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The Winner is:

The player with the most points
after final scoring is the winner.

General How To:

The players place land tiles turn by
turn. As they do so, the roads, cities,
fields & cloisters emerge & grow. As tiles are
played, the players can deploy their Followers to
earn points; but roads, cities & cloisters must be
fully formed with a Follower on them. Incomplete
Cloisters, Cities & Roads, & Farms with
completed Cities earn points at the end of the game only. As a
result, a farmer once placed is never returned to the players
Follower supply unlike other follower positions.
Playing the Game
The starting player performs the following actions in the order shown:
Step 1. Draws from a face down stack & places a new land tile.
Step 2. Deploys 1 of his followers from his supply to the land tile he just placed.
Step 3. If, cloisters, roads, &/or cities are completed, they are scored immediately.
The players turn is over & the next player, in clockwise order, takes their turn.

Step 1 Placing Land Tiles

A player draws a land tile from a face-down stack. Places it on the board, using these rules:
1. The new tile (with red borders in the egs right) must be placed with at least 1 edge
alongside (not corner to corner) a previously placed tile.
2. The new tile must be placed so that all field, city & road segments on the
new tile continue to field, city & road segments, respectively.
3. Rarely a drawn tile has no legal placement (all players agree), the player
discards the tile & draws another tile to place.

Step 2 Deploying Followers

After the player places a land tile, 1 follower can be placed using these rules:
1. 1 follower per turn.
2. Follower comes from their supply.
3. Follower is deployed on the tile that was just placed.
4. The player must choose where to deploy the follower on the tile, either as

a. The player may not deploy a follower on a field, city or road segment if that segment connects to a
segment on another tile (no matter how far away) that already has a follower on it unless the follower
being placed 2 is a builder of a city or road. See the following examples:

b. Pigs (a type of follower) can be placed on the same field (but a different tile and turn) as where a
standard Follower (farmer) has previously been lied down.
c. Builders can be placed on roads or cities, & are removed like thieves, knights & monks.
i. If placed on a road segment & in a later turn the player adds another road segment to the
builders road (& follower if desired), the player gets a 2 turn.
ii. If placed on a city segment & in a later turn the player adds another city segment to the
builders city (& follower if desired), the player gets a 2 turn.
Pig with farmer
Road Builder
City Builder
Large Follower

Pig placed after farmer

on a road segment

in a city segment

Step 3 Scoring Completed Cloisters, Roads or Cities

Completed Roads
A road is complete when the road segments on both ends connect to a crossing, a
city segment or a cloister, or when the road forms a complete loop. There may be
many road segments between the ends. The player who has:
1. A thief on a completed road scores 1 point for each tile in the completed road
(count the number of tiles not road segments on a tile).
2. 1 or more Inns / Lakes along the road with a thief, doubles those points once.

Completed City
A city is complete when the city is surrounded by a city wall with no gaps nor holes in the centre. The player who
1. Has a knight in a complete city, scores 2 points for each tile in
the city (not segments). Each pennant is worth 2 points too.
2. Has a knight & Cathedral scores 3 points for each tile in the
city (pennants are overridden).
3. Completes the city whether they own the knight in the city or
not, or no knight is present; obtains a token for each resource
found in that particular completed city. The most number of
tokens at the end of the game is worth 10 points for each of the 3 types resource available.

Completed Cloister
A cloister is complete when the tile it is on is completely surrounded by land tiles
1. The player with a monk in the cloister earns 9 points (1 for the cloister tile & 1 each for the other 8 tiles).

(+ inn)

1 pt per tile


2 pts per tile & pennant


9 pts

2 pts per tile

3 pts per tile & pennant

For each of these resources, 10

pts to the person who has collected the
most number of tokens of the resource.

(+ inn)

1 pt per tile


1 pt per tile & pennant


1 pt per tile (including tile of


0 pts per tile

0 pts per tile & pennant

Farms for Completed Cities

3 pts for the player who has the most farmers in
each farm supplying each completed city.
+2 per city if pig is present in that farm.

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