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Courier Sentinel

Cadott, Cornell & Lake Holcombe - Wisconsin

In This Issue: Lake Holcombe Town Board, Page 5 Afghan Donations, Page 8 Cadott All-Conference, Page 14
Volume 4 No. 3

Thursday, January 21, 2016


Referendum approved for April ballot

By Monique Westaby
After several months of discussion and special agenda
items, the Lake Holcombe School Board has approved another three-year $675,000 referendum request for the School
District of Lake Holcombe residents.
While this school year still falls under the previous referendum, 2016-17 is projected to have a deficit. Lisa Spletter,
district accountant, says a significant drop in the schools revenues, because of the sunsetting of the referendum, ac-

Lions challenge others

to meet or beat $500
The Cornell After School program, offered through the
Community Learning Center, provides students in kindergarten through eighth grade with tutoring, a healthy snack,
academic enrichment activities and help on homework.
Since the programs start 15 years ago, funding has been
cut significantly, says Family Programs director Jenny Blaisdell.
One challenge programs face is to cover the cost of transporting students home once the program ends each evening,
said Blaisdell.
Although many families live close enough for students to
walk, and some can be picked up, many times the only way
a student can stay is to have a ride provided by the Community Learning Center.
Blasidell says to keep students in the program, staff is
working to raise funds to maintain the service. The Cornell
Lions Club saw that need, and donated $500.
The Cornell Lions are happy to support this important effort for local families, and challenge other organizations to
meet or beat their gift, said Blaisdell. CLC staff would like
to sincerely thank the Lions for their gift, for the challenge
to other organizations, and the entire community for their ongoing and generous support.
Local Community Learning Centers would not survive
without local support.

counts for why funds are projected in the red.

Also, our revenue limit is scheduled to decrease because
of our declining enrollment, said Spletter at a regular board
meeting last January. There still just isnt enough room in
the budget to try to come up with roughly $700,000.
The new, three-year referendum (identical to the previous
one from 2013) would allow the district to exceed the revenue limit by $675,000 each year for non-recurring purposes,
and will be voted on at the spring election, April 5.
I truly believe in the rural schools, said Corey Grape,
board president, earlier last year. The smaller class sizes
with the quality of education still being maintained is exactly
what thats given usWe try to worry more about the education and try to maintain the budget thats what this referendum has done.
Were definitely headed in the right direction.
With the referendum passed in 2013, property taxes went
up about $14 per month on a house worth $100,000. With
valuation decreases, that amount went down, and passing the
referendum will not increase property taxes from their current
Grape says a public hearing will be held (like last time) at
the school prior to the election, but a specific date has not
been set. He says the board will also meet with the area townships, as well as other clubs that serve the district.

Lake Holcombe 1992 alumnus Christine Begalke

plays trombone alongside her son, freshman Dylan
Kolter, for the alumni pep band performance between basketball games Jan. 12. About half a dozen
graduates played with the pep band, contributing
on the drums, saxophones, trumpet, tambourines
and temple blocks. (Photo by Monique Westaby)

Investigators shed light on social media dangers

By Kayla Peche
It was a cold day in November 2014. A day that Investigator William Gray, Chippewa County Sheriffs Office Detective for Financial Crimes, said he and his family will never
Kids, if you dont think there are bad people in this world
who are willing to do that to you said Gray during a Jan.
9 social media safety presentation at Cadott High School.
This is very real. This happened here, right in Chippewa
In 2014, Gray was assigned to interview Sharrinder Garcha, 20, United Kingdom, after Garcha was reported with a
runaway Florida teenager. Garcha and the girl met through
KIK, a social media site, and traveled from Florida to
Chippewa Falls where Garcha knew another teen girl through
the site.

After interrogation, Gray drove Garcha to retrieve some

personal belongings, but things turned for the worse. Gray
was stabbed 14 times before he could reach for his firearm.
Once he was able to retrieve the service weapon, Gray killed
Garcha in self defense.
If he was willing to do that to me, what will he do to
you? asked Gray. What he could have done to those girls?
After recovering from this experience, Gray and another
investigator, Deb Brettingen, Chippewa County Sensitive
Crime, began spreading the message about the real dangers
of social media to kids and parents.
We are not here to scare everyone, said Brettingen.
However, there are dangers out there.
Brettingen said she goes undercover as a 13-year-old girl,
searching for child predators online. She says in one case, it
(See Social media dangers Page 3)

Exchange program provides new insight for teen

Cornell Lion Pat Kosher presents $500 to Jenny

Blaisdell, Family Programs director, for support of
the Cornell After School program. Blaisdell said the
program needs donations to continue offering
transportation for participants in the program.
(Submitted Photo)

By Ginna Young
While some teenagers might find leaving home and family,
and traveling more than 8,000 miles to live with strangers, a
little daunting, 17-year-old Tanzanian-born Evergrace (or
translation Evagrace) Lema wasnt fazed a bit.
I didnt actually decide to be an exchange student, said
Evergrace. I was just at schooland our headmistress called
me into the office and told me I needed to take an interview.
Evergrace was told if she passed the interview test, shed
go to America to study for a year.
I was like, thats great, said Evergrace. I was so happy.
Evergrace and 300 other students from her area took the

first stage test of English and math, then waited to hear if

they passed
I believe in myself, said Evergrace. Like, Im going to
do it and pray hard.
After Evergrace found out she passed her first test, she then
had to write an essay and be matched up with a host family.
Thats where Holcombe residents Kelly (dad) and Kim
(mom) Dorney came into the picture. Although the Dorneys
arent new at playing host to exchange students, having had
four full-time and several part-time kids stay with them over
the years, they didnt intend to take in any this time around.
(See Exchange program provides new insight Page 16)



Thursday, January 21, 2016


Certain decisions shouldnt be left up to some parents

By Monique Westaby
Managing Editor
Guns have been a hot
topic in the media lately,
from school shootings and
questioning the necessity
of assault rifles, to background checks and more
gun control. Nearly every day something
new comes up regarding the topic of the 2nd
This week was no different and Wisconsin
Assembly Republicans have proposed a bill
that would eliminate the minimum hunting
age in the state.
Are you kidding me?!
At a time when so many politicians are
pushing for stricter gun laws and more regulations, why is Wisconsin looking to pass this
In an Associated Press article, Todd Richmond writes that supporters think parents
should decide when their child is ready to
Opponents counter that young children
arent physically or mentally ready to wield
long guns and could hurt themselves or others, says Richmond in his article.
Gun safety is crucial in childrens lives,
and schools should be teaching their elementary students the importance of gun safety
(which is another topic for another time), but
leaving the decision up to the parents of
when a child is old enough to hunt with a
firearm is poor planning on these lawmakers
Should we now let parents also decide
when a child is old enough to drink; old
enough to drive a vehicle, buy lottery tickets
and visit adult stores?
While some parents have the common
sense to know their 5-year-old doesnt have
the stability and control needed to walk
around the woods and handle a firearm, oth-

ers would no doubt send their kindergartner

through brush and bramble in search of that
turdy point buck.
Although Rep. Joel Kleefischs bill is
about eliminating age requirements for those
participating in the hunting mentorship program, it opens the doors for parents to
allow children who are not ready, to carry
their own weapon.
Currently, Wisconsin law allows hunters
10-12 years old, who do not have a hunters
safety certificate, to hunt with a mentor, but
only one gun can be used between the two.
Kleefischs bill puts no limit on the age requirement, or number of hunting devices
used by the mentor or person hunting with
Joseph Lanceski, president of the Wisconsin Hunter Education Instruction Association, questioned the abilities of such young
children, submitting his concerns to the as-

Kleefisch claims that safety first is his utmost goal, and says the current regulations
are burdensome. But lowering the hunting
age wont provide more safety. It may give
youth more experience, but at what cost?
We try children in different courts because
their maturity level isnt that of an adult;
many dont understand the consequences of
their actions. Physically, their brain cells are
still developing and children are learning
right from wrong; and the results of both.
Weve had situations in class where 9 and
10-year-olds simply dont have the maturity
to handle a firearm, said Ray Anderson,
hunters safety instructor. They inadvertently
point the firearm at others and instructors.
Children under 10, and even some 10year-olds, arent ready to hit the woods and
be responsible for their own weapon.
Firearm responsibility needs to be taught before it can be expected.

This isnt backyard play, theres a winner and loser

By Kayla Peche
In high school, athletes
dont normally receive
participation ribbons, and
the good game handshakes are usually halfhearted and sweaty, but
thats because its a competition. There is a winner
and there is a loser.
According to Websters Dictionary, to be
competitive means to have or display a
strong desire to be more successful than others.
Cheering during a game and psyching out
the other team with a little ambitious taunting
from the stands is a way for fans to participate in the competitiveness; except at Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association
games, including Cadott, Cornell and Lake

Courier Sentinel
Cadott, Cornell & Lake Holcombe

Central Wisconsin Publications, Inc. ISSN 0885-078X

Courier Sentinel (ISSN O885-078X) is a
periodical newspaper published every Thursday by Central Wisconsin Publications, Inc.,
121 Main St., Box 546, Cornell, WI. 54732
and entered as periodical matter in the Cornell,
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POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:
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sembly natural resources committee.

Can that 1-day-old to 9-year-old differentiate between shoot (or) dont shoot? said
Lanceski. Can they differentiate between
what is killing vs. hunting? Can they rationalize the difference between video games
they have been playing and the consequences
of the real world?
Even at 10 years old, some youth just
arent ready to take on the responsibilities of
hunting. Allowing this bill to pass would
lower that standard and create an opportunity
to increase preventable accidents in the
I would hope parents would be responsible
enough to know their 5-year-old cant handle
a weapon capable of killing a deer, but unfortunately, many are not.
There is a lot that should not be controlled
by the government, but keeping the age restrictions on hunters is just common sense.


Chippewa, Rusk and Eau Claire Counties ...................................................$32.00
Elsewhere in Wisconsin ..................$35.00
Outside Wisconsin...........................$42.00
Our policy is that no cash refunds are given
for cancellation of subscriptions.

Cornell Office
121 MainSt., Cornell, WI

Cadott Office
327 N. Main St., Cadott, WI
Publisher ..............................Carol OLeary
Cadott Manager...................Heather Dekan
Managing Editor ............Monique Westaby
Proofreader ....................Rebecca Lindquist
Typesetter/Reporter................Ginna Young
Sports/Reporter .......................Kayla Peche
Ad Production/Web Design ..........Joy Cote
Ad Sales...................................Todd Lundy

All submitted articles are subject to editing for space and content. All Letters to the Editor must include
name, city and phone number (phone numbers are for office use only and will not be published).

All paid subscription papers are mailed on Wednesday. If you did not receive your paper, please allow
three mailing dates to pass to account for post office backup before contacting us.

In a WIAA email to schools this December, students are banned from making chants
that are clearly intended to taunt or disrespect.
The chanting phrases include, Airball,
Scoreboard, You cant do that, Fundamentals, Theres a net there, Sieve, We cant hear
you and Seasons Over.
The email from the WIAA went on to read
that they didnt want to restrict creativity or
enjoyment and cheering is OK if it is in a
positive manner. However, any action toward opposing teams or their fans with the
intent to taunt, disrespect, distract or entice
is not acceptable sportsmanship.
According to a story by Wisconsin Sports
News, the WIAA sent out another statement
Jan. 12 that said, to be clear there have been
no new directives, no new rules, no new mandates, no new enforcement expectations associated with the email.
The statement clarifies that it is up to the
school administration to enforce any disciplinary action on those who violate this definition of unsporting behavior.
Although the email was just a reminder for
schools about sportsmanlike behavior, it received backlash and media attention when a
star basketball player from Hilbert High
School was suspended five games after
tweeting her dismay over the rule. The student used profanity in her displeasure, which
was wrong, but does freedom of speech not

matter anymore if it hurts someones feelings?

When a fan is screaming their head off and
disrupting the entire game because they dont
like a call or the Scoreboard!, they should be
escorted from a game.
But a group of fans on one side of the gym,
yelling to the opposing fans, We cant hear
you, should not be grounds for removal.
These trash talk chants are used to fire up
teams and get more fan participation. It is
bringing the fans into the game and showing
off school spirit.
A child No wait, a young adult might
shoot a basket and miss the rim completely.
The crowd yells, Airball! The player is embarrassed for a second, then realizes, I cant
have that happen again, which makes them
work harder to improve their game.
The WIAA needs to realize this rule is
just too sensitive for high school sports. If
basketball or any other WIAA sport isnt
going to be competitive anymore, then they
shouldnt keep score.
Being unsportsmanlike is refusing to shake
a competitors hand after a match, not joyful
cries and encouragement from the sidelines.
Have a little faith that high school sports
fans can control themselves and that high
school players can handle a little smack talk.
Wisconsin doesnt need to raise a bunch of
WIAA, Im sorry butYou cant do this.

Sell It Today!
Its easyand we are ready to help.

A Classified Ad in
The Courier Sentinel
Cornell office
121 Main St. Cornell | 715-861-4414
Cadott office
327 N. Main St. Cadott | 715-289-4978


Thursday, January 21, 2016


Social media dangers Continued from front

only took four hours from the point she started chatting
to an individuals arrest because the suspect came to meet
It is an issue and it is a problem, Brettingen said. It is
happening in our area.
Brettingen stressed that parents be proactive and communicate with their children about what is happening online.
Find out who they are talking to, she said. Have they
actually met that person? And what are
they posting for everyone to see?
She says technology can be overwhelming, but that has resources to help guide parents on popular
applications, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, as well as how to
apply higher privacy settings to those
Parents, if you dont think its OK
to ask your child for their cell phone
or say Let me see your passwords, I
want to know your passwords, you
are sorely mistaken, Gray said. If

youre paying for that phone and that bill, that is your business. Dont let any of these kids fool you. You are there to
protect them.
Brettingen says parents should talk to children about
healthy sexual relationships and what can be found online,
such as sexting, pornography, hate speech and cyberbullying.
She also advised children to think before posting.
The No. 1 way to try to combat this is to start the conversation the younger they are, said Brettingen.
So that as they grow up, they learn and
they understand whats appropriate on
the Internet. You start that conversation
so they can come to you sooner rather
than later.
Gray encouraged community members
to report suspicious behavior in their
neighborhood, and for children to talk to
their parents about any inappropriate
things online.
We all live in a small community,
said Gray. We need to take our streets
back from peoplekeep your families safe.

Free water tests available through Culligan dealers

In response to an in-depth report by the Wisconsin Center
for Investigative Journalism, Culligan dealers across Wisconsin are urging residents to test their water and seek solutions if contaminants are present.
The center released the study in November, which found
that hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites are at risk of
consuming drinking water with contaminants, such as lead,
nitrates, disease-causing bacteria and viruses, and heavy
metals, to name a few.
Many of the contaminants are organically occurring compounds found in nearly every watershed, but can be dangerous when concentrations become too high.
While municipal wells are tested regularly, evaluations for
systems serving 25 or fewer homes are the responsibilities
of the homeowners, which accounts for nearly 1.7 million
Wisconsin residents.
According to the center, only 16 percent of private well
owners test their water each year, said Bret Tangley, president of Water Quality Association and third-generation
owner of Sterling Water Culligan, which has locations in Eau
Claire, Stevens Point, Rothschild and Minnesota. Thats a
scary statistic because nearly half of private wells are estimated to be contaminated above health standards.

Even previously tested wells may need to be retested.

Some of the contaminants, such as nitrates, have no taste or
smell, and are difficult to detect in water supplies unless
properly tested.
If high levels of these substances are left unchecked, it
could lead to adverse health effects. Infants and the elderly
are particularly susceptible to high levels of contaminants
found in water.
Culligan water experts across Wisconsin recommend regular testing of well water and using point-of-use filtration
technology that is certified by the National Sanitation Foundation for the removal of certain contaminants.
Reverse osmosis technology is also an option, since the
filter membrane can filter particles as small as one micron.
The state of Wisconsin has not certified all manufacturers
for the removal of certain contaminants. Dealers with equipment certified by the state should be able to show written
Through special arrangement with certified labs, Wisconsin Culligan dealers will test water for nitrates, arsenic, lead
and coliform, and results are available within five business
For more information, contact your local Culligan dealer.

Hornets Nest

Cadott Elementary Class of the Week:

Michelle Pilgrims
4K Class


Cornell Municipal Court Report

The following people were found guilty Jan. 18, 2016,
in Cornell Municipal Court, 221 Main Street, Cornell, WI,
by Judge Mindy Carothers-Harycki.
Regular Citations
Amanda Ann Foster, Chippewa Falls, operating after
suspension, $124, 3 pts.
Anastasia Marie Anne Hill, Bruce, operating a motor
vehicle without insurance, $124.
Anastasia Marie Anne Hill, Bruce, operating after suspension, $124, 3 pts.
Tracy Lynn House, Minneapolis, Minn., operating after
suspension, $124, 3 pts.
Tomas Jay Mitchell Hoyle, Stanley, operating after suspension, $124, 3 pts.
Tomas Jay Mitchell Hoyle, Stanley, operating a motor
vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.
Jonah Bryant Lemke, Conrath, failure to stop at a stop
sign, $98.80, 3 pts.
Christian P. Newbury, Fifield, non-registration of an
auto, etc., $98.80.
Brooke Ann Popovich, Cornell, driving too fast for conditions, $136.60, 4 pts.
Anthony M Schemenauer, Holcombe, operating after
suspension, $124, 3 pts.
Jordan Renee Stasik, Chippewa Falls, operating after
revoked/suspension of registration, $98.80.
Kimberly A. Stonkey, Holcombe, operating left of the
center line, $136.60, 4 pts.
Annette M. Swoboda, Holcombe, speeding on city
highways (16-19 mph), $124, 4 pts.
Brady Quinton Vircks, Stanley, operating after suspension, $124, 3 pts.
0 Trial
0 Juvenile Cases

Test your home for

the invisible killer
Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the
United States. Because of this, the Chippewa County Department of Public Health (CCDPH) is working with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in a nationwide
campaign to educate Americans about the dangers of radon
exposure, and to encourage them to take action to protect
their homes and families.
Radon is present at elevated levels in 55 percent of the
Chippewa County homes tested in 2014.
The only way to detect a radon problem is to test for it,
since radon is a colorless, odorless and tasteless radioactive
gas. It can enter homes through cracks and openings in a
basement or foundation, and once inside, it can accumulate
to levels that present a health risk.
The EPA estimates that radon is responsible for more than
21,000 lung cancer deaths per year. However, because radon
cannot be seen or smelled, the CCDPH says people tend to
downplay the health effects and ignore the possibility that
there might be an invisible killer in the homes.
Thanks to a grant from the Wisconsin Department of
Health Services, Radiation Protection Section, CCDPH is
now offering short-term radon kits to test homes in Chippewa
County, at a reduced cost of $7. Radon problems can be fixed
for about the same cost as other home repairs, like painting
or installing a new water heater.
For more information on testing, contact Jim Koehler, RS
for CCDPH, Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at 1-800-4003678 or 715-726-7900. Koehler can also be contacted
through email at

Courier Sentinel
Annual Subscription Rates
Warm winter wishes from Michelle Pilgrims Cadott 4K class, who has been busy as bees learning and
playing at school. This month the class is studying winter topics like animals in winter, snow and penguins. Pilgrim says the students have discovered that animals migrate, hibernate or adapt when its winter,
that snowflakes have six sides and that emperor penguins can be over 4 feet tall. Throughout the year,
the 4K children have also been learning about letters and sounds, numbers and math. Learning is fun
in our 4K classroom, said Pilgrim.

Chippewa, Rusk & Eau Claire Counties.......$32

Elsewhere In Wisconsin ...............................$35
Outside Wisconsin .......................................$42

715-861-4414 or 715-289-4978



Thursday, January 21, 2016


Couriers of the Past

10 Years Ago
After unanimous votes, the
Cornell and Gilman School
Districts set up committees
to explore combining sports
teams. The committees consisting of parents, school
board members, coaches and
athletic directors will determine if its beneficial and
cost effective to co-op the
sports teams.
The Lake Holcombe Girls
Volleyball team, under the
direction of Jean Anderson,
are the recipients of the
WIAA Rural Insurance
Sportsmanship Award. The
Chieftains were given the acknowledgement for their
ethics and integrity on the
20 Years Ago
The plans for a new Cornell City Hall come to a
screeching halt when the
building committee questions if its the right thing to
build on the current city office site or near the library.
City administrator Lisa Kotter says another option is to
revamp city hall, which
would save on costs.
Christina Paradies, RN,
presides over a slide presentation on organ donation at
the Lake Holcombe Town

Hall, sponsored by the Lake

Holcombe Lions Club.
Donor families are on hand
to give their points of view
on helping those in need of
transplants. Guests also have
the opportunity to ask recipients what its like during the
donation/waiting process.
30 Years Ago
The Cornell Boosters Club
begins collection of labels
from Campbells soup, V-8
juice, Swanson and Prego
brands. The money earned
from redeeming the labels
will be used to purchase
equipment for the Cornell
School District. Labels can
be dropped off at Dennys
Barber Shop on Main Street.
Gregory Shufelt, son of
Shufelt, Cornell, is named to
the directors list of high distinction at the West Wisconsin Technical Institute in La
Crosse. The commercial art
major earned the acknowledgement for maintaining a
3.5 GPA.
40 Years Ago
The American thriller
Jaws is showing at the theatre. An admission ticket is
$2.13, a candy bar is 20 cents
and a soda is 15 cents.
50 Years Ago

The Cornell United Papermakers of America Unions
352 and 287 raise money to
buy 10 light-weight backpack frames for Boy Scout
Troop 2. The money was collected at the Cornell Community Fair from dunk tank
proceeds. Harold Helgerson,
fair committee, and Lowell
Billiard, president of Union
352, present the donation to
the Scouts.
60 Years Ago
Barbara Brown, the reigning Alice in Dairyland, stops
at her old Cornell stomping
grounds to pose for photographs at the Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative.
While back in her hometown, Brown also talks about
the importance of dairy production in the state.
The Lake Holcombe 4-H
Club girls serve a penny supper at the Lake Holcombe
Town Hall.
100 Years Ago
Although the price of lumber and building supplies are
on the rise across the country,
Fox Lumber Company in
Cornell still continues to
offer bundles of shingles for
$1.90. The business also offers cottage windows for
$2.95 on request.

Neighboring News
Area Times
Unity Bank donates $732
to the Augusta Middle/High
School as part of the Spirit
Card program.
The Augusta Beavers
Boys Basketball team hosts
conference-leading Melrose-Mindoro, and the visitors leave with a 61-44 win.
Gov. Scott Walker visits
Osseo to meet with community members as he looks to
gain understanding of what
Wisconsin residents want
for the future of the state to
The Bloomer School
Board accepts the resignation of Luke Barth, middle
school principal.
Bloomer City Council
president Jeff Steinmetz
may become the 17th person
since 1924 to call themselves mayor of Bloomer as
hes running unopposed for
the seat.
Aubrey Bauch and her
Bloomer Public Librarys
Read 1,000 Books Before
Kindergarten challenge.

The Bloomer Blackhawks

Girls Basketball team wins
two Heart ONorth games
to stay one game behind
Hayward for the conference
Colfax seventh grader Jaclyn Olson is one of five students to win a nationwide
essay contest sponsored by
Scholastic magazine.
Village trustee Jeremy
Klukas decides not to run for
another term on the Colfax
Village Board.
Donald Binder, convicted
of a felony for stealing iron
from the Colfax Railroad
Museum, has failed to pay
anything toward the courtordered $7,000 in restitution.
Brady Simonson and Cole
Anderson-Olson go undefeated as the ColfaxBloomer wrestling team
wins three matches and
loses two at a tournament
hosted by Osseo-FairchildAugusta-Fall Creek.
Ana Rose Morlan, who
faced charges related to an

alleged theft of her missing

mothers Social Security
funds, was found dead in her
house from an apparent suicide.
All customers at Ladysmith Family Restaurant
Tuesday, Jan. 26, will help
support local emergency
services departments as 100
percent of the proceeds from
food sales will be donated.
Ladysmith wrestler Kyle
Lehman takes the 160pound championship after
winning the final match with
a 14-7 decision at the Superior Spartan Classic.
Daniel Romanowski, a
prominent local farmer and
Town of Taft board member,
is mourned after he dies in a
farming accident.
Senior Jenna Hoffstatter,
Stanley-Boyd, drains a three
pointer in a game against
Boyceville. With the basket,
she crossed the 1,000-point
threshold in her Oriole career.
Members of the Stanley
Business Association welcome H&R Block to its new
location in Stanley.

Sentinel Look Back

10 Years Ago
The news crew of
visit Cadott High School to
interview Thomas Weiss,
Cadott teacher and cross
country coach, who won
the Golden Apple Award.
Tarese Dubiel and Shannon Starck open Simply
Scrappin in Cadott, a
scrapbook supply store.
Terry Licht leads the
Cadott boys basketball
game against Augusta with
20 points, with Pete Goettl
following with 11. The
Hornets lose the game 6155.
20 Years Ago
A nearly four-hour power
failure in Cadott is linked to
the failure of an insulator at
the NSP substation behind
the high school.
The Department of the
Air Force awards The Air
Force Achievement Medal
to Airman 1st Class Jamie
Dusick for outstanding
Air Force Airman Jeremy
Mickelson graduates from
the air transportation specialist course at Lackland

Air Force Base in Texas.

30 Years Ago
The lengthy legal battle
over the Cadott Elementary
School roof takes a step
closer to conclusion with
the school boards acceptance of a $50,000 settlement from Concor, the firm
that managed the project.
Cadotts Jan Vajgrt, special education instructor of
13 years, receives special
recognition from CESA 10.
The Cadott Hornets
Wrestling team places third
as a team. Dan Johnson is
named Tournament MVP at
the Ladysmith tournament.
40 Years Ago
Winning the grand prize
of a Yamaha 292 snowmobile at the Cadott Lions Ice
Fishing Contest is 7-yearold Mike Ruff.
Vern Bell, Tom Tobola
Ford Service manager, receives his certification from
the National Institute for
Automotive Service Excellence for heavy truck areas
of gasoline engines, diesel
engines, drive train and
electrical systems.
Timothy Poppe enlists in

the Navys CACHE delayed entry program.

50 Years Ago
There are three sets of
twins who are members of
the Cadott High School
senior class Dean and
Dawn Craker, Dave and
Diane Anderson, and Dawn
and Denise Kosakoski.
The Cadott Lions Club
purchases a vision exam
testing machine for $265.
Harold Moldrem wins a
Maytag washer at the
Cadott-Boyd Lions Ice
Fishing Contest.
60 Years Ago
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Leberl, of Lincolnwood,
Ill., take over possession of
the Corner Store.
In what promises to be
one of the most hilarious
evenings of entertainment
in Cadott, two teams of
local cage talent will mount
donkeys for a special donkey basketball game.
Alarge group of Cadott
High School agriculture
students, as well as area
farmers, attend the annual
farm institute held at the
village hall.

Tales of our Beginnings

Cadott Cornell Lake Holcombe areas
In the early days during winter inLake Holcombe, sledding, skating and skiing were
common activities.
There were long skis and short skis. The short ski was only about 13 inches long with
four holes that went through the wood. Three holes were in
the back to suit different shoe sizes. The skis then had straps
to hold the boot in place.
Most everyone had a sled or toboggan. If not, a sheet of cardboard or old rug were
used; anything to get a person down the hill.
In winter, frost would get on the windows, and residents would look at that to pass
the quiet time, seeing what shapes were in it. At times, residents recall the frost looking
like flowers and ferns.
Snow forts and snowmen were built, and around Christmastime, a pony and sleigh
were used to get Christmas trees. One resident recalls going with their father, because
there were wolves and coyotes in the woods.
They were on our land, and other land around there by our place, said the resident.
Horse and sleighs werent used only for gathering Christmas trees though, and Dr.
Rodecker (shown below) also used this mode of transportation to serve his patients during the snowy months in the early 1900s.
(Courtesy of the Holcombe Centennial 1905-2005)


Thursday, January 21, 2016



Lake Holcombe Town Board

Facelift due for town hall?

By Ginna Young
The Lake Holcombe Town Hall has seen many changes
over the years, from use as a roller skating rink to serving
school lunches, to playing host for community events. Now,
thanks to discussion at a regular Lake Holcombe Town Board
meeting Jan. 14, the inside of the building might get somewhat of a facelift.
I think we should havesome kind of an office we could
store stuff in and you could find, said chairman Beau Bowlin.
You have to crawl around in the attic, go down in the basement, in that cubby hole back there where the walls are all
falling off. Its getting moldy, and by law, we have to keep
those records good forever.
We should have them up here in a place that has cupboards
in it, and if anybody wants to look at them, we can pull them
out, and they can sit down and look at them.
But where? asked supervisor David Staudacher.
Bowlin said its been discussed they make the raised stage
at the east end of the hall into a records storage office.
Its never used, said Bowlin. For the last how many
Supervisor Brian Guthman suggested the town ask local
contractors to look at the stage area and estimate what the cost
would be to reconfigure it into a storage space. The matter
will also be brought up at the annual town meeting to get public input.
During the regular meeting, the board also discussed an
alley in the township on 269th Avenue North, that was believed to be abandoned in what is known as Barneytown, or
Little Falls.
They (the board) said they abandoned this road, said
Bowlin. Well, I went back and finally found the minutes, and
they did abandon it and vacated the land.
Bowlin said although the board had made the motion, the
alley was never officially abandoned after it was found there
would be a piece of landlocked property running along it.
We cant abandon a road to make it landlocked, said
Bowlin. That was it, nothing was said after, there are no minutes on it. To abandon it, were supposed to have signatures
from people up and down that road, and that we do not have.
It was also discovered a parcel on the corner of 276th Street
by property owned by Robert Farrell was also supposed to
have been abandoned, but was not.
They (the owners) came to the board and requested they
abandon the road for them, but we cant entirely, so we did
40 feet, said Bowlin. We told him (Farrell) its up to him to
register and pay the feeand list it on his property and he has
not done that. We can re-abandon it at any time, he just has to
follow through.

Zacho ranked in top

1 percent of dealers

We should contact him, said Guthman. He needs to take

it and record it.
The board asked clerk Tracey Larson to contact Farrell and
inform him of steps he needs to take to legally make the property his.
On other agenda, the board agreed to raise Sanitary Board
president Roger Baldwins annual salary from $1,000 to
$2,000. The move comes after a member of the Sanitary
Board recommended Baldwin receive an increase for his
With all the work that hes doingrunning all over the
place, said Bowlin. He checks this and he checks that, fills
out this, fills out that. All this takes time. Its a little more than
just being on the board.
Hes going above his duty, said Bruce Jones, Lake Holcombe roadman. At least with this, itll offset the cost of his

During the Holcombe Seniors Club monthly meeting Jan. 13, B. Doughtery (left), Doc Doughtery
(center) and Denis Kirkman (right) were voted as
the ugliest Christmas sweater winners. No prizes
were given out and the awards were just for fun.
(Submitted Photo)

CVTC offers free dental care and health screen

An annual event at Chippewa Valley Technical College
(CVTC) offering free dental care to children has been expanded to include free health screenings.
Give Kids a Smile Day is back Friday, Feb. 5, at the CVTC
Dental Clinic, once again offering families that struggle to
afford dental care an opportunity for free dental care for their
The event will be held from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Health
Education Center, 615 W. Clairemont Ave., on the south side
across from the CVTC Business Education Center.

Borderline Rebels 4-H members Quentin Muska

(left) and Saige Sikora (right) stand with Bob
Bosold of WAXX Radio to record 4-H On-the-Air.
The program features farm director Bosold interviewing 4-H members from around the county Saturday mornings, to find out what the clubs and their
members are doing. The Rebels also presented
Bosold with a Friend of
4-H Award for going
out of his way for the
interviews, giving members experience in live
interviews, and promoting the program and
their efforts.
(Submitted Photo)

For the seventh consecutive year, Mercury Marine has presented Zacho Sports Center of Chippewa Falls its Service Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Award.
Mercury Marines Service CSI program measures the satisfaction of consumers after having service work done on their
Mercury outboard or MerCruiser Sterndrive or inboard.
Zacho Sports Center won
the award for its ongoing
commitment to providing
exemplary customer service,
based on the responses of
customers who had warranty
work performed at the dealership during the past year.
Of the 3,500 North American dealers, 120 qualified for
the Service CSI Award for
Thomas J. Rufledt, DDS
David J. Irwin, DDS
2015. Zacho Sports Center
Gregory A. Mihm, DDS
Christopher D. Goettl, DDS
was the only dealer in north1502 Main St. Bloomer 715.568.2363
west Wisconsin to receive the
Hours: Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
award and ranks in the top 1
percent of all Mercury dealers.

Accepting New Patients

This year we are partnering with UW Health Family Medicine resident physicians to offer free health screenings to the
children while they are waiting for the dental appointments,
said Pam Entorf, director of CVTCs Dental Hygienist and
Dental Assistant programs. When you have the opportunity
to provide multiple services to patients at the same time, we
can be much more effective in the delivery of care.
The UW Health clinic is also in CVTCs Health Education
building, just down the hall from the dental clinic.
Helping students from other health disciplines work together providing care and learning from each other is the best
way to really change our health care delivery system, Entorf
Children ages 2 to 13 will be able to obtain, upon approval,
teeth cleaning, X-rays, exams, fluoride treatments, sealants,
fillings and extractions. The services are free, and care will
be provided by local dentists and hygienists, as well as CVTC
dental hygienist and dental assistant students and faculty volunteering their time.
Kids treated will also take home information and advice.
The day is also about education both dental health and
overall health, Entorf said.
To schedule an appointment, call 715-833-6271. Appointments are on a first-come, first-served basis.

Advertising / News Deadline

The deadline for news articles and display ad copy is 12 p.m.
on Monday. Classified ads must be in no later than 12 p.m. on
Monday. All copy must be placed in the Cornell/Lake Holcombe office or Cadott office by deadline to ensure placement in the Courier
Sentinel paper the same week.



Thursday, January 21, 2016


Church Listings
Anson United Methodist Church
1/2 mile east of Lake Wissota State
Park on Cty. O Anson Township
Pastor Jason Kim
11:15 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
10 miles south of Cadott on Hwy. 27
Rev. James Norton
10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
9 a.m. Sunday School (Sept. May)
Big Drywood Lutheran Church
27095 120th Ave. Cadott
Pastor Lucy Schottelkorb
10 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
6 p.m. Wednesday With the Word
Study (Sept.-May)
Cadott United Methodist Church
Maple and Ginty Streets Cadott
Pastor George Olinske
10:45 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
First Sunday Holy Communion
Fourth Sunday Potluck following
English Lutheran Church of Bateman
20588 Cty. Hwy. X Chippewa Falls
Pastor Deborah Nissen
9 a.m. Sunday Worship
Wednesday: 5:30 p.m. Light Supper
6 p.m. Study Time All Ages; 7 p.m.
Worship Service
Faith Baptist Church
724 Main St. Cornell
Pastor Mark Williams
9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
First Presbyterian Church
4th and Ripley Cornell

10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service

Holy Communion first Sunday
Holcombe United Methodist Church
27841 Cty. Hwy. M Holcombe
Pastor Jason Kim
8:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
8:45 a.m. Childrens Sunday School
10 a.m. Adult Sunday School
2-5 p.m. Food Pantry open second
and fourth Tuesdays
Holy Cross Catholic Church
107 South 8th St. Cornell
Father Eric Linzmaier
Deacon Dennis Rivers
8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass
5 p.m. Tuesday Mass
8:30 a.m. Wednesday Mass
8:30 a.m. Thursday Mass
8:30 a.m. Friday Mass
4 p.m. Saturday Mass, 3:30 p.m.
Holy Family Church
226 East 3rd Ave. Stanley
Father William Felix
6 p.m. Saturday Mass
11 a.m. Sunday Mass
8:30 a.m. Wednesday Mass
Jim Falls United Methodist Church
139th Ave., Cty. S South Jim Falls
Pastor Jason Kim
10 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
10:15 a.m. Childrens Sunday School
New Hope Assembly of God
318 South 7th St. Cornell
Pastor Dan Gilboy
10 a.m. Sunday Worship
Sunday Morning Nursery and Childrens Church
6 p.m. Wednesday Youth Group

New Hope Presbyterian Church

W14520 Cty. Hwy. M
8:45 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
New Life Alliance Church
1 mile west of CC on Z Cornell
Pastor Jim Brandli
9 a.m. Sunday School (Sept. May),
10 a.m. Worship Service,
Childrens Church for ages 3-6
10 a.m. Tuesday Womens Bible Study
7 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting,
6:30 p.m. AWANA for ages 6 years
sixth grade (Sept. May), 7-9 p.m.
Youth Group for grades 7-12
6 a.m. Thursday Mens Bible Study
Northwoods Church
4th and Thomas St. Cornell
Pastor Greg Sima
10 a.m. Non-denominational Sunday
Services (nursery provided)
6:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study
for kids and adults
Our Saviors Lutheran Church
6th and Ripley Streets Cornell
Pastor Andy Schottelkorb
8:30 a.m. Sunday Worship
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
Communion first and third Sundays
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
13989 195th St. Jim Falls
Father Eric Linzmaier
10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass
St. Anthonys Catholic Church
of Drywood
Jct. Cty. Hwy. S and 250th St.
Jim Falls
Father Eric Linzmaier
7 p.m. Saturday Mass

Zion Lutheran Church Gilman, WI

St. Francis Catholic Church
W10193 Lehman Rd. Holcombe
Father David Oberts
Father Christopher Kemp
4 p.m. Saturday Mass
8 a.m. Alternating Friday Mass
St. Johns Catholic Church
N657 Cty. Rd. VV Sheldon
Father Mandanu Sleeva Raju
10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass
8:30 a.m. Wednesday Mass
St. Johns Lutheran Church
(Missouri Synod)
215 East Seminary St. Cadott

These weekly church messages are contributed by the following businesses:

(715) 239-6341
Appliance Sales Equipment Rentals
Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.; Sat. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

(715) 723-2828
or 1-800-828-9395
Serving The Entire Chippewa Valley!


(715) 289-5148
24/7 Towing call (715) 271-0731
224 S. Boundary Rd., Cadott, Wis.
Marty Sorensen

(715) 239-6800

Radisson, WI 54867 PH: 945-2217
Holcombe, WI PH: 595-4896

Member FDIC


Chippewa Falls

Funeral Home

Funeral Home

Cadott, WI

Cornell, WI

Pre-planning, funeral and cremation options.

Call (715) 861-4414
Cost is $6 per week.

106 Main St., Cornell (715) 239-3825

Your Hometown Community Bank
Cornell, WI
(715) 239-6414

P&B Lumber
See us for all your building material needs!
249 N. Main St., Cadott, WI
(715) 289-3204

220 Main St P.O. Box 742 Cornell

Attorney Kari Hoel

(715) 202-0505

Big Ts North
14950 81st Ave. Chippewa Falls, WI
Propane: 715-723-9490 Fuels: (715) 723-5550

Bar & Grill

Stop for breakfast after church.
116 Main St., Cornell (715) 239-6677

Propane Diesel Gasoline Fuel Oil Storage Tanks

Sheldon, WI (715) 452-5195

by the Creek Boutique


Office: 715-239-6601 Fax: 715-239-6618

(715) 289-4292 - Cadott, WI

Cornell - (715) 239-0555

Cadott - (715) 289-3581
Fall Creek - (715) 877-3005

Chippewa Valley
317 S. 8th St., Cornell 715-239-3862

Quality Service Reasonable Rates Vintage

High Performance ATSG Certified Technician
111 Hwy. 27 Cadott, WI ~ Joe Rygiel - Owner

(715) 289-4665

Cadott Tax &

Financial Services
Aaron Seeman, Financial Adviser
345 N. Main Street, Box 303
Cadott, WI (715) 289-4948

Celebrating 10 years
with ABC Supply Co.

Dry Felt Facer Plant

Courier Sentinel

Cadott Color Center

Carpet Vinyl Ceramic

Mary Joy Borton & Joe Borton

339 N. Main St., Cadott (715) 289-4600 Cornell, Wis. (715) 239-6424

641 State Hwy. 27

Cadott, WI
(715) 289-4435

St. Johns Lutheran Church

(Wisconsin Synod)
700 Thomas Street Cornell
Pastor Patrick Feldhus
9 a.m. Sunday Worship
10:15 a.m. Sunday School
St. Johns Lutheran Church ELCA
Hwy. H at S Rural Gilman
11 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
Communion second and fourth Sundays
St. Josephs Church
719 East Patten St. Boyd
Father William Felix
9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass
8:30 a.m. Tuesday Mass
8:30 a.m. Friday Mass
St. Rose of Lima Church
415 North Maple St. Cadott

Greener Acres

Schicks Bowl & Brew


Y Go By
Cornell, Wis.
(715) 239-0513

Bringing High Speed to the Back Forty!


Bar & Grill

Lake Wissota Chippewa Falls, Wis.

(715) 723-9905

Pastor Raymond Bell
9 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
10 a.m. Sunday School

Your Hometown Newspaper

Cadott office
(715) 289-4978
Cornell office
(715) 861-4414

Father William Felix
4 p.m. Saturday Mass
8 a.m. Sunday Mass
8:30 a.m. Tuesday Mass and
Communion Service
8:30 a.m. Thursday Mass
The Rock Church
230 West Main St. Gilman
Pastor Smokey Tennison
10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
6 p.m. Friday Bible Study
Trinity Lutheran Church
W5568 Main St. Sheldon
Pastor Aric Fenske
10:15 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
11:30 a.m. Sunday School
Zion Lutheran Church
(Missouri Synod)
5th Ave, and Crumb St. Gilman
Pastor Aric Fenske
8:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
3:30 p.m. Wednesday Childrens

Chippewa County home

repair loans now available
Loans are now available in Chippewa County to help
homeowners make repairs to their homes. The Home Repair
Program provides loans at no interest to low to moderate-income homeowners for necessary repairs.
The loan does not have to be repaid until you no longer occupy the home (when you sell or move out of the home).
There is no interest on the loan and no monthly payments are
Loans are available for necessary home repairs such as replacing siding, windows, doors, furnaces, water/sewer laterals from the curb to the house, replacing septic systems and
wells, upgrading plumbing, heating and electric systems, installing insulation, repairing foundations, and making a home
accessible for a member who has a disability.
Funds cannot be used for general remodeling such as updating decor. Loans must be approved prior to the work starting and cannot be used to reimburse a family for work
already completed.
Owners may choose the contractor they will use and are
required to get three bids. Contractors must carry liability insurance and provide the program administrator with income
tax identification information.
Certain income limits do apply, and vary by county. In
Chippewa and Eau Claire counties, the following annual
gross income limits are set per household size:
(1) $36,900; (2) $42,200; (3) $47,450;
(4) $52,700; (5) $56,950; (6) $61,150;
(7) $65,350; (8) $69,600.
To apply for the program or obtain
more information, contact Lori Artz at


Thursday, January 21, 2016



Death Notice

Judith Judy Ann Teske

Benny J. Hayes

Judith Judy Ann Teske, 77, formerly of Holcombe, died

Saturday, Jan. 9, 2016, in Ladysmith.
Judy was born Aug. 9, 1938, in Madison, to Fred and Lillian
(Hansen) Friedrich.
After graduating from Madison West High School, Judy
earned a degree as a medical technologist from the Northwestern Institute of Medical Technology in Minneapolis, Minn.
She married David Teske Nov. 12, 1960, in Wisconsin
Rapids. The couple owned and operated Teske Lumber Company Inc., until they retired and moved to Holcombe in 1986.
Developing an interest in photography, Judy enrolled in
black and white, and color photography classes at UWStevens Point. She also completed a correspondence course
from the New York Institute of Photography.
Over the years, she attended numerous photo workshops in
the area. Until the onslaught of digital photography, Judy had
a black and white darkroom in their retirement home.
For 25 years, Judy was employed by the Courier Sentinel
weekly newspaper as a photographer and correspondent.
She is survived by sisters, Joyce Friedrich and Sandy
Hanke; and several nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her parents; husband; and
brother, Fred Friedrich.
At Judys request, no memorial services will be held. Entombment was in the Forest Hill Cemetery in Wisconsin
Rapids. Borton-Leiser Funeral Home in Cornell was in charge
of arrangements.

Benny J. Hayes, 84, Cadott, passed away Wednesday, Jan.

13, 2016, at St. Josephs Hospital in Chippewa Falls.
Services were held Saturday, Jan. 16, at 2 p.m. at St. Johns
Lutheran Church in Eagleton, with Pastor Phillip Pitt officiating. Interment will be in the Eagleton Cemetery.

Robert Bob Allen Wicke

Robert Bob Allen Wicke,
66, passed away Dec. 17, 2015,
at Sacred Heart Hospital in Eau
Bob was born in Medford, to
Norman and Joyce Wicke May
29, 1949. After his birth, Bobs
family moved to Hannibal,
where he attended grade school.
He later graduated from the
Gilman High School. Shortly
after graduating, Bob joined the
U.S. Navy, where he served for
21 years. He retired honorably as a chief petty officer E7 in
Bob then worked as a truck driver for a time, until he decided
to settle back in Hannibal, where he built his home.
He later went to work for Chippewa Valley Satellite in 2003,
as a contract service technician and installer.
Bob retired from his work in 2011, and married his long-time
girlfriend, Darlene Braden, at his ranch in Hannibal. Bob is, and
always will be, known as dad and grandpa to Darlenes daughters and their children.
Bob enjoyed horses, dogs, gun collecting, car shows and traveling. He was an avid outdoorsman and had a deep love of nature.
He enjoyed playing cards, and spending time with family and
friends. The last few years, he enjoyed helping his friends at
Northwoods Country Store in Jump River.
Bob was best known to his friends for his low, soft voice and
his love for country music.
He was looking forward to the new family addition of
Matthew Atchinson Jr.
Countless nieces, nephews, cousins and in-laws will miss
He is survived by his wife, Darlene; brothers, Ronald (Diane)
Wicke, Medford, and Norman (John) Lou Wicke, Princeton,
Minn.; sisters, Debbie James, Hannibal, and Lori (Bill) Stein,
Bruce; stepdaughters, Chrystal Braden, Eau Claire, Tanya
(Jake) Daniels, Eau Claire, Nichole Vinson (Chad Lepak), Eau
Claire, and Carrie Vinson (Matt Atchinson), Eau Claire; grandchildren, Haley Longmire, Destiny Brittney, Jacob Daniels,
Angel and Annebelle Howe, Jordan Halford and Logan Lepak.
He was preceded in death by his parents; sisters, Nancy
Wicke and Donna Sotak; beloved uncle, Joe Wicke; cousin,
David Wicke; and Donnie Longmire Jr.
A remembrance service of life will be held at Christ Community Church in Jump River, at 1 p.m. Jan. 23.

Lunch Menus
Cadott Elderly Program
Jan. 25-29
Mon. Hamburger with lettuce and tomato, vegetable
soup, fruit
Tues. Lasagna, green
beans, garlic bread, ice
Wed. Baked chicken,
mashed potatoes, squash,
Thurs. Polish sausage
with sauerkraut, dumplings,
Fri. Fish fry, potato salad,
baked beans, cookie
All meals served with
bread and milk. For reservations/cancellations call 715579-2893 by noon the
previous day. Senior dining
served from 11:30 a.m.12:30 p.m. at Kathys Diner,
Cadott. If school is cancelled
because of weather, meals
will not be served.
Cornell Elderly Program
Jan. 25-29
Mon. Turkey tetrazzini,
green peas, dinner roll,
pineapple dream
Tues. Polish sausage,
red-skin potatoes, sauerkraut, rye bread, assorted
fruit cup
Wed. Barbecue chicken,
baked potato, buttered carrots, peanut butter bar
Thurs. Goulash, buttered
green beans, garlic bread,
mandarin oranges
Fri. Crumb-topped fish,
rice pilaf, zucchini and tomatoes, lemon bars
For reservations/cancellations call 715-579-2910 by
noon the previous day. Senior dining served at 11:30
a.m. at Our Saviors
Lutheran Church, Cornell. If
school is cancelled because
of weather, meals will not be
Cadott School
Jan. 25-29 Breakfast
Mon. Breakfast pizza, animal crackers, fruit
Tues. Fresh baked cinnamon roll with icing, string
cheese, fruit
Wed. Hash brown, fresh
baked muffin, fruit
Thurs. Omelet, mandarin
oranges, bread with jelly
Fri. Cooks choice
Mon. Fish with tartar

sauce, buttered pasta, broccoli, coleslaw, strawberries,

orange juice
Tues. Taco meat on a soft
shell with cheese, lettuce
and salsa, salad bar, cowboy
beans, banana, bread with
peanut butter
Wed. Turkey in gravy,
mashed potatoes, cranberries, pears, creamed corn,
bread with butter blend
Thurs. Chicken nuggets,
sweet potato french fries,
salad bar, fresh orange,
mixed fruit cocktail
Fri. Pizza, steamed carrots, mixed vegetables, applesauce, fruit, sweet treat
Cornell School
Jan. 25-29 Breakfast
cheese breakfast bagel, fruit
Tues. Hash brown patty,
cottage cheese, fruit
Wed. Mozzarella dippers
with sauce, fruit
Thurs. Smoatmeal, grahams. HS: biscuits and
Fri. Donut, hard boiled
egg, fruit
Mon. Grilled chicken patty,
spiral pasta with sauce
Tues. Build your own nachos with all the fixings, refried beans
Wed. Hamburger gravy,
mashed potatoes, peas, fruit
Thurs. Breaded chicken
patty on a bun, potato
Fri. Cooks choice
Lake Holcombe School
Jan. 25-29 Breakfast
Mon. Omelet,
Tues. Pancakes, yogurt,
Wed. Cinnamon rolls, hard
boiled egg, applesauce
Thurs. Breakfast pizza,
fruit punch
Fri. Scrambled eggs,
bagel, fruit choice
Mon. Stew, corn, fresh
Tues. Taco Tuesday featuring chicken fajitas on a
hard or soft shell, grapes
Wed. Chili, fresh vegetables with dip, pineapple
Thurs. Chicken nuggets,
mashed potatoes, carrots,
fruit cocktail


Coming Events
Taste of the Tundra Chili
Contest Saturday, Jan. 23,
11:30 a.m., Holcombe United
Methodist Church
Cadott Area Historical
Society Monthly Meeting
Thursday, Jan. 28, noon
potluck lunch, followed by
business meeting, Administration Building
Miller Dam Lake Associ-

ations 14th Annual Ice

Fishing Contest Saturday,
Jan. 30, Miller Dam, off Cty.
Rd. G, Taylor County
Cadott Village Board
Meeting Monday, Feb. 1,
6:30 p.m., Cadott Village Hall
Cornell City Council
Meeting Thursday, Feb. 4,
7 p.m., Cornell City Council

Holcombe Happenings
By Janice Craig 715-595-4380
Twenty Holcombe Senior Club members gathered at the
Holcombe United Methodist Church for their monthly
potluck blessing meeting Wednesday at noon. They played
games, and most of them came dressed in an ugly sweater
or shirt.
The Holcombe United Methodist Church will have their
annual Taste of the Tundra at 11:30 a.m. this Saturday. People
will bring in chili to be judged and everyone can have a bowl
of chili. There is also a silent auction of pies, a cake walk,
and, depending on the weather, children can sculpt snow for
the family event.
It has been bitterly cold all weekend, so most of us have
been staying close to the fireplace.



Thursday, January 21, 2016


Cadott School Board

Afghan donations inspire Cadott School District renovations

By Kayla Peche
Donations mean renovations at the Cadott
School District as Jr./Sr. high principal
Matthew McDonough said during his report
at the Jan. 11 regular school board meeting.
The school received a donation of two
afghan blankets from the Stanley Correctional Outreach Program Equals Success.
Its a program that works with the inmates to showcase their talents, McDonough said. Kind of gives them something
to do, something constructive they can do
for area communities.
McDonough says the plan is to raffle off

the blankets, worth $90 each, to raise funds

and rebuild or replace the State Champion
sign. If there are extra funds, he says they
could go toward other renovations.
The school also received a $394 Ipad Air
2 donation for the Special Education program from
On other agenda, school board members
will attend the 95th Wisconsin State Education Convention in Milwaukee Jan. 20-22.
The Wisconsin Association of School
Boards (WASB) holds this convention for
members each year, and a chosen delegate
from the board will vote on resolutions pro-

posed by WASB.
Donna Albarado, board member, was
chosen to represent the Cadott School
Board, and discussed a few of the resolutions.
Resolution 16-05 is the creation of statutory mechanism to allow districts to set
aside funds in a trust for purchasing longterm fixed assets.
District administrator Damon Smith said
this uses the exact model of Fund 46, which
sets money aside for maintenance projects.
In Resolution 16-05, the school board could
set aside funds for other needs.
They want school districts to have the
flexibility to do it themselves, said Smith,
who suggested Albarado vote in favor of
Resolution 16-08 covers sparsity aid
throughout the districts, and proposes to
provide aid to districts with five students
per square mile, instead of basing the aid on

the amount of students in the district.

Its going to help the northern rural districts, said Smith. It seems logical because thats what sparsity is.
Board member Brian Dulmes questioned
resolution 16-13, which eliminates statutory
requirements of school districts publishing
notices in newspapers. This would allow
districts to publish required notices electronically, on social media or school websites, in lieu of newspapers.
In rural districts, there are some people
who dont have Internet access, said Dulmes. I dont think that should be eliminated.
Terri Goettl, board member, said school
notices may have to only be online in the
future anyway, but board president Cedric
Boettcher said he thinks it will be another
generation before that happens.
The board encouraged Albarado to vote
against this resolution.

Hats and Mittens donated to Cornell Head Start

Halfway Bar
Halfway presents the

The Cragars


319 N. Main St., Cadott (715) 289-4536

Friday, Jan. 22
9 p.m.-1 a.m.

Jenney Larson and athletic director Jim Sekel
showcase one of the
afghan blanket donations from the Stanley
Correctional Outreach
program during a Jan.
11 regular board meeting. The Cadott School
District plans to sell the
two blankets and use
the funds to update/replace the State Championship sign.
(Photo by Kayla Peche)

Thank you for

reading the paper

Cornell Head Start students can keep warm this winter because of donations of
hat and mitten sets. Through Dairyland State Bank and an anonymous donor,
each child was given two sets. We, the staff at Head Start want to express our
sincere appreciation to the people who so lovingly provided our students with
the handmade items, said Melody Peloquin, center assistant. This brought
warmth and cheer at this special time of the year.
(Submitted Photo)

Heyde Center for the Arts presents


Friday, Jan. 22 at 7:30 p.m.

Described as Glee Meets Stomp, Vocal Trash

combines a cappella, found-object percussion,
tap dancing, trumpet solos and even a bit of
break-dancing to create an evening not to be missed.

Heyde Center | 715-726-9000

3 South High St. | Chippewa Falls, WI 54729


Admission: Adults $18, Seniors $17, Youth $8


Thanks to Dairyland State Bank of Holcombe and

an anonymous donor, the children at Cornell Head
Start received hats and mittens to keep them warm
this winter. Head Start students were each given hat
and mitten sets last winter, and this year there were
enough for each child to have two sets.
(Submitted Photo)


Courier Sentinel

Page 9

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Cornell builds positive attitudes

Spinning around a Birchwood opponent, Cornell

sophomore Cheyan Shackleton looks for an open
overhead pass during a Jan. 15 game. The Chiefs
fell to the Bobcats 42-23, in the East Lakeland Conference battle.
(Photo by Kayla Peche)

By Kayla Peche
The Cornell Chiefs Girls Basketball team may have suffered another conference loss this week, but junior Abby
Klein says the team is learning to move forward.
I think that because our coach is always positive with us
and building us up that we are all becoming more confident
in running our offenses and taking shots, Klein said, which
will hopefully show in our upcoming games.
Jan. 15 vs. Birchwood (L 42-23, conference)
The Chiefs trailed by five at halftime, but the Birchwood
Bobcats pulled away for an East Lakeland Conference win
Jan. 15 at Cornell.
Birchwood was a tough game, said Marcus Leland, head
coach. We did a very good job of moving the ball around in
the first half, but we just came up short on our shots. In the
second half, we struggled moving and the offense became
very stagnate.
With 12 minutes left in the second half, the Bobcats
brought it to a 10-point lead, shutting Cornell down. The girls
started to lose their offense, causing a few turnovers and easy
baskets for Birchwood.
Around the same time, starting sophomore Danielle Fasbender took a hard fall straight on her knee, exiting her from
the game. Klein says the Chiefs just couldnt click against
Birchwood, leading to the 42-23 loss.
Losing Danielle did not help, said Leland. When she
got hurt we lost all our offensive rhythm and could not get
back on track after that.

Fouls hurt Lake Holcombe girls basketball

By Kayla Peche
The Lake Holcombe Chieftains Girls Basketball team began the week on top with a big
conference win, but their aggressiveness led
to unneeded fouls, which led to unnecessary
points from their competitors.
Jan. 12 vs. New Auburn (W 60-24, conference)
Lake Holcombe took over right away at
home, holding the New Auburn Trojans to
eight points in the first half.
Bailey Viegut (senior) hit the first shot,
then we all started shooting after that, said
Jordan Geist, Chieftain senior. We were hitting a lot of our shots. It was a pretty good
night overall for the whole team.
Senior Sara Stender had a game-high 23
points for Lake Holcombe, followed by junior Hannah Lee with 10 and Geist with six.
In the second half, the Trojans crept up by
doubling their scoring, but the Chieftains held
the same pace to win, 60-24.
Jan. 15 vs. Bruce (L 54-32, conference)
The Chieftains didnt have as much luck
against another East Lakeland Conference
rival Jan. 15 at Bruce. In the first half, the Red
Raiders jumped to a 13-point lead right away.
With the start of the second, Lake Holcombe had the same stride and so did Bruce,
leading to a 54-32 loss for the Chieftains.
Lee held the high score for Lake Holcombe
with nine points and sophomore Carley Yeager added six. The Chieftains are currently

tied for third place with Birchwood in the conference.

Jan. 18 vs. Lincoln (L 6532, non-conference)
Although the Chieftains
were on their home turf, Alma
Center-Lincoln took control
Jan. 18, with a 19-2 lead to
start the game.
Things began to heat up for
Lake Holcombe with a three
pointer from Yeager and baskets from Lee, Geist and Stender, bringing the score within
11 points. But fouls from
Lake Holcombe led Lincoln
to the free-throw line for 13
extra points.
At halftime, the Chieftains
were down by 25, and the
Hornets continued their streak
into the second half, holding
Lake Holcombe to only 14
With foul trouble for three
Chieftains, and Stender leading the team with only nine
points, Lake Holcombe was
defeated in the non-conference match, 65-32.
Lake Holcombe played
Clear Lake Jan. 19, and will
travel to Prairie Farm Jan. 25.

With a large lead on the scoreboard,

Lake Holcombe subbed in players
who dont get much court time, giving
players like sophomore Isabelle Dixon
a chance to handle the ball. The girls
kept the lead going, earning a 60-24
conference victory against New
Auburn. (Photo by Monique Westaby)

Basketball Standings
2015-16 West Cloverbelt
Conference Boys Basketball
7 0
6 1
5 2
Fall Creek
4 3
3 4
2 5
1 6
0 7

2015-16 West Cloverbelt

Conference Girls Basketball
8 0
Fall Creek
6 2
5 3
5 3
3 5
3 5
2 6
0 8

2015-16 East Lakeland

Conference Boys Basketball
5 1
4 2
4 2
New Auburn
4 2
2 4
Lake Holcombe
2 4
0 6

2015-16 East Lakeland

Conference Girls Basketball
7 0
6 1
4 3
Lake Holcombe
4 3
2 5
New Auburn
1 5
0 7

Fasbenders injury seems to be a sprain, said Klein, but

Leland says after an MRI, the team will know more.
We are all hoping she heals fast because she is and has
always been a huge part of the team, Klein said.
Jan. 18 vs. Gilman (L 50-18, non-conference)
Leland said going into the Jan. 18 game against Gilman,
the team knew it was going to be tough.
Our goal as a team each night is to just get better and try
things we may have been afraid to do before, he said. With
the injuries we have had, we are relying on people to do stuff
they were not comfortable with earlier in the season.
Leland says the Chiefs gave their best effort against the Pirates, but the girls struggled offensively to get the ball in the
hoop. Gilman gained an early lead against Cornell and held
on, earning the non-conference victory, 50-18.
Senior Lexi Moussette led her team with 14 points and four
rebounds, while freshman Cheyenne Peloquin and Klein each
added five points with a combined 13 rebounds.
Cornell will host Lac Courte Oreilles Jan. 21, then travels
to Augusta Jan. 23.

Cadott misses shot

at conference win
By Kayla Peche
Head coach Dave Hazuga said the Cadott girls basketball
team will continue to improve during the second half of this
season, but sometimes players just miss the shots.
We did everything right to put ourselves in the position
to win, said Hazuga. Sometimes the ball just doesnt go
Jan. 12 vs. McDonell Central (L 61-39, conference)
The girls were off to a good start against McDonell Jan.
12, jumping to a small lead in the first half.
Hazuga says this has been a trend for Cadott this season
to take the lead right away. The Macks then responded with
buckets of their own, taking a 12-point lead at halftime.
We just werent able to come back, Hazuga said. We
didnt make shots, but we did do a nice job of taking care of
the ball and running the offense.
Senior Elizabeth Kyes led Cadott with 15, while senior
Chelsey Goettl had eight. Hazuga said these two are their
main contributors on offense but overall, the team needs better rebounding and shooting percentages.
With the lead, McDonell defeated the Hornets, 61-39.
Jan. 15 vs. Osseo-Fairchild (L 40-36, conference)
Cadott rallied back Jan. 15 against Osseo-Fairchild, but
Goettl says too many missed opportunities led to another conference loss for the Hornets.
Toward the last half of the game our defense started to
react more and we started communicating better, said Goettl.
We had a lot of missed shots throughout the game so the
loss was frustrating.
The Hornets came back from a 14-point deficit to give
Osseo-Fairchild a run for their money. Cadott began a fullcourt press during the second half, which led the Thunder to
turn over the ball. Hazuga said freshman Jenna Sedlacek and
sophomore Cailin Rineck led the charge.
We are starting to get more out of our sophomores and
freshmen as they get more comfortable this season, Hazuga
Senior Charlene Hotle contributed in the comeback with a
steal and three-point basket. She added eight rebounds, seven
points, four steals and a block for the night.
With two minutes left on the clock, Cadott trailed by two
points. Hazuga said the Hornets had possession three times
in the final minute but couldnt convert for a win, losing 4036.
We missed two free throws, which would have tied the
game and then we turned it over, said Hazuga. We played
well enough to winthis should have been our first conference win of the year.
The Hornets played Boyceville Jan. 19 and will travel to
Owen-Withee Jan. 22.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Chieftains still confident in ability to win


By Kayla Peche
The Lake Holcombe boys basketball team took two hard hits
this week in the conference, putting them 2-4 in the standings.
Chieftain junior Reece Kinney said the team needs to start
games with scoring intensity to create victories in the future.
I feel confident in our teams ability to win, he said. We
will have to hit the shots early on and not wait till the second
half, like in the New Auburn game.
Jan. 12 vs. New Auburn (L 65-59, conference)
The Chieftains hosted New Auburn Jan. 12 for a conference
contest. Despite narrowing in with baskets in the second half,
Lake Holcombe fell short for the evening.
Our team played much better in the second half and our
shots started dropping, said Kinney. I think that if we would
have came out making half the shots we took in the first half,
we would have won that game.
Kinneys offensive game scored 13 of his 15 points. He said
his teammates, senior Nick Seng and junior Jeremiah Reedy,
created those open shots for him.
The Chieftains nailed long-range shots (10 total) during the
game, withReedy leading Lake Holcombe at four and finishing with 23 points. Seng added three three-pointers, totalling
13 points for the night.
Although the boys sank their shots, it was too late and Lake
Holcombe fell to the Trojans, 65-59.
Jan. 15 vs. Bruce (L 59-44, conference)
Learning from their mistakes, Lake Holcombe didnt waste
any time Jan. 15 against the Bruce Red Raiders, tieing the
match 14-14 at halftime. Bruce fired up in the second half, nailing 45 points to the Chieftains 30.
Reedy led Lake Holcombe with 15 points, while Seng had
12 and sophomore Trent Novak had nine.
The boys couldnt get an edge over Bruce this game, losing
another conference match, 59-44.
Jan. 18 vs. Lincoln (L 84-65, non-conference)
After two conference losses, the Chieftains started out strong
against the Alma Center-Lincoln Hornets Jan. 18 at home.
The game was tied 8-8 with a basket by Kinney early in the
first half, but Lincoln responded with a 9-0 run, leaving Lake
Holcombe in the dust.
We werent able to handle the pressure very well, said
Dave Engel, head coach.
At halftime, the Chieftains trailed by only nine points after
long-range baskets from Seng, but he got into foul trouble only


Jan. 21-28

Boys Varsity Basketball

Fri., Jan. 22
Thorp (Parents Night)
Tue., Jan. 26 at Lake Holcombe
Thur., Jan. 28 Regis
Girls Varsity Basketball
Thur., Jan. 21 Fall Creek
Fri., Jan. 22
at Owen-Withee
Tue., Jan. 26 at Altoona
Varsity Wrestling
Thur., Jan. 21 at Spencer-Columbus
Sat., Jan. 23 at Arcadia
Tue., Jan. 26 Glenwood City
Thur., Jan. 28 at Osseo-Fairchild

a few minutes into the second half, benching him for the remainder of the game.
Without their lead point guard, Reedy led the Chieftains with
21 points, while Kinney added 11 and senior Alec Hulburt
added 10, but it wasnt enough for a win. Lake Holcombe fell
to the Hornets, 84-65, in the non-conference battle.
The Chieftains played Clear Lake Jan. 19, and will travel to
Prairie Farm Jan. 25, for more non-conference play.

Chiefs off the top

but still in the race
By Kayla Peche
The Cornell Chiefs Boys Basketball team may have been
pushed off their top spot in the East Lakeland Conference
with a loss against Birchwood, but the boys pulled through
and rallied back with a victory against Gilman.
Jan. 15 vs. Birchwood (L50-42, conference)
Cornell brought the score close Jan. 15, but an early lead
lifted Birchwood to a conference win.
Im pretty disappointed with how we played in the first
half, said Colton Hetke, Chiefs junior. We turned the ball
over way too much when they pressed us, which led to a lot
of easy points for them.
The Bobcats led 34-18 at halftime, but the Chiefs stepped
it up in the second half.
We played really good defense and had a lot of key stops,
said Hetke, who led with 10 points for the night. We were
also able to just get things rolling on offense.
Despite the rally, the Chiefs lost the match by eight points.
Cornell is now in a three-way conference tie for second place,
with New Auburn and Bruce, one game behind Birchwood.
Jan. 18 vs. Gilman (W 66-58, non-conference)
After a tough loss against Birchwood, Cornell used a win
Jan. 18 against Gilman to boost their momentum back in the
right direction.
It was a nice win, said Noah Nohr, junior. But we are
going to take that one, turn it into two, and then bring our
momentum into the next conference match up.
The Pirates battled for the lead but in the second half, the
Chiefs took control offensively and won, 66-58.
Nohr led the way for Cornell with a game-high 23 points.
Hetke and junior Mitch Swanson also added to the scoreboard with 17 and eight, respectively.
Before the Jan. 26 conference game against New Auburn,
Cornell will host Lac Courte Oreilles Jan. 21, then travel to
Augusta Jan. 23.

7:30 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.


Boys Varsity Basketball
Thur., Jan. 21 LCO
Sat., Jan. 23 at Augusta
Tue., Jan. 26 New Auburn
Girls Varsity Basketball
Thur., Jan. 21 LCO
Sat., Jan. 23 at Augusta
Tue., Jan. 26 New Auburn

5:45 p.m.
3 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
5:45 p.m.

Lake Holcombe
Boys Varsity Basketball
Mon., Jan. 25 at Prairie Farm
Tue., Jan. 26 Cadott
Girls Varsity Basketball
Mon., Jan. 25 at Prairie Farm

7:15 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
5:45 p.m.

Cornell-Lake Holcombe-Gilman
Varsity Wrestling
Thur., Jan. 21 at Northwood
Sat., Jan. 23 at St. Croix Falls
Thur., Jan. 28 Cameron (Cor.)

7 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
7 p.m.


Cornell junior Colton Hetke sprints for a fast break

during a Jan. 15 contest against Birchwood. With
the 50-42 loss, Cornell dropped to second place in
the conference.
(Photo by Kayla Peche)

During warmups in a Jan. 12 game against New

Auburn, Chieftain Darron Johnson, sophomore,
goes up for a rebound and reshot. Lake Holcombe
heated the ball up in the second half, but the Trojans already had control of the game, taking home
the 65-59 win.
(Photo by Monique Westaby)

Hornets vs. Crickets:

a well-matched game
By Kayla Peche
It was anyones game Jan. 15 at a Cloverbelt matchup between the Cadott Hornets and the Fall Creek boys basketball
We had a fantastic game a back and forth classic with
Fall Creek, said Brandon Mittermeyer, Cadott head coach.
We played really well as a team, moving the ball and wearing Fall Creek out.
Mittermeyer said junior Drew Sonnentag had a great game
with his range, and also played through a minor injury. Sonnentag led Cadott with 23 points, including six three pointers.
Sophomore Matt Drilling added 11 points for the night and
senior Shawn Sedlacek covered the court well.
Shawn Sedlacek did what he does, which is to say he frustrated the other team defensively, said Mittermeyer. He is
very fun to watch.
The Hornets set a long-range record and drilled 12 three
pointers but fell in the neck-and-neck match to the Crickets,
We still need rebounding work, but it was a small fraction
better again, said Mittermeyer. We had 14 turnovers as
well, which is high for us, and in a close game we cant afford
that many.
Mittermeyer says the team is still recovering from their injured point guard Bryce Boyea, junior, but said the team has
come together, which is a tough thing to do.
Especially in tight games, where most likely in the end he
would have the ball in his hands, said Mittermeyer. We
missed that.
Cadott will play Jan. 19 against Stanley-Boyd, followed
by a home game Jan. 22 against Thorp.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Hornets win by one

To the right, Cadott senior Hayden Thompson peels

away from Stanley-Boyd/Owen-Withees Eric Hoffstatter during a Jan. 14 dual in Cadott. The Hornets
held on for the 39-38 win against the Cloverbelt
Conference competitor.
(Photo by Kayla Peche)

By Kayla Peche
The Cadott Hornets Wrestling team kept fans at the edge
of their seats during a Jan. 14 battle against Cloverbelt Conference rival Stanley-Boyd/Owen-Withee.
What a great night of student performances in the Cadott
High School gym, said Josh Spaeth, head coach. The
Cadott fans made some noise in the stands and showed support to all of our students. It was a great night to be a Hornet.
The Orioles started out the evening with a quick 10 points,
but Cadott junior Ethan Haider picked up a pinfall win in 4
minutes, 51 seconds, to earn the Hornets first six points.
Ethan came from behind and pinned his opponent, helping the Hornets to secure the dual meet win, Spaeth said.
A few lost matches and forfeits in between, Cadott
dropped behind by only a point when sophomore Andrew
Gunderson added a 5-3 decision victory over Oriole Dalton
Then, at 138 pounds, senior Brandon Pederson carried the
team to the final 39-38 victory with his pinfall win at 2:59.
Cadott will travel to Spencer Jan. 21, then to Arcadia for
a wrestling tournament Jan. 23.

Wolfpack pins equal wins

By Kayla Peche
The Cornell-Lake Holcombe-Gilman wrestlers struggled
this week with a dual-match against Flambeau, and then battled at a Ladysmith tournament. Junior Matt Kostka said for
the Wolfpack to succeed in upcoming matches, they need to
make high-point moves.
Kids just have to stop getting pinned in the dual meets,
said Kostka. Because thats where its the hardest to make
up the point difference.
Jan. 14 vs. Flambeau
Pinfalls hurt the Wolfpack in a Jan. 14 dual against Flambeau, after their main-score points came from forfeits.
The match did not turn out as we had hoped, said Greg
Sonnentag, head coach. Flambeau made some moves to get
match ups they wanted and they won the close matches.
Freshman Sam Pickerign was the lone wolf to earn a pinfall win over Flambeaus Steven Bishop in the 113-pound
Sonnentag says the match of the night was Koskta against
Rowdy Kochevar, whos ranked third in the state at 182
pounds. The Falcons moved Kochevar up to 195 pounds, and
Kostka lost by a 1-0 decision.
It was a tight match all the way through, said Sonnentag.
The Wolfpack fell to Flambeau, 33-30, in the Lakeland
Conference dual.
Jan. 16 vs. Ladysmith
Over the weekend, the Cornell-Lake Holcombe-Gilman
wrestlers traveled to Ladysmith Jan. 16 for a tournamentstyle competition.
Pickerign led the way again with a second-place finish,
winning his first three matches two by pinfall and another
by technical fall, advancing to the championship match,
where he lost by a 4-2 decision.
At 195 pounds, Kostka placed third after winning the
match by pinfall in 2 minutes, 22 seconds, to Flambeaus
Krishon Williams.
Wolfpack junior Takoda Lee also took third after defeating
Athens Tyson Sommer in the semi-finals and Cumberlands
Tanner Newville in the third-place match.
Sophomore Zach Person scored 34 points for Cornell-Lake
Holcombe-Gilman, who took 13th as a team, after Person
won the fifth-place match by major decision (10-0) over
Black River Falls Josh Goldsmith.
The Wolfpack will return to the mat Jan. 21 against Northwoods and Jan. 23 at St. Croix.

Junior Takoda Lee (left) flips his Stanley-Boyd opponent for a victory for the Cornell-Lake HolcombeGilman Wolfpack. The Wolfpack lost their home
court dual Dec. 15.
(Photo by Ginna Young)


Boyd League
Monday Ladies
Jan. 11, 2016
Won Lost
Boyd Feed & Supply
Quality Truck &Auto
Village Haus
Bobs Riverview
Team High Game: Village
Haus, 653; Quality Truck &Auto,
615; Boyd Feed &Supply, 576
Team HighSeries: Village
Haus, 1,812; Quality Truck &
Auto, 1,787; Boyd Feed &Supply, 1,645
Individual High Game: B.
Straskowski, 221; J. McQuillan,
193; P. Stytz, 191
Individual High Series: B.
Straskowski, 577; J. McQuillan,
529; P. Stytz, 506
Tuesday Ladies
Jan. 12, 2016
Won Lost
Tolleys Bowl &Bar
Village Haus
Family Hair Design
Team High Game: Tolleys
Bowl & Bar, 759; Village Haus,
751; Bliss, 743
Team HighSeries: Bliss,
2,201; Village Haus, 2,183; Tolleys Bowl &Bar, 2,169
Individual High Game: R.
Spaeth, 187; B. Backaus, 179;
C. Debruin, 178
Individual High Series: R.
Spaeth, 550; J. McQuillan, 490;
B. Backaus, 483
Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2016
Won Lost
Village Haus
Tolleys Bowl
Bobs Riverview
Boyd Feed &Supply
Quality Truck &Auto
Ribbons & Rosebuds
Team High Game: Tolleys
Bowl, 786; Bobs Riverview, 786;
Village Haus, 785
Team High Series: Bobs
Riverview, 2,277; Tolleys Bowl,
2,252; Village Haus, 2,186
Individual High Game: T. Peterson, 279; C. Gully, 245; D.
Boening, 235
IndividualHighSeries: T. Peterson, 689; D. Boening, 658; C.
Gully, 634
Thursday Ladies
Jan. 14, 2016
Won Lost
Kutzees Supper Club 4.5 3.5
Burkes Sugar Babes
Nelson Forestry

McQuillan Plumbing
3.5 4.5
High Team Game: Nelson
Forestry, 646; Kutzees Supper
Club, 601; McQuillan Plumbing,
High TeamSeries: Nelson
Forestry, 1,798; Kutzees Supper
Club, 1,644; McQuillan Plumbing, 1,563
High Individual Game: B.
Backaus, 199; J. McQuillan, 191;
J. Setzer, 189
High Individual Series: J.
McQuillan, 529; B. Backaus,
493; J. Setzer, 489
Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016
Won Lost
Corner Bar
Tolleys Bowl
Breezy Acres
Red Wing Cabinets
McQuillan Plumbing
Bobs Riverview
TeamHighGame: Tolleys
Bowl, 1,028; Red Wing Custom
Cabinets, 946; Corner Bar, 923
Team High Series: Tolleys
Bowl, 2,932; Corner Bar, 2,737;
Breezy Acres, 2,662
Individual High Game: L.
Oemig, 256; C. Girard, 254; E.
Eslinger, 242
IndividualHighSeries: L.
Oemig, 693; C. Girard, 648; T.
Birch, 630
Saturday Co-Ed Mixers
Jan. 16, 2016
Won Lost
Low Rollers
TeamHighGame: WheraTolley, 718; D.M.T.M., 618
Team High Series: WheraTolley, 2,056; D.M.T.M., 1,997
Individual High Game Men:
K. Hera, 268; T. Tollefson, 228;
IndividualHighSeries Men:
K. Hera, 688; T. Tollefson, 644
Women: A. Drehmel, 189; J.
Radke, 171
Women: A. Drehmel, 480; J.
Radke, 407
Schicks Bowl & Brew
Tuesday Night
Ladies League Standings
Jan. 12, 2016
Lisas Beauty Salon 16
Schicks Bowl & Brew 14
Cliffs Maple Sugars 12
Heaven Help Us
Hellands Hellions

High Team Game: Lisas

Beauty Salon, 575; Cliffs Maple
Sugars, 564; Schicks Bowl &
Brew, 550
High Team Series: Lisas
Beauty Salon, 1,691; Schicks
Bowl & Brew, 1,577; Cliffs Maple
Sugars, 1,560
High Individual Game: Alicia
Fagner, 178, Lisa Martino, 178;
Janet Parsons, 171; Mary Cowell,163
High Individual Series: Lisa
Martino, 460; Alicia Fagner, 450;
Krystal Jenneman, 435
Spare Me
Ladies League
Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2016
Won Lost
45.5 26.5
Spare Me
39 33
Ramseier Insurance
35 37
Mels Belles
24.5 47.5
Team High Game: Halfway,
879; Mels Belles, 801; Spare
Me, 797
TeamHighSeries: Halfway,
2,477; Mels Belles, 2,333; Ramseier Insurance, 2,306
Individual High Game: Jess
Buckli, 182; Barb Gibson, 176;
Karen White, 167
Individual High Series: Barb
Gibson, 491; Jess Buckli, 467;
Donna Sommer, 463
Jan. 14, 2016
Won Lost
B.D. Roycraft Exc.
Dekan Heating
Spare Me
Viking Sink
Redwing Cabinets
Done Right Welding
Team High Game: Redwing
Cabinets, 939; Kromrey, 919;
B.D. Roycraft Exc., 916
TeamHighSeries: B.D. Roycraft Exc., 2,680; Redwing Cabinets, 2,650; Kromrey, 2,552
Individual High Game Men:
Jeremy Bremness, 255; Jeremy
Moldrem, 255; Greg Bremness,
Individual High Series Men:
Jeremy Bremness, 642; Ron
Birch, 613; Greg Bremness, 609
Mixed Couples
Sunday, Jan. 17, 2016
Won Lost
Snow Bowlers
JLH Enterprises
Spare Me
Friggin 10 Pin
Dekan Heating

Adams Acres Crew

Team High Game: JLH Enterprises, 901; Friggin 10 Pin,
887; Spare Me, 870
Team High Series: JLH Enterprises, 2,496; Spare Me,
2,478; Friggin 10 Pin, 2,432
Mens High Game: Bart
Chapek, 253; Jason Buckli, 231;
Dean Wojtczak, 224
Mens High Series: Jason
Buckli, 657; Dean Wojtczak, 623;
Roger Calkins, 596
Womens High Game: Sara
Siddons, 205; Kathy Check, 155;
Kris Jahr, 154
Womens High Series: Sara
Siddons, 495; Kathy Check, 414;
Krisann Eslinger, 405

Mud Brook Pool League
Jan. 6, 2016
Roses Bay, 3 vs. Bogies II, 6;
Arnold, 5 vs. Black Bear, 4;
Flaters, 6 vs. Cookies, 3; Big
Swedes, 8 vs. Big Minnow, 1;
Teds, 8 vs. Bogies I, 1
Jan. 13, 2016
Bogies II, 2 vs. Teds, 7; Roses,
6 vs. Cookies, 3; Black Bear, 5
vs. Bogies I, 4; Arnold, 4 vs. Big
Swedes, 5; Flaters, 4 vs. Big
Minnow, 5
Big Swedes
Bogies I
Bogies II
Black Bear
Big Minnow
Roses Bay
North Country Pool League
Jan. 14, 2016
Teds Timberlodge
Arnolds II
Big Swedes I
Broken Arrow I
Big Swedes II
Arnolds I
Black Bear I
Pine Drive
Broken Arrow II
Black Bear II




Thursday, January 21, 2016


DNR Outdoor Report

Ice has formed and reformed across the state, but conditions remain highly variable. In the north, walleye seem to
elude ice fishers, though panfish anglers have
had more consistent success, with perch
above crappie and bluegill. Trout lakes continue to see pressure.
Additional counties have opened snowmobile trails, and cross-country ski conditions
are generally good.
With most of the archery deer zones closed,
deer are again on the move and highly visible
throughout the state.
Snowy owl spottings continue and calls of
the great horned owl are beginning to echo.
A Wisconsin River eagle survey found 165
of the birds, nearly tripling the numbers reported in each of the last two years. Roughlegged hawks, northern shrikes, horned larks, snow buntings
and a few short-eared owls have been seen.
Backyard birdwatchers report an uptick in activity with the

cold, snowy conditions. Most notable are widespread reports

of common redpolls. A few feeders in the far north host
evening grosbeaks amid good numbers of blue
jays and woodpeckers. Other winter finches seen
across the northwoods are pine grosbeaks and
Bohemian waxwings.
Most patches of open water still have mallards, common goldeneye and other duck
species, along with lingering tundra swans and
gull species.
A few rare birds spotted include gyrfalcon in
Douglas, slaty-backed gull in Jefferson, Lewiss
woodpecker in Trempealeau, townsend solitaires
in Bayfield and Door, a few hoary redpolls
mixed in with the commons, and lingering western meadowlark, brown thrasher and gray catbird.
Perhaps the biggest bird news was a rare ivory gull found
dead in Superior at the same time a live one was seen in Duluth. The small gull of the arctic is declining dramatically and

An Outdoorsmans Journal

By Mark Walters

January Survival Test

Ice Traveler/Coyote Hunting Rig

Hello friends,
To keep myself in the game of being an outdoor adventures writer, as in camping, hunting, fishing and living on
the edge, I came up with an idea when I heard the well
below zero forecast for the days I would be traveling this
How about I head over to the southwest section of Trempealeau County and do an ice trek on the backwaters of the
Mississippi River. I would not use a tent and, to add to the
challenge, I would have a 12-gauge, a 30-06 and a coyote
call, and maybe do some coyote hunting.
Tuesday, Jan. 12 High 1, Low -17 (wind chill -30)
So here is the plan.
I would pull an Otter Sled that would have two sleeping
bags, a tarp, a few extra clothes, both guns and my food. To
sustain myself I had granola bars, chocolate-covered raisins
and nuts, and some pre-sliced cheese. To drink, I had five
Equate nutrition drinks which I kept near my body so they
would not freeze (they froze).
My load was about 50 pounds and from minute one, the
other story aside from the cold, were the worst ice conditions I have ever seen on the backwaters of the Mississippi.
Remember the flooding three weeks ago? Water was running 2 feet over the top of all the islands. That water froze
about 4 inches down on its surface. When it receded, it left
every piece of land I would see covered with an ice field; I
am sure that will last the entire winter.
That situation was manageable. What made my afternoon
extremely challenging is that the ice, because of high water
that is still receding, is sketchy at best.
What is happening is that there is a lot of current under
the ice and because the water level is still dropping, and by
the looks of things has dropped at least 3 feet, the ice is caving in and causing cracks, holes and thin spots.
I traveled 5 miles today and immersed myself in a world
of islands, wild rice beds and small stream after small river.
Had it not been for the fact that I was carrying a 5 foot Mille
lacs ice chopper, I would have gone under several times. In

other words, by walking and letting the chopper hit the ice
with each step, I had eyes on the ice. It was literally insane
when the chopper would go through the ice 24 inches in
front of me.
Coyote hunting!
The deeper I put myself away from the real world the
more sign I saw.
I had a dying rabbit mouth call and would conceal myself,
call and wait for 15 minutes, then move on. No crows came
to my call today and that, in my past experience, usually
means no coyotes as well.
Dark my bedroll would have to be on ice as my entire
world is frozen from the moon to the water. Two sleeping
bags and a tarp, with a fleece jacket over my head, worked
just fine.
The entire night I could hear the ice settling as Old Man
River sent its excess down to the Gulf of Mexico.
Wednesday, Jan. 13 High 17, Low -16
The biggest mental challenge other than bad ice was getting out of my sleeping bags this morning. A good-sized
challenge in itself was putting as many of my clothes on
while in the sleeping bags.
I had a premonition that I would see a coyote while I was
doing this and, as strange as it sounds, it happened. A large
coyote came out of nowhere and was 40 yards away. Both
my guns were in cloth cases in the sled 8 feet away, both
were loaded.
I was in marsh grass. I crawled to the sled and grabbed
the 12 gauge, which was the closest. I aimed, fired and hit
my quarry. I was sure I had just whacked my first coyote of
the winter.
Long story short, I tracked that coyote for over two hours.
It was an incredible experience on crazy bad ice.
Something I learned from a coyote that never laid down,
which tells me he was not hurt too bad, was that it had an
incredible instinct on which ice to cross. Whenever there
was a question, its tracks told me it backtracked to a safer
I hunted the entire day and never caught a chill, nor did I
ever have any pain from plenty of old injuries.
The coyote will live but yes, it does bother me I did not
have a clean kill or miss.

Where the Chippewa &
Flambeau Rivers Meet

Teds Timber
Lodge & Resort

Joe & Dawn Flater, Owners

Cty. Hwy. M
Holcombe, Wis.

270 N. Cty. E, Holcombe, Wis.

(715) 595-4424

(715) 595-4771



Its a Girls Hunting Life

By: Monique Westaby

The Second Week

I squeezed the trigger with
my sites on a real nice doe.
(I put that in quotes because there are only two kinds of
female deer a small fawn and a real nice doe. Ive never
heard of anyone shooting an average doe.) I had chosen
to go the head-shot route, since it would result in either
venison or basswood for dinner.
The gun went off
and away ran the real nice doe.
I guess dinner was going to have a little more fiber and
a little less protein.
I reached in my pocket and looked at my phone. The
screen was dark. I lifted up my sunglasses and tried again.
Oh my, read the text from my husband, Scott, in response to my cousin unloading his gun.
Not too long later, the drive was over and I expected
four to six deer to by lying on the ground around my
I folded my chair back up (standing for an entire drive
is hard work), leaned it against the wall of the stand, and
climbed down the ladder.
They should have the deer just about gutted by the time
I get over to them, I thought.
A quick search of where I had shot at my real nice
doe resulted in no blood, and a holler to my cousin on
the ridge resulted in no meat for dinner. He had missed
just as cleanly as I had.
This was starting to be a habit for us, so I was determined to break the mold on our next drive. Since that resulted in not one deer coming my way, I decided the
following day, the last day of deer season, was my time.
Yes, Sunday I would take careful aim at the first deer
that crossed my path, and I would not miss. Mark my
words, I wouldnotmiss


Thursday, January 21, 2016


Left to right, Eva

Enestvedt, Christy
Wundrow, Austen
Seichter, Abigail
Hall, Izzy Keck and
Kwinn Seichter, St.
Joseph School students in Danielle
Stanleys fifth and
sixth-grade class,
pose in front of
their Poet Tree,
which holds the
final copies of their
The tree is part of an overall poetry unit, and students have already learned
about a-a-b-b and a-b-a-b rhyming schemes, as well as acrostic and diamante
(Submitted Photo)



Jocelyn Hager, Wyatt Cochran and Steve Toperek learn about penguins as part
of an overall unit about life in the polar regions, under the direction of teacher
Mary Seibel at St. Joseph School. The first unit is the different species of penguins and their lives
in the arctic, then
students moved on
to learn about polar
bears and how
global warming is
affecting arctic animal habitat. The
unit also includes
learning the global
location of the Arctic and Antarctica
relative to Wisconsin.
(Submitted Photo)

Area Business Directory

Serving Chippewa Falls

Since 1997



Corner of Hwy. 124 & S



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128 W Ginty St.,

Cadott, WI 54727
Fax (715) 289-4099
Phone (715) 289-4050

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Courier Sentinel
121 Main St., Cornell
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401 South 3rd St., Cornell

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311 N. Main St.
Cadott, WI 54727




Do you want
to buy, sell or
trade an item?
(715) 289-4470

Contact the Courier

Sentinel to have
it put in the classified
section of the paper.


(715) 382-4793


Professional Installation
Free Estimates TF503024


Mark Payne
15188 St. Hwy. 178 Jim Falls, WI

239-0450 532-6453

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Phone: 715-289-4292



Truck and Trailer Repair Services/

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Farm Bedding
Colored Mulches/Bark
Various Landscaping Materials

Falls Septic

Cornell, WI
Ladysmith, WI


Holding Tanks
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Tom Jakubowicz

6477 210th St.

Cadott, WI

(715) 861-4414


Greener Acres
(715) 289-4665
Call or stop in for
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Corner of Hwys. 27 & X in Cadott

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Also Sweet Sixteen

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

3-157680 wnaxlp


Twenty students represent

Cadott for All-Conference
Twenty members of the Cadott High
School music department participated in the
Cloverbelt All-Conference Band and Choir
Festival in Altoona Jan. 16.
The band and choirs are comprised of musicians from each school in the conference,
with 15 schools represented. Students rehearsed their music during the day with guest
conductors, then presented a concert that
evening for friends and family.
Choir representation included sopranos Julianna Poulda and Leona Sonnentag; altos

Rebecca Morgal and Sarah Sedlacek; tenors

Cole Ackley, Brevan Mackie and Alex
Walthers; and basses Jace Bale, Hunter
Kruckerberg and Gilbert Walthers.
Cadott band students who participated
were Sawyer Roth, Joey Hinzmann and
Mitchell Gunderson, trumpet; Megan Holcomb, alto sax; Tyrone Green and Zach Wojtczak, euphonium; Henry Wojtczak, french
horn; Caitlin Holcomb, trombone; Maia
Schroeder, percussion; and Riley Rudnick,

Spring Primary Election
Feb. 16, 2016
Any qualified elector who is unable or unwilling to appear at the polling place
on Election Day may request to vote an absentee ballot. A qualified elector is
any U.S. citizen, who will be 18 years of age or older on Election Day, who has
resided in the ward or municipality where he or she wishes to vote for at least
28 consecutive days before the election. The elector must also be registered in
order to receive an absentee ballot.
You must make a request for an absentee ballot in writing
Contact your municipal clerk and request that an application for an absentee
ballot be sent to you for the primary or election or both. You may also submit a
written request in the form of a letter. Your written request must list your voting
address within the municipality where you wish to vote, the address where the
absentee ballot should be sent, if different, and your signature. You may make
application for an absentee ballot by mail or in person.
Making application to receive an absentee ballot by mail
The deadline for making application to receive an absentee ballot by mail is
5 p.m. Feb. 11, 2016.
Note: Special absentee voting application provisions apply to electors who
are indefinitely confined to home or a care facility, in the military, hospitalized, or
serving as a sequestered juror. If this applies to you, contact the municipal clerk
regarding deadlines for requesting and submitting an absentee ballot.
Voting an absentee ballot in person
You may also request and vote an absentee ballot in the clerks office or other
specified location during the days and hours specified for casting an absentee
ballot in person. See contact information below.
The first day to vote an absentee ballot in the clerks office is Feb. 1, 2016.
The last day to vote an absentee ballot in the clerks office is Feb. 12, 2016.
No in-person absentee voting may occur on a weekend or legal holiday.

Members of the Cadott band participated in the Cloverbelt All-Conference

Band and Choir Festival in Altoona Jan. 16, with 15 schools in attendance. Left
to right, in front, are Maia Schroeder and Tyrone Green. In back, are Sawyer
Roth, Zach Wojtczak, Caitlin Holcomb, Mitchell Gunderson, Megan Holcomb,
Henry Wojtczak, Joey Hinzmann and Riley Rudnick.
(Submitted Photo)

The municipal clerk will deliver voted ballots returned on or before Election
Day to the proper polling place or counting location before the polls close Feb.
16, 2016. Any ballots received after the polls close will be counted by the board
of canvassers if postmarked by Election Day and received no later than 4 p.m.
on the Friday following the election.
To obtain an absentee ballot contact:
Dave DeJongh, clerk
City of Cornell
222 Main St.
Cornell, WI 54732
Phone: (715) 239-3710
Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Sandra Buetow, clerk

Village of Cadott
P.O. Box 40
Cadott, WI 54727
Phone: (715) 289-4282
Hours: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
1-4:30 p.m.

Clerks listed below here contact for appointments

between the hours of 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday - Friday
Tamee Foldy
Town of Goetz
P.O. Box 147
Cadott, WI 54727
Phone: (715) 828-0012

Cadott choir members performed at the Cloverbelt All-Conference Band and

Choir Festival Jan. 15. Left to right, in front, are Brevan Mackie, Julianna
Poulda, Jace Bale, Leona Sonnentag, Gilbert Walthers, Sarah Sedlacek and
Rebecca Morgal. In back, are Huntar Kruckeberg, Cole Ackley and Alex
(Submitted Photo)

Pitsch earns spot on UMD

fall semester deans list
Jessica M. Pitsch, Jim Falls, has been named to the University of Minnesota-Duluth deans list for the 2015 fall semester. Students on the deans list have achieved a grade
point average of 3.5 or higher.
Pitsch is a senior, majoring in education and human service
pro, and exercise science.

Area graduates make way

onto 2015 fall deans list
Megan Bitney, Cornell, Morgan Webster, Holcombe, and
Traci Popple, Jim Falls, have been named to the University
of Wisconsin-Superior deans list for academic achievement
during the fall 2015 semester.
To be named to the deans list students must have achieved
at least a 3.50 grade point average (on a 4.0 scale).

To subscribe
to your
paper, the

Call the
Cornell office
(715) 861-4414 or
the Cadott office
(715) 289-4978

Tracey Larson, clerk

Town of Lake Holcombe
P.O. Box 280
Holcombe, WI 54745
Phone: (715) 595-6586
Paula Krouse, clerk
Town of Sigel
25619 50th Avenue
Cadott, WI 54727
Phone: (715) 579-9403
Glen Sikorski, clerk
Town of Arthur
28301 134th Avenue
Cadott, WI 54727
Phone: (715) 289-4825
Joy Jones, clerk
Town of Ruby
31700 Cty. Hwy. M
Holcombe, WI 54745
Phone: (715) 452-5657

Bonnie Dusick, clerk

Town of Colburn
18476 Cty. Hwy. S North
Stanley, WI 54768
Phone: (715) 644-6704
Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Contact clerk for appointment
Robin Stender, clerk
Town of Birch Creek
26344 240th Street
Holcombe, WI 54745
Phone: (715) 595-4996
Elizabeth Hillebrand, clerk
Town of Estella
22886 State Highway 27
Cornell, WI 54732
Phone: (715) 239-0331
Kare Milas, clerk
Town of Delmar
9763 315th Street
Boyd, WI 54726
Phone: (715) 667-5374
Linda Laird, clerk
Town of Cleveland
20165 Cty. Hwy. Z
Cornell, WI 54732
Phone: (715) 239-3922


Industrial - Commercial - Residential - Farm

(715) 288-6064

Willie (715) 239-3121

Cell (715) 827-0225

KEVINS REFRIGERATION Service: Phone 715-568-3646. Reasonable rates. Repair refrigerators, freezers, walk-ins, ice
makers and air conditioners.
PETSKA PLUMBING, LLC: Residential, commercial, remodel-

For Sale

Real Estate


Monday - Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Closed Sundays
Phone: (715) 288-6863 Fax: (715) 288-5999


In house machine shop for

cylinder & crankshaft repair

FOR SALE: #1 quality mattress

sets: Twin $99. Full $149. Queen
$159. Full $195. Queen $225.
King $395. 28 years experience.
Extra Plush Pillow Top Mattress
Sets: Twin $195. Full $245.
Queen $275. King $445. Call
Dan 715-829-2571, or visit

COUNTRY HOME For sale Ranch style, 3 bedroom, 3 bath

on 24 mostly wooded acres.
Less than 10 years old. Finished
basement with walk out on
blacktop road. 7 miles east of
Medford. Black River runs
through property. Call 715-7483012 for details.

Your Hometown Agent

Cell 715.206.0132
Your Cornell/Lake Holcombe
Area Realtors

Cell: 715.202.3194


The family of Myra Smith would

like to extend our heartfelt thanks to
all who were there for us during this
difficult time. Your kindness will not
be forgotten.
In particular, special thanks to the
staff at the Cornell Area Care Center,
Leiser-Borton Funeral Home and the
ladies of St. Johns.
God Bless You,
The Family of Myra Smith

Thank You


40-154632 46-155979

Thane Page

Thank You


Real Estate

Club. Contact Leon at 715-4275441.


Cards of Thanks

22 Years Experience
Guaranteed Work

ing, farms, pump installation.

Rick Petska, MP143877, 16163
190th Ave., Bloomer, WI 54724.
Phone 715-288-6580.
STORAGE: HIGHWAY 27 in Holcombe and Cornell. 6x10,
10x12 and 10x24. $25 to $50.
Call 715-595-4945 or 715-8280163.
THE FRIENDLY Yellowstone
Garage: Stanley, Allis Chalmers,
New Holland, New Idea, Kover,
McCulloch chain saws; Little
Giant; Kelly Ryan and SpreadMaster spreaders. Good farm
equipment at all times. For a better deal, see us now. Expert repair service on all makes and
models. 715-644-3347.



& Ride Feb. 6, 9 miles north of
Medford, Chelsea Conservation



21692 Cty. Hwy. E

Cornell, WI 54732


Call Wolfes Sewer Service

for all sewer, drainfield
and septic problems.

TF503026 (odd)


Thursday, January 21, 2016


The family of Ken Hakes would like to

thank all our family and friends for all of your
love, support, thoughts, prayers, flowers, cards,
monetary gifts and food during Kens illness
and his passing.
A special thank you to the Cornell EMTs,
police department and Luther Mayo Hospital
We would also like to extend a very special
thank you for the close love and support
shown in a very difficult time. Friend Walt and
Karen Guthman, sister Kathy Dembinski,
neighbors Dewey Fitzpatrick and Randy Simmerman, Dr. Christian Mendez of Mayo
Rochester, Minn., and Bob Borton.
He will be greatly missed by friends and
Elaine Hakes & Family




mix puppies, ready to go,
black/brown, $25. Call 715-6545475.

2013 HYUNDAI Accent, black, 4

door, 4 cylinder, 45,000 miles,
extended warranty. $10,700
OBO. 715-229-4136.

Garage Sales

Wanted To Buy

MOVIE, MUSIC, Magazine, miscellaneous sale. Colby Public Library, 211 W. Spence Street. All
items $1. Starts Saturday, Jan.
30, 9 a.m. - noon. Runs throughout February during library
hours. $4 grocery bag sale is
Feb. 22-29.

WANTED: GUNS - New and

used. Turn them into ca$h or
trade for a new one! Shay Creek
in Medford, 715-748-2855.
To advertise call the Courier
Sentinel at 715-861-4414

Help Wanted
grain hopper division, home
weekends. Saturday morning
mechanic. Looking for drivers,

also home daily route. 715-5719623.



Industries Inc.
Now hiring for Production Trainees on all three
shifts. Prior experience preferred but not necessary.
We offer competitive pay, possible performancebased incentive pay after 60 days, paid time off,
health/life insurance, shift differential and a good, safe
working environment. 401K savings, disability and
dental benefits are also available. You can apply in
person or mail resume through Jan. 22, 2016, to:
SFR Industries, Inc.
Attn: Production Ad
652 Tower Drive - Cadott, WI 54727
Resumes may also be e-mailed to:

For Rent
FOR RENT: 1 and 2 bedroom
apartments on Main Street in
Cornell. Within walking distance
of schools, pharmacy and post
office. Call CPMC at 715-8583445.
FOR RENT: 1/2 month free rent
on 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Security deposit specials

in both Cadott and Stanley. Located close to downtown and

schools. Call 715-289-4755.
FOR RENT: 2 bedroom lower
apartment in Cornell. Utilities included, excepting electric. $560.

120 S. Wells Street - Gilman, WI

Kay Geist
Cell: 715.577.2193


BEDROOM FAMILY UNIT, off-street parking, subsidized rent based on 30% of household income for qualified households. For information and application, call
Pam at 1-800-924-3256.

Home Improvement
Judy Teske
August 9, 1938 January 9, 2016
God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be so He put His
arms around you and whispered, Come to Me.
With tearful eyes we watched and saw you pass away
and although we love you dearly we could not make you stay.
A golden heart stopped beating, hardworking hands at rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us He only takes the best.
Wed like to thank the following for taking special care and making
our sister and aunts life fulfilled:

Local News Sports Classifieds Events


Riverwood Apartments


The Courier Sentinel is online



Lake Holcombe School, community and friends who cared deeply

for her. She valued those close relationships, rich conversations and
deep love as her extended family.
Dr. Frohling and the St. Josephs 3rd Floor Hospital Staff
Chippewa Manor staff and friends
Ladysmith Community Care staff
Borton-Leiser Funeral Home




On-site physician visits

Three daily home-cooked meals
Daily life-enriching activities
24-hour staff assistance
Nurse on-site or on call 24/7
Our very own restaurant Alberta Mays
Personal care assistance with bathing, dressing,
grooming, eating and toileting
Memory care suites available





Thursday, January 21, 2016


Exchange program provides new insight Continued from front

Dad told me he heard on the radio theres a girl from Tanzania thats looking for a place to stay, said Evergrace. He
felt like in his heart God was pointing to him.
Shes a precious girl, said Kelly. We are very blessed
and so happy to have her with us.
Once Evergrace arrived in the United States the middle of
August last year, she only had a week or so to transition to
her new life before school officially started. Coming from a
very different school system where students stay at school
and go home on weekends an hour away by bus, Evergrace
had to acclimate herself to so much home/family life.
It was an adjustment living with a family full-time, and
getting up and having to go school, said Kelly. There,
school and home were one and the same. Shes actually had

some time alone, which she says has been a positive thing.
She started to get to know herself a little bit.
Being in the same environment doesnt make you really
discover who you are, said Evergrace. But going to a different placeI just realize a lot of things.
Schoolwork was another adjustment, especially since Evergrace says she didnt really know how to use computers.
Im still having a hard time typing, said Evergrace. I
like artI really enjoy it. I really, really like algebra.
While Evergrace did learn English in Tanzania, as well as
Swahili and Chagga, her tribes language, she says she does
find it very different at Lake Holcombe School. Evergrace is
used to studying one subject a day at a time, whereas in the
United States, all subjects are covered each day.
History is my most confusing class, said Evergrace. I
think I have really moved far since my first quarter.
I think anybody who speaks three languages is already
amazing, said Kelly. To come to another country, and excel
and do well is a tremendous achievement.
Evergrace says the food is also something shes had to get
used to, coming to a state with so much cheese in the diet.
I love candy, said Evergrace. I love apples.
Apples, though not rare in her country, are expensive and
usually reserved as a birthday treat. Evergrace says some of
the foods she eats in America are similar to home, such as
french fries, chicken and spaghetti noodles, while others are
not so universal.
We cook green bananashere people dont do that at all,
said Evergrace. We dont have Thanksgiving in my country,
so that was different. There were so many people coming to
the house.
The snowy, cold climate of Wisconsin was also a little unexpected. Tanzania hovers between 70-100 degrees yearround, and has bouts of dry and rainy seasons.
Its really bad, Evergrace said of Wisconsins cold
weather with a laugh. I mean, the snow is so beautiful, I
wish I could just stay out there, but its too cold.
With half of the school year behind her, Evergrace has already gone out for volleyball and basketball. She says shed

Evergrace Lema, Tanzanian exchange student,

fixes a common meal of ugali (or stiff porridge) and
vegetables for her Holcombe host family, the Kelly
and Kim Dorney family. Lema makes the porridge
from maize flour (cornmeal), then cooks and stirs it
with a wooden paddle for about five minutes until
its thick. It can be eaten with beans, soup or sardines, something Lema says she misses a lot.
(Submitted Photo)
like to participate in track, but wants to leave time for her
host family and volunteer work.
Once Evergrace finishes the final school term, shell leave
for Tanzania in June. After she gets back to her homeland,
shes eligible to graduate, and can take two years of advanced
high school or go on to college, where she plans to be either
a commercial pilot or a pilot for missionary work.
I dont know whats going to happen, said Evergrace,
but I want to do this for God.
Evergrace says coming to another country has been a good
experience, even though she wasnt sure what to expect.
I didnt know it was going to be this way, says Evergrace. I really love my friends at school and I really love
my host parents.
Were very proud of her, said Kelly. We know shes
having a positive impact on others while shes here. I know
Gods got an amazing future for her.

Kromrey Coat Drive

Heather, a representative from the Community

Pantry and Clothing Closet in Chippewa Falls,
stands between Dr. Shawn Kromrey and Dr. Tonya
Prokop-Nette with coats that were donated to
Kromrey Chiropractic for a drive the business held
last year. We want to give a giant shout out to our
amazing patients and community, read Kromrey
Chiropractics Facebook page. We had a huge success with this years coat drive and were able to donate close to 40 coats Donations came as far as
Boyceville,Cornell and Bloomer, and the two doctors brought the coats to the pantry in December.
(Submitted Photo)

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