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Part II. The following statements indicate your waste management procedures.

frequent do you do the following? Kindly check the box that fits your response using
the scale below:
5 Almost Always

4 Often

3 Sometimes

2 Seldom


A. Solid Waste Management


1. Segregating waste (biodegrable from non-biodegradable)

2. Throwing or disposing the garbage properly.
3. Using materials that are environmental friendly.
4. Burning of waste at high temperature.
5. Using sanitary landfills.
6. Recycling materials such as plastic cups, bottles, etc.
7. Throwing hazardous waste products elsewhere.
8. Disposing electric waste products in the garbage can.
9. Composting organic waste materials (vegetable peels, eggshells,
10. Creating commodities out of traditional waste products.

B. Water Conservation

1. Repairing the leaky faucet.

2. Repairing leaky toilets.
3. Throwing the garbage in the river/lake.
4. Replacing old equipment such as dishwashers with energysaving devices.
5. Talking to school administrators, maintenance coordinator and
school officials about installing rainwater tanks.
6. Installing water aerators and automatic shut-off devices on
7. Using refillable water bottle.
8. Turning the tap off as soon as you've washed your hands.
9. Placing containers under school water fountains and use excess
water in the garden.
10. Raising awareness of the importance of water by creating
colorful posters on water use and water saving.
C. Energy Conservation

1. Turning off the lights when leaving the room

2. Using energy efficient light bulbs.
3. Walking or riding a bicycle instead of driving to school.
4. Switching off the ventilations when not in use.
5. Fixing dripping hot water faucets.
6. Reusing paper and bottles.
7. Recycling materials into a useful one.
8. Changing the thermostat settings in rooms during warmer and
cooler months.
9. Closing the door after people walk through the doorway.
10. Turning off the computer when not in use.

D. Greening of School Grounds

1. Participating in a clean-up drive.
2. Following environmental rules and regulations strictly.
3. Supporting schools advocacy in protecting the school
4. Monitoring and evaluating the progress of greening the school.
5. Adopting an environmental vision statement to be achieved.
6. Placing of signage about greening the school in different school
7. Placing of trash bins in different school areas.
8. Segregation of biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste
9. Inform the school community about solid waste management.
10. Participating in tree planting activities.

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