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1. What is natural frequency?
2. Write the basic elements and its forces of vibration modeling?
3. Derive the equation of motion of a spring mass system by Energy method?
5. What is damping and its common types?
6. Derive the equation of motion of a simple pendulum by Newtons method?
7. A circular steel bar of length 3 m and diameter 2 cm is fixed at one end and attached with a mass
of 2kg at the other end. Find the longitudinal natural frequency E=200Gpa.
8. Define deterministic and random vibration.
9. Distinguish between free and forced vibration.
10. State D Alemberts principle
1. What is static coupling?
2. What is dynamic coupling?
3. Define Principle co-ordinates.
4. Define transmissibility?
5. What is semi definite system? Give two examples.
6. Define multi degree of freedom system?
7. Define Damped natural frequency
8. Define dynamic vibration absorber?
9. Write the different types of vibration absorber?
10. Define Hamiltons principle?
1. Mention a few approximate methods to find the fundamental frequencies of multi degree of
freedom system?
2. Define between continuous system?
3. Sketch the first three modes of a simply supported beam and also write down the corresponding
natural frequencies.
4. Define Dunker ays method?
5. Define matrix iteration method?
6. Define Rayleighs Method?
7. What is discrete system?
8. Explain torsional vibrations?
9. Define influence coefficients?
10. A string is stretched between 2 supports .on what parameters will the natural frequency of the
system depend on?

1. Define aero elasticity?
2. Draw the collars triangle of force?
3. Define wing divergence?
4. What is meant by Buffeting?
5. Define load distribution?
6. What is aerodynamic coupling?
7. What is inertial coupling?
8. Define elastic coupling?
9. Write the aero elastic instabilities?
10. Define aileron control reversal?
1. Define flutter?
2. Define dynamic response,?
3. Define aero elasticity on stability?
4. Define control effectiveness?
5. Define control system reversal?
6. What is the effect of flutter in aircraft design?
7. Differentiate the classical and Non-classical flutter?
8. What is mass balancing?
9. What are the different types of flutter?
10. Differentiate between static and dynamic aero elastic phenomena.

1) The oscillator pendulum shown in figure is pivoted at O. Find the natural frequency if m=2

2) 17. (a) Define equation of motion? A uniform cylinder of mass m is rotated through a small angle
from the equilibrium position and released. Determine the equation of motion and obtain the
frequency of vibration. Cylinder rolls without slipping.

3) Describe the principle of an accelerometer and An accelerometer has a natural frequency of 5Hz
and a damping factor of =0.2.Determine the highest forcing frequencies at which the measured
acceleration has accuracies with 1% and 3% errors.
4) Derive the standard form of forced vibration with harmonic excitation and a vibrating system is
defined by the following parameters m=4kg,k=300N/m, c=6Nsec/m determine natural frequency,
damping factor,logarithimic decrement, the ratio of two consecutive amplitudes?
5) Describe the principle of a vibrometer and vibrometer has a natural frequency of 8Hz and a
damping factor of =0.4.Determine the highest forcing frequencies at which the measured
acceleration has accuracies with 2% and 4% errors.

1. Find the natural frequencies and the normal modes of the system as shown in figure assume
m1=10kg , m2=15kg and k=420N/m.

2. Write the equation of motion for the system as shown in figure and discuss elements used for
vibration modeling?

3.Determine the natural frequency and mode shape for the given two storey building shown in
figure, Take m=m,m=2m,k=k and k=2k.

4)An aero plane has a fuselage mass of 4000kg.Each wing has an engine mass 500kg, and a fuel tank
of mass 200kg at its tip ,as shown. Neglecting the mass of each wing ,calculate the frequencies of
flexural vibration in a vertical plane. Take the stiffness of the wing sections to be 3k and k as shown
,where k=100kN/m

5) Find the lowest natural frequency of the system m=4m,m=6m,m=3m,k=k=k=5k.as shown

in figure.

(1)Determine the flexibility coefficient, flexibility matrix of a uniform cantilever beam as shown in fig
and write the Rayleighs method of finding first approximation of frequency.

(2) Derive and Determine the natural frequency of the string supported at both ends subjected to
transverse vibration?.
(3) Derive and Determine the natural frequency of the shaft supported at both ends subjected to
torsion vibration?.
(4) Derive and determine the natural frequency of the rod supported at both ends subjected to
longitudinal vibration?
1. Explain various aero elastic problems using aero elastic collars triangle.
2. Consider a 2-D wing with aileron attached. Derive and obtain an expression for aileron control
reversal speed.
3. Discuss the different methods of preventing aero elastic instabilities?
4. Derive and obtain the speed at which wing torsional divergence occurs (2-D case).
5. using aero elastic collars triangle, explain all the aero elastic problems in detail.

1. Derive the expression for the flutter speed of a two dimensional wing.
2. What is mass balancing? Explain the physics of bending torsion flutter?
3. What is meant by flutter and explain the preventive measures used for flutter control?
4. Discuss about the different types of flutter?
5. Write short notes on the following aero elastic phenomena:
a) Loss of aileron reversal control
b) Bending-torsion flutter.

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