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Rewrite the sentences. Dont change the meaning of the original sentences
Verbal Tenses
1-Sam started working at 9 a.m and he still hasnt finished
Sam has
2-I met Mary two weeks ago
I have.
3-When did you get your new bike?
How long ....?
4-They came to live in Saragossa in 2000
They have.
5-I last saw you in 2004
I havent..
6-My computer stopped working yesterday and still doesnt work
My computer hasnt.
7-I began studying computer technology last year. Im still studying it now
I have been
8-Almodvar started making films in 1980. He is still making films today
Almodvar has been..
9-On the way to work I saw a car crash
I saw
10-On my walk home from school, I dropped my mobile phone
11-I did my homework before I went out
I didnt go out..
12-The thief escaped and then the police arrived
By the time the police..
13-Im on my way to the cinema (GOING)
14-Dave only sometimes writes me an email (NOT OFTEN)
15-Are you still working on your science project? (YET)
16-I started rehearsing at 10 oclock this morning. It is now 1 oclock and Im still rehearsing (SINCE)
I have.
17-I was on my bike when I fell (RIDE)
I was.
18-Its May. I started learning German in January (FOR)
I have..
19-The band started playing at 10 and we arrived at 10.30 (BEFORE)
The band had.
20-How long is it since they finished school?
Rewrite the sentences. Use the past perfect and before
1-She had a bath. Then she phoned her friend.
She had
2-We prepared the meal. Then the guests arrived.
We had.........

Rewrite the sentences with the present perfect and for or since
1-The last time she went home was three years ago
2-My dad last had a job two months ago
My dad
3-She got ill last Wednesday and she is still ill
Rewrite the sentences with the present perfect continuous and since
1-I started waiting for you at 1 oclock. Im still waiting
2-The team started playing at 3 oclock. They are still playing
The team.
3-The band started working on a new album in July. Theyre still working on it
The band
Past habit: USED TO
WOULD + Infinitive without To

Present habit: BE USED TO + verb-ing

1-My parents lived in that house years ago

My parents.
2-When I was younger I always took flute lessons on Thursdays
When I was ..
3-Its no problem. Kathy always drives to work
Kathy is
4-We would never know what my father was going to do next
We never..
5-We often went for a walk on Saturdays
6-Clara usually trains once a week
Clara is used..
7-I live in London but I lived in Paris in the past
I live in London but I.
8-When my father was a child he used to sing in a band every weekend
When my father was a child he.
9-It isnt difficult for us to use a computer because weve done it before
We are used
Past habit , Present habit
1)When she was a young woman she would wear high-heeled boots
When she was..
2)Elissa used to laugh more than her brother in the past
3)Henry finds it strange to eat snails
Henry is not
4)It wasnt difficult for them to cook
They were..

Verbal tenses (Past simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect,
Future tenses)
1)She hasnt celebrated her birthday at home for three years
She last.
2)We havent elected a new government for four years
It is..
3)On my walk the chemist , I met my neighbour
While I..
4)In my gymnastic lesson, I fell down on the floor
While I..
5)Its ages since he last played the viola
He hasnt
6)Its a long time since I last travelled by train
I havent
7)He started drinking too much alcohol two years ago
He has..
8)Its half an hour now since they started shouting
They have.
9)The children finished their homework and then they ate an ice cream
The children ate an ice cream after
10) My car broke down. I took it to the garage
I took my car to the garage because.
11)Flight B70529 to Gatwick airport is taking off the ground in five minutes
Flight B 70529..
12)Do you intend to pass this test?
Are you.?
13)Michael and Susan are getting married next Saturday
Michael and Susans marriage.


Ill visit him when I go to Germany next month

I am.

Im meeting my friend at the park tomorrow


They came to work here five years ago


I missed the bus so I was late for school.

I was late for school because................................

When did you start learning English?

How long ...........................................................?

I left only a few minutes ago.


Adam read the book, then he fell asleep.

Adam fell asleep after.......................................

The last time I saw Susan was at Christmas.

I havent ......................................................................

We arrived an hour after Dan, (wait for)



Mitch waited at the caf for an hour. He left before Kelly arrived.
Mitch left the caf because.........................................................


Kate started to play tennis a year ago.(for)



Jane broke her leg once before. (second)



Tina forgot her glasses, so she couldnt watch the film.

Tina couldnt watch the film ............................................


Tom saw Gladiator last week. He saw it again yesterday. (twice)



Will this be your first trip abroad? (ever)



Zoe bought the CD, then she realised it was the wrong one.
Zoe realised the CD was the wrong one after.................................................


Becky finished university three months ago. She is still looking for a job. (for)


They started arguing two hours ago and they are still arguing (for)




-The food was too hot to eat

The food wasnt.
-This sofa isnt wide enough
This sofa is..
-The day was so rainy that they only wanted to sleep
It was.
-It was such a salty pie that I couldnt eat it
The pie was .
-I love fruit like strawberries,cherries or blackberries
I love fruit..
-I was feeling weak. I stayed in bed (join with a connector)
I was feeling sick,..

Rephrase sentences working Future Tense

1-Do you intend to write a new novel next summer?
Are you..?
2-William and Tina are getting married next Saturday

William and Tinas marriage..

3-Do you intend to live abroad next year?
4-He took the safe keys with him in case the security officer had gone home (Might)
He took the safe keys with him because he
5-I cant be sure but Im quite confident that I will get a grant
I will (probably)..
6-My doctors appointment is for 10 oclock (seeing)
7-Im not sure what to study but it will either be English or German (Might)
Verbal tenses
Past habit
Present habit
1-On my walk home from school, I dropped my mobile pone
2-How long is it since they finished school?
3-I went to London eight months ago
It is.
4-When did his plane take off?
How long
5-Paul is back from Italy
Paul has been
6-Robert has broken his arm again
It s.
7-It has been ages since he studied journalism
8-The last time Karen saw her cousin was at Christmas
Karen hasnt.
9-I passed my English exam. Then I went to university
I had
10-I live in London but I lived in Paris in the past
I live in London but I.
11-When my father was a child he used to sing in a band every weekend
When my father was a child he
12-Clara usually trains once a week
Clara is used..
Verbal tenses------------}Present perfect /Present perfect continuous
1-I last saw you in 2004
I havent..
2-My computer stopped working yesterday and still doesnt work

My computer hasnt
3-I began studying computer technology last year. Im still studying it now
I have been..
4-Almodvar started making films in 1980. Hes still making films today
Almodvar has been

Future forms

1-Guillermo and Ana are getting married next Sunday

Guillermo and Anas marriage.
2-Train to Littlehampton is leaving the platform in five minutes
Train to Littlehampton.
3-Do you intend to live abroad next year?
Are you.
4-Do you intend to write a new novel next summer?
Are you.
Too & Enough
16-Milan isn't near enough from London to drive there in a day
Milan is too...
17-She is too young to play in the championship
She isn't...
Conditional Sentences
18-I didn't phone you because I didn't realize you were at home
If I...
19-He didn't become an accountant because he failed his exams
If he
20-I am not going to go to the dance because I haven't got a partner
If I...
21-If your performance isn't great, you won't be employed by this company
Unless your...
22-I don't have a word processor so I can't write your report with it
If I...
So & Such
23-The musical was so successful that all the tickets were sold
It was...
B)Verbal Tenses
I was reading this book and he called me.
I have had this sweater for fifteen years.
It ...
The doorbell rang in the middle of her phone conversation.
While ...
My date of birth is April 3rd, 1993.
I ..

Dogs frighten me.

I ...
That letter arrived only a few minutes ago.
That letter...
While I was having dinner, Jim arrived.
It's a long time since I last visited Tom.
For ...
She has been studying English for two years.
It's ...
I was waiting for the bus and there was an accident.
While ...
C)Reported Speech
He said: "Bob often reads a book."
My mother said to me: "When did the girls help in the house."
My mother...
Jim said to his wife: "Must I do the shopping?"
Mrs Smith said to my mother: "I will be 50 years old next week."
Mrs Smith...
He said to his friend: "I was ill."
Tom said to the teacher: "I didn't have time to do my homework."
TOO + Adjective + to infinitive
Adjective + ENOUGH + to infinitive
He is too short to be a policeman = He isnt tall enough to be a policeman
(En el rephrasing usamos el adjetivo opuesto)
1.Milan is too far. You cant drive there in a day.
Milan is too
2. His new car is so wide that it wont go into the garage easily
His new car is too
3.This soup is too hot for us to eat
This soup isnt

4.The car wasnt cheap enough for me to afford

The car was
5.The house was too small for them to live in
The house wasnt
6.The mountain wasnt low enough for us to reach the top
The mountain was
7.He is too lazy to finish the work
He isnt
8.We werent relaxed enough to go out
We were
9.He cant reach that shelf. He is too short
He isnt.
10.The cat cant catch the mice. They run too fast
The mice
SO + Adjetivo
SUCH + (determinante a/ an) + (adjetivo) + Nombre
She was so beautiful that everybody looked at her = She was such a beautiful girl that everybody
looked at her
Mark is such an attractive man (that) hes very popular among the girls = Mark is so attractive (that)
hes very popular among girls.
1.She speaks with such a strong accent that people cant understand her
Her accent
2.His life is so dull
He has such.
3.The weather was so warm that I didnt need a coat
It was such
4.The road is so narrow that it is difficult for 2 cars to pass each other
It is such
5.The lesson was so boring that she fell asleep
It was such
6.The weather was so lovely that we went out for the day
It was such
7.The film was so exciting
It was such

-Sally wasnt old enough to get married
Sally was.
-The ice was too soft for us to skate on
The ice wasnt

-The day was so sunny that they only wanted to be in the swimming pool

It was.
-Despite having worked for the same company for a long time, he was dismissed
Although he..
-Though he has got a fortune, he lives in a modest house
In spite..

-The cardigan was too wet to be taken from the clothes line
The cardigan wasnt.
-The job was so dangerous that he was paid an extra salary
It was..
-In spite of the fact that I had put two lumps of sugar in my coffee, it was still bitter

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