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Semester: V (For candidates admitted in 2011)
Subject Code: BEECEE 502/R01/MPSCEE 502R01
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 100
PART A (2 x 20 = 40 MARKS)


Name the 2 major units of the 8086 Microprocessor

What is pipelining in an 8086 processor?
Name the 4 segment registers of 8088 and describe their uses.
What are two modes of operation of 8088? How they are distinguished?
Write down any 2 assembler directives of 8088 and explain.
Describe the PUSH and POP instructions in 8088 microprocessor
Describe the BSR mode of 8255 PPI.
Write down any 2 modes of 8254 timer and explain briefly
Name 4 important features of Microcontrollers, which are not available in
10. What is the size of Internal RAM and ROM in 8051?
11. Distinguish between MOVC and MOVX instructions of 8051.
12. Draw the format of PSW register in 8051 and explain briefly
13. Illustrate use of CJNE instruction by a simple program.
14. Write down any two bit-addressable instructions used for branching.
15. Name any 4 SFR registers in 8051 and furnish their Hex addresses.
16. Draw the pin-out of Port 3, indicating the alternate pin functions.
17. Draw the bit pattern of TMOD register of 8051.
18. Find the Hex value loaded in TH1 register in the following instructions:
i) MOV TH0, # - 8EH ii) MOV TH1, # -8AH
19. Draw the schematic operation diagram of Timer 0 in Mode 2
20. Write a program to monitor P2.4 bit continuously. When it goes high, generate a transition
from low to high at pin P1.5.
P A R T B (15
28 a) The pin T1 of 8051 microcontroller receives a train of asynchronous pulses from an external
circuit. Program Timer 1 as a 8-bit counter for count up of the pulses and display the cumulative
binary count value at the Port 0. Using 8 numbers of active low LEDs. Also draw the hardware
b) Draw the interface circuit of a stepper motor drive driven from an output port of 8255 PPI.
Calculate the delay to be introduced for running the motor at a speed of 45 RPM where the step
angle is 3.6o.


1.Name the ports and other pins that are used for accessing external memory in a 8051
based system
X 4 = 60 Marks)
21 a) With the help of a neat diagram, show the internal registers of 8086 processor and the
related memory space showing the access mechanism.
b) What is segmentation? Illustrate the method of obtaining the physical address using
appropriate segment and offset registers.
22 a) What are the addressing modes available in 8086 processor? Explain each mode by
giving 2 examples for each mode.
b) Name the 4 important groups of instructions in 8088, giving 2 examples for each. [6]

23 a) Write a subroutine program in assembly language of 8088 for converting a BCD numbers to
binary. Also write a main program for accessing an array of 6 BCD numbers stored from location
DS: 1000, and for creating a 6-byte binary array, by calling the above subroutine. The result is
stored in DS: 1050 onwards.
b) Explain the interrupt features of 8088 processor and prepare the interrupt table. [6]
24 a) Draw the schematic diagram of the memory system for a 8088 processor containing 2
numbers of 8K ROM and 2 numbers of 8K RAM. Give the details of the decoding circuit and
prepare the memory map.
b) Draw a block diagram of 8255 PPI chip showing the interface with an 8088 processor and
ports. Explain briefly.
25 a) Draw the internal architecture of RAM in 8051 and explain in detail.


b) Write an ALP in 8051 to generate a 5 kHz square waveform with a duty ratio of 0.25 at Pin
P1.4 by calling a single delay subroutine. Assume a CLK frequency of 6 MHz and show the
calculations involved.
26 a) What are the instruction groups available in 8051? Describe each group with 2 examples
b) An array of twelve 8 bit unsigned numbers is available from memory location 9300H
onwards. Write an ALP to find out the number of odd numbers, store it in register R5 of bank 3
and the number of even numbers, and store it in register R6 of bank 2.
27 a) Draw the layout of a DB-9 pin connector showing the pin names and their role in serial
data communication.
b) Write an ALP for serially transmitting the data SEPTEMBER, which is stored as ASCII data
in RAM location 60H onwards, at a baud rate of 4800 bits/sec through the TxD pin.

2. Give the internal RAM addresses of R1 and R5 in Bank 2 of 8051

3. What are the SFRs associated with UART (serial com) of 8051
4. Define Read-Modify operation of ports of 8051
5 Name the port of 8051 which has no alternate function and no pull up resistance
6 Write the instructions necessary to write the contents of internal RAM address 45 to
external memory
7 Use the XOR operation which will make the accumulator content FF, whatever its
present content is.
8 What is the role of GATE bit in TMOD register ?
9 What are the input pins used for counter operation in 8051 ?
10 Deine the conversion time of ADC
11 What is the data to be loaded in IE register for Timer 1 and External 0 interrupts to take
lace ?
12 Draw the format of TCON register.
13 Describe the MUL and DIV instructions of 8086.
14 Explain the DAA and DAS instructions of 8086.
15 Name 4 important Assembler directives used in a 8088 program.
13 Write an ALP to send the bits of Register R5 to ort 1 with a time delay of 1 ms, between
bits, by using Timer.
14 Draw the circuit for interfacing a 7-segment display with 8051 port by including
appropriate driver chip.
15 Write an ALP for 8086 processor for converting a 4 digit BCD data into binary
16 Write an ALP for 8086 for converting a hex data upto FF to BCD
17 Draw the internal block diagram of 8254 Timer IC and explain the features
18 Draw the format of the Control Word Register of 8253 and exlain.

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