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Be careful when travelling at night in Burgersfort.

This truck
thundered through
town at about 23:00
on Tuesday this week,
well above the speed
limit without stopping
at a single stop street
or traffic light, flashed
lights at vehicles who
did come into its path
and drove astride
lanes at will.



Atlatsa Resources Corporation
has announced a fatality at
Bokoni Platinum Mine between
Burgersfort and Polokwane on
14 January 2016.saying:

Christmas has passed twice since hawkers stalls in Burgersfort had been demolished by the Red
Ants and they are still waiting for the new stalls and flea market to be completed and handed over
to the informal business sector. Some of them have already sort of moved in saying, we cannot
wait longer. The sun and storms destroy our businesses. After the Red Ants the promise from
government was that we will be able to move in within three months. Now we are still waiting for

Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

22 January 2016


0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements)

0865549031 / 013 231 7147

The company deeply regrets

to report the death of Mr Kganki
Nicholas Kupa at Bokoni Platinum Mines Proprietary Limited
(Bokoni Mine). Mr Kupa was
employed as a scraper winch
operator at the Brakfontein
shaft. Bokoni Mine management, the South African Police
Service and the Department of
Mineral Resources are investigating the fatal incident. Whilst
the investigation is ongoing, operations at the affected section
of the Brakfontein shaft have
been suspended. Other operations at Bokoni Mine remain
The Atlatsa board of directors, management and Mr
Kupas colleagues extend their
condolences to his family and
Safety remains of paramount importance to Atlatsa
and the Company continues to
instill the principle of zero harm
at all its operations.



Helping dreams come true for young Ngwaabe resident

Gi receives an extraordinary
gi from Dwarsrivier Mine
Lesedi Gi Mogajane (19) started 2016 in celebra on with Dwarsrivier Mine a er they gave him the gi of believing in his talent
and dreams. Through their assistance Gi can now proudly hold
his brain child in his hands - a book with the tle: The Life of an
ordinary Poet.
Gi developed a love for wri ng and poetry from a young age
when he a ended Masha Primary School and par cipated in the
Masifunde Sonke compe on. In this he was always one of the
top performers and at St Marks College where he completed his
secondary educa on he was an exemplary student.
Through his eorts a Library Commi ee and Book Club was established at St Marks College.
Last year Gi took a gap year a er comple ng matric, but he did
not sit s ll. He remained involved at the school - at the Book Club
and oering assistance to the 2015 matriculants. He also completed
his manuscript for the book. He took this with a complete proposal
and cost es ma on to Dwarsrivier Mine to seek assistance in realising his dream to become a published author.
A er working through his manuscript SD Manager at Dwarsrivier
Mine, Mr Remember Mmbengwa and his team knew Gi had a

talent that just needed a li le help from their side in order to

show it to the world.
The Life of an ordinary Poet comprises a novel and a sec on
of poetry.
The book costs R175 per copy and can be ordered from Gi
per e-mail or telephone. The money raised through the sales
of the book will be divided into savings for Gi s future endeavours, community projects he is involved with and funding
of logis cal costs such as postage etc.
Gi will this year be heading o to university to study towards
becoming a Language Prac oner. He has already completed
a second manuscript and is involved with a project collec ng
and dona ng school shoes for underprivileged children, establishing and improving libraries in the communi es surrounding
him and giving back to the community where he can.
Mr Rian Burger, General Manager of Dwarsrivier Mine was
very proud to receive a specially signed copy of the book from
Gi last week. He said: The Mine tries to assist communi es
around us and people like Gi who have a burning passion to
unearth his talent and make a dierence are beacons we are
proud to be associated with. Through people like Gi
with a passion for God and the talent he was given we
can turn Sekhukhune around into a place where everyone
lives out their passion in honour of the Lord. Dwarsrivier
Mine is involved in a variety of community upli ment and
empowerment projects in the Ngwaabe area.
Gi also handed signed copies of the book to his mother
and the principal of St Marks College. Both of them are
very proud of his achievement.
Gi s advice to those dreaming big dreams? Make use
of each and every opportunity life gives you. Pray and
praise. Be yourself. Be the change you want to see, and
never take no for an answer. He thanked Dwarsrivier
Mine, his family, friends, teachers and God for his talent
and their support in making his dreams come true.
Order your copy of The Life of an ordinary Poet via e-mail
on lesibagi or call him on 076 825 2400.

22 JANUARY 2016

22 JANUARIE 2016


Tribunal to decide on
andalusite merger

Breather for Bokoni

Agreement with Anglo American Platinum
Atlatsa Resources Corporation has announced last month that it has entered into a term loan facility agreement with Anglo American Platinum Limited and has released its operating and financial
results for the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2015 and for three months and
six months ended June 30, 2015.
Harold Motaung, Chief Executive Officer of Atlatsa, said, We are pleased to have reached an
agreement with our joint venture partner, Anglo American Platinum, regarding additional funding for
Bokoni Mine, and for Atlatsa to now be in a position to file these operating and financial results.
The continuing climate of lower Rand PGM metal prices remains a challenge for Atlatsa and
the Company has had to implement an operational and financial restructure plan at Bokoni Mine
to ensure the future sustainability of the operations. This plan entails the closure of our two older,
high costs shafts; implementation of various cost containment measures across the Company; and
a review of our capital deployment strategy.
Motaung continued, A technical evaluation done in collaboration with our joint venture partner,
Anglo American Platinum, for the purposes of reviewing Bokoni Mines extraction strategy and
developing a path towards a sustainable and optimised mine operation has now been concluded.
This evaluation, together with implementation of the operational and financial restructure plan will
assist in ensuring Bokoni Mine survives through the current low price environment.

Two companies involved in the mining and supply of a key compound with heat-resistant properties used by the aluminium, cement foundry, steel and glass sectors,
have appealed a Competition Commission decision to prohibit their merger.
Imerys South Africa wished to acquire Andalusite Resources. The Commission
found last year that they were the only miners and suppliers of andalusite in South
Africa and that a merger of these companies would have the effect of significantly
preventing competition in the fine and medium grade andalusite market.
Locally Imerys currently own Annesley Andalusite Mine with its Segorong
extension (photograph) and Havercroft andalusite operation near Burgersfort and
the Krugerspost Andalusite Mine near Lydenburg. Andalusite forms part of the
alumina-silicates group of compounds that possess heat-resistant properties and is
used in high temperature industrial processes.
Calderys South Africa, the downstream arm locally of French-listed Imerys, is
a major player in the supply of refractory products, which use alumina-silicates,
including andalusite, as a key input.
The Commission said the merger would have created a monopoly in the South
African andalusite market thereby limiting the choice of suppliers and significantly
preventing competition. Imerys is a multi-national industrial minerals group active
in over 50 countries.
In response to the concerns raised, the merging parties proposed a supply
condition limited to two to three years for all grades of andalusite other than coarse
The appeal hearing by the Competition Tribunal was scheduled to start at the
end of last week.

22 JANUARY 2016


Crime around
Crime does
not pay

Burgersfort Police arrested a Pakistani national (34) in in Burgersfort on 11

January 2016 after he was found in posession of a stolen laptop computer.
The laptop disappeared from a vehicle parked at Tubatse crossing Mall.
They have also arrested 3 Somalian men between the ages of of 35 and
38 years on 8 January 2016. The Police received a tip- off from a sttelite
tracking company , followed up and found the three men in possession of a
stolen motor vehicle, an unlicensed firearm and ammunition.

Have you
seen her?

On 15 January 2016 at about 16:00 the Burgersfort Police were conducting

a roadblock on the R37 road to Polokwane and they stopped a vehicle. A
search of the vehicle revealed nine plastic bags with drugs. A Nigerian ma
man (38) was arrested for possession of drugs. (Information: Constable
Victoria Maluleka, Burgersfort Police)

On Tuesday 12 January 2016, Dennis Mokgakala (21)

was sentenced to five years imprisonment on case
of assault with the purpose to cause grievous bodily
harm in the Praktiseer Regional Court. Three years
was suspended for a period of three years on condition the accused does not commit similar offence.
The sentence follows after he assaulted a 36-year-old
man at Riba Cross on 14 May 2014.
Roti Joshua Motloung (27) was sentenced ten years
imprisonment for a murder in the Praktiseer Regional
Court on Wednesday 13 January 2016. Three years
are suspended for a period of five years on condition
the accused does not commit similar offence.
The sentence follows after Motloung stabbed a
51-year-old man on 13 April 2014 at Riba Cross.
The man died at the hospital. The case was reported
in Tubatse on 13 April 2014, the investigation was
conducted and the suspect was arrested on 05 May
2014. (Information: Constable S J Mvundlela, Tubatse

The Tubatse Police are requesting anyone

to assist with information to find a little girl by
the name of Nozipho Mashego (07 years).
According to information by her mother,
the girl was taken from her by her former
boyfriend last year on 18 September in Ga
Mashamothane village and she doesnt know
his whereabouts.The matter was reported at
Tubatse Police and a case docket for Abduction was opened for further investigation.
Anyone with information related to the matter
can contact Warrant Officer Matheba on 076
106 0134.

James 1:6 (NIV)

But when you ask, you must believe and not
doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave
of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

22 JANUARIE 2016


Busy at Calvin College

Famande Mahlaola
has been selected
for the Mpumalanga U/18 provincial
chess team. With
him is his coach
Takawira Chinyadzero. His next provincial competition is
opn 25 February at

Calvin Prepschool takes academic achievements of teh

4th quarter into
account for their
prize giving. That
is why theyve
only recently announced their top
achievers: Katle
Mosion, Yusha Arbee, Zahra Arbee,
Roslyn Maleka,
Abu Bakr and
Pebetsi Tolo.

Calvin Prep-School
boasts an almost
totally new staff
compliment. They
are Sylvia Mpolo,
Julia Lekwadu,
Siena Nyama, Simrin
Dayram, Ida Esser,
Tanya van Niekerk,
Shanelle van Tonder,
Deltjie Masemola,
Michelle Duvenhage,
Lizelle Coetzee, Zar
Neizel en Thelma

New teachers in the high school are: Eanest Mandishona, Paulinah

Mofologela, Alida Sekome and Alby Soni.

Leaders for Joshua Generation

The 2016 leaders for Joshua Generation are Henry Dames, Tsebo Makuwa, Ofentse
Dintwe and Gareth Moyo. (Photographs & Information: Joshua Generation).


22 JANUARY 2016

How will you cope with food

Doom prophets are predicting a very difficult
year ahead when it comes to food security
and rising food prices.
In South Africa approximately 14 million
people rely on maize as a staple food. The
rising maize prices may however soon make
this an unaffordable item for these households. The price of maize has increase with
150% per ton since last year this time. Back
then it sold for R2017 per ton while the current prices are touching at R5000 per ton.
They predict that this increase in the
maize price will also influence the prices of
other food items such as meat.
Fears are beginning to surface that
merchants will start stockpiling food to sell at
exorbitant prices in the near future. This may
lead to violence in turn. We predict a food
revolution because food will be unaffordable, said Frans van der Bergh, a farmer and
president of Agri-Gauteng this week.
The violence will be around access (to
food) in regions where it is scarce and where
there are transport difficulties in getting the
food to the people who need it most, warned
Professor Mary Scholes from Wits University.
In the mean time it is estimated that 80%
of people owning land do not have their own
vegetable gardens and do not use it productively to supplement their food supply. Prof.
Scholes predicts that the rise in prices will
force low-income households into micro farming. But, by the time people realize that they
cannot rely on government, it will be too late,
especially as it takes three months to get a
food garden fully productive.
Factors influencing the expected food
shortage and rise in prices are the ongoing
drought conditions that is inhibiting crop and
cattle production in South Africa and the
low rand value compared to international
currencies which result in the very expensive
imports of food stuffs.
Experts are expecting social and labour
unrest centered on the food shortages and
high prices to increase from March this year.
Platinum Gazette asked readers what
they think about this situation and what they
will be doing to be prepared. One of the
major wishes concerning the affordability
of basic foods is government intervention
even if this is on products being imported due
to a shortage in local production.

Mr Nkgetheng Shaku said: Our local government should help us with awareness and
self-help projects like gardening. Communities dont know about this looming problem.
Government must get involved and play their
part. It is a critical situation and government
must take charge. My eyes are now open
and I will start a garden. Some of us know
what is coming, but dont take action and this
will be disastrous. South Africa must stand up
and do something now.

Mr Patrick Mondhlane and Ms Lify Ngomane said: It will help poor if government can instate
bigger subsidies for basic foods to keep it from becoming unaffordable. We should also
budget better and start planting our own veggies.

Mr Tronix Mkhabela and Ms Kanego Mashego said: We must just cut costs to survive the
coming high prices. Communities should also realize that they should stop striking as it is bad
for the economy and then everyone suffers.

Me. Charmaine Pieterse s: Ons sal maar

net nog beter moet budget en die rieme dun
moet sny. Die regering gaan ons nie help

Mr Donald Bigman Netshifhefhe said: In

most areas there is no water not only
because of the drought, but because there is
no supply to the households. If government
made more boreholes etc. people would be
able to plant their own gardens, but if there is
no water we can do nothing. No farming, not
anything. Now the boreholes we have are dry
because of the drought so it is not easy. Government must intervene. They must supply
the people with water. I dont have a garden
to grow food because I dont have access to
water. Government must help.

Bo: Me. Charmagne Wolmarans en Mnr. Jan

Wolmarans s: Die regering moet meer na
die mense begin kyk en minder geld op goed
soos karre spandeer. Ons het nie n groentetuin nie. Ons het honde wat alles opeet ook
die plante word nie uitgelos nie.
Left: Mr Letsoalo Matome said: We must
have bigger subsidies on basic foods. During
this recession many people will be retrenched and they will be struggling. Government must do something to make basic foods
affordable. Where must we plant gardens
if we dont have water at our homes? The
government should put up reservoirs and
reticulation to provide water.

Mnr Paul Erasmus s: Ons kan nie die

regering vra om te help nie. Dis n groot
probleem en ek weet nie eintlik wat ons kan
doen nie.

22 JANUARIE 2016


shortages and rising prices?

Mr Johannes Lekwadu said: Ill budget better

to survive the high prices of food.

Mr Patrick Phoku said: It is really a struggle. Government should

subsidize things like pap and potatoes so that it will stay affordable.
Everything is expensive these days and everyone struggles. I am
considering having a small vegetable garden where I can plant cabbage and spinach. With him is Kopano.

Ms Lebogang Magaba and Ms Maria Nemaitoni said: People should

be aware of this coming problem. We will have to adjust our budgets
to afford the more expensive food. Government should also make
people more aware of this problem and encourage people to have
their own gardens for vegetables. We dont have our own vegetable
gardens, but we dont have water, so it is a problem.

Mr Solly Mohlala said: Government must

subsidize more on basic foods like pap,
chips etc. Most people are not working and
are very poor. You cannot plant vegetables
because lots of homes do not have access
to water. How are we going to irrigate the

Mr Seahlolo Makofane said: I think the

solution is to plant my own vegetable garden.
Prices are affected by a lot of things such as
the strikes. This makes the rand go down
in value and makes it expensive to import
things. People should be educated about
how the economy works. Well be in hyper
inflation soon.

Ms Portia Machaba said: Plant your own

garden is the solution. I have one. I have
spinach and tomatoes in mine. Im also trying
to add cabbage and carrots. Government
must really do something about the food
price and shortage problem.

Mr Willy Seloane said: South Africa invites

people from outside to live here so there
are too many people for the food we have.
People from all over Africa, Asia, China, and
America etc. are coming to live here. We
dont have our own gardens because we
dont have water where we live.

Mr Mogau Musa said: I buy things like Cooltime (frozen fruit juice) to sell at the taxi rank
to make a living and it is difficult, but I work
for myself. I dont have a vegetable garden to
help supply me with food because there is no
water where I stay.

Mnr. Molaodi Mphogo s: Ons gaan baie

swaar kry die jaar. Boere sukkel en die
droogte is baie swaar. Die regering sal n
plan moet beraam anders sal die mense nie
regkom nie. Daar is nie water nie so mense
kan nie self iets plant nie. Die hitte is ook so
kwaai dat die saad nie sal groei nie. Deesdae
vergeet mense dat ren kom van God. Hulle
bid nie genoeg daarvoor nie. Ons moet bid
om dinge beter te laat gaan.

Ms LK Phokane said: We are going to die!

There will be a lack of food and we will have
more diseases. We must try to plant small
gardens at home, but government must also
give subsidies to help us.
Right: Mr Lazarus Malepe said: I cannot
have a vegetable garden because there is no
water. Government should be giving bigger
subsidizing and they should take away tax
deductions from government employees salaries. Then these employees can use that tax
money to afford the high priced food. With
him is Sweetness.

Ms Mabule Mokgotho said: I want to start a

vegetable garden that can help me. Ill plant
pumpkins and onions. Government must
intervene because we cannot afford expensive food.


Tubatse Build It donates

roof to Manoke Homebased Care

22 JANUARY 2016

Workers at Manoke
Homebased Care
was overjoyed this
week as they received
new roofing for their
building. A storm blew
the old roof away on 7
December 2015.They
thanked Ms Suzette
Geldenhuys from
Tubatse Build It for the

Are Yeng Ka Moka

cerficaon ceremony
Modikwa Pla num Mine held the cer fica on ceremony of Happiness and
Manong crews on Friday, 15 January 2016. The event was a ended by the
mine management team, the sta, and the family members of the crews.
Amongst the visitors who graced the event was Chief Ralph Kgwete who
applauded the
team for their
good work.
The crew mem-

bers said the ini a ve helped them to understand the business and
know each other be er. They also commi ed to improve produc on
to save the mine. The Business Leader, Mr Mthi Mtshengu said the aim
of the program was to unleash the full poten al of these employees
because some of them are leaders in their respec ve communi es and
they want those employees to bring their skills into the mine. He added
that the exposure they got from the program will empower them to be
be er people. In closing, Mr. Mtshengu thanked everyone who a ended
the event and the families for being suppor ve.

22 JANUARIE 2016


SAPS social crime

prevention active at schools
The Burgersfort Clusters SAPS social crime
prevention team visited a number of schools
to kick-start the year with Back-to School
The team consists of six police stations
(Ohrigstad, Leboeng, Tubatse, Burgersfort,
Mecklenburg and Sekhukhune). They are led
by Lt.Col Thiba from the Cluster Office.
The team was joined by members of the
CPF, VEP and Youth Desk for the campaigns.
On 15 January they visited Tshehlwaneng
High School and Kgalatlou High School in
the Sekhukhune policing area, on 18 January
they visited Maokeng Secondary School,
Ntabane High School and Machaile Secondary School at the Leboeng policing area.
Learners were warned not to abuse substances such as drugs and alcohol and not
to bring weapons onto the school premises.
Const. Maluleka from the Burgersfort SAPS
and Const. Mphahlele
from the Sekhukhune
SAPS addressed the
learners. The were
encouraged to focus
on their education and
stay away from crime.
Subjects covered in
the talks included
bullying, teenage
pregnancy, and criminal records.
The campaings will
continue and surprise
visits will be conducted to try and eliminate
criminal elements in
(Information & photographs: Sergeant
MA Sibatana & Const.
Kholofelo Phokane)

Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr.

Dirk Winterbach & Kruis Street,
Tel: (013) 231 7529

Open Mondays - Fridays:

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Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00;
Sundays and Public
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2.5m x 100m...

2200Lt 8 Year Warranty. Free
20mm Tommy Tap


Promotion valid from 22 January - 6 February 2016. All prices incl. VAT. Delivery exclude. E.&O.E.


Platinum Gazette

22 JANUARY 2016

Klein Advertensies Smalls

Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Bennla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031

1.Sport Klubs /Sport
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight
5. Troeteldiere/Pets
6. Persoonlik/Personal
7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous
8. Finansies/Financial
9. Te Huur/To Rent
10. Te Koop/For sale

2. Betrekking/
Sales Rep Required
For Lydenburg &
Burgersfort Area
Permanent position
Commission based
Must be fluent in
Sepedi & English.
Credit management / debt collecting
experience will be an
CV can be submitted at our Lydenburg
office 52 Church
Street or by e-mail:
GMC Debt Solutions
Adress: 52 Kerk Str,
Tel: 082 924 9292

9. Te Huur/
For Rent
Lang en kort termyn
verblyf beskikbaar
op plaas 10km buite
Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad.
Kontak Miena op
082-960-3689 of
(013) 231-7899.
Two bedroom houses available from
R4500 to R5500.
(Full time security).
Three bedroom
house available from
R6000 to R7000,
Aloe Ridge East and
Aloe Ridge West.
Viewing available
after hours.
Please call on 082
578 6113.
2 Slaapkamer woonstel in Burgersfort te
huur vanaf
1 Februarie 2016.
Naby Tubatse Crossing Mall.
Kontak Mike:
082 357 1954

10. Te Koop/
For Sale
Aluminium African
Outback Canopy for
Toyota Hi-Lux DC for
sale. R13 500. Original Venter Camper
Trailer for sale.

R6 500.
Contact Mike:
082 357 1954
Aluminium African
Outback kappie vir
Toyota Hi-Lux DC te
koop. R13 500.
Oorspronklike Venter
Camper Waentjie te
koop. R6 500.
Contact Mike:
082 357 1954
6Ft Venter Sleepwa met ekstra pak
geriewe. Padwaardig
en skoon R10 000.00
Agt kantige Gazebo
volledig R300.00
Cooler eenheid
2 Vertrek 8 man tent
Oliebord Sweismasjien met helmet en
kabels R700.00
2 Volledige Rope
winches volledig @
R500 elk
Alle pryse is onderhandelbaar. Kontak
Pieter Greyling by
Shop for sale in
Burgersfort CBD.
Fully furnished with
shelving, walk in
safes & state of the
art security systems.
Contact 072 471
7545 / 072 684 6438.

advertising to
save money is
your watch to
save time.
Henry Ford

Editorial deadline: Wednesdays at 17:00.

editorial@ or
083 271 9151
or 083 543
1676 to let us
know about
your news and

Get your hard copy of the

newspaper here:
* Pick n Pay Tubatse Crossing
* Glencore Eastern Limb Train* Temba Garage
ing Centre
* Dunlop
* Madibas Mini Market * Supa Quick Burgersfort
* Boxer Khadima Centre
* Modikwa Platinum Mine
* Phelo Pharmacy Khadima
* Dilokong Chrome Mine
(ASA Metals)
* Cheap Cheap #2
* Twickenham Platinum Mine
* Tubatse Superspar
* Dr. Lornas Surgery Burgersfort
* Greater Tubatse Municipality
* Pret Liquor
* Pret Butchery
* Toyota Burgersfort
* CTM Burgersfort
* Choppies Burgersfort
* Madeleen Willers Attorneys
* Magaba Filling Station
* Lebowa Panel Beaters
* Burgersfort SAPS
* Hendrks Panelbeaters
* Aloe Foods
* Department of Education Cir* Praktiseer SAPS
cuit Office Burgersfort
* Ohrigstad SAPS
* Laerskool Ohrigstad
* Pick n Pay Steelpoort
* Laerskool Burgersfort
* Winterveld Village
* Supa Save
* Tubatse Village
* Build It Tubatse
* Dwarsrivier Mine
* A1 Food Store Twin City
* Mototolo
* Tiezers Meat Pantry Ohrigstad
* Morenas Tavern (Steel Bridge)
* Bronrich Slaghuis Ohrigstad
* 1 Stop Midas Burgersfort
* Tubatse Build It
* Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort
* Burgersfort Pharmacy
*Dr Fouchs Surgery Burgersfort
* Mooifontein Kafee Burgersfort
*Supa Save Burgersfort
* Hawker stalls Eddie Sedibe
Street Burgersfort
* 1 Stop Midas Steelpoort
* Calvin College Burgersfort
* Tingeling Kleuterskool Steel-

* Sasol Garage Steelpoort
* Total Garage Steelpoort
* Ohrigstad Handelshuis
* Leboeng SAPS


Bennla Celliers will see to

it that your advertisement in
Platinum Gazette meets the
highest standards with regard
to design and reproduction.

Contact her on 013 231 7147 /

083 543 1676 or
(Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.)

22 JANUARIE 2016

Burgersfort SAPS back to

school campaign
The Burgersfort SAPS hosted a Back to
School campaign at Shopiano Primary
School. Learners were given rulers, lunch
boxes and school shirts.



The SAPS talked about bullies and what

and the disadvantages of bullying.
(Information: Const. V. Maluleka)

SAPS creates
awareness in schools
On 19 January 2016 theTubatse SAPS visited Taung village and held a back-to-school
campaigns at Lekubushai Primary School
and Taung Secondary school.
The campaign was led by the Sector 3
manager W/O Mohlala and Tubatse SAPS
social crime prevention coordinators Const.
Chauke and Const. Ngwana.
On the day learners were encouraged to
focus on their studies and also to work hand
in hand with the police to fight crime. Learners were encouraged not to use drugs and
alcohol and they must respect their parents
and teachers at all times. They were also
encouraged to stay away from any crimi-

nal activities because a criminal record will

disadvantage them when applying for jobs in
the future.
The station will still continue with the
similar campaigns at other schools in their
policing area in January and February.
(Photos by: Constable Chauke; Information compiled by Const Mvundlela S.J)

New CPF Cluster Committee

The Burgersfort SAPS Cluster on 17 December 2015 hosted their annual general meeting
at Jorges Resort near Steelpoort.
The purpose of the meeting was to elect new
cluster board members who will serve in the
Cluster CPF committee for a period of five

years. The elections were facilitated by the

provincial CPF members comprising of Mr
Modau and Mr Kgasago and accompanied
by the SAPS Provincial CPF coordinator
LT.Col Maake and Cst. Ramatsitsi. A variety
of stakeholders attended the event.

Biker blessing
church service
The Christian Motorcycle Association is
inviting everyone with a motorcycle as
well as motorcycle enthusiasts to join
them for a Biker Blessing Service on
24 January 2016. The service will take
place at the AGS Steelpoort at 09:00
the morning. Come with you motorcycle
and motorcycle gear - come ride with
For more information contact 083 291

Left: LT Col Maake (SAPS Provincial CPF Coordinator), Mr Kgasago (Provincial CPF Development Officer) ,Mr Mkhonto, Miss Makua, Miss Shai, Mr Mashaba, Councillor Moropane
(Acting GTM Mayor), Miss Mogakala, Mr Phaladi, Mr Rachoshi and LT Col Thiba (Burgersfort
Cluster Social Crime Prevention Coordinator). (Information: Kholofelo Phokane, Ohrigstad

Grade 1 at Joshua Generation

Grade 1 learners at Joshua Generation were all smiles at the start of the school year.
(Photograph: Joshua Generation)

Platinum Gazette contact details:

Editorial: William Zwart
Tel: 083 271 9151
Advertising: Bennla Celliers
Tel: 083 543 1676
Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147
Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150
Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit.
Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and /
or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are
expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright
Act (98 of 1978).

22 JANUARY 2016


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Tubatse Masters
vs Walking Stick
soccer team
Tubatse Masters kicked off 2016 with a game
against Walking Stick soccer team from

The Mooihoek hosts dominated ball possession in the first half but failed to penetrate the
Tubatse Masters defence. Titus Mashaba

from Tubatse Masters managed to score one

goal in the first half.
In the second half the Tubatse Masters
showed their skill and managed to score another four goals (Mbesuma Mabaso, Andrew
Skosana, Pitso Sehlabela and Seun Maroga
scored). The hosts replied with one goal to
make the final score 5-1 in favour Tubatse
Masters. (Photograph: Calvin Makabate.
Information: Jerial Mvundlela).

Register for the

Captains Cup
Golf players who would like to enter the
Captains Cup 2016 should remember
to enter the competition by 27 January
SMS/WhatsApp (072 564 2811) Martin
van Rooyen or e-mail him at
The Captains Cup starts in February
2016. The entry fee is R120.00

2016 Comrades
Roadshow in
The Comrades Marathon Association will
be hosting the Limpopo Leg of the 2016
Comrades Road show at the Clubhouse of
the Polokwane Athletic Club on Thursday
28 January 2016. The Clubhouse is situated
at the Old Peter Mokaba Stadium in Dorp
Street and entry to the Clubhouse can be
gained directly from the main parking area.
Various well known personalities will
talk on Comrades running experiences,
training programs and other important topics. The event is free of charge and open to
everybody, runners as well as non-runners.
The Road show is the ideal opportunity for
runners (beginner or serious) to gain more
knowledge and information about the Comrades Marathon and running as a whole.
The event will be started at 17:30 with
the weekly time trail of the Polokwane
Athletic Club. This is open to everybody
and runners or walkers can choose to run
distances of 4,5 or 8 kilometers. At 18:55
the Polokwane Athletic Club will introduce
the workshop presenting panel and the
road show will start at 19:00 sharp and last
approximately two hours.
A cash bar will be available before and
after the discussion and something to eat will
be sold at reasonable prices. The evening
will close with two R 250 lucky draw prizes
that are sponsored by the Polokwane Athletic Club.
Contact the Club on 082 464 1963
(Corrie Calitz) or 083 277 2505 (Johan van
Vuuren) should you require any additional
information on the event or Polokwane
Athletic Club.

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