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Inaugural Annual Meeting of the New Champions

Dalian, 6-8 September 2007


Thursday 6 September

09.00 - 09.45 Plenary Session

World Expo Center Global Economic Outlook
- Plenary Hall Despite recent financial volatility and high energy prices, the world economy is widely
expected to continue its robust growth path in 2008, with emerging and developing
economies leading the way. Yet, some concerns remain. This session will highlight the
main trends and critical challenges to the global economy over the next 12 to 18
1) What are the potential spillover risks from the expected slowdown in the US? How
might they be mitigated?
2) How would an increase in financial volatility affect the growth prospects of
developing countries?
3) What are the implications of the economic outlook for companies expanding

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian

• Mohamed A. Alabbar, Chairman, Emaar Properties, United Arab Emirates

• Kristin J. Forbes, Professor of Economics, Sloan School of Management,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; Young Global Leader
• William R. Rhodes, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, CITI NA,
• Heizo Takenaka, Director, Global Security Research Institute, Keio University,
Japan; Member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum
• Wei Jiafu, Group President and Chief Executive Officer, China Ocean Shipping
Group Co., People's Republic of China

Chaired by
• Martin Wolf, Associate Editor and Chief Economics Commentator, Financial
Times, United Kingdom

10.15 - 11.15 Boardroom Discussion

World Expo Center Growth Hotspots – Focus on North America
- Basel Room Though it faces competition, the US remains the motor for business growth and
innovation: 51 of the 100 top global brands come from the US, 170 of the world's 500
largest corporations by revenue are American, and the world still looks to Silicon
Valley for the latest technologies and business models.
1) Which sectors of the US economy are driving most of the growth? Which industries
are most likely to experience significant changes?
2) What new trends or models might the US export next?
3) With an election year ahead, what changes to the business environment might be
expected in 2008?

Thursday 6 September

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Paul F. Deninger, Vice-Chairman, Jefferies & Company, USA
• Vivek Y. Ranadive, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, TIBCO Software, USA
• Stephen S. Roach, Chairman, Asia, Morgan Stanley, Hong Kong SAR
• Kenan Sahin, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, TIAX, USA
• Jeffrey H. Schwartz, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ProLogis, USA

Facilitated by
• Andrew R. Sorkin, Chief Reporter and Editor, Mergers and Acquisitions, The
New York Times, USA; Young Global Leader

10.15 - 11.15 New Frontiers in Advertising

World Expo Center Join this roundtable discussion to explore new trends in advertising with the new
- Geneva Room champions and experts who are doing the most to innovate in this area.

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Magid Abraham, President, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Comscore,
USA; Technology Pioneer
• Brian Collins, Professor of Design and Innovation, School of Visual Arts, USA
• James Lanzone, Chief Executive Officer,, USA
• Lau Martin, President, Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Company, People's
Republic of China
• Yoon Songyee, Vice-President, SK Telecom, Republic of Korea; Young Global

Facilitated by
• Thomas Crampton, Correspondent, International Herald Tribune, France; Young
Global Leader

10.15 - 11.15 Briefing Session

World Expo Center Different Paths: The Designer
- Montreux Room A conversation on the best of the design world, and what this means for business,
innovation and culture.

• Paola Antonelli, Curator, Department of Architecture and Design, Museum of

Modern Art, USA

10.15 - 11.15 Plenary Session in Parallel

World Expo Center The Outlook for China's Capital Markets
- Davos Room China's capital markets rocketed up 183% in 2006, and this impressive growth has
continued in 2007. Many suggest this heralds the start of a new golden age of capital
markets as national heavyweights, such as ICBC and China Life, return to the
domestic exchanges. Others, including government officials, have expressed their
concern that public enthusiasm is creating a bubble.
1) What is the outlook for China's capital markets? Where are the greatest

Thursday 6 September

opportunities and risks?

2) What role do foreign investors play in the growth of China's capital markets?
3) How will China's stock exchanges continue to attract top companies to list
domestically? What are the implications for foreign stock exchanges?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian

Discussion Leaders
• Fang Xinghai, Deputy Director-General, Office for Financial Services, Shanghai
Municipal Government, People's Republic of China; Young Global Leader
• Fred Zuliu Hu, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs (Asia), Hong Kong SAR
• Shang Fulin, Chairman, China Securities Regulatory Commission, People's
Republic of China
• Martin Wolf, Associate Editor and Chief Economics Commentator, Financial
Times, United Kingdom
• Levin Zhu, Chief Executive Officer, China International Capital Corporation,
People's Republic of China

Moderated by
• Bernard Lo, Presenter, Bloomberg News, Hong Kong SAR

10.15 - 12.30 Workshop

World Expo Center Dialogue in the Dark
- Zermatt Room If visual communication is suppressed, people react and behave, and in particular
communicate, differently. This session places participants in a darkened environment
to explore how people deal with the sudden withdrawal of a key sense and how other
senses compensate. Participants will explore:
1) The ability to adapt, interpret and communicate
2) How leaders can develop better communication awareness and skills
3) How senses are used to foster understanding and connection

Facilitated by
• Andreas Heinecke, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Dialogue in the Dark,

10.15 - 12.30 Managing Regulatory Risk

World Expo Center Fast-growing companies face a complex web of regulations as they enter new
- Lugano Room markets and expand their global footprint. Successfully managing regulatory risk
means going beyond compliance and building the corporate capacity to understand
political trends and shape the regulatory environment.
1) Which issues create the most regulatory uncertainties for companies as they go
2) What can global growth companies and established multinationals teach each other
about managing regulatory risk?
3) How should new champions from business and government seek to shape
tomorrow's regulatory environment?

Consecutive translation in Mandarin Chinese at one table.

Thursday 6 September

Discussion Leaders
• Witold Henisz, Associate Professor of Management, The Wharton School,
University of Pennsylvania, USA
• Manish Kejriwal, Managing Director and Country Head, Temasek Holdings,
India; Young Global Leader
• Margery Kraus, President and Chief Executive Officer, APCO Worldwide, USA
• Patrick O'Sullivan, Vice-Chairman, Group Management Board and Chief Growth
Officer, Zurich Financial Services, Switzerland
• Keith Williams, President and Chief Executive Officer, Underwriters Laboratories,

Facilitated by
• John Elkington, Founder and Chief Entrepreneur, SustainAbility, United Kingdom

10.15 - 12.30 WorkSpace

World Expo Center How to Compete in an Open World
- WorkSpace 1 The current regime for protecting intellectual property is under pressure from open
source software; music exchange services; counterfeit consumer, industrial and
pharmaceutical products; and even from governments in their fight against HIV/AIDS
and other chronic diseases.
1) Which business models will reward innovation in a world without adequate
intellectual property protection?
2) How could companies potentially gain a competitive advantage by adopting new
approaches to IP? What new models might emerge?
3) What can companies learn from other industries that operate without the benefit of
IP protection?

Join this interactive session designed to explore successful business models and
processes in a world without intellectual property protection.

Discussion Leaders
• Lázaro Campos, Chief Executive Officer, SWIFT, Belgium
• Mazen S. Darwazeh, Chairman, Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Jordan
• Soumitra Dutta, Dean, External Relations, and Roland Berger Professor of
Business and Technology, INSEAD, France
• Alice Jacobs, Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Intelligent Medical
Devices, USA; Young Global Leader
• P. V. Kannan, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, 24/7 Customer, USA
• André Kudelski, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Kudelski Group,
• John Lilly, Chief Operating Officer, Mozilla, USA
• François Macerola, Executive Producer, Cirque du Soleil, Canada
• Vineet Nayar, President, HCL Technologies, India
• Joseph P. Schoendorf, Partner, Accel Partners, USA
• Zhang Xin, Chief Executive Officer, SOHO China, People's Republic of China;
Young Global Leader

Facilitated by
• Tim Brown, President, Chief Executive Officer and Partner, IDEO, USA

Thursday 6 September

11.30 - 12.30 Boardroom Discussion

World Expo Center Growth Hotspots – Focus on Latin America
- Basel Room Latin America features two of the largest emerging economies in the world (Brazil and
Mexico), a young and increasingly better educated population, as well as one of the
fastest-growing pools of disposable income.
1) Which regions provide the most attractive opportunities for investors?
2) Which will be the winning sectors in Latin America, and what are their expected
rates of return?
3) Besides the regional giants – Brazil and Mexico – which other growth hotspots
should businesses keep their eye on?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Juan Mario Laserna Jaramillo, Co-Director, Board of Directors, Banco de la
Republica, Colombia; Young Global Leader
• Fernando Madeira, Chief Executive Officer, Terra Latin America, Brazil; Young
Global Leader
• Marcel Martins Malczewski, Chairman, Bematech, Brazil
• Juan Navarro, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Exxel Group,
• Rafael Rangel, President, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher
Education, Mexico
• Song Yufang, Senior Vice-President, China Minmetals Corporation, People's
Republic of China

Facilitated by
• Manuel J. Balbontin, President, Compass Group, USA

11.30 - 12.30 Briefing Session

World Expo Center Different Paths: The Astronaut
- Montreux Room Jerry Linenger, renowned astronaut, shares his experiences as an astronaut, including
the five months he spent on the Russian space station Mir.

• Jerry M. Linenger, US Astronaut and Mir Cosmonaut, Circle of Blue

11.30 - 12.30 Plenary Session in Parallel

World Expo Center Global Trade: Avoiding the Backlash against the New Investors
- Davos Room Recent government interventions to protect national champions and domestic
industries from international investment highlight increasing popular resistance to
economic liberalization. Economic nationalism and financial protectionism risk
hindering the new champions from achieving their maximum potential and fully
contributing to economic growth.
1) Where is the balance between adequate regulation for environmental, food safety
and national security concerns, and ensuring an open and competitive business
2) What is the role of governments in creating a positive investment climate for the
new champions?
3) How can governments, investors and companies work together to address the

Thursday 6 September

underlying concerns of the public?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian

Discussion Leaders
• Joan Clos i Matheu, Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade of Spain
• Neelie Kroes, Commissioner, Competition, European Commission, Brussels
• Sha Zukang, Undersecretary-General, Department of Economic and Social
Affairs (DESA), United Nations, New York
• Heizo Takenaka, Director, Global Security Research Institute, Keio University,
Japan; Member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum
• Kevan V. Watts, Vice-Chairman, Merrill Lynch & Co., Hong Kong SAR

Moderated by
• Michael J. Elliott, Editor, Time International, Time, Hong Kong SAR

12.30 - 14.00 Buffet Lunch

World Expo Center Participants are cordially invited to a buffet lunch in "The Village" within the World
Expo Center.

13.45 - 14.45 Boardroom Discussion

World Expo Center Leadership – Avoiding the Growing Pains
- Basel Room Fast-growing companies need leaders that help them to grow and go global. When
corporations seek leaders, the question is usually whether to find and integrate
external talent or to develop leadership internally.
1) How can fast-growing companies develop the leadership and managerial skills
necessary to take their business to the next level?
2) What are the trade-offs between developing leaders internally and bringing them in
from the outside?
3) What is the role of the CEO in cultivating leadership inside the organization?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Khalid Abdulla-Janahi, Chairman of the Executive Committee, Shamil Bank of
Bahrain, Switzerland; Vice-Chairman, Arab Business Council
• François Barrault, Chief Executive Officer, BT Global Services, BT, Belgium
• Angel Cabrera, President, Thunderbird School of Global Management, USA;
Young Global Leader
• Alistair D. K. Johnston, Global Vice-Chairman, KPMG, United Kingdom
• Nobuo Matsuki, Managing Partner and Chief Executive Officer, MKS Consulting,
• Michael Träm, Chief Executive Officer, Arthur D. Little, Germany

Facilitated by
• Daniel F. Muzyka, Dean, Sauder School of Business, University of British
Columbia, Canada

13.45 - 14.45 Interactive Session

World Expo Center Geopolitical Risk: Putting the Heat on Business

Thursday 6 September

- Zurich Room When expanding into new markets, understanding and anticipating political and
geopolitical risks can provide a critical competitive advantage and also help unlock key
business opportunities.
1) What geopolitical and political risks should be on the business radar screen?
2) What lessons can be learned on effectively managing geopolitical and political
3) Where are the opportunities in addressing political and geopolitical risks?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Ian Bremmer, President, Eurasia Group, USA; Young Global Leader
• Geun Lee, Professor of International Relations, Graduate School of International
Relations, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea
• Robert L. Grenier, Managing Director, Kroll (MMC), USA
• Jean-Pierre Lehmann, Professor of International Political Economy, IMD
(International Institute for Management Development), Switzerland

Facilitated by
• David Rothkopf, President and Chief Executive Officer, Garten Rothkopf, USA

13.45 - 14.45 Plenary Session in Parallel

World Expo Center China's Future Growth Hubs
- Davos Room Even as traditional business hubs, such as Beijing and Shanghai, seek to further
reinforce their leading positions, the central government has been actively promoting
investment in second-tier cities to balance growth and highlight opportunities
throughout the country.
1) Which cities are at the forefront to become China's next growth hubs?
2) What role do the new growth hubs play in China's ongoing development? Which
sectors will be key to the development of such growth hubs?
3) What opportunities could these cities offer to international companies?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian

Discussion Leaders
• Chen Baogen, Mayor of Xi'an, People's Republic of China
• Chen Long, Chief Executive Officer, China Resources Vanguard, People's
Republic of China
• Gou Lijun, Standing Member, CPC Tianjin Municipal Committee, People's
Republic of China
• Wang Jianlin, President, Dalian Wanda Group, People's Republic of China

Moderated by
• Clay Chandler, Asia Editor and Senior Writer, Fortune Magazine, Hong Kong

13.45 - 16.15 Workshop

World Expo Center Dialogue in the Dark
- Zermatt Room If visual communication is suppressed, people react and behave, and in particular
communicate, differently. This session places participants in a darkened environment

Thursday 6 September

to explore how people deal with the sudden withdrawal of a key sense and how other
senses compensate. Participants will explore:
1) The ability to adapt, interpret and communicate
2) How leaders can develop better communication awareness and skills
3) How senses are used to foster understanding and connection

Facilitated by
• Andreas Heinecke, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Dialogue in the Dark,

13.45 - 16.15 Building Your Brand

World Expo Center A brand is one of a company's most valuable assets. With the ever-increasing
- Lugano Room saturation of products and services from which consumers can choose, the building
and safeguarding of renowned brands play a decisive role in the competitive arena.
1) Where do companies need to invest when building a brand?
2) What cutting edge practices are used by leading brands?
3) How can the value of a brand be measured?

Consecutive translation in Mandarin Chinese at one table.

Discussion Leaders
• Jocelyne Attal, Chief Marketing Officer and Member of the Executive Board,
Avaya, USA
• Thierry Jacquillat, Chairman, Greater Paris Investment Agency, France
• Lorenzo Mendoza, Chief Executive Officer, Empresas Polar, Venezuela; Young
Global Leader
• Alejandro Ramírez, Chief Executive Officer, Cinepolis, Mexico; Young Global
• David L. Sifry, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Technorati, USA;
Technology Pioneer
• Sir Martin Sorrell, Group Chief Executive, WPP, United Kingdom
• Beatrice Trussardi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Trussardi, Italy;
Young Global Leader

Facilitated by
• Russell Flannery, Shanghai Bureau Chief, Forbes Magazine, People's Republic
of China

13.45 - 16.15 From Fast Follower to Innovator

World Expo Center Many companies that started out following industry leaders are now focusing on
- Montreux Room growth through innovation. While becoming a fast follower of innovative companies
may be a viable strategy to generate revenues in the short term, consistent growth
can be achieved only through "hard" competitive advantages.
1) What key elements are required to become an industry innovator? How does a
follower company develop these traits?
2) What strategies are most effective in transforming from follower to innovator? Does
the business model need to change?
3) How can M&A activities be used to foster innovation?

Consecutive translation in Mandarin Chinese at one table.

Thursday 6 September

Discussion Leaders
• Bernard J. Bourigeaud, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Atos Origin,
• Soumitra Dutta, Dean, External Relations, and Roland Berger Professor of
Business and Technology, INSEAD, France
• Till M. Guldimann, Vice-Chairman, SunGard Data Systems, USA
• Li Dongsheng, Chairman and President, TCL Corporation, People's Republic of
• Karyn Mashima, Senior Vice-President, Strategy and Technology, and Member
of the Executive Board, Avaya, USA
• Gordon Orr, Chairman, Greater China, McKinsey & Company, People's Republic
of China
• Darrel Rhea, Chief Executive Officer, Cheskin, USA
• S. D. Shibulal, Chief Operating Officer, Infosys Technologies, India
• Malvinder M. Singh, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Ranbaxy
Laboratories, India; Young Global Leader
• Andrew R. Sorkin, Chief Reporter and Editor, Mergers and Acquisitions, The
New York Times, USA; Young Global Leader
• Stephen J. Ubl, President and Chief Executive Officer, Advanced Medical
Technology Association (AdvaMed), USA
• Antoine W. Van Agtmael, Chairman and Chief Investment Officer, Emerging
Markets Management, USA

Facilitated by
• Yoko Ishikura, Professor, Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy
(ICS), Hitotsubashi University, Japan

13.45 - 16.15 WorkSpace

World Expo Center SlimCity: Building Urban Champions
- WorkSpace 1 Cities are increasingly becoming the nuclei of regional and national prosperity. At the
same time, cities are complex ecosystems in terms of infrastructure. Some cities have
demonstrated leadership with innovative solutions that address energy efficiency,
transportation, waste and greenhouse gas emissions. New model cities such as
Dongtan in China demonstrate the great potential in streamlining city design.
1) What are the latest state-of-the-art solutions for efficient city design? What business
models of the new champions are driving change in city design?
2) How can cities partner with the private sector, urban planners and the new
champions to spearhead development towards a cleaner and more efficient future?
3) How can a "SlimCity ranking" and engagment process help identify and replicate
innovative solutions and best practices?

Join this interactive session to explore ways to design more streamlined cities using a
multistakeholder approach.

Discussion Leaders
• Jeffrey Chen, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, NeoPac Lighting, Taiwan,
• Kai Hammerich, President and Director-General, Invest in Sweden Agency (ISA),

Thursday 6 September

• Richard Hausmann, President and Chief Executive Officer, Siemens China,

People's Republic of China
• Peter Head, Director, Arup Group, United Kingdom
• Joakim Hjerpe, President, Volvo (China) Investment, People's Republic of China
• Lars G. Josefsson, President and Chief Executive Officer, Vattenfall, Sweden
• Ralph R. Peterson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, CH2M HILL
Companies, USA
• Jay Pryor, Vice-President, Chevron Corporation, USA
• Gunnar Söderholm, Director, Environment and Health Administration, City of
Stockholm, Sweden

• Jeffrey MacCorkle, Vice-President, Booz Allen Hamilton, People's Republic of
• Pekka Sauri, Deputy Mayor for Public Works and Environmental Affairs, City of
Helsinki, Finland
• Lee Schipper, Director of Research, World Resources Institute, USA
• Gerd Sippel, Director, Urban Development Programme, Deutsche Gesellschaft
für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Germany

• Dai Xianglong, Mayor of Tianjin, People's Republic of China
• Liu Xueku, Mayor of Cangzhou City, People's Republic of China
• Letizia Moratti, Mayor of Milan, Italy
• Luis Guillermo Plata, Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism of Colombia;
Young Global Leader
• Gérald Tremblay, Mayor of Montréal, Canada
• Xia Geng, Mayor of Qingdao, People's Republic of China

Facilitated by
• John Elkington, Founder and Chief Entrepreneur, SustainAbility, United Kingdom

13.45 - 16.15 Harnessing Collaborative Intelligence: The Role of Online Communities

World Expo Center Online social networks are revolutionizing how knowledge and information are
- WorkSpace 2 developed and shared. Wikipedia, open source software and blogging services – all
part of the consumer-powered Web – are challenging existing models of client
relations and value creation.
1) How have some companies succeeded in harnessing the collaborative intelligence
available in the Web 2.0 world?
2) How can existing online community models be leveraged and translated into
revenue-generating opportunities?
3) How is this different from the offline world?

Join this interactive workshop to gain insight into how collaborative intelligence and
online communities can add value to your business.

Discussion Leaders
• Brian Behlendorf, Author and Consultant, Brian Behlendorf, USA; Young Global

Thursday 6 September

• Adam Bly, Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Editor-in-Chief, Seed Media
Group, USA; Young Global Leader
• Neal Goldman, Chief Executive, Goode Holdings, USA; Young Global Leader
• Kazutomo Robert Hori, President and Group Chief Executive Officer, Cybird,
Japan; Young Global Leader
• Lau Martin, President, Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Company, People's
Republic of China
• Isaac (Xianghui) Mao, Founder and Partner, Social Brain Foundation, People's
Republic of China
• David Schlesinger, Editor-in-Chief, Reuters, United Kingdom
• Jimmy Wales, Founder and Chair Emeritus, Wikia, USA; Young Global Leader

Facilitated by
• John Gage, Chief Researcher and Vice-President, Sun Microsystems, USA

15.15 - 16.15 Boardroom Discussion

World Expo Center Going Global: Finding the Right Board Structure for Growth
- Geneva Room Beyond the legal requirements, building a strong board with the right mix of expertise
and perspective can be key to successfully implementing a global growth strategy.
1) What are the roles and responsibilities of the board of directors in a fast-growing
2) How can CEOs, especially company founders, manage to share decision-making
3) What is the role of the chairman, particularly in a founder-centred company?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Joseph Grundfest, Professor, Law and Business, and Director, Rock Center on
Corporate Governance, Stanford Law School, USA
• Catherine R. Kinney, President and Co-Chief Operating Officer, NYSE Euronext,
• Jerry P. Leamon, Global Managing Partner, Deloitte, USA
• Tom Manning, Chief Executive Officer, China Board Directors, Hong Kong SAR
• Oki Matsumoto, President and Chief Executive Officer, Monex, Japan

Facilitated by
• Tarun Khanna, Jorge Paulo Lemann Professor, Harvard Business School, USA;
Young Global Leader

15.15 - 16.15 Perspectives on Entrepreneurship – Why Culture Matters

World Expo Center Successful entrepreneurs possess a rare blend of vision, passion, determination,
- Basel Room ambition and initiative. Cultural factors can shape these common characteristics into
unique models of entrepreneurship.
1) What are the common traits of successful entrepreneurs?
2) Which cultures are best equipped to develop and encourage entrepreneurship?
3) How can entrepreneurship be cultivated?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Thursday 6 September

Discussion Leaders
• Matthew Anestis, Principal, Boston Consulting Group, Hong Kong SAR; Young
Global Leader
• Rodrigo Baggio, Executive Director, Committee for Democracy in Information
Technology (CDI), Brazil; Young Global Leader
• Bill Lee, President and Chief Executive Officer, Univera, Republic of Korea
• Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Gujarat, India
• K. Shan Padda, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Health Integrated, USA
• Joseph P. Schoendorf, Partner, Accel Partners, USA

Facilitated by
• Daniel F. Muzyka, Dean, Sauder School of Business, University of British
Columbia, Canada

15.15 - 16.15 Interactive Session

World Expo Center Private Equity in China: Discovering New Treasures?
- Zurich Room The combination of strong economic growth, the continued privatization of state-
owned enterprises and a growing number of profitable companies is luring private
equity investors to China. At the same time, there is growing public concern over the
handover of state assets and the risk of monopolization.
1) What can private equity investors bring to domestic companies? What are the
2) Which sectors hold the greatest potential for private equity investment?
3) What regulatory and business challenges are facing private equity investors in

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Khalid Abdulla-Janahi, Chairman of the Executive Committee, Shamil Bank of
Bahrain, Switzerland; Vice-Chairman, Arab Business Council
• Hsu Ta-Lin, Chairman, H&Q Asia Pacific, USA
• Liu Erh Fei, Chairman, China Region, Merrill Lynch (Asia Pacific), Hong Kong
• Liu Mingkang, Chairman, China Banking Regulatory Commission, People's
Republic of China
• Shan Weijian, Managing Partner, TPG Capital Group, Hong Kong SAR
• John Zhao, Chief Executive Officer, Hony Capital, People's Republic of China

Facilitated by
• Michael Thorneman, Partner, Bain & Company China, People's Republic of

15.15 - 16.15 Plenary Session in Parallel

World Expo Center The Transformative Potential of Science and Technology in Asia
- Davos Room Asia's rapid development as a science and technology hub has created tremendous
shifts in the allocation of global investments in people, resources and technology.
Advances in all fields are fuelling changes in the way companies conduct business

Thursday 6 September

and creating economic growth and societal benefits.

1) What is the role of government in enabling and furthering the positive effects of
investments in science and technology?
2) What social benefits of science and technology advances are taking place in Asia?
3) What is the role of the new champions in accelerating change?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian

Discussion Leaders
• Hou Weigui, Chairman, ZTE Corporation, People's Republic of China
• Kiyoshi Kurokawa, Science Adviser to the Prime Minister, Cabinet Office, Japan
• Awais Ahmad Khan Leghari, Federal Minister of Information Technology and
Telecommunications of Pakistan; Young Global Leader
• Vineet Nayar, President, HCL Technologies, India
• Wan Gang, Minister of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China

Moderated by
• Christopher J. Graves, President and Chief Executive Officer, Asia Pacific,
Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, Hong Kong SAR

16.50- 17.00 Plenary Session

World Expo Center Welcome to the Inaugural Annual Meeting of the New Champions
- Plenary Hall
Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian

• Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum;

Chairman of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum
• Xia Deren, Mayor of Dalian, People's Republic of China

17.00 – 17.35 Plenary Session

World Expo Center Special Address by
- Plenary Hall
Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian

• Wen Jiabao, Premier of the People's Republic of China

Chaired by
• Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum;
Chairman of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum

17.35 - 18.15 Plenary Session

World Expo Center New Champions, New Challenges
- Plenary Hall As the world comes to terms with a host of global challenges, new champions are
emerging to lead industries and drive solutions in the future.
1) What role will entrepreneurs, young global leaders and high-growth companies play
in shaping the 21st century growth environment?
2) How can they collaborate to influence broader agendas while still driving
3) What role will new champions play in creating a more equitable society?

Thursday 6 September

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian

Special Guest
• H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime
Minister of the United Arab Emirates; Ruler of Dubai

• Ernesto Heinzelmann, President and Chief Executive Officer, Empresa Brasileira

de Compressores SA (EMBRACO), Brazil
• Deepak Puri, Chairman and Managing Director, Moser Baer India, India
• Ruben K. Vardanian, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Troika
Dialog Group, Russian Federation; Young Global Leader
• Wang Jianzhou, Chairman and Chief Executive, China Mobile Communications
Corporation, People's Republic of China

Chaired by
• Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum;
Chairman of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum

18.15 - 19.45 Reception

World Expo Center Participants are cordially invited to a get-together in "The Village" within the World
Expo Center.

19.45 - 22.30 Gala Soirée

World Expo Center Hosted by the Dalian Municipal Government
- Plenary Hall Please bring the invitation card which you received with your badge.

Friday 7 September

07.30 - 08.30 Working Breakfasts in Parallel

Furama Hotel - Opportunity Dalian: Ship Building, Petrochemicals and Manufacturing
Room A, Tianbo Northeastern China has traditionally served as the cradle of heavy industry in China,
Ballroom with Dalian as one of the leading industrial centres in the region. With the
implementation of the Strategy to Revitalize Northeastern China’s Old Industrial Base,
Dalian’s economic development is gaining momentum. Explore the latest
developments and opportunities in the shipbuilding, petrochemicals and equipment
manufacturing industries in Dalian.

07.30 - 08.30 Opportunity Dalian: Finance, Insurance and Software

Kempinski Hotel - The Inaugural Annual Meeting of the New Champions takes place at Xinghai Square,
Dragon Palace the same location as Dalian Finance City, which is currently under construction. Home
Chinese Restaurant to 22 foreign financial institutions, Dalian is one of five cities in China with the highest
concentration of foreign financial institutions. Dalian will continue to develop the
financial sector with the Finance City project. Learn more about the development plan
and the preferential policies available to partners in Dalian Finance City.

07.30 - 08.30 Opportunity Dalian: Environmental Industries

Swissôtel - Grand Recognised in the United Nations Global 500 Roll of Honor for Environmental
Ballroom Achievement and the Award for Human Habitation, Dalian recognizes environmental
protection and energy conservation as integral concepts for future economic
development and urban construction. Explore the latest developments and
opportunities in environmental-protection initiatives and energy-conservation related
industries in Dalian.

09.00 - 09.10 Plenary Session

World Expo Center Special Address by
- Plenary Hall
Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian

• H.M. Queen Rania of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Member of the

Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum

Chaired by
• Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum;
Chairman of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum

09.10 - 10.00 Plenary Session

World Expo Center Powering the New Champions: How Green Can US$ 20 Trillion Be?
- Plenary Hall The International Energy Agency (IEA) forecasts that US$ 20 trillion in new investment
is required to meet world energy needs by 2030. Much of this investment is required in
the world's fastest-growing economies and expectations for China alone amount to
18% of the total. Innovative policies and technologies present significant opportunities
to ensure economic growth and social development while minimizing the unintended
costs of investments such as urban air pollution, resource depletion, health damage,
water stress and climate change.
1) How can fast-growing economies realize and deploy domestic innovation and clean
technology breakthroughs?

Friday 7 September

2) How can a focus on enhanced energy efficiency and demand-side management

enable sustainable growth in these countries?
3) What are the practical, most cost-effective ways to reduce carbon emissions across
various sectors, and how can these be scaled up in the context of a carbon
constrained world?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian

• Eileen Claussen, President, Pew Center on Global Climate Change, USA

• Connie Hedegaard, Minister for the Environment of Denmark and Minister for
Nordic Cooperation
• Lars G. Josefsson, President and Chief Executive Officer, Vattenfall, Sweden
• Qinghai Wang, President, Shougang Group, People's Republic of China
• Zhang Xiaoqiang, Vice-Chairman, National Development and Reform
Commission, People's Republic of China

Chaired by
• Geoff Cutmore, Anchor, CNBC Europe, United Kingdom

10.15 - 11.15 Boardroom Discussion

World Expo Center Growth Hotspots – Focus on Europe
- Basel Room Europe is perceived by many global business leaders as too rigid and inflexible to
foster fast economic growth. However, the continent offers one of the richest markets
in the world and still leads in many business areas.
1) Which regions in Europe – including both new and old EU members – offer
businesses the best opportunities for growth?
2) What are the key success factors for companies in these regions?
3) What are the main sectors driving growth?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Victor Halberstadt, Professor of Public Economics, Leiden University,
• Aigars Kalvitis, Prime Minister of Latvia
• Caio Koch-Weser, Vice-Chairman, Deutsche Bank, United Kingdom
• Pavel Teplukhin, President, Troika Dialog Asset Management, Russian
• Ben J. Verwaayen, Chief Executive Officer, BT, United Kingdom

Facilitated by
• Leif Beck Fallesen, Editor-in-Chief and Chief Executive Officer, Dagbladet
Borsen, Denmark

10.15 - 11.15 Challenges and Responses: Insights into the New Champions
World Expo Center The first-ever survey of the CEOs of the new champions, conducted by Harvard
- Geneva Room Business Review and the World Economic Forum, identifies key issues that global
growth companies face as they pursue growth and internationalization. Join a group of
leaders and experts to learn how to tackle some of these challenges.

Friday 7 September

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Facilitated by
• Anand P. Raman, Senior Editor, Harvard Business Review, USA

10.15 - 11.15 Interactive Session

World Expo Center Healthy Markets for Innovation
- Zurich Room Innovation will dramatically shape the evolution of healthcare in the next decade and
beyond. Significant advances in pharmaceuticals, biologics, medical devices,
diagnostics and healthcare services are anticipated, but are also accompanied by
heavy costs. Maximizing the potential of innovation requires appropriate market
conditions and policy frameworks.
1) What can be done to ensure that innovation in healthcare is encouraged and
2) How can governments shape policies to support innovation in the health sector?
3) What role will global growth companies play in fostering and delivering innovation?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Choon Meng Ting, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, HealthSTATS
International, Singapore; Technology Pioneer
• Ben Hwang, President and Chief Executive Officer, Invitrogen Asia Pacific,
People's Republic of China
• Markos Kyprianou, Commissioner, Health, European Commission, Brussels
• Jeffrey Li Zhenfu, Country President, Novartis, People's Republic of China
• Mark Lotter, President and Chief Executive Officer, NovaMed Pharmaceuticals,
People's Republic of China

Facilitated by
• Matthew Bishop, New York Bureau Chief, The Economist, USA; Young Global

10.15 - 11.15 Plenary Session in Parallel

World Expo Center Soft Power: Influencing the World with a Chinese Touch
- Davos Room
The global influence of Chinese values, culture and policy has grown alongside
China's rising economic status. Increased recognition of China's relevance and
heightened scrutiny has resulted in praise and criticism on a range of issues including
development aid, climate change, trade, product quality standards, and regional peace
and stability.
1) How can China capitalize on its strategic importance on global issues and build
itself into a global partner?
2) How will China's relations with the major powers in the world, most notably the US,
affect its endeavours to build a positive global image?
3) How can Chinese enterprises serve as ambassadors for strengthening China's
image internationally?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian

Friday 7 September

Discussion Leaders
• Thomas L. Friedman, Columnist, Foreign Affairs, The New York Times, USA
• Jiang Jianqing, Chairman of the Board, Industrial and Commercial Bank of
China, People's Republic of China
• Li Ruogu, Chairman and President, Export-Import Bank of China, People's
Republic of China
• Sha Zukang, Undersecretary-General, Department of Economic and Social
Affairs (DESA), United Nations, New York

Moderated by
• Clay Chandler, Asia Editor and Senior Writer, Fortune Magazine, Hong Kong

10.15 - 12.30 Workshop

World Expo Center Dialogue in the Dark
- Zermatt Room If visual communication is suppressed, people react and behave, and in particular
communicate, differently. This session places participants in a darkened environment
to explore how people deal with the sudden withdrawal of a key sense and how other
senses compensate. Participants will explore:
1) The ability to adapt, interpret and communicate
2) How leaders can develop better communication awareness and skills
3) How senses are used to foster understanding and connection

Facilitated by
• Andreas Heinecke, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Dialogue in the Dark,

10.15 - 12.30 Addressing the Entry-level Skills Gap

World Expo Center The availability of suitable new graduates, or rather the lack of them, has consistently
- Lugano Room ranked among the top concerns facing CEOs. Recent reports suggest that less than
10% of newly qualified engineers in China and India are suitable for global jobs.
Certain models, such as company-owned campuses, have proven to be somewhat
successful; however, the challenge of effectively integrating entry-level talent still
1) How do successful companies hire and train new graduates? How can the new
champions apply these approaches?
2) How do growth companies integrate their entry-level talent? What has worked, what
has not?
3) What problems do growth companies face compared to established multinationals
in recruiting and retaining the best people?

Consecutive translation in Mandarin Chinese at one table.

Discussion Leaders
• Carlos Arruda, Professor, International Relations and Director and Coordinator,
Innovation Center, Fundação Dom Cabral, Brazil
• Craig R. Barrett, Chairman of the Board, Intel Corporation, USA
• Cho Dong-Sung, Professor, Strategy and International Business, Seoul National
University, Republic of Korea

Friday 7 September

• Scott J. Freidheim, Co-Chief Administrative Officer, Lehman Brothers, USA;

Young Global Leader
• Yoshito Hori, Dean, Globis Management School and Managing Partner, Globis
Capital Partners, Globis Group, Japan
• Rajendra S. Pawar, Chairman, NIIT Group, India
• Rafael Rangel, President, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher
Education, Mexico
• Andrei Volkov, Dean, Skolkovo, Russian Federation

Facilitated by
• Tarun Khanna, Jorge Paulo Lemann Professor, Harvard Business School, USA;
Young Global Leader

10.15 - 12.30 WorkSpace

World Expo Center Building a Strong Brand (Mandarin)
- WorkSpace 1 Expanding sales beyond China's borders demands a branding strategy that can
compete with the best. However, many companies do not make a concerted effort in
developing their brands and thus face a great challenge in taking their products to new
1) What branding strategies have proved most successful in reaching new,
international target markets?
2) What innovative practices differentiate the leading global brands from the rest?
3) How can companies leverage the experience of the world's best brands to build
their own?

Join this interactive workshop to gain insights on building stronger brands.

Discussion Leaders
• Feng Jun, Chairman, Beijing Huaqi Information Digital Technology, People's
Republic of China; Young Global Leader
• He Zhiyi, Assistant Dean and Professor, Marketing, Guanghua School of
Management, Peking University, People's Republic of China
• Handel C. H. Lee, Founder and Co-Chairman, Three on the Bund, People's
Republic of China
• Li Gong, Chairman, China, Accenture, People's Republic of China
• Liu Chang Le, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Phoenix Satellite Television
Co., Hong Kong SAR
• Wang Jianzhou, Chairman and Chief Executive, China Mobile Communications
Corporation, People's Republic of China
• Charlie Wang Zhihao, Chairman, Hisense TransTech, People's Republic of
• Zhang Xin, Chief Executive Officer, SOHO China, People's Republic of China;
Young Global Leader

Facilitated by
• Zeng Zimo, Presenter, Phoenix Satellite Television, Hong Kong SAR

Friday 7 September

10.15 - 12.30 Sustainable Biofuels: Separating the Wheat from the Chaff
World Expo Center The biofuels market is one of the fastest growing in the world. However, large-scale
- WorkSpace 2 production will likely exacerbate growing water stress, as well as have knock-on
effects on global food prices, among others. To account for effects internationally, a
multistakeholder global approach is needed. Identifying principles to ensure the
sustainability of biofuels is necessary as the industry cannot risk a public backlash due
to unintended side effects or a poor communications strategy.
1) Is it possible to develop, across industries, a common framework of understanding
of the issues, potential limitations and possible consequences of biofuels?
2) Which issues most require cross-industry dialogue to achieve a common
3) Can the issues discussed be used to produce a set of recommendations or
principles for achieving sustainable "good" biofuels?

Join this interactive workshop to design a sustainable strategy for biofuels.

Discussion Leaders
• Andre Faaij, Associate Professor, Cluster Energy Supply and System Studies,
Utrecht University, Netherlands
• Nikhil Meswani, Executive Director, Reliance Industries, India; Young Global
• Ziad S. Ojakli, Group Vice-President, Government and Community Relations,
Ford Motor Company, USA; Young Global Leader
• Ildo L. Sauer, Member of the Executive Board, Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobras,

Facilitated by
• James Cameron, Vice-Chairman, Climate Change Capital, United Kingdom

11.30 - 12.30 Boardroom Discussion

World Expo Center Growth Hotspots – Focus on India
- Basel Room With strong growth and a buoyant business climate, interest in India has moved
beyond outsourcing offerings and basic IT services.
1) Which regions and cities are doing best in India, and why? Which are likely to come
up the fastest?
2) Which key industry sectors are likely to be future growth hotspots?
3) How will India Inc. strategize its international acquisition moves over the coming

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Vivek C. Burman, Chairman, Dabur India, India
• Vijaya Chandru, Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Strand Life
Sciences, India; Technology Pioneer
• Jalaj A. Dani, President, International Business Unit, Asian Paints (India), India
• Shamsher S. Mehta, Director-General, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII),
• Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Gujarat, India

Friday 7 September

• B. Rama Raju, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Satyam Computer

Services, India

Facilitated by
• Shekhar Gupta, Editor-in-Chief and Group Chief Executive Officer, Indian
Express, India

11.30 - 12.30 New Frontiers in Nanotechnology

World Expo Center Join this roundtable discussion to explore new trends in nanotechnology with the new
- Geneva Room champions and experts who are doing the most to innovate in this area.

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• K. Eric Drexler, Chief Technical Adviser, Nanorex, USA
• Alice Jacobs, Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Intelligent Medical
Devices, USA; Young Global Leader
• Ron Kok, Founder, OTB Group, Netherlands; Technology Pioneer
• David E. Reisner, President and Chief Executive Officer, Inframat, USA;
Technology Pioneer

Facilitated by
• Frances Cairncross, Rector, Exeter College, United Kingdom

11.30 - 12.30 Interactive Session

World Expo Center The Best Place for Your Company to IPO
- Zurich Room With increased competition among stock exchanges and an array of factors from
regulation to public perception to consider, choosing when and where to launch an
IPO is one of the most crucial strategic choices a fast-growing company faces.
1) Has greater competition among exchanges created better opportunities for
companies wishing to list?
2) How should factors such as regulation, market size and talent be considered when
choosing a location?
3) What can be learned from companies that have recently sought IPOs?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Adena Friedman, Executive Vice-President, Corporate Strategy and Date
Products, The NASDAQ Stock Market, USA; Young Global Leader
• Madhu Kannan, Vice-President, International, NYSE Euronext, USA; Young
Global Leader
• James Liu Xiaodong, Executive Vice-President, Shanghai Stock Exchange,
People's Republic of China
• Phaneesh Murthy, Chief Executive Officer, iGATE Global Solutions, India
• Richard Stromback, Chief Executive Officer, Ecology Coatings, USA; Young
Global Leader
• Takashi Tsutsui, President and Chief Executive Officer, Jasdaq Securities
Exchange, Japan

Friday 7 September

Facilitated by
• Neal Goldman, Chief Executive, Goode Holdings, USA; Young Global Leader

12.30 - 14.00 Buffet Lunch

World Expo Center Participants are cordially invited to a buffet lunch in "The Village" within the World
Expo Center.

12.30 - 14.00 China: Resolving Tensions of Growth

World Expo Center
- Plenary Hall In partnership with the World Economic Forum, and with the participation of leading
Chinese experts, the BBC World Debate will explore the tensions created by China's
breathtaking economic growth. Economic success is quickly reshaping the nation's
fortunes, creating new business and social expectations, and transforming society.
How will the Chinese model maintain a balanced and sustainable path of rapid
economic development, protect the environment and maintain social stability?

Discussion Leaders
• Pierre E. Cohade, President, Asia-Pacific Region, Goodyear Tire Management
Company (Shanghai), People's Republic of China
• Fan Gang, Director, National Economic Research Institute, China Reform
Foundation, People's Republic of China
• C. S. Kiang, Chairman, Environment Fund, Peking University, People's Republic
of China
• Liu Mingkang, Chairman, China Banking Regulatory Commission, People's
Republic of China
• Wu Qing, Member of the Board, Beijing Cultural Development Center for Rural
Women, People's Republic of China; Social Entrepreneur

Facilitated by
• Nik Gowing, Main Presenter, BBC World, United Kingdom

14.00 - 15.00 Boardroom Discussion

World Expo Center Growth Hotspots – Focus on Africa
- Basel Room Economic growth of 5% across sub-Saharan Africa, coupled with the global success
of leading African companies, demonstrates the continent's potential and a different
side of its complex reality. Chinese and Indian investors are pouring billions of dollars
into infrastructure and manufacturing in several countries, challenging Western
dominance and extending African resources. Many countries have undertaken critical
steps to enhance governance, liberalize economies, and improve business and
investment climates.
1) What is driving growth in Africa's different economies? Who are the African
champions and what can be learned from their successes?
2) Into which sectors is investment flowing and from where will new growth come?
3) What will sustain the growth and trigger new breakthroughs?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Martyn Davies, Executive Director, Centre for Chinese Studies, Stellenbosch
University, South Africa

Friday 7 September

• Kola Karim, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Shoreline Energy
International, Nigeria
• Li Ruogu, Chairman and President, Export-Import Bank of China, People's
Republic of China
• Nick Moon, Co-Founder and Managing Director, KickStart International, Kenya;
Social Entrepreneur

Facilitated by
• Nduka Obaigbena, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, Thisday, Nigeria

14.00 - 15.00 New Frontiers in Biotechnology

World Expo Center Join this roundtable discussion to explore new trends in biotechnology with the new
- Geneva Room champions and experts who are doing the most to innovate in this area.

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Vijaya Chandru, Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Strand Life
Sciences, India; Technology Pioneer
• Josef Penninger, Scientific and Administrative Director, Institute of Molecular
Biotechnology, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria; Young Global Leader
• Peer M. Schatz, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Qiagen, Netherlands

Facilitated by
• Adam Bly, Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Editor-in-Chief, Seed Media
Group, USA; Young Global Leader

14.00 - 15.00 Interactive Session

World Expo Center Art Rising
- Zurich Room In 2006, Christie's and Sotheby's contemporary Asian art sales – mostly Chinese –
reached US$ 190 million, more than eight times as much as in 2004.
1) Who and what is driving this boom?
2) What role does art play in modern Asian (especially Chinese) society? How has it
changed in the past 5 to 10 years?
3) Who is buying this art, and why?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Handel C. H. Lee, Founder and Co-Chairman, Three on the Bund, People's
Republic of China
• Li Yongcun, Professor, Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University,
People's Republic of China
• Wang Yannan, Director and President, China Guardian Auctions, People's
Republic of China
• Yu Hong, Artist

Facilitated by
• Xenia Piëch, Desk Editor, ArtAsiaPacific, People's Republic of China

Friday 7 September

14.00 - 15.00 Plenary Session

World Expo Center China's New Economy: Beyond Manufacturing
- Davos Room Services account for less than 40% of China's GDP, far below the world average of
50%. China seeks to develop the service sector to create more employment, alleviate
heavy dependence on energy and resource consumption, and move up the value
1) Which sectors lead the way in moving beyond manufacturing?
2) How is the government, through policy, promoting the shift?
3) How will this transition change domestic consumption patterns and shape the
Chinese growth model?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian

Discussion Leaders
• Liu Jiren, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Neusoft, People's Republic of
• Qian Yingyi, Dean, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University,
People's Republic of China
• Sun Yinhuan, Chairman of the Board, Yida Group Co., People's Republic of
• Zhang Xiaoqiang, Vice-Chairman, National Development and Reform
Commission, People's Republic of China

Moderated by
• John C. Bussey, Editor, The Wall Street Journal Asia, Hong Kong SAR

14.00 - 16.30 Workshop

World Expo Center Dialogue in the Dark
- Zermatt Room If visual communication is suppressed, people react and behave, and in particular
communicate, differently. This session places participants in a darkened environment
to explore how people deal with the sudden withdrawal of a key sense and how other
senses compensate. Participants will explore:
1) The ability to adapt, interpret and communicate
2) How leaders can develop better communication awareness and skills
3) How senses are used to foster understanding and connection

Facilitated by
• Andreas Heinecke, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Dialogue in the Dark,

14.00 - 16.30 Strategy: Translating the Plans into Action

World Expo Center Join leading strategists and executives to explore how organizations can successfully
- Lugano Room develop and execute global strategy.
1) What is a global strategy? How do you transform a vision into a strategic plan?
2) What are the most important steps in building a successful global strategy?
3) What are the common execution pitfalls and how can you avoid them?

Consecutive translation in Mandarin Chinese at one table.

Friday 7 September

Discussion Leaders
• Peter Bakker, Chief Executive Officer, TNT, Netherlands
• R. Marcelo Claure, Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and
President, Brightstar Corp., USA; Young Global Leader
• Jahangir Hajiyev, Chairman of the Board, International Bank of Azerbaijan,
• Leonard Liu, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Augmentum, USA
• Marcel S. Reichart, Managing Director, Hubert Burda Media Marketing &
Communications, Germany; Young Global Leader
• Cher Wang, Founder and Chairman, HTC-VIA, Taiwan, China

Facilitated by
• Frances Cairncross, Rector, Exeter College, United Kingdom

14.00 - 16.30 WELCOM: Where Leaders Connect and Collaborate

World Expo Center Communities and their collective wisdom can yield positive results to key challenges
- Montreux Room faced in today's world. Moreover, personalized interaction can now be complemented
with anytime, online, collaborative interaction between communities at all levels. The
World Economic Forum can now extend itself into the world's definitive virtual
community and a unique global governance platform powered by Web-based,
community-oriented collaborative intelligence systems, where leaders at the highest
levels will be able to connect, access world-class experts, manage crises that affect
their business, and set the best agendas. In this workshop participants will:
1) Gain an overview of the current vision of the World Economic Forum on taking its
community on another level
2) Contribute to this challenge by providing, supported by realistic examples, critical
input into how a new platform can best meet the needs of the Forum's diverse

Consecutive translation in Mandarin Chinese at one table.

Opening Remarks by
• Jonathan Schmidt, Director, Head of WELCOM and Global Intelligence Network,
World Economic Forum

Facilitated by
• David Kirkpatrick, Senior Editor, Internet and Technology, Fortune Magazine,

14.00 - 16.30 WorkSpace

World Expo Center Managing Reputational Risks
- WorkSpace 2 Information about risks, or simple rumours of wrongdoing or pending crises, travels
ever faster, spreading fear in ways that can greatly amplify the consequences of the
putative risk event itself. In times of "infodemics", managing reputational risk becomes
increasingly difficult.
1) What key risks are most susceptible to infodemics?

Friday 7 September

2) How have companies successfully prepared for and managed crises that
threatened their survival?
3) Is reputation management enough? Given the evolution of technologies, what new
"rules of the game" are taking shape?

Join this interactive simulation to explore new ways to prepare and run your business
successfully through crises that threaten your company's reputation and value.

Discussion Leaders
• Matthew Anderson, Group Director, Communications and Brand Marketing,
British Sky Broadcasting Group, United Kingdom; Young Global Leader
• Joseph Grundfest, Professor, Law and Business, and Director, Rock Center on
Corporate Governance, Stanford Law School, USA
• Jerry P. Leamon, Global Managing Partner, Deloitte, USA
• Samuel Porteous, Managing Director, Asian Disputes and Investigations
Practice, Navigant Consulting, USA
• Geoff Riddell, Member, Group Executive Committee and Chief Executive Officer,
Global Corporate Business, Zurich Financial Services, Switzerland
• Jusuf Wanandi, Member of the Board of Trustees and Senior Fellow, Centre for
Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Indonesia

Facilitated by
• David Rothkopf, President and Chief Executive Officer, Garten Rothkopf, USA

14.00 - 16.30 Building a Sustainable Company

World Expo Center Leading a rapidly growing company is a significant management challenge. However,
- WorkSpace 1 the real challenge is ensuring the company makes it beyond the exhilarating rise and
achieves success over the long run.
1) Which traits of companies last for 100 years and longer?
2) How can companies ensure that they avoid the pitfalls of hyper-growth and
3) How can companies mitigate the major risks that threaten the longevity of a

Join this interactive workshop to explore strategies for leading your company through
the next stage of growth to long-term success.

Discussion Leaders
• Adel Ali, Chief Executive Officer, Air Arabia, United Arab Emirates
• Gregory K. Ericksen, Global Vice-Chair, Strategic Growth Markets, Ernst &
Young, United Kingdom
• Paul K. Etchells, Deputy Group President, Coca-Cola Export Corporation, Hong
Kong SAR
• Mark Foster, Group Chief Executive, Business Consulting and Integrated
Markets, Accenture, United Kingdom
• Pamela Hartigan, Managing Director, Schwab Foundation for Social
• Kalendu Patel, Executive Vice-President, Strategy and International, Best Buy,
• David Skilling, Chief Executive Officer, New Zealand Institute, New Zealand

Friday 7 September

• B.G. Srinivas, Senior Vice-President and Head, EMEA, Infosys Technologies,

United Kingdom
• Jerre L. Stead, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, IHS, USA
• Rory Stear, Executive Chairman, Freeplay Energy, United Kingdom; Social

Facilitated by
• Geoff Cutmore, Anchor, CNBC Europe, United Kingdom

15.30 - 16.30 Boardroom Discussion

World Expo Center Growth Hotspots – Focus on the Middle East
- Basel Room Buoyed by high oil prices and intensifying global trade linkages, the Middle East is
enjoying spectacular growth for the fourth year in a row. Initial reform efforts over the
past few decades have contributed to this success, but the potential for growth is far
from realized.
1) Which demographic and economic trends are shaping business in the Middle East?
2) What economics and business models have proven to be the most successful and
can be transferred to other countries in the region?
3) How do local and international companies operating in the region manage in
periods of heightened geopolitical uncertainty?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Khalid A. Alireza, Chairman, Xenel/Saudi Cable Company, Saudi Arabia
• Majid S. Al Ghurair, Chief Executive Officer, Al-Ghurair Group, United Arab
Emirates; Young Global Leader
• Saeed Al Hajeri, Chairman, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, United Arab Emirates;
Young Global Leader
• Abdul M. Al Jaber, Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Paltel Group,
Palestinian Territories
• Samer S. Khoury, Executive Vice-President, Operations, Consolidated
Contractors Company (CCC), Greece

Facilitated by
• Sean M. Cleary, Chairman, Strategic Concepts, South Africa

15.30 - 16.30 When Private Equity Comes Knocking at Your Door

World Expo Center The infusion of growth capital by private equity firms is booming. 2006 saw 385 private
- Geneva Room equity deals valued at under US$ 1 billion, with an average size of US$ 200 million
being completed worldwide. Join this discussion to explore the implications of private
equity for a global growth company.
1) How can global growth companies effectively engage private equity firms? What
opportunities and risks does private equity represent?
2) What do private equity firms look for when investing in companies valued at under
US$ 1 billion?
3) When are the alternatives preferable to private equity?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Friday 7 September

Discussion Leaders
• Max Burger-Calderon, Senior Partner and Chairman, Asia, Apax Partners
Worldwide, Hong Kong SAR
• Nobuyoshi John Ehara, Partner and Representative Director, Unison Capital,
• Michel Mayer, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Freescale Semiconductor,
• Chris Rowlands, Managing Partner, Asia, 3i Investments, Singapore

Facilitated by
• Hamish McRae, Associate Editor, The Independent, United Kingdom

15.30 - 16.30 Plenary Session in Parallel

World Expo Center The Outlook for China's Policy Environment
- Davos Room Inclusiveness, transparency and fact-based analysis are becoming increasingly
integral in the policy-making process as a result of new perspectives brought forward
by the country's leadership. The 11th Five-Year Plan, the Property Law and the
Corporate Income Tax Law have been cited as examples of how policy-making in
China has been constantly evolving to accommodate changing realities both at home
and abroad.
1) How has China's entry into the WTO and the Olympics impacted the country's
policy-making processes?
2) What role can business play in improving China's future policy environment?
3) How will the emergence of a new generation of leaders at China's upcoming 17th
Party Congress shape the future policy environment?
4) What are the implications for international companies doing business in China?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian

Discussion Leaders
• Dai Xianglong, Mayor of Tianjin, People's Republic of China
• Nicholas Eberstadt, Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy, American
Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, USA
• Fan Gang, Director, National Economic Research Institute, China Reform
Foundation, People's Republic of China
• Li Keqiang, Party Secretary, Liaoning Provincial Government, People's Republic
of China
• William R. Rhodes, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, CITI NA,

Moderated by
• Victor L. L. Chu, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, First Eastern Investment
Group, Hong Kong SAR; Member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic

17.00 - 18.00 Plenary Session

World Expo Center Global Risks to Global Growth
- Plenary Hall Non-business risks that shape the business environment have become a chief
concern for CEOs. The shift of power to fast-growing countries and economies means
that younger, high-growth businesses need to understand how global risks

Friday 7 September

(environmental, geopolitical, economic and societal) affect business.

1) What risks are most likely to shape the trajectory of global growth companies?
2) How can CEOs of these companies pick up on the weak signals that may change
the business landscape of the future?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian

• Samuel A. DiPiazza Jr, Global Chief Executive Officer, PricewaterhouseCoopers,

• Nicholas Eberstadt, Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy, American
Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, USA
• Mohammad Al Gergawi, Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs of the United Arab
Emirates; Executive Chairman, Dubai Holding
• Jiang Jianqing, Chairman of the Board, Industrial and Commercial Bank of
China, People's Republic of China
• Anne Lauvergeon, Chief Executive Officer, Areva, France

Chaired by
• Nik Gowing, Main Presenter, BBC World, United Kingdom

18.00 - 19.00 Technology Pioneers Reception

World Expo Center The World Economic Forum and the partners of the Technology Pioneers Programme
- The Village invite you to meet the companies at the cutting edge of technological progress in an
informal setting.

Welcoming Remarks by
• Matt Bross, Group Chief Technology Officer, BT, United Kingdom
• Jerry P. Leamon, Global Managing Partner, Deloitte, USA
• Joseph P. Schoendorf, Partner, Accel Partners, USA
• Peter Torreele, Managing Director, World Economic Forum

19.30 - 22.00 Gujarat Dinner

Furama Hotel - Hosted by the Government of Gujarat
August Moon The State of Gujarat invites you to experience the promise that is India. The chief
Restaurant minister and Gujarat industry cordially welcome you to a dinner celebrating the spirit of
enterprise and innovation. Come and build lasting partnerships, discuss shared goals
and discover opportunity.

19.30 - 22.00 Houston, Texas: Wide Open for Business

Furama Hotel - Enjoy some real Texas hospitality. Join us for dinner and an evening of lively
Grand Ballroom 2 conversation with representatives from the city of Houston and CEOs from the Texas
business community.

19.30 - 22.00 Advantage Greater Paris: New Investment and Partnership Opportunities
Shangri-La Hotel - Hosted by the Greater Paris Investment Agency
Function Room 16 Join top French executives in an exclusive dinner to establish new contacts, exchange
information and develop mutually beneficial relationships.

Friday 7 September

19.30 - 22.00 Montreal, Quebec: A Creative, Innovative, Competitive, North American

Furama Hotel - Metropolis
Tianbofu 2 & 3 Join the mayor of Montreal and new champions for dinner to experience the heartbeat
of a thriving urban centre as you forge new ties and unearth new business

Hosted by
• Raymond Bachand, Minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Export
Trade of Québec
• Gérald Tremblay, Mayor of Montréal, Canada

19.30 - 22.00 Russian Country Dinner

Shangri-La Hotel - Hosted by Troika Dialog
Grand Ballroom C Traditional Russian cuisine will be prepared by one of the best Moscow chefs who is
specially invited for this occasion. The special event of the evening will be a
performance by the Terem Quartet of an international musical repertoire on traditional
Russian instruments.

Opening Remarks by
• Ruben K. Vardanian, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Troika
Dialog Group, Russian Federation; Young Global Leader

19.30 - 22.00 Xi'an Government Dinner

Furama Hotel - Xi’an is proud of its fast-growing economy, strong science and technology capabilities,
Grand Ballroom 1 rich human resources and huge business potentials. This dinner will not only be a
chance to learn about Xi'an's history and enjoy its culture, but will also be a window to
capture the numerous resources and opportunities available in Xi’an with senior
government and business leaders. The evening will include a traditional Chinese art
performance from the Tang dynasty, local food and drinks, and photo opportunities
with the famed Terracotta Warriors.

Hosted by
• Chen Baogen, Mayor of Xi'an, People's Republic of China

19.30 - 22.00 Energy Future – Towards a Tipping Point?

Shangri-La Hotel - The emergence of Web 2.0 demonstrates how innovative leaders can address
Grand Ballroom B changing consumer preferences, shake up industries and leave competitors
scrambling to understand what caused them to fall behind. While the energy industry
has not yet experienced a major "game-change", new dynamics stemming from high
energy prices, climate change and energy security concerns, could lead to radically
different ways of delivering and consuming energy in the future.
1) Where are the sources of innovation that would drive a major "game-change" in the
energy industry? What could bring us to a tipping point?
2) What would be the impact on the industrial landscape and the way energy services
are delivered and consumed?
3) What are the lessons to learn from industries that have experienced major tipping

Friday 7 September

Discussion Leaders
• Jeremy Bentham, Vice-President, Global Business Environment, Royal Dutch
Shell, Netherlands
• Paul F. Deninger, Vice-Chairman, Jefferies & Company, USA
• Paul Hanrahan, President and Chief Executive Officer, AES Corporation, USA
• Kiyoshi Kurokawa, Science Adviser to the Prime Minister, Cabinet Office, Japan
• B. Rama Raju, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Satyam Computer
Services, India
• Jerre L. Stead, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, IHS, USA
• Daniel Yergin, Chairman, Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA), USA

Moderated by
• Tim Brown, President, Chief Executive Officer and Partner, IDEO, USA

Saturday 8 September

07.30 - 08.30 Working Breakfasts in Parallel

Furama Hotel - Opportunity Dalian: Shipping and Logistics
Room C, Tianbofu The development of the international shipping industry in Dalian is underpinned by the
Ballroom construction and operation of the city's container, grain, oil, ore, automobile and
passenger transport terminals. In 2003, Dalian was designated as the international
shipping centre in northeast Asia by the central government. In recent years, the
municipality's increasing efforts have sped up Dalian's transformation into a pre-
eminent international shipping centre. Explore the latest developments and
opportunities in Dalian's shipping and logistics industry.

07.30 - 08.30 Opportunity Dalian: Information Technologies and Software

Kempinski Hotel - Since 1998, Dalian has developed an internationally recognized software and service
Dragon Palace outsourcing industry. Dalian plans to develop the largest software park in China and
Chinese Restaurant already has over 30 multinationals conducting software R&D operations. In the latest
Offshore GDI (Global Delivery Index) city rankings published by IDC Consulting,
Dalian ranks number 1 in China and number 5 in the world. Explore the latest
developments and opportunities in Dalian’s software and outsourcing industries.

09.00 - 09.45 Plenary Session

World Expo Center The Global Growth Company in the Networked World
- Plenary Hall In a world of increased connectivity, with influence shifting from hierarchical to network
models, leaders from new and incumbent companies are considering the implications
for their organizations.
1) What is the networked world and what are its implications?
2) How have some global growth companies thrived in the networked economy?
3) How do you tap into it?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian

• Craig R. Barrett, Chairman of the Board, Intel Corporation, USA

• Maurice Lévy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Publicis Group, France;
Member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum
• Liu Jiren, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Neusoft, People's Republic of
• James J. Schiro, Group Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Group
Management Board, Zurich Financial Services, Switzerland

Chaired by
• Prannoy Roy, Chairman, New Delhi Television (NDTV), India

10.15 - 11.15 Boardroom Discussion

World Expo Center Growth Hotspots – Focus on Japan
- Basel Room After more than a decade of stagnation, Japan's corporate sector finally appears to be
recovering; the Nikkei Stock Average more than doubled between 2003 and 2007 and
corporate expenditure has risen significantly.
1) How is the emergence of other Asian countries, notably China, affecting Japan's
business environment? How are Japanese companies adapting to the competition?
2) What challenges and opportunities does the ageing population create for

Saturday 8 September

3) How can Japan develop the next generation of leadership to foster innovative and
dynamic business? How will Japan influence the evolution of an Asian model for

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Richard L. Folsom, Representative Partner, Advantage Partners, Japan
• Oki Matsumoto, President and Chief Executive Officer, Monex, Japan
• Heizo Takenaka, Director, Global Security Research Institute, Keio University,
Japan; Member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum
• Takashi Tsutsui, President and Chief Executive Officer, Jasdaq Securities
Exchange, Japan

Facilitated by
• M. James Kondo, President and Vice-Chairman, Health Policy Institute, Japan;
Young Global Leader

10.15 - 11.15 New Frontiers in Green Technology

World Expo Center Join this roundtable discussion to explore new trends in energy efficiency, renewables
- Geneva Room and carbon sequestration with the new champions and experts who are doing the
most to innovate in this area.

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Shai Agassi, Founder, Better, Israel; Young Global Leader
• Jeffrey Chen, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, NeoPac Lighting, Taiwan,
• Nic Frances, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Coolnrg International,
Australia; Social Entrepreneur
• David Hobbs, Vice-President and Managing Director, Global Research,
Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA), USA
• Zhang Yue, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Broad Air Conditioning,
People's Republic of China

Facilitated by
• John Elkington, Founder and Chief Entrepreneur, SustainAbility, United Kingdom

10.15 - 11.15 Briefing Session

World Expo Center Different Paths: The Social Entrepreneur
- Montreux Room A conversation with a social entrepreneur about medical technology transfers that are
affordable and sustainable. The focus will be on making eye care services available to

• David Green, Executive Director, Project Impact, USA; Social Entrepreneur

Saturday 8 September

10.15 - 11.15 Plenary Session in Parallel

World Expo Center China's Olympic Transformation
- Davos Room As China prepares to host its first Olympic Games in August 2008, it is making every
possible effort to showcase China and Beijing's entry onto the international stage.
Specific steps include enforcing stricter environmental regulations, granting freer
access to foreign journalists and fostering healthier attitudes towards sport.
1) How are the Olympics transforming the policy environment in China? What changes
will persist after the Games?
2) What are the risks of an economic slowdown after the Olympics, as experienced by
previous hosts?
3) How have the Olympics fuelled new business opportunities for local and
international companies?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian

Discussion Leaders
• Bernard J. Bourigeaud, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Atos Origin,
• Maurice Lévy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Publicis Group, France;
Member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum
• Pan Gang, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial
Group, People's Republic of China; Young Global Leader
• Xia Geng, Mayor of Qingdao, People's Republic of China
• Yang Mianmian, President, Haier Group, People's Republic of China

Moderated by
• Michael J. Elliott, Editor, Time International, Time, Hong Kong SAR

10.15 - 12.30 Workshop

World Expo Center Dialogue in the Dark
- Zermatt Room If visual communication is suppressed, people react and behave, and in particular
communicate, differently. This session places participants in a darkened environment
to explore how people deal with the sudden withdrawal of a key sense and how other
senses compensate. Participants will explore:
1) The ability to adapt, interpret and communicate
2) How leaders can develop better communication awareness and skills
3) How senses are used to foster understanding and connection

Facilitated by
• Andreas Heinecke, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Dialogue in the Dark,

10.15 - 12.30 Harnessing Global Networks

World Expo Center Expanding customer base is not the only way to "go global". In fact, it is increasingly
- Lugano Room rare to see a company's network confined within its borders. Cost savings is only one
of the attractive and strategically important reasons for building a global network of
1) How do companies build a seamless global network of suppliers, manufacturers,
financers and vendors? How do organizations share information and knowledge
across this network?

Saturday 8 September

2) What elements of the production chain can be outsourced, and to which locations?
3) How do regulatory environment and trade agreements factor into decision-making
vis-à-vis the global network?

Consecutive translation in Mandarin Chinese at one table.

Discussion Leaders
• Michael Biddle, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, MBA Polymers, USA;
Technology Pioneer
• J. Frank Brown, Dean, INSEAD, France
• Samuel A. DiPiazza Jr, Global Chief Executive Officer, PricewaterhouseCoopers,
• Witold Henisz, Associate Professor of Management, The Wharton School,
University of Pennsylvania, USA
• Monika Ribar, President and Chief Executive Officer, Panalpina World Transport
Holding, Switzerland
• John Rosanvallon, President and Chief Executive Officer, Dassault Falcon, USA

Facilitated by
• David Skilling, Chief Executive Officer, New Zealand Institute, New Zealand

10.15 - 12.30 WorkSpace

World Expo Center Building a Sustainable Company (Mandarin)
- WorkSpace 1 Leading a rapidly growing company is a significant management challenge. However,
the real challenge is ensuring the company makes it beyond the exhilarating rise and
achieves success over the long run.
1) Which traits of companies last for 100 years and longer?
2) How can companies ensure that they avoid the pitfalls of hyper-growth and
3) How can companies mitigate the major risks that threaten the longevity of a

Join this interactive workshop to explore strategies for leading your company through
the next stage of growth to long-term success.

Discussion Leaders
• Wenchi Chen, President and Chief Executive Officer, VIA Technologies, Taiwan
• Qinghai Wang, President, Shougang Group, People's Republic of China
• Edward S. Tian, Chairman, China Netcom (Group) Company Limited, People's
Republic of China
• Katherine Tsang, Chief Executive Officer, Standard Chartered Bank, People's
Republic of China
• Wang Hai, Chairman, Qingdao Doublestar, People's Republic of China
• Wang Jianlin, President, Dalian Wanda Group, People's Republic of China
• Wu Ying, Co-Founder, UTStarcom (China), People's Republic of China
• Xiang Bing, Professor of Accounting and Dean, Cheung Kong Graduate School
of Business, People's Republic of China
• Yuan Maozhen, Chairman, China Southern Power Grid Co., People's Republic of

Saturday 8 September

Facilitated by
• Qian Yingyi, Dean, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University,
People's Republic of China

11.30 - 12.30 Boardroom Discussion

World Expo Center Growth Hotspots – Focus on South-East Asia
- Basel Room With some of the hottest economies in the world and its natural position as a conduit
between China and India, South-East Asia is becoming increasingly attractive for
1) Which ASEAN nations are providing the most attractive investment opportunities?
2) Which industries are the fastest growing in the region?
3) Is ASEAN moving towards a stronger regional approach to drive economic growth?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Jeroen Drost, Chief Executive Officer, Asia, ABN AMRO Bank, Hong Kong SAR
• Horst F. Geicke, Executive Chairman, VinaCapital Group, Vietnam
• Ko Kheng-Hwa, Managing Director, Singapore Economic Development Board,
• Justin Leong, Head, Strategic Investments and Corporate Affairs, Genting,
Malaysia; Young Global Leader

Facilitated by
• Hellmut Schutte, Senior Affiliate Professor, International Management, INSEAD,

11.30 - 12.30 New Frontiers in Internet Technology

World Expo Center Join this roundtable discussion to explore new trends in Internet technology from the
- Geneva Room new champions and experts who are doing the most to innovate in this area.

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Ailin Anshe Graef, Chairman of the Board, Anshe Chung Studios, People's
Republic of China
• Tariq Krim, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Netvibes, France
• Selina Lo, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ruckus Wireless, USA;
Technology Pioneer
• John Newton, Chairman and Chief Technology Officer, Alfresco, United
Kingdom; Technology Pioneer
• Tero Ojanpera, Executive Vice-President and Chief Technology Officer, Nokia
Corporation, Finland; Young Global Leader

Facilitated by
• Thomas Crampton, Correspondent, International Herald Tribune, France; Young
Global Leader

Saturday 8 September

11.30 - 12.30 Briefing Session

World Expo Center Different Paths: The Urban Futurist
- Montreux Room The urban planning and design of world's first sustainable and eco-friendly city,
Dongtan, is presented and discussed.

• Chris Luebkeman, Director, Global Foresight and Innovation, Arup Group, United

11.30 - 12.30 Interactive Session

World Expo Center The Myths and Realities of China's Consumer Market
- Zurich Room Chinese economic growth has created a diverse and demanding domestic market.
Credit Suisse First Boston forecasted that China's consumer market will grow at an
annual rate of 18% and become the second largest in the world by 2014.
1) What distinguishes China's new consumers?
2) How can the full potential of the Chinese consumer market be unlocked?
3) Which industries have been most successful in capturing this market to date, and

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Franki N.J. Braeken, Chairman, Unilever Greater China, People's Republic of
• Gang Niu, Chairman of the Board, Dashang Group Co., People's Republic of
• Qi Yumin, Chairman of the Board, Shenyang Brilliance Jinbei Automobile,
People's Republic of China
• Olin L. Wethington, Chairman, AIG Companies in China, American International
Group (AIG), USA
• Yang Wenjun, Chief Executive Officer, Inner Mongolia Meng Niu Dairy Industry
(Group) Co., People's Republic of China

Facilitated by
• Andrew Stevens, Anchor and Correspondent, CNN, Hong Kong SAR

11.30 - 12.30 The Myths and Realities of IPR Protection in China

World Expo Center Chinese companies are increasingly filing for patents domestically and internationally
- Davos Room to protect their creation and innovation. Huawei Technologies ranked 13th
internationally among corporations in 2006 in filing for international patents, ranking
ahead of many recognized Western companies.
1) How is IP protection evolving in China?
2) What will be the ongoing role of the government in strengthening IP protection and
encouraging innovation?
3) What are domestic companies doing to reinforce support for IPR protection?
4) How can domestic and international companies capitalize on this new shift?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Saturday 8 September

Discussion Leaders
• Feng Jun, Chairman, Beijing Huaqi Information Digital Technology, People's
Republic of China; Young Global Leader
• Greg Shea, Director, USITO, People's Republic of China
• Tian Lipu, Minister of State, Intellectual Property Office, People's Republic of
• Hiroshi Tsukamoto, President, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO),
• Zhiguo Xiao, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board, Luming Science
& Technology Group Co., People's Republic of China

Chaired by
• Thomas Easton, Asia Business Editor, The Economist, Hong Kong SAR

12.30 - 14.00 Buffet Lunch

World Expo Center Participants are cordially invited to a buffet lunch in "The Village" within the World
Expo Center.

12.30 - 14.00 CCTV Debate: Entrepreneurship and Innovation in China

World Expo Center In partnership with the World Economic Forum, China Central Television (CCTV) will
- Plenary Hall host a debate on entrepreneurship and innovation in China.
(The final list of discussion leaders will be available on the Kiosk.)

Facilitated by
• Rui Chenggang, Director and Anchor, China Central Television, People's
Republic of China

13.00 - 13.45 Boardroom Discussion

World Expo Center Dalian Conversation
- Basel Room Members of the Community of Global Growth Companies are invited to an exclusive
conversation with Thomas L. Friedman.

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

• Thomas L. Friedman, Columnist, Foreign Affairs, The New York Times, USA

14.00 - 15.00 Boardroom Discussion

World Expo Center Secrets to Success in China
- Basel Room Join China's veteran executives of international companies for this roundtable
discussion to discover the secrets of building successful operations in China.
1) Which unique aspects of the Chinese market are likely to present the greatest
challenges for companies?
2) How should companies adapt their strategies and operations to meet these
challenges? How do leaders stay ahead of the changes and ensure alignment with
their overall corporate strategy, given China's fast-moving business environment?
3) What current trends and changes will have the most impact on a company entering
China today?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Saturday 8 September

Discussion Leaders
• Christophe Bezu, Chief Executive Officer, Asia Pacific, Adidas, Hong Kong SAR
• Pierre E. Cohade, President, Asia-Pacific Region, Goodyear Tire Management
Company (Shanghai), People's Republic of China
• Scott B. Kronick, President, Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, People's
Republic of China
• Michael J. Roux, Chairman, Roux International, Australia
• Daniel Shih, Chief Executive Officer, PepsiCo International, China Beverages,
PepsiCo, People's Republic of China

Facilitated by
• David C. Michael, Senior Partner, Managing Director and Head, Greater China,
The Boston Consulting Group, People's Republic of China

14.00 - 15.00 New Frontiers in Mobile Services

World Expo Center Join this roundtable discussion to explore new trends in mobile communication
- Geneva Room services with the new champions and experts who are doing the most to innovate in
this area.

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Chang Suk-Gwon, Professor, School of Business, Hanyang University, Republic
of Korea
• Alastair Lukies, Chief Executive Officer, Monitise, United Kingdom; Technology
• Justin Mallen, Chief Executive Officer, Silk Road Telecommunication, People's
Republic of China
• Michael C. Mulica, President and Chief Executive Officer, BridgePort Networks,
USA; Technology Pioneer
• Alexander Straub, Co-Founder and Director, Strategy, Truphone, United
Kingdom; Technology Pioneer

Facilitated by
• Kaiser Kuo, Blogger, People's Republic of China

14.00 - 15.00 Briefing Session

World Expo Center Different Paths: The Astronaut
- Montreux Room Jerry Linenger, renowned astronaut, shares his experiences as an astronaut, including
the five months he spent on the Russian space station Mir.

• Jerry M. Linenger, US Astronaut and Mir Cosmonaut, Circle of Blue

14.00 - 15.00 Plenary Session in Parallel

World Expo Center The Business Case for Tackling AIDS
- Davos Room In 2006, the world spent US$ 9 billion on AIDS. Nonetheless, experts anticipate that
AIDS will lead to reduced workforce productivity and increased medical costs for
businesses. The private sector has the potential to significantly reduce the impact of
AIDS through specific expertise and innovation.
1) What are the key challenges and opportunities in tackling AIDS?

Saturday 8 September

2) What role can the new business champions play?

3) What innovations are possible in service delivery, diagnosis and treatment
technologies and sustainable financing?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian

Discussion Leaders
• Bo Shao, Chairman, Novamed Pharmaceuticals, People's Republic of China;
Young Global Leader
• Rajat Gupta, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Co., USA, and Chairman of the Board,
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; Member of the
Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum
• Peter Piot, Executive Director, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
(UNAIDS) and Undersecretary-General, United Nations, Geneva
• Sir Martin Sorrell, Group Chief Executive, WPP, United Kingdom
• Wang Longde, Vice-Minister of Health of the People's Republic of China

Facilitated by
• Christine Ockrent, Editor-in-Chief and Author, France 3, France

14.00 - 16.30 Workshop

World Expo Center Dialogue in the Dark
- Zermatt Room If visual communication is suppressed, people react and behave, and in particular
communicate, differently. This session places participants in a darkened environment
to explore how people deal with the sudden withdrawal of a key sense and how other
senses compensate. Participants will explore:
1) The ability to adapt, interpret and communicate
2) How leaders can develop better communication awareness and skills
3) How senses are used to foster understanding and connection

Facilitated by
• Andreas Heinecke, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Dialogue in the Dark,

14.00 - 16.30 Discovering Value in Your Supply Chain

World Expo Center Some companies have grown by integrating vertically, in both directions, along their
- Lugano Room supply chains, while many others have grown by disintegrating the supply chain of the
industry in which they operate and have become leaders in a particular niche.
1) How can a company adapt its business model to extract more value from its
existing supply chain?
2) What are the telltale signs of an imminent change in the supply chain? How do
companies successfully navigate and profit from these changes?
3) What are the successful strategies when integrating vertically as compared to
disintegrating a supply chain?

Consecutive translation in Mandarin Chinese at one table.

Discussion Leaders
• Charbel Abou Jaoude, President and Chief Executive Officer, Investments,
Agility, Kuwait

Saturday 8 September

• Jan Callewaert, Chief Executive Officer, Option, Belgium

• H.S. (Hyun-Sang) Cho, Executive Vice-President and Board Member, Hyosung
Corporation, Republic of Korea; Young Global Leader
• Ronald De Jong, General Manager and Senior Vice-President, Philips Consumer
Electronics, Germany/Austria, Philips, Germany; Young Global Leader
• Abdolbari Goozal, President, Azersun Holding, Azerbaijan
• Grace Guo Geping, Chair and President, China Chain Store & Franchise
Association ( CCFA), People's Republic of China
• Ronald Haddock, Vice-President, Booz Allen Hamilton, People's Republic of
• Tetsuya Iizuka, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, THine Electronics, Japan

Facilitated by
• Antoine W. Van Agtmael, Chairman and Chief Investment Officer, Emerging
Markets Management, USA

14.00 - 16.30 WorkSpace

World Expo Center The Global Hunt for Talent
- WorkSpace 1 As a result of globalization, companies and countries are competing to retain their best
and brightest people. The problem is even more acute for global growth companies
since the pool of internationally experienced managers is very shallow.
1) What specific talent-related challenges do companies face when going global
and/or growing quickly?
2) What strategies have worked for other companies to attract and retain the best
business executives?
3) How can global growth companies differentiate themselves when competing with
established players?

Join this interactive workshop to gain new insights into ways your organization can
attract and retain the best people.

Discussion Leaders
• Yoko Ishikura, Professor, Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy
(ICS), Hitotsubashi University, Japan
• L. Kevin Kelly, Chief Executive Officer, Heidrick & Struggles International, USA
• Emmanuel P. Maceda, Chairman, Asia Pacific, Bain & Company, USA
• John Partilla, President, Time Warner Global Marketing, and Senior Vice-
President, Time Warner, USA; Young Global Leader
• Manton Townend, Managing Director, Asia, Emerging Markets, Manpower,

Facilitated by
• J. Frank Brown, Dean, INSEAD, France

14.00 - 16.30 Visible Creation – Building a Design-oriented Company

World Expo Center Great design propels seemingly ordinary products and services to iconic status. As a
- WorkSpace 2 result, many companies are now adopting design-based approaches to drive
1) What are the elements of great design?
2) Does the concept of great design differ across cultures?

Saturday 8 September

3) How can global growth companies harness a design-based approach?

Join this interactive workshop to better understand the power of design thinking and to
foster a culture of innovation in your business.

Discussion Leaders
• Tim Brown, President, Chief Executive Officer and Partner, IDEO, USA
• Brian Collins, Professor of Design and Innovation, School of Visual Arts, USA
• David Green, Executive Director, Project Impact, USA; Social Entrepreneur
• Corinna E. Lathan, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, AnthroTronix, USA;
Young Global Leader
• Mark Lawson-Statham, Executive Director, Corporate Finance and Board
Member, Intelligent Energy, United Kingdom; Technology Pioneer
• Chris Luebkeman, Director, Global Foresight and Innovation, Arup Group, United
• Dan Shine, Director, 50x15 Initiative, AMD (Advanced Micro Devices), USA;
Young Global Leader

Facilitated by
• Kigge Hvid, Chief Executive Officer, Index Award, Denmark

15.30 - 16.30 Boardroom Discussion

World Expo Center Disruptive Business Models
- Geneva Room Join this roundtable discussion to explore the emerging disruptive business models
that will impact different industries.

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Discussion Leaders
• Magid Abraham, President, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Comscore,
USA; Technology Pioneer
• Raaja Kanwar, Managing Director, Apollo International, India
• Martin Varsavsky, Chief Executive Officer, Fon, Spain
• Randal Zanetti, Chief Executive Officer, Odontoprev, Brazil

Facilitated by
• Anand P. Raman, Senior Editor, Harvard Business Review, USA

15.30 - 16.30 "Philanthropreneurship": Towards Entrepreneur-led Philanthropy

World Expo Center A growing community of entrepreneurs is revolutionizing traditional philanthropy.
- Basel Room Philanthropreneurship strategically draws from business experience to focus on
results. The "philanthropreneurs" view their ventures as an extension of their
entrepreneurial flair and business mission.
1) What are the most striking models of philanthropreneurship?
2) What are the benefits for the new champions to develop a "philanthropreneurial"
vision for their companies? What are the associated challenges?
3) How can a company's business activities and technologies foster its
philanthropreneurial vision in a mutually beneficial way?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese

Saturday 8 September

Discussion Leaders
• Matthew Bishop, New York Bureau Chief, The Economist, USA; Young Global
• Christopher J. Elias, President, Program for Appropriate Technology in Health
(PATH), USA; Social Entrepreneur
• Nick Moon, Co-Founder and Managing Director, KickStart International, Kenya;
Social Entrepreneur
• Rory Stear, Executive Chairman, Freeplay Energy, United Kingdom; Social

Facilitated by
• John Elkington, Founder and Chief Entrepreneur, SustainAbility, United Kingdom

15.30 - 16.30 Briefing Session

World Expo Center Different Paths: The Artist
- Montreux Room Yu Hong, renowned Chinese artist known to paint about themes from real life, talks
about her work and her journey as a young artist coming of age in a country going
through transition.

• Yu Hong, Artist

15.30 - 16.30 Plenary Session in Parallel

World Expo Center Strategies of the Most Dynamic Economies
- Davos Room Some countries have been able to sustain high levels of economic growth over long
periods of time, leaving other economies behind. A number of East Asian economies
have achieved such success, China being the most recent example.
1) What are the secrets to driving sustainable productivity improvements and growth in
the world's most dynamic economies?
2) What are the limits of such growth?
3) What reforms, if any, are needed to spur growth even further?

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian

Discussion Leaders
• Soud Ba'alawy, Executive Chairman, Dubai Group, United Arab Emirates
• Luis Guillermo Plata, Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism of Colombia;
Young Global Leader
• Stephen S. Roach, Chairman, Asia, Morgan Stanley, Hong Kong SAR
• Vo Hong Phuc, Minister of Planning and Investment of Vietnam
• Min Zhu, Group Executive Vice-President, Bank of China, People's Republic of

Moderated by
• Geoff Cutmore, Anchor, CNBC Europe, United Kingdom

Saturday 8 September

17.00 - 18.00 Plenary Session

World Expo Center The Corporate DNA of Global Growth Companies
- Plenary Hall In today's changing business environment, companies must be adaptive and agile to
successfully overcome difficulties and defy challenges. This leads to certain models of
successful global growth companies.
1) What are the patterns of the DNA of global growth companies? How can companies
develop them?
2) How do companies optimize their DNA to realize their full growth potential?
3) How can companies nurture essential success factors that are not in their natural

Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian

• Peter Bakker, Chief Executive Officer, TNT, Netherlands

• Jignesh Shah, Chairman and Managing Director, Financial Technologies (FTIL),
India; Young Global Leader
• Sir Martin Sorrell, Group Chief Executive, WPP, United Kingdom
• Ben J. Verwaayen, Chief Executive Officer, BT, United Kingdom
• Yang Yuanqing, Chairman of the Board, Lenovo Group, People's Republic of

Chaired by
• J. Frank Brown, Dean, INSEAD, France

18.00 - 18.15 Plenary Session

World Expo Center Closing Remarks
- Plenary Hall
Simultaneous interpretation in English, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian

• Dai Xianglong, Mayor of Tianjin, People's Republic of China

• Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum;
Chairman of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum
• Xia Deren, Mayor of Dalian, People's Republic of China

Chaired by
• Peter Torreele, Managing Director, World Economic Forum

18.15 - 19.30 Closing Reception

World Expo Center


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