling the running of the development fund. Ideally we will have
committee members with sufficient time to prepare for the first DF grant call in November. The
majority of the grants from the previous term have been finalized, with only a few loose ends to follow
up. Guidelines for each grant were drawn up by last years DFC, I plan to continue to implement and
improve upon these guidelines to ensure a fair and transparent selection procedure for development
fund grants.
Future Goals:
(Stratified by importance of completion)

Finalization of Not-for-Profit status with Dutch Government

- Need to follow-up with Laurens and Parand to see what has yet to be done
- Will allow us to apply for previously unavailable grant funding
Exploration and, if possible, implementation of accepting electronic payments
- Investigate all encountered roadblocks of previously explored options, determine if they
remain problematic or can be addressed
- Explore any additional possible methods
- Determine viability for fees associated with World Congress, Regional Symposia,
Membership Fees, donations etc.

IPSF Store/Merchandise
- Planning to work closely with Chairperson of Media and Publications to replenish and
expand inventory to the IPSF store
- Increase promotion of the IPSF store through CPs and member organization events


New accountant
- Continual task to find new accountant better suited to our needs
- Current accountant has many larger clients and as such does not allocate a great deal
of resources for us
Improved promotion of Development Fund Grants
- Strategies of most successful member organisations to be distributed to CPs
- Attention given to new member organisations to promote IPSF within them
Creation of concrete guidelines with respect to the auditing committee
- Currently, the auditing committee audits the work of the treasurer based on instructions
from the treasurer. While the system currently works, theres an inherent conflict of
interest which necessitates more structured guidelines
In a Perfect World:

Learn Dutch
- Laurens has all of our finances organized through a program that has one operating
language and it isnt English.
Travel Plans:
(At minimum)

Executive Meeting 2: TBD

Executive Meeting 3: Harare, Zimbabwe
62nd IPSF World Congress: Harare, Zimbabwe

Additional conferences and symposia are possible but highly dependent on changes to my
employment in the upcoming months.
Additional Words:
My report may be fairly brief, but I want to stress my excitement for the upcoming mandate. I
plan to ensure the continued financial stability of our federation and work to make improvements
where I feel our members will benefit the most. With a two year term ahead of myself I have the
opportunity to plan and carry out larger ideas and projects than would be otherwise possible with a
single year term. I want to encourage everyone to not hesitate to contact me with any questions,
concerns or suggestions with regards to the Treasurer portfolio or your own portfolios.
Appendix 4: Report of the Chairperson of External Relations 2015-16
Report of the Chairperson of External Relations 2015-16
Ms. Madeline Renee Chavara
1st Executive Committee Meeting 4 th October 10 th of October 2015
I hereby submit the report of the Chairperson of (office) to the 1st Executive Committee meeting. In
this report I have incorporated my plan for the rest the IPSF mandate 2014-15 and incorporated a
summary of what I have done so far.
I report that the Handover process has been very well negotiated between myself and the former
Chairpersons being Filipa Olivera, Jakub Weber, and Dayl Eccles. As former Corporate Relations

Committee (CRC) Member, I am familiar with many of the procedures of my new position and have
experience in creating partnerships and talking and meeting with external stakeholders. In late
August, I gained access to the External Google Drive and Gmail accounts. I have already began to
take initiative on some developments using the External Gmail Account and have begun organizing
folders on the Drive. In addition, I am able to access to the Box with the Executive Committee
documents. Having excellent communication with the former Chairpersons and current contacts from
our partnerships, I am positive and hopeful about my mandate.
Partnerships and Sponsorships
Student groups:

IFMSA: Have had an introductory meeting with outgoing Liaison Officer of Student
Organizations (LOSO)/Incoming Vice President of External Relations and incoming LOSO
with IPSF President, PH Chairperson, and External Chairperson. Points that were discussed
were attending PreWHA Meeting. IFMSA also spoke about their involvement in the UN
General Assembly and gave us insight on how to attend as having official ECOSOC
consultative status. Our MoU was approved at last World Congress.
International Veterinary Students Association (IVSA): We are currently involved with IVSA
through our relationship with WHSS and WHSA. Between IPSF and IVSA, we are currently in
the process of creating a MoU.
EPSA: Have yet to be updated.
World Health Student Symposium (WHSS): We have a contact person on the Joint Working
Group. The event will be held in Macedonia in October. The bid for the next Symposium is
TBA. Additionally, according to the MoU, we will have to replace our member of the JWG and
should send out a call after the Symposium.
World Health Students Organization (WHSA): World Health Students Alliance (WHSA) is a
unique collaborative project with three healthcare students organization stakeholders
involved: IADS, IFMSA and IPSF. Dental, Medical and Pharmaceutical students from all over
the world understand that it is fundamental to have a common action on the challenges that
are now present in our communities. In order to foster this collaboration we decided to unify
and form an alliance to help accomplish our visions. November 17th, 2014 was then chosen
as the date to start the Alliance. The WHSA Declaration was signed on that day in Prague,
where IPSF expressed its commitment to advance the implementation of Human Rights and
the development of health care. Since the implementation day in November, several meetings
(online and local) were organized and held on behalf of the alliance to assure the
collaborative work between the three member organisations. Secretariat handover is currently
in progress, which was previously sequestered with IFMSA. I have received the WHSA
Google group email and password and will continue to transition into contact person for the
WHSA, opening communications to the other stakeholders. The MoU is being circulated
amongst stakeholders to sign.


A4HP: IPSF currently serves on their consulate board and will be providing an intern which
will be set there in Geneva, Switzerland. A call has been released and more extensive
updates can be given by other Chairpersons.
UNESCO Youth Working Group (YWG) in the US: The US YWG is an independent entity
consisting of 10 young adults that is affiliated with the US UNESCO National Commission. A
meeting occurred between IPSF President, CP of PH, CP of PE, and External with Nathaniel
Erb, project coordinator of Global Youth Live!, and Raymond Dong, public health
representative. IPSF has the opportunity to work with US YWG to host and participate in one

of the Global Youth Forum and Global Youth Live! Events, which are initiatives both geared
towards raising awareness in public health and serve as an educational platform in a specific
initiative. IPSF would highlight our own portfolio projects. This partnership would be beneficial
because it would increase exposure for both the US YWG and IPSF to both pharmacy and
non-pharmacy students. I also believe that there are some long-term benefits with this group
as their influence grows.
UN: I have established contact with the Director of the US UNESCO National Commission,
who has offered her assistance to connect us with other Public Health groups represented by
the National Commission. I will also be getting in touch with their science policy specialist,
who may be able to get us in touch with PAHO. Will also ask for an invite to the annual
meeting in December. Additionally, she will connect me with the US Youth Delegate for the
Youth Assembly to be held in Paris, FR in October.


Wolters Kluwer (Lexicomp): The conversations with Lexicomp were initiated back in 2013 by
the chairperson of ER at that time, these negotiations continued until June 2015 when the
partnership was finally agreed on and a contract was signed. During this considerably long
period of time, a bigger company, Wolters Kluwer, acquired Lexicomp and some of
Lexicomps staff were no longer employed in the new company, including our focal contact.
This fact delayed the negotiations even further. Fortunately the new team in Wolters Kluwer
understood the importance of this partnership and decided to follow up the conversations.
This resulted in the revision and alteration of the initial proposal as well as several months of
frequent conference calls and emails. Once the contract was signed last month, Wolters
Kluwer became the IPSF official sponsor for the upcoming year, especially for the IPSF
Professional Development Events and they will be present in our 61th World Congress in
India. This partnership resulted in a monetary gain of 5.000 to IPSF. However, some of the
products and handout materials promised were not handed out at the WC, resulting in an
ongoing discussion with Wolters Kluwer about the terms of our negotiation.
Eli Lilly: A first approach to Eli Lilly was made during the IFPMA Annual Conference in New
York last November. Followed by a few months of emailing and phone conversations with Eli
Lillys Director of Talent Acquisition in regards of becoming an IPSF sponsor. Lilly agreed to
partner with IPSF and became our sponsor by acquiring one of our sponsorship packages,
which translated in a monetary gain of 3.500 to IPSF. Eminent tasks that need to be
accomplished include IPSF media and publications announcing our partnership and including
Eli Lilly advertisements on our publications.
International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA):
Although considered an NGO and not a company, this NGO is comprised of industry
representatives, including CEOs and other executives from leading pharmaceutical
companies. Last year, I had the privilege of meeting the CEO of Eli Lilly, John Lechleiter, as
well as other executives from Merck, Celgene, and EMD Serono. The Dean of the Oxford
School of Public Health was there along with many other elite professionals. We should
continue to maintain a good relationship with IFPMA if not only for the sole purpose of
attending this event because put bluntly, it is a goldmine of potential sponsorships.
Additionally, the greatest minds of the pharmaceutical industry and public health sector are
shaping the future of public health. In the meeting with IFPMA during WHO 136th EBM, back
in January, some topics and possible collaborations between the two federations were
discussed with Mr. Mario Ottiglio, Director, and Public affairs, Communications & Global
Health Policy and Ms. Cynthia Genolet, Policy Analyst & Global Health Analyst; such as:
o IPSF-IFPMA internship. Some issues were raised concerning the duration of the
internship and the permits to stay in Geneva, which can be hard to get for nonEuropean IPSF members.
o Link Fight the Fakes with the internship.


Develop a joint survey or campaign on mental health.

Possibility of IPSF to write an article to be posted on IFPMA blog.
Collaboration on speakers for IPSF events.

During WHA, in May, another meeting was schedule to further discuss the previous topics and to
access what was needed to assure that the collaboration would happen.

International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of

Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH): Since its inception in 1990, ICH has gradually
evolved, to respond to the increasingly global face of drug development, so that the benefits
of international harmonisation for better global health can be realised worldwide. ICH's
mission is to achieve greater harmonisation to ensure that safe, effective, and high quality
medicines are developed and registered in the most resource efficient manner. Not a current
partner, I am only introducing this as partnership I think we should strongly consider making
because they have a huge impact in the pharmaceutical world.
European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA): Contacts were
made by Jakub last year at the FIP Annual Congress in Bangkok. I have unearthed them and
reached out. Replies are pending. The possible avenues of partnership discussed were CE
events, attending meetings, and receiving their updates and newsletters.

External Events to Discuss

FIP Congress (Dusseldorf, GE): Will be attending on behalf of my University to present a

poster. Will step in as appropriate to represent IPSF if needed at the booth, events, etc.
CPhI (Madrid, ES): Filipa and Daniel went last year with reported success. Stephanie Miller
has agreed to attend this year and participation by the 2015-2016 CRC Coordinator and ChP
of European Region is pending. Typically, this event is attended by vendors, however, Filipa
mentioned that there was value in her attendance last year.
Student Partner Annual Congresses: I believe that IPSF needs to take initiative this year to
connect with our partners on a more personal level, given our interest in collaboration. In
particular, I think we should be sending representatives to IFMSA and WHSS.
UN Youth Assembly (Paris, FR): We received an invitation via IPSF permanent officer
website. Deadline to send delegate on behalf of IPSF has passed, however, there may be an
opportunity to attend with general admission. It is my goal to make this an annually attended
event by IPSF.
UNESCO International Forum of NGOs (Paris, FR): In 2013, we sent the ChP of PE to attend
this event. It is a biannual meeting that IPSF should always consider sending students to.
UN General Assembly (New York, NY, USA): By having official ECOSOC consultative status,
IPSF should have privileges of attending the General Assembly. This was brought to my
attention during our introductory meeting with IFMSA, who is sending several representatives
to the meeting which is taking place in late September. It is my goal this year to establish a
contact at the UN that can guide us through the process of applying for attendance.
Dubai International Pharmaceuticals and Technologies Exhibition DUPHAT (Dubai, UAE): In
2014, the former ER ChP Jakub Weber attended and set up a booth. An agreement was
made that we were able to send student representatives to solicit IPSF free of charge in
return for advertising for their event. I have gotten in contact with Romualdo C. Peleno, the
Marketing Director, and will reintroduce this agreement.
International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFMSA): In
November 2014, I attended their biannual conference in New York, NY.
DIA: These are regional events that are attended by many pharmaceutical representatives.
We have sent IPSF Representatives in the past and should continue to do so in pursuit of
potential partnerships. This year, I would like to explore their willingness to collaborate with
sending students for free in exchange for advertisement (similarly to DUPHAT).

In conclusion, I believe it is paramount that the following events should be attended annually by and
IPSF representative.
Goals and Action Plan
To optimize the internal operational success of the Corporate Relations Committee, I will

Finalize the CRC duties and establish online communication platforms using Google
Update the following documents
o Partnership Prospectus
o Presentation materials for External partners with updated statistical and contact
o List of Current and Expired MoUs
Establish Standard Operating Procedures for the 20152015


IV. Provide training documents and program for specific members that wish to attend
professional event on behalf of IPSF
V. Work with the Coordinator and CRC to create calendar of potential events that IPSF can
attend and share with the Executive Committee

In order to create the best working relationship with the other Chairpersons, I will

Transparently share information regarding ongoing and potential partnerships

Work with Chairpersons to pass on archived contacts to their relevant portfolios, i.e. comb
through the current Master External Contacts List and distribute contacts

To clarify the relationship that IPSF has with public and private for-profit companies, I will

Create a policy statement that makes the views and pursuits of IPSF transparent to all
inquiring companies and sponsors

My ultimate goal is to work with student groups, NGOs, private companies, and academic institutions
with the support of the President, Executive Committee, the Corporate Relations Coordinator, and CR
Committee to provide the greatest amount of funding and professional opportunities to IPSF students.
I hope that while pursuing different campaigns and activities, IPSF will create them in such a way
where there are measureable outcomes that can quantify success. This will not only set an internal
standard, but will be incredibly useful in communicating with potential and current partners, like the
I will continue to pursue the projects listed above and follow up with all relevant parties.
Travel Plans

FIP Congress, Dusseldorf, GE September 29 October 3, 2015

IPSF Executive Meeting, The Hague, the Netherlands October 5-10, 2015
World Health Assembly Executive Board Meetings, January 2016
Executive Meeting 2, The Hague, the Netherlands, February March 2016
Dubai International Pharmaceuticals and Technologies Conference and Exhibition
(DUPHAT), Dubai, UAE March 15-17, 2015
APhA-ASP Annual Meeting, Baltimore, United States, March 2016
PreWHA Meeting hosted by IFMSA, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2016
67th World Health Assembly Geneva, Switzerland, May 2016
Executive Meeting 3 The Hague, the Netherlands, July 2016

60th IPSF World Congress Zimbabwe, July August 2016

IFPMA Conference Place TBA November 2016

Final Remarks
I am very much looking forward to the progress that IPSF can be made in their relation to External
Partners. I believe that through effective collaboration, our students will more greatly benefit from the
opportunities the world has to offer and at the same time contribute as a global citizen to the
advancement of health. I am excited to work with this years IPSF Executive Team and getting to
know each of you. It is important for me to mention I WILL OFFER MY SUPPORT FOR YOU AT
ANYTIME. I know as students, school and life can get hard and truly, it is so easy to burn out. Please
feel free to reach out to me at any time with any concerns about your career, social life, and cat,
whatever. I am here to be a friend as well as a coworker.
I believe it is easier for us to do our position and not ghost when we have a sense of community and
support amongst each other. Also, all of you are either going to be

very successful
famous or
all of the above,

So I want to make sure to stay in your good graces ;)

On the flip side, if I am not meeting your expectations as a Chairperson, please call me out
respectfully. Ever since crying through Pharmacokinetics last year Im pretty sure I can handle
anything. I hope to do my best, but can also appreciate being pushed to perform in my greatest
capacity for the betterment of this team and IPSF.
Appendix 5: Chairperson of Internal Relations 2015-16
Report of the Chairperson of Internal Relations 2015-16
Mr. Lucas Ercolin (CACIF, Brazil)
1st Executive Committee Meeting 4th October 10th of October 2015

I hereby submit the report of the Chairperson of Internal Relations to the 1 st Executive Committee
meeting. In this report I have incorporated my plan for the rest the IPSF mandate 2014-15 and
incorporated a summary of what I have done so far.

The handover with Mr. Luka Kosec started after the 61st IPSF World Congress on Skype and it was
divided in 4 meetings (August 24 th, 27th and 31st, and September 3rd) and the following subjects were

Relations with CPs

Monthly Updates
Regional Relations

Mr. Luka Kosec shared his views of the portfolio and potential changes for the future, and we discussed
our views on my planning for this mandate, with good outcomes. I shared my plans with previous
Chairpersons of Internal Relations, in order to have more inputs.
In addition to Mr. Lukas handover, I had meetings with Mr. Jason Hong and Ms. Marwa Ben, both exChairperson of Internal Relations (2013-2014 and 2012-2013, respectively), which gave me good inputs
and ideas for the upcoming year.

Projects for the Year

Contact Persons and Groups
In order to improve the activity of Contact Persons (CP) and the outcome from the Member
Associations, the following ideas will be put in action:

New CP Training A training for all incoming CPs will be developed, and opened for Members
to provide their input. The objective is to introduce the Portfolio, the Official Documents, Events
and the related groups, as well as the expected activity. This Training would happen based on
demand of every five new CPs.
In order to stimulate participation, this training may be added as criteria for IPSF Awards.
The first content proposition of this training will be organized on the first month of the mandate,
and the support of the Chairperson of Professional Development will be requested in order to
optimize the training method.

CP Feedback For outgoing CPs, a feedback will be developed, and opened for Members to
provide their input. The objective is to obtain information about transparency, group activity,
responsiveness, quality of emails, as well any other subject regarding CP interest. This
feedback will have a free expression section, but will be manly based on objective inputs.
In order to stimulate the participation, this training may be added as criteria for IPSF Awards.
The first questionnaire proposition will be organized on the first month of the mandate.

The relation of Outgoing and Incoming CPs will be added to the Monthly Reports, and the
welcoming/good bye emails will not be accepted on the CP Email Group, but they will be at the
Facebook Group, which shall have only the active CPs.

CP Reports Before each CP Meeting, it will be requested an Activity Report, similar to the
Annual Report, which will be added as Annex to the minutes of the meetings, improving the
information about the Members activity.
During the mandate, for every completed activity by the members, they will be encouraged to
send to the Chairperson of Internal Relations the full report. All received reports will be shared
to the CP Group in the Monthly Updates.
For regions that hold a Regional Symposium, the Associations will have to deliver and present
their reports for the Regional Assembly, as it is already done in some regions.
In order to stimulate participation, these reports may be added as criteria for IPSF Awards.

Direct Input For every Executive Committee (ExCo) email that requests Input from members,
five CPs will be directly contacted to provide input. At least two member with high activity, or
known knowledge on the subject, and three with low activity. Not all CPs will be requested
during the year. All the other CPs will receive the same email as usual.
In order to stimulate the participation, these inputs may be added as criteria for IPSF Awards
for those requested.

First CP Meeting The first CP meeting will happen late November, and the preliminary
agenda is the following
o Introduction of CPs
o Introduction of the Team


EM1 Reports
Propositions for EM2
Events Registrations
CP Training
CP Feedback
IPSF Awards Criteria

This agenda may be changed by the ExCos will, based on the Executive Meeting 1 (EM1). Any
propositions from the CPs may be added and input will be requested one month before the
meeting take place.

Members on the Website/Wikipedia Today, the best source of information about IPSF
Members is on SEP Database. To add information about the Members on the Webpage and
Wikipedia, it will be requested from the CPs basic information about the Association, such as
full name, full name in English, year of foundation, headquarters, and number of members,
flag/symbol and other relevant information.

Other activities related to this subject are on Alumni, Documentation, Evaluation of Activity and

Evaluation of Activity
In order to evaluate the activity of CPs, Key Performance Indicators (KPI) will be used and added to the
Monthly Reports. This will be used hereafter to define the desired activity and to help on strategic plans
for achieve it. These are the proposed KPI:

Number of emails from CP on CP Group Main KPI from the CP Group, evaluating the
activity of the group.
Number of emails from CP to ExCo Main KPI of the CP activity, evaluating the need of
direct contact between CPs and ExCo.
Number of emails from ExCo as response to CP Evaluates the transparency of ExCo on
the CP needs, based on email.
Threads with more than 5 answers Evaluates the relevancy of the emails in the CP Group.
Non-relevant emails Indicates the incidence of spamming on the group.
Contact from other media to ExCo Indicates activity outside the CP Group.

Other KPI may be added based on the ExCo and CP will.

This new subject on the Internal Portfolio is based on an Advisory role, in order to improve the outcome
and the transparency on events.

CP Early Activity The Priority List and Blank Spots for IPSF Events will be requested before
the 1st Contact Person Meeting. This will be done in order to improve the access to information
for the CPs and IPSF Community about the Events at the CP Meeting, before the end of the

Registration Group A new group, composed by the Chairperson of Internal Relations,

Chairpersons of Events, Treasurer, President and Registration Officers of the Events will be
organized to define an unified quota, payment process and to discuss the general programs,
improving the access and the quality of the information about events.

Unified Events Booklet A unified booklet, with information about all the events of the
upcoming year will be made and distributed for the Members. It will have information about

registrations, prices, payment process, duration, expected programme, basic information for
travel and other relevant information.
It shall be delivered as soon all Symposiums and the World Congress have those information
The pre-Congress/pre-Symposium Booklets, will keep existing to guarantee more detailed

End of Confirmation Letters A unified method to confirm which students are members of
the Federation will be developed. The CPs will not have to write Confirmation Letters, but
confirm in a browser-based system those who are members, making the process faster. The
Internal Committee will be part of the supporting system.

Transparency and Membership Promotion depends on a qualified and accessible documentation from
the Federation. For this, it is proposed:

Accessibility to Information All email information and attachments will be added to the Box
folder IPSF for Contact Persons or, if it is the case, to other online file management system.
Relevant minutes from IPSF Team meetings will be added too. The relevant minutes will be
firstly defined by the ExCo, and then will be requested inputs from CPs.

Basic Promotional Kit A basic promotional kit, to be available at the Website and Box, will
be made and shall contain posters, folders, stickers and other relevant documents.

IPSF Booklet A unified handbook, with friendly information about the Federation will be
made, based on the Non-Member Handbook (last version in 2010) and CP Handbook (last
version in 2012). It shall contain basic information about the main activities and structure of
IPSF, in all the official languages (English, Arabic, French and Spanish) with the help of the
IPSF Team, or with a specific call for this propose. This shall be available in the Website, on
Box and at the Basic Promotional kit.
In a joint work with the Chairperson of Student Exchange, it will be evaluated if the SEO
Handbook should be added.

Create Your Own Association Handbook For non-members without a Representative

Association willing to join the Federation, a small handbook will be developed with information
about a minimum structure for an association based on IPSF, to avoid national legal
specificities. It will be based on IPSF associations that had similar histories. It shall be available
at the Website.

Official Documents for Newbies An updated version of this document, created in 20112012 will be developed to support the Training of CPs and Official Delegates for Regional and
General Assemblies.

The Alumni are a new kind of Affiliated Members, in a similar way to the Friends of the Federation. For
this, it is proposed:

Alumni List A list, with Full Name, Association, Country and contact (email, or any other
applicable) will be developed, to keep the records of people who were part of the Federation
and, when possible, it shall have information about their actual occupancy. The CPs will be
requested to join the efforts for this list.

Alumni Group All Alumni with active emails will be added to an email Group, where relevant
information will be shared, such as events, news and any other subject of Alumni interest.

Website and Social Webs Information about how to join the Alumni group will be added at
the Website for permanent access, and the social webs (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) will be used
to find Alumni.
Regional information or independent initiatives (such as Viva la Pharmacie, from Mr. Carlos
Juarez, Honorary Life Member) will be contacted.

Since this is a novel initiative, it may go through changes during the year, based on the information
gathered and on the research of the ExCo and Internal Committee. For this report are considered the
main objectives.

Individual Membership
The individual members are underrepresented in IPSF, and usually their activity are on registrations for
events or nominations for IPSF Team. For this, the following propositions want to improve their activity:

Membership Coordinator The Membership Coordinator shall serve as CP for Individual

Members, in order to improve the transparency and activity to those members.

Built-in Individual Member Application The pharmacy student or recent graduate shall be
able to make his application directly through the website, making the process easier.

Individual Member Feedback To understand the will and the interest of the Individual
Members, a feedback containing questions about access to information, opportunities, ideas
and any other relevant questions shall be requested before every CP Meeting.

Membership Promotion
Some regions are underrepresented in IPSF, and a plan to find and add new associations is important
to achieve one of the missions of IPSF: Be a global and collective voice of students and recent
graduates in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. For this, is planned:

Will of the region/Regional Relations Officer (RRO) Some regions may have more interest
on having the Regional Relations Officer in the External portfolio, when compared to
Membership Promotion/CP relations. For this, together with the Regional Chairpersons and
Chairperson of External Relations, the work of the RRO will be discussed to improve the desired

Internal Committee: Training and Joint Work Hour A training will be given for the Internal
Committee, to improve the knowledge about Membership Promotion and CP relations. Their
work during the mandate shall be based on individual basis, which they will be in charge of their
own worktime, and on pairs, based on a Joint Work Hour, which two members will have to work
together to do their portfolio, resulting in a better outcome for difficult tasks.

Goals and Action Plan 2015-16

This action plan is organized bimonthly, with clear goals for each timeframe. Some projects are going
to be executed during the year based on demand (CP Training) or on weekly basis.

October November
o Internal Committee Training
o 1st Internal Committee Meeting
o Deliver to CPs the CP Training project for input
o Deliver to CPs the CP Feedback project for input
o Request inputs for the 1st CP Meeting
o Call for information to the Website

o 1st CP Meeting
December January
o Implementation of the CP Training
o 2nd Internal Committee Meeting
o Updating the Website/Wikipedia (Members Information)
o 3rd Internal Committee Meeting
o Deliver of the IPSF Handbook for input
o Deliver of the Create Your Own Association for input
February March
o Deliver of the Official Documents for Newbies for input
o Publication of the IPSF Handbook
o Publication of the Create Your Own Association
o 4th Internal Committee Meeting
o 5th Internal Committee Meeting
April May
o Deliver of Official Document for Newbies
o Updating the Website/Wikipedia (Information for Non-members)
o 6th Internal Committee Meeting
o 7th Internal Committee Meeting
o 2nd CP Meeting
June July
o 8th Internal Committee Meeting
o 62nd IPSF World Congress
o 3rd CP Meeting If relevant
August September
o Deliver the List of Alumni
o 9th Internal Committee Meeting If relevant
o Handover

Travel Plans 2015-16

04-10 of October of 2015, Executive Meeting 1 Den Haag, Netherlands

10-13 of October of 2015, FIP Booth at Congresso Farmacutico de So Paulo (Pharmacy
Congress of So Paulo) So Paulo, Brazil
To be decided, Executive Meeting 2 Den Haag, Netherlands
To be decided, 11th IPSF Pan American Regional Symposium
To be decided, Executive Meeting 3 Harare, Zimbabwe
29 of July 08 of August of 2016, 62nd IPSF World Congress Harare, Zimbabwe
28 of August 01 of September of 2016, 76th FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and
Pharmaceutical Sciences Buenos Aires, Argentina

Final remarks
It is a great pleasure for me to be in the Executive Committee again. I expect this year to be great for
the whole Federation.

-Viva la Phamacie!
Appendix 6: Chairperson of Media and Publications 2015-16
Report of the Chairperson of Media and Publications 2015-16
Ms. Amy Howard, United States
1st Executive Committee Meeting 4th October 10th of October 2015

I hereby submit the report of the Chairperson of Media and Publications to the 1st Executive Committee
meeting. In this report I have incorporated my plan for the rest the IPSF mandate 2015-16 and
incorporated a summary of what I have done so far.
My first handover meeting occurred via Skype with Mr. Luka Kosec, Immediate Past Chairperson of
Internal Relations 2014-2015, on 26th August 2015. In the meeting we discussed the expected
developments for the portfolio during the coming mandate and input from CPs on areas for
improvement. My second handover meeting occurred via Skype with Ms. Essra Noureldin, Immediate
Past Chairperson of Media and Publications 2014-2015, on the 7th September 2015. In the meeting
we briefly discussed the role of Media and Publications with respect to the various portfolios, the role
of committee members, and basics on website management. There will be a face-to-face training on
the website technical information while at FIP World Congress. There was an issue with password
verification in order to access the portfolio email, however with the assistance of Mr. James White,
Secretary General 2014-2016, I was granted access on 15th September 2015.
IPSF Executive Business Cards
In order to maintain better consistency in IPSF branding, I held over much of last years design,
making only minor adjustments to incorporate the requests of the incoming executive. A standard
template has been created for use in future years.
Goals and Action Plan 2014-15
IPSF Website
Continue roll out of rebranded website and continuously evaluate ease of use to ensure
navigation to resources is user-friendly
Complete the migration of all information from the old website to the new website, including
public health, SEP and all regional pages
o Work with each Chp to achieve a site that best serves their portfolio
Work with the web developers and translation liaison to ensure the removal/translation of all
Dutch text that remains on the site
Work to emphasize as the primary resource available for information on IPSF
Continue all publications currently in place (SPOT, Phuture, PEN, Newsletter)
o Implement SOP timeline for publication calls, editing, deadlines and release dates to
achieve one publication per month and highlight all portfolios individually
o Ensure calls for contributions to IPSF publications are mirrored across all social
media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and the website)
Evaluate use of ISSUU and Scribd with regard to accessibility and portability
Consider implementation of pdf archive through to allow members to download all
publication materials for use locally
External Relations
Assist Chairperson in updating the Partnership Prospectus
Focus on better integration of external partners and sponsorships into each publication
Internal Relations
Create webinars/YouTube videos covering various aspect of IPSF history and how-to guides
for participation at various levels of involvement
Integrating recent changes in the portfolio into the (alumni, events, IM, CPs,

Create an interactive organization infrastructure flowchart template which can be updated

annually to include the specific person holding each position at present, including direct linked
contact information

Professional Development
Assist Chairperson of PD in design of webinar/YouTube videos to increase awareness about
competition events available at World Congress
Centralize available resources for PD on
o Publish Compounding guidelines to the site
o Publish Leaders in Training guidelines to the site
o Edit Clinical Skills guidelines to incorporate official partnership Wolters Kluwer
advertisement and publish to the site
o Establish Case Archive on the site, allowing students access to historical cases
used nationally and internationally for all competitions (CSE, CE, PCE)
Public Health
Assign Design Committee to specific campaigns to work in collaboration with PH committee
on promotional materials
Implement an IPSF calendar to clarify timing of campaigns -- both internal, providing the
team with clearly established submission and publication deadlines, and external, to be
published to as a resource/reference for CPs and members
In concert with the marketing coordinator, help promote campaigns across all social media
Pharmacy Education
Assist Chairperson of PE in development of PEN themes
Working with the editorial committee and the Chairperson of PE, rework the aim and
publishing deadlines for Phuture
Student Exchange Program
Increase the visibility of available SEP sites
Working in coordination with marketing coordinator, Chairperson of SEP, and SEOs, to create
webinars/YouTube spots highlighting points of cultural interest and opportunities within
pharmacy while on exchange
Create SEP features on, potentially as a subset of the blog, to provide anecdotal
student experiences from participation in SEP exchange
Regional Offices
Host monthly meetings with RMPOs to ensure IPSF brand and message are being
disseminated down to the level of individual members and identify any areas in need of
additional communication assistance
Assist Chairperson of EuRO in selection of RMPO
IPSF Marketing
Work in coordination with the Marketing Coordinator, Chairperson of Internal and External
Relations to clarify the aim of IPSF and IPSF brand
Assist Design Committee in creating comprehensive promotion/presentation package for both
external partners and recruiting new membership
IPSF Events
Working with Chairperson of AfRO and RC for WC2016, consistently promote World
Congress across all social media platforms
Coordinate promotion of region specific events, including all regional symposia

Promote member events and achievements

IPSF Merchandise
Resend the call for Merchandise Coordinator
Work with Treasurer and Merchandise Coordinator to improve online marketplace for
Host a social media competition for the design of a new merchandise item
Utilize all forms of social media to promote merchandise, including hosting promotional fire
sales biannually
Task Merchandise Coordinator with:
o Establishing a point of contact at all regional symposia to host a physical or virtual
merchandise booth
o Establishing a Reception Committee liaison to ensure merchandise booth for WC is
operational by Day 2 of the congress
o Coordinating with Permanent Officer to inventory current merchandise holdings
Fully evaluate the scope and functionality of the portfolio resulting from the changes made to
the structure at WC 2015 (elimination of Design and Blog Coordinator and the establishment
of Editor-in-Chief)
Update all branded letterhead to reflect address change for IPSF HQ
Travel Plans 2014-15
I plan to attend the following IPSF events:
FIP World Congress Dusseldorf Germany 29th September - 3rd October 2015
Executive Meeting 1 The Hague, the Netherlands 4th - 7th October 2015
Executive Meeting 2 The Hague, the Netherlands February 2016
World Health Assembly Geneva Switzerland May 2016
Executive Meeting 3 Harare Zimbabwe July 2016
62nd IPSF World Congress Harare Zimbabwe 29th July - 8th August 2016
Final remarks
My overall goal is to launch a large-scale campaign focused on ensuring IPSF goals, projects, and
resources are effectively communicated through each level of the organization. Through our media
and publications, IPSF must work to create a brand image that is integrated and provides a consistent
message both horizontally (across all social media platforms) and vertically (from the executive
committee through to the local delegate looking to run an IPSF outreach). I look forward to helping
grow the visibility and scope of IPSF.

Appendix 7: Chairperson of Pharmacy Education 2015-16

Report of the Chairperson of Pharmacy Education 201516
Whitley Yi
1st Executive Committee Meeting 4 th October 10 th of October 2015
I hereby submit the report of the Chairperson of (office) to the 1st Executive Committee meeting. In
this report I have incorporated my plan for the rest the IPSF mandate 2014-15 and incorporated a
summary of what I have done so far.
My first handover meeting with Ms. Brittany Mani, Chairperson of Pharmacy Education 2014-15,
occurred during the 61st IPSF World Congress, in Hyderabad, India. Since then, I have had one
skype meeting and we have been communicating over email. Ms. Brittany has made herself available
to answer all my questions and gave me access to the email account, google drive and Box account.
In addition, I had three Skype meetings with Mr. Fahmi Fuady, Chairperson of Pharmacy Education

2013-14. He was very helpful, gave an explanation of the portfolio during his mandate and has made
himself available whenever I have additional questions.
Educational & Scientific Publications
o Phuture is the primary scientific publication of the portfolio. Its purpose is to serve as
a platform for student research and the research initiatives of the portfolio. It is
important for students to have a means to publish their research and share it with
other students.
o The theme has not been decided, but will be related to the 62 nd World congress
theme and will be broad in scope to allow for the maximum inclusion of contributors.
o The definitive schedule has yet to be discussed, but the goal is to send the call out
towards the beginning of 2016. Ideally, I would like to detail the purpose of Phuture
on the website, therefore promoting the magazine and encourage students to submit
research articles and abstracts at any time during the year.
o Article submission deadline is proposed for the end of May, with all articles reviewed
and the chosen articles submitted to Media and Publications by June.
o My suggestion is to have Regional Features in which the best research project of
each region would be highlighted and would receive a certificate. The remaining
articles would be grouped according to topic.
Pharmacy Education Newsletter (PEN)
o The purpose of PEN is to update IPSF about the initiatives of the portfolio, promote
awareness of different pharmacy education topics, and serve as a platform for
students to share their experiences and knowledge.
o As an education newsletter, we will transition from having themes, to instead having
predetermined features for each publication. The features will be finalized after
discussion with the Pharmacy Education Committee (PEC).
Potential features include: Internship reports, student perspective on a
regional or international conference, Educational Innovations, Question of the
Month, Coordinator updates, and advice from recent graduates, among
o The schedule has yet to be decided. Depending on the availability of PEC members
to help organize and choose articles for each feature, it could be monthly or quarterly.
Pharmacy Education Research
Current Projects
FIPed IPSF Student Learning Experience Questionnaire (SLEQ)
o The priority of increasing SLEQ responses will be reviewed with FIPed and Ms.
Naoko Arakawa
o Depending on Ms. Naoka Arakawas need for additional responses for her
dissertation, consideration will be given to reinstating the Pharmacy Education
Ambassador program that was employed during Mr. Fahmis mandate.
o Additional strategies for increasing responses will be discussed with the Executive
Committee and PEC, which may include:
Bringing awareness to SLEQ by asking students to indicate whether or not
they have filled out the survey on any IPSF Google forms;
Including completion of SLEQ as a requirement for registration for IPSF
events such as World Congresses, Regional Symposia, and IPSF
Delegations to events, among others.
FIP World List of Pharmacy Schools
o Updating the world list of pharmacy schools will be an ongoing project within the PE
portfolio. In collaboration with FIPed, a schedule will be determined of how often
updates should be submitted. This project will be overseen by the Research

Coordinator, with the responsibility of gathering information on new schools

undertaken either by the PEC or by the Pharmacy Education Ambassador Program, if
it is reinstated.
New Initiatives
New projects will be considered carefully with the new PE research coordinator. A new project
will need to be small enough in scope that it can be completed in a single mandate or have a
project leader/task force assigned to it for the duration of the project. Continuity and
sustainability are critical with any research endeavour and a major goal will be to create a
strategic plan regarding what initiatives IPSF agrees to undertake, as well as a protocol for
how projects will be approached so that we can assure proper follow-up and study
completion. Priority will be given to projects that generate data that can be used for policy and
advocacy initiatives. The current needs of IPSF members will be taken into consideration
when choosing projects.
Young Researchers Forum
Current events:
World Caf Discussion on Pharmacy Students Involvement in Research Projects at World
o A facilitated discussion among students in all stages of research, whether completing
a project or desiring to initiate a research project. The objective is to provide a
platform for collaboration and discuss obstacles and solutions to various aspects of
research, including advice for those who want to know how to become involved in
New Initiatives
I would like to expand the Young Researchers Forum branding into a Young Researchers
Forum Program within PE. Potential activities will be discussed with the PEC and
Coordinators, but some options include:
o Research Webinars each webinar would feature a pharmacy student who would
present their research, discuss obstacles and solutions theyve encountered and
answer questions during a Q&A;
o Research Methods workshops at the 62nd World Congress, in Harare, Zimbabwe
potential session topics include bioethics, manuscript writing, and poster presentation
skills, among others.
I will work closely with the internship coordinator to continue development of our current internship
strategy. The main objectives will be to:
Create a working list of potential internship hosts sites;
Develop an internship proposal for contacting new sites;
Outline a schedule for contacting each potential site on the list;
Create an internship kit that includes all necessary documents for developing a new
Create an internship host feedback/satisfaction survey;
Motivating the PEC members, another initiative will be to start building an internship database. This
will be ongoing project, so steps will be taken to create a procedural guideline to be used for future
mandates for adding and updating the database. First steps will include having each PEC member
contribute 5 internships currently available in their country or region. These will be added to the
website once the PE section is complete.
Continuous Education
We do not currently have any continuous education programs. My goal is to work with the Ms.
Madeleine Chavara, Chairperson of External Relations, in order to find a partnership that can provide
online continuing education material for IPSF members.
Pharmacy Education Advocacy
The main initiatives of this part of the portfolio will need to be finalized once the new coordinator is
selected. Proposed duties include:
To liaise closely with the Chairperson of Pharmacy Education and the Policy Coordinator to
develop policies pertaining to Pharmacy Education

Create advocacy guidelines for member organizations and provide support and guidance for
regional and local initiatives as needed.
Work with the external relations portfolio to procure grants/sponsorship for unconventional
education opportunities.
Work with the External Relations portfolio to procure grants/sponsorship for education

Planning of Educational and Scientific Symposia

World Congress
The Educational and Scientific Symposia are important opportunities for students receive
diverse perspectives on relevant topics all over the world. The themes of the Scientific and
Educational symposia for the 62nd IPSF World Congress are Integrating Emerging
Technologies for Improvement of Public Health Delivery and Mapping New Visions:
Opportunity for New Practices in Pharmacy, respectively. The focus will be to recruit quality
speakers from each region in order to obtain a balanced and diverse perspective on the
chosen themes. Planning will occur in collaboration with the Reception Committee (RC), with
period meetings scheduled to determine symposia itineraries, subtopics, speakers, and
logistics for the speakers.
Tentative Schedule for Major Milestones
o October - November: In collaboration with the Chairperson of the 62nd IPSF World
congress, develop subtopics and identify potential speakers
o January: Send out official speaker invitations
o February - March: Finalize speaker list
o EM2 - In collaboration with the Chairperson of the 63rd IPSF World Congress,
propose the themes for the Scientific and Educational Symposia for the 63 rd IPSF
World Congress
I will request the themes from the symposia that are scheduled and will assist in identifying
speakers as needed. For symposia without a chosen theme, I will assist in preparing a theme
and identifying speakers.
Poster Competition
To expand the poster competition, I would like to discuss additional ideas for promotion with
PEC, as well as release the call for poster abstracts at least 4 months before the World
Congress. In the call for abstracts, more emphasis will be put on the abstract submission
requirements. For the chosen abstracts, guidelines will be sent out detailing the poster
Critical Essay Competition
In the past, the winning essay has been published in FIP Pharmacy Education Journal and
received a price (previous prizes included a Prezi subscription). I hope to renew our
agreement with the Pharmacy Education Journal so that future essay winners will again be
published in the Pharmacy Education Journal. I would also like to work Ms. Madeleine to
determine if one of our current partners would be willing to donate a prize to the essay
competition winner.
Schedule: The theme of the Critical Essay Competition will be developed after discussion with
the Coordinators and PEC, and the call will be released in early 2016, preferably in
conjunction with the release of PEN.
Pharmacy Education Committee (PEC)
There will be monthly PEC meetings to discuss progress of current PE initiatives, brainstorm
on new initiatives, and discuss quality improvement measures. Committee engagement will
be a priority, and strategies to improve engagement and accountability include utilization of a
workflow process such as Kanban or Trello. During the first meeting, after reaching a
consensus with PEC members, a communication platform and strategy will be chosen and
External Partners

A goal of this mandate is to work on developing our relationship with FIPed and find a way to
promote continuity in our long-term partnership, despite frequent chairperson transitions.

Unfortunately, there has been a lack of IPSF representation with UNESCO. However, Ms.
Brittany has released a call to send a delegation to the UNESCO General Conference in
November. It will be beneficial to have IPSF representation at this conference to help identify
potential collaborations.
While we are not currently collaborating on any projects with UNESCO, I recently attended a
meeting, organized by Ms. Madeleine Chavara, with members of the Executive Committee
and the UNESCO Youth Working Group (YWG). In collaboration with the Professional
Development Portfolio, the Public Health Portfolio, and the External Relations Portfolio, a
potential partnership with YWG will be explored.
FIP Congress Programing
A topic will be developed during the first and second coordinator meetings. The proposal will
be drafted in December, then reviewed and edited to be submitted by the due date in January
After speaking with Dean Ralph J. Altiere, PhD., President of the Academic Pharmacy
Section (APS), he showed interest in IPSF and APS developing joint programming for the
77th FIP Congress in Seoul, Korea. One of the topics discussed was technology in education.
It is important to mention that the head of APS programming for FIP Congress 2017 has yet
to be chosen. Once some has been chosen, I will follow-up on the possibility of creating a
joint proposal.
Goals and Action Plan 2015-16
In addition to the goals stated in the above plan, my goals include:
Develop a comprehensive handover document
Create poster competition guidelines
Strengthen our relationship with FIPed
Establish guidelines for PEN and Phuture
Increase responses to Phuture and PEN calls
Increase abstract submissions for the World Congress Poster competition
Improve CP engagement
Publish the winners of the Critical Essay Competition in the Pharmacy Education Journal,
including the previous winners from 2014
Improve PEC engagement and accountability
Travel Plans 2015-16
2nd IPSF Executive Meeting, date to be determined (2016) The Hague, The Netherlands.
ACCP Global Conference on Clinical Pharmacy, October 1721, 2015 San Francisco, California
APhA Annual Meeting4th -7th March, 2016 Baltimore, Maryland
3rd IPSF Executive Meeting, to be determined (2016) Harare, Zimbabwe.
62nd IPSF World Congress, 29 th - July 8 th of August 2015 Harare, Zimbabwe.
Deans forum 27th - 28th Aug Buenos Aires, Argentina
76th FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2016 28 th - Aug 1st Sept
(Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Meetings Attended
Three Skype Meetings with MR. Fahmi Faudy during (August)
Preparatory meeting with incoming and outgoing members of the Executive Committee regarding a
possible partnership with UNESCO Youth Working Group 03/09/2015.
Meeting with UNESCO Youth Working Group 3/09/2015
Meeting with Dr. Ralph Altiere 4/09/2015
Skype Meeting with Ms. Brittany Mani 12/09/2015
Meeting with the incoming President of IPSF, Ms. Dayl Eccles, regarding the plans and goals for the
Pharmacy Education Portfolio 16/09/2015.
75th FIP World Congress in Dsseldorf , Germany 30 th - Sept 3rd October, 2015

Final remarks
I am very excited for the upcoming mandate and look forward to working with and getting to know my
fellow Executive Committee members. I know its going to be an exciting year, both challenging and
rewarding. Im also looking forward to working with the PE Coordinators and PEC, as we develop the
PE portfolio and advocate for pharmacy education
Appendix 8: Report of the Chairperson of Professional Development 2015-16
Report of the Professional Development 2015-16
Stephanie Miller
1st Executive Committee Meeting 5th to 9th October 2015
I hereby submit the report of the Chairperson of Professional Development to the 1st Executive
Committee meeting. In this report I have incorporated a summary of what I have done so far in this
year and my plan for the rest of 2015-16.

As I have been re-elected for a second term I havent had to complete a handover process. However,
I have been working to get myself organized for the upcoming term. I have been organizing the PD
files and emails from the past year to make an easier transition into the new term. I have also started
to work on a handover document that will be added to throughout the year in order to provide a
consistent and comprehensive handover for future years.

All of our coordinators with the exception of the Pharmacy Profession Awareness Coordinator have
been elected for the 2015-2016 term. They will all be given access to the email account and the drive
shortly and will be starting with the handover process from their predecessor. I will also be arranging
meetings with each of them sometime in October to discuss our plans and goals for the upcoming
Training Program
We have elected our new training coordinator, Ms. Pratima Jain, for the 2015-2016 term. The focus on
the training program this year is to expand our number of certified trainers within our Federation and
to ensure that they are being utilized by member associations to provide trainings at local LITs,
workshops etc.
Goals for the term
a) Organize and hold at least 2 more TDC sessions for this upcoming year in different regions.
b) Continue to update the database of our established IPSF trainers and promote the use of the
database by other members of the federation to utilize the skills of our trainers at national and
regional events. Additionally, to publish a version of this database to the website.
c) Publish the LIT Guide that was created last year in an easy to reference document.
d) Further expand the IPSF training bank to include more materials on trainings for our members
to access.
e) Aim to hold an LIT event at every Regional Symposia and at the IPSF World Congress in
Zimbabwe 2016.
Pharmacy Profession Awareness

A Pharmacy Profession Awareness Coordinator has not been appointed at this time, therefore the
position will be re-opened in the upcoming weeks with a proper handover to follow.
World Pharmacist Day
The current team is working on a small social media campaign to occur from September 23 rd to the
25th, 2015 for World Pharmacist Day. This will consist of an online competwition and white board
campaign to promote the roll of the pharmacist.
Pharmacy around the World
This is a project that has been started last term and will be continuing into this upcoming term. The
aim of this project is to introduce our members to the practice of pharmacy around the world. We will
be asking for articles from our members that reflect on the scope of practice of pharmacists in their
country and the barriers to advancing the profession. These articles will then be published hopefully in
our new professional development publication.
Goals for the term
a) Encourage member associations to use the PAS system for their PPAC campaigns. This will
ensure that PPAC ideas can be shared within our federation to promote stronger campaigns
in the future.
b) Work with the future PPAC coordinator to finish creating the PPAC and Teddy Bear Hospital
c) Set up a structured application process for the Pharmacy Awareness Annual Award
competition. This will include application expectations as well as judging guidelines.
d) Develop an awareness event for World Pharmacist Day next September
e) Work to incorporate policy within this portfolio by collaborating with the policy committee to
develop statements directly reflecting to professional development.
f) Develop and implement the Pharmacy around the World campaign.

Patient Counseling Event

We have elected our new PCE coordinator, Ms. Juliet Onyinyechi Obi, for the 2015-2016 term. The
focus for PCE this year will be to make the event more accessible to our members in terms of holding
regional events and encouraging member associations to hold their own local events. I also want to
ensure that the cases that are being developed for the database are evidence based and of high
Goals for the term
a) Work with the coordinator to organize a second online PCE, using feedback and suggestions
from the previous PD subcommittees.
b) Develop a database with information and resources pertaining to organization and procedures
of the event for members to utilize when hosting their own PCE. This will be published to the
IPSF website.
c) Develop a database of PCE cases for our members to access when hosting their own local
d) Develop a generic presentation that can be used for all PCE introductory workshops
e) Aim to hold a PCE event at each of the Regional Symposia and hold an event within the
EuRO region.
Clinical Skills Event

We have elected our Clinical Skills Event Coordinator, Mr. Angel Acosta, for the 2015-2016 term. The
focus for the CSE, as with the PCE, will be working to ensure that the event is more accessible to our
members. We also want to find new interactive ways to allow our members to practice their clinical
skills throughout the year.
Goals for the Term

a) As with PCE, organize a database with information pertaining to organization and procedures
of the event with cases and therapeutic question examples for local CSE events.
b) Further develop the Clinical Skills Case Presentations project.
c) Work with the coordinator to improve the organization of CSE jeopardy at World Congress
d) Keep our members engaged in clinical skills throughout the year by providing them with cases
and questions allowing them to practice their therapeutic knowledge.
Compounding Event
We have elected our Compounding Event Coordinator, Mr. Clement Haeck, for the 2015-2016 term.
My focus for the compounding event this year is to expand the event to introduce it to member
associations and the regional symposia. To be successful with the expansion we will need to work
with the CRC to secure sponsorship or a partner for this event.
a) Publish the Compounding Event guidelines that were created last term by the previous CE
b) Look into expanding the event to be held at the Regional Symposia in addition to World
c) Secure event sponsorship to provide cases as well as the raw materials or financial
assistance to purchase the raw materials.
d) Develop a database of compounding cases that could be utilized by member associations
wishing to hold their own events.
Project Accreditation System
Goals for the term
a) Encourage CPs to utilize this system by incorporating it with the established PD events (i.e.
PPAC Pharmacy Awareness Annual Award)
b) Utilize the PAS system to develop statistical statements regarding the impact certain PD
events are having on the members of IPSF in terms of participation, public outreach etc.
c) Re-evaluate the Project Accreditation System at the end of the term to ensure that it is
meeting the aims and objectives of the project.
Professional Development Publication
This year I want to develop a professional development publication. The aim of this publication will be
the following:
1) Inform our members of the happenings of the professional development portfolio, including
upcoming events that are being held in each region.
2) Provide a means to publish our Pharmacy Around The World awareness campaign
3) Provide our members with additional opportunities to practice their clinical or compounding
skills by giving them theory based cases to work through

4) Keep the PD committee engaged throughout the year by contributing material for the
Travel Plans
FIP World Congress, Germany, September 29th October 3rd 2015
Executive Meeting 1, the Netherlands, October 4th-9th 2015
EM2 the Netherlands, Spring 2016
The World Health Assembly, Switzerland, May 2016
EM3, LIT and the 62nd World Congress, Zimbabwe, July/August 2016.
FIP World Congress, Argentina, September 2016
Final Remarks
At this time we have elected all but one of the coordinators for the Professional Development team
however, we have not been able to conduct the handover process yet. Handover will be completed in
the next few weeks while the current team is wrapping up their work for the term. I am excited to work
with our new team to further develop or current projects and create new ones in order to best provide
for our members.
Appendix 9: Report of the Chairperson of Public Health 2015-16
Report of the Chairperson of Public Health of IPSF 201516
Ana Catarina Duarte (AEFFUP, Portugal)
1st Executive Committee Meeting 4 th of October 10 th of October 2015
I hereby submit the report of the Chairperson of Public Health to the 1st Executive Committee
meeting. In this report I have incorporated my plan for the rest of the IPSF mandate 2015-16 and
incorporated a summary of what I have done so far.
1. Handover
Handover with Ms. Brbara Villela, Chairperson of Public Health 2014-15, was done during the end of
August and the beginning of September. I can describe it as very comprehensive and useful with the
addition of a handover file created by Ms. Brbara, which allows a record of the relations and projects
within the Public Health portfolio. This document will be updated during my mandate and should be
updated in the following years. Me and Ms. Brbara worked through the handover with several skype
meetings and though it is finished, somehow it will continue through the continuous presence and
advices of Ms. Brbara.
2. Portfolio
2.1. Partnerships and Collaborations
2.1.1. Students Organizations
The interaction with other students organizations allows the expansion of IPSFs projects and entity,
but also contributes for the concept of interprofessional collaboration from even before the practice of
the profession. Along with Ms. Dayl Eccles, President 2015-16 and Ms. Madeleine Chavara
Chairperson of External Relations 2015-16, points of interest and projects will be discussed during the
term. At this moment we are official partners of the International Federations of Medical Students
Associations (IFMSA) and are in the process of being partners with the International Veterinary
Students Association (IVSA). In the past we have had specific collaborations regarding the Public
Health Portfolio with both organizations and is my intent to exploit the possibility of more joint projects,
having already a project in mind related with AMR and possibly with Anti-TB campaign.
2.1.2. World Health Organization (WHO)

One of my main goals this year is to improve our collaboration with WHO. It is important to have in
mind that every three years our collaboration with WHO is reviewed and we need to start thinking in
this collaboration 3 years at a time. Having this said, during this term it is my intention to establish a
plan for these 3 years, being the first year already an implementation year. At the moment, IPSF is
involved with a few partnerships within WHO (Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health; The
Global Coordination Mechanism on NCDs and the UN Interagency Task Force on NCDs; and WHO
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control), which count as collaborations for report matters. It is my
intention to increase this number of partnerships, increase actual collaboration to substantial gains for
both organisations and also create new points of collaboration within the WHO departments.
The collaboration with WHO presents us with the ability to attend several events, in which are
included two Executive Board sessions and the World Health Assembly. In order to have a
participative and active delegation to those events, I am planning preparatory activities which intent to
include explanations about WHA and its processes, among others.
A very important point of collaboration with WHO is the opportunity of internships for IPSF members,
which I intend to follow and support the Internship Coordinator.
2.1.3. Others
Regarding other partnerships/collaborations, I intent to collaborate with Ms. Madeleine Chavara and
assist her in matters regarding public health within Alliance for Health Promotion, International
Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (more specifically with Fight the Fakes),
and others. As for the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA), I will do the follow-up
of the application process and attend the General Assembly of WFPHA during WHA, creating then a
plan of action if we are approved.
Adding to the previous information, during the last year some punctual collaborations were made with
other NGOs, which are not considered official partnerships, but are worth to continue in other to
establish a partnership in the future.
2.2. Public Health Committee, Coordinators and RPOs
Since the Public Health Family in IPSF is very big, I believe that specific protocols and guidelines
should be established regarding campaigns and other public health projects regarding planning and
implementation. In order to do this I will try to make the best team management possible and ensure
that the interested parties are being included in all of the discussions. Regarding RPOs, I would like to
establish a very close relationship with the regions and work with the RPOs in order to promote IPSF
projects in the regions and also help in the planning and implementation of region related projects, if it
corresponds to Regional Office wishes.
As for the Public Health Committee, it is my intention to have the most diverse committee possible
and act as the coordinator of the committee, making the work effective through the motivation and
participation of every single member of the committee. I will try to include specific and periodic tasks,
such as clipping health news for the members of the committee and have specific tasks related to the
good management of the committee, these will be a good addition to promote the participation of all
the members.
2.3. Public Health Advocacy
The role of this portfolio should be redesigned every year, if necessary, having in mind each years
necessities. This years needs require the investment of time and knowledge in the follow-up of
already established collaborations and frameworks within WHO and search of new ones, thus helping
in the planning and implementation of the 3year WHO plan. Having a straight connection with the
policies of IPSF will allow the advocating for those said policies within our partnerships with WHO,
and others if necessary.
2.4. Public Health Awareness
Regarding this portfolio, all of the campaigns should be evaluated in order to establish its importance
within our members, the usefulness of its materials and the comprehensiveness of the themes. This
also applies to other portfolios. For this portfolio there are 4 official campaigns: Diabetes and Healthy
Living Awareness Campaigns, HIV/AIDS Awareness Campaign, Tobacco Alert Campaign, Anti-TB
Campaign. The planning and development of these campaigns will be mainly done by Public Health
Awareness Coordinator with the help of the Public Health Committee, under my supervision. It is my
intention that all campaigns include other angles other than only awareness and that they are
appealing to the majority of the members of IPSF. Regarding the Anti-TB Campaign, is my wish to
continue the partnership with IFMSA and IVSA.

2.5. Humanitarian
Under the Humanitarian portfolio the main activity that we have, also the only official one, is the
Vampire Cup. It is my wish to redesign this campaign in order to make it more appealing and also
work on the promotion of the event with campaign kits spread out during the different months until the
campaign. Making the reporting process easier would also be an idea. Regarding this portfolio, I
believe that it has been underdeveloped along the years, several different projects got attention, but
no specific one gained a place in IPSF. Having this said, I would like to implement new versions of
humanitarian campaigns mainly in the donations area (monetary donations or not) through the
motivation of the Humanitarian Coordinator and the Public Health committee for the development of
this portfolio.
2.6. Medicine Awareness
The portfolio of Medicine Awareness is responsible for Anti-Counterfeit Drug and Medicine Awareness
Campaign. In my opinion, this is the portfolio that can be more explored regarding the pharmaceutical
area, for instance issues regarding medicine access, are not being approached. In order to direct the
portfolio to pharmaceutical students and other areas, one of my goals will be the promotion of it inside
of the committee. Regarding this portfolio, there is already a joint campaign being discussed within
IPSF, IVSA and IFMSA, which will take this subject to another level of awareness through the interprofessional collaboration.
2.7. Others
2.7.1. 6th issue of the IPSF Public Health SPOT Magazine
Regarding Public Health SPOT, I will assign someone from the committee to be responsible for
assisting in its development and definition of its theme. It is my intention to make it as much
representative as it can be and also to include some articles from our partners, so that our members
can get to know their projects.
2.7.2. World Congress and Regional Symposia Public Health Campaign
I intend to help personally or designate someone from the committee to engage each of the Public
Health Campaigns related to the mentioned IPSF events. Having a good follow-up of such activities is
a point that needs to be worked and improved, since these events represent Public Health in IPSF
and should follow IPSF standard and quality.
2.7.3. World Health Day
This campaign is not inserted in a specific portfolio and my intention is that it will be developed by the
committee only in order to give them some responsibility regarding activities. The general theme is
picked from WHO and then we will work on more specific subjects within the bigger theme, this year
the theme will be diabetes.
3. Goals and Action plan
Evaluation and impact numbers of campaigns;
Re-evaluate the campaigns after feedback of the members and survey the CPs regarding
their preferences in public health themes for project developing.
Establish a 3year plan for collaboration with WHO;
Improve the contact with the members through the CPs and provide help for the
implementation of local projects;
Increase the participation of the members in the campaigns;
Help in the implementation of public health projects in the regions;
Strengthen the already existing partnerships and helping in the search for new interesting
Represent IPSF in WHO events with professionalism and knowledge regarding the agenda
and organization;
Motivate and promote participation of the committee members;
Establish guidelines for delegations for WHO events;
Improve the promotion of Public Health materials within IPSF website and IPSF media;
Support the development of policies regarding public health and advocate for IPSF
statements and policy;

4. Travel Plans 2015-16

138th session of the Executive Board of WHO, from 25th to 30th of January of 2016
Geneva, Switzerland.
2nd IPSF Executive Meeting, date to be determined (2016) The Hague, The Netherlands.
69th World Health Assembly, from 23th to 28th of May 2016 Geneva, Switzerland.
3rd IPSF Executive Meeting, to be determined (2016) Harare, Zimbabwe.
62nd IPSF World Congress, 29 th of July to 8 th of August 2015 Harare, Zimbabwe.
5. Meetings Attended
Several Handover meetings with Ms. Brbara during the end of August and beginning of
Meeting with the A4HP 31/08/2015.
Preparatory meeting with income and outgoing members of the Executive Committee
regarding a possible partnership with UNESCO Youth Working Group 03/09/2015.
Meeting with the income President of IPSF, Ms. Dayl Eccles, regarding the plans and goals
for the Public Health Portfolio 03/09/2015.
Introduction meeting with IFMSA 09/09/2015.
Future of AMR meeting with IVSA and IFMSA 10/09/2015.
Preparatory meeting with Hesham Sowaydan regarding the 65th session of the WHO
Regional Committee for Europe between the 14th and 17th of September, in Vilnius,
Lithuania 11/09/2015.
Meeting with the income Chairperson of AfRO, Mr. Israel Bimpe, and the income RPO of
AfRO, Ms. Riziki Mulimba, regarding future collaboration and new projects of AfRO
Meeting with EPSA regarding collaboration in Public Health joint projects with EuRO
FIP World Congress in Dusseldorf, Germany 29/09/2015 to 03/10/2015.
6. Final Remarks
Finally I would like to state that all of the work that we will developed during this year is done thinking
in our members and it does not make sense to be any other way. We need to establish a good
relationship and need to fill the gaps in our members projects in order to become essential.
Regarding Public Health, I will try to be as much in contact as possible, but feedback is also needed,
otherwise I will not know if something is not going the best way. One of the ways to participate in this
work is to give your feedback through the PH Facebook group created in the previous year; any other
suggestions are always welcome.

Appendix 10: Chairperson of Student Exchange 2015-16

Report of the Student Exchange 2015-16
Chichiru Bianca-Elena
1st Executive Committee Meeting 4th October 10th of October 2015
I hereby submit the report of the Chairperson of Student Exchange to the 1st Executive Committee
meeting. In this report I have incorporated my plan for the rest the IPSF mandate 2014-15 and
incorporated a summary of what I have done so far.
The handover was given by the previous IPSF Chairperson of Student Exchange, Mr. Ahmad El-Molla.
We discussed about the problems SEP encountered last year, SEOs recommendations and things that
ChP of SE and Student Exchange Committee (SEC) Team should do in order to improve the quality of
SEP. The handover is not finished, as there are some things which need to be insisted on, such as:
mail access, proper mail response and management of the database.
Portfolio topic

Taking into consideration that the handover is still in progress, I did not manage to be actually in charge
of SEP, but by the time the new SEP year will start, I will have all the information and skills needed in
order to have a good management of SEP.
Goals and Action Plan 2014-15
SEP Database

Making some changes if possible:

inclusion of a health insurance document by the student along with the Application

Creating an option for the host SEOs to say if there is a possibility of accepting a
student (the initial pre-selection of SEP students).

Other changes SEOs might find useful and necessary.

SEC & SEOs communication

Division of SEC members into teams, each one having specific roles and attributes. Each team
could have a subcommittee of SEOs;
Monthly meetings with SEC members;
Continuation of the Big Sister Programme, Big Sister meetings monthly;
SEOs meetings;
SEOs trainings;
2 SEC meetings in person, if possible.


SEP digest;
SEP contests, continuation of the contests which were made last year, using the same
platforms, but with increase promotion of the winners;
Creating a sectorial form of the SEP character established this year;
Cultural Awareness Guide: creating a template which SEOs could fill with useful information
regarding cultural awareness.

Regarding the promotional aspect, the ChP of SE and SEC team will work together with the ChP
of Media and Publications and her subcommittee, including also the SEOs as much as possible.
Management of SEP

Updating the SEP documents from the database;

Creating a SEP Grant 101 so that students know exactly which documents they should insist
on for their application;
AF-RP: creating a second round for the AF-RP, in which the unused AF from the first round of
AF-RP would be redistributed;
Supervising SEOs and their activity during the whole year, every fee the home/host association
requires for the SEP students must be approved by the ChP of SE;
Supervising and coordinating SEC Team activity.

Travel Plans 2014-15

Executive Meeting #2;

62th IPSF World Congress / Executive Meeting 3, Zimbabwe;
SEC meeting in person #1 and #2 if possible;

Final remarks
I am personally very excited for the start of this new SEP year, I am eager to work with all the members
from the IPSF Executive 2015-16, with the new SEC Team and with all the SEOs. I will do my very best
to make sure every goal is successfully reached, so that at the end of my mandate I could say that the

quality of SEP has improved, and that it is still on the top preference of exchange programs for
pharmacy students
Appendix 11: Report of the Chairperson of the African Regional Office 2015-16
Report of the Chairperson of the African Regional Office 2015-16
Israel BIMPE
1st Executive Committee Meeting 4th October 10th of October 2015
I hereby submit the report of the Chairperson of (office) to the 1st Executive Committee meeting. In this
report I have incorporated my plan for the rest the IPSF mandate 2014-15 and incorporated a summary
of what I have done so far.
The handover process started during the 4 th IPSF African Pharmaceutical Symposium and we have
been in close contact with the Immediate Past Chairperson, Mr. Prosper Maposa since then, we had
several Skype meetings and calls to discuss ideas and projects. He gave me access to previous
documentations, files and official chairperson email as soon as I got elected and I took time to familiarize
myself with procedures and protocols.
The handover process was focused on providing guidance to new members of the Regional Working
Group and facilitate the handover process for them as well. We had put more efforts in planning for
regional projects and meetings between the incoming and outgoing members of the regional working
IPSF AfRO RWG 2015 2016

Chairperson: Mr. Israel BIMPE

Secretary: Mr. Aniekan Ekpeyong
Regional Projects Officer: Ms. N. Riziki Mulimba
Regional Relations Officer: Ms. Marie Ange Uwase
Regional Media and Publications Officer: Mr. Rene Ngaboyisonga
Chairperson of the 5th IPSF AfPS: Ms. Patricia Nyokabi

Regional Working Group

Handover and portfolio introduction
I already started with the help of the Immediate Past Chairperson to Guide and introduce each member
of the Regional Working Group to their portfolio and give them access to relevant documentations and
link them to different Chairpersons in the Executive Committee they will have to work and collaborate
We are also developing with each member of the Regional Working Group, a specific action plan of
their portfolio. We constantly brainstorm on different initiatives and projects and come up with projects
and initiatives concepts.
RWG meetings and communication
During our first RWG Meeting, we committed to maintain an active workflow and teamwork for the AfRO
Regional Working Group based on effective communication, establishing duties and expectation early
in term, frequent work reporting (Monthly) and at least 2 face to face meetings.
Implementation of IPSF Projects and Activities in the Region
The Action Plan is divided into 4 quarters to ensure objectivity in implementing projects and effective
reporting and evaluation system.
The Regional Working Group will have to practice and demonstrate a great team spirit and collaborative
work for the success of each planned Project or Activity within the region.

Regional Office Strategic Plan

With an aim to develop a short (3 to 5 years) and long-term (5 to 10 years) strategic Plan for AfRO with
a focus on increasing membership and customize the IPSF scope of activities to needs and capacities
in the Region and to guide future RWGs, we plan to Analyse the past trends and current status of the
Regional Office and determine its direction for the future and engage CPs, SEOs and Alumni to
brainstorm and discuss on the development of the Regional Office.
Finances and Administration
Ensure a sound financial management of the Regional Office Budget and administration.
Establishing further relations with student and professional organizations in the region as
instructed by the IPSF Executive
Invest in partnerships and Increase Collaboration with NGOs with whom we established initial contact
in the region and connect with more to enlarge our scope of activities as a Regional Office.
Goals and Action Plan 2014-15
AfRO Focus Project Pharmacy Profession Awareness Campaign (PPAC)
This year the focus project for the IPSF African Regional Office (AfRO) is Pharmacy Profession
Awareness Campaign (PPAC). The Regional Projects Officer will work closely with the Chairperson of
Professional Development in the finalization of the guidelines for organising a PPAC and these
guidelines will be part of the campaign kit that will be circulated to the Contact Persons in the Region.
The target is to have at least 6 associations organising and reporting on the PPAC. There will be an
award for the best campaign during the 5 th IPSF African Pharmaceutical Symposium.
Improvement of activity in member organizations
Follow up on the efforts of the outgoing RWG to improve the quantity and quality of the activities
developed by Member associations.
Engage new member associations MUPSA, Uganda; CEP-UOB, DRC and NULPSA, Lesotho in
integrating IPSF Activities
Work Closely with Association Presidents to understand the need to fully integrate IPSF and merge
Local Associations Plans to those of IPSF. Support the RRO doing so with CPs and SEOs. This will
consequently improve the quality of AfRO Projects.
Regional Office and Membership Promotion
We will keep up our intensive membership promotion drive. We shall work closely with the Chairperson
of Internal Relations, (Regional Relations Officer (RRO) in the African Regional Office (AfRO) and the
Membership promotion Committee (MPC) in the finalisation of the Membership Promotion guidelines.
The MPC members responsible for AfRO shall divide work load and focus on different regions and
thrive to promote IPSF to non-member countries. This strategy has seen a development of keen interest
from potential members.
Through national and sub-regional Conferences, Symposiums & Exchanges, encourage each member
country to invite associations in neighboring countries to promote IPSF and the Regional Office.
To consider getting contacts from FIP for non-member countries who have established membership in
FIP through their professional pharmacists bodies. Liaise with the Chairperson of internal relations to

find contacts of non-members countries. Commit to at least establish initial contact with all African
countries having a pharmacy school.
Offer support and Guidance to create Pharmacy students Association in countries without one (Burundi
and South Soudan for example). This is from Experience, we did with the new member CEP-UOB,
DRC. Where the newly established association was coached step by step on the ways, vision and goals
Prospective new members
Established contacts from the previous years in Zambia, Liberia, Gambia, Senegal, Ethiopia, Burkina
Faso, Benin, Gabon, Cameroun and Mali will be followed up through a multidirectional approach of
either contacting the professionals in the country or the students associations in the respective
Member in Association to Full Membership applications
Encourage Members in Association to apply for full membership, this will go a long way in improving
the decisions making process at Regional Assemblies moving forward.
Closely collaborate with the Student Exchange Committee to have SEP introduce in all member
organizations in the Region
Loss of Membership
It has been noted that most associations are either failing to submit applications or losing membership
due to transient and temporary financial crisis in their countries. Follow up on The proposition that was
made during the second executive meeting of the previous term to widen the scope of the Development
Fund to help such associations will be a welcome and progressive one should it become enforce.
5th IPSF African Pharmaceutical Symposium (IPSF AfPS)
Guide and Assist the Chairperson and Reception Committee of the 5 th IPSF African Pharmaceutical
Symposium in securing speakers, invitation of relevant partners, logistics and monitoring the progress
of preparations. One site visit is planned for assessment of progress.
62nd IPSF African Pharmaceutical Symposium (IPSF WC)
Being hosted by one of our Member Association, it is our duty to monitor the progress of preparations
and assist in all possible ways.
We consider hosting the world congress in our region to be an opportunity to prove strength and
increase trust and confidence in member organizations within the region to host even more Congresses
in the future.
Public Health, Professional Development and Pharmacy Education initiatives
The public health, professional development and pharmacy education activities will be promoted to
members by the Regional Projects Officer during the year. However we will pick 5 focus projects and
implement them on the duration of our term.
We will focus more on less resources demanding and online campaigns/projects.
We will organize trainings on fundraising, grant application and corporate governance for the RWG and
Member Associations representatives.

We intend to seek external grants and awards to facilitate the implementation of projects within the
We will develop an evaluation and feedback procedure in order to award best projects, improve the
quality of projects and increase participation.
Public Health
Follow up on the immediate past Chairperson Cooperation with the Public Health Committee, Public
Health Awareness Coordinator and the Chairperson of Public Health in the implementation of their
vaccination project. The project will basically be aimed at addressing awareness on access, importance
and quality of vaccines in both developed health care systems and limited resource settings.
We intend to develop and initiate a project on skin bleaching, we are still brainstorming and
conceptualizing the idea.
Regional Trainers Development Camp
AfRO has always been in shortage of certified trainers and most of those we had are no longer involved
in IPSF, We envisage to collaborate with the training coordinator and Chairperson of Profession
development to organize a regional trainers development camp. We aim to have at least 2 trainers for
3 countries, this to develop more capacities within the region and have a good number of leaders with
the knowledge and capacity to develop member organizations and to take up positions in the IPSF
Inter-regional Collaboration
Follow up on efforts from Immediate past chairpersons to have Regional Offices Collaborate and share
experiences from each of the regions of IPSF and keep on developing inter-regional projects to develop
IPSF laterally. For the past year, it was limited to chairpersons meetings, but this year we plan to involve
and engage all RWG members.
Regional Alumni
We intend to establish a regional Alumni and develop a timeline of activities since AfRO was created.
The aim of the initiative would be for AfRO to have ambassadors and trusted people we can rely on
when it comes to partnerships, all kinds of support and increase members activities.
Regional Publications
AfRO Newsletter
Last year, there was only one AfRO Newsletter published. This year we intend to publish two
newsletters which are about the Regional Working Group and Members associations work. The first will
be published in October 2015 and the second shortly before the 5 th IPSF African Pharmaceutical
AfRO Member Showcase
We will utilise our social media pages to showcase the Pharmacy and cultural experience of each
member organisation and Organize photo and video competition. This has an aim to have IPSF and
AfRO promoted further in members organizations and their members.
Face to face regional meeting
We plan to have at least 1 face to face meeting with the RWG. The venue and logistics are yet to be
decided. However, a proposal to meet in Mombasa in January or February during the 4 th IPSF AfPS
site visit will be considered.
Travel Plans 2014-15

1st IPSF Executive Meeting, The Hague, The Netherlands, 04 th 10th October 2015
11th IFMSA Africa Regional Meeting, Kigali, Rwanda, 18 th 22nd December 2015
6th RPSA International Pharmaceutical Symposium, Huye, Rwanda, February 2016 (tbd)
5th IPSF African Pharmaceutical Symposium Site visit, January 2016 (tbd)
2nd IPSF Executive Meeting, The Hague, The Netherlands (tbd)
WHO Executive Board Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland (tbd)
69th World Health Assembly, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2016 (tbd)
5th IPSF African Pharmaceutical Symposium, Mombasa, Kenya, June/July 2016 (tbd)
62nd IPSF World Congress, Harare, Zimbabwe, July/August 2016 (tbd)

Final remarks
Excited to be part of the Executive Committee and Regional Working Group for the 2015 2016 term.
Committed and look forward to a collaborative work for the development of the federation and service
to communities.
Appendix 12: Report of the Chairperson of the Asia Pacific Regional Office 2015-16
Report of the Chairperson of the Asia Pacific Regional Office 2015-16
Ms. Janet Mirzaei, Australia
1st Executive Committee Meeting 5th 9th of October 2015
I hereby submit the report of the Chairperson of the Asia Pacific Regional Office to the 1st Executive
Committee meeting. In this report I have incorporated my plan for the rest the IPSF mandate 2015-16
and incorporated a summary of what I have done so far.
The handover was conducted with the Immediate Past Chairperson (IPC), Mr. Mian Zhang, and the
Chairperson of the Asia Pacific Regional Office (APRO) for the 2013 - 2014 mandate, Ms. Dora Lee,
during the Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium (APPS) from the 21st - 27th of August in Pattaya,
Thailand. The handover was quite extensive and involved discussion on all responsibilities of the
position. With two past Chairpersons present, we were able to discuss many of the current strengths
and weakness of APRO, some of the issues encountered during the past several years as well as
considering the future for APRO. In addition to discussing the broader vision we encompass for our
region for the future, we also covered basic protocol involving monthly tasks and responsibilities with
all members of APRO and IPSF as a whole. We were also able to conduct a face to face meeting with
many of the incoming Regional Working Group (RWG) as well as the outgoing RWG. The handover
was completed on the 18th of September 2015 after receiving access to all the emails, files and archives
from the IPC. During my term this year, I will be in regular contact with the previous Chairpersons who
are very passionate and active in their participation in all matters relating to APRO so I will be able to
seek advice when required.

Portfolio Topic 1
Duties of the Chairperson of Asia Pacific Regional Office (APRO)
Outline of the Chairpersons responsibilities and projects for the 2015 - 2016 term:

Representative and official contact for the APRO region

Demonstrate professionalism and competency, to act as a leader and a liaison to

external parties and internally within IPSF (including the Executive Committee, other
IPSF members and professional bodies)

Maintain communication, provide assistance and offer advice to ensure the functioning

Prepare and guide the RWG to completing their objectives and aims

APRO RWG Guidelines

Review proposed RWG guidelines by the 2013 - 2014 and 2014 - 2015 mandates and
implement a timeline for completion for the RWG handbooks that will be strictly
adhered to

Investigate the scope of official positions within the regional offices as well as collating
the information gathered by the outgoing and ingoing RWG to assist in creating the

Investigate the creation of RWG subcommittee handbooks that will guide the following
members of their roles and responsibilities during their term

Finalise the guidelines for the APRO Annual Budget and Reserve that was reviewed
during the 16th APRO Regional Assembly in Pattaya, Thailand.

Strengthening communication within APRO as well as with other Regional Offices

Analyse the problems currently encountered within the Asia Pacific region in terms of
communication and implementing new strategies to overcome these issues (including
the use of highly popular social media platforms)

Strengthen ties with the other Regional Offices within IPSF by collaborating in joint
projects and campaigns, with assistance of the Executive Committee, in order to
promote unity within the organisation

Assisting the Regional Projects Officer in reviewing the implementation of projects and
campaigns and creating a new structure to be used for future years

Analysing the issues encountered in terms of the projects and campaigns implemented
within APRO and after thorough evaluation, finding strategies to overcome these
problems. Some of the issues mentioned include limitations in reaching our target
audience and in association, the potential for impact of the projects and campaigns
conducting by APRO

The strategies created and implemented will be included into the RWG handbooks to
ensure sustainability

Expanding the scope of the Regional Relations Officer and ensuring its position is utilised to its
maximum capacity

Expanding the GPPed program and investigating strategies to ensure its sustainability in future

Encouraging the Regional Relations Officer to move from a stagnant approach to the
position to a more proactive one, ensuring the person in the position utilises all the
opportunities available to strengthen ties within APRO as well as externally

GPPed is a relatively new program with minimal guidelines established and to ensure
its sustainability in future years, thorough guidelines need to be created during this
term in consultation with the Chairperson of the Asia Pacific Regional Office for 2013
- 2014, Ms. Meng San (Dora) Lee, and representatives involved in organising the
process for the past two years from PSA Taiwan

Assisting the APPS Reception Committee (RC) in overseeing the organisation for APPS 2016

Working in close collaboration with the Chairperson of APPS 2016, Ms. Jin Ran Kim,
as well as the Reception Committee to ensure the smooth running of the organisation

Utilising the skills of the APRO RWG to assist where possible in terms of promotion
within the region, workshop materials and other areas

Portfolio topic 2
Overall APRO Plans
Summary of the proposed plans by the APRO RWG

Mr. Nathan Ting, Secretary

Prepare the agenda and minutes for all meetings conducted within APRO (including
the RWG, the Contact Persons for each association and APPS RC)

Ensuring the minutes from each RWG meeting is shared with the Contact Persons
within the region

Preparing the calls for all events, elections and other APRO related material

Organising the logistics for the Regional Assembly at APPS and World Congress

Organise the logistics for the RWG Face to Face meeting with the APPS RC in

Complete the RWG handbooks and guidelines in close collaboration with the
Chairperson by the end of the mandate

Ms. Henny Lau, Regional Media and Publications Officer (RMPO)

Promote projects and events and share experiences around the region to improve
member relations through our social media platforms, emails and website in
collaboration with the RWG and ExCo

Publishing APRO and Special Edition newsletters

Three APRO, one APPS 2015, one IPW 2016, one APPS 2016 and one
GPPed 2016

Translation of publications into diverse languages to increase participation and

awareness Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese

In collaboration with RRO, assist in producing material for membership promotion

In collaboration with RPO, produce material for campaigns, publication of articles and
promotion of projects

In collaboration with APPS RC, promote APPS 2016 material on APRO media

Mr. Peter Lin, Regional Relations Officer (RRO)

Explore potential interests in IPSF membership and facilitate their application

New Zealand (Full Member), The Philippines (Member in Association / Full


Individual membership

Investigate expressions of interest in becoming IPSF members by Nepal and


Develop in coordination with RMPO, promotional kits for APPS and WC for building
relations and IPSF promotion (as well as using existing promotional kits including the
one for APRO made in the 2014 - 2015 mandate)

Establishing relations with professional bodies within our region and utilising the
opportunities available for members to participate in events and internships - in
collaboration with RMPO for promotion

Investigating sponsorship opportunities within the Asia Pacific Region

Ms. Sai-Khim Lengwiriyakul, Regional Projects Officer (RPO)

Professional Development (PD)

Assist the APPS RC in incorporating PCE, CSE and the Compounding


Assist associations in implementing the PD workshops and projects

Pharmacy Education (PE)

Pharmacy education updates and mini-educational tools

Focus Project for 2015 - 2016: GPPed

Including Pharmacy Education crosswords and quizzes into the APRO

newsletters as well as promoting Pharmacy Education material on all
social media platforms within the region

Investigating options for this project - still under discussion

GPPed program

Consulting with appropriate partners to implement guidelines for the

GPPed program

Finding a host for GPPed 2016

Working with the host association to ensure all the logistics of the
program are organised and running smoothly (including registration,
academics, promotion and more)

Public Health (PH)

Develop calendar for public health campaigns for APRO and promote events
to CPs well in advance so member associations can actively participate

Implement three large-scale public health campaigns to be done on the streets

by participating member associations

International health days to be promoted online through our social media


Share, evaluate and critic APRO public health campaigns aim to improve
quality and design

Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium

Assist in overseeing the organisation for APPS 2016

Finding potential hosts for APPS 2017


IPSF Events



RMPO, RRO, RPO Projects and


Collect Information




Completed according to their own

timelines, please refer to their reports to
be obtained upon request






Create and Put Together





Edit and Finalise







Travel Plans 2015 - 2016:

1st IPSF Executive Committee Meeting (The Hague, Netherlands): 4th - 9th of October

International Pharmaceutical Week (Bali, Indonesia): 8th - 10th January 2016

2nd IPSF Executive Committee Meeting: TBA

APS-Japan Annual Congress (Tokyo, Japan): Mid-March 2016

RWG Face to Face with APPS RC (Seoul, South Korea): TBA (February/March 2016)

World Health Assembly (Geneva, Switzerland): In consideration (May 2016)

15th IPSF Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium (Seoul, South Korea): 6th - 15th July 2016

3rd IPSF Executive Committee Meeting: TBA

62nd IPSF World Congress (Harare, Zimbabwe): 29th July - 8th August 2016

Final remarks
Our goal during this mandate is to ensure that we form a solid foundation for our regional office
by finishing off all the guidelines and handbooks that need to be completed in order for the IPSF
team to work more efficiently and effectively. This will ensure we create a stronger impact within
the Asia Pacific region with the work that we implement and promote to unify the members of the
region in working towards advancing pharmacy practice and promoting education. The members are
what makes up the region and its their participation and involvement that molds the region into what it
is, and this is where it starts, to promote and involve as many members as we can. Strengthening the
region will benefit the future direction of the regional office, allowing it to make a stronger impact on the
global stage.
Appendix 13: Report of the Chairperson of the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office 2015-16
Report of the Chairperson of EMRO Region 2015-16
Asma Sellami 1st Executive Committee Meeting 4th October 10th of October 2015
I hereby submit the report of the Chairperson of (office) to the 1st Executive Committee meeting. In
this report I have incorporated my plan for the rest the IPSF mandate 2014-15 and incorporated a
summary of what I have done so far.
I received my handover during the end of August through a Skype meeting with (Ines Derbel) my
predecessor where she explained the duties related to the position and also gave me access to the
email account. It was mostly a session to answer my question because Im used to the office (I was
the Secretary of the RWG). Im still in touch with her for guidance. During the Skype meeting, we tried
to discuss some EMRO issues such as:

Subcommittees (Media and Publications, Focus projects...): Shall we have them or

not - Communication problems and solutions
Budget management: Ines prepared a document during The 61st World Congress. In
this document she tried to put down members recommendations in order to improve
on the problems the office faces every year.

I also received useful documents such as the Portfolio description, the Chairperson reports for 14-15
term and some Guidelines.

Topic N1:
Team spirit:
RWG Introduction:
We started the term with a handicap; we did not have an RMPO or an RPO until lately (18th of
October). Because of that we could not define all the EMRO goals and projects. Now that the
positions arent vacant anymore, we are working on it.
I tried to gather the members and create a good atmosphere for work. We have a Facebook group as
well as a WhatsApp group. Through social Medias the members are getting to know each other and
the vision for the year is developing.
I am also thinking of planning a face to face meeting prior to EMPS in Egypt.
One of EMRO issues is the communication problem. During the WC my predecessor tried to discuss
with participants and figure out solutions. One of her recommendations was to create a Facebook
group and include in it CPs, presidents and some active members who are willing to improve the
implications of the association. Aya Jamal, EMRO Regional Relations Officers 2015-16 is
investigating on the possibility of having a WhatsApp group for CPs. If we can have phone numbers,
this will help us a lot in reaching associations that are not meeting up deadline for example.
I tried to reach every member individually to make sure He/she receives his/her Handover.
I had a meeting with Dayl Eccles, IPSF President 2015-16:
Another meeting was also scheduled with Ana Catarina Durate, Chairperson of Public Health 2015-16
and Omnia Hamza, EMRO Regional Projects Officer 2015-16:
Year plan
Everyone is working on a year plan. We are going to do the same thing as last year and put deadlines
on google calendar. We will try to make it lighter than last year and focus on the most important
Topic N2:
EMPS 2016 / 2017 and 2018:
EMPS 2016 in Cairo, Egypt: Ibraam Saad, Chairperson of the 5th EMPS 2016 is actually working on
gathering a team and defining positions. He had a meeting with the Chairperson of 4th EMPS for
advices and guidance.
We are also working on a timeline. It would be ready by the end of September.
EMPS 2017 and 2018:
Since 2014, EMPS host is elected two years in advance. Since we dont have a host for 2017 we are
launching the call very soon along with the call for 2018.
Goals and Action Plan 2014-15
Focus projects and Campaigns:

Encourage as many associations as possible to do both EMRO focus projects. A part of the
Vampire Cup campaign which is now compulsory in EMRO, Ask Your Pharmacy (AYP)
Campaign is also a valuable one. We will try to draw interest with competitions, videos and
good campaign kits in three languages (Arabic, French and English).
Do online public health campaigns and try to create a new focus project (We will start by
investigating the subject among CPs.)
Do an LIT session prior to EMPS: to be discussed with the Chairperson of Professional
Promote IPSF campaigns in Social Medias and encourage associations to follow up the
Public health Campaigns agenda.

Create guidelines and organize archives:

Collect as much archives as possible- I have already contacted previous EMRO secretary for
help. The archives are important for the improvement of EMRO as well as for its image. The
pictures and information collected will be used to feed the website.
I asked every member of the RWG to prepare a document and timelines in which he/she will
put down the tasks he/she has to do throughout the year. These will be used to guide our
work throughout the year and will be used to prepare the guidelines for the incoming RWG.
Work closely with the regional secretary to establish EMPS guidelines: One for the future
Reception committee and another one for running the Regional Assembly.

Promotion &Publications:

Continue on promoting the Facebook page to increase members and increase EMRO
visibility throughout different social Medias and regular updates of the Website. I will also do
my best to meet deadlines for publications.
Create interesting designs and promotional material to be used for promotion among CPs and
members and also for fundraising.

Strengthen EMRO internal and external relations:

Try to be present with the Regional Relations officer to every CP meeting scheduled.
We plan on collecting feedbacks from Cps on regular bases as well as evaluations.
Aya has a lot of ideas to improve the internal communications and I will do my best to
help her achieve this goal.
Ines left me a document with contacts of active members from the different
associations. Some associations problem is that the board or CP is not very well
advertising for the associations work. Knowing what is happening will help the RRO
contact CPs and president in order to motivate them and make them aware of the
importance of promotions and reports.
Improve relations with NGOs operating in the region and contact new ones.
Assist those in phase of creation of their local association and encourage them to get
involved in IPSF. We can help them either with some guidance or also by providing
financial help (paying for the membership fees)

Travel Plans 2014-15 - EM1 in the Hague ( from 4th to 6th of October 2015) - World Health Assembly
in Geneva ( May 2016) - Face to face meeting in Cairo, Egypt ( To be determined) - 5th EMPS in
Cairo, Egypt (15th to the 20 of July 2016) - EM3 in Harare Zimbabwe - 62nd World Congress in
Harare, Zimbabwe

Final remarks
I really believe that EMRO is on the verge of a new era. This will not be possible without a solid
collaboration between all the regions and the Executive committee. From the work already done, I
only can wish for the best. I am really honoured and exited to work with everybody and to benefit from
your experience and knowledge. VIVA IPSF =)
Appendix 14: Report of the Chairperson of the European Regional Office 2015-16
Report of the Chairperson of IPSF European Regional Office 2015-16
Mr. Christian Roth
1st Executive Committee Meeting 4th October 10th of October 2015
I hereby submit the report of the Chairperson of (office) to the 1st Executive Committee meeting. In this
report I have incorporated my plan for the rest the IPSF mandate 2014-15 and incorporated a summary
of what I have done so far.

The handover was started by exchange of the email credentials to official EuRO email account by my
predecessor Mr. Jos Carvalho and the main part will be scheduled and plant to be proceeded until the
beginning of EM1. Additionally I received a lot of support from the other regional Chairpersons and
Executive Committee members of the mandates of 2014-15 and 2015-16 by sending me informative
and helpful documents and guidelines for the start.

Chairperson of the European Regional Office (ChP of EuRO)

The ChP of EuRO serves as chair of the European Regional Working Group (RWG) and both as
representative of European interests towards the federation and also of the federation towards its
European members. To ensure facilitation and well-functioning of the Regional Office, the ChP needs
to be aware of all aspects related to his office and everything occurring with the EuRO and the
federation. Also the ChP has to lead the RWG, provide them with full support and guidance, where
needed, and being aware of their work at any time. Hereby I present the following as main goals and
duties of the ChP of EuRO:
Regional Working Group:

Support the RWG in their portfolios and offer them guidance to fulfil their tasks best
Ensure close and frequent contact within RWG
Keep the team motivated and following up their tasks
Implementation and development of the position of Regional Media and Publications Officer
in cooperation with the RWG
Create and establish guidelines and Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs)

External Relations:

Represent the Federation and EuRO at any upcoming event of the European Region if
possible to attend and necessary
Represent EuRO and the federation at any event of the European Pharmaceutical
Students Federation (EPSA) to foster and maintain the good collaboration and relationship
Investigate the possibilities of new and fruitful collaborations in the European Region
together with Ms. Madeline Chavara, IPSF ChP of External Relations 2015-16 in
accordance to EPSA-IPSF Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

Internal Relations:

Maintain and improve close contact with the ChP of Internal Relations, ChP of Professional
Development and ChP of Public Health to facilitate the progress of implementation of
projects and communication in the European Region
Ensure frequent and close contact between European Contact Persons (CPs) and the
EuRO RWG in addition to increase activity and participation of CPs

Regional Relations Officer (RRO)

Mr. Luka rot, European Regional Relations Officer (RRO), will be in charge to go on with the project
already started by his predecessor Mr. Diogo Marques. Furthermore the RRO will function as the righthand of the ChP in all matters regarding communication with European members. Also he will chair the
RWG in any time of absence of the ChP. The main goals will be as followed:
EuRO Annual Form:

Evaluation and improvement of the current Annual Form to update the database and
information of our members
Amend the annual form with a section about members events open for all IPSF members
to join

Membership Promotion:

Promote the Federation to current European non-members together with the IPSF ChP of

Contact to CPs:

Evaluation and improvement of current EuRO-Hour project

Create an EuRO CP Facebook group

Social Media:

Keep members and externals updated via Social Media in collaboration with the Regional
Media and Publications Officer

Regional Projects Officer (RPO)

The RPO, Ms. Lara Turyia-Seitz, is in charge of implementing new and ensure the smooth run of already
existing projects and campaigns of the Federation important and beneficial for the European members.
Furthermore in accordance to the RPO portfolio she will be in close contact with other Chairpersons
where needed to achieve the following goals:
Promotion and Implementation of IPSF projects

Facilitate between members and IPSF ChP in charge of the projects to ensure no
overlapping of projects
Evaluation of already existing projects and campaigns to improve level of participation in
the EuRO region
Create a timeline for organising project and campaigns to share with European CPs in

Project Accreditation System (PAS)


Promote and ensure participation of European members in IPSF PAS as guidance and help
for future CPs and new members willing to implement specific campaigns.
Encourage members to deliver reports to PAS for self-evaluation of all kind of campaigns
and their improvement

Joint Campaigns

Investigate new joint campaigns with other European/International institutions and

associations to strengthen old or built up new partnerships for bigger outcomes, higher level
of participation and improvement of interprofessional collaboration.

Evaluate current joint campaigns with EPSA and investigate potential new topics and
projects to avoid overlapping and facilitate project organising for members, which will result
in higher level of participation and wider scope of reached persons.

EuRO Annual Project and Campaign Form


Create and establish an annual repeated evaluation form for current projects and
campaigns including topic proposals for new campaigns and projects to focus on.
This form will be sent to CPs at the end of every RWG mandate prior to the start of the new

Regional Media and Publications Officer (RMPO)

The RMPO is responsible for the content and design of all kind of media published by the European
Regional Office. Since the RMPO is a new position within the RWG a close contact to Ms. Amy
Howard, IPSF Chairperson of Media and Publication, and the other RMPOs is crucial besides close
contact with the other EuRO RWG members to accomplish the goals and tasks, while developing
the EuRO RMPO portfolio. The main goals for the RMPO will be as followed:
EuRO Brand and Corporate Identity

Create and establish an EuRO brand and Corporate Identity in matters of design and colour
code in accordance to the current IPSF Corporate Identity defined by the ChP of Media and
Publication to strengthen the EuRO image

Social Media

Schedule content and create design of EuROs social media posts and materials in close
contact with RRO and RPO

EuRO Homepage

Investigate necessary information and content to set up EuRO Homepage to have all
important info for European members and the EuRO to follow up the work of previous RWG
Design EuRO homepage in collaboration and upon consultation of the ChP of Media and

EuRO Publications

Evaluate and improve design of current publications

Ensure content and design of EuRO publications and coordinate that they are published in
Investigate new potential ways for publications beneficial to update members

Goals and Action Plan 2015-16

Structuring and further development of the EuRO and related processes

Create guidelines and SOPs in collaboration with the RWG for internal and external duties
to guarantee quality and standard on long term.

Communication Guidelines

Create and establish communication guidelines for emails to structure and facilitate online
communication towards CPs

Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs)


Create a database of SOPs for the RWG work and every portfolio to ensure and facilitate
daily work and proper handover

Monthly Updates Form


Implementation of an shared excel sheet for monthly updates of the RWG to keep up to
date on things happening in RWG and their progress

Communication, contact and collaboration with members and partners


Guarantee a high level of information and transparency towards the European members,
partners and everybody else interested in EuRO
Create a feeling of connection within the European region and show also the personalities
behind and personal side of EuRO, the RWG and the European Region Members


Create a EuRO RWG Blog to keep members and others updated and informed.

Assure good relations with current partners


Keep in close contact and foster the good relations to current partners
Revise any Memorandum of Understanding that might need adjustments

Implementation on EuRO-relevant Projects and (Joint) Campaigns


Follow up with existing (joint) campaigns and create new ones specified on European needs
and interests.
Offer guidance by RWG to members interesting in organising

CP Communication and activity


Facilitate online communication by implementing Email guidelines and defined Email

headers for better structure
Implement and schedule minimum two online EuRO-CP meetings
Create an EuRO CP Facebook Group for formal and informal communication

New Partners and Sponsors


Search for new and potential sponsor within European Region and in accordance to the

Travel Plans 2015-16

1st Executive Meeting, The Hague, The Netherlands, 5 th October 9th October 2015
EPSA Autumn Assembly, St. Julien, Malta, 27th October 1st November 2015
General Assembly of BPhD, Germany, Mnster, Germany, 6 th November 8th November
Ball of Pharmacy, Vienna, Austria, January 2016
2nd Executive Meeting, The Hague, The Netherlands, February 2016
EPSA Annual Reception, Brussels, Belgium, February 2016
EPSA Annual Congress, Helsinki, Finland, 18 th-24th April 2016
World Health Assembly, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2016
3rd Executive Meeting, Harare, Zimbabwe, July 2016

62nd IPSF World Congress, Harare, Zimbabwe, August 2016

Final remarks
The start of the upcoming mandate for me personally is combined with both a bit sad and sentimental
feelings but also mainly excitement and joy! It will be sentimental since it will be the official end of Chris,
BPhD, Germany; a familiar phrase for the last years. But moreover it will be an exciting and great time,
I am even more looking forward to! A new adventure within IPSF and the international family! With my
motivated and great team of the RWG and my colleagues within the Executive Committee, I am sure
this will be a fantastic mandate, where we can achieve many things in the European Region and for
The road to success is not easy to navigate, but with hard work, drive and passion, it is possible to
achieve [] Tommy Hilfiger
I am confident we can walk this road as a team in the upcoming mandate together with a spoon of the
IPSF spirit, we all know by heart. Viva la IPSF! Viva la Pharmacie
Appendix 15: Report of the Chairperson of the Pan American Regional Office 2015-16
Report of the Chairperson of the Pan American Regional Office 2015-16
Mr. Jorge Anibal Schlttke
1st Executive Committee Meeting 4th-10th October 2015.
I hereby submit the report of the Chairperson of the Pan American Regional Office to the 1 st Executive
Committee meeting. In this report I have incorporated a summary of what I have done so far in this year
and my plan for the rest of 2015-16.


With Mr. Angel Acosta, IPSF Chairperson of the Pan American Regional Office 2014-15, we started the
handover at August 30th. I worked with him the last period, when I was Chairperson of the Pan American
Regional Symposium, and it helps us because we know each other and we have a good relation. He
explained me about the e-mail account and the things that as Chairperson of PARO I will need to have
present. Also we told about the opportunities for the future of our regional and also about the challenges
that we have. I started to use the e-mail address at October 1st.
Regional Working Group
The election of the RWG for the period 2015-16 was during the Regional Assembly that attended at 9th
IPSF-PARS in San Luis Argentina. At that time, Secretary and 10th IPSF-PARS were re-open and
fortunately today we have the team complete. We start with extra-official meetings during August and
September with the objective to start October working.

Secretary: Ms. Stephanie Martinez (APhA-ASP, USA)

Regional Projects Officer: Ms. Jessica Rodiles (APhA-ASP, USA)
Regional Relations Officer: Mr. Diego Funes (AEFRA, Argentina)
Regional Media and Publications Officer: Mr. John Sebastian Castro Giraldo (ACEQF,
Chairperson of the 10th IPSF PARS: Mr. Luis Meja Ruiz (ACEQF, Colombia)


Media and Promotion Subcommittee

Mr. Gustavo Gomes Vilas Boas (CACIF, Brazil)

Ms. Sabina Kurian (APhA-ASP, U.S.A.)

Membership Promotion Subcommittee
Mr. Matthew Hung (CAPSI, Canada)
Mr. Victor Silva (CACIF, Brazil)
Ms. Kelly Vasquez Quispe (AEFB-SM, Peru)
Mr. Juan Ignacio Flores Roig (AEFRA, Argentina)
Public Health Subcommittee
Public Health Series: Ms. Nathalia Vieira dos Santos (CACIF, Brazil)
Diabetes and Healthy Living: Mr. Matthew Hung (CAPSI, Canada)
Vampire Cup: Mr. Eric Kao (APhA-ASP, U.S.A.)
Translation Subcommittee
Mr. Eric Kao (APhA-ASP, U.S.A.)
Ms. Marianelly Rodriguez (ACEF-Trujillo, Peru)
Ms. Julia Teresa Santos (CACIF, Brazil)
Mr. Victor Silva (CACIF, Brazil)

PARO RWG Skype Meetings

The online PARO RWG meetings via Skype are planned to be held one time per month more others
personal meetings with the officers. Our first official meeting was on 4th October and this was our

Roll Call
RWG Member Updates
SEO reports from ACEF-Trujillo, ACEQF, and FECOEF
Confirmation of PARS 10 - Barranquilla, Colombia
Subcommittee Appointments
Any Other Business
Closing remarks

Member Associations of the Pan American Regional Office

Full Members:
AEFRA (Argentina)
CAPSI (Canada)
FECOEF (Costa Rica)
Members in Association:
ACEQF (Colombia)
ACEF (Peru)
AEFB-SM (Peru)
CACIF (Brazil)

Pan American Regional Symposium

It will be the second time that an IPSF official event will be in Colombia, the first one was the Pharmatour
in 2013. I will work close with the Chairperson Luis Mejia providing him advices from my experience as
him predecessor. Our goal is to increase the number of participants that we had in Argentina this year
(111 people), our target is to meet 200 people. We want to offer the floor to discuss about actual
problematics of the pharmacy sharing the different situations in our countries.
Public Health Projects
About public health, this year we be focus in promote Healthy Living and Diabetes Awareness
Campaign, Vampire Cup Campaign and awareness of other health days throughout the year.
We will utilize social media (Facebook, the PARO website) regularly to promote health campaigns and
projects. Our RMPO Ms. Jessica Rodiles is really committed with her job and I want to help in the
contact with the Chairperson of Public Health Ms. Ana Duarte.
We plan to do Public Health campaign during 10th IPSF-PARS like this year in Argentina.
During our 1st Skype meeting we talk about the possibility to start cooperation with PAHO.
Membership projects
The main idea is to incorporate new Pan American Associations to IPSF. I will work pretty close with
our RRO to do this. We will use our good contact with some alumni as Mr. Carlos Juarez from Mexico
and Mr. Herbert Pea from Panama, they have good contacts in universities from Central America as
Mexico, Panama, Republica Dominicana and Honduras among others.
Also we will support our members to become as Full Members.
The 10th IPSF-PARS will good to promote IPSF in our region and we want to use this big opportunity.
Other business about membership will be the situation in Per. In this moment we have two MiAs and
the situation is not comfortable for them. The idea is to start a diplomatic dialogue between both trying
to solve it.

Publications and media projects.

We want to Publish at least two PARO newsletters, continue the improving strategies implemented the
year before, to consolidate the quality of our publications to present in all the world, get more likes and
presence in countries that IPSF doesnt have an organization member, consolidate the efforts of the
before RWG to promote the PARO region through the different communication tools.
FIP World Congress in Argentina 2016.
At September, Ms. Angela Sester (IPSF Secretary 2012-2014) was in contact with me talking about the
possibility to organize the students package for the congress. She sent me the FIP Centennial Student
Committee Report and also their budget.
After that I was in contact with the AEFRA Regional at Buenos Aires and they are available to cooperate
with us.

The first idea is to:

Find the accommodation for the students in a close, cheaper, safety and comfortable
hotel or hostel.
Organise 3 conferences and 3 workshops for students that attend to the congress.
Organise an excursion day for students in Buenos Aires.
Organise 3 social events at night.
NOTE: we will need an official letter from FIP, which authorizes us to do this.


3rd Congreso Argentino de Estudiantes de Farmacia, Chaco (Argentina).

Executive Meeting 2.
10th IPSF Pan American Regional Symposium, Barranquilla (Colombia).
63rd IPSF World Congress, Harare (Zimbabwe).

The PARO growth in the last time was huge and now we have the beautiful challenge to continue
improving our regional. After my first contact with the RWG, I feel that we have a good team and each
one is really motivated and committed with each position. Go PARO!
Appendix 16: Report of the Chairperson of the Reception Committee for the 62 nd IPSF World
Report of the Chairperson of the Reception Committee for the 62ND IPSF World Congress,
Zimbabwe 2016
Ms. Mitchelle Masuko
1st Executive Committee Meeting 4th October 10th of October 2015
I hereby submit the report of the Chairperson of the Reception Committee for the 62nd IPSF World
Congress 2016 to the 1st Executive Committee meeting. In this report I have incorporated my plan for
the rest the IPSF mandate 2015-16 and incorporated a summary of what I have done so far.
My handover manly had to do with getting access to the official email which I managed to do with the
assistance of immediate past Chairperson of media and Publications Essra, unfortunately the email is
still not functional due of technical problems that are yet to be handled by Essra .Requested for
feedback from the 61st IPSF World Congress from the reception committee chairperson Neha but
havent been assisted with that.
Congress information
LIT and TDC: 25th -29th July 2016
Congress: 29th July 8th August 2016
Post Congress Tour: 8th -13th August 2016
Registration opens 11 January 2016
Phase 1: 11th January 31st March 400

Phase 2: 1st April 31st May 475

Phase 3: 1st June -30th June 550
LIT: 11th January till closed 200
PCT: 11TH June till closed long 500, short 250
Registration Packages
Full package
Local students: (max 50 pax) Full congress minus accommodation and breakfast
LIT: Harare Institute of Technology
Congress: The University of Zimbabwe
Conferencing and most Social events to be held at the University of Zimbabwe.
Buses are to be used to ferry participants from the airport to the venue and during excursion and y
visits that are to be organised by the RC. The registration fee covers cost of transport. Participants are
to be availed with transportation options they can use during the congress.
Congress Promotion
Below is a list of promotional activities and material that have been done as of now.

Facebook: 62nd IPSF World Congress 2016 Zimbabwe
Twitter: @ipsfwc2016
Instagram: psfwc2016
Stickers, flyers, posters promotional material distributed at the IPSF World Congress
India, and Regional Symposia in Rwanda;

Future Considerations

General Congress Newsletter in November 2012 and Two Pre-congress Booklets in May
and July 2016;
Promotional you tube video to be done in November
Many articles in national pharmacists and pharmacy students newsletters throughout

Goals and Action Plan 2015-16

The preliminary program is still a frame work and the final content will be added in collaboration with
the IPSF Chairperson of Pharmacy education. Plans are underway to begin search of speakers for
the congress at a ratio of 1 local as to two international speakers and this will be done through
networking and attending lined up conferences e.g. FIP World Congress, PSZ annual conference and
etc. .

Obtain feedback
In a bid to plan a flawless event I intend to get feedback from the past World Congresses on some
does and donts. Also during the course of the yeasr we will be communicating it CPs and our
participants on some of their preferences especially when it comes to official events so we give them
a wholesome experience.
Helping Committee
The helping committee of 25 individuals is to be set up in November and the call will be sent out in
Travel Plans 2015-16

1st Executive Committee meeting , The Hague ,The Netherlands ,4th October-10th October
Pharmaceutical Society of Zimbabwe Annual Conference, Bulawayo Zimbabwe 8-11th
October 2015
ZPSA Annual Conference (tbd)
5th IPSF African Pharmaceutical Symposium, Kenya 2016
2nd Executive Committee meeting (tbd)
3rd Executive Committee meeting, Harare Zimbabwe July 2016.
62nd IPSF World Congress, Zimbabwe 28th july-9 August 2016

Final remarks
I am really looking forward to organise an epic event with the help of IPSF Executive and the
Reception Committee.

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