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Long before brick or wood houses with indoor heat became commonplace, people had to be

creative when building homes to protect them from nature's elements. Wealthy Europeans
embraced the concept of a nearly indestructible castle built from stone. Native Americans in
warmer climates favored the tepee, or tipi, made entirely of animal hides or bark.
Unfortunately, for the inhabitants of Earth's more frigid regions, such as the Canadian tundra,
neither of these were good options. Building materials were pretty much nonexistent, making it
difficult to craft even the most rudimentary home. These people used the only abundant material
to form a modest roof over their heads: snow. Thus, the igloo, the Inuit word for "snow house,"
was born. The Inuit, better known to many as Eskimos, invented the igloo centuries ago. The
igloo was a means for hunters to survive brutal winters in a vast area spanning more than 3,500
miles, including eastern Siberia, Greenland, Alaska and parts of Canada.

Norbert Rosing/National Geographic/Getty Images

An igloo in the frigid wilderness is illuminated by a fire.

You might be wondering how a house made of snow could possibly shield Inuit hunters from
frigid temperatures. After all, snow is pretty cold -- and aren't igloos meant to counteract the
cold? You may also be wondering why the Inuit would subject themselves to these icy conditions
in the first place. But there's a reason why they made their homes in these areas.
In this article, you'll learn how igloos are built and how the properties of snow helped the
ingenious Inuit create a low-cost, low-effort shelter. We'll also discuss the truth about some
common igloo-related myths, as well as the basics of how to build your own igloo.
Bundle up and brace yourself because igloos aren't just picturesque mounds of snow dotting the
frozen landscape -- there's a whole lot to them. We'll start by learning about the Inuit, inventors
of the igloo.

Properties of Igloos
When most people think about igloos, they picture a small, dome-shaped structure built entirely
out of blocks of ice. They might imagine a small tunnel leading into the igloo. Actually, this
image is surprisingly accurate.

Norbert Rosing/National Geographic/

Getty Images

An igloo builder wedges the last block into the top

of his abode.

We share a pretty similar perception of igloos in large part due to the many television shows and
cartoons that have featured them over the years. The classic 1950s cartoon "Chilly Willy," about
a wily and adventurous Alaskan penguin, prominently features his igloo. Overlooking the fact
that penguins live neither in igloos nor in Alaska, the classic "Chilly Willy" igloo does resemble
the most basic igloos inhabited by Inuit hunters.
However, igloos can vary widely from the popular image. In fact, an igloo can range from as
small as a one-person hunting shelter to large, ceremonial structures joined to smaller igloos. The
innovative architect can also create igloo villages by building attaching corridors and walls. This
effectively turns a single-family dwelling into a multiroom compound capable of housing 20
Smaller igloos are typically used by Inuit for fishing and hunting trips, as we've discussed. The
larger, more permanent structures were created to form villages for longer-term, although still
temporary, needs. Some of the largest villages boasted halls for special occasions such as dances
and feasts. Most igloos are self-sustaining due to the strength of ice. But when spring hits, the
sun and warmer temperatures turn igloos to slush. It's best to steer clear of defrosting igloos to
avoid being caught in a cave-in.

Snow: the Miracle Insulator

Snow is a relatively easy material to work with for the experienced
igloo-maker. It is packed tightly by the freezing winds common to
the areas inhabited by Inuit. Snow is easy to cut and surprisingly
sturdy, and snow blocks are also pretty lightweight. Still, snow is

pretty cold, so many people are skeptical of the igloo's ability to

keep its occupants from freezing to death. The truth is, inhabitants
might not be able to lounge around in their underwear, but they
can exist comfortably inside an igloo, and a subzero sleeping bag
can take the edge off.

The igloo has stood the test of time as a living establishment. Some experts say that a wellconstructed igloo, coupled with a very small oil lamp and plain old body heat, can warm an igloo
up to 40 degrees above the outside temperature. Hypothetically, if it is -40C outside, the igloo
has the potential to warm up to 0C. It accomplishes this amazing feat thanks to several features:

The walls block the wind, which is often so bitter that it can make freezing temperatures
feel many degrees colder.

Snow and ice work as insulators to trap body heat inside the igloo. Thus, the occupants of
an igloo double as a furnace of sorts.

Insulation capabilities actually increase a few days after construction. Body heat and sun
exposure cause the inside of the igloo to melt ever so slightly. When the igloo is
unoccupied during hunting expeditions, the melted snow freezes over, turning into ice.
Several days of gradual thawing and refreezing turns the entire structure to solid ice,
making it not only superstrong, but also warmer than ever.

Kenneth Garrett/National Geographic/Getty Images

A good igloo requires plenty of hard-packed snow. This fresh blanketing of snow is ideal for igloo
no reindeer required.

It should be noted that the right type of snow is necessary to build an igloo. The soft, powdery
stuff that falls in most backyards is not hard or packed tightly enough to build a reliable igloo.
But if you're lucky enough to find the right kind of snow, you can try your hand at making your
own igloo. Learn how on the next page.

How to Build an Igloo

Although some Inuit still use igloos for temporary shelter, they are far less common than they
were just a few decades ago. However, many skiers and outdoor enthusiasts construct them to
avoid the elements during camping and ski trips. The Inuit designed the igloo to be warm, sturdy
and easy to construct. All it takes is a few simple tools, an abundance of snow and a little
patience. The experienced igloo builder can put one together in as little as one hour. Novice igloo
builders can expect it to take an average of three to six hours.
Constructing an igloo usually requires at least two people. Please note that this is a very basic
description of how an igloo can be constructed and shouldn't take the place of instruction from
an experienced builder. Don't head to the top of a mountain with nothing but a printout of these
Recommended tools:

Snow saw or large knife

Snow shovel or snow spade

A couple pairs of waterproof gloves

1. Find an area with a lot of dry, hard-packed snow. Use the snow saw or knife to cut large
blocks -- the harder the snow is, the more solid the snow blocks will be. Your snow
blocks should be about 3 feet long, 15 inches high and 8 inches deep, according to "The
Complete Wilderness Training Guide."

2. Smooth the edges of the blocks. Place them in a circle, working your way up. Blocks
should decrease in size as you work upwards. Using your shovel or saw, cut a hole under
the wall to create the igloo's entrance.

3. Overlap the blocks and shape them to lean inward, creating the dome. The blocks should
support each other in order to prevent the dome from collapsing. If necessary, use a stick
or other support in the interior to support the blocks at the top until the dome is finished.

4. Once all the blocks except the last one have been placed, find a block that is slightly too
large for the last opening on top. Place it on top of the igloo and wiggle it into place,
shaping as needed. It should be shaped to fit exactly in the opening.

5. Shovel loose snow onto the igloo. Pack it into all of the crevices. Smooth the inside of the
igloo by hand and shovel out any extra snow.

6. Finish the entrance by digging a hole in the shape of the desired entrance (some igloo
aficionados prefer L-shaped entrances because they keep the wind out better). Then cover
the hole with snow blocks.

7. You must cut ventilation holes in the walls and roof to prevent suffocation. Air holes also
prevent body heat from causing dangerous levels of carbon dioxide.

If you want to upgrade your igloo, consider adding these amenities:

A small stove: Yes, you can cook inside an igloo. Excessive use of a stove can build up
carbon monoxide to dangerous levels, but your air holes should guard against that.

Extra head room: Some igloo builders recommend digging the floor down a little to
allow for more space.

A sleeping platform: You can loft your bed with some extra blocks of snow. Since warm
air rises, you'll enjoy a little extra heat that way.

The Inuit
People often confuse the Inuit with the Eskimos, believing them to be separate aboriginal, or
native, tribes. Actually, the two groups are the same. The word "Inuit" means "the people."
"Eskimo" is believed to mean "eaters of raw meat" [source: University of Waterloo]. Eskimo is
considered a derogatory term because the name was bestowed upon them by non-Inuits. Some
linguists now believe that the word "Eskimo" means "to net snowshoes," although it's pretty
much impossible to prove. So, even though many people use the terms interchangeably or think
they are separate tribes, the group prefers to be referred to as Inuit.

Norbert Rosing/National Geographic/

Getty Images

Two Inuit Indians in Nunavut Territory, Canada, build

an igloo.

The impressive geographical reach of the Inuit makes them the most widespread aboriginal
group in the world. They are arguably also one of the toughest, having survived one of the most
unpleasant climates in the world for millennia. Inuit adapted long ago to the harsh Arctic
conditions. Throughout history, the Inuit relied much more heavily than the rest of the world on
animals for nourishment, largely because plants just can't grow where they live. Because of their
largely carnivorous diets, Inuit hunters traveled from their homes to the much colder areas near
sea ice, where they could hunt seals. The hunters stayed in their igloos for as little as few days at
a time to entire winters. Many people believe incorrectly that Inuit live only in igloos. This myth
couldn't be farther from the truth -- Inuit use igloos almost exclusively as hunting camps. In fact,
although most Inuit live in regular old houses now, igloos are still used for the occasional
hunting trip.
Traditionally, Inuit do not operate in an organized society or government. And, they've never
established a widespread tribal identity. They prefer to live without class divisions. Everyone in a
given settlement is equally responsible for finding food and clothing. The family is the central
focus of the community, and the senior male serves as the figurehead. Boys are raised to have an
almost religious devotion to hunting, and girls have traditionally been taught to seek a talented
hunter for a husband.

Chris Anderson/Aurora/Getty Images

Mikeli, an Inuit hunter, hunts for polar bears with his dogsled team in northern Greenland.

Today's Inuit primarily support themselves as artists, specifically as jewelers, stone carvers and
painters. Inuit culture is very much alive and well. In fact, a study by the Multiculturalism and
Human Rights Program at the Department of Canadian Heritage projects that there could be as
many as 68,400 Inuit in Canada by 2017, an increase from 41,080 in 1996 [source: 1996 Census
of Canada].

Forget Chalets -- Rent an Igloo

Following a long day on the ski slopes, most people like to head
back to a toasty lodge, sip on some cocoa and get a good night's
sleep under a down comforter. Others are willing to forego all of
those niceties if it means they will get a head start on the slopes
the next morning. Igloo villages are an unconventional option for
these brave souls.
Iglu-Dorf is a chain of igloo villages in five locations across the
Swiss Alps. Standard and "romantic" igloos are available for rental
during the ski season, from the end of December to the beginning
of April. Some amenities include access to group sauna and
Jacuzzi, fondue dinner, nighttime snowshoe walk and subzero
sleeping equipment. A few upgrades can get you a private
bathroom and sheepskin rugs. In addition to standard overnight
stays, Iglu-Dorf also hosts weddings, corporate events and
parties. And if you're looking for an icy room that's really luxurious,
you can always make a reservation at an ice hotel.

In the next section, we'll debunk some igloo myths and learn what they're really like.

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