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EXERCISE 1.- Complete the questions about the pictures.

2. Is she driving a bus? __________________


Does she drives a bus?

What is she doing? _________________

3. Does he clean windows? ______________

Is he cleaning a window?

What is he doing? __________________

4. Are they teaching? ___________________

Do they teach?

What do they do? ___________________

EXERCISE 2.- Put the verbs in brackets in the present continuous or simple,
taking into account also the subjects given.

4. Listen! Somebody _____________________ (sing).

5. Sandra is tired. __________________(she / want) to go home now.
6. How often _____________________ (you / read) a newspaper?
7. Excuse me but ______________________ (you / sit) in my place.

Oh, Im

8. Im sorry, ___________________________ (I / not / understand). Can you

speak more slowly?

9. Its late. ____________________ (I / go) home now. ____________________

(you / come) with me?
What time __________________________ (your father / finish) work in the
EXERCISE 3.- Translate into English the following sentences.
1. Eva est tocando el piano. (tocar un instrumento = PLAY)
2. Normalmente bebo t, pero ahora estoy bebiendo caf.
3. Qu haces?

Estoy estudiando.

4. Entiendes lo que quiero decir? (lo que = WHAT)

5. Puedes apagar la radio. No la escucho. (apagar = TURN OFF)
6. Qu hacen Juan y Luisa?

Estn viendo la televisin.

7. Qu hacen Agustn y Laura?

Son mdicos.

8. Me gusta esa cancin. Quin canta? (cantar = SING)

EXERCISE 4.- Write questions referred to the future with the words
between brackets.
Are you going out tonight?

1. (you / go / out / tonight?)

2. (you / work / next week?)
3. (what / you / do / tomorrow evening?)
4. (what time / your friends / arrive?)
5. (when / Liz / go / on holiday?)

EXERCISE 5.- Put the verbs in the present continuous or the present
1. Are you going (you / go) out this evening?

No, Im too tired.

2. Were going (we / go) to a concert this evening . It starts (it / start) at 7.30.
3. Do you know about Sally? ___________________ (she / get) married next
4. A: My parents _________________ ( go) on holiday next week.
B: Oh, thats nice. Where _____________ (they / go)?
5. Silvia is doing an English course at the moment. The course
_____________ (finish) on Friday.
6. Theres a football match tomorrow but _________________________ (I / not /
7. _______________________ (I / go) out with some friends tonight. Why dont
you come too? ______________________ (we / meet) at Johns house at 8
8. A: How __________________ (you / get) home after the party tomorrow? By
B: No, I can go by bus. The last bus ______________ (leave) at midnight.
9. A: Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?
B: What time _________________________ (the film / begin)?
10.A: What _________________________ (you / do) on Monday afternoon?
B: ______________________ (I / work).
EXERCISE 6.- Translate into English the following sentences:
1. A qu hora llega el tren de Glasgow? (llegar = ARRIVE; de = FROM)
2. El autobs sale a las 12.30. (salir = LEAVE)
3. Juegas maana al ftbol?

No puedo, trabajo.

4. Este verano vamos a Italia.

5. Cundo vienen tus padres de Londres?

6. Cundo vas al mdico?


7. Este programa acaba a las 10.

8. Los domingos vamos a menudo al campo, pero este fin de semana
vienen mis padres y nos quedamos en casa. (el campo = THE COUNTRY;
quedarse = STAY)

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