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Court of Record

115 George Lane

London E18 1AB

Baroness Ashton of Upholland

High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

also via Pope Francis, Holy See

Open Letter
Amicus curi
28 January 2014
Dear Baroness:
May it please the Immaculate Virgin Mary with Her Child Jesus!


From the Global Isles Court of Record, on behalf of our Plaintiffs, all living men, women and
children, which therefore includes the people of America, Europe and Asia, to those to whom
these come as present, greeting!


Our Open Letter to The Honourable Mr. Barack Obama, President of the United States
follows. Sealed originals are at the White House and with Pope Francis, sealed copies with the
United States Treasury, Britain, Russia, Norway and Saudi Arabia. The U.S. Department of
State, France, the United Nations and the World Economic Forum and Ukraine have been
informed by fax and/or email.
As Your Ladyship is aware, the EUROPEAN UNION has no ground to stand on, in Earth or
in Heaven, for it is a legal fiction that is substantially bankrupt1 to Russia, Ukraine, Norway,
Saudi Arabia, Africa, Latin America and so forth, hence it is to be dissolved and replaced with
a non-territorial model of governance.
We suggest that the EUROPEAN UNION withdraw the void offer to the State of UKRAINE.




We suggest that Lesbian, Gay and Bi-Sexual LGBT rights are not a touchstone; they are
irrelevant to settle the substantial issue before this Court of Record, the restoration of peace
after a century of financial war and a return to trade in substance for substance.
A border-less, passport and identity-card free future, with the peace of the promised
land awaits all of mankind. This Court of Record does not recognise any man made borders. The
men, women and children of Ukraine, just as with, for example, Africa or Europe, shall be free
to move and live in a place of their choosing with the substantial dividend of honourable defacto barons of industry and agriculture providing the substance that shall function as money.
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the European Central Bank, the Bank of England and
other central and retail banking facilities are also to be dissolved with all disputes between
stakeholders settled in this Court of Record. Readers of this Open Letter are reminded that
current account balances, shares, gold, infrastructure, etc., are a liability since deposits in
USD, EUR, GBP and so forth are created by putting the signatures of borrowers, who are UCC
legal infants, on deposit. All those who purport to be elected representatives of the people as
well as appointed State and Super State employees with or without a title and heads of
corporations public and private, are therefore treasonous to the men, women and children of



the land, yet they are legal children. They fail the basic test of questioning the contracts they
deal in and the treaties they sign.
As Your Ladyship must be aware, there is no legal immunity.


Your Ladyship may suggest to this Court of Record, trustworthy barons of substance, with or
without a formal title, who can be trusted to safeguard Gods creation, which is, in dialectical
language, to say all living creatures and the space-time in which they live.


Your Ladyship may assist this Court of Record to identify those men and women who use
incremental force to blackmail entire populations to their will, who continue to fail to
examine the consequence of UCC Mirror Reflection and act to further the cause of fraudulent
conversion in banking, revolution and religious war, seeking thereby to perpetuate fraud
forever as a means of contract and governance.



This Court of Record is investigating those who anonymously make socio-economic

decisions2, for example, those who funded the disaster of a proxy war within the Fukushima
reactor and the resulting tragedy, those conducting human sacrifice, those who have been
hardened by killing, raping and suchlike, those who have organised such hardening, those
implicated in fraudulent conversion and Ponzi schemes, the sinking of refugee boats, the
treatment of refugees as a sub-human species and the violence in Ukraine, Syria and Sudan,
amongst other investigations. This Court of Record suggests that GCHQ and the NSA and other
intelligence agencies prepare a live database to submit their findings in this regard to Pope
Francis, to whom we have already suggested, that President Putin coordinate such information
and action.
We suggest that Your Ladyship remove all border controls and travel restrictions and submit
a report on this to Pope Francis. We suggest that Your Ladyship assist President Obama to
remove the State of Emergency in the United States, which as Your Ladyship must be aware,
has been continuously renewed since the American Civil War.


The symbol of the authority of the Bishop of Rome, the eagle, is found, for example, on the
wall of the German Constitutional Court, indicating that Germany and Europe continue under
the military authority of Caesar, a legal power of the Holy See. It is thus the duty of this Court
of Record to return Europe from the rule of Caesar to peace, from Caesars regulations to the
Rule of Gods Law based on the Decalogue.


We suggest that Your Ladyship provide copies of this and our other Open Letters to all E.U.
personnel, Commissioners, Presidents, Members of the European Parliament, parliaments,
courts and countries in Europe.
We suggest that Your Ladyship coordinate with President Obama of the U.S. to achieve a
public announcement of peace.



We draw Your Ladyships attention to this and our other published Open Letters,
particularly those to Russia3 and President Putin4 that are available at:
We suggest that the EUROPEAN UNION take immediate steps to suspend banks and/or bank
accounts or money transfer systems found transmitting funds to further violence or
We suggest that all EU tax systems, Value Added Tax (VAT), etc., are shut down.


We suggest that all EU court accounts be seized and supervised by this Court of Record.




We suggest that all corporate police, bailiff, military and other accounts be seized and these
forces disbanded. Europeans shall not be disarmed, Europe has a long history of righteous men
at arms assisting responsible barons and kings to maintain the peace. We suggest that such
responsible barons of substance come forward with how they plan to achieve this objective.
We suggest that the EUROPEAN UNION arrest and detain those who obstruct the path to
peace. Since the E.U. has no money of its own, President Putin of Russia, Duke of Russia in Her
Majestys Commonwealth of Nations, Baron of these Global Isles coordinate such action with forces
from the United States and Great Britain providing the necessary support.
We note that President Putin of Russia has acted on the wishes of this Court of Record,
providing amnesty to legal children, has extended military assistance, has extended
substantial aid to the people of Ukraine and continues to extend substantial aid to the people of
Europe despite the Cyprus crisis. We note in this Open Letter that the EUROPEAN UNION has
no standing to obstruct these charitable actions and that those who do so shall be considered
ineligible to hold a position of trust in the Good News that, by the grace of the Almighty One,
shall unfold. We support President Putins remarks reported in the Telegraph 5.


We suggest and repeat here for emphasis, that during Your Ladyships visit to Kiev, Your
Ladyship publicly withdraw the E.U. offer from the table, removing the bone of contention
that the revolutionaries are contending for.


We once again remind our readers of this Open Letter, that there is no legal immunity, that
all officials are acting with unlimited personal liability before this Court of Record; and that the
State is not God; and the State cannot regulate or license God; and that the State, banks and
courts have been provably treasonous to the people of the country in Ukraine, in the
EUROPEAN UNION, as in all countries.
We suggest that Your Ladyship submit a report on your trip to Kiev and on all these matters
to Pope Francis in person.
Kindly contact Pope Francis with any questions.
Yours faithfully,



Joseph Ray Sundarsson

+41 43 508 1447
+44 1234 816 393
GICOR-ref: US-Ashton-cover-v1.0


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