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Scott Nearpass After reading this, I must say I am overwhelmed!

Last week as I sat by my sons bed before he drifted off to sleep, I was praying,as I
usually take advantage of this quiet time. This night I was in turmoil. I was wrestling
with anguish about the answers in genesis Sunday school curriculum and how
taking a stand against the teachings of this group and ken ham by removing my
children from the Sunday school classes they loved, had made Sunday morning less
appealing and almost dreadful to me!! I began to ask God for direction and to
rebuke me if I was wrong!...

He led me to 1 Timothy 1.. Read it.. Paul tells Timothy to stay in Ephesus and
command certain men not to teach false doctrine any longer nor to devote
themselves to myths and endless genealogies! As these will only bring
controversies and not Gods work!!! He goes on to say that these men have turned
away from love,pure heart,good conscience and sincere faith and turned to
meaningless talk! They want to be teachers of the law but they don't know what
they are talking about or even what they so confidently affirm!
This passage could work for both sides of the argument ( yec and oec )... People on
both sides of this "meaningless talk " have devoted themselves to their position in
great extremes !! Unfortunately ken ham has devoted himself so deeply, he is the
main person in the spotlight! I am fully convinced that, like ken states in one part of
this article ,that believing one way or the other does not negate your salvation!!! As
he usually does in most of his writings, he later refutes his own statement and tries
to convince you that it really does make a difference for salvation!! His manner of
speaking is as forked as the serpents tongue! I have spent much time lately
studying his work and his web page. He says we have to take scripture as it is
written but then tells us HIS version and how we should believe .. Take for example
the part of the article about the thorns and how he says that it was impossible for
them to be older than Adam because God didn't make thorns until he cursed Adam.
Scripture does not say that God CREATED thorns at that time . It simply states they
will grow where Adam tries to grow food! Let's think about something, the bible says
that Adam was made in the wilderness and then placed in the garden that God had
planted. Correct ? If the wilderness did not contain thorns and such WILD things,
then what would have made it any different than the garden?? Yes! You can say that
the bible doesn't record that the thorns were already in the wild, but you can as
easily say that scripture doesn't record that God CREATED Them at this time!!... To
take a radical stand on either side of this point would be a matter of opinion! There
is no concrete evidence for either side!.. The answers in genesis group tries to
convince people that what they think is somehow backed up !! Elsewhere in the
article they say that the bible states sin entered the world through Adam, they even
give scripture reference! I went there and read it multiple times ! It does not say
that "sin entered the world through Adam" !! Again ken ham is adding to the
scripture ! He is counting on people reading his stuff the same way they read the
bible , not very deeply! The more I read from him and the more I follow up with his
"sources" I am convinced that he is one of the men that Paul warned Timothy
about ! He has even gone as for as "updating" sermons from Charles spurgeon so
they are easier to understand. Ken conveniently omits some things and changes

others to fit his agenda ! When he is confronted about removing one particular
statement from spurgeon about the earth certainly being very old and that there
were many stages of creation,he gladly adds the statement with a footnote that
jokingly says that as brilliant as Charles Spugeon was, he had this point wrong....
How can I as a Christian support a man that is willing to even attempt to deceive
people so they will agree with him!! This is not the only time he has been caught
being not forth coming with ALL the facts!
I could go on all night, there is soo much wrong with this article! YES read the article
but follow up on every detail and reference !!
I love you Tony and nothing will change that , but I do believe trying to force yec OR
oec is against God's word ! 1 Timothy 1..This disagreement has sent me pouring
over the creation account and has brought me to a few conclusions .. The first part
is written a lot like a psalm King David would have written, almost poetic, not so
much documentary . It actually sounds like the very first praise and worship song
ever written:-) To me, Moses is proclaiming God 's might, power and great sovernty
over all things ! He doesn't waste time with historical methodology or exact details,
he is proclaiming the obviousness of our creator! .. Another thing that begins to
stand out to me, is how the Bible is written in a way that would suggest to me that
we are not supposed to toil over the details of some things. Scripture clearly puts
more urgency on understanding the end of the book than the front. What I mean is
that the creation story seems to be an understood statement of who God is and who
we are, it wasn't meant to cause confusion or division! It's like God was saying "this
is who I am , who you are and why there is separation between us, now let's move
on to how you can be reconciled and then how to recognize the end times."Almost
like a fast moving math teacher speeding over the agreeable and understood fact
(everyone in class should know by now )that 2+2+2=6 ,so he can get to explaining
how multiplication (2x3=6) works! ... I'm not discounting the book of Genesis or
saying that it's not important, what I'm saying is that the Bible spends more time
focusing on how important it is to know about salvation and end times and gives
little attention to defending the truth of God as our creator against a very weak
opponent! Its like an nfl player arguing with a 10 year old about who is stronger. It's
obvious! The creation story is just as obvious about the authority of God and wastes
no time in engaging any argument otherwise!..
I will say that this entire conflict has pushed me deeper into God's word and for this
I am truly grateful!! I am even more steadfast in my position about how
meaningless arguments over some things is not what God has willed for me!.
I pray that God will give us all clear direction and heal any hurt that this has caused,
ultimately sharpening our congregation and binding us even tighter in love !

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