Staad Pro-Seies 1

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Former CE(Civil),TANGEDCO,Chennai
STAAD Pro V8i stands for STructural Analysis
And Design for Professional Engineers, V8i represents the current
version of Staad Pro .

Need for Staad Pro:

Structural engineers are responsible for engineering analysis and design.
Any RCC building consists of single or more portal frames. Structures can be
analysed as a 2D-frame (or) 3D-frame. These structures can be analysed
manually through any of the following methods:
(i) Moment area method
(ii) Three moment theorem
(iii) Moment distribution method : Hardy cross method and two cycle
moment distribution method
(iv) Kanis method
(v) Slope deflection method
(vi) Method of column anology

(vii) Method of consistent deformation

(viii) Substitute frame method, cantilever method, Portal method,
Factor method, D value method etc.
It is tough and time consuming to solve the inderminate and complicated
structures by manually. One has to remember all structural formulas,
lengthy calculations, codal provisions. It is difficult to solve the various load
combinations stipulated in the code manually. In order to overcome these
difficulties, computer aided analysis & design software are advantages. The
result can be obtained within a fraction of second. Any type of structure can
be resolved with lesser time and the results are more accurate and lead to
optimum design. Graphical and report print out can be taken at any time
with various load combinations and modifications. Computer Aided design
saves countless man hours for using manual calculations. Due to the use
of computer, repetitive calculation can be carried out accurately and with
STAAD Pro is the one of the first software applications in the world
made for the purpose of structural analysis and to help the structural
engineers to automate their work in a easier way to solve the complicated
problem. This package is user friendly, easy to understand, use and interpret
the output from the analysis and design of structures. 3D models of large
structures can be created and analysed with ease resulting in optimal design
with saving in time.
History of Staad Pro:
Staad pro was originally developed by research Engineers International
in Yorba Linda, CA. In the year 2005, Research Engineers International was
bought by Bentley Systems. Amrit Das is the founder of Research Engineers
and NetGuru began in 1978. He set out to translate his ideas in to reality and
created the first version of STAAD III. Research Engineers, Inc. (REI), founded

in 1981 by Amrit, which developed and marketed STAAD III. Amrit holds a
B.S. in Civil/Structural Engineering from Calcutta university India B.E. from
Bengal Engineering college and an M.S. in Structural Engineering from the
university of South Carolina. STAAD first versions were built for Dos
Operating System. QSE has a very real windows Interface, but lacks the
power of STAAD engines in both analysis and design areas, plus the
superiority of STAAD multi-coded design engines, which supports almost all
of famous codes in the world. REI and QSE joined forces to produce STAAD
Pro, which was a milestone in both STAAD history and Structural analysis and
design software industry.
How Staad Pro works:
Staad Pro v8i uses the Stiffness Matrix of structural analysis for linear
elements and Finite Element Method for plates. FORTRAN is the program
used to solve the problems. The main formula used in Staad Pro is

[P]= [K]

x [] where [P] is the force matrix which includes external loads and
reactions acting on the whole structure. The external forces such as Dead
load, Live load, Wind or Earthquake loads can be calculated from relevant
code, reactions are unknown. [K] is the stiffness matrix. K=EI/L E Youngs

and L(length) are constant per span. By assuming

cross section for the spans, I (moment of inertia) can be calculated by the
software. [] is displacement matrix . By specifying the support conditions
(the displacements of supports are either zeros (fixed support) or partially
zeros (other supports) but the displacements of other nodes are unknown),
this matrix is partially known. The supports exert external reactions. If these
reactions are determined, then the internal forces can be found out by
solving the matrix. This process is called as Analysis of Structures or
Structural Analysis. From these internal forces, shear forces, bending
moment, displacement and deflections are generated graphically in Staad
Pro with tabulation in the required format.

Salient Features of Staad Pro :

Staad Pro is based on Finite Element Method (FEM). 2D (Plane)
structures 3D (Space) structures are analysed easily. It is used to design RCC
, Steel Timber and Plastic structures. It has built in Codes of almost all
countries in the world. Earthquake and Wind load analysis can be done easily
using Staad Pro. . Automatic Load calculation can be done using Staad Pro. It
is 100% accurate and flexible. Three parts of STAAD Pro v8i:

Pre Processor: Generates the model with all the data needed for the
Analysis Engine: Calculates displacements, member forces, reactions,
stresses, etc.
Post Processing: Displays the results of the analysis and design.

Running Staad Pro:

The STAAD Pro can be initiated by double clicking on the STAAD Pro v8i

on the desktop or through Start >Programs>STAAD Pro
v8i>STAAD Pro v8i.
The Operating Screen:

The operating screen consists of five parts:

1.Project Tasks
2.Recent Files
3.Help Topics
4. License configuration
5.Staad News
Under the Project Tasks you can see

New Project to open a new file.

Open Project - to open an existing file.

Open From Project Wise.

Configuration -Configure Staad Pro for the next input file

Configure the Backup Manager.

License Management

Creating new file: In the Project Tasks box, click New Project.
A dialog box will appear as shown below

Select type of structure. Give file name and location where to save the file.
Set the length units and loading units and click Next button.
Note: The units can be altered later if needed, at any point of the model
Now where do you want to go? dialog box appears. You have specify the
method for building. Select any of the method and click finish.

Open an existing file:

Under Project Tasks, click open Project.
If you recently opened the desired file, you will see it under Recent files.
Alternatively from menu select File Open or click Open Structure button from
the File tool box. Select the desired Drive Folder and then click the name of
the file and click Open.
Closing a file:

Close the file in STAAD Pro without existing STAAD Pro.

Select File Close or Close Structure button from File tool bar.

Note: When you are closing a file without saving it, STAAD Pro will give
you warning: the file will be closed without saving the changes, so. You
will have the choice either

Saving the file now- click Yes.

Close without saving the file- click No.

Canceling the operation of closing the file-click Cancel.

Exiting STAAD Pro:

To exit STAAD Pro select File exit and STAAD Pro will
close the current file, and exit the software. The only difference between
closing a file and exiting STAAD Pro is the closing of the structure, and the
rest is the same.
Saving and Saving As:

To save the current file, you will select File Save or click the Save
button in the File tool bar.

To save the current file under a new name, simply select File Save
As. A dialog box will be displayed.

First select the desired drive, and folder. Then type in the file name
leave the file type to be STAAD space file (*.std) click Save.

Title bar
-on top most
Menu bar - on top below title bar.
Tool bar
on top
Page control
- left side

Data area -Right side

Main drawing area
- center
The "Mode" of Operation:
STAAD Pro offers you several "Modes" of operation. These modes may be
accessed through the Mode menu from the Menu bar. The tabbed items in
the Page Control area change depending on the current Mode. A check mark
beside the menu item indicates that the specific menu item is selected.

In the Modeling (Pre-processing) mode, you can generate your model
geometry, property, supports, specify loads and so on. By default, when the
program starts or a structure is opened, you always in the Modeling mode.
Post Processing : The Post Processing mode allows you to perform postanalysis result verification, query, report generation, so on

Two methods of creating Structure Data are (i) Using Command file (ii)
Using Graphical User Interface(GUI).

Sign conventions followed in Staad Pro:

Axial Loads:





Bending Moments:

Tension at top (Hogging)


Tension at bottom (Sagging) -ve

Shear Force:

Parallel and in the direction of Local Y axis +ve

Design of Individual members:

1. Beams

: MZ(Moment about Z axis), FY(Shear Force)

2. Columns

: FX (Axial Force),MY(Moment about Y axis),MZ

3. Footings

: FX, FY, MX (Moment about X axis), MZ.

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