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Lesson Plan

Lesson stages/




Stage Aim

T will enter the class and share an incident with

To introduce the past perfect


tense in clear context, relating


Yesterday when I arrived home, I couldnt believe

it to the real world.

my eyes:


Someone had broken into my house.

They had broken the door and the window.

They had stolen all my money.

They had broken my TV and my computer.

They had emptied my drawers.

They had even eaten the food in the fridge.

(whole class)

T will ask which thing happened first. Had those

terrible things happened before or after arriving?


To elicit the form and


function of the tense by


involving Ss.

To get Ss familiar with

T will paste a chart paper on the board and tell

the target structure for

them to identify the difference between the two

better understanding.

happenings in the past.

By recalling the sentences she uttered in the
beginning of the lesson, she will elicit the structure
of the past perfect tense with the help of students.
Form : subject + had + past participle+ object
Function: To talk about an event/activity that was
completed before another event/activity or time in

the past.
Activity #1

To reinforce and drill the

T will paste a chart paper on the board and will ask

target structure.

to come and underline the past perfect and simple

past tense in two different colours. They will be
provided with stickers marked 1 and 2 to paste on
the top of the action happened first and then the


Activity # 2


Game (Unscramble): Ss in pairs will be given an

envelope that contains two scrambled sentences in
the past perfect tense. They will be asked to
unscramble them, they will shout out bingo after
completing their work.
They will get another envelope with two scrambled
sentences in the past perfect with simple past tense.


The process will be repeated.

Activity # 3 (The Other Half)

To familiarize Ss with target


Ss will complete sentences in the past perfect tense

structure and its function,


individually (appendix # 1). It will be followed by

along with appropriate

matching the sentences in pairs (appendix # 2) and


(Pair work)

then tally with their own sentences.

Mingle Drill:

To make them use target



Ss will be given a sheet (appendix#3) to initiate a

structure to perform some

(group work)


conversation with any two Ss in a party. Once they

function in a meaningful

had talked to each other, T will take a feedback


about their conversation by asking what you had

Follow up


not done when you were 12 etc.

Make a list of any 10 important historical events

To make them extend their


that took place between 1900- 1999. Write them in

knowledge of the taught

order on a piece of paper. Bring the sheet to the


class for the next lesson.

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