PR: Fr. Bob Statement

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General Assembly

Office of the Speaker


Statement on Father Bob leaving the University

For twelve years, Father Bob has been enriching the lives of students at the Catholic
University of America. Today, we are saddened by the news of his departure from the
University; however, we are happy that he will be embarking on a new chapter in his life. As the
leader of Campus Ministry, Father Bob has been one of the most recognizable faces on this
campus and has been one of the most integral figures to the success of many events held on
campus over the past twelve years. Words cannot adequately describe how much Father Bob
will be missed. Every student that has ever crossed paths with Father Bob will always remember
the impact that he had on their lives. Father Bob was not only known to those who attended
Campus Ministry events, he’s checked in on the sanity of those in Leahy during finals, was on
the sidelines of many sporting events, and was always seen wondering about campus, with a
smile, interacting with students. On behalf of SAGA, we wish you the best in your future
endeavors, Fr. Bob, and hope you will visit us often.

Chris PIERNO, Speaker


620 Michigan Avenue NE • 105B Pryzbyla Center • Washington, DC 20064

SAGA.CUA.EDU • (202) 319-5771

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