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Serving the Soldiers, Civilians and Families of 2nd BCT, 4th Inf. Div.

Issue 7 April 8, 2010

Maj Gen Milano knights Soldiers

Story and photo by Spc. April York black medallion is awarded to well deserving
PAO, 2nd BCT, 4th Inf. Div.
armor lieutenants, pre-command captains,
Six Soldiers from 1st Squadron, 10th and junior enlisted tankers and cavalrymen.
Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat The medal of St. George “epitomizes what
Team, 4th Infantry Division were inducted every Cavalryman should strive for. It displays
into the Order of St. George by Maj. Gen. leadership and confidence in your trade,”
James M. Milano, commanding general of the said Master Sgt. Michael Kelley, former first
U.S. Army Armor Center and Fort Knox, at a sergeant of Headquarters and Headquarters
knighting ceremony held at the 1st Sqdn., 10th Troop, 1st Sqdn., 10th Cav. Reg., who received
Cav. Reg., Regimental Room on March 22. a medallion.
The Soldiers are being “recognized for He feels special that the major general
their long and honorable service to the Armor would take the time to deliver the medals in
and Cavalry,” said Capt. Todd Gross, human person and knight him as well as the other
resources officer for 1st Sqdn., 10th Cav. Reg. recipients on this occasion, he said.
Each Soldier was awarded either a bronze, “Let me tell you about St. George
Maj. General James M. Milano, commanding general
silver or black medallion. They were then Medallions,” Milano said. “It’s not just a of the U.S. Army Armor Center and Fort Knox, knights
asked to kneel on their left knee as Milano rubber stamp. It is a very distinct recognition Capt. Andrew P. Williams, 1st. Squadron, 10th Cavalry
tapped each of their shoulders with his saber. among Armor Cavalry. It is my distinct honor Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry
After the Soldiers were knighted, Milano Division, into the Order of St. George at the 1st
to present these awards today,” he said. It’s an
Sqdn., 10th Cav. Reg.
presented each of them with an Order of St. added bonus to being chief of armor.
George certificate. Milano awarded Sgt. 1st Class Benjamin Capt. Andrew Williams, assistant operations
The bronze medallion is awarded to the Gangwer from Troop A, a bronze medallion. officer for HHT, Staff Sgt. Julio Torrez, section
very best of tankers or armored cavalrymen. He awarded Kelley, who will be retiring in sergeant for Troop C, and Staff Sgt. David
The silver medallion is awarded to a Soldier about five months, a silver medallion. Selby, also a section sergeant for Troop C.
after completion of a long and distinguished Milano then awarded black medallions to No matter what their rank, they have had
service to armor or armored cavalry, and the Capt. Keith Gilbert, commander of Troop B, an impact on Soldier’s lives, Milano said.

Commander’s Column To ensure we are successful,

we need to protect our fellow
we started, what we have
accomplished to this point,
a desire to improve, create a Soldiers - not only during the and what we have left to do
positive environment and provide duty day, but outside of it as to prepare. We must instill
the foundation for our strength. well, whether through a word of discipline in ourselves and
As commander of the Lonestar caution before a risky adventure our subordinates now, project
Battalion, I am constantly or well-deserved congratulations a positive reputation to our
motivated by the pride I see in for a task well done. community, and make certain
our Soldiers as a result of our The decisions that we make that every decision we make
discipline and our adherence each day not only impact ourselves protects our own and our
to standards, pride in our and our Families, they affect our unit’s reputation.
organization, and pride in our unit and our community. On behalf of the Lonestar
ability to execute our tasks, and I charge our Soldiers to think command team, I want to
pride in our personal conduct. about the effects their actions will extend my praise and gratitude
As we continue on our course have and the perception that the for the discipline I see each day
Lt. Col. Patrick Stevenson, commander towards deployment readiness, community and the nation will in our Soldiers.
2nd Special Troops Battalion we must continue to take pride in have from those actions. Our ability to conduct
Discipline and standards our unit. That positive attitude We have many tasks ahead ourselves in accordance
are the most important facets will reflect in everything we do of us between now and our with standards is the reason
of all successful organizations. and will set the conditions for the deployment. I ask each and every we are so successful as an
These cornerstones instill tasks we have in front of us. one of you to remember where continued on page 2
page 2 Warhorse Pride Issue 7 April 8, 2010

continued from page 1

Fundamentals of reconnaissance organization.

The leadership and commitment our
Soldiers exemplify assures me that we
will continue to be successful far into the

2nd Lt. Joshua Jackson, Spc. Kyle Holaday and Spc. Travis Ice, Soldiers from 1st Squadron, 10th Cavalry,
2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, measure the slope of a hill during reconnaissance
training at training area bravo, March 10. The training encompassed core cavalry scout tasks such as:
determining the slope of a hill, velocity of a stream and measuring the radius of a curve. These tasks are
essential in determining the maneuverability of a route. Training began in a classroom setting March 9
and followed up with mounted practical training exercises March 10. Soldiers also participated in driv-
ers training to familiarize themselves with the high mobility multi-purposed wheeled vehicle.

A job well done

Story and photo by 2nd Lt. Ian Faison
3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery Regiment
Soldiers from Battery A, Battery B, and
Forward Support Company (Gladiators), 3rd
Battalion, 16th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd
Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division,
were recognized for their hard work on March
26. Col. John Kolasheski awarded Staff Sgt.
Juan Godina and Sgt. Richard Cortez, Impact
Army Achievement Medals for their influence
as battery retention noncommisioned officers.
Their hard work and dedication spearheaded Col. John Kolasheski recognizes Soldiers from 3rd
the battalion’s success in meeting the fiscal Battalion, 16th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd BCT, 4th
year 2010 retention goal. Inf. Div., for acceptional performance. The ceremony
was held at their motorpool March 26.
Kolasheski and Lt. Col. Tom Munsey
also recognized Sgt. Jason Pater, Spc. Jacob expertise and professionalism. The battalion
Greenwell and Spc. Samuel Kohn. Since successfully completed load bearing equipment
taking on the additional duty as the Battalion draw efficiently and effectively. Their actions
Environmental Compliance NCO, Pater has set the standard in Gladiator Company and
performed exceptionally well. Thanks to his motivated Soldiers to reach their high level of
hard work, the battalion has successfully passed efficiency.
multiple Ft. Carson Environmental Protection The individual dedication of these five
Agency inspections with no deficiencies. Thunder Pride Soldiers epitomizes the hard
Greenwell and Kohn are two of the top work that makes 3rd Bn., 16th FA Reg. well on
performing mechanics in the battalion because its way to being the premier artillery battalion
of their hard work and solid mechanical in the Army.
page 3 Warhorse Pride Issue 7 April 8, 2010

Officers hone their warfighting skills

Story By 1st Lt. Jeffrey Rudderforth up the instruction period with SRM live fire
2nd Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment tables that stressed basic firing positions,
For many Soldiers in a combined arms reflexive firing and shooting around obstacles.
unit it may seem routine to conduct live fire After the SRM tables, the officers conducted
exercises (LFX). In a LFX Soldiers hone their a short familiarization range using short range
skills to react to contact and engage targets training ammunition (SRTA) which provides
with their assigned weapons systems. In most a realistic range restricted alternative to basic
cases the leaders of these Soldiers conduct the service ammunition and is often used in urban
ranges and training with limited opportunities training. The officers wrapped up their training
to actually partake in the training themselves. by learning basic room clearing techniques.
The officers from 2nd Battalion, 8th Infantry They reviewed the role of each member in a
Regiment, conducted a live fire exercise on “stack” movement technique through a house
March 18 to hone their basic warfighting skills and basic tactical principles to follow in an
and build esprit de corps. Lt. Col. David Hardy, urban mission. After some rehearsals, the
the commander of 2nd Bn., 8th Inf. Reg. said, officers conducted a “dry-fire” mission at night
“It’s important for leaders, whether they are in a shoot house to validate their training.
platoon leaders or staff officers, to constantly The event was successful as the officers were
hone their basic Soldier skills so that they able to put their basic soldiering skills into
can train and lead their units. This was a practice. The event built camaraderie amongst
great training event and lots of fun too.” After the leadership from the battalion at all levels.
confirming their zero on assigned weapons, The officer LFX was an excellent way to ensure Sgt. James Garofalo, Sgt. Joshua Nichols, and Staff Sgt.
the officers spent the afternoon learning basic Brian McCraney give instruction to officers from 2nd
that all of the leaders in the battalion were able Battalion, 8th Infantry Regriment, 2nd Brigade Combat
short range marksmanship skills (SRM) from to learn from each other and work as a cohesive Team, 4th Infantry Division, during live fire exercises
recent graduates of the course. They followed unit. March 18.

Chaplain’s Corner: watching over us

The Fort Carson’s 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized),
the Equal Opportunity Office, and the Sexual Assault Response
Coordinator is sponsoring a
Sunday morning, while on my way to without my realizing it or taking the time to
chapel, I was confronted by a deer standing thank him. God is always watching over us Self Defense Class for Women!
in the road. I nearly came to a complete stop and we won’t know about all the times he has
and had to blow my horn several times before protected us until we get to heaven. I guess
 Who: Women 16 yrs old and
“Bambi” decided to get out of the road. the best we can do is take time to thank him above. Soldiers, civilians, and
As soon as she had run safely into the each day for all the blessings we see and enjoy, Family members

bushes on the other side, a car came around the and for all the blessings we enjoy without even
 When: April 7, 14, 21, and
curve traveling about 50 mph. The driver was realizing it. 28
completely unaware that just a few seconds and “The Lord watches over you. The Lord is  Awareness strategies
a caring chaplain had kept him from possibly your shade at your right hand; the sun will  Escape techniques
 Time: 1930-2100 hours
having a terrible accident. not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.  Defense against an un-
armed and armed at-
You know, that driver didn’t slow down to The Lord will keep you from all harm - he Where: Waller Gym
tacker 

thank me, offer to buy my breakfast, or promise will watch over your life; The Lord will watch  Defense against single Register at Waller Gym. Limited to
to tell all his loved ones and friends about my over your coming and going both now and and multiple attackers the first 100 participants

good deed. He didn’t even smile and wave as he forevermore.” (Psalm 121:5-8)  Legal implications of
flew by in an obvious rush. CH Capt. Paul D. Wilbourn self defense!  Cost: FREE!
As I drove on, I wondered how many times Battalion Chaplain
God had saved me from danger or trouble 3rd Battalion,16th Field Artillery Regiment

The Warhorse Pride is produced in the approved by the 2nd Brigade Combat Team
interest of the Soldiers of the 2nd Brigade Public Affairs Office.

Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division. The The Warhorse Pride welcomes articles,
Pride Warhorse Pride is an Army-funded newsletter commentary, and photos from readers. The
authorized under provision of AR 360-1. Warhorse Pride reserves the right to edit
Col. John Kolasheski.......................2nd BCT Commander Contents of The Warhorse Pride are submissions selected for the publication.
Command Sgt. Maj. Kenneth Barteau.....2nd BCT CSM not necessarily the views of, nor endorsed by All issues of the Warhorse Pride can be
Lt. Col. Richard Stebbins................................2nd BCT PAO the, U.S. government, Department of Defense, viewed online from your home computer at
2nd Lt. Christopher McMillan....................................Editor
Department of the Army or the 4th Infantry
Staff Writers Division. All editorial content of The War- Submissions should be emailed to the
Sgt. Seth Barham and Spc. April York horse Pride is prepared, edited, provided and editor:

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