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Questions to Ask:


The Hierarchy of organisation structure

Interviewers role
Motivation to stay
Growth opportunities
Choice of specialization.

Questions to Ask
1. What are your companys strengths and how do you capitalize on them?
2. What are your companies weaknesses and how are you dealing with them?
3. How have you strategically responded to the competition?
4. Where will the major sources of your business be in the next 5 years?
5. What challenges are facing this company? Do you think your company is reacting to
6. Do you have plans for expansion?
7. What are your growth projections for the next year?
8. Have you cut your staff in the last three years?
9. What is the largest single problem facing your staff/department right now?
1. What changes do you anticipate in the industry?
2. What risks will your company face due to industry changes?
3. What legislation is pending that will affect your firm?
Career Opportunities / Path / Training
1. What are the best opportunities at your firm for new hires?
2. How is worker performance measured and reviewed?
3. Do you have a mentor program? How about formal training programs?
4. Why do people leave?
5. Why have you stayed with the company?
6. Describe my initial assignments?
7. If you hire me, what are the three most pressing issues you need resolved?
8. What kinds of assignments might I expect during the first six months on the job?
9. Are salary adjustments geared to the cost of living or job performance?
10.In what ways is a career with your company better than one with your competitors?
11.Please describe the duties of the job for me.
12.Does your company encourage further education?
13.How often are performance reviews given?
14.What is the usual promotional time frame?
15.Has there been much turnover in this job area?
16.Is there a lot of team/project work?
17.Where does this position fit into the organizational structure?
18.Do you fill positions from the outside or promote from within first?
19.What skills are especially important for someone in this position?
20.What qualities are you looking for in the candidate who fills this position?

21.Will I have the opportunity to work on special projects?

22.What is the next course of action? When should I expect to hear from you, or should I
contact you?
1. What is your companys management style?
2. How do you feel about creativity and individuality?
3. What do you like best about your job/company?
What characteristics do the achievers in this company seem to share?
What project are you working on now, what are you doing and what do you find
about that?
What has the highlight and low-point been for you so far?
What is the industry and functional structure of your business what areas would I be
working on and who determines that?
How would my performance evaluations work?
How much choice do people have as to what projects they work on or who they work
What have your working hours been recently (what do you consider a late night, or how
many weekends have been worked)? Is this typical?
Can you give me some representative example of recent projects that are typical of what
can expect to be staffed on? What exactly would my role be?
What is the expected career development for someone in my position?
What is the professional turnover rate or the expected length of stay for an MBA?
What is the training and professional development program?
How much time should I expect to spend at the client / in the office?
What is the typical length of a client project?
How much of your client business is repeat business?
Who do you consider your direct competition?
What is the associate to partner ratio?
What is the office environment like? Do I get assigned fixed desk or is it hoteling?
is where no one has their own desk but just takes the first one they find)
What is the support staff structure?
What social events are there?
What alumni contacts do you have? How are they used?
Why did you decide to join this company? What were your alternatives? Have your
expectations been fulfilled?
What are the client confidentiality policies? What sort of dilemmas might I be faced
and how do you suggest I deal with them?
What are some of the main reasons people leave?

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